in the New Europe

The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement This page intentionally left blank Tourism in the New Europe

The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement

Edited by

Derek Hall, Melanie Smith and Barbara Marciszewska CABI is a trading name of CAB International

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ISBN-13: 978-1-84593-117-9 ISBN-10: 1-84593-117-3

Typeset by AMA DataSet, Preston, UK. Printed and bound in the UK by Biddles Ltd, King’s Lynn. Contents

Contents v

Contributors viii

The Editors x

Abbreviations xi

Preface xv


1 Introduction 3 Derek Hall, Melanie Smith and Barbara Marciszewska

2 Tourism and the European Union 20 Constantia Anastasiadou

3 Enlargement Implications for European Tourism 32 Melanie Smith and Derek Hall

4 Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe 44 C. Michael Hall

5 Tourism Education in the New Europe 52 Greg Richards


6 Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 65 Peter Jordan

v vi Contents

7 : New Challenges in Enhancing the Value of the Tourism Destination Brand 81 Maja Kone nik

8 : EU Accession and Cross-border Travel 92 Vladimír Balá

9 Tourism in the 104 Al beta Királ'ová

10 Product Development and Diversification in 116 László Puczkó and Tamara Rátz

11 Tourism in : Changes in Policy, Management and Education 127 Barbara Marciszewska


12 The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 139 Raija Komppula, Arvo Peltonen, Tom Ylkänen and Taneli Kokkila

13 Estonia – Switching Unions: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 154 Jeff Jarvis and Piret Kallas

14 Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 170 Iveta Druva-Druvaskalne, Ilgvars bols and Agita Š ara

15 Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in the Baltic Coastal Region 183 Aušrin Armaitien , Ram nas Povilanskas and Eleri Jones


16 The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview 199 Habib Alipour and Derek Hall

17 Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination 213 Nadia Theuma

18 Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 224 Julie Scott and Layik Topcan


19 241 Marin Bachvarov

20 Romania: National Identity, Tourism Promotion and European Integration 256 Duncan Light Contents vii

21 Turkey: EU Membership Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development 270 Cevat Tosun, John Fletcher and Alan Fyall

22 in the New Europe: Culture versus Conformity 288 Irena Ateljevic and Sanda orak


23 Summary and Conclusions 305 Melanie Smith and Derek Hall

Index 312 Contributors

Ilgvars bols, Tourism Organization and Management Department, Vidzeme University College, Latvia; e-mail: [email protected] Habib Alipour, School of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, TRNC; e-mail: [email protected] Constantia Anastasiadou, School of Marketing and Tourism, Napier University Business School, Edinburgh, UK; e-mail: [email protected] Aušrin Armaitien , Department of Tourism and Recreation, Klaip da University, Lithuania; e-mail: [email protected] Irena Ateljevic, Socio-Spatial Analysis, Wageningen University, The Netherlands; e-mail: [email protected] Marin Bachvarov, Department of Urban Geography and Tourism, University of ódz, Poland (formerly Head of Tourism Department in Sofia St Kliment Ohridski University, Bulgaria; Member of the Tourism Commission of the IGU, 1980–1988 and 2000–2004); e-mail: [email protected] Vladimír Balá , Institute for Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Science , Slovak Republic; e-mail: [email protected] Sanda orak (ex Weber), Institute for Tourism, Zagreb, Croatia; e-mail: [email protected] Iveta Druva-Druvaskalne, Tourism Organization and Management Department, Vidzeme University College, Latvia; e-mail: [email protected] John Fletcher, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University, Dorset, UK; e-mail: [email protected] Alan Fyall, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University, Dorset, UK; e-mail: [email protected] C. Michael Hall, Department of Tourism, School of Business, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; e-mail: [email protected] Derek Hall, Seabank Associates, Maidens, Scotland UK; e-mail: [email protected] Jeff Jarvis, National Centre for Australian Studies, Monash University, Australia; e-mail: [email protected] Eleri Jones, Welsh School of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure Management, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, UK; e-mail: [email protected] Peter Jordan, Austrian Institute of East and Southeast European Studies, , ; e-mail: [email protected] viii Contributors ix

Piret Kallas, Estonian Tourist Board, Tallinn; e-mail: [email protected] Al beta Királ’ová, International Relationships and Research, Institute of Hospitality and Management, , Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected] Taneli Kokkila, Liaison Manager, Finnish Tourist Board, Helsinki; e-mail: [email protected] Raija Komppula, Department of Business and Economics, University of Joensuu, Finland; e-mail: [email protected] Maja Kone nik, Marketing Department, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana University, Slovenia; e-mail: [email protected] Duncan Light, Geography, Deanery of Sciences and Social Sciences, Liverpool Hope University, UK; e-mail: [email protected] Barbara Marciszewska, Academy of Physical Education and Sport Gda sk, Poland; e-mail: [email protected] Arvo Peltonen, Finnish University Network for Tourism Studies, University of Joensuu, Finland; e-mail: [email protected] Ram nas Povilanskas, Department of Tourism and Recreation, Klaipeda University, Lithuania; e-mail: [email protected] László Puczkó, Tourism Consultant, Xellum Ltd, , Hungary; e-mail: [email protected] Tamara Rátz, Professor of Tourism, Kodolányi János University College, Hungary; e-mail: [email protected] Greg Richards, Tourism Research and Marketing, c/Gran de Gracia 183(4-1), 08012 Barcelona, Spain; e-mail: [email protected] Julie Scott, International Institute of Culture, Tourism and Development, London Metropolitan University, UK; e-mail: [email protected] Agita Š ara, Tourism Organization and Management Department, Vidzeme University College, Latvia; e-mail: [email protected] Melanie Smith, Business School, University of Greenwich, London, UK; e-mail: [email protected] Nadia Theuma, Tourism Unit, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, University of Malta, Msida, Malta; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Layik Topcan, e-mail: [email protected] Cevat Tosun, International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University, Dorset, UK; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Tom Ylkänen, Research Manager, Finnish Tourist Board, Helsinki; e-mail: tom.ylkä[email protected] The Editors

Derek Hall is Visiting Professor at Häme Polytechnic, Mustiala and Forssa, Finland. He recently retired as Professor of Regional Development and Head of the Leisure and Tourism Management Department at the Scottish Agricultural College, Auchincruive. He has taught and published widely on tourism and development in Europe and the Mediterranean, the environment, transport, and development in socialist and post-socialist societies. With Darrick Danta he edited Europe Goes East: EU Enlargement, Diversity and Uncertainty (Stationery Office, 2000) and Reconstructing the Balkans: a Geography of the New Southeast Europe (Wiley, 1996), and with Tim Coles the special issue of International Journal of Tourism Research on Tourism and EU Enlargement (2005). He also edited Tourism and Transition: Governance, Transformation and Development (2004) and has jointly authored with Frances Brown Tourism and Welfare: Ethics, Responsibility and Sus- tained Well-being (2006) and with Lesley Roberts Rural Tourism and Recreation: Principles to Practice (2001), all three published by CABI. Melanie Smith is a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Tourism Management at the University of Greenwich, London, where she has been running BA and MA Programmes in Tourism Management for the past 9 years. She is also a Visiting Lecturer in Budapest, Hungary. She is currently Chair of ATLAS (Association for Tourism and Leisure Education,, having been the Coor- dinator of ATLAS Europe for the past 3 years. She has extensive experience of teaching and researching European Tourism, and is author of the book Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies (Routledge, 2003). She has also edited two books entitled Cultural Tourism in a Changing World (for Channel View with Mike Robinson, 2006), and Tourism, Culture and Regeneration (for CABI, 2006). She has also edited a special edition of the journal Tourism Recreation Research with Catherine Kelly on Wellness Tourism (2006). Professor Barbara Marciszewska, Director of the Institute of Tourism and Recreation, Academy of Physical Education and Sport, Gdansk, Poland, long an active member of ATLAS, has substan- tial experience of teaching and researching , and has wide experience of the other countries in the region.

x Abbreviations

ABTA Association of British Travel Agents ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific group of states AICGS American Institute for Contemporary German Studies AWFiS Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu, Gdansk BCU Baltic Sea Tourism Commission bn billion BSSSRC Baltic Sea States Sub-Regional Cooperation CAP (The) Common Agricultural Policy CARICOM Caribbean Community and Common Market CARIFORUM Forum of Caribbean ACP states CBC cross-border cooperation CBSS Council of the Baltic Sea States CEC Commission of the European Communities CEE Central and Eastern Europe CEE8 The eight 2004 EU accession countries from CEE CEECs Central and East European countries CEI Central European Initiative CFSP (a) common foreign and security policy CIA (US) Central Intelligence Agency CIS Confederation of Independent States (the post-Soviet association of former members of the Soviet Union minus the Baltic republics) CMEA The economic grouping of the former Soviet bloc, more commonly known as COMECON CNS Comisia Nationalb pentru Statisticb (Romania) CNTO Czech National Tourist Office COMECON The economic grouping of the former Soviet bloc, more formally known as the Council for Mutual Economic Achievement (or Advancement) (CMEA) CTCA Cyprus Turkish Construction/Contractors Association CTO Cyprus Tourism Organisation CY£ Cyprus pound

xi xii Abbreviations

€ euro E east EAA European Anglers Association EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EC European Commission; European Community ECB European Central Bank ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference ECE East Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia) ECSC European Coal and Steel Community ECTAA Group of National Travel Agents’ and Tour Operators’ Associations within the EU ECU European Currency Unit EEA European Economic Area EEC European Economic Community EFCT European Federation of Conference Towns EFTA European Free Trade Area EIA environmental impact assessment EMU European Monetary Union ERDF European Regional Development Fund ESF European Social Fund ETAG European Travel and Tourism Action Group ETP European Travel Policy ETOA European Tour Operators’ Association EU European Union EU15 European Union member states prior to the 2004 enlargement EU25 European Union member states following the 2004 enlargement EUCC The [European] Coastal Union Euratom European Atomic Energy Community FYR Former Yugoslav Republic GATS General Agreement on Trade and Services GDP gross domestic product GDR German Democratic Republic (the East German state, 1949–1990) GKM Gazdasági és KOzlekedési Minisztérium (Ministry of the Economy and Transport, Hungary) GM Gazdasági Minisztérium (Ministry of the Economy, Hungary) GNP gross national product GNTO Greek National Tourism Organization ha hectare HCEB Hotel and Catering Establishments Board (Malta) HEI higher education institution HHA Hungarian Hotel Association HNTO Hungarian National Tourist Office HOTREC Confederation of National Associations of Hotels, Restaurants, Cafés and Similar Establishments HUF Hungarian forint ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management INS Institutul Na1ional de Statisticd (Romania) INTERREG EU assistance programme to develop cross-border cooperation and help areas on the Union’s internal and external borders to overcome specific problems arising from their comparatively isolated position Abbreviations xiii

IQM integrated quality management IUCN World Conservation Union (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) kg kilogram KITREB Turkish Cypriot Tour Guides Association KITSOB Turkish Cypriot Hoteliers’ Association km kilometre KSH Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (National Central Statistics Office, Hungary) LAC limits of acceptable change LGIB Local Government Information Bureau Lm Maltese pound LTDA Latvian Tourism Development Agency m metre; million MBE Magyar Balnneológiai Egyesület MEK Finnish Tourist Board MEP Member of European Parliament MEPA Malta Environment and Planning Authority MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Malta) mg milligram MGIP Ministry of Economy and Labour (Poland) MHSR Ministry of the Economy of the Slovak Republic MICE meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (or events) MNC multinational company MT Ministry of Tourism (Romania) MTA Malta Tourism Authority MVRRSR Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic MVSR Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic MZSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic N north na not available; not appropriate NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NBS National Bank of Slovakia NCHA Northern Cyprus Hoteliers Association nd no date; no data NFH National Development Office (Hungary) NGO non-governmental organization NIC newly industrializing/industrialized country NIT Institut für Tourismus- und Bäderforschung in Nordeuropa GmBH NSSDC National Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Lithuania NTA National Tourism Authority (Romania) NTOM National Tourism Organization of Malta ODDK OTrodek Doradztwa i Doskonalenia Kadr sp. z o.o. OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe PART Polski Agencja Roznoju Turystyki S.A. PHARE EU assistance programme: Poland/Hungary Assistance for Economic Reconstruction (extended to much of the rest of Central and Eastern Europe) PIT Polish Institute of Tourism PPP purchasing power parity; public–private partnership PT Employers’ Confederation of Service Industries (Finland) xiv Abbreviations

PTO Polish Tourism Organization PWN Polish Scientific Publishers SEA strategic environmental assessment SFRJ Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia SIA sustainability impact assessment sk Slovak crowns SLM sustainable land management SME small- and/or medium-size enterprise SMITEs small units and micro-tourism enterprises SMTE small- and/or medium-size tourism enterprise SPA special protection area ŠÚSR Slovak Statistical Office t tonne TACIS EU assistance programme for the (ex-Soviet) ‘newly independent states’ and Mongolia TDP tourism development programme TEU Treaty on European Union TNC transnational company/corporation TQM total quality management TRNC Turkish Republic of North Cyprus TTRI Travel and Tourism Research Institute, University of Nottingham, UK UBC Union of Baltic Cities UK (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) UN United Nations UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNESCO United Nations Education and Science Organization UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNSD United Nations Statistical Division US(A) United States (of America) USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union) (1921–1991) VAT value-added tax WBI World Bank Institute WCED World Conference on Environment and Development WCS World Conservation Strategy WEU Western European Union WPDR Working Party on Domestic Regulation WSSD World Summit on Sustainable Development WTO World Tourism Organization; World Trade Organization WTTC World Travel and Tourism Council WWF Worldwide Fund for Nature (formerly World Wildlife Fund) Preface

This book has been developed and coordinated by the ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education ( Although now a global organization, with more than 300 institutional members, the ATLAS network has its roots firmly established within Europe. It is there- fore fitting that to complement the organization’s first conference to be held in the ‘New Europe’ of Central and Eastern Europe – in 2ódz, Poland September 2006 – this volume has been produced as the basis for generating a discussion on the relationship between tourism and EU enlargement. Structured to emphasize three types of chapters – contextual perspectives, sub-regional overviews, and country-specific discussions – the book pursues two overall aims:

● to address tourism-related issues of EU enlargement, both in general and specifically relating to the 2004 enlargement and prospects for subsequent expansions; and ● to set the tourism characteristics of individual accession and candidate countries within a wider European context. To help meet the second of these aims, country-chapter authors were each set two objectives:

● to provide a background discussion of the country’s basic tourism characteristics and trends; and ● to evaluate a specific tourism theme (as agreed with the editors) articulating the relationship between the county’s tourism development and its EU accession processes. We recognize that it was perhaps a little foolhardy to attempt to construct a text around an event that had so recently taken place. Yet the contributors to this volume have responded magnificently to the demands of the editors, as well as those of time, continuous change and perpetual uncer- tainty. We feel that this book is a worthy complement to the work of ATLAS and offers an important and timely baseline for the ongoing debate on tourism’s relationship with, and role within, the European Union and its neighbours. Acknowledgements are due to a wide range of people: to László Puczkó for his practical assis- tance in the production of this book (the logistics of which required the editors to coordinate, at vari- ous times, between England, Finland, Hungary, Poland and Scotland), as well to all the other (34 in total) contributors to the volume for their enthusiasm, cooperation and (mostly) punctual submis- sions. We are grateful to the cartographic unit of Exeter University who produced Fig. 1.1. Many thanks are due to the commissioning, editorial and production team at CABI: Rebecca Stubbs, who left the organization before the manuscript was submitted (we were assured that there was no causal relationship between these two events), Nigel Farrar and Elaine Coverdale.

xv This page intentionally left blank Part I

Introduction and Context This page intentionally left blank 1 Introduction

Derek Hall, Melanie Smith and Barbara Marciszewska

Aims, Objectives and Outline themes in the relationships between tourism Structure of the Book and EU enlargement, thereby setting a frame- work for the country-specific chapters that fol- The enlargement of the European Union (EU) in low in the next four parts. These examine each May 2004, incorporating eight former commu- of the new member states as well as the next nist states of Central and Eastern Europe and accession applicants, in terms of their current two major Mediterranean island states, has pro- patterns and trends of tourism development, found implications for structural and geograph- and the impacts that EU accession brings to ical patterns of European tourism development them. Integrated with these analyses, each (Fig. 1.1). Both the presence of a new diversity of country chapter is framed within a particular societies and environments within the European theme that characterizes that country’s tourism ‘club’, and the challenge of a significantly development processes. enlarged Union, require detailed examination Within this framework, the second and third and analysis from a tourism perspective. parts of the book examine respectively those new This volume offers an informed and wide- EU entrants from Central and Eastern Europe that ranging contribution to help meet that require- were outside of (East Central Europe), or within ment. It draws on the expertise and experience of (the Baltics) the former Soviet Union. All country the ATLAS organization, especially that of chapters comprising these parts are authored or researchers from the countries in question and co-authored by researchers from the specific those from further afield to provide a broader countries concerned. Both parts are prefaced by a contextual perspective. This collection aims to regional perspective chapter. These two chapters explore beneath the rhetoric of EU politicians and have been written by invited researchers from an tourism industry representatives about enlarge- adjacent pre-existing EU member that has strong ment and its relationship with tourism. For exam- historic ties with the region (Austria and Finland ple, the World Tourism Organization (WTO, respectively). East Central Europe and the Baltics 2004) predicted that expansion would foster the are two groups of countries that, both between conditions for a ‘more complete and coherent’ and within their regional groupings, offer the European tourism industry, which should be experience of different trajectories and tourism recognized in the future European Constitution. development processes. The book is divided into six parts. The first Part IV examines the new Mediterranean part of five chapters, written by the editors and entrants and is again prefaced by an overview invited researchers, establishes a number of key chapter setting their context. Malta and Cyprus ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 3 4 D. Hall et al. on. i The European Un Fig. 1.1. Introduction 5

are different from other member states, both old now. In the clear light of day the Western and new, in that they are characterized by an countries for their part could see just how many economically important, long-established mass obstacles their fellow Europeans would need to tourism industry, largely based on the UK overcome to qualify for accession (Danta and market, and both have had strong historic links Hall, 2000). Further, the EU had its own inter- with Britain. However, the complex issues of nal difficulties, not least concerning arguments the division and recognition of Cyprus almost over budget contributions and rebates and the derailed the 2004 enlargement, and, at the time restructuring or even elimination of the CAP. of writing, still act to complicate the potential Euphoria had gradually turned to pessimism as accession of Turkey. these issues and the problems of transforming This leads directly into the fifth part of formerly centralized economies, replacing out- the book, which addresses those countries of moded technology and management systems, South-eastern Europe seeking EU accession in and overcoming entrenched political mentalities the projected 2007 enlargement (or beyond). At became all too real. Additionally, there was the the time of writing, it was beginning to look less thorny issue of Cyprus. likely that Bulgaria and Romania would be on That these issues were none the less over- track for likely 2007 entry, and obstacles still come, if only in the short- to medium-term, ren- stood in the way of Croatia and Turkey. Further, dered 1 May 2004 a major milestone in modern as the chapters in this book suggest, the not European history. This date marked the largest always positive experience of EU preparation EU expansion yet, both in terms of area and for, and the subsequent impacts of, the 2004 population. The accession countries of Cyprus, enlargement, could result in unforeseen conse- the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, quences for future enlargement decisions. Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and In the light of the above issues, and within Slovenia transformed the EU15 member states fluid circumstances, the editors’ concluding chap- into the EU25 with some 75 million new citi- ter provides an overall summary of the book, syn- zens, to increase the EU total population to thesizes key themes, and offers a future agenda. more than 430 million, with an economy valued at €850 billion (Islam, 2004). In retrospect, the 2004 enlargement can be The Significance of 2004 viewed as having been driven by a number of key objectives (Islam, 2004): The virtual implosion of state socialism in ● the enhancement of political stability in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the late Europe almost a decade and a half after 1980s necessitated a redefinition of ‘Europe’ the end of the Cold War that had divided (Heffernan, 1998; Pinder, 1998, p. vii). Having Europe since the Second World War thrown off the shackles that had bound them (Woods, 2004a); since the 1940s, the CEE countries – both ● the creation of a market and trade bloc governments and populace – were initially to rival the United States, integrating the eager to re-join the Europe from which they had ‘emerging’ economies of Central and been estranged by the and Cold Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean, War politics for almost half a century. Equally, with their reserves of both skilled and low- the countries of appeared cost labour; and all too happy to prepare to embrace them. In ● the generation of a growth impetus in an particular, several countries of CEE saw otherwise largely stagnating European membership of the EU as their rightful due. economy (Heath and Nelson, 2004). Although sufficient momentum was main- tained to sustain the accession of ten new members in May 2004, earlier high levels of optimism had long subsided on both sides of EU Enlargement History and Process the former divide. The countries of CEE had soon realized that the Europe they had left The desire for closer European integration some 50 to 60 years before was quite different voiced at the end of the Cold War in 1990 6 D. Hall et al.

echoed sentiments expressed following the end and Development: OECD), the North Atlantic of the Second World War some 45 years earlier. Treaty Organization (NATO, founded 1949), Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1989 speech to the Council the Western European Union (WEU, founded of Europe, calling for a higher union in the 1954), and the Organization for Security and ‘Common European House’ (Mayhew, 1998) Co-operation in Europe (OSCE, founded 1973). was reminiscent of Winston Churchill’s 1946 The main institution’s name has changed ‘United States of Europe’ speech. This had over time, to some extent reflecting the evolving helped to crystallize thinking towards a time nature of its role and objectives. The EEC – also when all Europeans would see themselves as generally known as the ‘Common Market’ after part of a peaceful whole (Danta and Hall, 2000). a customs union came into effect in 1968 – Such ideas of a united Europe were the inspira- Euratom, and the ECSC combined during the tion that led, via the setting up of the Benelux 1980s to form the ‘European Community’ (EC). customs union in 1948, to Jean Monnet and In 1993 the Community underwent a major Robert Schuman’s 1950 plan for an alliance reorganization which subsumed, but did not between France and that established replace, the EC; the new name became the the first instruments of European integration: ‘European Union’ (EU). Two broad courses of action that have ● European Coal and Steel Community characterized the EEC, EC and EU have been (ECSC), established in 1951; those of ‘deepening’ and ‘widening’. The first ● European Atomic Energy Community goal has involved mechanisms aimed at bring- (Euratom), established in 1957; ing member countries into closer economic, ● European Economic Community (EEC), political, administrative, and security ‘align- also established in 1957 and which came ment’. Key dates and processes seeking this into effect in January, 1958. objective have included the following. Alongside the EEC a number of complementary ● 1951: Treaty of Paris established the bodies were established to further its goals: European Coal and Steel Community ● European Commission, to handle the (ECSC). bureaucracy involved in running the ● 1957: Treaties of Rome established the institution; EEC and Euratom. ● Council of Ministers, as the main decision- ● 1962: Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) making body with responsibility for broad launched. policy formation and implementation, ● 1968: completion of Customs Union. with a Council Presidency rotating every ● 1975: European Council formed. 6 months; ● 1979: European Monetary System begun. ● European Parliament, to provide a demo- ● 1986: Single European Act, which set the cratic forum for debate and to operate as a goal of creating a single market by 1993. watchdog; ● 1993: Treaty on European Union (TEU), ● European Court of Justice, to hear cases also known as the Maastricht Treaty, set involving member states; the goals of achieving monetary union by ● European Council of heads of states meeting 1999; new common economic policies; at least twice yearly to discuss issues before European citizenship; common foreign and the Community (and later Union); and security policy; and common policy on ● the Committee of the Regions, to bring local internal security. concerns to the attention of the Council. ● 1997: Treaty of Amsterdam covering aspects of justice and home affairs. Most functions are carried out in Brussels, but ● 1999: Launch of a common monetary with Luxembourg and Strasbourg also as policy and single currency, the euro. important centres of activity. The Community set out to work closely The process of deepening was largely with other European organizations, such as the driven by an agenda which, although to some Organization for European Co-operation (later extent put on hold in the 1970s, was revived the Organization for Economic Co-operation through the Single European Act and the Introduction 7

Maastricht Treaty. This latter treaty had three to join. Greece had shown an interest in joining main pillars, each of which changed the ‘archi- the Community since the 1950s, was made an tecture’ of the Union to which the new appli- associate member in 1961, formally applied in cants sought accession: 1975, negotiations began in 1976, and was admitted in 1981. Portugal and Spain both ● Economic and Monetary Union (EMU); applied in 1977, but political issues prevented ● a commitment to a common foreign and them from becoming members until 1986. security policy (CFSP); and Austria, Finland, and Sweden gained entry in ● internal security, including transborder 1995 after having applied in 1991. mobility and crime. Certain ‘holdover’ countries remain out- Although the Single European Act had side the Union. Norway applied for member- marked a decisive shift towards majority voting ship in 1962, negotiations were concluded in the Council, and the Maastricht Treaty trans- 10 years later, but referenda held in the country ferred some powers to the European Parliament, in 1972 and again in 1994 failed to return decision-making remained something of a com- the sufficient majority in favour of entry. The promise between inter-governmentalism and other notable West European country thus far cooperative federalism (Williams and Baláy, remaining outside the EU is Switzerland, whose 2000). desire for neutrality (and financial secrecy) The second goal, ‘widening’, has been has outweighed any perceived advantages of pursued from the organization’s inception. membership. The country rejected membership The EEC consisted initially of the six members of the European Economic Area (EEA) and thus of the ECSC: Belgium, The Netherlands and the possibility of EU entry in 1995. Iceland Luxembourg (the former Benelux members), has also shown no interest in membership. The France, Germany and . However, other one country to have actually withdrawn from countries sought membership and the Commu- the European Union is Greenland (Kalaallit nity underwent a series of enlargements. Nunaat), which did so in 1985, having gained independence from Denmark in 1979 (Danta ● 1st. 1973: Denmark, Ireland and the and Hall, 2000). United Kingdom. Turkey first applied for membership in 1987; ● 2nd. 1981: Greece. Morocco has also sounded out the possibilities ● 3rd. 1986: Spain and Portugal. of accession from time to time. ● Although not a formal enlargement, the While Bulgaria and Romania have been former German Democratic Republic negotiating for possible accession in 2007, (‘East Germany’) was absorbed by virtue Croatia has been facing one of two political and of German re-unification in 1990. administrative obstacles. Turkey’s application ● 4th. 1995: Austria, Finland, and Sweden. has been reconfirmed by the EU, and the country This, the ‘EFTA enlargement’, was notable is optimistic of future accession (Black et al., for all three entrants (as members of the 2002; Woods, 2004b), although its position is European Free Trade Association) having complicated by the Cyprus situation (Hall, higher GDP per capita levels than the EU 2000b, 2004c). At the time of writing, the average at the time (Edye and Lintner, Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia, FYROM 1996). (Macedonia), Montenegro and Serbia had yet ● 5th. 2004: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, to begin formal negotiations towards possible Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, entry, but had indicated their aspiration for Slovakia and Slovenia. membership. A major consideration for accession states The history of European integration has has been the time taken for countries to gain thus been marked by the dual forces of change membership. The United Kingdom first applied and continuity (Danta and Hall, 2000). Periodic for membership in 1961, but was vetoed twice changes in the nature and constitution of the by the French president de Gaulle before gain- European Community or Union have preceded ing accession in 1973; the same 12-year period periods of relative stability as the organization of was also required for Denmark and Ireland European economic, social and political systems 8 D. Hall et al.

both within and outside the new borders of the ● there were critical strategic defence and European supra-national body adjust to, and security issues in relation to the accession take shape from, new regulatory frameworks states’ borders with the Balkans, , (Coles and Hall, 2004). Belarus, Moldova and Russia, being faced at a time when the relative equilibrium of the Cold War had given way to global strategic uncertainties and instabilities. Not Accession least, during the 1990s, a wave of national- ism, especially in the Balkans, appeared To be successful in their accession bids, EU to threaten the security of the continent applicant countries need to meet criteria as (Williams and Baláy, 2000). specified within three broad categories. The accession procedure for an applicant ● political – institutions must be in place to country can be long and complicated, involving guarantee democratic practice, rule of law, a sequence of several steps (Box 1.1). and respect for minorities; Thus for the 2004 enlargement, ten ● economic – a functioning market economy CEE countries submitted applications to the must exist and must be able to withstand EU during the period 1988–1997: Bulgaria, the competitive pressure of the Union; (which divided in 1991 into the ● administrative capacity – instruments must be in place to transpose and implement Community legislation. Box 1.1. The accession sequence. These categories are usually referred to as the ‘Copenhagen criteria’ after the 1993 European 1. The applicant country opens diplomatic Council meeting held there. They are supple- relations with the EU, signs certain trade and mented by several other important consider- cooperation agreements, and develops a ations, such as: state of the environment; ability Europe Agreement. 2. Once this Agreement has come into force, to achieve monetary union, fight corruption the country can formally apply for membership. and assure human rights; provide for common 3. This requires the submission of a lengthy defence; and generally assume other obliga- document to be considered by the European tions of membership. Commission. Despite superficial parallels with earlier 4. On the basis of this the Commission enlargements, negotiations for the 2004 acces- prepares an Opinion, or acquis, on the sions took place under very different conditions: suitability of the applicant’s characteristics in relation to the stated criteria. This is then ● the economic challenge of transition was far issued to the European Council. greater in CEE than it had been for Portugal, 5. The Commission conducts regular Spain and Greece, which had functioning, if meetings with the applicant country and deformed, market economies; regular reports on progress toward accession ● the recent history of democracy was argu- are published. ably weaker in most of CEE than had been 6. When most of the criteria have been met the case in Iberia and Greece; or seem likely to be met in the near future, formal accession negotiations begin. ● the deepening of integration in the 1980s and 1990s meant that greater adjustments 7. At the successful conclusion of these the applicant country is invited to become a were now required of new members, espe- member state of the EU. cially with respect to the single market 8. The last step in the process is to hold a and EMU; referendum in the country on the question of ● globalization, international competition joining the European Union. If a majority of the and the growth of structural unemploy- voting population affirm, the country has met ment meant that the 2004 enlargement the full criteria for accession. was approached ultimately by the exist- Sources: European Commission, 1998a, ing member states in a less ‘benevolent’ 1998b; Danta and Hall, 2000. way; and Introduction 9

Czech Republic and Slovakia), Estonia, in 13th place. Surprisingly, the next highest Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania ranked country was Slovenia, followed by the and Slovenia. Cyprus, Malta, and Turkey were Czech Republic, Poland, Cyprus, and then EU also regarded as viable candidates that had founding member Italy. These were followed by submitted applications. In 1997 the Council Hungary, Malta, Latvia, Estonia, 1981 entrant decided to treat the ten candidate countries of Greece, Slovakia, Romania, Lithuania, and CEE in two groups. The so-called ‘first wave’ or Turkey, with Bulgaria finishing in the position of ‘fast-track’ countries consisted of the Czech least suitability. These findings pointed to the Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia, and notable disparities that existed not only with Estonia plus Cyprus; while the ‘second wave’ and between the candidate countries, but also group included the other five CEECs plus Malta. amongst the existing EU15 members. They In late 1999 at its Helsinki meeting, however, raised questions that most in the EU appeared and as an indication of the fluid nature of acces- to prefer not to acknowledge. sion negotiations, the Council reversed its earlier Further considerations in the enlargement position and elevated Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, process that are as relevant today as they were Bulgaria, Romania, and Malta to fast track status, prior to the 2004 enlargement concern the while Turkey was made a candidate country. internal reforms required for EU structures and Subsequently, Bulgaria and Romania were con- processes: sidered not to have made sufficient progress ● remedial and equitable action is required towards fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria, and in relation to the drain on EU resources, their accession was deferred. The position of and in particular on the European Central Turkey was less advanced and more complicated. Bank (ECB), that enlargement generates; Each of the accession countries varies ● continuing issues of political re-definition, widely with respect to size, population, eco- especially in terms of voting regulations in nomic performance, political institutions, and the Council need to be resolved; and environmental health (Table 1.1). At the time of ● there has been general concern that the EU accession they were generally much poorer may grow so large that it collapses under than their West European counterparts, had less its own weight, thus heralding a return to recent experience with democratic and adminis- nationalism, tariffs, and trade wars (Danta trative institutions, and their environmental and Hall, 2000). This expresses itself in quality was generally lower. terms of arguments over budget contri- In addition to having to contend with diffi- butions and rebates, CAP reform and the cult economic and political conditions, public cultural construction of Europe, not least attitudes toward the EU in most of the accession in relation to the implications of Turkey’s countries became less positive. In surveys car- potential accession. ried out over the period 1900–1996 by the European Commission in the applicant coun- tries of CEE, only four countries – Bulgaria and Romania (ironically), Poland and Hungary – Development Background exceeded a 50% rating for any of the years. Levels of popular support clearly declined The former Czechoslovakia had emerged from during the decade (Grabbe and Hughes, 1999). state socialism in 1989 with a relatively strong At the end of the 1990s, the development industrial sector, although in common with the of an index of EU suitability based solely on rest of CEE, in terms of living standards, economic criteria produced some interesting services and consumer choice – not least the results (Anon, 1999). Using this index, all then ability to travel – it had lagged behind Western current and applicant countries were ranked in Europe since the 1960s. The country had been terms of their suitability to be an EU member ruled by a rigid regime that remained hostile to state. Belgium was found to be the most suitable, economic and political reform to the end. The followed by Luxembourg, The Netherlands, former East Germany (GDR) had a similar Denmark, Portugal, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, industrial character, and relatively high living France, Spain, Britain, Finland, and Germany standards. Its hardline government also had 10 D. Hall et al. sm pts i i

de GDP as % of rece Tour mated i nternet i users per Est 1000 pop. rths) ty rate i i Infant ve b i (per 1000 l mortal Male rth i at b fe expectancy i L Female rate (%) Unemployment ta i PPP (US$) cap GDP per PPP GDP (US$bn) ) 2 on i ty i dens (per km Populat ve. ) i 2 Area (‘000 km n perspect i on i ons) i ll i Total (m on states populat i c 10.2 78.9 130 154.2 15,064 8.1 78.5 72.1 4.1 98 0.1 i Access a 3.5 65.3 53 29.1 8,359 17.0 77.9 67.6 8.6 61 0.9 i a 2.0 20.3 98 35.4 17,762 5.9 79.1 71.9 4.9 151 a 5.4 49.0 110 66.2 12,314 19.2 77.2 69.1 8.6 120 0.05 a 7.9 110.9 72 50.6 6,366 19.4 75.3 68.2 13.3 52 4.0 i i i a 1.4 45.2 30 13.7 10,049 12.6 76.1 65.2 8.4 272 0.6 a 4.4 56.5 78 36.0 8,118 15.8 76.7 69.1 7.4 56 1.8 i i a 2.3 64.6 37 18.5 7,809 13.1 76.0 64.9 10.4 62 3.0 i thuan i Croat Table 1.1. Country The 2007 candidates Bulgar MaltaPolandSlovak Sloven 0.4 38.6 312.7 0.3 1,239 124 380.5 3.6 9,844 9,255 17.4 5.0 78.0 80.3 69.7 76.0 8.1 6.0 72 130 0.9 39.4 2004 EU entrants CyprusCzech Republ HungaryLatv L 0.8 10.2 9.3 93.0 82 110 9.1 129.6 11,567 12,728 4.0 5.7 80.4 75.6 75.3 67.1 5.6 9.2 176 145 34.4 0.03 Eston Introduction 11 0.01 0.01 0.2 0.01 < < <

na na na ons. i onal calculat i t i 4.1 51.2 84 11.7 2,626 39.9 74.7 68.7 15.0 10.7 102.2 104 18.1 3,532 21.2 76.7 70.6 13.0 Hall, 2004b and authors’ add na a, FYR 2.0 25.7 79 9.9 4,882 30.5 74.8 70.5 11.8 25 0.4 i i a 22.4 238.4 94 156.3 6,976 7.3 74.2 67.0 18.6 172 i a 5.2 69.7 72 15.7 3,553 15.8 77.4 71.9 14.9 4 6.9 i a 3.2 28.8 119 12.8 3,743 14.5 78.0 72.0 11.6 1 0.1 i a 144.1 17,075.4 8 1,229.0 8,490 8.9 72.3 59.0 14.6 7 0.1 a and a/ ne 48.7 603.7 81 204.1 4,155 11.1 73.6 62.3 12.0 6 1.2 i i i i Roman Ukra Sources: TurkeyThe neighbours Alban BelarusBosn Hercegov 69.6 774.8 9.9 87 207.6 399.1 48 5,901 84.7 8,422 8.5 72.5 2.1 66.8 74.5 36.6 62.8 30 9.3 18 Serb MoldovaRuss 4.3 33.9 108 8.4 2,307 7.3 71.2 63.9 18.4 12 0.3 Montenegro Georg Macedon 12 D. Hall et al.

