American Journal of Gastroenterology ISSN 0002-9270 C 2005 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology doi: 10.1111/j.1572-0241.2005.40925.x Published by Blackwell Publishing

Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies for Chronic : Systematic Review Davendra Ramkumar, M.D., and Satish S.C. Rao, M.D., Ph.D. Division of Gastroenterology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa

OBJECTIVES: Constipation is common, and its treatment is unsatisfactory. Although many agents have been tried, there are limited data to support their use. Our aim was to undertake a systematic review of the efficacy and safety of traditional medical therapies for chronic constipation and to make evidence-based recommendations. METHODS: We searched the English literature for drug trials evaluating treatment of constipation by using MEDLINE and PUBMED databases from 1966 to 2003. Only studies that were randomized, conducted on adult subjects, and published as full manuscripts were included. Studies were assigned a quality score based on published methodology. Standard forms were used to abstract data regarding study design, duration, outcome measures, and adverse events. By using the cumulative evidence of published data for each agent, recommendations were made regarding their use following the United States Preventive Services Task Force guidelines. RESULTS: Good evidence (Grade A) was found to support the use of (PEG) and . Moderate evidence (Grade B) was found to support the use of , and . There was a paucity of quality data regarding many commonly used agents including milk of magnesia, senna, , and stool softeners. CONCLUSIONS: There is good evidence to support the use of PEG, tegaserod, lactulose, and psyllium. Surprisingly, there is a paucity of trials for many commonly used agents. These aspects should be considered when designing trials comparing new agents with traditional therapies because their use may not be well validated. (Am J Gastroenterol 2005;100:936–971)

INTRODUCTION With regard to medical therapy, the following categories of drugs have been used to treat constipation: Constipation is a common problem, with an estimated preva- lence of 2–20% (1–4). It is one of the more common present- ing complaints to both general practitioners and gastroen- a. Bulk or hydrophilic —psyllium (isphagula), terologists, and carries a significant economic impact (4, 5). methylcellulose, , celandine, plantain derivatives, and Constipation appears to be more prevalent in the elderly, vera women, nonwhites, and persons in lower socio-economic and b. Surfactant or softening or wetting agents—, classes (4). poloxalkol Although a common problem, the treatment of constipa- c. Osmotic laxatives—lactulose, , milk of magne- tion has been far from satisfactory. A recent metaanalysis sia (MOM) (), polyethylene glycol suggested that there was little credible evidence to support (PEG) solutions many of the drugs that are commonly used in the treatment d. Peristaltic stimulants or sometimes referred to as irri- of this disorder (6). However, this analysis lumped all agents tant laxatives—senna, bisacodyl, danthron, cascara, ery- into a single “ group,” which may have obscured any thromycin, misoprostol benefits of individual medications. e. Others (prokinetic, prosecretors)—colchicine, tegaserod. It is generally recommended that lifestyle measures such as adequate hydration, nonstrenuous exercise, increased natural The purpose of this systematic review is to assess the avail- fiber intake, and dedicated time to have a bowel movement able evidence in the English literature, particularly random- be attempted first before medical therapy is tried. It should ized, controlled trials addressing the efficacy and safety of be noted that none of these measures has been validated in a various medical therapies in adult patients with chronic con- proper controlled trial. stipation.

936 Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 937

Literature Search treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 MEDLINE and PUBMED databases for the period from when the study is described as “double-blind,”, and 0 when 1966 to 2004 were used to search the literature. Consti- the study was not double-blind). A score of 0 or 1 was given pation was combined with the following terms: osmotic for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of with- laxatives, irritant laxatives, stimulant laxatives, bulk lax- drawals and reason for withdrawals were stated and 0 when atives, fecal softeners, lactulose, sorbitol, MOM, magne- no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). Thus, the sium sulfate, PEG, senna, bisacodyl, danthron, cascara, quality score ranged from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest pos- psyllium, methylcellulose, calcium polycarbophil, isphagula, sible score. The studies were all reviewed by both authors, bran, celandin, plantain, alovera, aloe vera, docusate, polox- and scored independently. When there were discrepancies, alkol, mineral , glycerine, misoprostol, erythromycin, lox- the papers were reviewed again, and the final scores were iglumide, tegaserod, herbal remedies, traditional medicine, decided by consensus. Chinese herbal, plantain, and colchicine. Exploded terms were reviewed, and where appropriate, the search was ex- Levels of Evidence and Grading of Recommendations panded to include them. The strength of evidence and grading of recommendations Abstracts of the English language articles were all wasasutilized by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force screened. Potentially relevant studies were then reviewed, and (9). selection criteria applied. The bibliographies of the studies found by this method and in reviews were manually searched. LEVELS OF EVIDENCE.

