2016 General Conference Delegate Laity Nominee Bios

Laity Gary Ault Barbara Drake David Koch Jane Bonner Judy Ehninger Sue Grimm Mattox Ross Brightwell Jordan Harris Aaron Smith Sandra Cianciulli Clifton Hubbard Lenora Thompson Debra Coulbourn Ann Jacob Mary White Mousa Dassama Krystl Johnson Wilhelmina Young

Name: Gary R. Ault Church: Chiques UMC, Southwest Employment: Centurylink, Inc. (telecommunications) Connectional Ministries: Lay Delegate to Annual Conference for @15 years, Chairperson of Administrative Board, Grace UMC, Coatesville (1996-2001), Youth and Young Adult Coordinator, Chiques UMC (2009-present), Financial Secretary, Chiques UMC (2009-present) Mission Trip Coordinator (2011-present) Awards/Publications: Faculty Service Award, Penn State University, 1995 Statement: It is no secret that, in recent years, the General Conference of the United Methodist Church have been some what troubled events. What we need are people that are totally open to the calling of the Holy Spirit and who would strive to following its urgings. We need to follow in the footsteps of Christ that have led to foreign lands, hostile places and ultimate sacrifice. We need to put aside our agendas, wants and desires and listen to the still small voice of God. We must remember that we “are one in the spirit” and no matter our personal feelings on various issues the “U” in UMC stands for United. United by faith, United under God, United by our shared shortcomings and United in the blood of the Sacrificial Messiah, that died for all.

Name: Jane L. Bonner Church: Bethlehem UMC Thornton, Delco, Employment: Law Office Legal Assistant/Administrative Secretary Local Church: Chair of Women’s Ministries (2002-2012), Present Adult Sunday School Teacher, Past Chair of Administrative Council, Nominations Secretary, Chair of Council on Ministries, Chair of Social Action, Organizer of Prison Ministry to Delaware County Prison, Adult Leader Youth Ministries, participant in many other local church ministries to include Lay Witness Mission Host Team. Connectional Ministries: E PA Conference: Equalizing Lay Delegate, 2009 to Present, Chair: Eastern Pennsylvania Evangelical Connection 2011 to Present, Secretary EPEC 2006-2010, Board Member of United Methodist Historical Society of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, Northeastern Jurisdiction: Alternate Lay Delegate to Jurisdictional Conference 2012. Secretary of Northeastern Jurisdictional Evangelical Connection 2014 to Present General Conference: Secretary for Delegation 2012 GC. Non Delegate Prayer Observer 2008. General Church: Steering Committee Member of UMAction, Institute on Religion and Democracy Washington, D.C. 2005 to present Ecumenical: Planning Committee for God and Media Parade, Committee for Tesovo Sister Cities Community: Member of Thornbury Historical Society, Past Member of Sister Cities Project Tesovo, USSR and Media, PA. Publications: Curator and Author: American Art in American Life (1782-1982) for Bryn Mawr , The Stained Glass Windows of Bethlehem United Methodist Church Other Information: Previous membership at First United Methodist Church of Media from 1977 to 1989, Confirmed at First United Methodist Church of New Milford, Pa at age 14. Together with my husband, raised a blended family of 5 children. I attended the second Walk to Emmaus in our Conference, My daughter is a United Methodist Elder. Statement: I hope to attend and work cooperatively as a Delegate at the 2016 General Conference in order to share with our brothers and sisters across all boundaries the love of Jesus Christ and promote the mission of the organization I presently chair, The Eastern Pennsylvania Evangelical Connection: “to articulate, to teach, and advocate evangelical and orthodox Christianity among both the laity and clergy of the United Methodist Church in the Wesley philosophy”, both listening and speaking the Truth in Love with respect for one another.

