729 Polaris Mine

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n 700 Borde e Min iver ry R Ma 850

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Hood River k 760 H dlia ood Chi 2 129 189 Jer icho M Izo 104 ine k La 24 ilaq ke 232 8 101 Q Lupin 220 Mine 761 Itch 6 en La 102 OVERVIEW 2014 ke 234 5 MINERAL EXPLORATION, MINING & GEOSCIENCE 3, 8


va ga 'Un ie d QIKIQTANI REGION Ba 140°W 120°W 100°W 80°W 60°W 40°W

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R r Lake Gi ay Isl Ch d d' H IT ST r WS -Wildlife Sanctuary D lan udso O T ve a BS Is n I E i ly Meliadine Roayd M R R R Ba ES R y rc D IT e U O let M k Bold project Nnumber aRnd name signifies rfMieilldn eIn Inlet To te Road to O IE n Cheste s pa YE R S o Geological Mappinr g Programs d 4 k LL D l o A O e d W - ve O h G n mK ajor or advancing project. i s a N U Duba f at sl I T wnt Yarejululop wknife-Contwoyto WinCoter Road I F R ga E E Iqalu o l ST Lake Canada-Nunavut Geoscience anse nanga TP y Island M Nu a d y e Qamanirjuaq B slan Ba ave Lak Inuit Owned Lands (Fee simple title) Office nlet Proposed Bathurst Inlet Port and Road I at Sl t Rankin I ava va Gre aves n g a es Escl CPMA °N Un ng ac d w rand l Yathkye 0 d'U G Surface Only a d Proposed Izok Corridor Road 6 ie b zan Ba u Ka Lake D Whale Cove Proposed Steensby Inlet Rail Line Surface and Subsurface LEGEND 1NLCA The Nunavut Land Claims Agreement 2 South Henik NILCA The Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement Lake Arviat Povungnituk 100°W 90°W 80°W Bay 70°W Thle S wiaza McConnell River MB Kiyuk River 522 http://cngo.ca/exploration-overview/2014/ 7 Y AL Lake Athabasca SON BA BE thabasca UD RTA Lac A H N SAS UDSO KATCH IE D' H EWAN BA

t Inle Haig 877 Qikiqtani Region

Qikiqtani Region Geology terrestrial mammals and trees. Rocks that make up the The Qikiqtani region includes and the other platform have been gently folded and tilted. They islands of the Canadian Arctic archipelago, the northern part are exposed on many of the Arctic islands and rise up to of the Melville Peninsula, and the . Some of form the rugged mountains of Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg the oldest rocks in Canada are found in this region. These Islands. The widening of the ocean basin between Greenland rocks, which are part of the Canadian Shield, are exposed and Nunavut is in part responsible for this mountain on Baffin Island and the Melville Peninsula, and they also building and is one of the most recent tectonic events form the bedrock of eastern and parts of to affect Nunavut. . These granitic, volcanic, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks formed during the Precambrian Long ago, thick ice sheets covered the entire territory and period, the time from when the Earth was formed (about created the steep-walled fiords located on eastern Baffin 4.5 billion years ago) until the beginning of the Cambrian Island and Ellesmere Island, where glaciers and ice caps period (540 million years ago). The metamorphic rocks in remain to this day. Minerals left behind by the glaciers’ erosion the region are highly deformed, faulted, and deeply eroded. of the landscape help prospectors and geologists locate Spectacular folds, large enough to be seen from space, possible metal or diamond deposits. The rocks of the Qikiqtani outline the present day shape of the Belcher Islands. region host many kinds of metal deposits and occurrences, including iron, gold, nickel, copper, lead and platinum. Some To the west and the far north, the Qikiqtani region is made diamond occurrences also exist. Clues about the location up of thick Paleozoic sedimentary rock, originally deposited on of these various deposits can be found using ground and an ancient seabed and continental margin. The layered rock airborne geophysical surveys, by prospecting for minerals units occasionally contain coal seams and preserve found in association with quartz veins, or by looking for rusty many types of fossils, from marine shells and fish to weathered sulphide-rich rocks.

Number Project Operator Status BASE METALS

700 Borden MMG Limited Active 701 Storm Holdings Active

727 Anik Advanced Explorations Inc. Inactive Nanisivik Mine Nyrstar Resources (Canada) Inactive 728 Corporation (Breakwater Resources Ltd.)

729 Polaris Mine Teck Resources Limited Inactive DIAMONDS

760, 761 Chidliak, Qilaq Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Active

762 Mel North Arrow Minerals Inc. Active GOLD

848, 849 Baffin Island Gold (Bravo Lake – 848, Commander Resources Inc. Inactive Qimmiq – 849) IRON

850 Mary River Mine Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation Active 876 Fraser Bay West Melville Metals Inc. Inactive 877 Haig Inlet Canadian Orebodies Inc. Inactive 878, 879 Roche Bay, Tuktu Advanced Explorations Inc. Inactive NICKEL-COPPER-PGE

910 West Melville Vale Canada Limited Active

Please refer to the map on the cover for the location of active and inactive projects in the . Bold text signifies a major project. Qikiqtani Region

Selected Mining and Exploration Highlights A major advance in the Qikiqtani region in 2014 was the start of iron ore mining at Baffinland Iron Mines Corp.’s Mary River mine, near Pond Inlet, in September. After mining activities began, the company approached the Nunavut Impact Review Board with an application to ship larger quantities of ore on the Milne Inlet tote road, and to extend the shipping season to between March and December. The first shipments of iron ore are expected to begin after the sea ice breaks up in 2015. Until then, ore is being stockpiled at Milne Inlet.