Selection Criteria (i) Good evidence (Level I)—consistent results from well- Studies were included if they were (i) randomized (open- designed, well-conducted studies. labeled or placebo-controlled, parallel design or crossover (ii) Fair evidence (Level II)—results show benefit, but design) comparing the agent in question with placebo, or strength is limited by the number, quality, or consistency comparing two separate agents for efficacy and safety in pa- of the individual studies. tients with chronic constipation; (ii) conducted using adult (iii) Poor evidence (Level III)—insufficient because of lim- subjects; and (iii) published in full manuscript form. ited number or power of studies, flaws in their design or conduct. Data Extraction and Analysis The articles were reviewed and the relevant data were ab- CLASSIFICATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS. stracted to standard forms. Data extracted included (i) the (i) Grade A—good evidence in support of the use of a therapy studied; (ii) the control agent; (iii) study design; (iv) modality in the treatment of constipation. number of patients; (v) mean age or age range; (vi) analysis (ii) Grade B—moderate evidence in support of the use of a by sex if available; (vii) duration of the study or crossover modality in the treatment of constipation. periods and, where necessary, wash-out intervals; (viii) out- (iii) Grade C—poor evidence to support a recommendation come measures including stool frequency and consistency, for or against the use of the modality. straining, use of rescue medications; (ix) results in the form (iv) Grade D—moderate evidence against the use of the of percentage improvement or other suitable variable measur- modality. ing the degree of change in the outcome measure in individ- (v) Grade E—good evidence to support a recommendation ual patients as well as between patients treated with different against the use of a modality. measures; and (x) an assessment of adverse reactions and other aspects of the safety of the treatment measure. Meta- analysis was not performed. RESULTS Qualitative Assessment of Study Methodology The identified studies were carefully assessed using criteria Effectiveness and Safety of PEG Solution in the Treatment previously established (7, 8), for methodology that minimizes of Constipation bias and enhances validity of trials about therapy. The follow- PEG is a nonabsorbable, nonmetabolized osmotic agent that ing were evaluated (i) how randomization was performed and is most often used in lavage solutions for gut cleansing for described; (ii) use of concealed allocation; (iii) blinding; and and surgery. Its use as a laxative has garnered (iv) completeness of follow-up. A scoring system was then much interest recently. used to rate the strength of the studies. A score of 1 or 2 Eight studies were found that satisfied the selection criteria wasgiven for randomization (2 for appropriate randomiza- (10–17). These are summarized in Table 1. Five of these stud- tion technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or ies evaluated the efficacy of PEG solutions versus placebo, described, 1 for study simply described as “randomized”). while one compared PEG solution to lactulose in patients with Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 when both subjects chronic constipation. Another evaluated the efficacy and tol- and investigators were explicitly said to be blinded to the erance of PEG solutions, lactulose, and placebo in relieving 938 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) ∗ loating, (cramping, gas, nausea, unpleasant taste, and loose stools) were minimal and tolerable adverse events in either group. Significantly more flatulence, with a tendency to more b abdominal pain, and rumbling with lactulose adverse events. No clinically significant changes in blood chemistry, complete blood count (CBC), or urinalysis Side effects of PEG No significant No significant s = v ± ± = 1.17 p 4.55 0.0001) p ± 0.04) ± = 0.05) 0.01) placebo, = 0.005) and p < < p vs = el movement p p p Outcomes ow placebo 1.91 placebo 4.88 the last 7 days of ery 2 days during hich provided about s s roup ( v 0.94, v 2.62, daily stools (1.3 0.9, less straining ( 0.0001) more effective than lactulose and better tolerated (on visual analog scale with PEG following the study—no loss of efficacy laxatives in the PEG g 0.001) significant improvement in subjective scores for SC, EOD, cramping, and rectal irritation, but not for passage of flatus daily SF to 1 perby day the 14-day treatment period w 1b ev the last week of therapy ( SC (PEG 2.56 PEG group had more Low dose PEG was Open-labeled phase Less use of additional There was statistically PEG increased mean ents loating rumbling, of additional laxatives, stools, flatus, b abdominal pain cramping, rectal irritation, and flatus. Adverse ev SF, SC, SE, and UOL SF (PEG 7.75 SF, SC, EOD, open SF and straining, use k 8w periods with 2-day washout control period then 14 days + 94/21 4 65 ≤ 43 to 65 30 to > atient P completed 32 6299 of 115 28/9 Two 5-day 23 47.7 22/1 7-day placebo vs Study Mean Age 7gofPEG placebo- controlled, crossover randomized, comparative double crossover trial of placebo 1 daily Double-blind, Multicenter, Randomized or placebo or lactulose (20 g/day) or placebo Summary of the Trials Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of PEG in the Treatment of Constipation able 1. References Score Intervention10 Design 5 PEG N (8–16 ozs) 11 5 (year) PEG (26 g/day) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 12 3 PEG (17 g/day) T Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 939 roups for omiting, and alues, heart difference between controls and PEG-treated patients in abdominal symptoms and side effects differences in adverse events between the two g symptoms (including nausea, v discomfort), laboratory v rate, and There was no No significant s vs v 5.4 1.6; 0.03) 3; vs 2.3 ± < vs ± p 0.01) 0.02) 0.01) 0.002) 0.005). Outcomes < < < < < eek 24: 7.4 ere not constipated roup and reduced p p p ailure (16 p straining at defecation ( ( and rectal transit times were significantly shortened by PEG treatment laxatives ( placebo: 2.8 wk and at the 8(PEG: wk 4.8 significantly higher SF (week 12: 7.4 4.3 BM/wk, and w BM/wk) PEG group and 20% of the placebo group w ( hard/pellety stools at defecation g mean number of PEG sachets used dropouts for therapy f p PEG decreased PEG improved SC Oroanal, left colon, PEG decreased use of PEG increased SF at 4 PEG group had At end, 77% of the PEG reported less Less UOL in PEG PEG group had less acuation, UOL, of laxatives, and transit times ev and relevant symptoms SF, SC, straining, use SF and modality of in, then 8 wk (two 4-wk periods) PEG followed by randomization to PEG or placebo for 20 wk in responders 58/12 4 wk run in with 15 37/11 4 wk placebo run ± (18–73) atient 48 P completed 25 PEG, 23 placebo 48 of 55 70 of 78 Mean 43 Study Mean Age double-blind, placebo- controlled parallel group trial placebo- controlled, parallel group study Multicenter, Double-blind, or placebo or placebo Continued able 1. References Score Intervention13 Design 5 PEG (17 g/day) N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 14 5 PEG (17 g/day) T 940 Ramkumar and Rao ∗ lood loating, and changes in adverse symptoms, CBC, b chemistries, and urinalysis were noted between the two groups electrolytes noted between the groups. Lactulose had more adverse effects (presumably abdominal pain, b nausea, based on the description of the method) No significant No change in < < 0.01) p p < 0.001) 0.001) < 0.0001) p < < p < p p p 0.001) < eek 2 4.5 BM/wk roup ( roup ( roup treated in the p xperimental group, un-in control period w compared to placebo 2.7 BM/wk ( 0.001) SC showed significant improvement in the active treatment g EOD showed significant improvement in the active treatment g 0.005) and patient ( subjective assessment of perception of treatment effectiveness were better with PEG lactulose produced more “nonhard” stools than the placebo ( and control ( 0.003). PEG produced the loosest stool ( compared with the control significant differences in stool consistency in either e but both were better than having nothing or just the placebo g r atient evaluations of atient evaluations of SF improved with PEG P P Investigator ( PEG solution and There were no UOL increased only in SC, EOD, cramps, and flatus. Investigator and patient subjective assessment of perception of treatment effectiveness and SE F, SF, SC, UOL, EOD, kS control (no treatment) followed by 3 treatment phases of 2 wk each 2w One week run in stated 20 M 18–50 Not opiates 151 45.2 131 F 57—all on linded, un-in placebo- controlled, b multicenter parallel trial triple crossover after control r Randomized, Randomized, or placebo ozs/day), placebo, lactulose (30 ml/day) 15 4 PEG (17 g/day) 16 3 PEG (8 Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 941 . ∗ ere well roups had more roups w tolerated. The higher dose g reports of . Distension, flatulence, and abdominal pain occurred evenly in all four g All medications both 0.0001) with 0.0001). The 0.01). 0.0001) vs Outcomes = = < = p p p p increased compared with baseline in all treatment groups ( no difference between groups improved compared with baseline in all treatment groups ( percentage of patients with normal SC was significantly higher for standard-dose PEG 3350 maximum-dose treatments ( stool within 1 day of starting treatment straining, bloating, and pain were also significantly improved compared with baseline in all treatment groups ( 67.3% had their first SF was significantly SC significantly ≥ Rectal evacuation, parameters included SC, date of occurrence of first motion, St, rectal evacuation, abdominal pain, and distension SF secondary efficacy se specified. roups: High of 4 treatment g or low dose PEG 4000, or high or low dose PEG 3350 for 4 wk Randomized to 1 ere w F 18.5 85% ± atient P 263 of 266 52 Study Mean Age roup randomized, double-blind, parallel- g Prospective, PEG 4000 (Forlax) 10 or 20 g and iso-osmotic PEG 3350 (Transipeg) 5.9 or 11.8 g Continued able 1. References Score Intervention17 Design 4 Hypo-osmotic N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis T SF, stool frequency; SC, stool consistency; St, straining; UOL, use of additional laxatives; EOD, ease of defecation; SE, side effects; , not otherwi 942 Ramkumar and Rao

Table 2. Methodologic Quality of Trials with PEG (11, 16). An open-labeled, randomized, parallel study which Statement on compared lactulose, psyllium, and placebo suggested that the Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score two treatment agents were equally effective in the treatment 10 2 2 1 5 of constipation (26). A single trial that compared the efficacy 11 2 2 1 5 and safety of lactulose and sorbitol suggested that the two 12 1 2 0 3 agents were similarly effective, but lactulose had a greater 14 2 2 1 5 propensity to cause nausea (23). 13 2 2 1 5 15 1 2 1 4 16 1 2 0 3 Lactulose: Level II Evidence, Grade B 17 1 2 1 4 Recommendation. Sorbitol: Level III Evidence, Grade C A score of 1 or 2 was given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study simply Recommendation. described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double-blind,” and 0 when the Efficacy and Safety of MOM in the Treatment of study was not double-blind). Score of 0 or 1 was given for frequency of withdrawals (1 Constipation when the number of withdrawals and reason for withdrawals were stated and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). There is one trial in the English literature evaluating the ef- ficacy of MOM in the treatment of constipation (28). MOM was compared to a bulk laxative and was found to cause opiate-induced constipation (16). The last study compared more frequent bowel movements than bulk laxative, and addi- two doses of two commercially available PEG formulations, tional laxative was not needed as often as with bulk laxative. an iso-osmotic preparation, and a hypo-osmotic solution (17). Stool consistency was more normal during the magnesium Constipation was variously defined, with only two studies hydroxide treatment. In two patients, serum magnesium was utilizing the Rome criteria to identify suitable patients (13, over 1.25 mmol/L after the magnesium hydroxide treatment 14). Six of the studies evaluated the short-term efficacy and but there were no clinical signs of hypermagnesemia. This safety of PEG solution. The longest duration in this category is more likely to be a problem in patients with renal insuf- was8wk. One trial looked at the same parameters over a 6- ficiency. Hypermagnesemia, paradoxically, causes paralytic month period (14) and therefore provides longer-term data. ileus that in turn leads to obstipation. This study suggests The qualitative assessment of these studies and the extracted that MOM is effective, but there is a risk of hypermagne- data are presented in Table 2. semia with frequent use. PEG is an effective form of treatment with few side effects There are no trials that have evaluated the utility of mag- and it is modestly more effective than lactulose. Decision nesium sulfate (Epsom ) in the treatment of constipation analysis modeling suggests that PEG, despite its higher cost, after 1966. is ultimately more cost-effective than lactulose, at least from the perspective of the National Health Service of the United MOM: Grade III Evidence, Grade C Kingdom. (18). Recommendation.

