San Diego Ship Modelers Guild 1492 N. Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 FEBRUARY 2014 NEWSLETTER VOLUME XXXVIII, NO. 2 8 OFFICERS MINUTES OF 08 JANUARY 2014 MEETING Contributed by Bob McPhail Guild Master Robert Riddoc Guildmaster Bob Riddoch called the meeting to order at 1800. There were seventeen members in attendance as well as four visitors (two family
[email protected] members and two modeler guests). Paul Mitchell was visiting San Diego First Mate (snowbird) and he likes to model “steel” navy and wooden ships. He also Chuck Seiler helped to make CDs of back issues of the NRG Journal. The other guest was from Minnesota (sorry, did not get the name) and he enjoys modeling ships Interim Purser and airplanes. We look forward to both returning as members. Gary Seaton Editor's Report: Chuck Seiler requested that articles, book reviews, Acting Editor announcements, vendor write ups and modeling tips be provided by members Chuck Seiler on an ongoing basis. He indicated that the newsletter will start a VENDOR IN
[email protected] THE SPOTLIGHT section next month. Two vendors will be reported upon Log Keeper next month. Please get newsletter inputs to Chuck two weeks prior to meeting Bob McPhail date. Purser's Report: Gary Seaton announced that the treasury balance as of Photographer 31 December 2013 was $1,021.37. Everyone was reminded that annual dues John Wickman of $20 should be paid as soon as possible. If dues are not paid by the March Webmeister meeting, loss of membership will result. Barry Rishel Museum Report: Dr.