The SCIENCE of NEW MATERIALS Our Identity and Missions

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The SCIENCE of NEW MATERIALS Our Identity and Missions Our identity and missions The internal organization of IPCMS (“Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, UMR 7504 CNRS - Université de Strasbourg”) is based on five strongly interacting departments :Magnetics Objects on the Nanoscale (DMONS), Inorganic Materials Chemistry (DCMI), Organic Materials (DMO), Ultrafast optics and Nanophotonics (DON), Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI). The institute is an internationally well established research center in the area of nanomaterials and nanoscience. About 240 people work at IPCMS, among them ~ 80 are researchers and university professors/lecturers while 60 belong to the technical and administrative staff. Institut de Physique et Chimie IPCMS belongs to a regional network of laboratories active in material science, the “Alsace research federation in des Matériaux de Strasbourg materials and nanosciences”. Along the same lines, IPCMS plays an important role in several inter-laboratory Institut de Physique et Chimie networks active in France, such as the C’Nano (competences center in nanosciences), METSA (national UMR 7504 CNRS-UNISTRA electron microscopy network) and Synchrotron facilities. des Matériaux de Strasbourg 23 rue du Loess - BP 43 67034 STRASBOURG Cedex 2 National projects France Our departments : of investment for the future IPCMS Magnetic Objects on the Nanoscale Tel.: +33 3 88 10 71 41 IPCMS is a driving force promoting Equipex ARAGOInorganic Materials Chemistry (dedicated excellence equipments) and Labex A4 Fax : +33 3 88 10 72 50 (Paris - r. du (excellence network laboratories) initiatives. Karlsruhe) Loess Organic Materials Cronenbourg Rte de MittelhausbergenHALDENBOURG D41 International (Saverne) UltrafastBUS G Optics and Nanophotonics Strasbourg CAMPUS de Surfaces and Interfaces collaborations The UTEM (Ultrafast Transmis- IPCMS Kehl A4 Gare CRONENBOURG BUS 19 sion Electron Microscopy) project Cronenbourg Allemagne IPCMS is very much open and active on the inter- combines the spatial resolution of national scene, through a range of informal and transmission electron microscopy ROTONDE institutional contacts with international partners. (subnanometric scale) with a pump- Entzheim IPCMS Strasbourg probe laser apparatus with picosecond IPHC We are strongly engaged with China, Japan, ARAGO India and Korea, through the establishment of temporal resolution. This allows studying A4 A35 TRAM (Paris - (Molsheim) Le Rhin A ou D mutual agreements managed by the University the functional dynamics of nano-mate- r. du IPCMS Karlsruhe) Loess of Strasbourg. rials with both high temporal and spatial Cronenbourg Rte de MittelhausbergenHALDENBOURGARAGO D41 A4 ICS resolution. (Saverne) D1083 BUS G Gare Strasbourg(Paris - r. du (Colmar - Mulhouse) In particular, IPCMS is the french leader of an Karlsruhe) ENTRÉE Loess ECPM Cronenbourg CAMPUS de Rte de MittelhausbergenHALDENBOURG institutional partnership with South Korea D41 IPCMS Kehl CNRS A4 (Saverne) Gare CRONENBOURG rue du Loess BUS 19 BUS G IPCMS (Ewha Womans University, Seoul) that has Strasbourg Cronenbourg UNION is an experimental platform Allemagne taken the form of a joint international CAMPUS de rue Becquerel devoted to investigations ofIPCMS magnetic Kehl A4 laboratory (LIA, “laboratoire international Gare CRONENBOURG BUS 19 and plasmonic nanostructures on very Cronenbourg ROTONDE Entzheim Allemagne associé”). short time scales. It relies on ultra-fast Strasbourg IPHC magnetization dynamics induced by very IPCMS is deeply involved in the establish- A35 ROTONDE TRAM Entzheim ment of an european campus associating short laser pulses and(Molsheim) on nano-photonics.Le Rhin A ou D Strasbourg the University of Strasbourg to the neigh- The goals are to explore new phenomena IPHC ICS and physical mechanismsA35 as D1083well as to TRAMGare boring leading Universities in Germany (Molsheim) Le Rhin A ou D (Colmar - Mulhouse) ENTRÉE ECPM and Switzerland. develop methods and instrumentation CNRS IPCMS ICS 06/16 graphique conception for characterizing nano-materialsD1083 and rue du Loess Gare nanostructures. (Colmar - Mulhouse) ENTRÉE rue Becquerel ECPM CNRS rue du Loess IPCMS LabEx NIE aims at achieving a better understanding of nanostructure rue Becquerel properties as resulting from the interaction with their environment. NIE is issued from the efforts of three research institutes of Strasbourg (IPCMS, ICS, and ISIS). The strategy of NIE can be made explicit as follows: • Bridge the gap between nano-objects and the real world (nanotech- nology) • Unravel the fundamental mechanisms of the interactions, by using pho- The SCIENCE tonics, magnetism, electronics, acoustic, mechanical probes having optimal spatial and temporal resolu- tion of NEW MATERIALS • Investigate the origins of quan- tum decoherence • Exploit the environment for modifying nano-materials. 