Fisheries Research Board of Canada L'office Des Recherches Sur Les Pecheries Du Canada
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1962-1963 • 1962-1963 Fisheries Research Board of Canada L'Office des Recherches sur les Pecheries du Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station Nanaimo, B.C. ANNUAL REPORT of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 1962-63 For the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 1963 RAPPORT ANNUEL de !'Office des recherches sur les pecl1eries du Canada 70738-0-1 Crown Copyrights reserved © Droits de la Couronne reserves Available from the Queen's Printer, Ottawa, and En vente chez l'Imprimeur de la Reine a Ottawa, at the following Canadian Government bookshops: et dans Jes librairies du Gouvernement federal: OTTAWA OTTAWA Daly Building, Corner Mackenzie and Rideau Edifice Daly, an8le Mackenzie et Rideau TORONTO TORONTO Mackenzie Building, 36 Adelaide St. East Edifice Mackenzie, 36 est, rue Adelaide MONTREAL MONTREAL !Bterna-Vie Building, 1182 St. Catherine St. West Edifice lBterna-Vie, 1182 ouest, rue Ste-Catherine or through your bookseller ou chez votre libraire. A deposit copy of this publication is also available Des exemplaires sont a la disposition des interesses for reference in public libraries across Canada dans toutes Jes bibliotheques publiques du Canada Price 75 cents Catalogue No. Fs91-1963 Prix 75 cents N° de catalogue Fs91-1963 Price subject to change without notice Prix sufet a changement sans avis prealable Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C. Roger Duhamel, M.S.R.C. Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery Imprimeur de la Reine et Controleur de la Papeterie Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Canada 1963 1963 The Honourable the Minister of Fisheries, Sir,- I have the honour to transmit herewith the Report of the Fisheries Research Bo,ard of Canada for the period April 1, 1962, to March 31, 1963, I .am, Sir, Faithfully yours, J. L. IusK, Chairman. A l'Honorable Ministre des Pecheries, Monsieur,- J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre, ci-joint, le rapport de l'Office des recherches sur les pecheries du Canada pour la periode du Jei· avril 1962 au 31 mars 1963. Votre tout devoue, J. L. KASK, President. 3 70738-0-11 Fisheries Research Board of Canada Annual Report 1962-63 CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIERES PAGE Introduction .............................................. 5 Introduction (en fran<;ais) ....................................................................................... 17 Biological Station, St. John's, Nfid ............................................................... .. 31 Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B............................................... .. 43 Biological Station, London, Ont. ..................................................... .. 65 Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C................................ 75 Arctic Unit, Montreal, Que.................................... ................. 113 Technological Research Laboratory, Halifax, N.S. (including St. John's Unit and Grande-Riviere Station)........... ..... .. .... .. ...... ...... ............... 119 Technological Research Laboratory, Vancouver, B.C............... 129 Technological Unit, London, Ont.............................................................. 137 Publications and Reports............................................................................................ 139 Scientific Staff........................................................................................................... .. 162 Map Showing Locations of Principal Work .................................................... Facing 112 4 Fisheries Research Board of Canada Annual Report for the Fiscal year ended March 31, 1963 INTRODUCTION The world's oceans and ocean resources continued to command increasing attention. Canada has kept in step with these world-wide activities and the Fishe1ies Research Board of Canada has participated actively in practically all aspects of these developments, both national and international. Nationally, the progressive transfer of oceanographic survey work and research in physical oceanography from the Fisheries Research Board to the new Marine Sciences Branch of the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys of Canada was highlighted during the year by the official opening of the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Dartmouth, N.S., on October 26, 1962. This large modern research and survey facility is now jointly occupied by the Department of Mines and Technical Surveys and personnel of this Board, and joint programming and integrating of researches are well advanced. Internationally, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission sponsored by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization held its first substantive meeting in Paris at which extensive regional international oceanographic projects were planned. Canada and the Board