been staunchly opposed to political and manufacturing and service sectors together with economic reform. geographical contiguity with Italy and Austria By contrast, since 1968, the Hungarian provided the highest living standards in Central party and government had implemented rela- and Eastern Europe. Small – with a population tively liberal economic policies (while maintain- of less than two million yet blessed with a diver- ing tight political control), and had one of the sity of resources – the mountains, lakes and spas strongest private sectors in the region. The of this former Habsburg province had been pop- country’s western border with Austria was one ular with the Austrian upper classes. In the early of the first physical elements of the Iron Curtain 1990s, Slovenia’s role in the break up of Yugo- to be dismantled in 1989. slavia was pivotal. Encouraged particularly by In Poland, the rise of the Solidarity free the German government, the Slovenes were the trade union movement, originating in the Lenin first to declare independence from Belgrade. The shipyard in Gdansk in 1980, was soon accom- subsequent conflict with the largely Serb federal panied by both domestic and external political Yugoslav army was over in less than a week, and and economic crises that culminated in 1981 Ljubljana’s success clearly acted as a role model with a military ‘coup’, ostensibly to forestall a for other Yugoslav republics whose exit strategies Soviet-led Warsaw Pact military intervention would prove to be far bloodier. similar to that which had befallen Czechoslovakia At the other end of the development spec- in 1968 following the liberal political as well as trum, Bulgaria and Romania had been the least economic reforms of Dubcek’s ‘’. developed European CMEA members (Albania Yet less than 8 years later, in the early summer having effectively left the Soviet bloc in 1961 of 1989, Poland held the Soviet bloc’s first rela- (and formally in 1967), ostensibly taking the tively free multi-party elections that heralded side of over the ideological differences the beginning of the dismantling of the Soviet which split world communism in the early empire. In the 1980s Poland had experienced a 1960s). There had been attempts to build strong sharp decline in GDP and shortages of con- heavy industrial sectors in these two south- sumer goods. However, relatively strong manu- eastern European states, and the austerity that facturing and service sectors, coupled to characterized the later years of Ceausescu’s rule a steady stream of remittances from the large in Romania was particularly brutal and corrupt- Polish diaspora, helped to maintain living stan- ing. At the end of the state-socialist period, both dards at levels similar to those in Hungary and countries still had distinctively rural characters. Slovakia. The uniquely important role of the They were characterized by low living stan- Roman – it had helped to dards, poor infrastructures, substantial environ- reverse the collectivization of agriculture in mental problems, highly distorted economic the 1950s – became critical with the heavily structures and political cronyism that persisted symbolic election of a Polish Pope. as post-communist corruption; many former state At the end of the 1980s, Slovenia was the and party functionaries made the apparently most developed republic in the former Yugoslav effortless transition to becoming ‘good capitalists’. federation (which had been expelled from the The Baltic countries presented special chal- Soviet bloc in 1948 for excessive ‘nationalism’). lenges, having been forcibly incorporated into Slovenia had strong historical ties to Austria the Soviet Union during the Second World War and northern Italy, and large numbers of to become something of a Russian milch cow Gastarbeiter working within the EU (labour within the USSR. But historically, there have migration from Yugoslavia had been permitted been strong economic and cultural ties with since 1965) sent back valuable remittances. Scandinavia, Poland and Germany. Despite Indeed, for Yugoslavia as a whole, such remit- Soviet pressures for cultural and economic tances were of equal value to tourism as the assimilation, the Baltic republics were able to most important source of foreign exchange. In capitalize on their traditional advantages: favour- both cases, Croatia, with its long Adriatic coast- able locations on the Baltic Sea, higher educa- line and German-speaking Habsburg legacy, was tional levels, developed infrastructures, and a the dominant generator of such income. None degree of cultural autonomy. These helped to the less, Slovenia’s relatively well-developed maintain the highest living standards and the Introduction 13

least oppressive governments within the USSR. and to share experiences of change, to better After regaining independence in 1991, they inform conceptualization of tourism and its faced a double challenge: loss of traditional mar- relationship with macro-economic events kets in the former Soviet Union, and difficult (Coles and Hall, 2004). Cyclical models of tour- political relations with the Russian government, ism change may have been superseded by the not least over the Baltic states’ large Russian application of chaos theory to tourism develop- populations. These minorities, their use of the ment (e.g. Faulkner and Russell, 1997; Russian language and the Cyrillic script, now McKercher, 1999; Faulkner, 2001). Yet Farrell present a distinctive cultural identity within the and Twining-Ward (2004, 2005) claim that enlarged EU. most tourism researchers, and implicitly practi- Although the CEE candidate countries tioners, have been schooled in a tradition of were subject to relatively similar challenges in linear, specialized, predictable and deterministic the 1990s – global competition, the loss of for- cause-and-effect science. As such, they (we?) mer markets and the re-orientation of trade to have not been conceptually equipped to appre- Western Europe, privatization, and the con- ciate that ‘all natural and social systems are struction of democratic institutions and prac- interdependent, nonlinear, complex adaptive tices – their responses to these and the systems’ which are ‘generally unpredictable, outcomes were different. In general, economic qualitative and characterized by causes giving recession was experienced in the early 1990s, rise to multiple outcomes’ (Farrell and Twining- followed by strong economic growth from Ward, 2004). There is a need, they contend, for around 1993/4. Yet in most of these countries new collective thinking – an ‘epistemic commu- 1989 GDP levels were not attained until the late nity’ (Haas, 1992; Cinquegrani, 2002) – to 1990s. Recovery was stronger in Poland and respond to global challenges. Currently there is Slovenia, while Baltic and Balkan countries a propensity among tourism practitioners to faced more severe difficulties in shaking off their react to events rather than to anticipate and plan economic and political legacies. In aggregate, for them (Coles, 2003), to search for understand- by the late 1990s the average per capita GDP in ing in steady state conceptions (WTO, 1998; the candidate countries represented only 37% Bierman, 2003), when economic, political, of the EU average, but ranged from 68% in social and environmental disruptions are in fact Slovenia to 23% in Bulgaria (Williams and more commonplace (Sönmez, 1998; Gössling, Baláy, 2000). 2002; Hall and Brown, 2006). European tourism needs to be managed with foresight, proactively rather than retrospec- Significance for Tourism tively responding to change. Its managers need to be more keenly sensitized to the regularity of There are no specific chapters in the acquis enlargement events, adjustments in EU gover- communautaire (EU law) which specifically deal nance, economic and social reorganizations in with the tourism industry. There are, however, a existing and new member states, and the poten- number of chapters that have a great influence tial restructuring of markets (Coles and Hall, on tourism, including those relating to the envi- 2004; Hall et al., 2004). ronment, transport, agriculture and consumer This is particularly important given that affairs. Closer integration clearly offers the preparations for each enlargement have been in opportunity to harmonize standards and prac- train for several years prior to the event. In the tices throughout the growing ‘European club’, case of the 2004 enlargement, pre-accession and for the first time to recognize the impor- funding, especially since 2000 and through tance of tourism to economy, society, culture PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD (Hall and Danta, and environment across Europe. Enlargement, 2000), helped the accession states to meet their coupled with the liberalization of air transport formal and legal membership requirements operation, is encouraging significant new and (Bradley Dunbar, 2003). Special interest groups modified tourist flows. and their members have also been active in What emerges from an analysis of succes- contingency planning (e.g. HOTREC, 2003). sive EU enlargements, is a need to learn from, The 2004 entrants are both destinations and 14 D. Hall et al.

tourism-generating markets, and their absolute within the EU, and the role of tourism within the levels of consumption and production have Commission’s large spending programmes. In a been predicted to grow dramatically (Coles and major paradox of EU policy, tourism is identi- Hall, 2004; NIT, 2004). fied as one of the most significant and vibrant of Greater forecast wealth in the new member economic activities, in terms of job, income and states, accompanied in some cases by greater wealth creation in local communities in each freedom of movement, is likely to stimulate member state, and also for the social benefits it greater outbound travel, as well as changing offers and the potential it provides as a frame- patterns of domestic tourism, business and VFR work for the stewardship of distinctive cultures travel, especially in the short term. Changes and environments (European Commission, within their tourism sectors may have knock-on 2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2003c). effects in adjacent states, those both within and Yet, despite such acknowledgement, there outside the EU. is no separate EC commissioner for tourism: it The accession states are, of course, as indi- represents just one unit within the Enterprise cated above, far from representing a homoge- Directorate-General in Brussels. Here it com- nous group. Although there are similarities petes for resources and influence with demands among them, there are also important differ- from such diverse sectors as aerospace and ences. Disparities exist not only at the inter-state automotives, cosmetics and defence, pharma- level, but there are also notable intra-state vari- ceuticals, and textiles and clothing (Coles and ations, as detailed in subsequent chapters. Simi- Hall, 2004; European Commission, 2004a). larities and differences are of course evident in However, this is little more than reflecting their tourism products and resources – natural practice in a number of member states’ national and cultural, as well as the organization and governments, where it often seems that tourism structure of demand and supply. The 2004 does not have a loud voice. If it is explicitly accession states included both relatively long- named at all, ‘tourism’ may be located within established destinations such as Cyprus and different state departments and ministries in Malta, and (re-)emergent ones such as Slovenia different countries, and may even be moved and the Baltic States. Among them are destina- from one to another, in some cases frequently. tions primarily identified with mass tourism This perhaps reflects three realities: and the ‘sun, sea, sand’ formula, noticeably ● that governments and bureaucracies view the Mediterranean entrants. There are largely the role of tourism in different ways and unspoilt wildernesses in the Tatra mountains in from different perspectives, reflecting tour- Slovakia, the Julian Alps of Slovenia and the ism’s multi-faceted nature – encompassing lakeland environments of the Baltic states, hold- employment, regional development, trade, ing substantial appeal for the growth markets of foreign policy, social welfare, leisure, nature and adventure tourism (Behr et al., 2004). culture, transport, environment; Other destinations offer high quality assem- ● that, as a corollary, tourism does not blages of cultural heritage, notably Prague, present a coherent image or functional role Budapest and Kraków, but with increasing within government, and as a consequence, competition. For more than a decade and a half it is seen as ancillary or even marginal; and Prague, Budapest and Warsaw have been ● that as a consequence of such marginality important city-break destinations, and now and ephemerality, the politicians finding Ljubljana, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius and Bratislava themselves in the roles of handling tourism are making concerted efforts to capture market within government tend to be second rate share (Behr et al., 2004; Hudson, 2004). functionaries and at best low level minis- ters, such that the voices of the tourism industry may not be best heard, interpreted Key Themes and relayed through their offices (Hall and Brown, 2006). A major overarching issue concerns the rela- tionship between tourism development and EU In the case of the EC and EU, such appar- governance, the structural position of tourism ent marginalization of tourism is compounded Introduction 15

because there are no funding measures dedi- coastal locations. Foreign direct investment in cated solely to it. Instead, those destinations major infrastructure, accommodation and attrac- looking for EU support for tourism projects must tion projects may also leave new member states look to instruments designed primarily for other vulnerable to the power of transnational corpo- purposes. Project managers therefore need to rations and the vagaries of global market condi- think creatively and laterally about how tourism tions, reinforcing trends experienced to varying meets the aims and objectives of programmes extents in the previous decade and half (e.g. such as the European Social Fund, the Frame- Behringer and Kiss, 2004). work Programmes, INTERREG, and eEurope The introduction and growth of flights (Coles and Hall, 2004; European Commission, operated by budget airlines from West 2004b). Formerly, the LEADER community European markets to regional airports in the development programme had been important accession states is a notable short-term impact. for rural tourism development in such countries These are generating both advantages and as Ireland (Roberts and Hall, 2001). disadvantages for destinations. The desire to Clearly, in the shorter and longer term attract the perceived benefits of such operations there will be winners and losers from EU may lead to dependence and inappropriate enlargement: markets for some destinations, while providing a useful market entry and image builder for ● spatially, at a number of levels from com- others. Certainly there is no shortage of (ex-) munity level to global relationships, and military airfields that can be exploited as second ● structurally, in terms of policy priorities and or third tier airports with possible local benefits successful interdependencies, for example accruing from the diffusion effects of gateway between culture and tourism policies – see development in hitherto marginal locations. Chapter 3. The accumulated media imagery of clubbing The dynamics of capital and labour mobility and stag/hen weekends for youthful West and knowledge transfer will modify the condi- Europeans has been instructive for the promo- tions of tourism production and consumption ters of Dublin and Prague. Negative destination across the new EU and beyond. images can swiftly be generated to confound The 2004 accession countries enjoyed a what may have been years of careful nurturing high travel media profile as an immediate con- by national and regional authorities (Attard and comitant of EU entry. But just as in the wake Hall, 2004; Hall, 2004a). Profile and market of political change in the region in 1989, the positioning is a key consideration and requires novelty of a newly accessible ‘playground’ can careful, long-term management by all the 2004 soon wear off (Hall, 1991). One central tourism entrants (Hall, 2000c). challenge for the new entrants is to communi- Distinctions between tourism and other cate their products and attractions with greater forms of temporary mobility, migration and visibility, to continue to invest in them and, cross-border activity have long been blurred, where necessary, to reinvent them in order to particularly in Central and Eastern Europe anticipate and respond to the fickleness of (Hall, 2000a; Williams and Hall, 2000; Hall dynamic tourist market demand (NIT, 2004). and Williams, 2002; Coles et al., 2004). Use Social costs of tourism may arise from the and meaning of the term ‘tourist’ will become promotion of foreign investment opportunities. increasingly ambiguous. Experience suggests Media publicity highlighting low property values that migration and temporary mobility will settle has led to an increased awareness among down to being relatively constrained in the Western Europeans of attractively priced poten- longer term. Some commentators note that tial second homes in selected locations and basic economic conditions are likely to generate regions, as emphasized by Marin Bachvarov in more short-term than long-term stays. Until Chapter 19 in relation to Bulgaria. One conse- living standards are equalized, the costs of stay- quence of this may be that, as elsewhere in ing in a Western country may be too high for Europe, local residents find themselves priced many citizens of accession countries pursuing out of their own local housing markets, whether legal employment. None the less, warnings of a in desirable urban sectors, rural regions or ‘brain drain’ from the accession countries were 16 D. Hall et al.

voiced as examples of well-educated profes- Cyprus was politically divided in 1974 sionals being attracted by higher remunerations when a coup backed by military rulers in Athens elsewhere. Reducing differentials between old designed to annex the island to Greece trig- and new EU members may ameliorate this. gered a Turkish military intervention. This Early reports identified tourism labour markets resulted in a long-term invasion and occupation as the source and beneficiaries of short-term, of 37% of Cyprus’ territory – including some of seasonal, but relatively highly-paid employment the most popular tourist areas – and expulsion (Woods, 2004a). of 200,000 Greeks from that northern ‘half’. United Nations sanctions were subsequently imposed against this Turkish ‘occupation’. The Evolving Europe division has persisted (Kliot and Mansfeld, 1997), with the Republic of Cyprus government Smith (2000) argued that negotiation of EU representing the Greek Cypriot ‘south’, and the enlargement ‘framework agreements’ and Turkish Republic of North Cyprus, declared in Balkan stability processes for a post-Cold War 1983 but recognized only by Turkey, acting on European order exposed contradictions in the behalf of the ‘north’. EU’s performance, and raised questions The island’s partition focused attention on about its capacity to shape the ‘new Europe’. the role of tourism, which, in the 1970s and None the less, for Dingsdale (1999), the 1980s, took on a prime economic importance in ‘re-territorialization of Europe’ has been the south (see Gilmor, 1989; Kammas and characterized by: Salehiesfahani, 1992; Clements and Georgiou, 1998; Sharpley, 2001, 2003). With a UN eco- ● the consolidation of the European Union nomic boycott of Turkish Cyprus, however, pre- project as the dominant idea of Europe; cluding direct access except from Turkey, ● EU territory conceived as the economic, tourism in the north has been severely con- social, political and cultural core of the strained, receiving only around 10% of the continent; and island’s total (Lockhart, 1994; Scott, 1995; ● a peripheral status for post-socialist Europe Warner, 1999; Alipour and Kilic, 2004). within it. Reasons for this are discussed in Chapter 18. Arguably, these factors have been expressed in: In July 1997 the European Commission in Agenda 2000, its communication to the Euro- ● the terms defining which countries are fit to pean Parliament on the future development of join the EU; the Union, confirmed that accession negotia- ● the candidate countries’ suppliant applica- tions would begin, and reiterated the EU’s tions for membership; determination to play a positive role in bringing ● their compliance with EU rules for assis- about a settlement in Cyprus. Greece repeat- tance; and edly indicated that Athens would block enlarge- ● their acceptance of disadvantageous terms ment if Cyprus was excluded, arguing that the of trade and the application of EU protocols. admission of other countries into the EU could Simplistic conceptions of an ‘integrating’ not proceed if the reason for not admitting west, a ‘reforming’ centre, and a ‘struggling’ Cyprus was the island’s political problem. The east within Europe ignore north-south dispari- Greek position was that Cyprus could not be ties. For example, those in the eastern periphery allowed to become a ‘hostage’ of Turkey, and of the continent expose a relatively stable and that the EU must not accept a Turkish veto cooperative north-east – Poland and the Baltic on the admission of Cyprus. Further, until the states, gaining EU membership in 2004, con- Helsinki Summit of December 1999, Greece trasting with a fractious and still unstable had vetoed any move towards inaugurating south-east – Bulgaria and Romania being con- enlargement discussions with Turkey. sidered unready for 2004, the Balkan countries As 1 May 2004 rapidly approached, and not being in the frame, while the Cyprus situa- brokered by a number of interested parties, tion almost derailed the whole enlargement referenda were held in both parts of Cyprus on project. the question of re-unification as a precursor Introduction 17

to accession. The bitter irony of this exercise one of the major keys to the largest EU enlarge- was that a majority in the Turkish North of the ment, to eastern Mediterranean stability, and to island voted for re-unification, while a majority post-communist states’ incorporation into main- in the Greek South voted against. The outcome stream Europe, was indeed a major irony and a was that in theory all of Cyprus acceded to the portent for the future character, structure and EU in 2004, but in practice only the Greek enlargement plans of the EU (Hall, 2004c). Republic of Cyprus actually did so. This was a In the next chapter, Constantia Anastasiadou poor compromise indeed, and continues to cast explores in greater depth the two-way relation- a shadow over both the 2004 enlargement and ship between tourism and the European Union. subsequent accession negotiations. This is followed in Chapter 3 with an explora- That in a globalized 21st century, a tourist tion of the relationships between tourism, island as small as Cyprus could potentially hold citizenship and culture in Europe.


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Constantia Anastasiadou

Introduction international tourist arrivals (WTO, 2005a). More specifically the existence of the EU has The EU is characterized by a complex web of had a profound impact on the growth of institutional structures and multi-level relation- intra-regional travel with almost 85% of inter- ships. Unlike other regional trading areas, eco- national arrivals to the region being intra- nomic and political integration has progressed regional travellers (CEC, 2003). in the EU far and wide (McCormick, 1999), cov- However, Europe’s world market share of ering an ever-growing number of policy areas international arrivals is still in steady decline, and with a significant transfer of authority from from 72% in 1960 to 58% in 2002 and 54% in the national to the supranational level. It would 2004 (WTO, 2002, 2005a). In 2004, world tour- be very difficult, if not impossible, to think of ism achieved its best growth rate for 20 years. an issue area in Europe that has remained Europe experienced the slowest rate of growth untouched or uninfluenced by the EU. than all other regions, an increase of 4% when Tourism is one of the areas that have influ- the world average increase was 10% (WTO, enced and have been influenced by the estab- 2005a). Åkerhielm et al. (2003) argued that lishment of the EU. Its contribution to further Europe would need to act as one group if it European integration and the enhancement of wishes to maintain its position as the world’s the European identity has also been highlighted most visited area and urged for the EU to (Richards, 1996). In addition, tourism’s role in undertake a more proactive role. urban and rural regeneration and its job creation The Central and Eastern European (CEE) ability have deemed it a preferred economic countries that joined the EU in May 2004 have activity. Statistics show that approximately the potential to become the new motor for 9 million people are directly employed in tour- European tourism by being primarily a receiv- ism, which contributes close to 5.5% of the EU ing and potentially a generating area for the GDP (CEC, 2002). region (Mintel, 2004). According to the WTO According to the WTO (2002), the high (2005b) the rise in arrivals in 2004 for Europe level of economic development and integration was driven in part by the excellent performance in Europe means that international travel has of countries in Central and Eastern Europe become an integral part of the lifestyle of a (+8%). New and upcoming destinations in substantial part of the population. In 2004, Eastern Europe are rivalling those of the more 414 million visitors were attracted to the area, established southern destinations, as they offer a figure that corresponds to 54% of world novelty and a good value for money. ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 20 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Tourism and the European Union 21

Tourism in the accession states has bene- development of Europe. In the period from fited from significant EU funding to improve 1994 to 1999 €4.4 billion were disbursed for their infrastructure and transport networks tourism-related projects (DG Enterprise, 2004). (DG Regio, 2003) and their accessibility has However, there is little overview of where this improved in psychological and pragmatic terms. support is going, there is no evidence of how Similar assistance has been offered to existing the established tourism products fit within exist- member states to develop new tourism products ing tourism demand (Hjalager, 1996), whether or improve the existing ones. Nevertheless, the they generate new demand or are just detracting involvement of the EU in tourism has been from an existing one (Anastasiadou, 2004a). questioned for some time especially as there is Finally, the introduction of the euro in little coordination of activity and no overarching January 2002 was seen as a great opportunity tourism policy in place. Is the support provided for tourism businesses as it would lead to for tourism through other policies adequate? Is greater transparency and the reduction of the EU doing enough for tourism or should commission charges from currency exchange there be greater direct involvement? (Shackleford, 1998; WTO, 1998). However, the The aim of this chapter is to provide exam- rise of the price indices that followed the con- ples of the EU’s involvement in tourism and to version to the new currency has led to increased discuss potential areas of involvement as these costs for tourism enterprises and a loss of price have been suggested in the tourism literature competitiveness over non-EU destinations. In and were identified by institutional stakeholders 2004 the more mature destinations in the euro at the supranational level. zone saw a decline in their market share and were particularly affected by the increased com- petition from non-euro destinations in Europe, EU Impact on Tourism North Africa (Morocco and Tunisia) and the Middle East (Egypt) (WTO, 2005a, 2005b). Due to the nature of the tourist activity, the It is clear from this discussion that it is diffi- impact of EU policies on tourism has been wide- cult to aggregate whether the overall influence spread and far-reaching (Lickorish, 1991; WTO, of the EU in tourism has been mostly positive 2000). So wide-ranging is the impact of other or negative. It can be argued that tourism is so policy areas on tourism that reports reviewed heavily influenced by EU policies, that the EU regularly (DG Enterprise, 2004) are put toge- has acquired an implicit role in tourism dictated ther to allow interested parties to keep track of by its actions rather than the expression of funding mechanisms and initiatives relevant to priorities and objectives. The question then tourism. becomes whether this implicit role is adequate, The EU’s impact on tourism so far can be and if not, what shape EU’s involvement should characterized as a mixed blessing. Tourism in take. These issues have been debated at some the EU benefited from the establishment of the length in the tourism literature. single market in 1993 and the abolition of all travel restrictions and visas for EU citizens (CEC, 1993). Subsequently the implementation of the Schengen agreement in 1995 conferred EU Tourism Policy, To Be similar benefits on overseas visitors to the signa- or Not To Be? tory members of the EU. At the same time the abolition of duty free sales for travellers within The widespread influence of EU policies on the EU area, taken on the premise that EU citi- tourism and the absence of a specific common zens should travel within the area as if it was a policy or framework have put the sector at a single country, has led to a loss of income for disadvantage over other sectors (Lickorish, transport operators and an increase of prices for 1991, 1994) which have seen their priorities passengers (Davidson, 1998). accounted for in the formulation of policy Tourism and tourism-related projects have whereas tourism interests have not. For these received significant funding from EU regional reasons it was suggested that a more explicit development funds, which aim to assist with the role in tourism would be necessary. 22 C. Anastasiadou

A number of tourism studies in the early European tourism among member states, the 1990s (e.g. Lickorish, 1991; Akehurst, 1992; situation is very complex and the inclusion of Akehurst et al., 1993) discussed the potential of ten new members in May 2004 has accentuated tourism involvement at the supranational level. such differences (see also Chapter 1). The need for more intra-regional cooperation The lack of agreement concerning the need in tourism (Sinclair and Page, 1993) and the for a tourism policy has resulted in the adoption necessity for an integrated, multi-year tourism of only a limited number of concrete actions development plan, formulated in the context of specifically aimed at tourism. Initiatives such as the overall regional policy which will coordinate the European Year of Tourism (1990) (CEC, the demand and supply of tourism across the 1990) and the Action Plan to Assist Tourism space (Lickorish, 1991, 1994) have been stressed. (1993–1995) (CEC, 1991) are two such exam- The importance of tourism to the EU economy ples. Their priorities included: the improvement alone was considered an adequate justification of the seasonal and geographical distribution of of the necessity of a supranational tourism tourism; the improved use of financial instru- policy (European Parliament, 2002). ments; better information for tourists; improved In addition, specific steps for the design of working conditions in the tourist industry, and a successful supranational tourism policy were finally, increasing the awareness of the prob- suggested in the early 1990s (Akehurst, 1992). lems of tourism (Davidson and Maitland, 1997). A number of potential issue areas where the EU Overall, these initiatives were limited in scope could be involved were also identified, but no and were criticized for their large number of pri- notable progress has been made since then ority areas and their overall insignificant impact towards the establishment of a policy or a more (Davidson, 1998). Having failed to adopt the coherent framework of action. Primarily, this has Philoxenia initiative, tourism now features under been attributed to a lack of interest (Åkerhielm the Tourism and the Employment Process, the et al., 1990) and to the fact that tourism policy main priority of which is to create and improve features in an area of weak common policy, the employment in tourism (DG Enterprise, 2003). production and delivery of services (Williams Some criticisms have been expressed and Shaw, 1989). concerning the Tourism Unit in the European The main obstacles in formulating a more Commission, the administrative body of the EU. solid approach to tourism were identified as The Unit aims to ensure that tourism interests being the divergent views on tourism and in are fully taken into account in the preparation of particular, what constitutes an EU and what a legislation and in the operation of programmes national issue (Davidson and Maitland, 1997). and policies which are not directly related to The sharing of competencies between the tourism (DG Enterprise, 2003). It tries to ensure national and the supranational level is part of a a proactive role where Commission activities do wider issue for the EU. Some members are not embrace tourism. Its role is limited in scope more willing than others to see greater EU yet of a significant breadth as coordinating involvement but there is a strong sentiment that responses to legislation proposed by the Com- a common approach to tourism may result in mission is not straightforward in an area as more regulation (Downes, 2000). In addition, wide-spanning as tourism. However, it has been the subsidiarity principle1 has affected the trans- argued that the Tourism Unit lacks influence fer of a tourism competence to the EU level. In and clout because of its small size and the range the past, suggested EU-wide initiatives such as of functions it undertakes (Greenwood, 1993) the Philoxenia programme (CEC, 1996), were and consequently tourism interests are not dismissed on the basis of the principle. More- heard by the EU institutions. The absence of an over, the existing reference to tourism in the explicit EU competence in tourism affects the Maastricht Treaty is inadequate and offers no ability of the Tourism Unit to perform its basis for action. The implications are twofold: functions effectively. first, there is no clearly defined role for the EU, The communication Working Together for and second, any proposal made requires the the Future of European Tourism (CEC, 2001), unanimous agreement of all member states. which sets out the future direction and priorities Given the absence of a common vision for for tourism, indicated a move away from Tourism and the European Union 23

establishing a common policy and towards a for tourism. A detailed study of the EU environ- framework approach where the EU would be ment undertaken by the author (Anastasiadou, limited to a coordinating, complementary role. 2004b, and unpublished PhD thesis, ‘Tourism Furthermore, the communication discussed in at the supranational level: The case of the Euro- detail the aspirations of the European Commis- pean Union’, University of Strathclyde.) sought sion for the future, but failed to set up a specific to establish the views of the stakeholders on the course of action. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the issue of EU involvement. Interviewees included feelings towards the communication and what it MEPs, Commission officials and representatives aimed to achieve were mixed (see European of interest groups who were asked to comment Parliament, 2002; HOTREC, 2002; Jeffries, on the reasons why a specific policy had been 2002), another demonstration perhaps of the evasive and the type of tourism competence they diversity of opinion that exists on what the EU would like to see materialize. should be doing about tourism. The EU’s involvement in tourism can thus be characterized as being fragmented, lacking in focus and direction, ‘ad hoc and piecemeal’ with EU Approach to Tourism: the no ‘strategic direction, legal basis and under- Stakeholders’ Perspective pinning’ (Church et al., 2000, p. 324). However, the question of a role for the EU remains and its Interviewees claimed that there is a division and definition would be of benefit not only to tourism a certain degree of polarization between mem- and the EU, but also to other regional trading ber states in their perceptions of tourism and blocs which aspire to become more integrated thus verified the notions expressed in the tour- and may experience the same dilemmas. ism literature (Downes, 1997). Certain member Studies on this topic area have tended to states (UK, Sweden, Germany and Austria in focus on specific aspects of EU involvement particular) appear more unwilling to see a greater (Richards, 1996; Wanhill, 1997) rather than involvement at this level and interviewees addressing this issue in a holistic manner. In identified different causes of this apprehension. addition, those studies which have attempted These can be divided into financial, perceptual a more holistic approach (Akehurst, 1992; and pragmatic reasons (Table 2.1). Akehurst et al., 1993; Downes, 1997) have been The UK was presented as one of the more of a prescriptive nature focusing on what the EU resistant states to the idea of an EU tourism should be doing rather than what is actually competence. Interviewees argued that the UK’s being done and why. The literature has largely apprehension was part of its internal policy for ignored the views of the stakeholders such as no more expansion of the EU competencies the European Commission, the European Parlia- and its fear that greater involvement at this level ment and tourism interest groups who are closely by the EU institutions would result in more regu- involved with decision-making at the supra- lation (perceptual). Sweden also did not wish national level and who are playing their own part to see the establishment of a new competence in influencing and affecting the conditions created as that would have budgetary implications

Table 2.1. The EU: obstacles to a formal competence.

Financial Perceptual Pragmatic

Budgetary implications Regulation Apprehension towards new competencies Tourism sector may fare worse Absence of state involvement Issue definition Authority mismatch Subsidiarity

Source: Anastasiadou, 2004, ‘Tourism and the supranational level: The case of the European Union’ (unpublished PhD thesis, University of Strathclyde). 24 C. Anastasiadou

(financial) and they are also against the idea of management and development at the national a further expansion of the EU budget. Increas- level, regional authorities have no influence in ing scepticism of the effectiveness of the EU and the decision-making process at the EU level. By the overall success of common policies has not including regional authorities as an equal also fuelled these attitudes. Therefore, for some partner in the equation, a dead-end situation member states there is general apprehension is created, as some national ministers simply towards the transfer of new competencies as a have no authority to make decisions on tourism matter of political ideology rather than simply matters. the reluctance towards a tourism competence Moreover, member states fear that under a (pragmatic). common policy their respective tourism sectors In addition, in several member states there might fare worse than now. In each policy area is already no central government involvement in there are ‘winner’ and ‘loser’ member states tourism. In particular, in federal structures such because policy impacts are asymmetrical as Austria, Belgium and Germany, federal gov- (McCormick, 1999). Intra-regional competition ernments tend to have limited powers over the is fierce as the main market for European tour- regional governments, which often have exclu- ism are intra-regional tourists accounting for sive competence in a number of policy areas. nearly 85% of all international tourist arrivals to For instance, the German Länder are primarily Europe (WTO, 2000; Eurostat, 2002). An EU responsible for tourism and the federal govern- tourism policy could lead to potential imbal- ment does not have any authority or decision- ances with unexpected consequences to the making power for tourism. Strong regional tourism sector. It could affect the competitive- governments such as the Länder want to ensure ness of tourism enterprises and lead to a loss of they maintain their powers over federal and control of the sector with member states unable supranational structures (Jeffery, 2000), so they to intervene. Member states, it was suggested, object to the idea of an EU tourism competence, are simply very protective of their sectors and wishing to retain responsibility and control of believe that they are better off on their own as tourism development in their areas. they can sustain control. However, it is not only federal states, but Finally, because of the complex nature of also countries with devolved authorities where tourism there is usually some degree of involve- tourism is only marginally handled at the national ment at all levels of public administration: level. For instance, in the UK, Scotland, Wales, national, regional, local and destination. This in England and Northern Ireland each deal with turn complicates how the EU would be involved tourism independently and in Spain each as there is already so much being done within administrative region has its own tourism policy member states and at various administrative (Velanzuela, 1991). The style of political admin- levels. An interviewee argued that a convincing istration and the dominant political philosophy case has not yet been made about what the EU in the management of tourism at the national can do that is not being done already at the level ultimately condition expectations of involve- national level. These comments raise the impor- ment in tourism at the supranational level. tance of issue definition and the apparent lack In this way, the transfer of a competence to the of it at the supranational level. The findings EU level can be perceived as a step towards demonstrated that agreeing what needs to be recentralization, as tourism policy issues in a done was the most problematic stage in decid- number of member states are handled at the ing on an approach. In addition, member states subnational levels – a step backwards rather were employing subsidiarity as the main argu- than forwards. ment against the transfer of a competence. Furthermore, these remarks highlight the Although the principle was established as a importance of local and regional authorities in means of dividing power between the national the design and delivery of tourism policy within and supranational level, it was being used member states. However, as decisions concern- largely as a constraint mechanism to any ing tourism are made at ministerial level the expansionist tendencies. authority mismatch in this institutional setting is This situation was posing problems in insti- evident. Despite their importance in tourism tutional involvement in tourism. For instance, Tourism and the European Union 25

opinion was again apparent. Four types of involvement were suggested: no competence, sponsorship, framework-policy and common promotion.