PEG: Level I Evidence, Grade A Recommendation. Efficacy and Safety of Stimulant Laxatives in the Treatment of Constipation Efficacy and Safety of Lactulose in the Treatment For the period reviewed, no placebo-controlled trials were of Constipation found. The studies reviewed all compared a laxative contain- Lactulose is a nonabsorbable synthetic disaccharide which ing only an irritant/stimulant agent, or agents containing an functions as an osmotic laxative and which appears to have irritant/stimulant as one of its active ingredients with other been accorded the role of the standard against which newer agents (22, 24, 25, 27, 29–34). Tables 5 and 6 summarize agents are compared for efficacy and safety. Three studies the study characteristics and methodologic assessment. Three compared lactulose with placebo (19–21). The others were studies that compared a preparation containing psyllium and all comparisons with other agents in which the efficacy of senna with lactulose suggested that the fiber/stimulant com- lactulose was determined by the improvement from baseline bination was more efficacious and may even be more cost- in the parameters that assess constipation (11, 16, 22–27). effective (22, 24, 25). Another study compared lactulose with The characteristics and results are summarized in Table 3. irritant laxatives containing senna, anthraquinone derivatives, The qualitative assessments of these studies are summarized or bisacodyl (31). Lactulose was found to be more effective in Table 4. than each of these three irritant laxatives. A comparison be- Lactulose appears to be an effective and safe agent for tween bisacodyl and acetate, both irritant laxatives, use in idiopathic constipation, with the most common side showed similar efficacy (32). The latter agent is no longer effects (bloating, flatulence, and loose stools) being an ex- marketed. Preparations with and without senna were evalu- tension of its mechanism of action. Compared to PEG solu- ated (30); laxation appears to be similar, with the combina- tions, lactulose was less efficacious and had more side effects tion appearing to cause more side effects compared with just Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 943 ere all xtensions w e (flatulence) of the pharmacologic effects of the drug and were in general well tolerated Adverse effects None mentioned vs < 0.05) p < p 1.6 stools 0.01) vs Outcomes < ater content ell as to a eight, volume, and ere determined p produced stools of softer consistency compared to baseline values, as w sucrose-treated control group in both normal and constipated subjects stools of greater w w produced clinically and statistically significant increases (4.5 per week, lactulose was 86 60% placebo ( 0.02). Truly constipated patients w based on their laxative requirement posttreatment. The success rate of lactulose was increased to 80% in these patients and placebo 33% ( SC—lactulose Lactulose produced SF—lactulose syrup ater content olume, SC, and v w SF, stool weight, SF, UOL, possible SE The success rate for eek was a all took placebo (single-blind), the second w double-blind treatment period 3-wk treatment, then 2-wk lead out 2-wk run-in. stat-ed 60 Not atient P 28.2 22/2 1 wk baseline— > lactulose 14 took placebo 24 10 took 103 Study Mean Age subjects double-blind parallel randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled, parallel study Constipated Multicenter, ml/day) or placebo (15–30 ml/day) or placebo dose escalation allowed Summary of the Trials Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Lactulose in the Treatment of Constipation able 3. References Score Intervention19 Design 3 Lactulose (60 N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 21 4 Lactulose T 944 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) of laboratory effects adverse events in either group. More flatulence with lactulose No adverse clinical No significant vs < p < 0.5 p vs reater with 0.02) and in 0.05) more effective highly < < s sg s p p lactulose. For relief of all five symptoms, lactulose wa than glucose ( severity of each of cramping, griping, flatulence, tenesmus, bloating wa 0.04) number of fecal impactions (6 in the lactulose patients 66 in the controls) wa significant ( superior to glucose with mean BM per day of 0.7 ( the percentage of days in which at least one bowel movement occurred ( 0.015) needed fewer than did the controls more effective than lactulose and better tolerated with PEG following the study—no loss of efficacy daily stools and less straining Reduction in the The reduction in the SF—laculose was The lactulose patients Low dose PEG was Open-labeled phase constipation, episodes of stool impaction, UOL SF, symptoms of SF and St PEG group had more 12-wk treatment, then 1-wk observation periods with 2-day washout 2-wk run-in, 6M 94/21 Two 5-day 65 ≤ 43 to 65 84.7 39 F 30 to > 55—nursing home patients 23 glucose completed 19 lactulose, 47 of 115–91 double-blind, placebo- controlled randomized, comparative Randomized, Multicenter, ml of 50% solution) or placebo (glucose) or lactulose (20 g/day) 20 4 Lactulose (30 11 5 PEG (26 g/day) Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 945 adverse effects adverse effects noted adverse effects Lactulose had more No significant No difference in < p < 0.01) p < 0.0001) p 0.001) < ≤ p p Outcomes ere better than roup, but both lactulose produced more “nonhard” stools than the placebo ( and control ( significant differences in SC in either experimental g w having nothing or just the placebo 0.003). PEG produced the loosest stool ( compared with the control stools was greater with Agiolax than with lactulose ( 4.5 BM/wk (in both periods) compared with 2.2 and 1.9 per wk in periods one and two, respectively, for lactulose 0.05) the senna-fibre combination (0.8 per day than lactulose (0.6 per day, EOD were significantly higher for the senna-fibre combination than for lactulose There were no The frequency of loose The Agiolax produced SF was greater with Scores for SC and (bisacodyl), and SE deviation from recommended dose; daily dose and cost per stool; adverse effects SF, SC, and EOD PEG solution and SF, SC, UOL SF, SC, EOD; control (no treatment) followed by three treatment phases of 2 wk each followed two 5-wk treatment periods separated by 1wk combination or lactulose with matching placebo for two 14-day periods, with 3–5 days before and between treatments 1-wk run in stated atient P 18–50 Not 81.8 25/5 1-wk run in 82.9 57/28 Senna-fibre opiates geriatric patients long-stay geriatric patients 57—all on 30 long-stay 77 of 85 Study Mean Age un-in triple crossover after control r randomized, and controlled crossover double-blind crossover Randomized, Open, Multicenter, ozs/day), placebo, lactulose (30 ml/day) or a preparation containing ispaghula (psyllium) and senna (Agiolax) (30–60 ml/day) and combination of psyllium and senna pod (Agiolax 10–20 ml/day) Continued able 3. References Score Intervention16 Design 3 PEG (8 N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 22 2 Lactulose 30 cc 24 5 Lactulose T 946 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) effects No serious adverse = 2 < χ 4.2%) p vs 0.01) ≤ p 0.027), but 0.063 = 6.5 per week for = p p dose was exceeded more frequently with lactulose than the senna-fibre combination ( 8.38, approximately four times higher for lactulose than for the senna-fiber combination caused improved SC ( there were no differences between the groups significant difference in St significant clinical difference in global improvement ispaghula unpalatable at 28 days (15.7 resulted in statistically significant ( 0.0001) increases in stool frequency over baseline but not between the treatment groups (baseline 2 per week vs lactulose and 7.5 per wk for ispaghula) The recommended The cost per stool was Both treatments There was no There was no More patients found Both treatments SC, St, global improvement, medication acceptability F, kS 4w stated 112 50.6 Not randomized, parallel group study Open, ml/day) or isphagula (psyllium) 7 g/day 26 2 Lactulose (30 Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 947 0.05). increased ≤ s p adverse effects between the treatment groups significant differences between sorbitol and lactulose in any outcome measured except nausea, which wa with lactulose ( No differences in There were no < p 0.02) = p 0.005) Outcomes < 0.6 per day eek with bowel s p statistically significant improvement in SC ( statistically significant improvement in EOD ( statistically significant increases in SF (0.8 per day v 0.001) bowel movements per week was 6.71 with sorbitol and 7.02 with lactulose, and the average number of days per w movements was 5.23 with sorbitol and 5.31 with lactulose preference for sorbitol, 12 for lactulose, and 7 had no preference Agiolax resulted in Agiolax resulted in Agiolax resulted in The average number of 11 patients stated a adverse effects laxative, adverse effects SF, SC, EOD, SF, preference of ere each treatment periods with 3–5 d laxative free period before and between treatments 70% sorbitol w given for 4 wk preceded by a 2-wk washout period atient P 82.9 57/20 Two 14-day geriatric patients 77 long-stay 30 65–86 All men Lactulose and Study Mean Age double-blind, crossover double-blind, crossover trial Randomized, Randomized, or Agiolax 10 ml (mixture of ispaghula and senna) lactulose—up to 60 ml/day of either Continued able 3. References Score Intervention25 Design 3 Lactulose 15 ml N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 23 5 Sorbitol and T 948 Ramkumar and Rao effects. 19 lactulose, 23 glucose No serious adverse vs following 27 s erage score for scale measuring severity of constipation (0–100 mm), the av sorbitol was 35.6 37.1 mm for lactulose lactulose treatment periods were also similar in percent of bowel movements recorded as “normal” TT prior to treatment. 10/14, 12/15, and 6/6 has 80% TT after 6 d ay days of treatment with lactulose, Dorbanex, and control, respectively On a visual analog The sorbitol and All patients had 80% (TT—time for 80% of ingested markers to be defecated) 80% transit time roups for 27 assigned to one of the treatment g days Randomly stated 82 Not geriatric patients 37 long-stay roup open trial with control g Randomized, ml/day) or Dorbanex 10 ml/day— mixture of poloxalkol and an anthraquinone— or control (enemas if no BM in 5 days) 27 1 Lactulose (20 Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 949