Name: Ross Brightwell Church: Jarrettown UMC Employment: Development Consultant Connectional Ministries: President of the EPA UMM., V. Pres. NE Jurisdiction UMM, Board of Lay Ministry, Status and Role of Women, Connectional Table, Nominations Committee Awards/Publications: Indiana University of Pa.’s highest award – the President’s Medal of Distinction. Other Information: Former U.S. Army Officer Statement: THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH IS NOT DEAD! The opportunity for revival is right now! But we must join together, in connection, if we are to regain our momentum. I grew up in a small, great “mill-town”. Our UMC was the center of life for that community. Our lives centered on our Church. But we also appreciated the events such as Sub- District and District Youth Rallies that the UMC would hold at our big Churches. We UMCs should be doing this now! Everyone heralds the huge Christian youth event “Creation” that draws 60,000 youth to Altoona, Pa. As the largest Protestant denomination in the US with millions of members, we UMCs could be doing this all over the U.S. I’m also told we UMCs can’t draw young adults. How about “church softball”? When I started our Church team it almost folded because all the other UMC’s in our area said their members were too old to start a team. Fortunately I found a local church league whose churches are all “independent churches” – the kinds that are full of young people! Why not we UMCs??? And how about a “Song Fest” – we are Methodists – we sing!

If I am sent to General Conference I will advocate strengthening our small churches, the ones in every neighborhood and “up every hollow and on every hilltop”. I will advocate holding our Pastors accountable for reaching out to their communities. I will advocate for connection among our Churches with our large Churches being called upon to connect with our small Churches. I will advocate that District Superintendents and Bishops be chosen from our most successful Local Church Pastors. I will advocate for the strengthening of our Lay Leaders at the Local Church, District and Conference levels – give our Laity the opportunity to show their stuff! Old school United Methodism! God has given the UMC the opportunity to do his work. Let’s do it now!

Name: Sandra Cianciulli Church: Bethel Hill UMC Employment: Retired Connectional Ministries: Representing EPA Committee on Native American Ministries Ecumenical Ministries: Lower Merion Interfaith Thanksgiving Program Planning Committee (1999-2014); Return-to-the-Earth Committee (Mennonite sponsored program to repatriate Native remains held by private institutions); Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society Long House Committee. Working through EPA CoNAM in association with the Circle Legacy Center and the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society to conduct tours of the Carlisle Indian School grounds and Historical Native sites in Lancaster County. Other Information: Northeast Jurisdiction Committee on Native American Ministries, Vice President; EPA Committee on Native American Ministries, Chair; Circle Legacy Center, Vice President; Carlisle Indian School Project, Vice President; Lifetime member of the National Congress of American Indians (since 1969). Formerly served on White House Committee to prepare a report for the President on the status of off-reservation Indians; Advisory Council to the Democratic National Committee for the purpose of engaging Native Americans in National politics as well as establishing a Native Caucus to become a permanent entity within the Party structure, Represented my organization at the United Nations and Organization of American States during the consultation period of both versions of the Declaration of Indigenous Rights. Currently invited to serve on Healing and Reconciliation Program of the Native American Rights Fund to involve faith-based organizations in the healing process of the Native American boarding school era. Statement: I would like the opportunity to add my voice to other Native Americans who are at the table defining our future within the UMC organizational structure.

Name: Debra Coulbourn Church: Wissinoming UMC (WUMC) Employment: Legal Assistant, Hangley Aronchick Segal Pudlin & Schiller Connectional Ministries: Member, Commission on Equitable Compensation; WUMC lay member to Eastern District Annual Conference 2014, 2015; Other Information: Christ Servant Minister, WUMC; Sunday Worship Leader (WUMC); Stewardship Chair (WUMC); Communications Chair (WUMC), Finance Chair (WUMC) Secretary to Administrative Council (WUMC); President, NALS of Philadelphia (this is an association for legal support staff) Statement: It would be my honor to serve as a delegate to the 2016 General Conference. Although I do not have a lot of information to put on my biographical statement, I believe that I would be a good delegate because I have a lot of common sense, pray a lot about my decisions and have the excitement and desire to go to the conference and be a delegate.