Aston Bay Holdings Ltd. announced in June 2014 that they would be entering a joint venture with Antofagasta plc on the Storm copper project, located on Somerset Island. The partners completed a field program on the property in September 2014, which determined that copper mineralization on the property extends along a strike length of 30 kilometres, three times longer than the previously defined seven kilometre zone.

Some glacial till sampling and prospecting for diamonds at Geologists sampling at Mary River project the Mel project, operated by North Arrow Minerals Inc., took – Courtesy of Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation place on the property in July and August 2014, but no results have been released to date. Nunavut Prospectors’ Program & Prospector Training The Government of Nunavut’s Department of Economic On southern Baffin Island, Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Development and Transportation offered a six-day prospecting continued work on the Chidliak diamond project, to course in Hall Beach and Sanikiluaq in 2014. Course determine the economic potential of three kimberlite pipes participants were introduced to basic rock identification (CH-6, CH-7, and CH-44). The 2014 field program included and prospecting skills. Graduates of the course can apply 3,305 metres of core drilling, as well as infrastructure for financial and technical assistance through the Nunavut studies and environmental baseline studies. The company Prospectors’ Program to pursue their own projects, and often also brought in drills and other equipment in preparation for find work as field assistants on mineral exploration projects. collecting a large bulk sample in 2015. Four new kimberlites In 2015, the program will be offered in Arctic Bay, Cape were discovered on the property: CH-68 during field mapping, Dorset, Iqaluit, , and Qikiqtarjuaq. and CH-69, CH-70, and CH-71 through reverse circulation drilling on three geophysical targets. Peregrine was also Geoscience Studies active at the Qilaq project where the company ran a short In 2014, the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office (CNGO) till sampling program. completed its third and final field season of theHall Peninsula Integrated Geoscience Project, and began a new 2-year Programs and Studies geoscience program with activities focused on responsible Carving Stone Deposit Evaluation natural resource development, protection of infrastructure, The Nunavut Carving Stone Deposit Evaluation Program and geoscience data dissemination. Natural Resources is a territory-wide collaborative project, led by the Government Canada began a bedrock geology mapping program on of Nunavut’s Department of Economic Development & Meta Incognita Peninsula this year. Transportation. The goal of the project is to locate and evaluate carving stone deposits, to assess their suitability Work done by the CNGO and its partners in 2014 included for artisans, and to assess the potential to supply nearby bedrock geological mapping, evaluation of potential carving communities. Regional studies took place across Nunavut stone deposits, seabed mapping in , evaluation between 2011 and 2013. In 2014, the program followed up of the use of satellite data in economic mineral exploration, on some previously identified occurrences. In the Qikiqtani, and sampling for geochronology, the study of the age of fieldwork mostly focused in and around the Opingivik carving rocks. Highlights from the program include the identification stone occurrence, on the east coast of the of new occurrences of layered mafic igneous intrusions with near , and at the Main quarry near potential for carving stone use or nickel-copper-platinum Sanikiluaq in the Belcher Islands. group element mineralization. Qikiqtani Region

Glossary of Terminology Deposit – a natural concentration of a metal, gemstone seismic, or thermal data. This type of study is used by or other mineral substance, which may be economically mineral exploration companies to detect physical properties extracted but whose traits need a more detailed study to of rocks such as magnetism, gravity or conductivity. be classified as a resource. Also commonly referred to as a mineral deposit. Kimberlite – a type of igneous rock that sometimes contains diamonds. Kimberlites can be composed of Drilling – the operation of making holes with a drill to sample intrusive and extrusive rock. bedrock or other surface material such as glacial till or clay. Diamond drilling produces a cylindrical core of rock, while Mineralization – the process by which a mineral is reverse circulation drilling produces rock chips. Geologists introduced into a rock, resulting in a mineral deposit, study the drill core or rock chip material after it is extracted, through hydrothermal, igneous, metamorphic, or other in order to map rock types below the surface and to geological processes. understand geological structures with the goal of finding mineral deposits or oil and gas reserves. Prospecting – the search for outcrops or surface exposures of mineral occurrences with economic potential. Prospecting Exploration – the range of activities used to search for takes place by walking on the land and observing it for deposits of useful, economically valuable minerals or oil evidence of mineral occurrences. Once an occurrence is and gas. found, further work is necessary to determine if a deposit is present at the location. Geophysical survey – the collection of information associated with bedrock using sensors employed from the air or the ground. These sensors record electric, gravity, magnetic,

Canada-Nunavut Government of Nunavut Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Nunavut Tunngavik Geoscience Office Department of Economic Development Nunavut Regional Office Incorporated and Transportation Minerals and Resource Management Division Lands, Minerals, Oil and Gas ) 867-975-4412 Petroleum Resources Division 7 867-979-0708 ) 867-975-4500 ) 867-983-5600 867-975-7800 ) 7 867-975-4276 7 867-983-5624  [email protected] 7 867-975-7870 www.cngo.ca  [email protected][email protected][email protected][email protected] www.ntilands.tunngavik.com www.edt.gov.nu.ca www.aandc-aadnc.gc.ca/nu

Check out the Nunavut Exploration Overview on-line: www.NunavutGeoscience.ca The most authoritative stop for Nunavut geoscience information.