The exhibition Austrian Riviera – Vi- hotel interiors, tourist guides, advert- • Stadt und Bezirk Fiume, 1900, relief enna Reveals the Sea (Österreichische Rivi- isements, as well as unpublished photo- of Rijeka and surrounding areas era–WienentdecktdasMeer)wasopenedin graphs of and Dalmatia from the (Maritime and History Museum of the City Museum in the middle of transition of the 19th to the 20th century. the , Rijeka) November 2013. The exhibition is a his- The exhibition is thematically supple- • Relief der Insel Lissa, 1935, relief of torical journey to favourite destinations mentedwith works byartists such as Egon Vis, (Croatian Maritime Museum, of the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy. Schiele, Rudolf von Alat and Albin Egger- Split) Approximately 450 exhibits chronolo- Lienz. • Situation der Bau- und Gartenanlage gically leads visitors from the opening of Lovers of cartography are fascinated in Miramar, 1861, plan of Miramar the Vienna – railway in 1857 to bythelithographtitledPanoramadellaCosta castle and estate, Trieste, coloured the great exhibition Adria in Prater in e delle Isole di Dalmazia by Giuseppe Rieger lithograph, transversal scale in 1913. The „Austrian Riviera“ was in full from 1851. It is a leaflet of the coastal belt scale in Vienna fathom (Wiener tourist bloom in during precisely that between Istria and Budva as seen from Klafter) (Wien Museum) period (1890–1914). It was helped by steamships by „Austrian Lloyd“ (Öster- • GlobusausdemSchlossMiramar,1850 opening of the Monarhy’s railway net- reichischer Lloyd), the largest transporter (Möbel Museum, Wien) work which connected Rijeka, in the Mediterranean. Settlements are • Plan von Abbazia, 1897, cadastral and the to Vienna in 1873. represented as harbours, regardless of plan of Opatia, linear and numer- Traffic connections and suitable climate their size and significance. In addition to ical scale 1:5760, (Österreichisches accelerated the development of health, the lithographic title page, 15 sheets rep- Touristen Klub, Bibliothek Wien) family, fashion and art . Larger resentcoastincontinuity(160×9700mm). • Pianta della cita di Spalato, ground- Dalmatian cities (Split, Dubrovnik, Budva) The exhibition is enriched by carto- plan of Split, 1900, lithograph, lin- were encompassed in addition to the graphic representations of certain tourist ear and numerical scale 1:4300. Northern littoral. Numerous regional centers: museums (from Trieste, Rijeka, Split, • Triest – 1853, coloured lithograph of MirjankaLechthaler Opatija, etc.) provided their materials for Trieste, scale in Vienna fathom IvanaWechselberger theexhibition. (WienerKlafter)(WienMuseum) Historical documents encompass • Karte Isole Brioni, 1934, map of , unshown objects from the Vienna scale in meters (Österreichische Na- Museum collection, architecture and tionalbibliothek,Wien)

KiG No. 21 , Vol. 1 3, 201 4 66 SKUPOVI I IZLOŽBE Bečani i njihova rivijera

Sredinom studenoga 2013. u Mu- zeju grada Beča otvorena je izložba Austrijska rivijera –Beč otkriva more (ÖsterreichischeRiviera–Wienentdecktdas Meer) Povijesno je to putovanje u omi- ljene destinacije Austro-Ugarske Mo- narhije. Oko 450 izloženih objekata kronološki vodi posjetioce od otvaranja željezničke poveznice Beč – Trst 1857. pa do velike izložbe Adria u Prateru 1913. Upravo u tom razdoblju (1890–1914), gotovo četvrt stoljeća, "Austrijska rivijera" je u punom turis- tičkom cvatu. Tome je pripomoglo otvaranje željezničke mreže Monarhije koja 1873. godine Rijeku, Opatiju i Kvarnersku uvalu približava Beču. Pro- metne veze i pogodna klima utječu na brzi razvoj zdravstvenog, obiteljskog, modnog i umjetničkog turizma. Osim sjevernogpriobaljaobuhvaćenisuiveći gradovi Dalmacije (Split, Dubrovnik, Budva). Mnogobrojni muzeji regije (Trst, Rijeka, Split, Opatija, itd.) dali su izložbi na raspolaganje svoje materijale. Izložbu obogaćuju kartografski pri- mjerilo 1:5760, (Österreichisches Povijesni dokumenti obuhvaćaju kazipojedinihturističkihcentara: Touristen Klub, Bibliothek Wien) dosad nepokazane objekte iz zbirke • Triest – 1853, kolorirana litografija pla- • Pianta della cita di Spalato, tloris grada Muzeja Beča, arhitekturu i interijere na grada Trsta, mjerilo u bečkim hva- Splita, 1900, litografija, linearno i hotela, turističke vodiče, reklamni ma- tima(WienerKlafter)(WienMuseum) numeričko mjerilo 1:4300. terijal, kao i neobjavljene fotografije Is- • KarteIsoleBrioni, 1934, karta Brijuna, tre i Dalmacije na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. mjerilo u metrima (Österreichische Literatura / References stoljeće. Izložbu tematski dopunjuju Nationalbibliothek, Wien) Christian Rapp & Nadia Rapp-Wimber- umjetnička djela nekolicine slikara po- • Stadt und Bezirk Fiume, 1900, reljef ger: Österreichische Riviera – Wien put Egona Schielea, Rudolfa von Alata i Rijeke i okolice, (Pomorski i povi- entdeckt das Meer. In: Katalog der Albina Egger-Lienza. jesni muzej Hrvatskog Primorja, Ausstellung, Wien Museum, Czerni Ljubiteljima kartografije svakako je Rijeka) Verlag, 2013. fascinantna litografija Panorama della • Relief der Insel Lissa, 1935, reljef Visa, URL1: Costa e delle Isole di Dalmazia, Giuseppea (Hrvatski pomorski muzej, Split) tail.php?ref=11765 Riegera iz 1851. godine. To je prospekt • SituationderBau-undGartenanlagein URL2: obalnog pojasa između Istre i Budve vi- Miramar,1861,plandvorcaiposjeda map-of.php?id=8007 đenog iz parobrodova tada najvećeg Miramar, Trst, kolorirana litografi- URL3: prijevoznika na sredozemlju „Austrij- ja, transverzalno mjerilo u bečkim dex.php?id=448&tx_wxexhibiti- skog Lloyda“ (Österreichischer Lloyd). hvatima (Wiener Klafter) (Wien on_pi4[showUid]=237&cHash=7c5962 Mjesta su prikazana kao niz pristaništa, Museum) 0c92c78f204e2ff9367d931764 neovisno o njihovoj veličini i značaju. • Globus aus dem Schloss Miramar, 1850, Uz litografski ilustriranu naslovnu (Möbel Museum, Wien) MirjankaLechthaler stranicu, 15 listova prikazuje obalu u • Plan von Abbazia, 1897, katastarski IvanaWechselberger kontinuitetu (dimenzija160×9700 mm). plan Opatije, linearno i numeričko

KiG Br. 21 , Vol. 1 3, 201 4 67