No competence

Some interviewees mentioned that having an explicit reference in a treaty was not necessary, as there are already enough competencies in the European Union and tourism is handled efficiently at the national level. Tourism is Fig. 2.1. The vicious circle of EU tourism policy. regulated through existing measures from other policies such as consumer and environmental the European Parliament is one of the institu- protection and, therefore, there is no need to tions that encouraged dialogue with industry have specific legislation. It was further suggested (Lickorish, 1991) and argued that tourism that establishing a formal competence would should constitute a common policy with a legal only make things worse for tourism as, gener- basis and a chapter of its own in the revised ally, common policies had not been successful. Treaty (European Parliament, 1997). Despite This position argued very much in favour of the this positive outlook, it was suggested that continuance of the current status quo. only a relatively small number of Members of European Parliament (MEPs) are actively involved in tourism because it falls under the Sponsorship auspices of member states. MEPs were frugal in investing their time and resources in tourism In this position, there is a clear preference to a because they knew that any recommendations laissez faire approach and against the bureau- they made were not binding for member states. cratic interference a Treaty reference could Consequently, there were gradually fewer and create. The fear that a competence would lead fewer MEPs actively interested in tourism and in to legislation is predominant. There are many return, fewer voices in favour of tourism. items of legislation, it is argued, that are regulat- The lack of a framework at the EU level dis- ing the industry already so there is no need for ables dialogue among interested parties whilst further supranational legislation as it will only establishing conditions of a vicious circle. make things worse and affect tourism competi- Figure 2.1 demonstrates how the vicious circle tiveness. However, a sponsorship situation was is created. The cause of all these complexities welcome. This would bring people together to is the lack of a clear definition of what the discuss the impact of legislative proposals on involvement in tourism should be. Stakeholders tourism, promote Europe as a destination and are finding themselves handicapped in their enable actions in favour of tourism. It was decision-making process. Ultimately, involve- stressed that this would not constitute a policy ment in tourism remains in a state of limbo; as policy is more regimented and could lead to stakeholders are not involved because there is more legislation. This position did not object to no legal basis and then there is no legal basis a treaty reference outright, but stated that because there is not enough interest in tourism. although it did not lead to additional legislation, it would be welcome.

Preferences on Type of Involvement Framework policy

Interviewees also commented on their preferred According to this view, tourism should feature as type of EU involvement in tourism. Diversity of a distinct Community policy. Europe’s declining 26 C. Anastasiadou

share of world arrivals, it was argued, necessi- protected by national tourism organizations tated collective action in order for it to remain (NTOs) who wish to control the projected image the world’s most visited region. The existence of of the country and who believe that joint pro- distinctive policies across Europe without coor- motion efforts are irrelevant as their countries dination and the absence of synergy worked already possess a well-established image. Further- against the competitiveness of the sector. A more, competition is so intense between mem- common tourism policy would not promote ber states that it has been impossible to launch harmonization but rather establish the founda- regional initiatives, for instance, the promotion tions for greater cooperation in areas of rele- of the Iberian Peninsula as one destination to vance to all member states. Harmonization of third countries. Interviewees described this as a policy at the supranational level would work very myopic form of competition that failed to against tourism, as variety is its major element. recognize the potential benefits of greater Rather than a single policy for the whole of cooperation. Europe, this view argued in favour of a com- However, this type of involvement appears mon or joint policy that will evolve in conjunc- to be gaining ground as it is the least taxing in tion with member states’ existing tourism policies terms of a transfer of competence and appears to and set out the parameters along which intra-EU be popular among all stakeholders. A recent cooperation can be developed. This idea of a Council of Ministers meeting (European Council, competence is to work on measures that will 2002) gave the green light to the Commission to develop tourism further within Europe where consider common promotion as a possible area member states cooperate more actively. Mea- for future action. This change of heart may be sures that strengthen the image of Europe as a interpreted in light of the significant cut-back of single destination, such as cross-border and promotion budgets in recent years by several transnational tourism projects, would be the member states (WTO, 1997), making joint efforts focus of any joint attempts. In short, member economically sound and of good value for states should be working towards the establish- money. It is, therefore, very likely that there will ment of enabling strategies across Europe from be common promotion campaigns in the near which the various components of the sector future. could benefit. Opting for this type of involvement would constitute a lowest common denomination approach as it will not address any of the chal- Common promotion lenges that the absence of a framework for tour- ism creates. As 85% of international arrivals to Finally, almost all interviewees identified com- the EU area are intra-regional tourists (WTO, mon promotion in overseas markets as a poten- 2002), the significance and relevance of focusing tial competence area. The basic premise of this resources and time on the minor part of the tour- view is that in the eyes of overseas visitors ism market whilst ignoring the major part can be Europe is perceived as a single destination. questioned. Given the increasing tendency of Establishing a common visa for non-EU visitors Europeans to travel further away for their holi- and the introduction of the euro as legal tender days, sustaining the high levels of intra-regional have enhanced freedom of movement across tourist numbers might become a challenge the EU area and have further reinforced the earlier than might have been expected. image of Europe as one destination. Therefore, A number of observations can be made common promotion campaigns of Europe as a concerning the range of approaches discussed single destination were feasible, if not neces- here. The common thing among all the app- sary, but member states’ unwillingness and roaches is the unwillingness to establish a com- intraregional competition had ruled this out. mon policy that will replace national policies and Establishing a brand Europe would work the preference for some additional actions that towards reversing the losses in world tourism are taken in parallel to what is happening at the arrivals and re-establishing Europe’s competitive national level. The main difference between advantage (Åkerhielm et al., 2003). However, these positions is the degree of authority transfer tourism marketing and promotion are jealously that interviewees suggested would be necessary Tourism and the European Union 27

for tourism concerns to be handled adequately June 2004, it was finally agreed to add tourism at the supranational level. A common ground to the Constitution (LGIB, 2004) after a lot of approach that would probably satisfy both the pressure from MEPs, member state officials and skeptics and the enthusiasts would be the spon- tourism interest groups to have tourism rein- sorship approach as it suggests greater degrees of stated as an area of EU competence. According involvement and cooperation without increasing to European Travel Policy (ETP), tourism inter- bureaucracy and legislation. There are good rea- est groups came to realize that ‘the perennial sons to believe that this approach may already be complaints about EU neglect of tourism will gaining ground. stand even less chance of satisfaction if the last vestige of a formal EU role in tourism is swept away’ (ETP, 2003). The omission of tourism Tourism in the EU Constitution from the draft Constitution was the much- needed incentive for the coming together of The draft constitution was published by the interested parties in tourism. It was also the Praesidium of the Convention on the Future of proof of the claim that had been made during Europe on 18 July 2003. Its main aim is to the conference on transport and tourism replace the overlapping set of existing treaties organized by the Greek Presidency that: and simplify procedures. Following long negoti- there was a broad consensus at the ministerial ations, the draft was agreed by the European meeting for the status quo of tourism to be Council on 18 June 2004 in Brussels with some reinstated in the text of the new Treaty, as one modifications and now awaits ratification by all of the areas for supporting action, where the member states. Ratification is likely to take EU will have a complementary role alongside around two years and cannot begin until the member states. text has been officially published in 21 lang- (ETP, 2003; GNTO, 2003) uages (Nationmaster, 2004). The main objectives of the Constitution are: The move to include tourism as an area of shared competence was welcomed by some ● to simplify the overlapping Treaties and organizations (EAA, 2004; ECTAA, 2004) as it Protocols providing the current legal con- could lead to further funding of projects (ETOA) stitution for Europe; whereas others such as ABTA feared that it ● to enhance and streamline decision-making could lead to bureaucracy or further regulation in the Union now that it has 25 members. (Travel Weekly, 2004). Overall though, it was The Constitution identifies areas of exclu- suggested that it was better for tourism interests sive, shared, and supporting, coordinating and to be in rather than out of the constitution. complementary action. Areas of exclusive com- The relevant section of the EU constitution petence are those in which member states have reads as follows (Article III–181a): agreed that they should act exclusively through 1. The Union shall complement the action of the the EU and not legislate at the national level Member States in the tourism sector in particular by (i.e. customs union, Euro zone monetary policy, promoting the competitiveness of Union undertakings common commercial policy). Areas of shared in that sector. competence are those in which member states 2. To that end, Union action shall be aimed at: act alone only where they have not acted (a) Encouraging the creation of a favourable through the EU, or where the EU has ceased to environment for the development of under- act. The areas of supporting, coordinating or takings in this sector; complementary action are those where member (b) Promoting cooperation between the states have not conferred any competencies on Member States, particularly by the exchange of the Union and the Union may only act to good practice; 3. A European law or framework shall establish support the work of the member states. specific measures to complement actions within the Tourism was one of the areas that had Member States to achieve the objectives referred to in originally been dropped in the draft Treaty text this Article, excluding any harmonisation of the laws submitted by the Praesidium of the Convention. and regulations of the Member States. During the Intergovernmental Conference in (ETOA, 2004) 28 C. Anastasiadou

It is unclear how this reference will be Conclusions expressed in terms of policy or priority objec- tives but it serves the purpose of giving some The aim of this chapter was to provide examples indication of the type of action that will and will of EU’s involvement in tourism and to discuss not be taken. It is vague yet specific enough to potential areas of involvement as these have satisfy all members, noncommittal for the scep- been suggested in the tourism literature and were tics, yet promising enough for the enthusiasts. identified by institutional stakeholders. Themainimplicationofthearticleisthatfor First of all, it was demonstrated that even in the first time there is legitimacy in the EU an institutional setting as evolved and sophisti- actions for tourism. The language and style that cated as the EU, member states retain their has been adopted in all documentation since prominence as the key figures, which shape the the 2001 communication ‘Working Together for integration process. This analysis indicated that the Future of European Tourism’ (CEC, 2001) an implicit policy created by the impact of other is also evident here. The emphasis on coopera- policy areas rather than an explicitly stated tion and good practice is common, as is the policy or strategy for tourism is in place. A type avoidance of talk of harmonization or substitu- of ‘creeping competence’ has taken shape and tion of member states’ involvement. Arguably form by the decisions and activities of other pol- the reference also reflects the prevalence of icy areas. This though, has happened with little the sponsorship/ framework-policy approach as or no consideration of tourism priorities and a strategy for the future EU involvement in tourism interests are incapable of shaping this tourism. implicit policy (Anastasiadou, 2004a). By not The EU Constitution is an important mile- assigning a competence and, thus, responsi- stone, as, at least in theory, it establishes how bility to the EU, the tourism agenda seems to be decision-making powers are going to be divided placed firmly on the backburner. Consequently, between the national and supranational levels the impacts of regulation from other policy for a significant length of time. Despite the fact areas on tourism might always be an after- that this reference is not unproblematic, it still thought rather than a consideration at the onset constitutes the very first document where a spe- of policy-making. cific course of action is implied and a clear divi- The literature had argued that a tourism sion of power is attempted and is the first step policy at the EU level was necessary, as the exist- towards the establishment of a framework or ing support framework is inadequate. The insti- strategy for tourism. In addition, it is a reference tutional stakeholders also agreed that greater EU that all heads of state have committed to regard- involvement was needed, but suggested that less of how they have felt in the past about EU an approach based on complementary and sub- tourism involvement. sidiary action to that undertaken at the national However, the EU Constitution will only level would constitute a better approach. The dif- become binding once it has been ratified by all ference in their views seemed to lie in how much member states. At the moment of writing only more involvement would be necessary, ranging six of the 25 member states have ratified the from establishing a joint policy to joint promotion Constitution (Greece, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, campaigns with no policy implications. Hungary and Slovenia). Concerns have been The European Constitution has presented expressed that a climate of negativity towards tourism interests with the opportunity to have the Constitution is prevailing even in some of the tourism included on the EU agenda on equal more pro-European member states such as terms as other policies and it constitutes a France (Anon, 2005). There is obviously still a long anticipated expression of greater commit- long way to go and it is unclear what the future of ment to tourism. In attempting to establish a the Constitution and the EU would be should complementary competence, the EU has tried several member states reject it. Whatever the to carve for itself a little niche where it can future may hold, it would be a great irony if the develop its strategies in tandem with those of its one and only treaty document that expresses for- member states and, on the face of it, it appears mally and for the first time a real commitment to to have done so successfully. Having tourism tourism is the one that fails to be ratified. reinstated in the final version of the Constitution Tourism and the European Union 29

is a victory in itself as it shows that tourism will tell how this reference will be translated into interests can be influential when they are better EU priorities and objectives and whether the full organized. potential of this reference is achieved. The implications should the Constitution be ratified are increased awareness, better position- ing of tourism interests and acknowledgement of Note the implications of other policies on tourism. The EU could see joint promotion efforts, more 1 According to the subsidiarity principle, action at cross-border cooperation and a degree of policy the EU level should only take place if it is more coordination which should help establish a truly effective than the action taken at the national, European tourism sector. However, only time regional or local level.


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Melanie Smith and Derek Hall

Introduction European project all over again, he would have started with culture. One of the former French This chapter analyses the current situation of Ministers of Culture, Jacques Lang, also stated the EU from an economic, social and cultural that the future development of Europeanism perspective, focusing on the implications of would be dependent on building a Europe of enlargement for tourism and tourism educa- culture after having attempted to build an eco- tion. Some emphasis is placed on the concepts nomic and political Europe (Council of Europe, of citizenship and identity, as these are hot 1994). This chapter therefore focuses to a great issues in the field of contemporary European extent on this issue, starting with a discussion in Studies. The dream of a united Europe has relation to the East Central European accession existed for many decades, but it has become countries (the Visegrad 5), for whom political, recognized increasingly that it is only realistic to social and cultural changes in recent years have promote ‘unity in diversity’ – that is, celebrating been significant. a common European heritage at the same time as cultural diversity. Europe is far from being homogeneous, and the imposition of seemingly From Transition to Accession anodyne EU regulations and values can pro- voke some member countries and regions to For some of the newer members of the EU, seek protectionist directions (e.g. the French accession represents an extension of an already with their language, the British with their cur- ongoing process of transition or political and rency). At times, the European project seems to social change. This process has particularly have been more about division than unification, affected the accession countries of East Central especially for many of the regions struggling for Europe – the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, autonomy from or within the nation state (e.g. Slovakia, Slovenia. Having gained accession to Catalonia, the Basque provinces). In some cases, the EU in May 2004, these countries have been governments and electorates have rejected adapting to their new circumstances after grap- European initiatives, such as the euro and more pling with almost 15 years of post-communist recently, the Constitution. However, many rela- transition. In the case of Slovenia, independence tively successful attempts have been made to was gained from Yugoslavia in June 1991, and unite Europe politically and economically, yet following a 10-day war, the country quickly many readers will be familiar with Jean Monnet’s gained recognition as an autonomous nation. declaration that if he had the chance to start the Such a re-emergence to independence is not ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 32 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Enlargement Implications for European Tourism 33

unique to these countries, of course, with the the persistent urban poverty recognized in Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania recent research (e.g. Tsenkova, 2004). (along with Finland and Poland) having once The new and sudden freedoms of unem- been part of the Tsarist Empire – the ‘prison of ployment, lack of guaranteed employment and nations’, as Marxists called it – and more recently consumer goods availability at prices virtually of the Soviet Union, a variant on the prison of unaffordable was a quantum leap for many citi- nations metaphor. Cyprus and Malta have also zens, used as they were to extensive state sup- at times grappled with the problems of British port and relative continuity, albeit inertia. It is rule and the ‘lingering colonial heritage’ (as often forgotten in post-1989 writings, that the described in Chapter 16). socialist aspiration towards a communist system However, the most obvious recent com- had its merits, and for many people (especially monality that East Central European countries older citizens) it afforded them a more stable life share is their history of state socialism from the than recent capitalist upheavals. Of course, no 1940s to 1989–1991 (it should, of course, be training was received in how to exploit political noted that the term ‘communism’ is more and economic freedom, thus capitalist entrepre- widely used, but it was effectively an unattain- neurs have tended to emerge as an élite. There able political utopia for socialist governments). is still also considerable mistrust of politicians, There were, of course, variations within this and post-1989 governments have often tended enforced structure. Apart from Yugoslavia, towards political extremes (e.g. right-wing politics) which left the Soviet sphere in 1948 to pursue to assert their anti-communist stance. ‘Titoism’ (see Chapter 1), Hungary was some- Thomas (1998) notes that transition path- times satirically referred to as ‘the happiest bar- ways for former state socialist countries have racks’ within the Soviet bloc with its so-called been diverse, despite their previous shared ‘goulasch communism’, as, after 1968, follow- experiences. Much has been written on the ing the introduction of reforms through the trajectories that Central and East European ‘New economic mechanism’, its citizens were countries (CEECs) have followed. Here, it is deemed to have a greater degree of economic perhaps sufficient to note that although rates of freedom and better stocked shops than most political and economic change have been varied, other Soviet bloc societies. However, state socia- all of the aforementioned countries were eligible lism was generally considered to be an oppres- to join the EU in 2004 and are likely to join the sive and constraining force by political and euro by 2012 at the latest, indicating a similar social critics. level of fiscal preparedness, at least. From 1989 onwards, Thomas (1998) sug- Almost half a century within an ideological gests that all of the former communist states ‘bloc’ left the CEECs with suppressed national were faced with a similar problem of how to and regional identities, to some extent replicating change their planning systems to meet the their experiences within the old empires prior to new circumstances of operating in a market the First World War. Political freedom was not economy. This has required new regulations permitted and cultural expression was often and legislation, especially regarding Western censored. However, not least for the ‘new’ investment and land use control. Uneven devel- (Czech and Slovak republics, former Yugoslav opment has been a common characteristic of republics) and newly independent CEECs of the post-communist transition, intensifying the 1990s, there was a clear desire to re-assert economic and social polarization that was individuality and difference. Tourism, often re-emerging in the later years of state socialism. employed as an emblem of this assertion of Through the initial ‘shock therapy’ period of the identity, has therefore an important role to play. early and mid-1990s, often substantial price As a consequence, most of the country chapters increases were not matched by employment in this book discuss the issue of identity con- creation and wage increases: often quite the struction and promotion. reverse, with large-scale lay-offs from the ineffi- For example, East Central Europeans do cient and outdated white-elephant industrial not view themselves as being particularly similar. plants, stagnating incomes in many other fields, While it has been claimed that the Czech and reduced social security provision, generating Republic is the most atheist country in Europe 34 M. Smith and D. Hall

(Cline, 2003), 92% of Poles are Roman Catholic regarding the advantages of EU accession pre- (Encarta Encyclopaedia Online, 2005). The vails in many of the new member states, whilst Hungarian language has nothing in common many older members are apparently lapsing with those of its Slavic neighbours, belonging as into increasing cynicism and mistrust. Neverthe- it does to the Finno-Ugric group of languages, less, Steele (2005) suggests that the election of a and although Central European food is often socially conservative, nationalist and Catholic considered to be of a certain kind (e.g. heavy, president in Poland in 2005 symbolized the hearty), there are considerable variations in death of the ‘New Europe’. the gastronomy, and more especially, wine pro- Politics and economics aside, it seems that duction. Each country has its own distinctive the shift eastwards of the EU has also been a approach to the arts, literature and entertainment. positive move in terms of tourism development All of these countries are now keen to join and cultural integration, and many countries in the euro, but analysts believe that this process Central Europe have seen a recent increase in may be delayed until 2012 in most cases, tourist numbers. What is clear, however, is that mainly because of budget deficits (Mehring, there is more of a desire to promote national 2005). Whilst evidence has shown that there diversity than to sell a common Central European can be significant problems associated with heritage. In recent years, many Central European adopting the euro, such as increasing unem- countries have had similar problems creating ployment, rising prices, insolvencies and a gen- adequate infrastructure for tourism after years eral stagnation of the economy (McNeill, 2005), of state neglect, as well as providing service these new accession countries remain unde- levels suitable for Western tourists. The ‘hang- terred. Indeed, Schadler et al. (2005) suggest over’ of state socialist mentalities often makes that if certain conditions are met, then euro service appear to be more of a duty than a plea- adoption is likely to bring substantial net gains sure. However, tourism and hospitality educa- in the long term, and will make these countries tion has become widespread and sophisticated stronger, more self-reliant members of the EU. (see Chapter 5), with both local and foreign Hungary, Slovenia and Slovakia have expertise being offered in mixed curricula and already ratified the controversial EU Constitu- in several languages. Many citizens in the region tion in Parliament, whereas the same Constitu- were already technically polyglot, with Russian tion has since been rejected by the French as an enforced language and others being widely and the Dutch, who held a national vote taught (e.g. German, English and some Scandi- instead. It is thought that many other nations navian languages). However, many Central (especially those from the ‘old’ EU), would also Europeans deny knowing any Russian as a pro- be likely to reject it. The reasons for this are not test against past enforcement, and Hungarians clear cut, but generally seem to stem from fears (along with the British) are currently said to be of central control from Brussels and subsidies the worst linguists in Europe, with only 29% of being used to fund ‘poorer’ accession countries, the population speaking another language. who will become strong economic competitors When compared to Slovenians at 89%, this fig- in the future. For example: ure is low (EU Business, 2005). Nevertheless, it is worth re-emphasizing that Hungarian is only Nowadays the concept of a united Europe is related to Finnish and Estonian, and even then, increasingly synonymous with factories being only in terms of structure rather than vocabulary. moved to Hungary, cheap Polish laborers, and By contrast, the north and south Slavic languages new guidelines for service industries that jeopardize jobs in better off countries like of much of Central and Eastern Europe share a France and Germany. degree of commonality. (Spiegel Online, 2005) In terms of their economies, Central European countries still have quite a strong Such prejudices are largely unfounded, but rural tradition, despite declining agriculture. on a positive note, it is has been argued that the Although emphasis in recent years has been productivity levels of accession countries would placed on the development of cultural cities rise given greater EU support through a Consti- (e.g. Prague, Budapest, Kraków), diversification tution. Overall, it seems that a spirit of optimism of the tourism product is now needed, as Enlargement Implications for European Tourism 35

saturation point is often being reached. Natural directly take account of such external influences, and cultural resources also vary considerably. but it does potentially redress internal imbal- Despite being a small country, Slovenia is ances of political and economic power and blessed with coast, mountains and lakes as well influence. The social implications are perhaps as cultural cities. Poland, the Czech Republic less easily discernible, but are no less important and Slovakia all have unique cultural and his- for that. However, one of the biggest problems toric towns and villages, as well as mountain of the EU project is that its aims and objectives ranges suitable for skiing. Hungary has no are rarely explained clearly enough to its citi- mountains, but one of the largest lakes in zens, thus referenda on key issues (e.g. the Europe (Balaton). Different ethnic and folk cul- euro, the Constitution of Europe) tend to elicit tures are also present in all of the countries, minimal or negative responses. which are major assets for rural tourism devel- In terms of citizenship, it is clear that the EU opment. Similarly, spa tourism has a significant functions as a kind of constructivist actor, history in the region and is once again being encouraging ‘belonging’, but complementing developed and promoted. rather than replacing any sense of national alle- It is clear that Central Europe has become giance. It is not only a legal or juridical body, of considerable interest to international tourists. but an inherently cultural one. Jean Monnet’s Although the post-communist fascination is notion that ‘we have made Europe, now we perhaps wearing off, especially amongst repeat have to make Europeans’ must adapt to ever- visitors, much of the region is still relatively changing political, economic and cultural frame- under-visited and has great potential. EU acces- works, some of the most recent being the fall of sion has perhaps planted the idea in the minds Communism, the growing adoption of the euro, of visitors that Central European countries have the accession of ten new countries, and the reached a certain level of economic and social potential entry of several more. In addition, development, and that infrastructure and service many aspects of globalization (often perceived quality are improving. Budget airlines are offer- as synonymous with ‘Americanization’ in more ing new routes all the time, though it is worth protectionist countries) are sometimes seen as noting the considerable price differentials being threatening to the protection of Europe’s between fares to Central Europe and fares from cultural and linguistic heritage. As elsewhere, Central Europe. It is ironically much cheaper for Europeans are faced with the constant dialectic tourists travelling from Western countries, even of re-affirming distinctiveness in the face of though incomes are still relatively much lower homogenization. in Central European countries. There are also Citizenship is difficult to define, as it is concerns that budget airline tourism is leading based on the creation or emergence of commu- to the attraction of less desirable visitors (e.g. nities with geographical and psychological stag and hen parties), and multiplying visitor attachment to place, culture and identity (all numbers in cities with limited capacity (e.g. intangible and nebulous concepts to a large Kraków, Prague). extent). There may be more attachment to regions than nations (e.g. in the case of Catalonia, the Basque country or Corsica). Many new nation states have emerged in the post- Culture, Citizenship and Identity in Communist era (e.g. the Czech Republic and the New EU Slovakia, and former Soviet states), as well as those in what was once Yugoslavia. Politicians It is sometimes difficult to define exactly what and citizens of these new states often have the ‘Europe’ represents, especially with regards to task of deciding how to redefine themselves, culture, citizenship and identity. Politically, their culture and heritage, and presenting a new Europe’s current borders are limited, but cul- image to the outside world. This manifests itself tural influences are pervasive, especially from in tourism marketing, heritage interpretation Turkey, North Africa and the Middle East, not and cultural representation. It is sometimes diffi- to mention the former colonies further afield. cult to know which aspects of culture should be The extension of EU boundaries does not presented, especially in countries where political 36 M. Smith and D. Hall

systems suppressed cultural expression for development, especially in the arts, as the shar- many decades. Should countries clearly display ing of good practice and the enabling of cultural aspects of their recent dissonant past (a tactic exchange is fundamental to the rationale that is often open to political manipulation), or behind European understanding and integra- should they hark back to the heritage of previ- tion. However, certain ways of collaborative ous centuries and civilizations, many of which working may be treated with suspicion in some might be common to other European citizens? of the newer member states. For example, (It should be noted that much of this heritage Farkas (2005) notes that in Hungary, many would also consist of colonial occupations and citizens spent their time devising ways to legacies.) Are they positioning themselves in avoid political and social networks during the relation to each other, thereby encouraging socialist era. competition, or are they adhering to the com- mon EU slogan of ‘unity in diversity’? Arguably, political oppression and lack of economic and cultural freedom for decades (and for many The Reconciliation of a Common regions, ongoing) do little to encourage alle- European Heritage and giance to yet another ‘bloc’ with centralized Contemporary Cultural Diversity political governance. Nevertheless, the volun- tary decision made to join the EU is clearly There are clearly still dilemmas to be overcome based on a belief that the benefits outweigh in cultural terms within the EU. How does one the disadvantages (especially in political and reconcile, for example, the protection of a economic terms). common European heritage whilst supporting Cultural theory seems to suggest that com- contemporary cultural diversity? Much of the plex postmodern societies are less like ‘melting cultural diversity in Western Europe has its ori- pots’ and more like ‘salad bowls’. While integra- gins in post-colonial immigration and diasporic tion or assimilation was previously seen as communities from outside Europe, which are desirable, there is now more of a recognition not always easily reconciled with the imperial that the coexistence of different cultures and the legacies of European history. Much of Central celebration of diversity are more appropriate. and Eastern Europe’s common recent heritage Individual or collective identities can be asserted is that of enforced socialist structures. Neither independently within a national or regional framework creates the kind of harmonious envi- political framework or ideology to which the ronment that lends itself simply to tourism pro- individual or communities may or may not sub- duct development and heritage interpretation. It scribe. This notion of democracy and freedom is, instead, likely to be a contested battleground of expression is relatively new for many citizens where political, economic, social and cultural in accession countries, thus this represents a priorities often become gridlocked. period of exploration of both cultures and iden- At the same time that many countries in the tities. The role of the EU within this process new EU are redefining their heritage and adopt- should surely be to promote and support ing selective approaches to presentation and cultural diversity, but this requires a complex promotion, there are moves to develop a cer- understanding of both heritage and contempo- tain standardization in terms of conservation rary cultural developments within nation states. and preservation of Europe’s common heritage. However, as elsewhere in the EU, general However, it could be argued that the European cultural or tourism strategies may clash with emphasis is still based too much on the built national priorities. Javrova (2005) states that environment with less regard for more intangi- European integration is hard work for many ble aspects of heritage. These are, of course, dif- accession countries, who are still defining their ficult to measure and manage, but they are own values and identities before they can even arguably the cornerstones of national, regional think about embarking on European projects and European cultural continuity. Attempts are relating to common policy. There may also be currently being made to redress the imbalance, other barriers. The development of collabo- for example, Mihailovic and Strachwitz (2004) rative networks is common to EU cultural from Europa Nostra focus on a sense of place, Enlargement Implications for European Tourism 37

belonging and pride, and advocate qualitative terms with, to interpret and to integrate into changes in approaches to cultural development; touristic development. Much has been written but it is well known that the budget for culture in about the Nazi Holocaust and its legacy, which the EU is woefully deficient, therefore progress is commonly viewed as being almost beyond in this direction is likely to be slow. Much work is interpretation because of its enormity. Similar being done in the international arena on the emotive (albeit smaller) debates are currently links between creativity and quality of life in ensuing about the interpretation and represen- cities (Florida, 2003). There is seen to be an tation of socialist or communist heritage and its inextricable relationship between economic legacy. Displaced symbols litter the landscape in growth, creative clusters of people and busi- the form of architecture or statues. Should they nesses, science and new technologies. This be removed or simply converted? Museums and research is proving interesting for European galleries often have to rethink the presentation cities in the throes of regeneration, but the of their collections, and it is not uncommon for connections to heritage arguably need to be them to remain closed temporarily whilst cura- maintained if cultural development is to be tors consider reinterpretation. Who and what protected from too much instrumentalism and are heritage sites, museums and galleries for? homogenization. Are they simply there as memorials or remind- In the modern world system, Wallerstein ers of the past so that we can learn from them in (2000) suggests that it is necessary to redefine the future, as sites of ‘truth’ and reconciliation? who are ‘we’ and who are the ‘others’ both in Or are they vehicles through which ‘new’ socie- our thoughts and in our politics. In recent times, ties can explore and display their contemporary the apparent conflicts between ‘East’ and ‘West’ European, national or regional identities? Of have been taking place within as much as course, one might argue that both approaches between societies. No longer can we reduce are necessary and complementary. As an over- conflict management to a simple dialogue simplification, heritage can feed one need between political entities, trading blocs or geo- (coming to terms with the past in the present graphical regions. It is much more subtle and and learning from it), and the arts can provide complex, particularly in multi-cultural, multi- the means of celebrating contemporary cultures faith European societies, where extensive work and creativity. is being done in both political and cultural arenas In the past, heritage and conservation (particularly the arts) to promote cultural diver- tended to receive a larger slice of the budget in sity, integration and social inclusion. Tourism many EU countries, but there has been a also plays a key role therein, especially in some noticeable shift in recent years towards sup- of the newer developments that focus on ethnic porting the cultural and creative industries, quarters or festivals. New mobilities, especially especially those involving young people and following the widening of the EU, are creating new technologies. However, there conse- new relationships and negotiations within even quently appears to be a more instrumental more culturally diverse societies. approach to cultural development in many Education is a key issue for cultural under- European countries, whereby it is used as a standing, along with mobility and cross-cultural tool for something else rather than being exchange. The encouragement of multi- valued for its intrinsic qualities (e.g. economic lingualism is important but sadly declining in growth, regeneration, tourism development). some of the less EU-orientated countries (e.g. Whilst this is perhaps inevitable given public Britain). The way that the culture and history funding restrictions and private business of Europe is taught in schools and universities is imperatives, care should be taken that societies of paramount importance to the fostering of and communities do not feel disinherited from understanding and tolerance. This has tradition- their past or their contemporary modes of ally been somewhat hegemonic and archaic, expression. Citizenship is as much about human especially when confined by national boun- rights as anything else, thus EU policy needs to daries. The 20th century in Europe was one focus on issues of ownership and empower- of the most collectively tragic and violent in ment in its cultural and tourism development modern history, so there is much to come to strategies. This is particularly important in 38 M. Smith and D. Hall

accession countries where non-local interven- dilemmas, such as how do we reconcile tion and investment is omnipresent. economic growth, social welfare, and cultural conservation? Many governments are currently experimenting with what has been termed ‘third way’ politics, which aims to find a middle Furthering Tourism Education in ground between capitalist growth and socialist the New EU democracy (Giddens, 1998). Thus, a knowledge of contemporary politics – both party politics In the light of the previous paragraphs, it could and cultural politics – may also be needed for a be argued that tourism education should oper- true understanding of tourism and its related ate from a cultural base as well as an economic disciplines. and business-orientated one. An understanding Many of the accession countries are grap- is needed of EU structures, policies and initia- pling with issues relating to service quality follow- tives. At all levels, the relationship between ing years of under-investment and government tourism and cultural policy is relatively under- control. However, the dilemmas relating to an developed. If we accept that the unique selling ‘acceptable’ level of foreign intervention and point of the majority of European countries investment are by no means resolved. If a con- (especially those which have recently joined dition of entering the EU is based on economic the EU) is culture, then this surely needs to be status, how far can this be achieved without the addressed. Some might argue more cynically, inevitable standardization of development typi- that many countries simply need better market- cal of the ubiquitous global brand? Often, the ing and branding strategies to position them- aspiration towards adequate service provision selves within an increasingly competitive can be the very thing that undermines cultural marketplace. There is some truth in this state- character and uniqueness (e.g. the building of ment, of course, but it is firstly necessary to chain hotels and fast food restaurants in heri- identify one’s unique features and resources. tage quarters, and the displacement of local An understanding of history and heritage inter- businesses or residents because of impossible pretation is needed for this, as well as an rent increases). Nevertheless, global tourists awareness of how best to promote and repre- apparently require certain levels of service qual- sent cultural diversity, especially the cultures of ity and familiar brands, therefore this aspiration ethnic and minority groups. is by no means misplaced. The challenge surely An understanding of Europe’s place in the then becomes to provide the service required by world is also arguably essential, especially when tourists, but within a localized cultural context. marketing European attractions to non-European That is, drawing on aspects of hospitality that tourists. Globalization is a hotly debated term, are familiar to that country rather than import- though, of course, not a new concept for ing them from elsewhere, and ideally employing Europeans for whom history has always been a local people. series of shifting hegemonic powers and occu- The buzzword for the 2000s in Europe has pations (internal and external). Europe has surely become ‘regeneration’, a term that seems played a central role in global trading with its to be synonymous with ‘gentrification’ (the many empires and colonies scattered through- aforementioned phenomenon whereby areas out the world. These are not always sources of become upgraded through investment and dissonance, but can sometimes form the basis prices soar). This is something of a double- of tourist flows between the former ‘core’ and edged sword. There is no doubt that regenera- ‘peripheral’ countries. In addition, many dia- tion contributes enormously to the economic sporic groups who have had to leave their coun- and physical development of a city, encourag- try of origin for political or economic reasons ing the building of new ‘flagship’ architectural may be key markets for new developments, structures and attractions, the hosting of mega- especially in liberalizing accession countries. events, the redevelopment of areas in decline The juxtaposition of a rich social and cultural (e.g. waterfronts), the reuse of old buildings (e.g. heritage and a strong commercial and techno- factories, warehouses, railway stations). How- logical economy in Europe raises countless ever, the social and cultural implications are Enlargement Implications for European Tourism 39

often ignored, and they are certainly under- distinguishing characteristics. Nevertheless, if it researched. Tourism education definitely needs is delivered within a local context with attention to take account of such developments, espe- to cultural specificities, such issues can be cially as many of the newly regenerated areas resolved. This is perhaps particularly important and attractions have a tourism focus, or at the for accession countries, for whom the previous very least, provide the baseline for future tour- ‘West is best’ mantra is sometimes proving to be ism development (e.g. infrastructure). less than satisfactory. Of course, notwithstanding the need to understand the broader context in which tourism operates, students of tourism studies also need to find jobs within this growing and diversifying Tourism Attractions Management and market. The standardization of qualifications Development in the New EU and the loss of visa restrictions may facilitate employment mobility. In addition, there has In terms of investment opportunities, attractions been a certain standardization of the tourism development in the accession countries has curriculum thanks to the work of ATLAS and become something of a playground for external its members (for example, see Richards and developers. The dilemma facing many countries Onderwater, 1998). It was generally accepted has been between a rock and a hard place of that the core body of knowledge should consist becoming victims of economic imperialism and of the following elements: cultural standardization, versus stagnation, lack of development opportunities, and lagging ● the meaning of tourism; behind competitors in the same market. Neither ● the tourism industry; situation is entirely satisfactory, so a certain ● the dimensions and measurement of degree of political regulation is needed. tourism; As stated by Rátz (2004) the main (initial) ● the significance and impact of tourism; attraction of the former socialist countries in the ● marketing of tourism services; new EU was ‘an exciting experience on the ● tourism planning and development; and other side of the Iron Curtain’. Of course, in ● management of the tourist experience. recent years, this unique selling point has begun Within this generic framework, the impor- to wane as cities in particular become increasingly tance of more ‘intangible’ aspects of research ‘cosmopolitan’ as a result of new developments have come to the fore in recent years, for exam- and foreign investment and first-time ‘curiosity’ ple, the measurement of socio-cultural impacts, visitor numbers decreasing. However, the quality of life indicators, sensitive and ethical advent of low-budget airlines has had a signifi- issues in interpretation and representation. New cant effect on many such destinations, extend- technology would be another prominent feature ing and transforming the market, if not always of most curricula. Potential areas for module to the advantage of destinations’ income and development were also identified, many of image, both in terms of short-stay, relatively which have since been implemented across low-per-capita spend and the social disruption European teaching institutions and have become of the weekend break ‘stag and hen’ party rev- the focus of numerous conferences. These were: ellers. Rural areas and some of the less accessi- ble accession countries, such as the Baltic ● globalization and localization; States, have had to work a little bit harder at ● the single market and integration; establishing a brand for attracting Western ● the ethics of tourism; tourists. Conversely, others (e.g. Cyprus and ● cross-cultural issues in tourism and leisure; Malta) have had to rethink their tourism strate- and gies in the light of over-visitation. It is therefore ● sustainable development of tourism and difficult to generalize about the experience of leisure. new accession countries, though parallels can The standardization of any curriculum is, of perhaps be drawn when comparing like with course, not always desirable as it may serve to like (e.g. small islands, cultural cities, rural stifle creativity or develop graduates with few regions). 40 M. Smith and D. Hall