Table 4. Methodologic Scores for the Studies Evaluating Lactulose Methylcellulose: Level III Evidence, Grade C Statement on Recommendation. Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score 11 2 2 1 5 Efficacy and Safety of Bran in the Treatment 19 1 2 0 3 of Constipation 22 1 0 1 2 The studies evaluating the efficacy of bran and increased di- 23 2 2 1 5 etary fiber on constipation all suggest benefits (37–41). In 24 2 2 1 5 20 1 2 1 4 a trial of the addition of bran and corn bran supple- 21 2 2 0 4 ments compared with no fiber supplementation, there was 26 1 0 1 2 improvement in stool frequency and consistency, with no 25 1 2 0 3 appreciable side effects (37). When bran was compared to 27 1 0 0 1 just a regular diet in elderly patients, there was a decrease 16 1 2 0 3 in laxative requirements, but, paradoxically, these patients A score of 1 or 2 was given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study seemed to require more assistance with actual defecation simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 as evidenced by increased use of enemas and suppositories when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double- (41). A smaller study compared wheat bran with regular diet blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). Score o f 0 or 1 was given in elderly patients (42). There was significant improvement for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of withdrawals and reason for withdrawals were stated, and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). in stool frequency and consistency (42). No significant dif- ference was found in laxative or suppository requirements. Another study also showed the beneficial effects on stool psyllium. picosulfate, a stimulant laxative similar to frequency, and also suggested that oroanal transit times im- bisacodyl, has been compared to senna. The agents appear proved, but only in patients with slow colonic transit and not to be similar in their beneficial effects on stool frequency, in those with slow rectal transit times (38). Comparison of although seems to cause more side ef- corn bran and wheat bran showed that both products were fects. An agent comprised of the combination of a surfactant beneficial from the standpoint of improvement in stool fre- (poloxalkol) and an anthraquinone performed well compared quency and intestinal transit times, but corn bran was rated by with placebo in postpartum constipation (33), and similar to patients as being better at relieving the symptoms of consti- lactulose in another study (27). This combined agent was pation (39). A comparison of bran with senna suggested that similar in efficacy to the stimulant sodium picosulfate (34). there was no significant difference on frequency and consis- While few studies suggest that combining stimulant lax- tency of stools, but bran decreased the incidence of “large” atives with fiber or surfactant agents may provide some re- stools (40). lief of symptoms in patients with constipation, there are no placebo-controlled trials. Level III Evidence, Grade C Recommendation. Stimulant Laxatives: Level III Evidence, Grade C Recommendation. Efficacy and Safety of Psyllium in the Treatment of Constipation Efficacy and Safety of Bulk Laxatives in the Treatment Psyllium (ispagula), a derivative of the of of Constipation ovata, has been evaluated in several trials (30, 36, 43–47). A study which compared increased dietary fiber with regu- Compared with placebo, psyllium seems to clearly improve lar diet in posthysterectomy patients suggested that increased stool frequency (43, 44). One study suggested that total gut dietary fiber is beneficial in improving stool frequency, stool transit time improved (44), while another suggested that there consistency, time to defecate, and other symptoms of difficult wasnochange in colon transit (43). Similarly, the effect on defecation (35). The individual agents that can be used to sup- stool consistency in these placebo-controlled trials was con- plement the diet with fiber are discussed below. The charac- troversial with one study suggesting no change (44) and an- teristics of the trials evaluating bulking agents and qualitative other suggesting significant improvement (43). A third larger assessment of the methodology are summarized in Tables 7 trial with a single-blind design comparing psyllium with and 8. placebo showed statistically significant improvement in both stool frequency and consistency with both the investigator, Efficacy and Safety of Methylcellulose in the Treatment and patient noting significant improvement in the constipa- of Constipation tion (48). In an open trial, psyllium was noted to be superior There are no placebo-controlled trials. One study (36) com- to three different stimulant/irritant laxatives, lactulose, and paring three doses of methylcellulose against psyllium satis- in the treatment of constipation as well as fied the screening criteria and is summarized in Table 5. The being more palatable and acceptable to patients (46). A com- lack of an appropriate control group and its low methodologic parison of a preparation of psyllium with senna, and psyllium score argues against accepting the results. alone showed the combination to be more effective than 950 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) noted in the recording of side effects during treatment and nontreatment periods to cause more abdominal pain adverse effects noted No difference was Bisacodyl appeared No significant vs 5h) vs 2.1 per day) 0.001) of the 0.05) vs < < hereas only 42% normal stool roup were passing p p lactulose-treated g a w ( patients receiving an “rritant” laxative had a persistent carry-over effect than the irritant laxatives consistency satisfaction with bisacodyl (73% 82%) differences between bisoxantin and bisacodyl in the mean time to first BM (7 frequency (1.7 per day 4.5 stools a week (in both periods) compared with 2.2 and 1.9 per week in periods one and two, respectively, for lactulose stools was greater with Agiolax than with lactulose ( By day 7, 58% of the Lactulose preparation No difference in stool There were less There were no No difference in stool The Agiolax produced The frequency of loose side effects stool frequency, consistency, patient satisfaction, adverse reactions consistency, use of additional laxative (bisacodyl) and side effects Stool consistency, Onset of first BM, Stool frequency, 1-wk consecutive ashout o periods of 1 wk separated by w 4-wk periods followed two 5-wk treatment periods separated by 1 wk Tw 1-wk run in prisoners 5M 81.8 25 F atient Outcomes P geriatric patients 51 of 61 21–69 All male 194 of 227 Not stated Not stated Two treatment 30 long-stay double-blind, comparative randomized, crossover randomized, and controlled crossover Randomized, Open, Open, preparation .i.d. or mg/day or bisoxatin acetate 60 mg/day “irritant” laxatives (of patients choice) containing senna, anthraquinone derivatives or bisacodyl b a containing ispaghula (bulking agent) and senna (Agiolax) Summary of the Trials Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Irritant and Stimulant Laxatives in the Treatment of Constipation able 5. 32 2 Bisacodyl 10 References Score Intervention31 Study Design 2 Lactulose 15 ml N Mean Age Women Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 22 2 Lactulose 30 cc or T Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 951 loating gas, and roup 3/22 cramping and gas PS group7/22 had cramps, uncomfortable diarrhea, b nausea adverse effects Pg No difference in = 2 ≤ χ p < PS 6.8 0.01) p vs ≤ p xceeded more se ere significantly vident. Only the increased SF [P 3.6 BM/wk BM/wk ( 0.001)] increased wet and dry stool weights with the added effect of the senna clearly e psyllium with senna increased stool moisture improved SC (similar) provided a high degree of subjective relief the senna-fibre combination (0.8 per day than lactulose (0.6 per day, 0.001) w higher for the senna-fibre combination than for lactulose wa frequently with lactulose than the senna-fibre combination ( 8.38, approximately four times higher for lactulose than for the senna-fiber combination Both laxatives Both P and PS Both laxatives Both laxatives SF was greater with Scores for SC and EOD The recommended dose The cost per stool was with BMs deviation from recommended dose; daily dose, and cost per stool; adverse effects SF, SC symptoms SF, SC, EOD; placebo d1wk k an treatment combination or lactulose with matching placebo for two 14-day periods, with 3–5 days before and between treatments 1w 5M 82.9 57 F Senna-fibre atient Outcomes P long-stay geriatric patients 40 of 42 26.1 35 F 77 of 85 randomized, single-blind controlled double-blind, crossover Open, Multicenter, psyllium with senna (PS) ml/day and combination of fibre— ispaghula (psyllium) and senna pod (PS)— Manevac 10–20 ml/day Continued able 5. References Score Intervention30 Study Design 2 Psyllium (P) and N Mean Age Women Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 24 5 Lactulose (L) 30 T 952 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) minor side effects all related to the action of the drugs on the bowel adverse effects between the treatment groups observed There were few No differences in No adverse effects vs < p < p 0.02) EOD compared 0.005) = p M < p per week were similar for S (4.41) and SP (4.97) or unformed stools than senna statistically significant increase in SF (0.8 per day 0.6 per day, 0.001) statistically significant improvement in SC ( statistically significant increases in ( treatment 50% in the treatment group had aB with less than one-eighth in the placebo group ( 0.001). for enemas and suppositories (statistically significant) The number of BMs SP caused more loose Agiolax resulted in Agiolax resulted in Agiolax resulted in By the second day of Decreased requirement timing, consistency, and side effects adverse effects requirement for enemas and suppositories, Stool frequency, SF, SC, EOD, 14-day k o treatment periods with 3–5 days laxative free period before and in between treatments 2w Tw 14 M 20 M All women 6 days Stool output, bearing age range (cannot infer from data) Child- 78.5 36 F 82.9 57 F tum patients with con- stipation geriatric patients geriatric patients 200 postpar- 50 long-stay 77 long-stay double-blind, placebo- controlled randomized parallel double-blind, crossover Randomized, Open, Randomized, (mixture of poloxalkol and dihydro- anthroquinolone) (PD) or placebo picosulfate SP 10 mg/day or standardized senna (S) 2 tabs/day or Agiolax 10 ml (mixture of Ispaghula (psyllium) and senna) 33 3 Dorbanex 29 2 Sodium 25 3 Lactulose 15 ml Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 953 incontinence in the group that received SP as their first treatment. Other effects were minimal adverse effects noted High incidence of No significant hen compared with roups both within BM per day increased from 0.56 in the pretrial period, to 0.96 for SP and 0.86 for PD resulted in normalization in stool size in the majority of patients significant improvements in the transit times in the lactulose and PD g the group compared with baseline, and w the control group The average number of Both SP and PD There were statistically size, side effects transit times by Hinton method Stool frequency, followed by two 2-wk treatment periods with a 3-day washout in between 2-wk run in 27 days Improvement in 7M 7M 75.6 31 F 81 30 F atient Outcomes P long-stay patients long-stay elderly patients 38 of 40 35 of 37 randomized, crossover randomized, controlled Open, Open, .i.d. or picosulfate (SP—10 mg/day) or Dorbanex (mixture of poloxalkol and dihydro- anthroquinolone (PD—10 ml/day) b Dorbanex (mixture of poloxalkol and dihydro- anthroquinolone) (PD)—10 ml/day, or if no BM in 5 days (control group) Continued able 5. 34 2 Sodium References Score Intervention27 Study Design 2 Lactulose 20 ml N Mean Age Women Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis T 954 Ramkumar and Rao

