Newsletter Page 4-5 Page 6 Page 13 Page 14-16 MAEFall 2018 Faculty Profi le Alumni Profi le Student Highlight New Faculty Page 3 Hadas Ritz , Sr. Lecturer Jeff Bleustein, Ph.D. Sarah Morris Nikolaos Bouklas Faculty Profi le Harley-Davidson Ph.D. Candidate Mahdi Esmaily Rajesh Bhaskaran, Former CEO Zhiting Tian Sr. Lecturer BREAKING RULES TO TEACH THOUSANDS ONE STUDENT AT A TIME Page ₃ MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR across many courses (solid mechanics, fl u- Zhiting, and two faculty who started in ids, etc.). As a part of that work, he devel- January 2018 – Nikolaos Bouklas who oped an open source SimCafe for others to works in the area of computational me- use his approaches and examples. More re- chanics, and Mahdi Esmaily who works cently, he developed a MOOC based on his in the area of computational biofl uids. We work in simulation, and it currently serves will highlight Elaine and Atieh in a future as the most popular Cornell MOOC with newslett er after they arrive on campus. over 100K enrolled from more than 170 The newslett er includes updates from countries. reunion, project teams, faculty and stu- Hadas has been an extraordinary in- dent awards, and a profi le of one of our structor for the Sibley School for over eight Ph.D. students, Sarah Morris. Please keep years, teaching a wide variety of courses in touch with us about your news and within and outside her area of expertise. successes through the Alumni link on our She has helped revamp curriculum, rede- website, or simply a quick email to mae_ signed a key undergraduate course, men-
[email protected].