Richards’ (2001) observation that cultural to development, which satisfy the needs of consumption had reached saturation point in ‘money rich/time poor’ consumers, who are the late 1990s, with cultural tourists suffering highly individualistic and are increasingly seeking from ‘monument fatigue’ and museum overdose experiences rather than products. They note that encourages one to question whether a cultural even if visitors arrive together at a destination, tourism strategy is actually the best way forward they may be seeking individual experiences. for many of the newer destinations in Europe. Richards and Raymond (2000) analyse the Nevertheless, the Commission of the European importance of ‘creative tourism’ whereby visi- Communities (2001) noted that cultural and tors are more actively engaged in fulfilling their natural heritage tourism was expected to grow creative potential. This may include activities, the most in terms of demand. Even former ‘sun, such as painting, dancing, pottery, music, etc. It sea, sand’ destinations, such as Malta and may involve direct interaction with a host com- Cyprus have begun to implement cultural munity or attendance of a cultural event. Tour- tourism development plans. However, the ism is clearly becoming less prescriptive, more consequences of this have not always been over- exploratory, and more experiential. This may whelmingly positive in terms of social impacts, explain the apparent growth in the number of especially in small villages. Time is perhaps festivals, events and spectacles that are being better spent on upgrading existing facilities and developed as part of the European tourism diversifying into more lucrative activities (e.g. product. Despite their ephemerality, such events business tourism, which is also a growth sector). can be a celebration of both heritage and con- Some of the cities in the new EU (e.g. Budapest, temporary cultures. If they are repeated regu- Prague, Kraków, Tallinn) are inherently cultural larly, they contribute to cultural continuity and and historic, and therefore cannot easily avoid community pride, and if they are well managed, promoting their monuments, museums and gal- they can leave a permanent physical legacy too. leries. Richards (2001) also notes that there has There has been an increasing interest in the been a fall in the local consumption of ‘high’ cultures and activities of ethnic and minority culture in many Eastern countries since 1989, groups in Europe. The development of cultural mainly due to a lack of state subsidy and declin- quarters or festivals that are based on the con- ing incomes. Thus, foreign tourism may provide centration of indigenous or diasporic communi- the boost that is needed for many flagging ‘high’ ties are being marketed as tourist attractions cultural attractions. Income levels are not yet (e.g. Chinatowns, Banglatowns (Indian districts), such that residents from Central and Eastern Jewish quarters). Caribbean Carnivals and Europe can always afford to travel far outside Asian Mela Festivals are also growing in impor- the region, so there is also a need to cater for tance, as are events based on gastronomy, music domestic and regional markets that may be more or dance forms (e.g. gipsy violin). Although cul- favourably disposed to other forms of more tural political negotiations and tensions are still affordable, popular or ‘global’ development ongoing, this development demonstrates a shift (e.g. arts, festivals, creative tourism). Many of the away from the imperialism of so-called ‘national accession countries are also now in a position heritage’ towards the cultural diversity of ‘minority’ whereby they are starting to encourage repeat groups. Issues relating to interpretation and visitation. Now that the post-Communist fasci- representation still need to be handled carefully nation has been satisfied, there may be a need and sensitively, but it is arguably a positive to create new, contemporary attractions that pro- movement in terms of building a new Europe. vide unique selling points beyond heritage. However, there has also been a frightening Pine and Gilmore’s (1999) work on the resurgence of nationalism in Europe in recent ‘experience economy’ suggests the need for years, often in some of the former socialist new approaches to both product and attractions countries where right wing governments fight to development and marketing. A uniform app- kill off the last remnants of communist support. roach to such processes is clearly not compatible Sensitive interpretation is therefore only the with capitalist structures and changing con- icing on the cake of a process that requires a sumer expectations. Tyrell and Mai (2001) also baseline of political and social support, toler- emphasize the need for innovative approaches ance and understanding. Enlargement Implications for European Tourism 41

As well as capitalizing on new, global of a distinctive enough brand image or the exis- developments in order to attract quality busi- tence of a negative one. As stated thus far, there ness tourism, many former Central and Eastern are decisions to be made about the features and European countries are in the process of re- resources that a destination wants to promote, developing their health and wellness tourism and the way it wants to interpret its culture products, namely in the form of spas. Many of and heritage. This is a major challenge for all these have traditionally had medical as well as European destinations, especially those that ‘aesthetic’ properties (e.g. waters containing a have reached saturation point in terms of visitor variety of healing minerals). This is perhaps a capacity (e.g. mass seaside resorts and small unique selling point, as spas are becoming historic towns). Competition is rife, not least somewhat ubiquitous on an international scale. from destinations outside Europe. Accession The landscapes and beautiful buildings in which into the EU perhaps suggests that the countries some of the spas are located (especially in in question have reached a level of develop- Hungary and the Czech Republic, for example) ment, management and service quality that can also provide a cultural specificity which is not meet the needs of increasingly demanding inter- typical of global hotel chain spas. A parallel national visitors. However, some of the countries development in much of Western Europe has with the most potential resources for tourism been that of ‘holistic tourism’, whereby retreat development (e.g. Romania, Bulgaria) did not centres cater for the psychological and spiritual meet the criteria to join the first round of needs of visitors. This may be achieved through entrants. Political and economic mismanagement alternative therapies and homeopathic treat- (albeit under the auspices of ‘protectionism’) have ments, many of which originated in the East been major barriers to tourism development in (e.g. India, Asia). Spa culture may be more some cases. It can also be very damaging to a physical and less esoteric, but there is arguably destination’s external image, hindering both potential for the development of combined investment and visitation. products that take the spa concept beyond its traditional origins and attract new markets. Many of the newer destinations may be in a position to capitalize on their rural tourism New Images for New Destinations? attractions, a strategy that was common for some less economically developed EU countries Van Woudenberg (1999) concludes that in the past (e.g. Ireland and Portugal). Arguably, European tourists overall are increasingly the most distinctive aspects of national, regional demanding a broader tourist product, which is and local cultures can be found outside major based on ‘multi-entertainment’ rather than one cosmopolitan and historic cities. Unique selling sole activity (e.g. sunbathing, skiing). He also points abound in rural villages, where indige- suggests that the inter-European market is nous traditions are usually stronger, local ‘au- declining in favour of external destinations. thentic’ products abound, and hospitality is However, with an upgrade in the quality of often less standardized. For a certain kind of services and accessibility, new destinations in cultural or rural tourist, this form of attraction is CEE can expect a growth in their tourist num- strong, and affords considerable scope for devel- bers. So too, perhaps can islands like Cyprus opment (e.g. eco-museums, festivals, gastron- and Malta, as there has been an upturn in omy, handicrafts, nature trails, religious tourism). Mediterranean tourism since the mid-1990s. There are also numerous destinations offering However, the way in which they present them- relatively cheap and less crowded skiing opportu- selves in a competitive marketplace may be a nities (e.g. Poland, the Czech Republic and key factor in their future success. Slovakia, as well as Bulgaria and Romania). In conclusion to this chapter, it is clear Many of the new accession countries have that there is an ongoing dilemma within the arguably not yet reached their full potential for EU as to how far countries should promote their a number of reasons. Some of these are political ‘Europeanness’ versus their national and regional and economic, some may be social or cultural, identities, versus their international status as and others are partly commercial – i.e. the lack destinations of high quality. The shadows of 42 M. Smith and D. Hall

imperialism and other forms of political and brand image is still a challenge in a competitive social oppression hang heavily over many market. Some cities are moving towards the countries, so they are forced to find ways of rec- model that has been established in many Western onciling themselves to their past in the present. countries (e.g. London, Barcelona, Rotterdam) Many tourists are fascinated by the dissonant whereby extensive regeneration strategies are past and dark tourism (Lennon and Foley, being implemented. These are increasingly 2000), therefore this is ironically a lucrative taking into consideration the notion of the industry. However, no country wants to be ‘experience economy’, the ‘multi-entertainment’ associated purely with its legacy of brutality, concept, and the economic potential of the therefore images of death or destruction need to creative industries. Emphasis is placed on a be used sparingly and sensitively. On the other combination of activities, many of which are hand, a positive way forward may be to pro- experiential, temporary, but with a lasting leg- mote the cultures of diverse ethnic groups acy for the city (e.g. festivals and mega-events). within a society, who may previously have been More permanent ‘flagship’ projects (e.g. art marginalized or persecuted (e.g. Jews, Roma), galleries, conference centres) are being devel- as well as those diasporic groups that form part oped as catalysts for the regeneration of whole of the legacy of Europe’s colonial history. At a areas of cities, eventually providing a boon to social level, this can help to raise political tourism. awareness and celebrate difference, and at a Rather than putting themselves in the posi- commercial level, it adds colour, vibrancy and tion of playing an endless game of ‘catch-up’ uniqueness to a product. The out-migration of with the West, many new accession destinations many populations from European countries are searching for their own innovative and cre- (especially those from CEE) may represent an ative approaches to tourism development. In important external market in this respect, as many cases, they can promote what is unique to many are interested in indigenous traditions. them (e.g. more traditional and ‘authentic’ forms Some destinations have a stronger brand of rural and indigenous cultural tourism). They image than others, especially those with major can capitalize on their history and heritage, cultural and heritage cities. However, cynics even if it is of a dissonant nature. Whether it might attribute the growth of tourism in such is seaside or spa-based, the wellness tourism cases mainly to their location on budget airline market is growing exponentially, and accession routes. The short-break, weekend market is still countries can revive and promote the facilities growing, which is good news for destinations for which they have always been famous. In like Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, countries addition, they can identify what is new and that are perhaps less well-known outside the vibrant within contemporary culture and the arts, immediate region. Their potential for both cul- providing unique experiences for visitors. With tural and rural tourism development is high, an upgraded infrastructure and an improvement and they have the added bonus of being to service quality, it will probably not be long labelled ‘relatively undiscovered’. Nevertheless, before the declining destinations of Western the establishment of a clear and distinctive Europe are looking eastwards for inspiration.


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C. Michael Hall

The enlargement of the European Union through unexpected implications – in the case of the cri- the accession of new member states is an event sis in Australian and New Zealand agriculture, of global consequence for tourism, even though for example, the development of rural tourism many of the impacts will likely be indirect and opportunities as a response to problems of may also take many years to become apparent. economic restructuring. From an external perspective, one of the most However, each ‘new Europe’ constitutes not important points that can be made is that the just a shift in trade, but also a change in inter- latest accession of states to the EU follows a suc- national relations, regulation and governance, cession of ‘New Europes’. Each time a country although, clearly, trade is a significant compo- or group of countries has joined the EU or its pre- nent of such relations. Just as importantly, the decessors there has been a shift in governance, latest EU enlargement was the largest in terms policy settings and activities across a wide range of population and created the world’s largest of policy areas, many of which have directly and market by economic output. This has been indirectly affected tourism not just in Europe but viewed as positive by international tourism throughout the world. bodies such as the World Travel and Tourism One of the main areas, for example, in Council and the World Tourism Organization, which bilateral and multilateral change has although typically without any critical evaluation occurred in relation to EU expansion is with of the implications for non-EU countries. Indeed, respect to international trade in products and within Europe itself there is arguably little inter- services. Historically, international trade rela- est outside of the tourism policy community as tions ‘shift’ for existing trading partners of acces- to the impacts of accession on tourism, and sion countries upon joining the EU because even less on the international community (e.g. of the priorities given to the members of the Verheugen, 2003). European Union or its predecessors and the This chapter seeks to place the implications creation of new bilateral and multilateral trad- of the latest European enlargement into a wider ing conditions. For example, the emergence international context. However, as the European of a ‘crisis’ in the agricultural economies of Commission (2004) itself has observed, ‘Any Australia and New Zealand is often traced discussion of the EU’s recent enlargement, as back to the United Kingdom joining Europe in well as those still to come, risks “expanding to 1973 and the subsequent loss of preferential fill the available space”’. Nevertheless, some trade arrangements for those countries. Such observations may perhaps be reasonably made, shifts in trade often have far-reaching and even if only to emphasize how little attention ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 44 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe 45

has been given in policy circles to the implica- CAP for international tourism lie in the extent to tions of EU enlargement. Focus is placed upon which changes in international trade regimes potential impacts with respect to changes in influence economic growth in affected nations tourism flows, but, just as significantly, attention and therefore changes in personal consumption is given to broader policy implications of en- that may then be used to purchase tourism ser- largement for cognate policy areas such as the vices. Similarly, EU accession may have further environment and development. This approach longer-term implications for tourism in terms of is regarded as particularly important given the the growth of the Euro zone and therefore lack of a clear EU policy with respect to tourism future exchange rates that are a major determi- although there exists a large number of policy nant in international travel flows, while an addi- areas that, though not tourism specific, never- tional longer-term effect will be growth of the theless have a substantial affect on tourism new EU members as potential source markets (Hall, 2000). for both EU and non-EU destinations. For students of tourism the unfortunate real- ity is that, in general assessments of economic, social and political implications of enlargement Tourism and Enlargement: Trade for the EU, tourism does not usually figure as a major, or even minor concern. This is even the In terms of international trade much of the situation with respect to government reports attention given to EU enlargement both inside from existing EU members. For example, the and outside of the EU has been given to trade in UK Department of Trade and Industry (2004) commodities rather than trade in services. For failed to mention tourism or travel in terms of example, in a speech to Doshisha University trade and investment potential of EU enlarge- in Japan, the leader of the EU delegation to ment. Arguably, such a situation is somewhat Japan, Bernhard Zepter argued that: surprising given the supposed importance of Japanese companies will benefit in the tourism for national and regional economies and enlarged EU from a single set of trade rules, a for employment. Indeed, a survey conducted single tariff, and a single set of administrative by the Economist Intelligence Unit (2003) on procedures that will apply across the whole of the business implications of EU enlargement, the Single Market. This will simplify dealings for tourism was regarded as the biggest winner in Japanese firms doing business with the EU. For terms of EU enlargement in the accession trade in industrial goods, the new Member countries although the sector was not seen in States will now adopt the Common Customs Tariff. This means on average a significant such a favourable light for existing EU mem- decrease in the tariffs applied. The average bers. Nevertheless, the implications of enlarge- weighted industrial tariffs of the acceding ment for tourism remained the concern of the countries decrease from around 9% on average tourism policy community only and not other to the 3.6% average applied by the EU. policy areas. Japanese businesses will significantly benefit Consideration of changed patterns of eco- from extensively lower tariffs in their trade with nomic development were central to the World new Member States as a result of enlargement. Travel and Tourism Council’s (WTTC) (2004) (Zepter, 2004) assessment of the implications of EU enlarge- In addition to trade in manufactured goods, ment for tourism. According to the WTTC, the in the United States and many other nations ten new member states, combined, stand to gen- with substantial agricultural sectors considerable erate an additional €46bn of travel and tourism attention has also been given to implications GDP and 3 million jobs by achieving average EU for agricultural trade, particularly the Common results. Nevertheless, forecasts of such growth Agricultural Policy (Kokubo, 2001; Crane, 2003). will likely require shifts in both investment flows Although the CAP may have some implications and tourism mobility in order to be achieved. for farm-based tourism because of the extent to Any such changes will occur both within the which farm tourism subsidies and grants could enlarged EU as well as in the transfer of tourists be interpreted as a form of agricultural subsidy and capital from locations outside of the EU to (Hall, 2000), the longer-term implications of the within the new EU. 46 C.M. Hall

Some attention has been given to the poten- factors influencing international tourism flows tial implications in changes in tourism demand such as the price of oil, is likely to lead to sub- and corresponding effects at the macroeconomic stantial turbulence in intra- and inter-European and inter-sectoral levels (Blake et al., 2003; travel flows in coming years. However, although Cochard, 2003; Lohmann, 2004). For example, accession will have some direct affects on tour- the Executive Director of the European Tour ism, there are clearly also potentially significant Operators Association (ETOA), Tom Jenkins, indirect implications for international tourism warned that EU VAT laws will make accession trade as a result of new pressures being brought countries a more expensive destination and that to bear on EU policy-making. it may force tour operators who bring in tourists from outside the EU offshore as they were signing up for ‘a taxation regime that will make their destinations less competitive’, noting that, Changes in EU Policy-making in general, travel to the EU accession countries will become more expensive to visitors from EU The accession of ten new members to the EU on countries and to visitors from outside the EU 1 May 2004 is widely regarded as sealing the who travel with a tour operator based within end of the division of the continent in the post- the EU (Enlargement Weekly, 2004). Unfortu- World War II period. Enlargement has been nately, there has been little such empirical part of the EU success and has been a factor in examination of the implications of these trans- further integration. However, with the latest fers outside of the EU with the exception of accession the differences in per capita income highly tourism-dependent states, such as those between old and new members arguably make of the Caribbean (Dunlop, 2003; Greenaway integration more difficult than ever before, not and Milner, 2004). just in economic terms, but also in the policy With respect to the Caribbean (CARICOM) settings that will be required with respect to clos- Greenaway and Milner (2004, p. 75) suggest ing economic and social divisions (Brimmer and that ‘The impact of longer term income effects Fröhlich, 2005). Indeed, difficulties with inte- on export opportunities is likely to be particu- gration have already become apparent since larly important in the case of services exports. accession, with substantial differences over the The relatively high income elasticity of demand setting of the EU budget and discord over for many services, including tourism, means policy direction especially with respect to the that the indirect effects of EU enlargement are relative emphasis given to knowledge-based likely to increase tourism demand in the economic development versus support for the CARICOM from the new members of the EU.’ Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) (Sciolino, However, it should be noted that the validity of 2005; The Age, 2005). Although such disputes these findings requires recognition of the need have not yet impacted on tourism mobility, to solve broader trade issues, such as aviation arguably they have had some implications for access between the new EU members and the labour mobility. The prime ministers of both Caribbean, as well as substitutability of desti- Sweden and the United Kingdom have raised nations as a potentially limiting factor in EU concerns regarding the potential western move- enlargement-induced tourism growth. ment of cheap labour from the accession coun- With respect to changes in travel flows, tries and it is conceivable that such political therefore, all one can accurately say is that there comments may yet have impacts on European will certainly be changed patterns in travel flows mobility, including tourism. and investment in tourism, including second Although institutional adjustments follow- homes, as a result of the EU accession, but that ing the progress of the Constitutional Treaty the extent of such changes is almost impossible were still to be determined at the time of writing, to generalize outside of specific cases (e.g. see as was the long-term fate of the Treaty (Sciolino, Coles, 2005). Nevertheless, the EU accession 2005), it was expected that substantial pressures not only opens up potentially new destinations, would be placed upon EU policies by differ- but also opportunities for destination substitu- ences between members (Etzioni, 2005). Such tion and this, along with other contemporary divergencies cut across a number of policy axes Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe 47

and should not just be seen in terms of ‘Old of goods and people within the Union. With Europe’ versus ‘New Europe’, as significant as internal border controls dismantled, crossing such differences might be. Fröhlich (2005, p. 4), the external borders of the Union to enter one for example, identifies four potential sources of member state means, in effect, legal entry into policy conflict: all member states of the Union (albeit with the internal differentiation between within and out- ● the economic disparity between members side the Schengen zone). Governments in EU that provides pressure on regional policy capitals are therefore insisting that their fellow and financial redistribution; EU members control their external borders ● the competition between old and new (Jones, 2003; Brimmer and Fröhlich, 2005). As members regarding the implementation of van Oudanaren (2003, p. 37) observes: reforms; Fear of terrorism after September 11 has ● the implications of the new geographic heightened these concerns, as have high-profile scope of the EU in terms of foreign and cases of human trafficking, illegal drug and security policy, particularly with respect to weapons smuggling, and spillover from its current and prospective European and organized crime in the Newly Independent Asian borders; and States (NIS) and the Balkans. ● the effects of ‘the structural diversity reinforc- Such changes to cross-border movement, ing the differences between “heavyweights” mobility and security measures can have an and “lightweights” in terms of population, impact on tourism. For example, it has been society and economy impeding the develop- suggested that tourists from the Arabian Gulf ment of a collective identity’. have been discouraged from visiting some new After enlargement, all the problems have only member states and candidate countries, such as become more difficult. More members with a Turkey, by enlargement-related rule changes. veto power in certain policy fields will make a Enlargement Weekly (2004) reported that Turkey decision more difficult to reach and strengthen has been affected by new requirements for visas the tendency to reach minimalist decisions. which visitors from the Gulf Cooperation Council And more members mean more possibilities for countries could previously obtain on arrival, coalition building and pork barreling, further but which are now required prior to departure. hindering reform. Turkey has been pressured on this as part of the (Fröhlich, 2005, p. 5) efforts to protect European borders. In the case Although the EU does not currently define of border control, it may be suggested that as a tourism as a specific policy area, there are a result of accession agreements the new members number of policy areas that will affect inter- have had no real option but to adopt existing national tourism in the short and long term. policy settings. It is likely that in the present policy These include mobility, trade negotiations and environment in which security has such a high development and the environment. priority there will be little change in the foresee- One of the most significant aspects of EU able future. However, it seems likely that in other policy is that of encouraging the free mobility of cognate policy areas the accession countries people within the EU. This ease of travel is sig- are likely to wield significant influence. nificant not only in terms of labour and educa- International trade negotiations will be tional mobility (see Chapter 5), but also has substantially affected by EU enlargement. For implications for leisure tourism. Concerns have example, with respect to the World Tourism been expressed in some old EU countries con- Organization’s proposed annexe on tourism to cerning the impacts of the provision allowing for the General Agreement on Trade in Services the free movement of people within the EU in (GATS). The European Communities (EC) (S/ terms of the migration of cheap labour from the CSS/W/5 of 28 September 2000) was the only accession countries, and its potential impact on World Trade Organization member to formally domestic employment. From an external per- submit a reaction to the proposed annexe. spective, the need to tighten the external bor- Although the EC stated its support for ‘the main ders of the Union is an inevitable counterpart intentions’ of the proposal, it did not explicitly to the removal of internal barriers to the flow endorse the establishment of a new Tourism 48 C.M. Hall

Annexe to the GATS. Instead, the EC proposed mitigate the impact on tourism suppliers that the list of sectors proposed to be included in in the event that a European tour operator the annexe were too broad, as well as also not- or travel agent becomes insolvent. ing that air transport services were currently The extent to which accession countries excluded from the GATS negotiations, and that may serve to influence bilateral relations in some of the issues raised by the sponsors could tourism is unknown, but previous history of EU be better addressed in the World Trade Organi- trade negotiations including CAP would tend to zation’s Working Party on Domestic Regulation suggest that the accession countries, as well as (WPDR) (Dunlop, 2003). the EU as a whole, would not do anything to Interestingly, Dunlop (2003, p. 10) also harm their own self-interest despite any rhetoric noted that the EC (along with the United States) surrounding free trade or development. suggested that sustainable development needed Issues of trade also affect tourism flows to be considered within the annexe, with the EC between the EU and the United States. Although stressing ‘the importance of access to high-quality the transatlantic market is regarded as the ‘lead- environmental services – a key offensive negoti- ing edge of globalization’, the service sector is ating interest for the EC (and US) in the GATS regarded as demonstrating substantial potential negotiations’ which would have significant for further growth following removal of internal impacts in a wide range of countries with respect barriers (Brimmer and Fröhlich, 2005; Hamilton to tourism trade with the EU. In addition, the EC and Quinland, 2005a). For example, although sought to use any annexe to eliminate restrictions Hamilton and Quinland (2005b) fail to acknowl- on foreign direct investment in tourism. Although edge the role of tourism as a service sector, such measures are likely to favour some of the Robyn et al. (2005) highlight the potential for wealthier countries in the EU it is also conceiv- growth in transatlantic tourist flows as a result of able that if such measures were adopted they may liberalization of transatlantic aviation, and argue also be utilized by accession countries in invest- that a single, open transatlantic market for air ing in other countries, particularly to their east, transport services could potentially increase as well as attracting non-EU foreign investment annual passenger traffic by between 4.1m and in the accession countries themselves. 11.0m passengers on transatlantic routes, and In addition to multilateral trade negotia- between 13.6m and 35.7m on intra-EU routes. tions, an enlarged EU also has implications for Such a situation would provide for a total increase bilateral relations with respect to tourism trade of 17.7– 46.7m passengers per year, an increase (Greenaway and Milner, 2004). For example, of 9–24% in total transatlantic travel, and 5–14% Caribbean (CARIFORUM) nations regard them- in intra-EU travel. selves as being at a disadvantage in gaining According to Robyn et al. (2005) ‘con- access to the distribution channels that place sumer welfare’ could increase by about €5.2bn tourism products on the EU markets (e.g. tour annually, with transatlantic traffic accounting for operators, airlines, computer reservation systems) just over half of that increase. They argue that (Dunlop, 2003). In particular, the substantial the greatest share (up to €3.8bn annually) would costs of compliance with EU standards – in the come from gains to consumers that would not form of national regulations implementing the involve any reduction in airline profits and that EU Package Travel Directive 43 – are a major the increased airline revenue would lead to issue for CARIFORUM hoteliers. For example, additional economic output in ‘directly related’ some CARIFORUM properties have to intro- industries ranging from €3.6bn to €8.1bn a year. duce elaborate evacuation systems more suited However, these estimates of economic impact to high-rise buildings when they have only two exclude the potential effects in the leisure and or three floors. Dunlop (2003, p. 34) also noted tourism industries and also exclude the ten that under the Directive the interests of European new EU members, and are therefore regarded consumers received special attention in contrast as conservative. with the suppliers of tourism products and services Nevertheless, potential changes in the trans- such as CARIFORUM hoteliers – were not atlantic aviation market cannot be seen in considered within the scope of the Directive. isolation and are also likely to be related to For example, there are no provisions to other policy issues including European and Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe 49

US conflict over the extent of subsidies to Airbus while development aid and cooperation policies and Boeing (Aboulifia, 2005), as well as have historically also received a low priority. approaches towards the management of climate Indeed, Press (2003, p. 5) concludes: ‘Enlarge- change (Egenhofer, 2005). Indeed, the devel- ment in the short-term will have an adverse opment of an open transatlantic aviation market affect on the quantity and quality of EU aid is often seen as a policy failure because of the programmes and funding opportunities’. extent to which authority for external aviation policy has been contested in the EU between the Commission and member states (European Commission, 2004). The DG External Relations Conclusions of the European Commission itself observes that difficulties in developing a liberal aviation As noted at the outset, it is difficult to describe market the potential wider implications of accession on highlights how liberalisation usually creates tourism in the broader international sphere with losers as well as winners and how likely losers any clarity. Arguably, the general difficulties in will oppose it. Such opposition is particularly policy and budgetary decision-making that powerful when legislative changes are required affected the EU in 2005 were likely to be a fore- to liberalise markets. . . intra-EU cooperation taste of some of the decision-making issues con- can be difficult and the Commission cannot fronting the enlarged EU. Although such issues always deliver the member states. are not tourism-specific, they will affect tourism- (European Commission, 2004, p. 30) related policies not only in the EU, but also Clearly, the situation is only likely to become internationally and particularly with respect to more problematic given the accession of ten new border controls, international trade agreements members to the EU, each with their own series of and aid programmes. Such a situation will not intergovernmental aviation agreements. diminish the potential international role of the The EU also has substantial international EU although it will make policy direction more development programmes that affect tourism confusing from an external perspective. in a number of ways, indirectly through infra- Indeed, a central theme of this chapter has structure development programmes (e.g. trans- been that specific EU policies for tourism are port) and conservation assistance (Morgera likely to be of far less significance for interna- and Durán, 2004) and directly through aid for tional tourism flows and tourism development tourism-specific projects (e.g. funding for the than understanding the policies that affect tour- South Pacific Tourism Organization). EU devel- ism, arguably something that the small tourism opment non-government organizations (NGOs) policy community in either the EU or interna- believe that enlargement of the EU is occurring tionally often fails to recognize. Instead, the atti- simultaneously with the subordination of develop- tudes of the accession countries and of the EU ment to a narrow foreign policy agenda focused itself towards trade in services, including avia- on security and migration issues (Press, 2003). tion and transport, are likely to be as significant As Press (p. 1) observes: for international tourism trade and tourism Negotiations for membership to date have policy as the CAP is for national agricultural focused almost completely on trade and the policies. In addition, the EU attitude toward envi- compliance of the accession countries’ political ronmental agreements, including the Kyoto pro- and public institutions with those of the EU. tocol, is also likely to have significant long-term Until very recently there has been little impacts on international travel flows because of attention to development co-operation yet this their potential affects on the cost of travel. is a crucial activity of the EU in the context of In both the immediate and longer term, its broader external relations agenda. therefore, EU enlargement will have implications Implications for development policy may for tourism beyond the EU borders in the same therefore be substantial given that the accession way that previous enlargements have also had countries may be more interested in continuing implications in terms of changes in travel flows, to receive transfers of funds that had been avail- investment patterns and inter-sectoral effects able to them previously under aid programmes, both inside and outside of tourism. The relative 50 C.M. Hall

inertia of travel flows will mean that shifts in nations that trade in tourism with the EU, but travel patterns will be relatively gradual though also on global governance structures for tour- nevertheless significant for both new and sub- ism. And, although European colleagues may stitutable destinations. Of far greater longer-term not wish to hear this conclusion, it is likely that, significance for tourism will be the role of the as noted above, the present self-serving policies enlarged EU, with its new set of policy para- of the EU which characterize its approach to meters, in the establishment of new regulatory issues such as agriculture, will continue to play a regimes for human mobility and trade in major part in the development of the gover- services that will impact not only on those nance architecture for international tourism.