Name: Mousa Alex Dassama, Sr. Church: United Methodist Church of the Good Shepherd, Philadelphia, PA Employment: PRIME-Ecumenical Commitment to Refugees (PRIME-ECR) A Non-profit organization located in Lansdowne, PA Connectional Ministries: District lay Leader, East District; Member, Conference Board of Laity, Member, East District Committee on Superintendency; Chairperson, Committee on Evangelism, Good shepherd UMC; Christ Servant Minister. Awards/Publications: Attended Beasley School of Law at Temple University, Philadelphia,PA. - graduated with Masters of laws in 2007; School of Law, University of – L LB in 1996 and College of Agriculture & Forestry, University of Liberia – B Sc. (Agriculture) 1980 Other Information: Served in many positions in the Liberia Annual Conference including Associate Conference lay Leader; Conference United Methodist Men’s Vice President; Member of Bishop’s Task Force to establish the United Methodist University; Associated with the Human Rights Commission and provided legal services; Former District Lay Leader of the St. Paul River District. Elected Delegate to the 1996 General Conference but did not attend due to the civil war in Liberia but attended the West African Central Conference in Freetown, Sierra Leone. In 2000, I attended the General Conference in Cleveland, OH followed by the West African Central Conference in , Liberia. In 2004, Bishop John G. Innis of the Liberia Annual Conference requested me to complement the Liberian delegation at the General Conference in Pittsburgh, PA when some members of the Liberia delegation were not granted visas to attend the Conference. In 2012, I was selected to serve as Marshall at the general Conference in Tampa, Florida. Statement: As a lawyer, church leader and with wealth of experience in the church, I am confident that I am better prepared to provide a formidable representation of our Conference at both the General and Jurisdictional Conference in 2016. Considering the amount of time required to attend these conferences, my job is flexible enough to allow me to participate in all preparatory meetings and to be present at the Conference

Name: Barbara E. Drake Church: Union UMC, Havertown Employment: Retired Registered Nurse, volunteering as Parish Nurse at Union UMC Connectional Ministries: Currently: Conference President of United Methodist Women; Conference Chairperson of the Church and Society Work Team; Secretary of Conference Healing and Wellness Council; Member of Conference Nominating Committee; Member of Board of Directors of United Methodist Neighborhood Services; Member of UMW Mission u Committee. Local church: Lay Leader; UMW President; Outreach Team Leader; Adult Sunday School Teacher. Formerly: Conference UMW Vice President and Secretary; School of Christian Mission Dean, Assistant Dean, and Treasurer. Ecumenical Ministries: Delaware County Interfaith Hospitality Network Board of Directors Secretary. Awards/Publications: Methodist Hospital’s Faye Fulton Award as Employee of the Year. Sigma Theta Tau, National Nursing Honor Society. Other Information: Member of Women’s Association of Methodist Hospital; Member of Methodist Federation for Social Action. Statement: I recognize the great responsibility of serving as a delegate. I pledge to devote the needed time for preparations to increase my understanding of the issues being discussed. I will listen carefully to all the viewpoints being shared and will prayerfully seek guidance before voting.

Name: Judith K. Ehninger Church: Asbury UMC, Allentown Employment: Retired Registered Nurse Educator (48 years), Professor Emeritus, Allied Health , Lehigh Carbon Community College Connectional Ministries: Local church –Certified Lay Minister, Lay Member to Annual Conference, Staff Parish Relations Committee, Leadership Development Committee, Prayer Ministry Leader, Christian Education Third Grade teacher, Disciple Bible Study Leader, Lay Pastoral Care Visitor District Northeast District Christ Servant Ministry Director, Member Northeast District Transformation Team and Nominations Committee, 996-2005 District Lay Leader, Northeast District, Annual Conference –Conference Nominations Committee, Board of Ordained Ministry, Academy for Laity presenter Christ Servant Ministry Basic Program. Coordinator Certified Lay Minister Program Jurisdictional – Member Northeastern Jurisdiction Episcopacy Committee 2004-2012, Delegate to 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 Jurisdictional Conferences. Delegate 2012 General Conference. Chair, Host Site Committee NEJ 2016 Ecumenical Ministries: Member Lehigh County Conference of Churches, Daybreak Angel Volunteer, Meals on Wheels delivery volunteer Awards/Publications: Denman Evangelism Award, 1991. Authored Professional Allied Health Publications and Curriculum. Other Information: Married to Charles for 47 years, one son, William, married to Jen. Joined the Methodist Church in 1964 as a student nurse. passion – small groups, Wesleyan and Classical Church History, and all aspects of prayer ministry. Statement: What the church preaches and teaches publicly defines what we believe and who we are to all. Moreover, what we do, our actions, as a church define who we believe Jesus Christ to be. We must strive to live the Gospel in our communities as a witness to the continuity and consistency of our faith. Decisions facing the 2016 General Conference must provide the context for church renewal and expansion, sharing the Good News the world over. We must seek God’s vision for our future structure and His guidance as we seek to make disciples in this 21st century.

