CODATA Workshop on Big Data Programme Book

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CODATA Workshop on Big Data Programme Book Sponsor I CODACODATA S UU Co-Sponsors Organizer Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes CONTENTS I. Sponsoring Organizations International Council for Science (ICSU) I. Sponsoring Organizations 2 The International Council for Science (ICSU) is a the international scientific community to II. Programme 7 non-governmental organization with a global strengthen international science for the benefit of membership of national scientific bodies society. (121members, representing 141 countries) and international scientific unions (31 members). ICSU: III. Remarks and Abstracts 13 ICSU mobilizes the knowledge and resources of Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) IV. Short Biography of Speakers 28 I CODACODATA S UU V. Conference Venue Layout 41 CODATA, the ICSU Committee on Data for Science challenges and ‘hot topics’ at the frontiers and Technology, was established in 1966 to meet of data science (through CODATA Task a need for an international coordinating body to Groups and Working Groups and other improve the management and preservation of initiatives). VI. General Information 43 scientific data. CODATA has been at the forefront 3. Developing data strategies for international of data science and data policy issues since that science programmes and supporting ICSU date. activities such as Future Earth and Integrated About Beijing 43 Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) to address CODATA supports ICSU’s mission of ‘strengthening data management needs. international science for the benefit of society’ by ‘promoting improved scientific and technical data Through events like the Workshop on Big Data for About the Workshop Venue 43 management and use’. CODATA achieves this International Scientific Programmes and mission through three strands of activity: SciDataCon 2014, CODATA collaborates with 1. Leading an international policy agenda for international partners to break new ground in Recommended Hotel 44 open scientific data (through the CODATA addressing the data issues at the heart of key International Data Policy Committee and research questions. partnerships with international programmes); CODATA: VII. Acknowledgements 44 2. Coordinating work to confront emerging SciDataCon 2014: 2 Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes ICSU World Data System (WDS) Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) The World Data System (WDS) builds on 50-year of relevant datasets. To fulfil its remit, WDS is The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) IRDR is governed by a 15-member Scientific legacy of the World Data Centres and Federation striving to build worldwide ‘communities of programme is a decade-long integrated research Committee (SC) set up by and on behalf of the of Astronomical and Geophysical data analysis excellence’ for scientific data services by certifying initiative co-sponsored by the International Co-Sponsors. Its responsibilities are to define, Services established by the International Council member organizations—holders and providers of Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social develop and prioritize plans for the IRDR, guide its of Science (ICSU) to manage data generated by data or data products—from wide-ranging fields Science Council (ISSC), and the United Nations programming, budgeting and implementation, the International Geophysical Year (1957–58). using internationally recognized standards. WDS International Strategy for Disaster Reduction establish a mechanism for oversight of These bodies were later disbanded by the ICSU Members are then the building blocks of a (UNISDR). It is a global, trans-disciplinary research programme activities, and disseminate and General Assembly in 2008 and replaced by WDS in searchable common infrastructure with which to programme created to address the major publicize its results. The execution of IRDR 2009. form a data system that is both interoperable challenges of natural and human-induced programme promotion, coordination and related and distributed. environmental hazards. The complexity of the functions is undertaken by the IRDR International WDS aims at facilitating the scientific research task is such that it requires the full integration of Programme Office (IPO). The IPO is located in endeavours by coordinating trusted scientific data WDS: research expertise from the natural, Beijing, China and is hosted by the Institute of services for the provision, use, and preservation socio-economic, health and engineering sciences Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) of the as well as policy-making, coupled with an Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Operational understanding of the role of communications, funds are provided by the Chinese Association of and public and political responses to reduce Science and Technology (CAST). Future Earth the risk. IRDR: Future Earth is the global research platform integrating different disciplines from the natural providing the knowledge and support to accelerate and social sciences (including economic, legal and Research Data Alliance (RDA) our transformations to a sustainable world. behavioural research), engineering and humanities. Launched in June 2012 at the UN Conference on It is also a platform for international engagement to Sustainable Development (Rio+20), Future Earth is ensure that knowledge is generated in partnership a 10-year international programme that will with society and users of science. Future Earth is provide critical knowledge required for societies to sponsored by the members of the Science and face the challenges posed by global environmental Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability The Research Data Alliance (RDA, society. RDA's mission is to build the social and change and to identify opportunities for a comprising the International Council for Science was launched in March 2013 with the support of technical bridges that enable data sharing. This is transition to global sustainability. Future Earth (ICSU), the International Social Science Council the European Commission, the US National being accomplished through the creation, integrates research activities under existing (ISSC), the Belmont Forum of funding agencies, the Science Foundation and the Australian adoption and use of the social, organizational, international Global Environmental Change United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Government through the Australian National Data and technical infrastructure designed to reduce programmes (DIVERSITAS, the International Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Service (ANDS) as an international, barriers to data sharing and exchange with Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), the Environment Programme (UNEP), the United community-powered organization. RDA's vision is Working and Interest groups as the main RDA International Human Dimensions Programme Nations University (UNU), and the World a world where researchers and innovators openly global co-operation mechanism. Membership is (IHDP) and the World Climate Research Meteorological Organization (WMO) as an sharing data across technologies, disciplines, free and open to all on Programme (WCRP)). Future Earth is an observer. and countries to address the grand challenges of international hub to coordinate new, trans-disciplinary approaches to research, Future Earth: 3 4 Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes Workshop on Big Data for International Scientific Programmes Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is a observations. Together, the GEO community is voluntary partnership of governments and creating a Global Earth Observation System of organizations that envisions “a future wherein Systems (GEOSS) that will link Earth observation decisions and actions for the benefit of resources world-wide across multiple Societal humankind are informed by coordinated, Benefit Areas, including agriculture, biodiversity, The Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth cutting-edge research resources, including the comprehensive and sustained Earth observations climate, disasters, ecosystems, energy, health, (RADI), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is a State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, and information.” GEO Member governments water and weather, and make those resources comprehensive research institute committed to the Center for Applied Technologies of Earth include 89 nations and the European Commission, available for informed decision-making. the research and applications of leading Observation, the National Engineering Center for and 77 Participating Organizations comprised of technologies in Earth observation, geospatial Geoinformatics, and the CAS Laboratory of Digital international bodies with a mandate in Earth GEO: information science and remote sensing Earth Sciences. information. RADI is also an active participant in international Its main objective is to construct and operate collaborations, and hosts several international International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) spaceborne, airborne and ground-based Earth S&T platforms, including the International Centre observation systems that can provide on Space Technologies for Natural and Cultural resource-environmental spatial information at the Heritage under the auspices
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