Aboulifia, R. (2005) Commercial aerospace and the transatlantic economy. In: Hamilton, D. and Quinland, J. (eds) Deep Integration: How Transatlantic Markets are Leading Globalization. Washington, D.C./Brussels: Brookings Institutions and Centre for Transatlantic Relations/Centre for European Policy Studies, pp. 74–90. Blake, A., Sinclair, M.T. and Sugiyarto, G. (2003) Tourism and EU Accession in Malta and Cyprus. Nottingham, UK: Nottingham University Business School, Christel De Haan Tourism and Travel Research Institute, Working Paper 2003/7. Brimmer, E. and Fröhlich, S. (eds) (2005) The Strategic Implications of European Union Enlargement. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University–SAIS. Cochard, S. (2003) Le Tourisme dans la Zone Élargissement.Paris: Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Industrie – Direction des Relations Economiques Extérieures. Coles, T. (2005) Telling tales of tourism: mobility, media and citizenship in the 2004 EU enlargement. Paper presented at Mobilities and Tourism: The End of Tourism Conference, University of Brighton, Eastbourne, UK, 23–24, June 2005. Crane, K. (2003) EU Enlargement: Implications for US Trade and International Financial Policies.American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS), Meeting Report 276, Washington, DC. Department of Trade and Industry (2004) The Trade and Investment Implications of EU Enlargement. London: Department of Trade and Industry. Dunlop, A. (2003) Tourism Services Negotiation Issues: Implications for Cariform Countries. Barbados: Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery. Frölich, S. (2005) The EU after the big bang. In: Brimmer, E. and Fröhlich, S. (eds) The Strategic Implications of European Union Enlargement.Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University–SAIS, pp. 3–25. Economist Intelligence Unit (2003) The Business Implications of EU Enlargement: an Executive Survey in Co-operation with Accenture. London: Economist Intelligence Unit. Egenhofer, C. (2005) Climate change: could a transatlantic greenhouse gas emissions market work? In: Hamilton, D. and Quinland, J. (eds) Deep Integration: How Transatlantic Markets are Leading Globaliza- tion. Washington, D.C./Brussels: Brookings Institutions and Centre for Transatlantic Relations/Centre for European Policy Studies, pp. 204–220. Enlargement Weekly (2004) Enlargement focus on tourism. Enlargement Weekly 2, June 2004. Available at: Etzioni, A. (2005) How to Build a European Community. Washington, DC.: The Brookings Institution, US–Europe Analysis Series. European Commission (2004) Review of the Framework for Relations Between the European Union and the United States. Brussels: European Commission, Directorate General External Relations Relations Unit C1 – Relations with the United States and Canada, Final Report, Tender OJ 2004/S 83-070340, p. 59. Greenaway, D. and Milner, C. (2004) Implications of European Enlargement for CARICOM Countries. Barbados: Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery: Report of a Policy Study under the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery (RNM) and InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) Regional Technical Cooperation Project [ATN/JF/SF-6158-RG]. Hall, C.M. (2000) Tourism Planning. Harlow: Prentice-Hall. Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe 51

Hamilton, D. and Quinland, J. (eds) (2005a) Deep Integration: How Transatlantic Markets are Leading Globalization. Washington, DC/Brussels: Brookings Institutions and Centre for Transatlantic Relations/ Centre for European Policy Studies. Hamilton, D. and Quinland, J. (2005b) Services in the transatlantic economy. In: Hamilton, D. and Quinland, J. (eds) Deep Integration: How Transatlantic Markets are Leading Globalization. Washington, DC/Brussels: Brookings Institutions and Centre for Transatlantic Relations / Centre for European Policy Studies, pp. 39–49. Jones, S. (2003) EU enlargement: implications for EU and multilateral export controls. The Nonproliferation Review, Summer, 80–89. Kokubo, Y. (2001) The EU Enlargement: its Implications for Europe and Asia.Shizuoka, Japan: University of Shizuoka, Graduate School of International Relations, Working Paper #01-02. Lohmann, M. (2004) New Demand Factors in Tourism.Kiel: Institut für Tourismus- und Bäderforschung in Nordeuropa. Morgera, E. and Durán, G.M. (2004) Enlargement and EU development policy: an environmental perspective. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 13(2), 152–163. Press, M. (2003) EU Enlargement: Implications and Opportunities for EU Development Cooperation. London: BOND Development Policy Briefing. Robyn, D., Reitzes, J. and Moselle, B. (2005) The economic impact of a US–EU open aviation area. In: Hamilton, D. and Quinland, J. (eds) Deep Integration: How Transatlantic Markets are Leading Globali- zation. Washington, DC./Brussels: Brookings Institutions and Centre for Transatlantic Relations/ Centre for European Policy Studies, pp. 50–73. Sciolino, E. (2005) EU constitution in ‘too hard’ basket. The Age, 18 June. The Age (2005) EU summit collapses. The Age 18 June. van Oudanaren, J. (2003) The Changing Face of Europe: EU Enlargement and Implications for Trans- Atlantic Relations. Washington, DC.: American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS) Policy Report No. 6. Verheugen, G. (2003) Keynote Speech: Symposium EU Enlargement: Prospects, Challenges and Implications. Tokyo: Speech at Waseda University, Tokyo 23 September 2003. Available at: World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) (2004) Positions: Welcoming the New EU Member States with Jobs & Growth: a Practical Manifesto from the Travel & Tourism Private Sector. London: WTTC. Zepter, B. (2004) EU Enlargement and its Economic and Business Implications. Kyoto: Speech at Doshisha University, 8 May 2004. Available at: 5 Tourism Education in the New Europe

Greg Richards

Introduction The majority of the previous research on tourism education in the region has been con- Since the ATLAS conference on ‘Tourism Edu- cerned with the content of the tourism curri- cation in Central and Eastern Europe’ was held culum. Such studies have also tended to be in Poland in 1995, much has changed in the concentrated in a few countries, notably Poland landscape of tourism education, both in the new (Golembski, 1991; Airey, 1994, 1999) and European Union (EU) member states and the Croatia (Vukonic, 1995, 1996; Kivela 1997a, long established members. This chapter reviews 1997b; Persic, 1998), which already had a some of these changes, and compares the situa- well-developed system of tourism education tion today with that in 1995. The analysis is during the Communist era. based on a review of tourism courses and This chapter attempts to bring the picture educational data in the EU, as well as expert more up to date, with a review of tourism edu- opinions from ATLAS members. cation in the former Communist states and In spite of the significant changes that have Malta and Cyprus. It provides a review of some taken place in the fields of tourism and tourism of the main trends in tourism education in the education in the ‘New Europe’ in recent years, new Europe, concentrating particularly on the there has been relatively little attention paid to development of curricula, human resources and tourism education in the region. The tourism student exchange. education bibliography compiled by Tribe (2005) contains almost 300 references pertaining to tourism education in different areas of the Significance and Implications of world. Of these, only 22 cover the EU enlarge- EU Enlargement for Tourism in ment countries, and of these 12 come from one Higher Education single publication – the proceedings of the ATLAS conference held in Poland in 1995 (Richards, The development of tourism education in 1996a). However, this also seems to reflect Central Europe has been reflected in the growth a broader decline in interest in Central and in ATLAS membership in these regions. None Eastern Europe as a focus of tourism research of the European founder members of ATLAS in since the novelty value has worn off (Clarke 1991 came from outside Western Europe, but et al., 2001) and as funds for ‘knowledge transfer’ membership in Central and Eastern Europe projects have dried up. increased rapidly with the staging of the ATLAS

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 52 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Tourism Education in the New Europe 53

conference in Poland in 1995. Today there are education systems designed for a command 22 ATLAS members in the new member states economy with a market-based system. It was or in prospective accession countries. not surprising, therefore, that the main areas There has been a significant expansion of of discussion at the 1995 ATLAS conference tourism education in most of the countries in the revolved around the need for marketing and New Europe. For example, in Romania there management education, and the transfer of are now 15 universities (12 public and three ‘know-how’ from West to East. private) offering tourism courses, compared As noted in the proceedings of the 1995 with one before 1990 (Cristureanu, 1996). Up ATLAS conference: until 1994, Slovenia only had tourism educa- There is a pressing need to improve and tion at vocational, post-secondary school level, extend the provision of tourism education and in spite of tourism being one of the most impor- training in Central and Eastern Europe, in order tant sectors of the economy. Today, there are to improve and upgrade the quality and three higher education institutions offering effectiveness of tourism services. Although a courses in tourism and hospitality. well-developed system of tourism education The major driver for change in the former existed in many countries during the Communist states has of course been the transi- Communist period, the focus of tourism tion to a market economy and increasing diversi- education was often on spatial planning or fication and specialization of tourism products economics, and did not have the management focus so common in tourism education that this has stimulated. Specialization has also elsewhere. been stimulated by rising tourism demand and (Richards, 1996a: 12) the growth in repeat visits to the region. How- ever, more recently, as in the rest of the EU, In Poland, for example, Jung and curricula have had to be changed in line with Mierzejewska (1996, p. 67) noted the following EU guidelines, and the process of fitting courses weaknesses in Polish curricula: into the Bologna Framework is now well under Higher tourism education in Poland still largely way in most of the new member states. Many of suffers from a clear lack of focus. In tradition, the former Communist states already started it was activity-orientated (preparation for replacing their old higher education systems ‘animators’ of social and qualified tourism), with the two-cycle Bachelor–Master system in spatially-orientated (preparation of spatial the early 1990s. Today, most countries have planners specialised in tourism and adopted the European Credit Transfer System recreation . . .) or functionally-orientated (ECTS) and are now introducing the diploma (administrators of state-owned hotels and travel agencies). supplement as agreed under the Bologna Declaration of the EU (EURYDICE, 2005). Thanks to an extensive process of educa- The extent of tourism education provision, tional development, however, these days basic just as in the rest of Europe, varies considerably curricula in the new member states do not differ from one country to another. Historic factors and much from those in the rest of the EU. By and the relative importance of tourism in the national large, management and marketing form impor- economy still have a considerable influence. The tant elements of tourism courses, which tend to following section considers some of the patterns be based on a business studies or management of tourism curricula in the former Communist core. For example, in Slovenia, Turistica College states and then in Cyprus and Malta. in the resort town of Portoroz offers a BA in tourism with a business core and a strong lan- guage element. Students can take up to three Curricula languages and have units in management, finance, HRM and marketing, as well as tourism Former communist states units in subjects such as tourism geography, tourism economics and event management (see In the transition from Communism in the early Table 5.1). 1990s, the countries of Central and Eastern However, some differences are observable. Europe were mainly concerned with replacing For example, there is a much stronger linkage 54 G. Richards

Table 5.1. University of Primorska, creating specialist modules such as ecotourism, Turistica – College of Tourism, Portoroz, cultural tourism and leisure management. Turistica BA Tourism course. Convergence with western European models is also being encouraged by the Bologna Pro- Year One cess. For example, in Hungary colleges have Introduction to Tourism Information Systems and Statistics been offering Bachelor programmes of 3–4 years, Geography of Tourism and universities one-tier Masters programmes of Cultural Heritage 5 years. Now two-tier programmes are being Sociology and Psychology of Leisure introduced of the 3+2 model (5 years, 300 Management credits) (Tauch and Rauhvargers, 2002). Foreign Language 1 The role of English is also becoming more Foreign Language 2 important in the tourism curriculum, partly as a Foreign Language 3 (optional subject) result of the needs of the tourism industry, and Professional Training partly because of the SOCRATES programme. Year Two Swire (2003), for example, argues that English Management Accounting and Business Finance courses are growing because many universities Human Resource Management have contracts with student-exchange schemes, Business Operations of Tourism Enterprises such as the SOCRATES-ERASMUS programme, Hygiene and Sanitation which brings a lot of money into the Czech Sustainable Development Management Republic from the European Union. Swire also Tourism Law suggests that some students from non-English Foreign Language 1 Foreign Language 2 speaking countries choose to take English Foreign Language 3 (optional subject) courses in the Czech Republic because they feel Professional Training their language skills are not good enough to cope with courses in Britain or Ireland. Year Three However, it seems that many of the stu- Tourism Economics dents attracted to the ‘New Europe’ do not Marketing Event Management always get the ‘local’ cultural experience they Selected Topics in Tourism bargained for. Zea Baca from Arizona lamented, Gastronomy ‘I thought I would experience Czech culture Foreign Language 1 more, but I’m always speaking English. I wish Practical Training I could speak the language’ (Swire, 2003). Options This indicates that the exchange student Hotel Management and Operations experience in countries such as the Czech Food and Beverage Management Republic is already fairly similar to that in Travel Agency Management Western Europe, with a well-developed ‘SOCRATES bubble’ which isolates exchange Source: Lazanski, 2004, personal communication. students from the local community and from local students. between tourism and hotel and catering and tourism and sport than is usually found else- Malta and Cyprus where. This is a legacy of a well-developed system of hotel and catering schools and the The situation in Malta and Cyprus is consider- development of tourism courses in sports ably different to those of the other recent academies. But as Rátz (1997) has pointed out, entrants. They already had fairly modern tourist many of the tourism courses in countries such infrastructure and were more articulated with as Hungary have now been adapted to the international markets. Because of their rela- needs of the international tourism industry. In tively small size, however, systems of tourism general terms this has meant extending the education were not particularly well developed. areas of management covered in the curricu- Early school leaving is also a big problem, with lum, adding marketing as a specific subject and Malta having levels of continuing education Tourism Education in the New Europe 55

beyond 18 of only a third of that in the rest of seminar discussion and assignments, selected Europe (Calleja, 2004). guest speakers, selected videos and field trips. In The University of Malta runs a BA Tourism Hungary, placements are also becoming an course, which has an intake of about 100 important part of tourism courses (Rátz, 1997). students. The University also assists the Malta Courses offered in English to cater for Tourism Authority in providing courses for tour- student exchanges are now becoming more ism staff, particularly tour guides and other common. For example, at Turistica, courses are ‘front line’ personnel. ITIS (International Tour- offered in Current Topics in Tourism (9 ECTS); ism Institute) Malta is a branch of a Swiss Event Management (5 ECTS); Travel Agency institution which provides courses in tourism man- Management (9 ECTS) and Marketing (8 ECTS). agement. One of the current programmes of It is interesting that the units offered in English study (Higher Diploma in Hospitality Manage- are usually those with a more international ment) now enables graduates to join the degree flavour, which students could probably take in course in tourism offered by the University of their home institutions as well. This echoes a Malta. ITIS was recently benchmarked by the fear expressed in the 1995 conference that Department of Tourism against comparable ‘Westernization’ would reduce the amount of institutions in the UK and Ireland. local content in the curriculum. The insistence In the Republic of Cyprus, the Higher Hotel of many institutions that exchange students Institute is the only public sector institution offer- take similar modules to those in their home ing diploma courses in tourism. Bachelor and programme in order to qualify for credits (or to diploma degrees are offered by the private col- avoid missing compulsory areas of the curri- leges on the island. In total, 23 private tertiary culum) probably adds to this trend. education institutions, colleges and institutes are The introduction of distance and open registered with the Ministry of Education and learning in most of the new member states has Culture. The Frederick Institute of Technology been slow, often due to difficulties in adapting offers a BA Travel, Tourism & Hotel Manage- to new learning methods. ment course, and similar courses at other strong colleges on the island are now beginning to compete with the University of Cyprus, which recently incorporated the Higher Hotel Institute. Collaboration In general, the courses found in Malta and the Republic of Cyprus have a more vocational The changing landscape of education in the focus, which is perhaps not surprising given new entrants is marked by a shift towards the relatively small size of the countries and the private sector provision and new models, parti- importance of tourism as an economic sector. cularly franchising. Many institutions in Western There are also a large number of training Europe and the US are taking advantage of the courses run for the industry, often in collabora- newly emerging educational markets in Central tion between the tourist boards and educational and Eastern Europe to spread their educational institutions. For example, the Cyprus Tourism provision. Private institutions seem to be parti- Organization is responsible for a Tourist Guides’ cularly important in such developments, as School which offers a one-year course leading Dima (2003) notes: to the award of the Diploma of the Tourist The emergence of private higher education in Guide. Central and Eastern Europe represented one of the most spectacular changes in the educational systems of the post-communist countries. Educational Methodology These institutions came into being in the absence of a specific legal framework. After almost twelve years from its occurrence, the Educational methodologies are gradually chang- private sector reached almost 30% of the total ing to adjust to the new demands on tourism level of student enrolments in countries like courses. For example, in Slovenia there are new Romania, Poland or Estonia. The number of teaching methods employed in vocational edu- private education institutions surpasses in many cation, such as interactive lecture and small countries the number of the public ones. 56 G. Richards

In the UK, almost 200 colleges of further after the launch of the programme. Growth education are involved in international pro- rates in participation by the new entrants have grammes. Of these colleges, 133 are recruiting been slightly slower. The new and prospective students to UK-based courses; 56 are delivering entrants now account for 13% of student mobi- programmes in-country; 145 have non- lity, considerably less than their 18% share of commercial learning and quality improvement the total population of the 30 SOCRATES partnerships with overseas education institutions; participant countries. At the moment, students and 72 are engaged in franchising abroad. from the former communist bloc in particular Franchising is particularly important in Cyprus, face greater barriers to mobility, particularly in where there are a number of private colleges that terms of low incomes. are now being turned into universities. Although individual students face barriers to mobility, there is a clear institutional desire to participate in exchange schemes. For example, while the ‘take-up rate’ or participation of eligi- The Role of SOCRATES, ERASMUS ble institutions participating in SOCRATES in and other Exchange Programmes the EU15 was 38% in 1999/2000, in the new participant countries this figure was 54%. The The ERASMUS programme, launched in 1987, largest number of outbound students from the is one of the most successful EU programmes in new member states going to Western Europe the field of education. In the past 18 years, a is generated by Poland (5400 in 2003) and total of more than one million students have the Czech Republic (3000), but even relatively spent a period of study in another country small countries such as Lithuania (1000) are under the ERASMUS scheme or its successor, beginning to generate substantial outbound SOCRATES. mobility. The lowest levels of participation are As Fig. 5.1 shows, the growth in participa- found in Malta (72) and Cyprus (91), probably tion in the existing EU states was very steep reflecting their small population size.

Fig. 5.1. ERASMUS exchange student numbers 1987–2003. Source: EURYDICE, 2005. Tourism Education in the New Europe 57

However, there is a clear will to try and rate to university education at over 50%, point internationalize education in countries such as towards a continuation of this very favourable Malta, as the international orientation of study development. courses is also indispensable, especially for (EC, 2005) a small island like Malta. This includes foreign There are also signs that sectors such as language segments as well as the widest possi- tourism and other services are being targeted as ble integration of foreign teachers. Student particular growth prospects: mobility should be regarded as an integral part Under its national development plan, the of study, and teacher mobility as a regular part (Hungarian) government is trying to diversify of career development. further the pattern of specialisation towards One of the impacts of the success of the services, and in particular tourism and business SOCRATES programme has been a marked services, and also to attract foreign investors to imbalance of incoming and outgoing flows in underdeveloped regions. some countries. This is particularly marked in (EC, 2005) the UK, where the widespread knowledge of English among students in other countries In spite of the overall high quality of human makes it a popular destination. In 2001, for resources in general, however, the tourism example, the UK sent out 8479 students, but industry remains problematic in terms of attract- received 17,632. Of the outbound UK students, ing high quality labour. For example, Szivas and only around 200 went to the new member Riley (1999) saw the Hungarian tourism industry states, whereas almost 1000 students came as a sector which offered refuge to workers dis- from these countries to the UK. placed from other sectors of the economy during A large number of students from countries economic transition. In contrast, in Bulgaria, such as the Czech Republic, Poland and Ghodsee (2001) found that Hungary are also participating in working visa . . . despite the seasonality of employment, programmes. For example in 2003, the Czech jobs in the tourism sector are highly desirable student travel company GTS sent almost 1400 and relatively well paid compared to other students abroad for work placements. The vast professions available to Bulgarians. This is majority of these (over 1000) were to the USA particularly true for Bulgarian women who and Canada, but the rest went to Western make up the vast majority of both the Europe, predominantly the UK. The distribution managers and operational staff. Additionally, tourism employs many educated and of these placements underlines the strong influ- experienced women displaced from other ence of English in the new member states. shrinking sectors of the economy.

It is clear that the tourism labour market Education and Human Resource varies in each country. One of the main func- tions of tourism education and training, there- Management fore, is to develop human resources that meet the needs of the tourism industry. In spite of Many of the new member states already have many previous studies which show a poor level significant high quality human resources. For of coordination between tourism education and example the 2002 European Commission the human resource needs of the industry (e.g. report on Hungary states that: Richards, 1996b; 2003), the development of The quality of its labour force is an important tourism education is still generally related to the asset in Hungarian competitiveness and importance of tourism in the economy of the growth. Hungary ranks high with regard to all country concerned. major education indicators. The percentage of The importance of tourism as an employer the 25–64-year-old population with university varies considerably between the EU member education, which indicates the share of highly-skilled human capital, is 14%. More states. In Western Europe, the proportion of the importantly, the trend has been continuously workforce employed in tourism is about 6% rising since the start of transition. Enrolment in overall, but higher levels are found in countries tertiary education at 72%, and the net entry such as Spain and Greece where there is 58 G. Richards

relatively high dependence on tourism. Similar in the labour force. As a recent report on variations are found in the new member states, Slovenia noted: with a few countries recording relatively high levels of tourism employment (Estonia, 8%) and (W)hereas natural and socio-cultural resources are Slovenia’s major comparative advantages, relatively low levels (Czech Republic 3%). How- the country is not as strong with respect to ever, the general indications are that demand human resources. The service visitors receive for tourism employment is increasing. Direct appears to be a major issue of concern, with employment in tourism grew by almost 9% in prices not always matching the quality of the Republic of Cyprus between 1999 and service provided. A recent survey revealed that 2002, from 39,500 to 42,955. around one-fifth of international visitors had In the Mediterranean countries there also expected lower prices. The service provision as appears to be better integration between tour- well as the management and organisation of ism courses and the tourism industry. For exam- tourism are, generally speaking, a weaker ple, a tracer study conducted by ITIS in Malta in element in the overall tourism product. There is a general need for the development and 2000 indicated that 63% of their graduates improvement of tourism education and training ended up working in the tourism industry programmes. (Department of Tourism, 2001). (Mintel, 2000) The need to develop tourism education is paralleled in many of the new member states by There are, however, increasing signs that a need to improve human resource manage- the need to develop service quality is now being ment. For example, in Bulgaria, Anastassova acted upon by tourism organizations. For exam- and Purcell (1995) noted the following pattern ple, the Cyprus Strategic Plan for Tourism 2010 of human resource management practices in emphasizes the development of quality and the hotel industry: added value, which implies human resource development and the education and training of ● selection often based solely on written tourism professionals (CTO, 2003). applications; The need to develop human resources is ● little evidence of job specification or pre- being fuelled by rapidly developing tourism determined selection criteria; economies. For example, in Romania tourism ● most employees temporary full-time workers; has been one of the sectors of the economy ● little evidence of policies to promote with considerable growth rates, leading to an numerical flexibility; increase in its importance in educational policy ● little evidence of policies to promote func- and in demand for tourism oriented curricula tional flexibility; from the private sector. ● very little training; Of course, education and training play a ● most supervisory recruitment internal; major role in the development of human ● little evidence of employee appraisal or resources in tourism. However, many short-term strategic staff development; human resource problems are being solved ● little evidence of incentive pay; through the increased labour mobility offered ● strong (but defensive and conservative) by the expansion of the EU. Labour mobility is trade union representation; already relatively high in the tourism industry, ● strong employment protection; with the proportion of foreign workers in the ● poor communication between manage- EU15 having been estimated at 12%, some ment and operatives; and three times the level of international mobility as ● enormous insecurity and confusion about in the economy as a whole (Richards, 2001). probable future industry and wider socio- The relatively open labour market in tourism, political trends. where few jobs need formal qualifications, tends This picture has changed considerably as to stimulate mobility. The new member states market systems have introduced new manage- are likely to add to overall labour mobility in the ment approaches, but there is still considerable EU because of their widespread use of English, work to be done in focusing on quality manage- which is regarded as a vital skill in the EU ment and the development of appropriate skills tourism industry (Richards, 2003). Tourism Education in the New Europe 59

Labour Migration a disincentive for students to follow specific courses in tourism, and a consequent lack of In the run-up to the expansion of the EU, one of supply of courses. For example, in Hungary, the major fears expressed in the existing mem- Rátz and Puczkó (2005) show that over 85% of ber states related to a supposed flood of cheap businesses in Budapest recruited staff by word labour from the east. Lengthy transition periods of mouth, compared with only 22% who had have been imposed on movement from coun- built a relationship with a specific course or tries such as Poland, Hungary and the Czech educational institution. The most highly valued Republic into their nearest neighbours, Germany skills in making recruitment decisions were and Austria. However, the initial signs are that foreign languages (65%) and practical experi- the ‘flood’ of immigrants from the new member ence (63%), while academic qualifications were states will be less than some had feared. In the only considered important by 48% of firms. UK, for example, immigration from the new member states began to tail off at the beginning of 2005, following an initial rush of work permit Challenges for the Future applications immediately following enlargement (EU Business, 2005). In fact, in some countries The Bologna process has instituted widespread (notably Austria) a tightening of immigration changes in the education system throughout regulations prior to enlargement actually had the EU, and is also beginning to impact on the effect of reducing immigrant numbers from non-member states as well. The move towards the former Communist states in the last few a Bachelor–Master system is producing a much years (Richards, 2001). more standardized educational landscape as An EU study, Migration Trends in an institutions begin to compete internationally to Enlarged Europe, predicts an overall migration attract students, particularly at Masters level. of some 1.1m people before 2010. The study Tourism courses in the former Communist also states that it is the candidate countries – states which were overhauled in the shift to a Romania and Bulgaria – rather than the acces- market economy a few years ago are again sion states that hold the greatest potential for being revised to meet the new demands of a migrant generation. It is clear that many of these single market in higher education. In many migrants will find their way into the tourism and cases this means developing a wider range of hotel and catering industries, given their role as courses, with a much more important role for gateways into the wider labour market (Hjalager, English-language teaching. The original idea of 2000; Richards, 2001). ‘Europeanization’ of the curriculum, in which With the rapid growth of tourism in the individual countries or regions would develop new member states, there is already evidence of their own specializations within an overarching a reverse flow of labour migration from west to European framework (Richards and Onderwater, east as unemployment rates fall and skill short- 1998) seems to have been dropped in favour ages become more acute. For example, signi- of a more international concept. This is now ficant skill shortages have been noted in the developing into the idea of ‘virtual mobility’, Maltese tourism industry (EC, 2001). In the case although the ability of students in Central and of the Czech Republic, Sorm and Terrell (2000) Eastern Europe taking advantage of such conclude that tourism is one of the major opportunities is likely to be restricted by the sectors of inbound labour migration as people relative lack of access to information and com- seek employment in ‘new’ and ‘dynamic’ munication technology (ICT) resources. sectors of the economy. The single market in education will pro- There is still a mismatch between the human bably also mean that tourism courses will need resources needs of the industry and educational to develop specialisms that can attract students provision both in the university and vocational from abroad. This may mean that the new sectors. In some senses this mirrors the experi- member states may have to re-examine their ence in the West of a relatively weak labour past to discover those skills and areas of knowl- market, in which formal qualifications are not edge that they have a particular advantage in, needed to enter the industry. This in turn acts as rather than importing ideas. 60 G. Richards

The increasing mobility of students and this is an issue that will concern all the member workers in the tourism sector is also driving the states. development of a much more multicultural However, at a very basic level, the develop- student body and tourism workforce across ment of tourism education that is relevant to the Europe. Dealing with issues of multicultural needs of the tourism industry also implies an education and management of a multicultural improvement in the career structures available workforce are likely to becoming increasingly in the industry. Without these, the industry will important in future (Klidas, 2001). remain at a disadvantage relative to many other There is a continuing gap between aca- career options for graduates. demic and vocational education in many of the new member states. This means there is a need for further development of vocational educa- tion, making it more oriented toward market Acknowledgements needs. This includes the need to develop more specialized courses for areas of skilled labour The following ATLAS colleagues kindly submit- shortage, such as qualified entertainers and ted information regarding developments in guides (for sports tourism, cultural tourism, tourism education in their countries, and leisure tourism, eco-tourism, back-packing their help is gratefully acknowledged: Chryso tourism). A recent report from the European Panayidou (Cyprus); Tamara Rátz (Hungary); Parliament emphasizes the need to improve the Cristiana Cristureanu (Romania) and Tadeja quality of professional training in tourism, and Jere Lazanski (Slovenia).


Airey, D. (1994) Education for tourism in Poland: the Phare programme. Tourism Management 15(6), 467–471. Airey, D. (1999) Education for tourism – East meets West. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 1, 7–18. Anastassova, L. and Purcell, K. (1995) Human resource management in the Bulgarian hotel industry: from command to empowerment? International Journal of Hospitality Management 14, 171–185. Calleja, E. (2004) Malta’s industry aiming for global competitiveness through HR development. Paper presented at the conference The Implications of the Bologna Process and the Lisbon Statement for Higher Education, Brussels, November 2004. Clarke, J., Denman, R., Hickman, G. and Slovak, J. (2001) Rural tourism in Roznava Okres: a Slovak case study. Tourism Management 22, 193–202. Cristureanu, C. (1996) The current state of tourism and tourism education in Romania. In: Richards, G. (ed.) Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality.Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, pp. 75–92. CTO (Cyprus Tourism Organisation) (2003) Strategic Plan for Tourism 2010. Nicosia: CTO. Department of Tourism (2001) Annual Report. Valletta: Department of Tourism, Malta. Available at: Dima, A.-M. (2003) Privatisation and Organisational Evolution inHigher Education. Available at: http:// EC (2001) Joint Assessment of the Employment Policy Priorities of Malta. Brussels: European Commission. Available at: malta_en.pdf EC (2005) Extract from Commission Report on Hungary, 2002. Brussels: European Commission. Available at: EU Business (2005) Influx of new EU work-seekers to Britain tapers off. Brussels: EU Business. Available at: EURYDICE (2005) Focus on the Structure of Higher Education in Europe 2003/04. National Trends in the Bologna Process. Brussels: EURYDICE. Tourism Education in the New Europe 61

Golembski, G. (1991) The needs of a higher level education in tourism in post-communist countries of Middle-Eastern Europe (as illustrated by Poland). Tourist Review 1, 3–5. Ghodsee, K. (2001) Women, employment, and tourism in post-totalitarian Bulgaria. Paper presented at Black Sea Regional Policy Symposium March 29–April 1, Washington, DC. Available at: Hjalager, A.-M. (2000) Organisational ecology in the Danish restaurant sector. Tourism Management 21, 271–280. Jere Lazanski, T. (2004) Information Handbook for Erasmus Students. Portoroz, Croatia: Turistica. Jung, B. and Mierzejewska, B. (1996) Tourism education in Poland: an overview. In: Richards, G. (ed.) Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality.Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, pp. 57–68. Kivela, J. (1997a) Education and training of hotel and tourism managers in Croatia. Turizam 45(5/6), 107–124. Kivela, J. (1997b) The globalization of hotel and tourism management education in Croatia: part 2. Turizam 45(7/8), 159–173. Klidas, A.K. (2001) Employee Empowerment in the European Hotel Industry: Meaning, Process and Cultural Relativity. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. Mintel (2000) Travel and Tourism Intelligence Country Report, Slovenia. London: Mintel. Available at: Persic, M. (1998) Training of tourism professionals in Croatia. World Leisure and Recreation 40(3), 19–25. Rátz, T. (1997) Transformation of Hungarian tourism education. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Education and Training in Tourism and Hospitality Studies, Dahab, Egypt, April 1997. Rátz, T. and Puczkó, L. (2005) Employment Creation and Human Resource Issues in Tourism. Budapest: University of EconomicSciences, Research Project Report (funded by the Hungarian National Scientific Research Fund, 1996–1998, F019731). Richards, G. (1996a) The development of tourism in Central and Eastern Europe In: Richards, G. (ed.) Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality.Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, pp. 1–14. Richards, G. (1996b) Developing tourism education in Central and Eastern Europe In: Richards, G. (ed.) Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality.Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, pp. 301–305. Richards, G. (2001) Mobility in the European Tourism Sector: The Role of Transparency and Recognition of Vocational Qualifications. Thessaloniki, Greece: CEDEFOP. Richards, G. (2003) Tourism and labour mobility in the European Union. Tourism Recreation Research 28, 77–86. Richards, G. and Onderwater, L. (1998) Towards a European Body of Knowledge for Tourism: Perspec- tives and Proposals. Tilburg: ATLAS. Sorm, V. and Terrell, K. (2000) Sectoral Restructuring and Labor Mobility: A Comparative Look at the Czech Republic. Institute for the Study of Labor. Bonn: Discussion Paper Series, IZA DP No. 111. Swire, D. (2003) Foreign Students Flocking Here. Prague Post. Available at: educ/epsl/LPRU/newsarchive/Art1744.txt Szivas, E. and Riley, M. (1999) Tourism employment during economic transition. Annals of Tourism Research 26, 747–771. Tauch, C. and Rauhvargers, C. (2002) Survey on Master Degrees and Joint Degrees in Europe. Brussels: European Commission, Education Directorate. Tribe, J. (2005) Tourism Education Bibliography. Available at: bibliography.htm Vukoni1, B. (1995) Tourism as a field of research and education at the faculty of Economics in Zagreb. Acta Turistica 7(1), 3622. Vukoni1, B. (1996) Tourism education in Croatia. In: Richards, G. (ed.) Tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: Educating for Quality. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press, pp. 41–46. This page intentionally left blank Part II

East Central Europe This page intentionally left blank 6 Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective

Peter Jordan

Introduction favourable position.1 Nor are guests from Central and Eastern Europe in Europe’s West Since EU enlargement as of 1 May, 2004, Aus- much more than a marginal phenomenon, not tria has shifted from the position of an EU east- even in Austria, so close to the new member ern front state nearer to the centre, in the North, states. East and Southeast embedded into new fellow The chapter first documents foreign tour- members, who up to the First World War had ism development in Central Europe with a focus been part of the same country, the Austro-Hun- on Austrian tourism relations with Central and garian Monarchy. However, 1 May, 2004 did Eastern Europe and then discusses perspectives not mean a sudden change. The enlargement of tourism development in Central and Eastern and integration process had started practically Europe from the receiving as well as from the immediately after the fall of the Iron Curtain generating angle. and it is (even as the ten new members are con- The term ‘Central and Eastern Europe’ cerned) not really completed. The new mem- comprises in this chapter not only the new bers still do not enjoy the full freedom of labour member states Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, mobility, and are still not part of Schengen and Hungary and Slovenia, but also Croatia, not Euro zones. So, 1 May, 2004 must be regarded only because Croatia is a part of Central Europe, as symbolic rather than as the great turning but also because it is the most important tourism point in the socio-economic integration process. destination in the whole region besides Austria. This is also true for the field of tourism. The separated flow systems of tourism started to reintegrate immediately after the turn of poli- tics, if not earlier – as in the cases of Hungary Tourism Flows in Central Europe and former Yugoslavia; but the high expecta- Before Communism: the Blueprint tions raised in the beginning were not really for Flows in a Reintegrated fulfilled. Integration in tourism and growth of Central Europe? mutual tourism flows proved to be slow and long-term processes. Nor is Western tourism to Before , when tourism was still very Central and Eastern Europe so far a strong much an upper class phenomenon, cures in the engine of regional development and spatial winter season still had a major share in tourism. disparity equalization. Rather it supports larger Railway and ship were the dominant means cities and regions that are any way in a of transportation and the main generators of ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 65 66 P. Jordan

1910 D

B öR ?