Name: Jordan Harris Church: Faith United Methodist Church Employment: Minster of Service and Witness at Union United Methodist Church, Full-Time Mdiv Student at Boston University. Connectional Ministries: Northeast Jurisdictional Programs and Arrangements Committee member (Present). General Conference Delegate (2012), Jurisdictional Conference Delegate (2012), Lay Supply Speaker (2012- Present). Gretna Glenn Assistant Chaplin (2012). Ecumenical Ministries: Member of the Boston Religious Leaders for Long Island Refugees. Walking the Walk certified mentor, via the Interfaith Center of Philadelphia. Collaboration with POWER (Philadelphians Organized to Witness, Empower, and Rebuild) (2013). Eastern University Student Chaplain (2012-14). Statement: It is no secret that our church is heading into General Conference 2016 with great stress and tension. As a delegate the only thing I can vow to do, with integrity, is listen to where we as the people of Eastern PA are and practice discernment to the best of my ability to represent us. Being a young adult dedicated to participating in the United Methodist Church for the rest of his life, I take having a voice and participating in the work of General and Jurisdictional Conference very seriously.

Name: Clifton Hubbard Church: St. Matthews United Methodist Church of Valley Forge Employment: Retired Teacher and Administrator – School District of Philadelphia Connectional Ministries: Board of Ordained Ministry, Executive Committee Board of Ordained Ministry, Treasurer Board of Ordained Ministry, Conference Board of Directors United Methodist Men, Central District President United Methodist Men, Athletic Coordinator United Methodist Men, Conference Finance Committee, Temporary leader of newly formed committee for Local Church Support (CCFA), Equalizing Delegate to Annual Conference from The Central District, Two year's on Bishop Johnson's District Days Team. Awards/Publications: William A. Stecher Award – Recognition for service as an outstanding teacher, coach and administrator School District of Philadelphia; Citation from City Council of Philadelphia in recognition for outstanding service to the school children in the Philadelphia School System; Citation from City Council of Philadelphia for service to the 21st Ward ( Roxborough Area of Philadelphia); Elected to the Pennsylvania State Sports Hall of Fame; Elected to the 21st Ward Sports Hall of Fame; Elected to the Roxborough High School Sports Hall of Fame; Philadelphia Coaches Association Coach of the Year; Temple University College of Education Alumni Achievement Award; John A. Gillen Award for dedication to the Roman Catholic and Philadelphia Sports Communities; Citation from U. S Senator Rick Santorum in recognition of 46 years of Service to the Philadelphia School District; Citation from the City Council of Philadelphia upon retirement from the School District of Philadelphia. Other Information: Member of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia City All Star Football Game. Member of the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania State Football Coaches Association. Member of the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Phillies Carpenter Cup High School Baseball Tournament. Member of the Board of Directors of Athletes Health Organization which provides free physical exams for all high school athletes in Public, Catholic, and Private Schools. Statement: Through my involvement on various boards and committees and reading many United Methodist publications, I am well aware that there are many challenges that are faced by our churches, our conference and especially the General Conference. I have been keeping up with and observing with interest some of the issues faced by the General Conference through interaction with others, interaction on various committees, and reading United Methodist publications When I am in conversation with people concerning church matters, my first suggestion is that we pray. On the General Conference level we deal with people from all over the world. There are many different feelings concerning various issues. We have to approach issues with this in mind. We must recognize that we don't all look at issues in the same way We must deal with all issues in a way which recognizes the feelings of others. Just think of how dull the world (and the United Methodist Church) would be if we all felt the same and had the same feelings about the issues that surround us. This is an important consideration we must all have when dealing with others. The only way in which people are the same is that we are all children of GOD.