Table 6. Methodologic Scores of the Studies Evaluating the Stimu- of efficacy were inferred from periods when study patients lant and Irritative Laxatives were not receiving any therapy. The results demonstrating Statement on the efficacy of cisapride in the treatment of idiopathic con- Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score stipation were seen in a pilot study as well (54). Open trials 22 1 0 1 2 have evaluated the efficacy of cisapride in the constipation 24 2 2 1 5 of Parkinson’s disease (55, 56); over the long-term, the effi- 25 1 2 0 3 cacy may wane (56). The drug may also be useful for treating 30 1 0 1 2 constipation patients with spinal cord injury (57) and sys- 31 1 0 1 2 32 1 2 1 4 temic sclerosis (58), although this remains to be validated in 29 1 0 1 2 a controlled manner. 27 1 0 1 2 Though it appears that cisapride may be a useful agent 33 1 2 0 3 in the treatment of idiopathic constipation, it is no longer 34 1 0 1 2 marketed in the United States. A score of 1 or 2 were given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study Cisapride: No Recommendation. simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double- Efficacy and Safety of Colchicine in the Treatment blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). Score of0or1wasgiven of Constipation for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of withdrawals and reason for withdrawals were stated, and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). No randomized studies in otherwise healthy patients with id- iopathic constipation have been reported, apart from a single study that is in abstract only. One randomized trial performed psyllium alone. However, the combination appeared to cause on developmentally disabled patients is presented (59). This more side effects. A study evaluating the efficacy of psyllium is summarized in Tables 11 and 12. In an open-labeled trial compared with docusate revealed that psyllium was superior in seven patients with chronic constipation, the mean num- in its effect on stool frequency, stool water content, total stool ber of spontaneous bowel movements significantly increased output, and the combination of several objective measures (p < 0.05) from 1.7 ± 0.5 noted during routine therapy of of constipation (45). The combination of psyllium, celandin, constipation with laxatives and enemas to 6.4 ± 0.7 per week; and aloe vera was superior to placebo in the treatment of con- mean colonic transit time significantly (p < 0.05) decreased stipation (47). Three studies that compared a combination of from 58.1 ± 2.5 to 47.1 ± 5.0 h; and symptoms of abdominal psyllium and senna with lactulose are discussed in the sec- pain, nausea, and bloating significantly (p < 0.05) improved tion on lactulose and stimulant/irritant laxatives (22, 24, 25). during therapy with colchicine (60). This pilot study was The comparison of two preparations of psyllium and senna, followed by a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, one with a higher dose of senna, revealed that the preparation crossover study in 16 chronically constipated subjects. As with the higher senna dose increased stool frequency more alluded to above, this has been published in abstract form than the other (49). In elderly, bed-ridden, nursing home pa- only to date (61). Colchicine 0.6 mg t.i.d. was the dose and tients, psyllium and calcium polycarbophil have been noted schedule utilized in a 4-wk treatment interval. Colchicine re- to be similar in their effect in improvement in stool frequency, sulted in reduced transit time and increased number of bowel stool consistency, and ease of defecation (50). Psyllium and movements per week (9.9 vs 3.8) compared with placebo. methylcellulose were similarly effective in constipated sub- A significant placebo effect was noted. No significant side jects in another study (36). effects were observed. Observations in patients with Parkin- son’s disease (62) and persistent constipation after total ab- Level II Evidence, Grade B Recommendation. dominal colectomy with ileorectostomy for colonic inertia (63) suggest that colchicine may be useful in these settings as The Efficacy and Safety of Calcium Polycarbophil in the well. Treatment of Constipation The utility of colchicine in the treatment of chronic idio- Apart from the study mentioned in the discussion of psyllium, pathic constipation remains to be confirmed. no other trials were found in the English literature evaluating this drug. Additional clinical trials are required to further evaluate the utility of this agent. Colchicine: Level III Evidence, Grade C Recommendation. Level III Evidence, Grade C Recommendation. Effectiveness and Safety of Misoprostol in the Treatment Efficacy and Safety of Cisapride in the Treatment of Constipation of Constipation Only one suitable randomized trial was found (64). The num- Three randomized studies are presented (51–53). These are ber of patients was small (n = 8). The qualitative assessment summarized in Tables 9 and 10. Two of these studies included of this study and the extracted data are presented in Tables 13 placebo (51, 53); in the third (52) study, comparative results and 14. Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 955 roups to xperience less pain for the fiber supplemented g e and straining, but this did not achieve statistical significance effects There was a tendency No significant adverse vs < < p p 1.8 for bran 1.3 per wk 0.001); Gp C 0.01) Outcomes ± ± as similar to that < < p p intake in all groups, in the first 2 wkgw 20.4 in the general population. changes in fiber intakes were Gp A, mean increase 7.2 g/day ( 0.001); Gp B, mean increase 9.1 g/day ( mean decrease 3.50 g/day ( 0.005). improved in Gps A and B with no changes in Gp C. consistency improved in Gps A and B, with no changes in Gp C. ( in stool weight oroanal transit time normalized only in patients with slow colonic transit and not in those with slow rectal transit 3.5 1.2 Mean daily dietary fibre In the final 2-wk Stool frequency Stool frequency and There was no difference During bran treatment SF for placebo was eight, and other pain, straining, and blood times, SF, stool w symptoms SF, SC, presence of Segmental transit followed by 2-wk treatment then two consecutive 4-wk treatment periods atient Mean Age P 40 28 2-wk baseline 24 of 29 37 (20–65) 26/3 3 week baseline, open in patients in the third trimester of pregnancy double-blind, placebo- controlled, crossover Randomized Randomized, corn-based biscuits (gp A), wheat bran (gp B), or no intervention (gp C) or placebo Summary of the Trials Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of the Bulk Laxatives able 7. References Score37 Intervention Study Design 1 10 g fiber N from (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 38 4 Bran 6.6 g t.i.d. T 956 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) None reported No side effects seen < < ± p p wk; 55%, / 0.3 to 3.5 0.05) ± associated with s < eight (157%, p severity of the most frequent accompanying symptoms of chronic constipation did not differ with placebo and bran treatments intestinal transit time (50%) moisture increased only with wheat bran (67.4–72.1%) significantly better than wheat bran in relieving symptoms of constipation ( both bran products wa an increase in fecal w 0.05), and whereas (2.3 0.5 BM 0.05) higher with Lunelax (which contains a higher dose of senna) than with Agiolax difference in the “ease of swallowing” difference in “ease of administration” and differences in “taste” ercentage fecal The occurrence and Bran decreased P Corn bran was The administration of Bran increased SF The SF tended to be There were no There were no There were no moisture content, SF, intestinal transit time, and symptoms preparation, use of enemas ecal weight, fecal F SF, SE, taste of the 2-wk control, and 2-wk treatment period followed by two consecutive treatment periods 10 26.3 10/0 1-wk adjustment, 19 of 20 83 16/4 1-wk run-in randomized, controlled randomized, controlled, crossover Open, Open, heat bran corn bran or w Lunelax 39 1 10 g b.i.d. of 49 2 Agiolax and Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 957 adverse effects None mentioned No significant Outcomes significantly higher difference SF. difference in use of enemas. difference in the consistency of the motions. difference in the proportion of “large” stools in the three treatment periods, but a proportion of smaller stools were reported with bran. significant increases from 2.3 per week baseline, to 7 per week with ispaghula and 4.5 per week for placebo. hard-or pellet-like stools were also significantly lower, and loose or watery stools increased in the ispaghula group decreases in abdominal discomfort, and straining in the isphagula group patients noted statistically significant improvement in the constipation There was no significant There was no significant There was no significant There was little SF—showed statistically SC—the number of Statistically significant Both investigators and bowel movements, use of enemas discomfort, # of sachets taken SF, SC, size of the three agents in three consecutive periods of 3 wk, the sequence randomly determined atient 50.3 15/8 Each received Mean Age P geriatric patients 201 49 151/50 14 days SF, SC, abdominal 23 psycho- randomized, placebo- controlled, single-blind, parallel randomized Multicenter, Open, t.i.d. or (psyllium) 3.6 g placebo bran, 10 g of bran as bran biscuits or 10 ml of senokot Continued able 7. 