2014 Winter School IPCMS / Ewha Womans University, Seoul Main scientific topics Recent research breakthroughs Controlling the Spins Angular Momentum Shaping up nanoparticles for therapy in Ferromagnets with Sequences of Picosecond and diagnostics Acoustic Pulses The design of nanoobjects combining therapeutic action to imaging is a breakthrough Functional materials innovation for cancer treatment. Dendronized core-shell nanoparticles were shown We induce and manipulate at will the precession of the magnetization in ferromagnetic materials using a sequence of two or three pulses which themselves The search for new materials with outstanding and original properties to exhibit properties suitable for these purposes even at low concentration. are generated by femtosecond optical pulses. The consequences are important in requires the development of new synthetic routes where the methods and Achieving therapy and diagnostics with nanoparticles. spintronics whenever a precise control of the magnetization dynamics is desired the concepts of different disciplines (solid state chemistry, molecular or Chem. Mater, 26, 5252-5264 (2014) supramolecular chemistry) are combined. At IPCMS, this is particularly the and for fundamental studies related to the lattice dynamics of materials. case of hybrid organic/inorganic materials (designed either in the bulk state Spectacular magnetic effects or at the nanometric scale), of self-assembled multimaterials or of functional Control of magnetization dynamics with two acoustic pulses. at the molecular/metal interface Scient. Rep., 5, 8511 (2015) oxides. This approach allows the elaboration of new materials that can be integrated into novel devices and that can be used for applications such as Antiferromagnetic order at room temperature is stabilized in Mn phthalocyanine (MnPc) layers in information storage, photovoltaics, electronics, detection, sensing or catalysis. contact with a cobalt layer. In addition, the molecular layer induces an effective magnetic bias field on the inorganic ferromagnetic layer. Magnetic properties of the MnPc Stacking on Co. Nat. Mater., 14, 981-984 (2015) Quantum theory: Cavity-Enhanced Transport of Excitons Functionalizing hybrid organic-inorganic materials with electrocatalytic properties It has been shown experimentally that exciton conductivity can Nanoelectronics : new materials and basic properties be increased by orders of magnitudes by coupling the excitons to A Layered Copper Hydroxide functionalized using an insertion-grafting reaction was shown to be a the structured vacuum field of a Fabry-Perot cavity or a plasmonic structure placed transverse to the propagation direction. By The search of peculiar properties typical of “small” objects (i.e. properties exhibited when reducing very efficient catalyst for O2 reduction. Electrodes modified by such hybrid materials are considered for the size of the sample) has driven our interest for nanoscale materials, conceived and realized as application in the cathodic part of fuel cells. providing a theoretical understanding of enhanced exciton transport, two-dimensional templates or three dimensional organic-inorganic interfaces (ferromagnetic metal one proposes that the basic phenomena can be also observed in interfaces with organic molecules). The ultimate goal is to fabricate by self-organization or lithography, Electrochemical behavior of Layered Simple Hydroxides. (Collaboration with ICCF) quantum simulators made of Rydberg atoms, cold molecules in nanosystems in the range comprised between 10 and 100 nm behaving as multifunctional devices. In J. Phys. Chem C., 119, 13335-13342 (2015) optical lattices, as well as in experiments with trapped ion. such devices, macroscopic electric transport and/or spin polarized phenomena can be tuned by the interaction with external parameters (electric and magnetic fields, temperature, light). Keeping in mind Pulling and Stretching a Molecular Wire Exciton transmission model. Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 196503 (2015) the fundamental drive of such approaches, one is willing to target potential technological counterparts, encompassing patents, applications and commercial products. to Tune its Conductance A scanning tunneling microscope is used to pull a molecular wire from a Au(111) substrate. Abrupt current increases measured during the lifting procedure are associated to the release of mechanical stress paving the way to mechanically gated single-molecule electronic devices. The lift of a molecular wire induces an abrupt current Atomic scale imaging increase. J. Phys. Chem Lett., 6, 2987-2992 (2015) Creating knowledge Microscopic features of nanomaterials are unraveled at the atomic or

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