Name: Ann Jacob Church: Lima United Methodist Church Employment: Student at Yale University Connectional Ministries: Yale Methodist Society (Member, 2014-Present). Division on Ministries with Young People (Co-chair, 2012-Present), General Board of Discipleship (Board Member, 2012-Present), Global Young Peoples Convocation and Legislative Assembly (Non- voting Delegate, 2006; Voting Delegate, 2010; Co-Chair of Legislative Assembly, 2014), Northeastern Jurisdiction Conference (Lay Delegate, 2012; Youth Representative, 2008), Northeastern Jurisdiction Leadership Table (Chair, 2008-10), Northeastern Jurisdiction Vision Table (Member, 2008-10), Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Council on Youth Ministries (President, 2006-10), General Conference (Youth Representative, 2008) Ecumenical Ministries: North American Regional Committee of World Student Christian Federation (U.S. Co-chair, 2014-Present), Awards/Publications: Scarlet Key Honor Society (2014, Boston University), Spellman Humanitarian Award (2010, West Chester Rotary Association) Statement: The theme of the 2016 United Methodist General Conference is “Therefore Go.” This theme comes from Matthew 28: 19-20 where Jesus commands the eleven disciples, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” I believe that this theme captures the most important issues facing the United Methodist Church. The upcoming General Conference will have the responsibility to address how we reach new people in new ways, and how to function as a Global Church with a globally relevant Book of Discipline. I have had the opportunity of serving the church in various roles at the Conference, Jurisdiction, and Denominational levels. Through these experiences, I have gained a greater understanding of the ecclesiology and polity of the United Methodist Church. My experiences have also given me the opportunity to understand the truly connectional nature of our Church. I am deeply committed to the UMC and I would like to serve as a Lay Delegate so that I can use my voice as a young person to positively impact the work of the General Conference. It would be a privilege to represent the Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference as a Lay Delegate to the 2016 United Methodist Church General Conference.

Name: Krystl Johnson Church: St. Daniel's UMC- 315 Edwards St, Chester, PA 19013 Employment: Office Manager, Wilmington Sport & Spine Center Connectional Ministries: Conference Communications Team, Connectional Table, Co-chair, Conference Council on Young Adult Ministries, Co-chair, St. Daniel’s Transformer Newsletter, contributor, St. Daniel’s Youth Ministry, coordinator, St. Daniel’s Young Adult Ministry, co- lead, St. Daniel’s Outreach Ministry, St. Daniel’s Feeding Ministry, St. Daniel’s Juneteenth Celebration Committee, St. Daniel’s Anniversary Committee, Chair, St. Daniel’s Church Council Awards/Publications: 2015 St. Daniel's UMW Outreach Award Other Information: Founder/Managing Editor of EPA CCYAM's The Press Magazine; Founder/Producer of EPA CCYAM's Waging War Video-based Bible Study Statement: As someone personally invested in building relationships between Christ and His church, I believe that I am the perfect candidate for General and Jurisdictional Conferences because I'm vigilant and have a keen sense of what people desire, wrestle with, and what is relevant to their time, environment, and culture. I am ready to speak up in an effort to uphold Christ’s mission in the world. Additionally, I am a perfect reflection of Young People in Eastern Pennsylvania demonstrating an innovative leadership style, a bold ability to discern and articulate visions, and a commitment to thoroughly conceive and launch special projects and initiatives. My peers attest: “In all things, I seek to build up the body of Christ and transform the world.” Guided by scripture and the Holy Spirit, I will keep in mind God’s will for His Church as I make bold decisions about church policies and tough issues.

Name: David Koch Church: Grove United Methodist Church Employment: Retired Connectional Ministries: Chair of the Board of Lay Ministry; Member, Board of Ordained Ministry; Member, Conference Committee on Nominations; Member, Conference Sessions Committee; Member Conference Connectional Ministries Team; Member, Conference Human Resources Committee; Past President/Current Member of the Conference Board of Pension and Health Benefits; Member, Association of Conference Lay Leaders; Christ Servant Minister; Member, Conference Episcopal Committee; Past Chair of the SE District Board of Church Location and Building; & Past Chair, Administrative Board Grove UMC. Ecumenical Ministries: Member of the Personal & Administration Committee of Good Works, Inc. Statement: I was honored by being elected Conference Lay Leader last year and have spent the past year traveling around the Conference visiting churches in each district. I have met many people in those travels and learned the ambitions and concerns shared across the Conference. I plan to continue these travels as long as I am Conference Lay Leader. We have disagreements, but there is more on which we agree than on which we disagree. We need to continue to listen to each other in Christian love and to remember to keep the main thing the main thing – making Disciples of Jesus Christ. I am ready, willing and able to represent the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference at General and Jurisdictional Conference.

