Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010 Geothermal Development in Russia: Country Update Report 2005-2009 Konstantin О. Povarov1, Valentina B. Svalova2 1Association of Geothermal Energy Society, Krasnokazarmennaya Str. 9/1, Moscow, 111250 Russia, 2Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS, Ulansky 13, Moscow, 101000 Russia
[email protected],
[email protected] Keywords: Geothermal resources, electric power utilization of the Earth’s thermal energy is coming to be a generation, direct use, Russia subject of great importance. ABSTRACT Figure 1 illustrates the main territories of Russia possessing geothermal power resources for industrial utilization. There As is well known, Russia possesses unique reserves of are 8 main regions promising for “direct” utilization (heat geothermal energy for production of electricity, provision supply to residential and industrial buildings, heating of of district heating systems for industrial and agricultural greenhouses and soils, in the cattle breeding industry, fish needs. Exploitation of geothermal resources, farming, in industrial manufacture, for chemical elements implementation of drilling operations for geothermal fluid extraction, for increase of a reservoir recovery, for frozen production has been carried out in Russia and former Soviet rocks melting, in balneology etc.), as well as for heat Union for more than 60 years. Today almost all the territory generation with application of heat pumps and power of the country is well investigated. It was found that production at binary cycle GeoPP. One of them – region 5 numerous regions have reserves of hot geothermal fluid (Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands) is region of active ° with the temperature from 50 up to 200 C at depth from volcanoes being most promising for “direct” utilization of 200 to 3000 m.