were represented at a high scientific level. The Board, as required by the Fisheries Research Board Act, continued its researches on a broad front with a view to providing guide-lines for the orderly harvest of Canada's extensive living marine and freshwater resources and for the increase of the resource base. The latter aim was advanced through scientific research leading to effective cultural and management practices, and through basic research to add to the practical knowledge concerning aquatic organisms, their environment and the uses to which they might be placed. Board membership in 1962, excluding the Chairman, numbered sixteen. Included in the membership were nine noted scientists drawn from universities and research foundations across Canada, six leading business men with an intimate knowledge of fishing and the fishing industry and one senior officer from the Department of Fisheries of Canada. The Board Chairman is appointed by Governor-in-Council and is a member of the Public Service of Canada. The Chairman is also the Board's Chief Executive Officer. All other members hold honorary 5-year appointments from the Minister of Fisheries .. 5 6 Fisheries Research Board of Canada Annual Report 1962-63 The Members, including the Chairman, who held office during 1962 were: *J. L. Kask, B.A., Ph.D.(Washington); Chairman. C. W. Argue, C.B.E., B.A., B.S.A., M.S., D.Sc. (New Brunswick); University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. J.M. R. Beveridge, B.Sc., Ph.D.(Toronto), M.D.(Westem), D.Sc.(Acadia), F.R.S.C.; Queen's University, Kingston, Ont. *T. W. M. Cameron, T.D., B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D.(London), D.Sc.(Edinburgh), D.Sc.(British Columbia), M.R.C.V.S., F.R.S.C.; McGill University, Macdonald College, Que. I. McT. Cowan, B.A., Ph.D.(California), F.R.S.C.; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. *D. B. DeLury, M.A., Ph.D.(Toronto); University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont. *Y. Desmarais, B.A., B.S.A., Ph.D. (Winconsin); Montreal Botanical Garden, Montreal, Que. C. E. Desourdy, Esq., Montreal, Que. (representing the Fishing Industry). M. K. Eriksen, Esq., Prince Rupert, B.C. (representing the Fishing Industry). F. R. Hayes, M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc.(Liverpool), F.R.S.C.; Dalhousie Uni- versity, Halifax, N.S. *D. F. Miller, B.Com., S.M.(M.I.T.), Vancouver, B.C. (representing the Fishing Industry) . *A. I-I. Monroe, Esq., St. John's, Nfld. (representing the Fishing Industry). L. R. Omstead, Esq., Wheatley, Ont. (representing the Fishing Industry). E. S. Pretious, B.A.Sc., M.Sc.(Iowa), F.A.S.C.E., P.Eng.; University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. A. L. Pritchard, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.(Toronto); Ottawa, Ont. (representing the Department of Fisheries of Canada). S. Sinclair, B.S.A., M.Sc., Ph.D.(Minnesota), F.A.I.C.; University of Man itoba, Winnipeg, Man. R. G. Smith, Esq., Halifax, N.S. (representing the Fishing Industry). Mr. G. R. Clark'f, Deputy Minister of the Department of Fisheries of Canada, and Mr. A. D. Wymbs, Chief Treasury Officer of the Department of Fisheries and Honorary Treasurer of the Board, serve as ex-officio members of the Board's Executive Committee and attend both Board and Executive Committee meetings. Mr. 0. C. Young served as Assistant Chairman of the Board and acted for the Chairman during his absences until his retirement in December, 1962. Dr. W. R. Martin formerly with the Board's Biological Station in St. Andrews, N.B., has been Assistant Chairman since January 1, 1963. *Members of the Executive Committee. tDeceased February 13, 1963. Introduction 7 The Board met in Annual Meeting with its Station Directors and Unit Chiefs in Ottawa in early January. At this time the Board's research policy and scientific programs were reviewed, and reports and recommendations from the standing regional Advisory Committees were heard. The Executive Committee met three times during the year to consider personnel and financial matters and each of the three regional Advisory Committees met twice. Research activities of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada are by design completely decentralized. Day-to-day administration and supervision of overall operations is .carried out by the full-time Chairman and his headquarters associates in Ottawa. This staff, including three that were located outside Ottawa during the year numbered eighteen in all. The senior personnel in the Office of the Chairman during this period were: J. L. Kask, Ph.D.(Washington), Chairman. O .. C. Young, M.B.E., M.Sc.(Saskatchewan), Assistant Chairman until retire ment December 31, 1962. W.R. Martin, Ph.D.(Michigan), Assistant Chairman from January 1, 1963. J. A. Rogers, A.C.B.A., Director of Administration and Executive Assistant to the Chairman. W. E. Ricker, Ph.D.(Toronto), F.R.S.C., Editor until reassignment July 1, 1962 (stationed at Nanaimo, B.C.). J. C. Stevenson, Ph.D.(Toronto), Special Assistant and Editor from June