48 3 Ispaghula References Score40 Intervention Study Design 1 10 g unrefined N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis T 958 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) allowing bran reported difficulty sw adverse effects adverse effects One patient No significant No significant < < p p < p 0.001). < 0.0096); this was 0.001) 0.001) p statistically = < < s roup, and the patients roup. p p p spontaneously passed BMs in the bran group wa significant compared to the placebo group g in the placebo group following commencement of bran supplementation showed improvement in the quantity and consistency of stools passed decrease in laxative use in the bran group. However, there was also an increase in the use of enemas and suppositories significant increase in the frequency of BM ( not seen in the C g time to defecate ( 0. 001) but had more BMs accompanied by gas ( significantly more BM with cramps ( 0.001), straining ( 0. 001), and retention ( significantly more BMs, which were hard ( SF—the number of All patients in the bran There was an overall SF—T group had a The T group took less The C group had SC—the C group had EOD, UOL laxative use cramping SF, stool size, SC, Requirement for k ere treated ell placebo group w with bran as w 3w —1 xtended e care hospital 60 yr— 80 14/0 6 wk, then > 35 49/0 7 months SF, SC, EOD gas, long-stay geriatric patients patients undergoing radical hys- terectomy 17 control (C) 18 treatment (T) 12 of 14 37 of 50 35 of 49 randomized, parallel randomized, controlled randomized, controlled Open, Open, Open, daily) diet 1.5–4.5 g qd or regular diet or regular diet g or regular diet 42 2 Wheat bran 41 1 Bran (0.5–1.5 g) 35 3 High fiber (22.9 Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 959 adverse effects adverse effects adverse effects No significant No significant No significant vs vs 0.2, 0.4 0.05) ± ± 0.05) < vs < p 3.8 .05). p vs < p 0.5, 0.2 0.05) on psyllium Outcomes ± ± fiber. < ell-formed stools and roup roup. p unchanged (pain score: 2.0 2.6 transit time from 53.9 h (placebo condition) to 30.0 h ( consistency were not significantly improved by an increase in SF (1.3 0.8BM/day) in the fiber g after 8 wk of psyllium treatment (3.8 2.9 BM/wk, improvement in SC (stool consistency score: 3.2 to be superior to the other treatments in improving bowel function and in overall effectiveness. IS was more palatable and acceptable to patients. percentage of normal, w fewer hard stools than other laxatives. Incidences of soiling, diarrhea, and abdominal pain were lower in theg IS iber decreased total gut Colon transit and ARM EOD improved on psyllium F Stool weights and There was a trend toward SF increased significantly Subjects reported IS was assessed by the GPs IS produced a higher eekly stool eight. Colon w w transit and ARM daily acceptability, palatability, treatment-related upsets SF, SC, EOD and un-in on r placebo and 4 wk washout 60 5/5 4 wk in each arm SF, SC, and weights atient > 30–59 250/139 4 wk SF/SC of soiling, Mean Age P ispaghula other laxative 10 22 51 14/8 8 wk with 4-wk 381 of 394 224 (56.9%) 170 (43.1%) randomized, placebo- controlled fiber intervention with crossover placebo- controlled multicenter, randomized, controlled Single-blind, Double-blind, Open, 24 g/day or placebo (10 g/day) and placebo (psyllium) 3.5 g, or another laxative (lactulose, bisacodyl, docusate, senna, and magnesium sulfate) Continued able 7. 43 3 Psyllium 44 4 Psyllium References Score46 Intervention Study Design 2 Ispaghula (IS) N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis T 960 Ramkumar and Rao (continued) loating gas, roup 3/22 cramping and gas PS group 7/22 had cramps, un- comfortable diarrhea, b and nausea None stated Pg vs 0.005 = docusate p docusate = p vs vs 0.007 and) = docusate PS 6.8 BM/wk p vs vs 0.001)] 0.02) 0.04 and dry stool < t docusate (psyllium = = eights with the added p p p (271.9 g/wk); O’Brien rank-type score combining objective measures of constipation (psyllium 475.1; docusate 403.9; 0.002) for psyllium (3.5 BM/wk) (2.9 BM/wk) in treatment week 2 ( psyllium increased SWC vs 2.33% 0.01%, SWW (84.0 g/BM) docusate (71.4 g/BM); with psyllium (359.9 g/wk) [P 3.6 ( SC (similar) we w effect of the senna clearly evident. Only the psyllium with senna increased stool moisture high degree of subjective relief otal stool output higher Psyllium had a higher SF was significantly greater Compared to baseline, Psyllium also increased T Both laxatives increased SF Both laxatives improved Both P and PS increased Both laxatives provided a ater weight (SWC), stool w (SWW), total stool output, SF with BMs Stool water content SF, SC, symptoms followed by 1-wk baseline (placebo) followed by 2-wk treatment and 1-wk treatment 1-wk placebo 5M 170 of 187 37.2 156/14 1-wk washout 40 of 42 26.1 35 F randomized, double-blind, parallel design randomized, single-blind controlled Multicenter, Open, + .i.d. and b docusate 100 mg b.i.d. 7.2 g/day and psyllium with senna (PS) (6.5 1.5 g/day) 45 5 Psyllium 5.1 g 30 2 Psyllium (P) Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 961 ∗ detected the incidence of abdominal cramps, flatulence, or abdominal pain between the treatment and placebo periods No side effects No difference in None mentioned 0.01) for P vs 0.002) < vs < p 0.002) p 2.4 < ± p 2.2) ± Outcomes and P statistically and P statistically ater content, and fecal roup compared with movements became more frequent (4.6 7.9 BM/wk). ( methylcellulose in daily doses of 4 g demonstrated a statistically significant increase in fecal frequency, fecal water, and fecal solids individuals—all doses of M significant increases in SF individuals—all doses of M significant increased w solids individual stool weight from any of the laxative doses favor C reduced in either group significant changes in SF (for C 7.2 7.22 in CAP group ( g placebo. ( In the (CAP) group, bowel Healthy subjects: Chronically constipated Chronically constipated There was no increase in No difference in EOD No difference in SC More patients seemed to Abdominal pain was not Less laxative dependence SC—stools softer in CAP ents symptoms stool water and solids. Adverse ev SF, SC, and other SF, stool weight, SF, SC, EOD There were no statistically ery little information, and as such the overall quality is not as good as the score suggests. sv pretrial baseline (taking placebo), then 10-day treatment period with one of the regimens described 3-wk treatment periods 56/3 1-wk run-in 10.4 26/6 Two consecutive ± atient 27 (18–70) 28 (18–70) 77 Mean Age P subjects,59 chronically constipated nursing home residents 32 of 35 51.5 22/10 28 days to-2 wk 32 bed-ridden phase 50 healthy o randomized, placebo- controlled randomized controlled, crossover Double-blind Tw Open, celandin, and aloevera combination (CAP) 1–3 capsules per day or placebo methylcellu- lose (M) or 3.4 gm of psyllium (P) polycarbophil (C) 2 tabs/day or psyllium (P) two teaspoons/day ,2,or4gof 21 Continued Because this study is double-blind and placebo-controlled, the total score here is highly based on the criteria set out; the study description reveal able 7. References Score47 Intervention Study Design 3 Psyllium, N (year) F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis 36 50 1 Calcium T ∗ 962 Ramkumar and Rao