Name: Susan Grimm Mattox Church: Ross Street United Methodist Church, Lancaster PA Employment: Retired, Public Educator Connectional Ministries: Church Lay Leader, UMW, PPR, Trustees, District Lay Leader, District Committee of Ministry, District Resource Team, Local Church Christ Servant, LUMINA volunteer and Board of Lay Ministry, Ecumenical Ministries: Northeast Cluster of Lancaster Other Information: Co-Editor of Lancaster-Lebanon, Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA)-RETIRED Newsletter; Secretary of Lancaster-Lebanon PSEA-Retired; Legislative Contact for Rep. P. Michael Sturla and Sen. Lloyd Smucker for PSEA Statement: The 2016 General Conference will be a gathering with many decisions that will shape and mold our denomination into the future. The gathering will have many tests and trails. This gathering of UM will provide the opportunity to work together, skillfully and with the goal of having one church. Debate needs to be done with care and concern, but to honestly express one’s feelings and to hear other’s point of view. I believe active listening will be necessary so that important issues presented can be discussed without becoming divisive. I believe that the Holy Spirit will guide the participants as we move from discussions to decision making. We have the opportunity to participate in frank conversations that will make changes in our church and world.

Name: Aaron J. Smith Church: Church of the Good Shepherd UMC Employment: Youth Director – Church of the Good Shepherd Connectional Ministries: Conference Young Adult Council member, Waging War Project teacher, Conference Congregational Development Council member, Conference (2014) lay speaker Ecumenical Ministries: United Way, Lebanon Country Christian Ministries, Urban Homeless Ministries, Lebanon Ministerium Awards/Publications: Denman Award, Cum Laude Other Information: Pursuing the candidacy in the United Methodist Church as Ordained Elder Speaker at many churches and events including but not limited to: Trinity UMC, Faith Alive UMC, Revelation Festival (Kochenderfer UMC), Bowmanspark Camp Statement: The 2016 General Conference can be and should be a beautiful picture of a denomination that comes together to pursue unity in the Body of Christ, hope to people that are ministered to by our churches, and accountability to the leaders of our church. There will be division amongst the perspectives and experiences. However, let us pray that we can all come back to the truth of God’s word to establish a sustainable and life-giving foundation all through Jesus Christ. In a world being consumed by its own culture, taunted by the enemy, and mislead by many, the Church cannot stay silent on the most pressing issues of our world today. I believe by God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, General Conference 2016 can be one that promotes encouragement and strength to our core leaders of our denomination and makes way for life change.