? W S Nö uR CH T St GENERAL LEGEND Arrivals in millions: Kr

0.1 0.5 1 2 2.5 0.25 0 200 km

Fig. 6.1. Tourist flows, 1910. tourism in Central Europe were the German Riviera’ of Abazzia (), (Istra) and Empire (D in Fig. 6.1) and the Austrian part of Grado played a major role (see also Jordan, the dual Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (öR). 1998). The Hungarian part of the Empire, for Within these empires the large cities and the example, received only a few guests from other urbanized and industrialized areas stood Vienna. out: in the German Empire mainly Berlin and Tourists from the Czech lands distributed highly industrialized Saxony; in the Austrian themselves fairly equally over all Austrian part of the Habsburg Empire the capital Vienna provinces south of them. Germans from the (W) was the source of about half of the tourists. Sudeten were numerous in the Alpine regions. The second half came for the most part from the For the rather small flow from the less urbanized industrialized provinces of Bohemia (B) (mainly Hungarian part of the dual Monarchy the num- from Prague), Moravia and Silesia. The rela- erous spas, the Tatra Mountains, Lake Balaton tively small flow of tourists from the Hungarian and the Croatian Coastland, all within the part of the Monarchy (uR) originated mainly Hungarian part of the Monarchy, were prefer- from Budapest. red destinations. The few travels of Hungarians One of the flows from the German Empire beyond their own part of the Monarchy were was directed to the Austrian Alpine provinces of directed mainly to the eastern Alpine regions, to Tyrol (T), (S) and Vorarlberg; a sec- the Bohemian spas, to Vienna and also to the ond, somewhat smaller one, to Bohemia, above Austrian Riviera (Jordan, 1992a). all to the Western Bohemian spas of Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary), Marienbad (Mariánské Lázne) and Franzensbad (Františkovy Láznf). Tourist flows in the inter-war period Among the flows originating from Vienna, only very weak ones were directed to regions After participation in tourism had expanded to outside the Austrian part of the Empire, and also wider social strata, the summer season and to regions outside of present-day Austria. Just bathing had gained importance and the auto- like the West Bohemian spas, the ‘Austrian mobile had become another important means Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 67

Fig. 6.2. Tourist flows, 1937. of transportation, one of the most remarkable In Czechoslovakia the West Bohemian spas changes compared to the period before World remained the main attraction, attracting two War I is the flow of tourists from the German thirds of foreign tourism. Germans and Austrians Reich (D) to the coast of the young Kingdom of still accounted for the major proportion. The Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia) resorts in the Tatra Mountains were now (YU), where German tourists were hardly in frequented mainly by Czechs. Czechoslovakia evidence before the war (Fig. 6.2). was – in the same manner as the Czech lands Also, the flow from the regions constituting before World War I – a main source of tourism in the Republic of Austria (A) shifted during the Central Europe. The tourist industries of Bavaria, interwar period from the former ‘Austrian Austria, Hungary and Yugoslavia were essen- Riviera’ and Istria, at that time belonging to Italy tially adapted to Czechoslovakian guests. and to the Yugoslavian coast. Guests from post- The two situations may be regarded as a Trianon Hungary (H) also played an important blueprint for flows in a Central Europe reunited role all along the eastern Adriatic coast, and by the enlargement process and hopefully along the Italian section – a more important one completely reintegrated after all the restrictions than guests from Czechoslovakia. Hungary itself have been removed. Offers, tourist motives, was not a much frequented destination for tourism trends, social participation in tourism, foreign tourists, the only great attraction being participation by age groups, means of trans- Budapest, registering two thirds of all foreign portation, economic relations, markets, eco- arrivals (mainly Germans, second Austrians). nomic situations in the markets and in the Lake Balaton had not yet been discovered by destinations are certainly too different today foreigners in spite of considerable popularity necessarily to assume anything of this kind. It is among Hungarians. As regards Austria, in the nevertheless true that (also under very different western part of the country German guests pre- conditions) Germany is again the dominant dominated until 1933,2 whilst in the eastern part market for all of Central Europe and it is guests from Vienna mingled with guests from remarkable that the Czech lands, with a popu- Czechoslovakia (CS) and Hungary. lation of enthusiastic travellers, were also a 68 P. Jordan

major source of Central European tourism Communist countries. Hungary began to encou- when they were economically strong – as it rage large-scale Western tourism as part of the was before World War I and in the interwar general liberalization of the services sector in period. the late 1970s (see Miczek, 1989) and Poland followed in the 1980s, but neither reduced their own welfare tourism. Shortly after the fall of Communism in Tourism Development in Central 1989/90, social tourism (which had hitherto Europe after the Fall of the Iron cost the tourists themselves next to nothing) Curtain: a Statistical Survey had to be curtailed, because it could no longer be financed by its former sponsors. The num- Volume of tourism ber of overnight stays fell accordingly with only the quota of commercial tourism remaining The current intensity (Fig. 6.3) and volume steady. The outbreak of war in Yugoslavia in (Fig. 6.4) of foreign tourism is in all former 1991 added to the damage already done (see Communist countries now at a lower level Jordan, 1995). Thus, 1991 and the following than it was before the political change. This years represent a statistical nadir in the foreign is mainly because of the collapse of social tourism of all Central and Eastern European tourism, which was conducted on the basis of countries. highly organized holiday recreation centres run The levels shown in Figs 6.3–6.6 are the by companies and trade unions and which result of a slow recovery in commercial played a dominant role in the tourism of all tourism that soon set in after this depression, communist countries except for Yugoslavia but nevertheless failed to live up to the expec- (see Vukicevic, 1971). The latter opened itself tations it raised. Croatia was relatively the up early for commercial Western tourism (in most successful, at some distance followed by the 1950s) while cutting back social tourism the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and for its own population and those from other Slovenia.


Germany Czech Republic



CH Hungary

Italy Slovenia Serbia & RO Croatia Montenegro

Overnights of foreigners per inhabitant

0.5 1 2 3 4 9.2–10.7 Fig. 6.3. Tourism intensity, 2003. Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 69

Fig. 6.4. Foreign overnights, 2003 and 1998. Source: Tourismus in Zahlen 2005, p. 80; national statistical yearbooks.

Fig. 6.5. Tourism revenues per capita, 2003. Source: Tourismus in Zahlen, 2005, p. 85. 70 P. Jordan

Fig. 6.6. Balance of revenues and expenditures in international tourism, 2003. Source: Tourismus in Zahlen 2005, p. 84.

Travel Markets for Central and second, but also in Poland, Slovenia and Eastern European Countries Hungary, where they hold ranks between four and six. Austrians play a major role in Hungary As can be seen from the data presented in and Slovenia, where they rank second and Fig. 6.7 representing the year 2003,3 Germans third, respectively, while in Croatia and enjoy a relative majority in the number of over- Slovakia they reach the fifth place in the order night stays amongst foreigners in all Central and of tourist nations. Surprisingly enough they are Eastern European countries with the exception rather weakly represented in the Czech Repu- of Slovakia. This is most marked in Hungary, blic (2%, tenth place). Dutch tourists rank third Poland and the Czech Republic where Germans in the Czech Republic, fourth in Hungary, sixth make up 36%, 35% and 34%, respectively, of in Slovenia and seventh in Croatia. all foreign overnight stays. In Slovakia, German Alongside these most important markets overnight stays are outnumbered by those of for Central and Eastern European tourism, the Czechs, whose share is one quarter. This USA (particularly in the Czech Republic and emphasizes the traditional role Slovakia has Hungary) and France (mainly Poland) also played as a recreation area for Czechs since have larger shares among Western nations, at least World War I (see Jordan, 1992b). while the Czech Republic (particularly in All other markets are far behind the Slovakia and Croatia), Poland (in Slovakia and Germans in playing a role as tourists in Central the Czech Republic), Hungary (in Croatia, and Eastern European countries. The relatively Slovenia and Slovakia), Russia (in Poland) and most important are the Italians. Most markedly Slovenia (in Croatia) have the largest shares they are represented in Slovenia and Croatia, among Eastern nations. where they rank just below the Germans, in sec- In general, it can be stated that after more ond place, followed by Hungary and the Czech than a decade of transformation Central and Republic where they rank third and fourth, Eastern European countries, with the minor respectively. Britons are well-represented espe- exception of Slovakia, display a market struc- cially in the Czech Republic, where they rank ture typical for Central Europe and very near Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 71

Fig. 6.7. Foreign overnights by countries of origin, 2003. Source: Tourismus in Zahlen 2005, p. 80; national statistical yearbooks. to Western Central European countries like Austria in this year, their number increased to Austria, Switzerland and (as regards tourism 3.439m or 4% in 2003. While Polish tourist also) Italy, showing a dominant impact second nights were the most numerous among Central only to the huge German market. Central and Eastern Europeans in 1999 (0.795m or 1%), and Eastern European markets are in Central ranking them tenth among foreign nations (see and Eastern Europe certainly better represented Jordan, 2000),4 in 2003 they ranked second to than in Western Central Europe, but they only Hungarians, who with 1 million tourist nights exceptionally dominate. (1.009m) made up 1.2% of all foreign over- night stays in Austria and ranked ninth among foreign tourism markets5 (Wirtschaftskammer Tourism Flows Between Central and Österreich, 2004). Eastern Europe and Austria Still, these figures are not really impressive, although they have more than tripled compared Central and Eastern European to years before the fall of the Iron Curtain (e.g. tourists in Austria 1987: 1.050m overnights from Central and Eastern European countries, 1.2% of all foreign Tourist flows from Central and Eastern European overnights in Austria), although tourism from countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Central and Eastern Europe to Austria concen- Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia) to Austria have trates on the winter season with higher per increased in recent years, especially in the winter capita expenditures and although by less season. While for the calendar year 1999 concentration on top destinations it somehow 2.753m overnight stays of Central and Eastern contributes to the equalization of regional European citizens were registered in Austria disparities in Austria. (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, 2004) and this In the calendar year 2003, 70.5% of all meant 3.3% of all foreign overnight stays in Central and Eastern European tourist nights 72 P. Jordan

50 45 40 35 Share in all foreign nights Share in nights from CEEC 30

% 25 20 15 10 5 0 a rol rg ch rk ch nd erg i i a i a b T bu enn rl lz i a Kärnten terre ierm terre V Sa s te s rgenl Vor u erö S B b O iederö N

Fig. 6.8. Distribution of foreign and CEE visitor overnights across Austrian provinces, 2003.

in Austria were spent in the winter season over Austria differs, however, not so signifi- (November to April) (Statistik Austria, 2003). cantly from the distribution of foreign tourist Tyrol (Tirol), Salzburg, (Kärnten) and nights in total that it is justified to conclude that Styria (Steiermark) were the predominant Central and Eastern Europeans avoid top winter destinations and Poles, Hungarians and destinations and form just overspill in cheaper were, more than Czechs, Slovenians tourism peripheries (see Fig. 6.8). It is, however, and Croats, inclined to spend winter holidays in evident that the westernmost Austrian provinces Austria. It has, however, to be taken into (Tyrol, Vorarlberg), known for their elite account that for the latter it is easy to visit major tourism, receive relatively small tourist flows Austrian skiing centres for a day trip. from Central and Eastern Europe. The relatively strongest regional impact of Central and Eastern European tourists is noted in Styria, where Central and Eastern European Central and Eastern European countries (predominantly Hungarian) overnights amount as tourism destinations for Austrians to 13.2% of all foreign overnights (compared to 4% at the Austrian average). Second is Lower According to overnight stays in 2003 reported by Austria [Niederösterreich] with 11.4% (also the national statistical agencies, for Austrians predominantly Hungarians); but also in the Croatia is by far the most attractive destination federal provinces of Carinthia (6.8%, also (3.585m Austrian overnights) among Central predominantly Hungarians), Upper Austria and Eastern European countries, followed by (Oberösterreich) (5.6%, relative majority of Hungary (719,000) and Slovenia (691,000). Czechs) and Salzburg (5.1%, relative majority This is supported by an Austrian statistical survey of Czechs) the share of Central and Eastern over holiday travels6 of Austrians referring to the Europeans is significantly above the Austrian year 2001 (Statistik Austria, 2002). In this year, average (Statistik Austria, 2004). This means when Croatian tourism had again considerably that regions with a lower tourism intensity profit recovered from the depression of the 1990s, Italy disproportionally from Central and Eastern ranked first among Austrian holiday travels European tourist flows. The spatial distribution abroad (24.2%), followed by Croatia (13.1%). of Central and Eastern European tourist nights Hungary held the 8th (2.8%) and Slovenia the Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 73

14th (1.4%) position, while Poland attracted only international tourism market, and which are 0.6%, the Czech Republic 0.5% and Slovakia the market segments in which competition will 0.3% of all Austrian holiday travels to other be successful? countries (Statistik Austria, 2002). In 1996, shortly Austria hosted in the early 2000s no more after the end of hostilities in Croatia, the share foreign overnights than in the late 1980s. This of Croatia was still only 5% while the shares stagnation in quantitative terms and as regards of Hungary (4.2%), Poland, and the Czech the annual average (not in respect to revenues Republic (0.8%) were higher than in 2001; 1.1% and to winter season) may lead to the conclu- of all Austrian holiday travels were to Slovenia, sion that the fall of the Iron Curtain and the 0.3% to Slovakia (Statistik Austria, 2002). advancing political and economic integration Taking into account that travels to Croatia of Central and Eastern Europe into European and Slovenia are just approaching the level they structures thereafter has absorbed Austria’s had in the late 1980s before the Yugoslavian potential growth in tourism. However, a closer crisis, and that Austrian holiday travels to the glance at the development of foreign over- other four countries (Poland, Czech Republic, nights in Austria from the late 1980s up to Slovakia, Hungary) have even declined 2004 shows that Austria took advantage of the between 1993 and 2001 in absolute numbers, it Yugoslavian crisis in the first half of the 1990s becomes apparent that Austria is not a very by receiving tourists (mainly Germans) who prosperous tourism market for its northern and would otherwise have travelled to former eastern neighbours. Yugoslavia. Later, in the second half of the In 2001, Austrians travelled to Croatia 1990s and the early 2000s, it was rather mainly for seaside recreation along the long and modernization problems in Austrian (summer) attractive coast, to Hungary for wellness and tourism, new trends in the European market health treatment in the plentiful spas and for not matched by the Austrian offer and the lakeside recreation at Lake Balaton, to Slovenia growing weakness of the German market for wellness and health treatment in spas, to than competition from the ‘East’ which caused Poland for recreation, but also for theme and stagnation (see Zimmermann, 1994, 1998, study tours, to the Czech Republic for theme and 2001). A very similar quantitative develop- study tours and to Slovakia for theme and study ment in Switzerland, a country certainly less tours and recreation (Statistik Austria, 2002). affected by competitors in Central and Eastern With day trips, the situation is certainly Europe and even unfavourably comparing different, although data are hardly available to the Austrian case, may be taken as a proof and statements must be based on accidental of that. evidence. Most frequent are certainly shopping The only two segments obviously affected tours to western Hungarian border regions, but by ‘Eastern’ competitors were wellness/health also to Budapest. Bratislava, the Slovakian tourism as well as city tourism. In wellness/ capital at 70 km distance from Vienna, attracts a health tourism, the modernization of spas in lot of Austrian shopping tourists, since large western Hungary (Hévíz, Bük, Balf, Zalakaros shopping centres are open at hours rather and some newcomers) and Slovenia (Rogaška unusual in Austria. Also, the Slovenian border is Slatina, Laško, Atomske Toplice, Radenci, frequently crossed by Austrian day-trippers, less Dobrna) affected especially spas in eastern so the Czech border. Austria (Burgenland, Styria) and brought some expansion plans to a halt. Further expansion, especially in western Hungary, may cause fur- Perspectives After Enlargement therdamageontheAustriansideinamarket that is already very tight. In city tourism, espe- Central and Eastern European countries cially Prague (Praha) and Budapest compete as Austria’s competitors at the with Vienna, but expanding the offer to three international tourism market attractive destinations in close vicinity may also have contributed to the relative stability of Will Central and Eastern European coun- Vienna’s international tourism development tries successfully compete with Austria in the (see Lohmann, 2004; Seitlinger, 2004). 74 P. Jordan

Looking at future perspectives by market Rural tourism segments and comparing Central and Eastern European countries with Austria, a number of This includes summer vacations in the country- competitive advantages may be expected. side and farm holidays (agrotourism). Summer vacations in the countryside used to be the clas- sical form of summer mainly Lakeside tourism frequented by German and domestic guests, but was subject to substantial erosion in Besides Lake Balaton in Hungary, the Masurian recent decades mainly due to new tourism and Pomeranian lakes in Poland and mainly trends, the change in demographic structures artificial lakes in the Czech Republic, the Central and stagnation in the quality of the offer (see and Eastern European offer in this segment Zimmermann, 1994). comprises only a few smaller attractions (like Rural tourism and farm holidays in the Blejsko jezero in Slovenia) which compare narrower sense can only succeed within a well- to the Austrian lake lands (Salzkammergut, equipped tourist environment. A well-furbished Carinthia) and a lot of individual lakes in other individual establishment is insufficient; suitably parts of the country (e.g. Lake Constance developed activities and a pleasant environ- (Bodensee), Lake Neusiedl (Neusiedlersee)). ment in general must also exist to meet the Lake Balaton is by no means a new competitor expectations of guests. This includes a rural (see Miczek, 1989) for the Western (German, road network, walking paths, hiking trails, Austrian) market. It continued to be a destina- bicycle lanes, attractive inns, benches, shops tion of mass tourism even during the Com- and evening entertainment, as well as a culti- munist period due to early liberalization in vated rural landscape. Hungary (late 1970s); but by quality improve- Central and Eastern European countries ments in tourism infrastructure and the offering invest many hopes in the success of this seg- of extra services and attractions (wellness, ment and a lot of initiatives have been started cultural attractions and events, conferences), aimed at the development of peripheral partly under way, combined with the special regions and the smoothing of spatial disparities Hungarian flair, it may succeed in detracting by rural tourism (see Hall, 1991; Verhoeff, guests from Austrian lakes. 1998). However, they meet several endoge- Compared to Lake Balaton, the Masurian nous barriers: and Pomeranian lakes are newcomers to the ● the poor infrastructure in rural areas in international tourism market. They impress by general (not only in tourism terms); their natural beauty and by being embedded in ● an inadequate demographic structure in a mild, unspoiled landscape and offer a variety many regions (depopulation, an ageing of water sports as well as recreation near structure, brain drain); to nature (see Jordan, 1999; Österreichisches ● the lasting impact of Communist collectivi- Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut, 2003). Provided zation (except in larger parts of Poland, in a qualitative tourism infrastructure will further Slovenia and Croatia) which resulted in be developed and the character of recreation destroying traditional farm structures and near to nature can at the same time be pre- the traditional cultural landscape; and served, these lake districts have certainly the ● the lack of care for the cultural landscape potential to attract Western markets, especially (partly a legacy of the Communist period). the German and the Dutch. Nautical tourism is also advancing in these lake lands and on the In the near future, in Central and Eastern inland waterways of northern Poland with con- Europe the development of an environment siderable potential to grow. However, being so adequate for rural tourism might only succeed different in character from the Austrian lakes very gradually. (A possible exception is Slovenia, this will very likely not affect Austrian lakeside which is affected by all the barriers mentioned to tourism. The many artificial lakes in the Czech a much lesser extent.) Major public and private Republic have so far attracted just a domestic investment would be needed, certainly more clientele and will continue to do so. than for most other tourism segments, if really Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 75

larger areas should be affected. It might, how- Winter (sports) tourism ever, be possible to develop some particularly suitable places and small regions for this type of This lucrative segment, with very high per capita tourism. First successful initiatives in this direc- expenditure, is well-developed in Austria as well tion have been taken in the interior of the Istrian as in the other Alpine countries west of it. In peninsula, where rural tourism partly succeeded Austria it grows continuously, compensating in participating in the peninsula’s intensive losses in other segments (see Zimmermann, summer season. 1998; Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, 2005). Winter tourism infrastructure in Austria usually comprises not only accommodation and the Nature and adventure tourism technical means for winter sports like skiing, but also entertainment and alternative offers in a This does not represent a large market segment wider region. Even the largest and best-equipped and by definition it needs to remain small as it skiing resorts in Central and Eastern Europe, like would otherwise destroy its own sustainability. those around the Tatra Mountains (Tatry) in This includes ‘soft tourism’ over large areas for Poland and Slovakia, the Sudeten Mountains those seeking individual experiences often in (Sudety) in Poland and the Czech Republic and conjunction with sporting activities such as the alpine part of Slovenia compare unfavour- walking, mountaineering, climbing, caving, ably even with the smaller ones in Austria and bicycling, boating, canoeing, kite-flying, para- other Alpine countries. To compete against this gliding, horseback riding, hunting, fishing, etc. capital-intensive and highly elaborate offer is It needs an unspoiled and sparsely inhabited practically impossible with a reasonable degree landscape and natural scenic beauty, not so of effort, at least as far as Alpine skiing is con- much an elaborated tourism infrastructure. cerned (which, because of its popularity is the This segment has some importance in only sector that really matters). many parts of the Austrian Alps. Central and Thus, resorts in Central and Eastern Europe Eastern Europe has, in principle, also very much will depend, almost entirely, on low pricing to to offer in this area. Apart from the Slovenian compete in the European market. However, for share in the Alps, there are the Dinaric moun- domestic tourists they will continue to play a sig- tain range and the extremely attractive eastern nificant role, as well as for international tourists coast of the Adriatic with myriad islands, the from Eastern Europe, at least locations of excep- Carpathians in Poland and Slovakia, outstand- tional appeal (e.g. the Tatra Mountains). Other ing individual natural attractions like the Plitvice winter sports, especially those needing little Lakes (PlitvikEa jezera) or caves (especially specific investment do, however, have a better in Slovenia and Hungary) as well as many chance as these sports become more popular national parks and other protected areas (e.g. cross-country skiing, skating). (see Jordan, 1999; Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut, 2003). Many of these attractions are well-known and already attract a Health tourism substantial clientele, in this way not forming new competitors in the market. To generate or In the light of sharply curtailed government con- widen interest in less prominent attractions it tributions to health-care costs, this part of the would also partly be necessary to overcome the tourist industry grows if it can generate in negative environmental image larger parts of healthy people the urge to indulge in luxury Central and Eastern Europe still have. Another beauty services, for example, caring for their obstacle is also a legacy of the Communist bodies, relaxing and acquiring a general sense period: heavy industrialization, dull uniformity of well-being such as was highly fashionable in land utilization and weekend houses and sec- before World War I. At that time, it was custo- ond homes also in remote areas. Nevertheless, mary to frequent health spas using one medical Central and Eastern Europe has a good oppor- excuse or another and enjoy the entertainment tunity to compete successfully in this market and social life offered alongside health-related segment. regimes (see Jordan, 1998). 76 P. Jordan

Many of the existing health spas in Austria arouse periodical attention. Being predomi- and Central and Eastern Europe date back to nantly longer-distance tourism, it is, however, this era. They still possess some of the old, also sensitive to political and other crises. charming architectural features and ambience In this segment, in which Austria is repre- that satisfied the social need of the clientele of sented mainly by Vienna (see Lohmann, 2004 that time. In Central and Eastern Europe, under and Seitlinger, 2004), but also by Salzburg Communism, but to some extent also in Austria, and some other larger cities like Innsbruck, many of these were operated as sanatoria and Central and Eastern Europe is a strong com- the buildings underwent structural changes. It is petitor, because it has on the one hand an difficult to revert to former conditions where extraordinary cultural heritage to offer (see these changes were major, but where it is possi- Jordan, 1999; Österreichisches Ost- und ble to re-establish health resort operations on a Südosteuropa-Institut, 2003) and profits on the basis not dissimilar to pre-war conditions and other from the fact that the large cities and installations, this is an up-market resource and metropolises were in the forefront of reform the outlook is promising. and innovation and acquired the necessary Many old spas in Austria underwent such a infrastructure quickly. Drawbacks such as the (re-)conversion, but a number of new wellness negative environmental and security image, resorts have also been established, especially important in other segments of the tourist in Southeast Styria and Burgenland near to market, do play a less significant role here. Slovenia and Hungary. In Central and Eastern Therefore, Western city tourism to Central Europe during transformation similar develop- and Eastern Europe is the type of tourism which ments took place in Karlovy Vary and Mariánské has indeed met most expectations, although it is Láznf (Czech Republic) or Opatija (Croatia), mostly limited to metropolises like Prague or as the most prominent examples. Hungary and Budapest and some extraordinary regional cen- Slovenia were also extremely successful in this tres such as Cracow (Kraków), while others only respect, affecting the market position of South- slightly less attractive are rather neglected. This east Austrian wellness resorts quite substantially. may be for reasons of publicity, accessibility or A lot of further potential rests with the old spas in insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure. the Polish and Czech Sudeten Mountains as Smaller cities and places of interest still tend to well as the Polish and Slovakian Carpathians. lack the facilities that urban tourists have grown Certainly, Central and Eastern Europe has to expect. the capacity to become a major European com- The growth of city tourism in Central and petitor in this field. Eastern Europe has so far not meant that Austrian competitors suffered from a decline in visitors. On the contrary, city tourism in Austria City and cultural tourism remains a flourishing segment (Lohmann, 2004; Seitlinger, 2004). Package tours for tour- City tourism, frequently combined with cultural ists from overseas including a couple of Central tourism, is a segment that has grown consider- European cities may even have contributed ably in recent decades. Its growth has been fed to this phenomenon, but certainly, with the by a trend towards short vacations, entertain- inclusion of further destinations in Central and ment and educational travel and low airfares. Eastern Europe, competition will get tougher. Fairs and conferences are an important compo- nent. It is highly profitable, but demands high quality standards as well as exceptional historic Study and theme travel and cultural attractions. Vital factors include an excellent tourist infrastructure and easy accessi- This segment has also grown rapidly since the bility (good air connections). It has so far fall of the Iron Curtain and has gained consider- proved to be relatively stable, provided that able stature in Central and Eastern Europe. It new attractions and events (e.g. new museums caters primarily to the growing number of and galleries, commemorations of historical educated, active retired people who, financially and cultural celebrities, sport championships) secure, well-spoken and flexible, are seeking Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 77

intellectual stimulation, personal contacts and rates as well as the still low level of income diversity rather than recreation. The quality of (Lohmann, 2004). An encouraging aspect is the tourist infrastructure is not a foremost crite- certainly economic growth, which is currently rion. This favours Central and Eastern Europe. significantly stronger than in the ‘old’ member Central and Eastern Europe is also especially states and will more or less continue up to an attractive in this segment, since on the one hand equalization of East–West socio-economic it was practically inaccessible for decades and is disparities provided European integration pro- therefore a relatively new, exciting, ‘adventur- ceeds and the chances of the new members to ous’ and almost exotic offer for the market. On succeed in the European market are not the other hand it is well-known to the older reduced by continued or even new restrictions. generation due to its close historic inter-linkages As noted already in the introduction, for- especially with Western Central Europe, due to mal accession to the EU as of 1 May, 2004 is not personal and family relations and not least also much more than a symbolic date, since socio- to war experiences. economic integration is a long-term process In spite of substantial growth it offers a mul- which started earlier and is not yet completed. titude of possibilities which are still only partially Formal membership meant neither the fall of all utilized. The boom of study and theme travel to economic restrictions nor the end of border con- Central and Eastern Europe certainly detracts trols. Full mobility of labour, inclusion into the potential customers from Austria, but is not such Schengen zone and the currency union will not a prominent segment in quantitative terms that be achieved much before 2010. It can therefore this would have severe economic effects. be expected that outbound tourism flows from Central and Eastern Europe will continue to grow slowly, more or less in line with economic growth. Central and Eastern Europe as a A different question is whether Austria Tourism Market for Austria will be able to attract a larger portion of this potential. Traditions of travelling must not be Central and Eastern Europe is so far by no neglected in this respect, but also not overesti- means a prominent tourism market for Austria mated. A certain nostalgia to be found in many (2003: 3.439m overnight stays or 4% of all parts of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy foreign overnights), although it has been slowly for what is today Austria and especially for growing during the transformation period. The Vienna may also be favourable; but (in the first question arises whether EU accession of five of line) prices, a certain similarity of the offer the six Central and Eastern European countries (except winter sports), the usual drive of Central in 2004 meant a change and what were the Europeans towards the Mediterranean, the chances for a continued positive development change of tourism trends, cheap offers in over- or perhaps even an acceleration? seas and low cost airlines are strong arguments Similar to ‘old’ member states, Central speaking against a more prominent role of and Eastern Europe undergoes a demographic Austria in the Central and Eastern European change towards an aging society, but different tourism market. from ‘Old’ Europe, the older and retired gene- However, an essential factor, which is fortu- ration have smaller financial reserves, if any. nately completely under domestic control, is also Indeed, many of the retired are transformation a strategic vision and attitude in respect to the losers with little hope that their situation will new markets in Central and Eastern Europe. If, change. This does not nourish expectations that first, guests from Central and Eastern Europe are the older generation will even in the longer run treated personally as if they were major custom- play the role it plays in the tourism of Western ers, if their specific interests are respected and societies right now. their language is learnt, if they are granted spe- Other, but perhaps much more ephemeral cial discounts and benefits although they play so barriers for a more dynamic development of the far only a marginal role and are not the biggest Eastern tourism market are the still unfavour- spenders; if, second, specific marketing concepts able currency parities, high unemployment streamlined to demands of the individual 78 P. Jordan

countries are developed, this may well help to ● occupying a more prominent position on establish a very specific relationship between the tourists’ mental map and getting rid of Central and Eastern Europeans and Austria to negative images (as regards politics, envi- the long-term benefit of the Austrian tourism ronment, security), e.g. by regional market- industry, which is anyway over-dependent on ing and the development of regional the German market. While attitudes towards brands to avoid being discredited by Com- Central and Eastern Europeans at the personal munism and political crises and to empha- and local level vary in practice between a very size the variety of the offer; cultivated and personal treatment and contacts ● spatial separation of tourism and environ- not very different from those with guest workers, mentally harmful industry. It was character- the agencies responsible for federal as well as istic for the Communist era to locate provincial tourism marketing – fully aware of the smoking, stinking and noisy factories, intrinsic importance of these new markets – have symbols of the ‘working class’, in a tourist already developed a lot of specific marketing resort, in order to take the aura of luxury concepts. This may well contribute to expecta- from this activity, which was not in line tions of doubling the share of Central and Eastern with the ideology of Communism; European guests in Austrian international tourism ● reduction of state bureaucracy. A com- within 10 years, i.e. to 8–10% (, 2005). plicated, time- and money-consuming bureaucracy discourages and impedes private initiatives also in tourism; many a civil servant still displays a negative attitude Conclusion to private entrepreneurship associating it with quick profit-making. For an ‘old’ member state, the Austrian per- spective on Central and Eastern Europe is As regards Central and Eastern Europe’s currently neither as a major competitor in the role as a market of international tourism, the international tourism market7 nor a major development is supposed to be slow and generating region. It has, however, potential to dependent on economic growth and further develop in both fields, however slowly, as a European integration. For Austria it will not be stronger, dynamic market. ‘natural’ to receive the (relatively large) share of As regards its role as a destination of inter- the cake it had in pre-Communist times, since national tourism, where Central and Eastern tourism trends have changed. Europe meets the hard and professional com- petition of well-established destinations in other parts of Europe, success is estimated to depend mainly on the following factors: Notes

● improving the quality of accommodation 1 Except in Croatia. However, Croatia was a and catering by intensifying competition, favourite destination of commercial tourism for example, by the dissolution of also in the Communist era and only recovered large tourism enterprises and holdings, after the depression caused by the Yugoslav strengthening the position of small and crisis. medium-sized enterprises with the help of 2 The decision of the German Reich in 1933 to favourable credits and by establishing levy 1000 German Marks from each German associations to represent their common tourist crossing the Austrian frontier let Czecho- interests, as well as by improving legal and slovakians account for the largest share among economic conditions for domestic and foreign tourists also in the provinces of western foreign strategic investment; Austria. 3 According to the statistical sources quoted in ● improving the quality of infrastructure in the appendix (mainly statistical yearbooks transportation and public services espe- and websites of statistical agencies and tourist cially in the rural space and also on the boards). micro-level to support regional and sea- 4 After Germany (53.1m or 64.4%), The Netherlands sonal diversification in tourism; (7.0m or 8.5%), the United Kingdom (2.8m or Tourism and EU Enlargement: a Central European Perspective 79

3.4%), Switzerland (2.8m or 3.4%), Italy (2.7m or (3.0m or 3.5%), Belgium (2.2m or 2.6%), France 3.2%), Belgium (2.1m or 2.5%), France (1.7m or (1.6m or 1.9%) and the USA (1.2m or 1.4%). 2.1%), the USA (1.6m or 1.9%) and Denmark 6 Travels with at least 4 overnights. (0.872m or 1.1%). 7 Croatia, with its large tourism volume is, first, not 5 After Germany (52.8m or 61.2%), The Nether- a newcomer in the tourism market and, second, lands (8.5m or 9.9%), Switzerland (3.5m or notadirect competitor of Austria, since the offer 4.1%), the United Kingdom (3.2m or 3.7%), Italy is clearly dominated by seaside tourism.


Hall, D.R. (ed.) (1991) Tourism and Economic Development in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. London: Belhaven Press. Jordan, P. (1992a) The development of tourist flows within Central Europe (1910–1990). In: Terrazzi,M. (ed.) Itinerari di Idee, Uomini e Cose fra Est ed Ovest Europeo.Udine: Atti del Convegno Internazionale, pp. 589–601. Jordan, P. (1992b) Slovakia in the scope of Central European tourism – present state and outlook. Geografický Casopis 44(2), 105–119. Jordan, P. (1995) Auswirkungen der Kriege im ehemaligen Jugoslawien auf den Fremdenverkehr der kroatischen Küste. Eine regionale Untersuchung der Tourismusentwicklung. Zeitschrift für den Erdkundeunterricht 47(11), 438–445. Jordan, P. (1998) Die Stellung Abbazias unter den Kurorten der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. In: Jordan, P. and Perši1,M.(eds)Österreich und der Tourismus von Opatija (Abbazia) vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und zur Mitte der 1990er Jahre. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 169–194. Jordan, P. (1999) International tourism attractions in Central and Southeastern Europe. In: Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut (ed.) Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Stuttgart and Berlin: Borntraeger, No. 3.4–G6. Jordan, P. (2000) The growth of Polish winter tourism to Austria. In: Wyrzykowski, J. (ed.) Conditions of the Foreign Tourism Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Wroclaw: Institute of Geography, University of Wroclaw, pp. 133–146. Lohmann, M. (2004) Tourismus nach der EU-Erweiterung: was die Städte Erwartet.Vienna: Paper presented at Wiener Tourismus Konferenz, 19 October, 2004. Miczek, Gy. (1989) The Expansion of Tourism from Western Countries to Hungary in the Eighties. In: Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut (ed.) Atlas of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. Stuttgart and Berlin: Borntraeger, No. 3.1–H1. Österreichisches Ost- und Südosteuropa-Institut (ed.) (2003) aos-web. Available at: Seitlinger, K. (2004) Das Projekt Wien 2010 im Fortschritt. Entwicklungen 2003–2004.Vienna: Paper presented at Wiener Tourismus Konferenz, 19 October, 2004. Statistik Austria (ed.) (2002) Urlaubsreisen der Österreicher 2001. Vienna: Statistik Austria. Statistik Austria (ed.) (2004) Tourismus in Österreich 2003. Vienna: Statistik Austria. Verhoeff, R. (1998) The transformation of international tourism in Central Europe – between state and market. In: Carter, F.W., Jordan, P. and Rey, V. (eds) Central Europe after the Fall of the Iron Curtain. Geopolitical Perspectives, Spatial Patterns and Trends, 2nd edn. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 159–174. Vukicevi1, M. (1971) Der Fremdenverkehr im Sozialismus als Objekt staatlicher Intervention. In: Ruppert, K. and Maier, J. (eds) Der Tourismus und seine Perspektiven für Südosteuropa. Regensburg: Verlag Michael Lassleben Kallmünz, pp. 121–127. Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (ed.) (2004) Tourismus in Zahlen: Österreichische und Internationale Tourismus- und Wirtschaftsdaten, 40th edn. Vienna: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich. Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (ed.) (2005) Tourismus in Zahlen: Österreichische und Internationale Tourismus- und Wirtschaftsdaten, 41st edn. Vienna: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich. Wolf, G. (2005) Österreichs Fremdenverkehr verliert den Schwung der letzten Jahre. GW-Unterricht 97, 91–94. Zimmermann, F. (1994) Tourismus in Österreich – Instabilität der Nachfrage und Innovationszwang des Angebotes. Geographische Rundschau 47(1), 30–37. 80 P. Jordan

Zimmermann, F. (1998) Austria: contrasting tourist seasons and contrasting regions. In: Williams, A.M. and Shaw, G. (eds) Tourism and Economic Development: European Experiences, 3rd edn. Chichester, UK and New York: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 175–197. Zimmermann, F. (2001) European Union cross-border cooperation: a new tourism dimension. In: Smith, V.L. and Brent, M. (eds) Hosts and Guests Revisited: Tourism Issues of the 21st Century. New York: Cognizant Communication, pp. 323–330.