Table 8. Methodologic Scores of the Studies Evaluating the Bulk Efficacy and Safety of Other Agents on the Treatment Laxatives of Constipation Statement on A recent randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score evaluated the efficacy of tegaserod in the management of 38 1 2 1 4 chronic constipation (69). This drug is a selective agonist of 37 1 0 0 1 the serotonin subtype 4 (5-HT4). It has been shown to enhance 39 1 0 0 1 gastrointestinal motility in animals and healthy volunteers, 49 1 0 1 2 and it has also been shown to be effective for symptom re- 40 1 0 0 1 48 1 1 1 3 lief in patients with constipation predominant irritable bowel 42 1 0 1 2 syndrome. This was a large well-designed trial with a qual- 41 1 0 0 1 ity score of 5. The doses used were tegaserod 2 mg b.i.d., 35 2 0 1 3 tegaserod 6 mg b.i.d., or placebo. A total of 1,116 patients 46 1 0 1 2 completed the treatment phase of the trial. The mean age was 30 1 0 1 2 44 1 2 1 4 47 yr and 90% of the subjects were women. Treatment du- 45 2 2 1 5 ration was 12 wk. Responders were patients treated for ≥7 43 1 1 1 3 days with an increase of ≥1 complete spontaneous BM per 47 1 2 1 4 week versus baseline during weeks 1–4 (primary variable) 50 1 0 0 1 and weeks 1–12 (secondary variable). Other secondary vari- 36 1 1 0 2 ables included SF, stool form, abdominal bloating/distention, A score of 1 or 2 was given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization straining, and abdominal pain/discomfort, and global assess- technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 ment of constipation and bowel habits. Responder rates for when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of complete spontaneous bowel movement during weeks 1–4 identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double- blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). Score of0or1wasgiven were significantly greater (p < 0.0001) in the tegaserod 2 for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of withdrawals and reason mg twice daily (41.4%) and 6 mg twice daily groups (43.2%) for withdrawals were stated, and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). versus placebo (25.1%). This effect was maintained over 12 wk. Statistically significant improvements over placebo were observed across the majority of secondary variables for both tegaserod doses. No rebound effect was observed after treat- Misoprostol: Level III Evidence, Grade C Recommen- ment withdrawal. As such, there appears to be clear, statisti- dation. cally significant benefit of the two doses used versus placebo, with no clear benefit of the higher dose compared with the Efficacy and Safety of Stool Softeners in the Treatment of lower dose. Overall, tegaserod was well tolerated; headache Constipation and nasopharyngitis, the most frequent adverse events, were Docusate sodium and docusate calcium are the major drugs in more common in the placebo group than in either tegaserod this category. Poloxalkol is another stool softener; no studies group. were found in which this agent was used by itself in a treat- ment arm. The studies reviewed are summarized in Tables Tegaserod: Level I Evidence, Grade A Recommen- 15 and 16. Three studies where it is combined with a stim- dation. ulant/irritant laxative are summarized in the section dealing with this latter class of drugs. Four studies are presented that A pilot study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of evaluate the utility of docusate in the treatment of consti- oral erythromycin in the treatment of idiopathic constipation pation (45, 65–67). One of these compares it with psyllium (70). Eleven male patients were treated for 1 month with ery- (45). Psyllium appears to be superior to docusate sodium in thromycin (1 g/day for 2 wk then 500 mg/day for 2 wk) in an the doses utilized. The other studies either compare docusate open, nonrandomized trial. Colon transit time improved as sodium and docusate calcium or these drugs versus placebo. did stool frequency (2.3–6.7 per week). Two of the patients One study suggests that docusate calcium may be more effec- complained of borborygmi, otherwise there were no signif- tive than docusate sodium (65). The efficacy of docusate in icant side effects. These results suggest that erythromycin the treatment of constipation is modest at best, with one study, warrants trial in a controlled manner to see if this dramatic albeit small, suggesting no significant benefit compared with improvement could be reproduced. placebo (66). There are studies that have evaluated docusate Loxiglumide,acholecystokinin antagonist, was evaluated prior to 1966, and these have been included in previous re- for its efficacy in a prospective, randomized, double-blind views (68). controlled trial (71) in 21 nursing home patients with a mean age of 83 yr. There were 13 male and 8 female patients. Docusate: Level III Evidence, Grade C They were randomized to receive loxiglumide 800 mg t.i.d. Recommendation. or identical placebo. Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 963 No data No data < p p 0.05), 0.001) ≤ > 0.2 SEM) p p ± decreased from means of a visual s 0.001) and from 3.3 eek by cisapride ( roups during active roup A increased spontaneous SF from 1.1 to 3.0 BM/wk ( and from 1.2 to 1.5 BM/wk ( respectively wa 3.6 to 1.8 doses per w ≤ to 2.8 by placebo ( 0.05). constipation as assessed by the patient by analog scale, but cisapride did so to a larger extent than placebo g treatment and was not reduced when the dose was decreased from 20 to 10 mg twice daily in group B but was maintained in g 50% in both groups, but this effect was maintained during follow-up in group A only nearly the maximum dosage of cisapride tablets allowed during follow-up (3.3 tablets per day Cisapride and placebo Laxative consumption Both drugs improved Laxative intake fell by Group A patients took and overall state with respect to constipation (visual analog scale) SF and UOL SF was increased in both SF, SC, EOD, UOL, pto20 cisapride 20 mg/day, then 12 wk of freedom to take u mg/day in 5 mg increments. Gp B—20 mg/day for 6 wk, then 10 mg/day for 6 wk, then no treatment for 12 wk phase, 8-wk treatment phase and 4-wk run out (placebo) phase 50.5 75/51 4-wk baseline atient Outcomes P cisapride, 62 placebo) 119 Gp A—12 wk of 126 (64 roups: og and B double-blind. Tw A double-blind, placebo- controlled Randomized, Randomized, .i.d. or cisapride or no treatment b placebo Summary of the Studies Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Cisapride in the Treatment of Constipation able 9. 52 5 Different doses of References Score51 Intervention Study Design 5 Cisapride 20 mg N Mean Age F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis T 964 Ramkumar and Rao cisapride reported abdominal cramps (4), dyspepsia, gastric problems, epigastric pain, flatulence diarrhea, and dizziness (1 each) atients in the P < p 0.002 < 0.07). The p 0.002, < < p p mg increased stool frequency by about 70% from baseline after 8–12 wk ( 0.002), but placebo also increased SF by 43% ( difference between the treatment groups did not meet statistical significance and resulted in greater EOD compared with placebo, both in a statistically significant manner ( and respectively) decreased laxative consumption, while the placebo group did not of therapy occurred slowly. No significant difference was found between the two different doses of cisapride Both cisapride 5 and 10 Cisapride decreased SC Cisapride therapy Relapse after withdrawal SE SF, SC, EOD, UOL, phases—3-wk baseline, followed by 12-wk double-blind period, and 4-wk follow-up Three 34 F 12 M 50 yr 46 of 48 Median of double-blind, parallel group design Randomized, cisapride doses (5 or 10 mg) or placebo 53 4 One of two Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 965