Name: Lenora Thompson Church: Wharton-Wesley United Methodist Church, 54th Catharine Streets, Philadelphia, PA, Southeast District Employment/Appointment: President, The Thompson Group, Management & Training; Since 1991. Connectional Ministries: Local Church Activities: a) Chairperson, Committee on Staff Pastor Parish Relations, b) Coordinator, Visitation Ministry, c) Past Coordinator, Young Adult and Youth Ministries, c) Past Chairperson of several committees. District: N/A Annual Conference: a) Member, Loan Fund Board, b) Chairperson, Eastern PA Conference Scholarship Committee, c) Immediate Past Conference Lay Leader (1998-2006), d) Past Member, Board of Ordained Ministry and e) Past member of numerous conference boards and agencies. Jurisdictional: a) Past Member of Northeastern Multi-Ethnic Center for Ministry, b) Past Member, Northeastern Jurisdiction Vision Table and c) Jurisdictional Conference Delegate, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012. General Church: a) Past Board Member Africa University (2007-2010), b) Past Member, General Board of Higher Education (2000-2008), c) Past Member, Board of Directors, General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA 1992-2000) and d) General Conference Delegate, 1996 (Denver, Colorado), 2000 (Cleveland, Ohio), 2004 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Chairperson of the Delegation) and 2008 (Ft. Worth, Texas). Ecumenical Ministries: Past delegate to the World Methodist Council, 1991 and past member of the 2006 Seoul, Korea Council. Community Services: Member, Drew University Advisory Committee to the School of Theology. Awards/Publications: 2015 KYW-CBS 3 GameChanger Award for founding and organizing The Boys’ Book Club (www.boysbook.club) Contributing Author, “Making the Connection: Economic Development, Workforce Development and Urban Poverty” and co- author, “Organizing Community Groups”. PECO Energy Senior Management Recognition; Service Leadership Award, Philadelphia Clef Club of Performing Arts; Service Award, Wharton-Wesley UMC. Other Information: a) Member, Black Methodist for Church Renewal, b) Graduate, The University of Pennsylvania (1970), Ed. M and Graduate, Morgan State University (1969), BS Education. Statement on Matters Coming before the 2016 General Conference. Issues coming before the 2016 General Conference will cover a wide range of areas. Delegates to General Conference should be committed to discerning God’s will. Delegates must be aware, sensitive and knowledgeable to the broad range of issues that will be facing the church in the coming years. The following are merely a few of the many issues before the 2016 General Conference. The items listed are in no order of priority: a) making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, b) continued and increased funding for Africa University, c) strengthening the connectional system, d) eliminating poverty, e) strengthening clergy and lay leadership, f) developing new and transforming existing congregations, g) expanding racial and ethnic ministries and h) globalization of the church.

Name: Mary White Church: Wayne UMC Employment: United Methodist Neighborhood Services Connectional Ministries: District Superintendent Committee Chairperson; UMW President; District Lay Leader; Conference Lay Leader; Conference Nominations Committee; Human Resource Committee; Conference Finance Committee; Episcopal Committee; Board of Laity Chairperson; Board of Ordained Ministry; Status and Role of Women; Lay Academy Dean;, UMW School Christian Mission Dean; NEJ Finance Committee Chairperson; Member of the Vision Table; NEJ Vice President of Core Planning UMW; General Conference Delegate (2000, 2004, 2008 and 2012); Jurisdictional Conference Delegate (2000); General Commission of Status and Role of Women; General Council of Finance and Administration; Inter-Jurisdictional Committee; Just Peace and United Methodist Foundation Awards/Publications: Who’s Who of Professional Business Women; Women Heritage Society; National Association of University Women; Denman Award Other Information: Board member of the Wesley Enhancement, United Way, Church Women United and Urban League. Statement: The 2016 General Conference will be faced with many challenges. I believe Christians can discuss important issues without the acrimonious debate and parliamentary maneuvering that can divide a group into contending factions. We have too many examples of this in the secular society. I believe the Holy Spirit leads in all things, especially as we make decisions. We want to avoid making decisions’ in a fashion that will leave some feeling like winners and others like losers. We can change the world through honest conversations on matters which we are passionate.

Name: Wilhelmina J. Young, CLM, CSM Church: Arch Street UMC, Philadelphia Employment: Retired. Connectional Ministries: Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Committee on Disability Concerns, Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women, Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Urban Commission, Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference United Methodist Women Spiritual Growth Coordinator, Former Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Chair of the Conference Commission of Religion and Race, Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Central District Representative -- Certified Lay Ministers and Christ Servant Ministers, Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference Central District Equalizing Lay Delegate, Arch Street United Methodist Church, Member, Administrative Council, Coordinating Team – Serenity House, United Methodist Women Ecumenical Ministries: Philadelphians Organized to Witness Empower and Rebuild (POWER), Local Organizing Committee, Statewide Education Team Representative, Member- Simpson MidTown Advisory Council, Board Member (Former President and Chair): Sickle Cell Disease Association of America - Philadelphia Delaware Valley Chapter. Statement: I believe my faith calls me to seek justice and equality for all people and that as United Methodists we are called to fully embody the Social Principles we have adopted for ourselves. I model my life on the firm foundation of love, faith and hope. I feel called to prayerfully serve with an open heart, open mind and open door to the movement of the Holy Spirit in the work of the General Conference.