Additional statistical sources drawn upon

Croatia Croatian National Tourist Board: Drzavni Zavod za Statistiku (ed.) (2004) Statisticki Ljetopis Republike Hrvatske 2004. Zagreb. Republika Hrvatska, Drzavni Zavod za Statistiku:

Czech Republic Ceský Statistický Úrad: Ceský Statistický Úrad (ed.) (2004) Statistická Rocenka Ceske Republiky 2004. Prague.

Hungary Hungarian Central Statistical Office:,119919&_dad=portal&_ schema=PORTAL Hungarian Tourism Office:,6177,6181,6179&_dad= portal30&_schema=PORTAL30 Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (ed.) (2004) Magyar Statisztikai Évkönyv 2003. Budapest.

Poland Central Statistical Office: Glówny Urzad Statystyczny (ed.) (2004) Rocznik Statystyczny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 2004. Warsaw.

Slovakia Slovak Tourist Board: Štatistický Úrad Slovenkej Republiky (ed.) (2004) Statistická Rocenka Slovenskej Republiky 2004. Bratislava. Štatistický Úrad Slovenkej Republiky:

Slovenia Statisticni Urad Republike Slovenije (ed.) (2004) Statisticni Letopis Republike Slovenije 2004. Ljubljana. Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia:

General Institute for Tourism (ed.) (1998) Tourism in the CEI Countries. Key Figures 1994–1996. Zagreb: Institute for Tourism. 7 Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing the Value of the Tourism Destination Brand

Maja Konecnik

Introduction a short time as its trade flows were redirected to the EU and associated partners (Government The Republic of Slovenia lies in the heart of Public Relations and Media Office, 2005). Europe, where the Alps face the Pannonian Slovenia is one of the most successful plains and the Mediterranean meets the myste- countries to transit from socialism to a market rious karst (Fig. 7.1). To the north lies Austria; economy. It boasts stable GDP growth and is Hungary is to the east; Croatia is to the south viewed as a safe country, ranked among the and Italy to the west. Its geographical area in countries with the lowest degree of risk. Since its Central Europe encompassing just 20,256 km2 independence in 1991, Slovenia has privatized makes it one of the smallest countries in the its economy, stabilized inflation and wage growth, world. It can also be similarly ranked according halted the rising unemployment, strengthened to the number of its inhabitants, which is some- its currency, relaxed the flow of capital and mod- what less than 2 million. Slovenia is strengthen- ernized its taxation system. On 1 May, 2004, ing its international position and reputation as Slovenia became a member of the European a democratic, stable and successful European Union. In the economic sphere, Slovenia’s devel- state, but is also striving to preserve its national opment level is quickly catching up with that identity (Government Public Relations and of the EU (Government Public Relations and Media Office, 2005). Media Office, 2005). Throughout its history Slovenia has always Tourism is seen as an important, and one formed part of larger countries or even great of the most promising, sectors in the Slovenian empires. The country has seen many changes in economy. In addition to its direct effect, the coun- its economic system – from the mainly agricul- try also sees its indirect effect mainly through tural and artisanal period of the Austro-Hungarian the enhancement of the country’s brand value. Monarchy, the slightly more industrialized The opportunity or challenge to enhance its Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians, the value has even increased since Slovenia’s socialist state-centred industrialization of the for- accession to the EU. Therefore, this chapter mer SFR Yugoslavia, through to today’s inde- presents the impacts which EU accession is pendent Slovenia directed towards development bringing to the development of the tourism and a market economy. After gaining its inde- sector in Slovenia and especially to the deve- pendence, Slovenia managed to overcome the lopment of Slovenia as a tourism destination loss of the markets in former Yugoslavia within brand.

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 81 82 M. Konecnik

Fig. 7.1. Slovenia: location map of major tourism resources.

The chapter is divided into two main Review of parts describing the development of tourism in Slovenia. After the introductory part, which Tourism is one of the most promising sectors of presents the main characteristics of the the economy in Slovenia. Its important role was Republic of Slovenia, the chapter proceeds by also recognized when Slovenia was part of reviewing tourism development in Slovenia former SFR Yugoslavia. In 1990, just a year since its independence. The focus is on pre- before Slovenia’s independence, 2.5m tourists senting the main tourism indicators in Slovenia were recorded, of which 1.8m were foreigners. within the last two years. The latest changes The 10-day war in Slovenia that immediately in the tourism industry after Slovenia joined followed its independence had a negative the EU are discussed. Contrary to this main impact on Slovenian tourism. A considerable fall part, which describes the direct effect of in foreign tourist numbers was recorded and, Slovenian tourism and presents it through sta- although the number of international tourists has tistics, the second part of the chapter stresses been steadily rising since then, these figures the development process of the tourism desti- have not equalled those from the beginning of nation brand ‘Slovenia’. Development of the 1991. In 2004, around 1.5m international tour- ‘Slovenia’ brand is introduced through two ists were recorded in Slovenia, who made views of a destination brand: the internal and almost 4.4m overnight stays. On the other hand, external perspectives. This part concludes by the opposite trend is recognized for domestic describing the possible impacts of Slovenia’s tourists because their numbers have increased accession to the EU. In the author’s opinion significantly since Slovenia’s independence. this could represent a new challenge for Further, in 2004 the country had 0.84m domes- enhancing the value of the tourism destina- tic tourists who made 3.2m overnight stays, tion brand ‘Slovenia’, which could lead to build- representing a slight decline compared to 2003 ing up a strong country brand. (SORS, 1991–2005) (Table 7.1). Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing Tourism 83

Table 7.1. Slovenia: number of arrivals and overnight stays, 1990–2004.

Foreign Domestic Total

Overnight Overnight Overnight Year Arrivals stays Arrivals stays Arrivals stays

1990 1,887,462 5,345,400 651,324 2,611,006 2,538,786 7,956,406 1995 732,103 2,435,467 844,569 3,447,579 1,576,672 5,883,046 1996 831,895 2,550,607 825,774 3,281,637 1,657,669 5,832,244 1997 974,350 3,078,400 848,779 3,305,662 1,823,129 6,384,062 1998 976,514 3,062,432 822,411 3,232,876 1,798,925 6,295,308 1999 884,048 2,741,218 865,484 3,315,345 1,749,532 6,056,563 2000 1,089,549 3,404,097 867,567 3,314,901 1,957,116 6,718,998 2001 1,218,721 3,813,477 867,001 3,316,125 2,085,722 7,129,602 2002 1,032,019 4,020,799 859,941 3,300,262 2,161,960 7,321,061 2003 1,373,137 4,175,385 872,931 3,327,184 2,246,068 7,502,569 2004 1,498,334 4,361,484 841,793 3,224,357 2,340,127 7,585,841

Sources: SORS, 1991–2005.

Table 7.2. Slovenia: international tourism receipts and expenditure, 2003 and 2004.

2003 (in ?000s) 2004 (in ?000s) Indices

International tourism receipts 1,186,270 1,310,693 110 International tourism 666,588 731,562 110 expenditures Balance 519,682 579,131 111

Source: Bank of Slovenia, 2005.

Since the number of international tourists 0.27m overnights stays in 2004, representing a and their overnight stays in Slovenia is increas- 32% growth rate in comparison to 2003. This ing, a similar growth trend is also recognized in growth rate was even higher when we consider the measure of international tourism receipts the number of British arrivals (52%) (SORS, (Table 7.2). However, international tourism 2004, 2005). receipts in 2004 compared to 2003 grew by Tourists who come to Slovenia can 10%, representing an even higher growth rate experience the destination’s amazing contrasts. than recorded for this period by either the num- Because of the small land area, it is possible to ber of foreign tourists (9%) or their overnight enjoy many activities in totally different geo- stays (4%) (Table 7.3). In addition, domestic graphical areas on the same day. A morning tourists spent 10% more abroad in 2004 than swim in the Adriatic can be followed 2 hours in 2003 (Table 7.2) (Bank of Slovenia, 2005). later by skiing below the Alpine peaks, then an The majority of tourists in Slovenia came adventurous discovery of the karst’s subterra- from European countries, a further five of which nean phenomena and an invigorating bath in a should be stressed: Germany, Italy, Austria, thermal spring. This can be followed by an Croatia and Great Britain (Table 7.3). Although encounter with history in a lively mediaeval German tourists have made the highest number city and, not far away, a more solitary stroll of overnight stays in the last few years, Italians through primeval forests or undulating, wine- exceeded this number in 2004 (0.78m com- growing hills (Government Public Relations pared to 0.77m). A similar situation is also and Media Office, 2005). According to the recognized with British tourists, who made official statistics, the diversity of the Slovenian 84 M. Konecnik

Table 7.3. Slovenia: international tourist arrivals and overnight stays by country of origin, 2003 and 2004.

2003 2004 Indices

Overnight Overnight Overnight Country Arrivals stays Arrivals stays Arrivals stays

Germany 229,372 813,241 237,825 771,654 104 95 Italy 288,507 729,181 313,296 786,130 109 108 Austria 201,367 690,827 205,597 691,313 102 100 Croatia 93,639 264,827 92,018 260,782 98 98 Great Britain 50,220 202,181 76,267 266,970 152 132

Sources: SORS, 2004, 2005.

Table 7.4. Slovenia: tourist arrivals and overnight stays by types of tourist resort, 2003 and 2004.

2003 2004

Bed Bed Tourist Overnight occupancy Tourist Overnight occupancy Type of tourist resort arrivals stays (%) arrivals stays (%)

Ljubljana 214,442 437,321 31 264,660 505,030 34 Health resorts 509,133 2,342,939 48 530,745 2,417,081 48 Seaside resorts 520,136 2,010,129 36 525,619 2,001,965 36 Mountain resorts 604,773 1,823,732 23 610,006 1,825,297 24 Other tourist resorts 372,131 797,776 28 376,713 765,995 27 Other places 33,249 74,426 13 33,538 73,369 14 Total 2,246,068 7,502,569 32 2,341,281 7,588,737 33

Source: SORS, 2004, 2005. tourism offer is incorporated in the following Review of Tourism in Slovenia types of tourism resort in Slovenia: Ljubljana after its Accession to the EU as the capital city, health resorts, seaside resorts, mountain resorts, other tourist resorts and other Slovenia achieved a 9% annual change in places (Table 7.4). international arrivals and a 5% annual change The average bed occupancy in 2004 was in overnight stays in 2004 compared to 2003 33%; however, the figure ranges from 14% in (SORS, 2005) and was, according to the other places to 48% in health resorts. Exclud- research group of the European Travel Com- ing accommodation in health resorts, the mission, recognized as one of the main winners other places remain seasonal. Most tourists in terms of tourism growth in 2004. Other win- arrive in the peak months of July and August. ners were emerging destinations in Central and Besides July and August, the second highest Eastern Europe like Estonia, Lithuania, Bul- occupancy period is the other two summer garia and the Czech Republic (ETC, 2005). months of June and September. An average However, although a relatively huge growth increase of 1% in overall bed occupancies was rate in 2004 was identified, this rate was similar recorded in 2004 in comparison with 2003. to the growth enjoyed in previous years The highest increase was seen in the capital (also see Table 7.1). Therefore, it is difficult to city Ljubljana, where the average bed occu- conclude that the high growth rate appeared pancy rate in 2004 was 34% (Table 7.4) (SORS, due to accession to the European Union. 2004 and 2005). However, the processes closely connected with Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing Tourism 85

EU accession might partly help sustain this EasyJet opened several lines between Slovenia high rate. and other EU members. One change in Slovenian tourism was Although the EU-related free movement recognized in the structure of foreign tourists in across borders has been suspected as an impor- 2004. As we can see in Table 7.5, the ten fastest tant step for the development of tourism, so far growing markets in 2004 were members of this has not seen any major changes. On the the EU (like Great Britain, Italy, France, The contrary, the new visa requirements discourage Netherlands, Ireland, and Spain) and some other non-EU visitors from visiting Slovenia. A sharp non-European countries (like the USA and drop in demand in 2004 compared to 2003 was Australia). We could speculate that the aware- recognized for tourists from the Russian market ness of Slovenia as a tourism destination (SORS, 2005). has increased amongst European Union inhabi- tants. Further, by gaining the status of an EU member country Slovenia is also winning Developing the Tourism Destination greater recognition in international markets. At Brand ‘Slovenia’ the same time, Slovenia’s accession to the EU could also be a signal of the more stable and Despite earlier scepticism about transferring improved security conditions in Slovenia. In the brand concept to the destination area the last group of tourists we can mainly stress (O’Shaughnessy and O’Shaughnessy, 2000), American tourists. branding has continued to attract interest in the The increasing price competition in the destination area in the last few years (Anholt, tourism market has already produced a 2000, 2002, 2003; Kotler and Gertner, 2002; remarkable effect on transport price policy. An Olins, 2002). In this categorization, destinations obvious example influencing tourism develop- can be evaluated from different perspectives, ment is the growing number of British tourists mostly as tourism destinations (Gnoth, 1998, in Slovenia. The arrival of the low-cost carrier 2002; Curtis, 2001; Cai, 2002; Hall, 2002a, EasyJet at the end of April 2004 with its first 2002b; Morgan and Pritchard, 2002; Morgan, route London–Ljubljana has boosted the Pritchard and Piggot, 2002; Morgan, Pritchard numbers of Britons coming to Slovenia. The and Pride, 2002; Pride, 2002) or destinations number of Britons has increased not only that aim to attract foreign direct investment because of the new EasyJet line, but also due (Papadopoulus and Heslop, 2002). to the reduced flight ticket prices offered by the Destinations as brands can enhance their national airline Adria Airways along this route. own brand value (Ahholt, 2000). In order to A similar situation may be expected when enhance the value of the destination brand two other new lines are opened. In 2004 alone, main concepts should be considered. The first

Table 7.5. Slovenia: most important and fastest growing markets by number of overnight stays, 2004.

Top ten markets Overnight stays Ten fastest growing markets Overnight stays

Italy 786,130 Great Britain 64,789 Germany 771,654 Italy 56,949 Austria 691,313 France 29,373 Great Britain 266,970 USA 23,020 Croatia 260,782 Netherlands 19,819 Netherlands 215,175 Ireland 11,248 France 105,264 Serbia and Montenegro 9,406 Hungary 105,217 Other non-European countries 8,276 Belgium 91,186 Spain 7,538 USA 90,749 Australia 6,590

Source: SORS, 2005. 86 M. Konecnik

concept – the concept of destination brand Tourist Board (STB) working in cooperation identity – describes it from the internal (mostly with the Slovenian Ministry of the Economy. management) perspective (Cai, 2002; KoneEnik, The main goal of their project was to boost the 2005, unpublished doctoral dissertation, recognition and reputation of Slovenia upon it Ljubljana University, Faculty of Economics). joining the EU in key European markets and to On the other hand, the concept of the customer- increase the value of the related trademarks that based brand equity of a tourism destination exa- are communicated in the spheres of tourism, mines it from a tourist perspective (KoneEnik, culture, the economy, and politics. 2005, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indirectly, besides the goal of increasing Ljubljana University, Faculty of Economics). tourist traffic from EU countries the campaign Although these concepts involve two opposing also had some other goals. These included: perspectives on brands (managers vs tourists), ● easier penetration and an improved position researchers suggest treating them as inter- for Slovenian companies in the European related and connected approaches in modern Union market; brand analysis (de Chernatony and McDonald, ● the more noticeable role of Slovenia in 2001). international politics; Because the destination of Slovenia invol- ● greater possibilities to organize international ves some specifics, namely the value of its brand events and conferences in Slovenia; is currently not very high, it could eventually ● simplified access to international connections provide an example of how a systematically and support for the penetration of Slovenian developed brand can enhance its own brand science and culture (STB, 2004). value. Not only this author, but also many other authors involved in research into brand destina- The campaign was conducted in Germany, tions, believe Slovenia is one country that should Italy and Austria in the first two months after work seriously towards building its destination Slovenia’s accession to the EU. The marketing brand (Hall, 2002a, 2002b; Olins, 2002) with campaign with its slogan ‘Slovenia Invigorates’ the aim to build a modern and strong destina- sought to emphasize the opportunities Slovenia tion brand (Anholt, 2000). These views are also can offer. A similar campaign was repeated in supported by the following factors (KoneEnik, 2005. 2004). First, as a country newly established in Related to the aim of projecting the desired 1991 Slovenia does not per se have centuries of image to foreigners through marketing activi- history. Second, its geographical area in Central ties, the STB is working hard on developing and Europe encompassing just 20,256 km2 makes it building a brand identity of Slovenia as a tour- one of the smallest countries in the world. Third, ism destination, which will reflect its unique although it is small, Slovenia features great vari- competitive advantage compared to its main ety within its regions (contrasting its mountains competitors. Although the process started in and lakes versus its coast and karst). Finally, as 2004, it is believed that it will take some time to a former socialist country Slovenia has been develop a clear identity for Slovenia. associated with a similar image evaluating in Compared to the unfinished process of competing quality indicators like the quality of building an identity, it is obvious that Slovenia’s infrastructure and suitable accommodation. tourism stakeholders are themselves working The opportunity to build a strong brand hard on developing and offering quality tourism has also been recognized by Slovenia’s practi- experiences. Consistent with the strategic (long- tioners, namely the various Slovenian stake- term) goals of Slovenian tourism, the STB is try- holder groups. As seen in the current activities, ing to encourage all participants in Slovenian the main emphasis is on the tourism area. tourism to improve the quality of their services Because tourism is closely connected with other or products (STB, 2002). The increase in tour- areas, the development of a tourism brand can ism receipts in 2004 may provide a good signal also transfer its strength to economic, political, that Slovenia’s tourism is on the correct path. cultural and technological areas of the country. Contrary to the tourism development pro- The first systematic approach following Slovenian cess going on in Slovenia, like the internal pers- independence came in 2004 with the Slovenian pective on brand development, the perception Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing Tourism 87

of Slovenia as a tourism destination from for- somewhat more than 400 potential tourists in eigners’ points of view should definitely be con- each country expressed their opinions about sidered. Slovenia was introduced to the global Slovenia as a tourism destination. The research tourism market in 1991 (Brezovec, Brezovec was carried out with a CATI (computer-assisted and Jancic, 2004). However, some authors telephone interviewing) method and therefore claim that for this introductory period the tour- representative samples were ensured. The results ism product of Slovenia may have been influ- imply that German respondents are aware of enced by the country’s image (Brezovec, 2001; Slovenia as a tourism destination, although they Brezovec, Brezovec and Jancic, 2004) which, still have problems in their quick recall of some according to Jancic, is weak (Jancic, 1998). of Slovenia’s characteristics. Further, they hold Similar conclusions were drawn by the only mostly neutral or even slightly positive opinions available research in this period (Tavcar, 1997), about Slovenia’s image. On average, they per- which was carried out in Austria and France in ceive Slovenia as a country of friendly people 1997. Editors, politicians and tourism managers and pleasant weather with beautiful nature, expressed a low level of awareness of the coun- especially due to its beautiful mountains and try Slovenia as well as some doubts about its lakes. In addition, they shared much worse democracy and product quality. Besides the opinions about Slovenia’s quality dimensions previously mentioned findings, the lack of (i.e. infrastructure, personal safety and its accom- empirical results about foreigners’ evaluations modation). The results also indicated only the of Slovenia as a tourism destination is identi- slight attitudinal loyalty of Germans, mainly fiable in the first decade after Slovenia’s through their interest in visiting Slovenia in the independence. future. Croatians are well aware of Slovenia The first systematic analysis of the percep- as a tourism destination which can also be tion of Slovenia as a tourism destination was, to explained by their common historical connec- our knowledge, conducted in 2001 (KoneEnik, tions as well as the geographical positions of 2001, unpublished Masters thesis, Ljubljana both countries. On average, they had a positive University, Faculty of Economics). Tourism opinion about Slovenia’s image attributes, mostly representatives mostly from European countries its natural attractions. However, they shared a expressed their opinions on Slovenia as a tour- very positive opinion of Slovenia’s health resorts. ism destination. Of the 119 respondents, 4% Further, they expressed a positive opinion about were unaware of Slovenia as a tourism destina- Slovenia’s quality dimensions, especially its clean- tion, 12% were aware of it but were unable to liness, personal safety, unpolluted environment locate its geographical position, while 84% of and quality of accommodation. They expressed respondents recognized it and were able to pro- an interest to visit Slovenia in the future and to perly locate its geographical position in Central recommend it to their friends and relatives Europe. Those respondents who recognized (KoneEnik, 2005, unpublished doctoral disserta- Slovenia as part of Central Europe shared a rel- tion, Ljubljana University, Faculty of Economics). atively positive common image of Slovenia as a The results of both investigations about the tourism destination. However, the worst evalu- perception of Slovenia as a tourism destination ated attributes were some quality indicators in imply a medium to strong level of awareness in Slovenia such as the quality of its infrastructure. the minds of the investigated group of respon- The investigation also indicates that the percep- dents (tourism representatives from mostly tion of Slovenia as a tourism destination differs European countries and potential tourists in the between those respondents familiar with Slovenia German and Croatian markets), as well as a (have visited Slovenia in the past or have per- positive image about Slovenia as a tourism sonal contacts with Slovenians) in comparison destination and mostly neutral to even negative to those respondents who were unfamiliar with attributes in some quality evaluations. On the Slovenia (KoneEnik, 2002). contrary, high quality was evaluated by the In 2003, another investigation about the Croatian respondents. Although the presented customer-based brand equity of Slovenia as results give us an important sign regarding the a tourism destination was conducted in the customer-based brand equity of Slovenia as a German and Croatian markets. In this research, tourism destination, we cannot generalize it for 88 M. Konecnik

other nations. It is possible that evaluations ● changes in socio-cultural attitudes (like would differ totally were we to choose potential taking several holidays through the year or tourists or tourism representatives from other spending more active holidays); markets. ● increased competition between tourism suppliers with the effect of reduced prices; ● decrease in the regulation of some areas The Impacts of EU Accession on the will boost competitiveness (as in the trans- Tourism Destination Brand ‘Slovenia’ port sector), which will lower prices; and ● the single common currency will increase Drawing from the current situation of the tour- price transparency and decrease exchange- ism destination brand of Slovenia, we speculate rate risks. on the possible impacts of EU accession on the In summary, the growing competition brand’s development. As in the previous chap- between companies will force or give the oppor- ter, we divide all the proposed impacts into the tunity to raise the quality level of Slovenian tour- identity and equity destination concepts. Because ism. At the same time, the well-situated larger of the interrelationship of both concepts we pro- common market with demanding tourists will ceed to draw common conclusions about our provide enough potential tourists to visit Slovenia. view of the future position of the destination Because the increase in competition will decrease brand of Slovenia. The main impacts of EU prices for tourism products, it is important that accession on the tourism destination brand companies are able to offer experiences that ‘Slovenia’ are also presented in Fig. 7.2. provide the highest added value. Therefore, they The internal perspective on a brand is should be able to offer unique experiences. mostly represented in the processes of Slovenian Although this situation will have a positive effect tourism development. The development of the on the destination brand of Slovenia, the question tourism sector is influenced by changes at micro arises of whether Slovenia’s small- and medium- and macro environmental levels. Because of EU sized enterprises are already prepared and able accession, some other impacts can be identified: to compete in an environment as competitive ● the larger common market resulted in more as the EU environment. potential tourists; Slovenia’s accession to the EU will mostly ● improved economic conditions meaning affect the tourist perspective of the brand the faster growth of tourism demand; ‘Slovenia’. However, Slovenia as one of the ● more demanding consumers who are will- new EU countries will be perceived better than ing to pay for higher-quality experiences; in the past. Considering the elements of the

Fig. 7.2. Impacts of EU accession on the tourism destination brand ‘Slovenia’. ST – short-term, MLT – medium- to long-term. Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing Tourism 89 customer-based brand equity concept, some Conclusion further predictions are made: This chapter presents the Republic of Slovenia ● an increase in the awareness of Slovenia – as a new country in the EU and summarizes a short-term effect; its main economic characteristics. In this con- ● an improvement in Slovenia’s image as a text, the importance of the tourism sector in tourism destination – a medium- to long- Slovenia is emphasized. However, the steady term effect; growth rate of tourism indicators (such as the ● an increase in Slovenia’s quality dimensions – number of international tourist arrivals, inter- a medium- to long-term effect; and national tourism receipts) since its independ- ● a growth in Slovenia’s attitudinal loyalty – ence imply it is also a promising sector for a medium- to long-term effect. Slovenia’s future. Generally, we may assume that EU acces- Besides the encouraging results about sion will mainly increase the awareness of tourism development in Slovenia from previous Slovenia as a tourism destination. We suppose years, tourism could also represent a basis for that the recognition of Slovenia has already the whole country’s brand development. As far improved and will also increase in the near as tourism is closely connected with other activi- future. This is extremely important especially in ties of a country, the development of a tourism those markets where Slovenia has not been brand can also involve the transfer of its strength widely recognized. The second most evident to other areas. Therefore, the chapter stresses the effect will be shown in the perceptions of main idea of brand development and presents it Slovenia’s quality dimensions. However, previ- through two main brand concepts: the brand ous investigations have shown that the biggest identity concept and the concept of customer- gap between what is perceived and what is based brand equity. The latest systematic appro- given exists in quality evaluations. Accession to aches in tourism destination brand development the EU will bring about an opportunity to close in Slovenia regard the tourism destination the existing gaps. We also speculate about some brand as an important tool to enhance the value improvement in image evaluations from the for- of the country. eigner’s point of view, although this evaluation Slovenia’s accession to the EU in 2004 was already relatively positive in the past. The represents a challenge for further development growing awareness of Slovenia as a tourism of the tourism destination’s brand. Although EU destination, positive evaluation of its image and accession will bring some positive effects for quality dimensions could also boost the attitudi- Slovenia’s brand development, mainly evident nal loyalty dimension, meaning an increase in in its quality improvement, the biggest advan- tourists’ intentions to visit Slovenia as well as to tage of EU membership will, in the author’s recommend it to others. opinion, be reflected in tourists’ perceptions of Although EU accession will give some Slovenia as a tourism destination. Considering opportunity to improve the value of the destina- the elements of the customer-based brand equity tion brand of Slovenia, Slovenia’s different of a tourism destination, the author predicts the stakeholder groups should undertake the most main changes in Slovenia’s awareness and its important activities. Here we have in mind all quality perception. First, we have assumed that possible stakeholders who could add some EU accession will mostly increase awareness value to the brand ‘Slovenia’ and, according to or recognition of Slovenia. Therefore, the desti- their abilities, ensure that Slovenia as a tourism nation Slovenia will be included in tourists’ destination will exist strongly in the minds of opportunity destination sets, giving the tourism potential tourists. Apart from the STB as a destination of Slovenia equal chances for poten- national governmental organization, active roles tial future visits as other known tourism destina- in brand-building are expected from the tourism tions. Further, Slovenia’s membership in the EU industry and the country’s residents who should will improve foreigners’ evaluations of its quality ‘live the brand’ and thereby take an active role dimensions. However, previous investigations in developing and building the strong tourism have shown that the biggest gap exists in the destination brand of Slovenia. perception of the quality evaluation because 90 M. Konecnik

many foreigners still connect Slovenia’s quality played by Slovenians. Therefore, the initial steps with its previous socialist system. should be taken by different Slovenian stake- Although EU membership will give an holders who should be prepared and able to take opportunity for a better evaluation of Slovenia the proper action. Should foreigners receive pos- from the foreigner’s perspective and therefore itive signals from Slovenians about their country the possibility to build a strong tourism destina- then the tourism destination brand of Slovenia is tion brand ‘Slovenia’, the key role is still to be on the right track to becoming a strong brand.


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Papadopoulus, N. and Heslop, L. (2002) Country equity and country branding: problems and prospects. Journal of Brand Management 9(4–5), 294–314. Pride, R. (2002) Brand Wales: ‘natural revival’. In: Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R. (eds) Destination Branding: Creating the Unique Destination Proposition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, pp. 109–123. SORS (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia) (1991–2005) Statistical Yearbook. Ljubljana: SORS. STB (Slovenian Tourism Board) (2002) Strategija Trzenja Slovenskega Turizma 2003–2006. Ljubljana: STB. STB (Slovenian Tourism Board) (2004) Slovenia invigorates – project. Ljubljana: STB. Available at: Tavcar, R. (1997) Drzava se je pogledala v ogledalo. Marketing Magazin 17(6), 12–13. 8 Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-border Travel

Vladimír Baláz

Introduction population and structure of labour markets on both sides of the border; While the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary ● intensity of cross-border cooperation at and Poland have accounted for fairly similar state and regional levels, and the extent levels of social and economic development, this and quality of travel infrastructure such as by no means applies to all regions within these numbers of border crossing points, quality countries. The shift from central planning to of road and railway connections. market mechanisms has been accompanied by Some of these factors are subject to eco- sharp regional disparities, with border regions nomic and political changes. These were particu- being particularly affected by the processes of larly rapid and extensive in East Central Europe convergence/divergence (see Smith, 1996). These (ECE: Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland) disparities are expressed in different income after 1989 and were expressed in a thorough and price levels between neighbouring border revamping of travel regulations and improve- regions and generate specific types of cross- ments in travel infrastructure. Travel motives, on border exchange. the other hand, tend to result from demographic Cross-border visitor exchange is a distinctive structures and tourist destinations on both sides part of international travel. While all international of the border and do not change so quickly. travel involves crossing borders, cross-border Slovakia has borders with five countries exchange is a much more local and/or regional that range from a former constituent part of the affair. The volume and structure of cross-border Soviet Union to a pre-existing EU member state. travel are affected by a number of factors. These Each border separates a unique combination of include: adjacent border regions:

● regulations related to international and ● Northern Slovakia, a less-developed region trans-border travel, such as passport and adjoining a less-developed region in Poland; visa regulations, rules on travel by local ● Southern Slovakia, a marginal region in inhabitants in border areas, policies setting Slovakia bordering a marginal region in custom duties, VAT and excise tax rates; Hungary; ● travel motives of the population in border ● Western Slovakia, a developed industrial areas. These depend on the structure of region, bordering a developed region in tourist destinations, ethnic composition of the Czech Republic;