Table 10. Methodologic Scores of the Trials Evaluating Cisapride Statement on Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score 51 2 2 1 5 52 2 2 1 5

53 1 2 1 4 ere recognized or lab complications w No significant clinical A score of 1 or 2 was given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double- blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). Score o f 0 or 1 was given for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of withdrawals and reason for withdrawals were stated, and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). patients who had patients experienced 1 f8 f1 an improved bowel pattern while on colchicine compared with placebo, as defined by an increase in SF or a decrease in total number of rectal laxatives used. 7o an increase in SF required a decrease in rectal laxative use.

It was noted that stool frequency improved from 3.9 per 8o week in the placebo group to 4.8 per week in the treatment group (p < 0.006). Colon transit time was also significantly improved. No serious side effects or exocrine pancreatic in- sufficiency was encountered. These results suggest a larger trial involving more patients is indicated to further define the additional laxatives role of this agent in the treatment of constipation, and such a SF, and need for trial is ongoing. No studies were found in the English literature that sup- ported the use of herbal remedies in the treatment of con- stipation, although there may be studies in the Chinese and ash-out in followed by two 8-wk treatment periods with a 3-wk w between Japanese literature.

DISCUSSION The tables summarize individual studies where subjects were

randomized to receive either the active drug or placebo. A sur- 24–60 7/5 4-wk baseline, atient Outcomes prising observation was that apart from PEG and Tegaserod, P there was paucity of placebo-controlled studies of high qual- ity. Without placebo-controlled trials, it is impossible to judge an agent’sefficacy. Also, in general, sample sizes were small. Consequently, two drugs, PEG and tegaserod, were accorded completed a Grade A recommendation and two drugs, lactulose and psyl- 11 of 12 lium were given a Grade B recommendation. One of our key observations was that the definition of constipation was quite varied among the various studies. While many of the studies Study Mean Age Outcome Safety defined constipation as the presence of less than 2 or 3 stools crossover per week, and a few confirmed this in an observation period Double-blind, prior to randomization, very few utilized criteria developed in consensus meetings, such as the Rome criteria. This pre- vented effective comparisons of trials that were otherwise similar. Similar difficulties were encountered when assessing

outcome measures for different trials. Stool frequency and 1.8 mg/day) or placebo in developmentally disabled patients measures of stool consistency were the most common param- eters that were assessed. Other measures that were reported included ease of defecation use of additional laxatives, stool

weight, stool water content, and transit times. These problems Summary of the Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Colchicine in the Treatment of Constipation notwithstanding, based on the results, the following recom- mendations can be made regarding the currently available able 11. 59 5 Colchicine (1.2 or References Score Intervention Design N (year) F/M Duration Measure Results Analysis agents for the treatment of chronic constipation. T 966 Ramkumar and Rao

Table 12. Methodologic Score of the Study Evaluating Colchicine Table 14. Methodologic Score of the Study Evaluating Misoprostol in the Treatment of Constipation in the Treatment of Constipation Statement on Total Statement on Reference Randomization Blinding on Withdrawals Score Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score 59 2 2 1 5 64 1 2 1 4

A score of 1 or 2 was given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization A score of 1 or 2 was given for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study technique and concealed allocation explicitly stated or described, 1 for study simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double- identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double- blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). Score of0or1wasgiven blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). Score of0or1wasgiven for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of withdrawals and reason for for frequency of withdrawals (1 when the number of withdrawals and reason for withdrawals were stated, and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals). withdrawals were stated, and 0 when no statement was made pertaining to withdrawals).

(ii) Calcium polycarbophil (Perdiem fiber therapy)—one Osmotic Laxatives trial against psyllium (50) with quality score of 1. Evi- (i) Lactulose (Kristalose)—three placebo-controlled trials dence poor, Grade C recommendation. (19–21) with quality scores of 3, 4, 4. Evidence fair, (iii) Bran—one placebo-controlled trial (38) with quality Grade B recommendation. score of 4; one trial against “no treatment” (37) with (ii) PEG (Miralax)—five placebo-controlled trials (10, 12– a quality score of 1; one trial of wheat bran versus corn 15) (9, 11, 12, 13, 14) with quality scores of 5, 3, 5, bran versus baseline (39) with a quality score of 1. Evi- 5, 4; two lactulose-controlled trials (10, 15) with quality dence poor, Grade C recommendation. scores of 5, 3. Evidence good, Grade A recommendation. (iv) Methylcellulose—one nonplacebo-controlled trial with PEG superior to lactulose. a quality score of 2 (36). Evidence poor, Grade C rec- ommendation. Bulking Agents (i) Psyllium (Metamucil)—three placebo-controlled trials Wetting Agents (43, 44, 48) with quality scores of 3, ˙, 3; two lactulose- A. Dioctyl sulfosuccinate—one trial of dioctyl calcium (not controlled trial (26, 46) with quality scores of 2, 2. Evi- available in the United States) and dioctyl sodium (DSS, dence fair, Grade B recommendation. Colace) versus placebo (65) with a quality score of 3; two

Table 13. Summary of the Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Misoprostol in the Treatment of Constipation Patient Outcomes Study Mean Age Outcome Safety References Score Intervention Design N (year) F/M Duration Measure Results Analysis 64 4 Misoprostol Randomized, 8of9 18 and older. 9/0 Two 1-wk Colon transit Colonic transit time No differences (1,200 double- Not treatment time, SF, was significantly in the µg/day) or blind, otherwise periods and stool and consistently incidences of placebo crossover qualified (placebo or weight decreased by abdominal misoprostol) misoprostol pain separated by compared to 1-wk placebo [66 ± 10.2 washout vs 109.4 ± 8.1 h (p = 0.0005)] Misoprostol significantly increased the total stool weight per week [976.5 ± 288.8 vs 434.6 ± 190.5 g (p = 0.001)] Misoprostol significantly increased the number of stools per week compared to placebo [6.5 ± 1.3 vs 2.5 ± 0.11 (p = 0.01)] Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 967 ere reported roups adverse effects or changes in laboratory measurements w in any of the g No significant None stated < p vs 0.007and) docusate = p vs 0.04 docusate (psyllium er placebo in either = receiving DCS improved 1.75–2.83 BM/wk, ( 0.02). DSS caused no significant improvement ov the qd or b.i.d. dosing (1.5–1.95 BM/wk and 1.76–2.29 BM/wk, respectively) natural bowel movements (without other laxatives or disimpaction) among the DCS group increased approximately 62% over the placebo period, more than twice the 30% increase seen with DSS administered either bid or qd psyllium increased SWC vs 2.33% 0.01%, SWW (84.0 g/BM) docusate (71.4 g/BM); p SF—81% of the patients The mean number of Compared to baseline, Psyllium also increased stool weight, total stool output, SF disimpaction, adverse effects Stool water content, SF, SC, followed by 1-wk baseline (placebo) followed by 2-wk treatment (placebo) followed by 3-wk treatment phase atient Outcomes P 170 of 187 37.2 156/14 1-wk washout 46 of 47 82.1 40/6 2-wk run-in randomized, double-blind, parallel design single-blind, controlled Multicenter, Randomized, .i.d. and .i.d. .i.d. or b docusate 100 mg b sodium sul- fosuccinate (Colase) (DSS) 100 mg qd or 100 mg b dioctyl calcium sul- fosuccinate (Surfak) DCS, 240 mg qd Summary of the Studies Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Stool Softeners in the Treatment of Constipation able 15. 45 5 Psyllium 5.1 g References Score65 Intervention Study Design 3 N Dioctyl Mean Age F/M Duration Outcome Measure Results Safety Analysis T 968 Ramkumar and Rao None stated None stated = p 0.005) docusate (271.9 = p vs 0.01) 0.05) < < erall improvement in olume, and need for p p with psyllium (359.9 g/wk) constipation and discomfort with defecation was also not significantly different between the groups mean of 1 BM/wk compared with placebo ( ov constipation was statistically significant ( in the stool frequency, v additional laxatives between the docusate and placebo groups g/wk); O’Brien rank-type score combining objective measures of constipation (psyllium 475.1; docusate 403.9; 0.002) atient perception of otal stool output higher T P DSS increased SF by a The difference in the Psyllium had a higher improvement in constipation SF, overall SF, SC, UOL No significant differences consecutive o 4-wk treatment periods 3-wk treatment separated by a 2-wk washout Tw ified Not spec- not otherwise specified Geriatric— elderly 15 of 22 78 yr 4/11 2-wk run-in, two 34 of 40 double-blind, placebo- controlled, crossover double-blind, placebo- controlled, crossover Randomized, Randomized, calcium sul- fosuccinate (DCS) 240 mg b.i.d. or placebo sodium sul- fosuccinate (DSS) 100 mg t.i.d. or placebo 66 4 Dioctyl 67 4 Dioctyl Efficacy and Safety of Traditional Medical Therapies 969

Table 16. Methodologic Scores of the Studies Evaluating Stool Soft- ACKNOWLEDGMENT eners The authors would like to thank Dr. Philip Schoenfeld for his Statement on Reference Randomization Blinding Withdrawals Total Score advice and the invaluable critique and thoughtful appraisal of Dr. W. Peterson in the preparation of this manuscript. The 65 1 1 1 3 authors also wish to thank Novartis Pharmaceuticals for an 45 2 2 1 5 67∗ 1214unrestricted educational grant. 66 1 2 1 4

∗Because this study is double-blind and placebo controlled, the total score here is high Reprint requests and correspondence: Satish S.C. Rao, M.D., based of the criteria set out; the study description reveals very little information, and as Ph.D., Neurogastroenterology, University of Iowa Carver College such the overall quality is not as good as the score suggests.A score of 1 or 2 was given of Medicine, Iowa City, IA 52242. for randomization (2 for appropriate randomization technique and concealed allocation Received June 8, 2004; accepted November 15, 2004. explicitly stated or described, 1 for study simply described as “randomized”). Scores of 0–2 were given for blinding (2 when both subjects and investigators were blinded to the treatment by use of identical placebo or other technique, 1 when the study is described as “double-blind,” and 0 when the study was not double-blind). 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