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 92 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-border Travel 93

adjoining border regions, and (ii) EU mem- bership on the development of such flows. There were a number of EU-assisted programmes aimed at cross-border cooper- ation before its eastern enlargement in 2004. After 2004 Slovakia and other ECE countries developed a large number of ini- tiatives in the field of transport infrastruc- ture, cross-border cooperation and creation Fig. 8.1. Slovakia: territorial structure – counties of Schengen-type borders (European Com- and borders. mission, 2001; MVSR, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c). Most of these initiatives were heavily subsidized from the EU Structural ● Eastern Slovakia, a peripheral region bor- and Cohesion Funds (MVRRSR, 2004a, dering a marginal region in the Ukraine; and 2004b). This part of the chapter relies on ● Bratislava City, a developed region neigh- the author’s survey on border regions and bouring Austria (Fig. 8.1). information provided by Slovakia’s central Particular combinations of border regions authorities and official documents. provide for very diverse cross-border flows. In turn, diverse flows have very different impacts on economic and social developments in the Change and Stability border regions. Within this context, this chapter, focusing Transformation of international travel in ECE on Slovakia, has three central themes: after 1989 was set by two groups of factors, with the first being of greater importance than the ● first, it looks at changes in volumes and second: structures of international travel in Slovakia in the period 1989–2004 and compares 1. Framework factors. These resulted in an these with developments in other ECE overall change in the social and economic situa- countries. It examines particular factors tion of the country. Changes in international underlying shifts in cross-border travel pat- travel were only a by-product of a wider transi- terns before and after Slovakia’s accession tion, which included removal of passport and to the EU. This part of the chapter draws visa barriers; establishment of a market eco- mostly on secondary statistical sources nomy, and gradual incorporation of the ECE provided by the national statistical offices; countries into EU structures. 2. Tourism industry-specific factors. These ● second, it considers the importance of selected travel motives on the volume and included state sponsorship of tourism marketing structure of cross-border tourist exchange. abroad and various financial aid schemes for Special attention is paid to understanding the tourism sector. These initiatives lacked differential and selective integration of financial resources and had only a limited border regions into the global economy in impact on tourism development, in the early terms of their position in a national economy phase of transition in particular. subject to intense market reforms and The volume and structure of tourist flows to internationalization, and also in relation to and from Slovakia before 1989 were mostly their trans-border international neighbours. determined by political considerations (Johnson, Here the paper draws on tourist surveys by 1995). Tourism flows with the EU were con- national tourist authorities and a survey strained by a number of passport and visa bar- with mayors of municipalities in Slovak riers. Visitors from Western countries accounted border regions, conducted by the author for only 5% of total movements. Tourism (Williams et al., 2001); exchanges with three neighbouring state socialist ● third, it considers impacts of: (i) cross- countries (the German Democratic Republic, border flows on the development of Poland and Hungary) were relatively free and 94 V. Baláz

accounted for 90% of all flows. The intra-eastern bloc exchanges were shaped by ideological priorities. These were to ‘promote international friendship’ and ‘a better understanding of brother nations’. The real world was rather different. After the Solidarity movement had secured a position of political influence in Poland in 1980, the Czechoslovak authorities imposed complex barriers on travel to that country, and the need to develop a ‘better understanding of a brother nation’ was set aside. Instead, a system of special permissions was introduced for trips to Poland, so that after 1982, with martial law imposed in Poland, such tourism exchanges were severely reduced. Tourist flows with the former USSR were heavily restricted. While there was no problem Fig. 8.2. Foreign visitors at frontiers in ECE, buying a package trip, individual trips were 1988–2003. Sources: ŠÚSR, 1991–2005; HNTO, restricted to strictly prescribed travel routes 2003; CNTO, 2004; PIT, 2004. between borders and Black Sea coastal resorts. There were a number of areas closed to foreign- ers. Cross-border exchange between Slovakia and Ukraine was prohibited (MVSR, 2004b). Local inhabitants wishing to visit their relatives on the other side of the border (sometimes no more than a few hundred metres away), had to arrange visas in Prague and Moscow. Hence, the most significant developments in international travel after 1989 were the removal of passport and visa formalities. In 1990 the former Czechoslovakia signed non-visa tourist exchange agreements with 18 countries, includ- ing Austria, Germany and Italy. Five other countries followed suit in 1991, and by 1992 agreements were in place with most European states. Restrictions on travel to Poland were also lifted and travel to Ukraine liberalized. In 1993 Slovakia signed the Association Agreement with Fig. 8.3. Departures by residents in ECE, the EU, which was another major impetus for 1988–2003. Sources: ŠÚSR, 1991–2005; HNTO, liberalized travel. 2003; CNTO, 2004; PIT, 2004. Liberalization of travel was reflected in huge increases in the scale of international tour- ist flows (Figs 8.2 and 8.3). All four ECE coun- There were a number of reasons for these tries (the Czech and Slovak Republics, Hungary increases, linked to the removal of the Iron and Poland) have experienced broadly similar Curtain, the growth of business tourism in newly trends in inbound tourism, with a period of opened economies, and the generation of rapid expansion after 1989 being followed by trans-border shopping tourism from Germany decline or static numbers. Whereas 29.6m for- and Austria. The period 1996–1997, however, eign visitors came to Czechoslovakia in 1989, was something of a watershed for the visitor by 1996 this number had leapt to 109.4m inflows to all ECE countries. Slovakia experi- visitors to the Czech Republic (CNTO, 2004) enced a similar trajectory to its neighbours, and 33.1mn to Slovakia (ŠÚSR, 1991–2005). although its decline in numbers was less Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-border Travel 95

marked – there were still 26.3m foreign visitors economic and social-cultural networks. There in 2004 (ŠÚSR, 1991–2005). Arguably, this are formal and informal business relationships, reflected lower levels of initial ‘curiosity tourism’ and cross-border familial and friendship ties that and a weak tourism image, as well as the late generate international tourism amongst this onset of economic reforms. group of countries. In addition, the geographi- There were also marked changes in out- cal location of these countries has long given bound tourism. In Slovakia, there are no reli- them a role in transit tourism (Williams and able data for outbound travel prior to 1989. Baláy, 2002a). However, 9.6m Slovaks went abroad in 1991, If major changes in volume of international rising to a peak of 32.7m in 1998, before falling travel resulted from travel liberalization in the to 21.2m by 2004 (ŠÚSR, 1991–2005). The early 1990s, has EU membership had any decline in outbound travel, in part, reflected impact on international travel to Slovakia? In decay in the ‘novelty factor’, and in the initial 2004, there were some increases both in the exuberant ‘curiosity tourism’ which followed bor- inbound and outbound travel volumes on each der liberalization; but it also reflected changes in of Slovakia’s borders (Figs 8.4 and 8.5), but neighbours’ economic systems. Pre-1989 bor- they may have been caused by high economic ders were reconstituted more as gateways than growth: Slovak GDP grew by 5.4% in that year. barriers, although they had different meanings Simplification of travel regulations with the depending on the economic and social comple- EU-members and increasing barriers in tourist mentarities of national territories. In the early exchange with Ukraine also became important stages of transition, the uneven pace of reform for Slovakia after its accession to the EU and the divergence between economic systems (MVSR, 2004b). meant that the re-regulated borders provided The first of May, 2004 saw the single pass- opportunities for border arbitrage (Altvater, port control introduced at borders with Austria, 1998). This was manifested in various forms Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic. Iden- of small-scale trading and shopping activities tity cards were recognized as official travel doc- taking advantage of differences in the price uments, in addition to passports. This change and availability of goods in neighbouring eco- was little visible on the Czech and Hungarian nomic systems. However, economic reforms borders. Travel between Slovakia on the one subsequently eroded these differences as the hand and Hungary and the Czech Republic on ECE economies converged around western the other was little restricted and the local European models, particularly in the latter years inhabitants, for example, enjoyed unhindered of transition prior to EU membership. travel under the small cross-border regime In the Communist period, the ECE coun- before 2004. Simplification of travel regulation tries were heavily dependent on tourist demand was most noticeable on the Austrian border, from neighbouring countries. In Czechoslovakia where the formerly long queues disappeared. It in 1989, for example, 83% of inbound flows was, however, the Polish border which accounted centred on just three countries: the German (rather unexpectedly) for the most interesting Democratic Republic, Poland and Hungary (see development. The 1996 Slovak–Polish agree- Hall, 1991 for comparisons with other Central ment enabled inhabitants of certain municipali- and East European countries). These three ties in border areas to cross frontiers under the countries were also the principal destinations for small cross-border regime. They could, for outward tourist flows, and accounted for 59% of example, use a much larger number of border outbound Czech and Slovak visitors. Surprisingly, crossing points than the rest of the population in at least at first glance, this ‘nearest-neighbour’ both countries. spatial pattern of tourist flows has changed very From 1 May, 2004 Polish and Slovak little since 1989 in all the ECE countries. Rather, tourists (and other EU nationals) started to use there has been considerable stability, grounded the full range of border crossings, regardless of in geographical, economic and cultural condi- whether they were local inhabitants or not. Most tions. Most regions within Hungary, Poland, the of this exchange was related to informal shop- Czech and Slovak Republics are easily accessible ping and business travel. This had not been to each other and are pervaded by strong envisaged by the Slovak and Polish authorities, 96 V. Baláz

Fig. 8.4. Slovakia: foreign visitors by border of entry, 1993–2004. Sources: ŠÚSR 1991–2005.

Fig. 8.5. Slovakia: Slovaks travelling abroad by exit border, 1993–2004. Sources: ŠÚSR 1991–2005. as they were not able to check flows of travellers their entry into the Schengen club in 2006/2007 and goods. After a short period of toleration, in (MVSR, 2004c). August 2004 Slovak and Polish authorities As a European Union (EU) candidate, started to enforce the original travel regulations. Slovakia needed to comply with the Schengen The small cross-border regime was allowed only Treaty requirements before EU entry. These for inhabitants of border areas (MVSR, 2004a). included securing the EU’s external border, Other travellers had to use the approved border preventing illegal immigration and introducing crossings. The full liberalization of travel between a visa regime for non-member countries, includ- Poland and Slovakia should take place with ing Ukraine (MVSR, 2004a, 2004b, 2004c). Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-border Travel 97

In 2000, Slovakia (rather quickly) introduced independent researchers can shed some light on visa requirements for Ukrainian nationals, and this issue. Ukraine responded in the same way. Introduc- The 1998–2002 tourism surveys (MHSR, tion of visas had deeply negative consequences 1997–2003; also PIT, 2004) indicated that most for cross-border travel. Numbers of Ukrainians foreign visitors came from neighbouring coun- travelling to Slovakia dropped from 1.5m in tries, such as Hungary, Poland, and the Czech 1999 to 0.35m in 2001. Numbers of Slovak Republic. They dominated the day visitor and tourists going to Ukraine dropped from 62,000 the short-stay tourism markets. The average to 54,000 in the same period. In the early 2000s length of stay was about 3 days. In contrast, lon- Slovakia and Ukraine extended the number ger stay (4+ days) tourists were more likely to be of their consulates in neighbouring countries from Germany, The Netherlands and Italy. Bor- and eased visa regulations. The cross-border der crossing statistics reveal a remarkable stabil- exchange increased, but was far from its 1999 ity in the cross-border travel patterns (Figs 8.4 heyday. and 8.5). There were no significant changes in Illegal immigration from Ukraine, exten- travel motives in the period 1996–2002. Most sive smuggling of alcohol and tobacco pro- visitors travelled for business, leisure and culture ducts and difficulties encountered by Slovak purposes, followed by visiting friends and rela- authorities when returning migrants back to tives (VFR), shopping, and transit or one-day Ukraine were regarded as major obstacles for visits with undeclared objectives (Table 8.1). the introduction of a more liberal regime for Relatively stable underlying factors influ- cross-border exchange. These issues were enced these patterns. Most of the VFR travel, for discussed during a visit by the Slovak Prime example, had an ethnic dimension. The large Minister Mr Dzurinda to Kiev in June 2004 Hungarian minority in Slovakia (some half a (MZSR, 2004). The Ukrainian Government million people or 10% of the Slovak popula- gaveuptheideaoffreeofchargevisasforall tion), maintained strong contacts with their Ukrainians travelling to Slovakia and no visa friends and relatives in Hungary. Adjacent requirements for Slovaks travelling to Ukraine. border regions of Hungary provide them with The Slovak Government, on the other hand, plenty of opportunities for culture, shopping was ready to follow recommendations by the and small-time business, which are not always Council of Europe from September 2003 on available in Slovakia. The same can be said for small cross-border exchange. These recom- ethnic Slovaks and Hungarians living in Ukraine. mendations included free visas issued to A lot of Czech–Slovak travel originated in inhabitants living in areas up to 50 km from friendship and family ties established during the each side of the border. The visa valid for a period of a common state (1918–1991). These period of 1–5 years should enable both VFR ties were not broken after the ‘Velvet Divorce’ and leisure travel and access to local labour and establishment of the Czech and Slovak markets. The Slovak government, however, Republics. Ethnic and demographic composi- pointed out that further liberalization of the tion in neighbouring countries has changed little visa regime depended on strict enforcement of in recent years. Similar stability can be found in the current readmission agreement. the supply of culture and leisure destinations in Slovakia. The above-mentioned tourist surveys char- acterize travel motives of foreign tourists coming Travel Motives and Composition to Slovak territory. Border areas, however, of Cross-border Flows account for a rather different structure of travel motives. Williams, Baláy and Bodnárová (2001) There are no statistics covering structure and undertook a key informant survey in September motives of cross-border travel and impacts of 1999. It was directed at all the municipal mayors cross-border flows on local and regional eco- in Slovakia’s five border regions. The survey nomics in Slovakia. In the absence of reliable assumed that mayors of border municipalities secondary statistics on cross-border personal were likely to possess the most complete infor- mobility, surveys by tourist authorities and mation concerning impacts of cross-border 98 V. Baláz

Table 8.1. Slovakia: travel motives of foreign visitors, 1996–2002.

Year (%)

Motive 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Culture and incentive 7.6 7.4 7.5 8.0 8.2 6.7 9.9 Stay in spas 1.6 2.7 2.3 2.5 1.9 2.8 2.5 Skiing – 2.8 2.7 3.5 4.6 3.2 – Shopping 10.4 9.7 9.9 10.9 10.6 10.1 13.0 Visiting friends and 16.4 17.8 18.5 17.4 14.4 15.0 13.7 relatives Leisure 16.1 11.6 10.3 9.7 10.5 10.4 16.1 Transit 29.3 25.1 24.0 24.1 25.0 26.7 24.9 Business and other 18.6 22.9 24.8 23.9 24.8 25.1 19.9

Average length of stay, – – 3.1 2.3 3.2 2.6 2.9 in days

Sources: MHSR, 1997–2003. travel on local and regional economies, culture, at each border. For example, food (63.6%) was trade and cross-border relations. Some 369 considered to be the main objective of Ukrainian replies were received from 518 questionnaires shopping, while cigarettes and alcohol were dispatched, a response rate of 71%. The ques- considered the most important foreign pur- tionnaires addressed three major topics: chases by Poles (52.9%), reflecting higher sales taxes in Poland. For Slovaks’ shopping abroad, ● impacts of the post-1989 border ‘opening’ food was the main objective in the Czech and on the districts’ economies; Hungarian border regions (52.5% and 52.3%), ● employment issues; and while electronics were relatively important at the ● the institutional framework of trans-border Austrian and Polish borders (28.6% and 23%). cooperation. Clothing was also important for Slovaks shop- The first part of the analysis focused on the ping in the Polish (20.7%) and the Hungarian practices of the different forms of trans-border (19.9%) regions. These estimates indicate that mobility, and especially on arbitrage or the cir- trans-border shopping between neighbouring culation of commodities. The largest proportion ECE countries with similar development levels of informants (42.1%) considered that leisure (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia) tourism was the main source of foreign visits to was mainly determined by price differences for their area, followed by business and shopping particular items, while the range of goods on visits (37.6%) and VFR (20.3%). Trans-border offer was more important for shopping trips tourism generates different kinds of inbound between states with different development levels and outbound spending, including shopping. (Slovakia and Austria, Slovakia and Ukraine). Shopping has been an important element of Following substantial recent investment in shop- expenditure by Slovak tourists abroad since the ping centres by international retail companies 1970s when Hungarian reforms increased the (e.g. Tesco and Billa), the cross-border shop- range of imported goods available in that ping flows decreased in importance. country. Slovakia’s accession to the EU had no dra- The removal of travel barriers after 1989 matic impacts on cross-border tourist and shop- intensified shopping travel in both directions. ping flows between Slovakia and the Czech Differences in the shopping practices of Slovak Republic, Hungary and Poland. There were few tourists abroad and of foreign tourists in barriers for travel and shopping between these Slovakia results from price differentials for par- countries before May 2004. Most variations in ticular goods, and these are expressed differently cross-border flows were generated by changes Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-border Travel 99

in national regulations of the EU-candidate Slovak–Polish border renewed their interest in countries (such as sale taxes adjustments), shopping in Poland. Prices of selected food rather than via applications of the EU regula- items (e.g. sugar, milk, poultry) in Poland were tions. The situation, however, has been differ- only 50% of those in Slovakia and became a ent with Ukraine, where the range of goods has major travel motive for hundreds of thousands remained important, as expansion of inter- of Slovaks travelling to Poland (BanaEnský, national retail chains has been slow. Ukrainians, 2004). These changes in cross-border flows of course, can enjoy a better range of goods in illustrate how sensitive shopping tourism was to Slovak, Czech and Polish hypermarkets, and modifications in tax rates. purchase these goods for their own use or for The foreign shopping expenditures by resale. A major part of the cross-border shopping Slovaks resulted in income losses for border between Slovakia and Ukraine, however, has region businesses and in terms of direct and beenrelatedtotradingandsmugglingalcohol indirect taxes for the state. Customs barriers and tobacco products. After its accession to the sought to protect the domestic food, textile and EU, Slovakia had to increase sales taxes on clothing industries, but high VAT rates in these products, making trade in them even Slovakia and low production and circulation more lucrative. Slovak , for example, have costs in the Polish and Hungarian shadow estimated that one-third of all cigarettes sold in economies resulted in price differentials which eastern Slovakia are smuggled from Ukraine. could be as high as 30–50%. These were likely What were the economic implications of to have an important negative effect on local trans-border shopping? The mayors considered retailers in these sections, whilst benefiting indi- that the average Slovakian expenditure abroad vidual consumers in the border regions. exceeded that of foreign nationals in Slovakia. The evidence from the survey suggested Most estimated that Slovak daily per capita there was only limited cross-border labour expenditure was some Sk1000–5000 (US$25– migration, reflecting the reality of economic 125). If this is accurate, then given some 30m conditions in the Slovak–Hungarian, Slovak– border crossings by Slovaks annually, total Polish and Slovak–Ukrainian border regions. expenditure could be between $700m and Instead, long-distance migration to Prague, $3500m (with the lower end of the range being Germany, and North America was of greater more realistic). This has to be set against total importance. The only exception was daily and Slovak imports in 1999 of approximately weekly commuting (both of unskilled and pro- $10bn. Therefore, while not negligible, informal fessional workers) from Bratislava to Vienna, trans-border shopping of $0.7bn was of no reinforcing the economic dynamism of what more than moderate significance compared to already constituted core economies. However, formal trade. even this has to be kept in perspective for only a Most shopping, however, was by local peo- small proportion of the total Slovak labour force ple living in the border regions, so the regional worked abroad (compared to say the Southern impacts of arbitrage may be more substantial. European countries in the 1960s). Most foreign The situation varies according to the border workers in Slovakia also tended to gravitate under consideration and the time period. In the to the more dynamic Bratislava, Central and late 1990s, receipts from petrol sales to foreign- Western regions, bypassing the Hungarian, ers provided limited benefits for Slovakia’s Polish and Ukrainian border regions. Hungarian border regions because the sales taxes were centrally accrued. The same applied to alcohol and cigarette sales to Polish tourists in northern Slovakia. After the introduction of a Role of the EU in Fostering flat tax of 19% and substantial increases in sales Cross-border Cooperation and taxes in Slovakia in 2004, the cross-border Travel Infrastructure shopping flows changed. Slovak petrol became one of the most expensive in Europe and many The isolation of border areas has been twofold. Slovaks tried to buy it in the Czech Republic First, the presence of borders cuts off communi- and Hungary. Many Slovaks living near the ties from each other economically, socially and 100 V. Baláz

culturally, and hinders the coherent manage- In contrast, the mayors of the regions bordering ment of ecosystems. Second, border areas Ukraine complained mainly about the decline have often been neglected within national pol- in living standards, increased crime and the icy, with the result that their economies have impoverishment of local cultural life. Weak tended to become peripheral within national cross-border cooperation primarily was caused boundaries. by the ongoing significance of the national state The fall of the Iron Curtain was followed by as a centre of regulation. Local and regional massive increases in cross-border exchange. authorities were given few responsibilities in this But did it have positive impacts on develop- area. The lack of effective regulation of national ment of the adjacent border regions? There cer- economic spaces, including a coherent regional tainly were positive gains by local tourism and policy, was another reason for the failure to leisure facilities on Austrian and Polish borders facilitate cross-border cooperation. Despite in particular. Cross-border shopping, and to a these reservations, judging from the experi- far lesser extent trading in response to price gra- ence of Western Europe, cross-border cooper- dients for particular products did generate sub- ation is likely to become more prominent on stantial tourist and other expenditures, but it is the political agenda in future. The survey likely that a large proportion of the income gen- showed that most of the mayors did consider erated was collected by agents located in core this to be an important issue for the future, and regions: either the state (through sales taxes on that 53% considered it could significantly boost alcohol and petrol) or international companies. the local economy, culture and tourism in their There is, then, no unequivocal evidence that area. cross-border mobility contributes to regional Strengthening cooperation to the mutual convergence. advantage of border areas was an important The mayors in the above-mentioned sur- task both for accession countries and the vey themselves had ambiguous opinions with European Union. Enlargement has increased respect to the regional impacts of the liberaliza- the number of EU internal borders and has pro- tion of travel after 1989. On balance, a quarter gressively shifted its external borders eastwards. to a third considered the changes had been pos- The EU programmes promoting the single mar- itive for their local economies and for living ket were strong catalysts for improvements in standards and the development of local culture. cross-border cooperation (European Commis- More than one half of the mayors, however, sion, 1998). In Slovakia, these programmes related liberalized travel to increasing crime developed in several stages. rates. Again, there were differences by border region. A positive balance was most likely in the ● The Phare Cross-Border Co-operation Austrian (57.1%), followed by the Hungarian (CBC) Programme started with a limited (45.8%) and the Polish (38.6%) border regions. number of small projects aimed at improve- The mayors in the Ukrainian border region ment of local infrastructure in the 1990s were more likely to be negative. Those on the (MVRRSR, 2004c). In 2004 Phare CBC was Czech border were more likely to consider there replaced by the Interreg III initiative. were ‘no changes’, reflecting the low barriers ● From May 2004 Slovakia was also able to constituted by the border even after the ‘Velvet access the Cohesion Fund, much of which Divorce’. In general, the more developed the funding has been allocated to building neighbouring country, the more positive the basic infrastructure (motorways and rail- opinions. The mayors in the region bordering ways) (European Commission, 2001; Austria, for example, were strongly positive as MVRRSR, 2004a). to the impact on their economies, and of course ● Slovakia’s planned membership of the this was the region where trans-border labour Schengen area was reflected in the recon- migration and trade opportunities were greatest. stitution of the Slovak–Ukrainian border as There were also positive assessments of the an external Schengen-type border. Here impacts on cultural life in the regions bordering Slovakia has largely relied on means pro- Austria, Poland and Hungary, probably related vided by the Schengen Transition Fund to increased tourism and intercultural contacts. (MVSR, 2004c). Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-border Travel 101

Conclusions characteristics (Williams and Baláy, 2002a). Most foreign visitors to Slovakia are from adjoining The year 1989 was a watershed in tourism for border regions and their visits are of short dura- the ECE countries. Removal of passport and tion. Excursionists are the most frequent cate- visa regulations facilitated a boom in inbound gory of visitors. Business and shopping, leisure and outbound flows. Total numbers of inbound and VFR are identified as the main motives for visitors in the four ECE countries increased from visits to a neighbouring country. The structure 97.6m in 1989 to 269.8m in 1996. With a pop- of travel motives in cross-border travel is thus ulation of 64.3m, the ECE Four accounted for different from that in international travel. Tour- some 4.2 international visitors per inhabitant. ists from non-neighbouring countries are likely The later period saw decreases in visitor num- to be more interested in culture and incentive bers to 203.5m in 2003; yet there remain few travel, skiing and spa stays. They also stay regions in the world with such a high density of longer, and spend more per capita than those international travel. from neighbouring countries. However, there was as much continuity as The EU accession year of 2004 saw no change in tourism after 1989. For Slovakia the dramatic changes in cross-border flows in main generating countries and destinations gen- Slovakia. Most of the fundamental changes had erally remained unchanged (Germany, Austria already taken place in the 1990s and were and the ECE countries themselves), as did the related to processes of economic and social importance of transit tourism. Shopping, trad- transition and political integration into EU and ing, VFR, leisure, and business are standard NATO structures. Borders to the west have motives for crossing borders and happen simul- been opened and EU membership has no taneously. Stability in structure of travel motives major implications for tourism in this respect. and tourist destinations is, hence, hardly surpris- The processes of privatization of property rights ing. Cross-border shopping and petty trading, for were virtually complete in the tourism sector example, were not created during the transition by 2004. EU regulation in this area has been period. Before 1989, there were similar eco- limited to the package holiday directive. nomic tourism flows from ECE to Western The only significant change in cross-border Europe, or within ECE, generated by the way flows resulting from the accession process was borders separated different economic systems, transformation of the Slovak–Ukrainian border creating opportunities for what Altvater (1998) to an external Schengen-type one. This transfor- has termed arbitrage. Petty trading and shop- mation had rather ambiguous results. On one ping had also been features of tourism before hand, it contributed to better filtering of cross- 1989 and adapted to new opportunities as bor- border flows and combating illegal migration. On ders were reconstituted (Böröcz, 1996; Williams the other hand, it significantly decreased the and Baláy, 2002b). However, while some flows volume of cross-border exchange in the fields of were substantially shaped by the economic tourism, VFR travel and labour migration. transition, notably petty trading and shopping Is EU membership likely to generate a sig- (Czakó and Sik, 1999; Williams and Baláy, nificant transformation in cross-border travel in 2002b), others, such as those to visit friends and Slovakia? Assuming there are no fundamental relatives, have been more enduring. Visiting shifts in other economic and political para- friends and relatives has remained significant, meters (such as relationships with the CIS, or in given the complex territorial distribution of the price of oil), no great and/or rapid changes ethnic, linguistic and nationality groups across in volumes and structure of cross-border flows borders. As so many of these tourism flows are are likely. EU membership is more likely to gen- constructed around existing networks and erate qualitative changes in cross-border travel, deep-rooted social routines, post-1989 tourism supported by transformation of the economic necessarily ‘was built on the ruins’ (Stark, 1996) and social environment in ECE: of pre-1989 tourism. This discussion has focused on cross-border ● Structural reforms undertaken in Slovakia tourism flows, and it is true that international since 1998 attracted a great volume of tourism in ECE does display ‘nearest neighbour’ foreign investment. Stocks of direct foreign 102 V. Baláz

investment increased from 22.9% of GDP cooperation. Some, such as the Cohesion in 2000 to 37.2% in 2003 (NBS, 2004). Fund, are oriented to improvements of Foreign investment may facilitate rising basic infrastructure. Particular attention has income levels, convergence with EU GDP been paid to the modernization of trans- per capita levels (at exchange rates), and European multi-modal corridors. Tourism increased outbound tourism oriented to has not been a main concern in these business and leisure purposes. In contrast, programmes. The Interreg IIIC programme shopping and petty trading continue to stated cross-border cooperation in tourism wane, following gradual price convergence a priority, but allocated only modest means and further integration of retail distribution to support it. The impact of EU financial systems through the foreign direct invest- assistance on the cross-border tourist ment strategies of Western European trans- exchange is likely to be indirect and national companies. reflected, for example, in better quality ● Some inbound tourism may be facilitated roads, higher speed and safety of travel, by the EU structural aid which flows into and increased numbers of border crossings. transport infrastructure, farm tourism, and environmental and urban assistance However, any such change and growth are programmes. The volume of this aid rose likely to be relatively modest in comparison with significantly, from several million euros in the shifts that occurred in the 1990s. The scale, the early 1990s to billions after 2004. spatiality and objectives of international travel Some of the EU financial facilities were have already been reshaped substantially in specifically aimed at fostering cross-border anticipation of EU membership.


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MVRRSR (Ministerstvo Výstavby a Regionálneho Rozvoja Slovenskej Republiky) (2004b) Aby Štrukturálne Fondy slúzili Slovensku. [Structural Funds for Slovakia] Bratislava: Ministry of Construc- tion and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic. MVRRSR (Ministerstvo Výstavby a Regionálneho Rozvoja Slovenskej Republiky) (2004c) Zoznam Projektov Phare CBC.[List of the Phare CBC Projects] Bratislava: Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic. MVSR (Ministerstvo Vnútra Slovenskej Republiky) (2004a) Na Hraniciach od 1. Mája 2004 po Novom.[New Border Regime Since 1 May 2004] Bratislava: Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. Available at: MVSR (Ministerstvo Vnútra Slovenskej Republiky) (2004b) Securing Slovak-Ukrainian Border. Bratislava: Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. Available at: MVSR (Ministerstvo Vnútra Slovenskej Republiky) (2004c) Návrh Národnej Implementacnej Stratégie Schengenského Prechodného Fondu.[Proposal for the National Implementation Strategy of the Schengen Transitional Fund.] Bratislava: Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic. Available at: MZSR (Ministerstvo Zahranicných vecí Slovenskej Republiky) (2004) InformáciaoPriebehu a Výsledkoch Oficiálnej Návštevy Delegácie Vlády Slovenskej Republiky Vedenej Predsedom Vlády Slovenskej Republiky Mikulášom Dzurindom na Ukrajine v dnoch 21. a 22. Júna 2004. [Information on results of visit of the official delegation of the Slovak Government headed by the Prime Minister of the Slovak RepublicMrMikuláš Dzurina in Ukraine on 21st and 22nd June 2004] Bratislava: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic. Available at: NBS (National Bank of Slovakia) (2004) Balance of Payments Statistics. Bratislava: NBS. PIT (Polish Institute of Tourism) (2004) Statistics. Warsaw: PIT. Available at: Smith, A. (1996) From convergence to fragmentation. Uneven regional development, industrial restructuring, and the transition to capitalism in Slovakia. Environment and Planning 28, 135–156. Stark, D. (1996) Recombinant property in East European capitalism. American Journal of Sociology 101(4), 993–1027. ŠÚSR (Štatistický úrad Slovenskej Republiky) (1991–2005) Ekonomický Monitor. Bratislava: ŠÚSR. Williams, A.M., Baláz, V. and Bodnárová, B. (2001) Border regions and trans-border mobility: Slovakia in economic transition. Regional Studies 35(9), 831–846. Williams, A.M. and Baláz, V. (2002a) The Czech and Slovak Republics: conceptual issues in the economic analysis of tourism in transition. Tourism Management 23(1), 37–45. Williams, A.M. and Baláz, V. (2002b) International petty trading: changing practices in trans-Carpathian Ukraine. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26(2), 323–342. 9 Tourism in the Czech Republic

Alzbeta Királ’ová

Introduction in 2003, with unemployment around 8% (Czech Statistical Office, 2005). The Czech Republic The nature and impacts of tourism activity in joined NATO in 1999 and the European Union the Czech Republic have gained great signifi- in 2004. Economic growth in 2000–2004 was cance. After 1989 tourism became an important supported by exports to the EU (87% of the social and economic force in several regions of total in 2004), primarily to Germany, and strong the country. This chapter discusses tourism foreign and domestic investment. development in the Czech Republic within the The natural and cultural resources for context of the decade and a half of the state’s tourism development are well developed: existence, through post-Communist transition to EU accession, and beyond. ● twelve historic monuments on the UNESCO The Czech Republic is a land-locked World Heritage list: the historic centre of country with a total area of 78,866 km2 (land, Prague, Deský Krumlov, TelE,andKutná 77,276 km2; water, 1590 km2), and boundaries Hora, the pilgrimage church of St John of totalling 1881 km (bordering Austria 362 km, Nepomuk on Zelená Hora at Yd’ár nad Germany 646 km, Poland 658 km, and Slovakia Sázavou, South Moravia’s Lednice-Valtice 215 km). The country’s climate is temperate, Chateau and landscape area, the Arch- affected by the interaction of oceanic and conti- bishop Chateau in Kromfríy with Kvftná nental effects. and Podzámecká gardens, South Bohemian The Czech Republic has a population of village of Holašovice, Litomyšl Castle, the 10.23 million, with Czechs comprising the lar- Baroque Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc, gest ethnic group (81.2%). Other groups pre- Villa Tugendhat in Brno, and the Jewish sent in the country include Moravians (13.2%), Quarter and cemetery and the St Prokop Slovaks (3.1%), Poles (0.6%), Germans (0.5%), Basilica in TrebíE; Silesians (0.4%), Roma (0.3%) and Hungarians ● over 2000 castles, chateaux and monuments; (0.2%). Since Czechoslovakia divided into two ● more than 40 protected historic towns and national components, the Czech and Slovak cities; Republics on 1 January, 1993 (the ‘Velvet ● four national parks (Krkonoše, Šumava, Divorce’), the Czech Republic has become one Dyje and Deské Švýcarsko), eight moun- of the most stable and prosperous of the post- tain ranges, and over 1200 protected land- Communist CEE states (CIA, 2005; see also scape areas and nature reserves cover Table 1.1). Per capita GDP reached US$15,700 more than 10% of the country’s territory; ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 104 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Tourism in the Czech Republic 105

● 38,500 km of walking trails, 19,024 km information, advertising, publicity and research, cycling routes, and 1240 km cross-country and is a member of international organizations ski circuits; engaged in tourism, such as the European ● over 20,000 lakes and other water bodies; Tourism Commission (ETC), European Federa- and tion of Conference Towns (EFCT), Association ● more than 30 spas, some of them with a of German Coach Carriers, and German Asso- long tradition, such as Karlovy Vary ciation of Travel Agencies. It cooperates with (Karlsbad), Mariánske Láznf. regional authorities to provide a national tourism information system. These are complemented by a wide range Regional offices, municipal authorities and of accommodation facilities, including 8211 communities perceive tourism as an important registered establishments, 19 five-star and 201 business activity and provide resources for its four-star hotels, and a total of 261 hotels with development. There are also several types of congress facilities, 478 tourist campsites, 1069 regional associations and destination manage- self-catering units and hostels (Czech Tourism, ment companies in the Czech Republic. These 2005). have been established by city councils, develop- ment funds, or as an initiative of tourism entre- preneurs. They aim to attract tourists to specific Administration of Tourism geographic regions, develop tourism marketing strategies, cooperate with partners, support and The state administration of tourism is undertaken coordinate local businesses, develop tourism by the Ministry for Regional Development, products, public relations and destination which has three major roles: image, and provide crisis management. Most city councils have established visitor bureaux, ● proposing and implementing measures some of which are operated by independent aimed at strengthening international coop- entrepreneurs. There are also a number of eration in the field of tourism; different special interest and professional orga- ● preparing relevant legislation and analysis; nizations, associations, and unions acting to and guarantee the quality of the services provided ● carrying out duties arising from member- by their members. However, the administrative ship of the World Tourism Organization division of the country is not identical to that of and other organizations. tourism regions (Fig. 9.1). This geographical The country’s Parliament is comprised of inconsistency, together with numerous adminis- the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. trative regulations, results in a low level of coop- Within the committee structure of the former, eration among regional administrative bodies in there is a sub-committee for tourism and crisis the field of tourism. regions overseen by the Committee for Eco- nomy, and a sub-committee for the promotion of the Czech Republic abroad falling within the Impacts of EU Accession Processes Committee for Foreign Affairs. These sub- on Tourism Development in the committees deal with legislative, promotional and Czech Republic developmental issues in an advisory capacity. Since 1993, the Czech Tourism Authority The processes of EU accession compliance has been the prime government agency respon- requirements, EU laws and norms have influ- sible for the promotion of tourism. It has an enced and continue to impact upon tourism office in Prague, and coordinates 29 inter- development in a number of both positive and national branch offices. Its mission is to develop negative ways: travel to the Czech Republic from abroad as a stimulus to economic stability, growth of the ● It can be argued that the harmonization of Czech travel industry, and expanded foreign legislation, requiring the implementation of exchange earnings. To these ends, the Czech obligatory standards and norms can create Tourism Authority conducts programmes of familiar environments and quality criteria 106 A. Királ’ová sm, 2005. i ons. Source: CzechTour i sm reg i c: tour i The Czech Republ Fig. 9.1. Tourism in the Czech Republic 107

encouraging European Union nationals an enhancement of destination manage- to travel to other member states and parti- ment policies through more coherent and cularly the new accession countries such as consistent planning, supported by the local the Czech Republic. population, and expressing cooperation ● Free movement of services – the role of the between public and private sectors. Accept- internet, its visual presentation and ready ance of health insurance also brings savings availability of tourist information on desti- to Czech citizens when travelling abroad. nations and products is resulting in the ● Social and employment policy – this has decreasing role of travel agents. More than wide-ranging importance, but the impact a thousand travel agencies operated in the of regulations governing the use of work Czech Republic in 2003, but this number equipment is of particular relevance to decreased to 800 in 2004 and this trend restaurants and ski schools. was continuing for 2005. By contrast, ● Small and medium-sized enterprises – as a there has been a strong development of significant part of the tourism sector is e-marketing and the availability of secure created by small and medium-sized online reservations as well as a clear under- enterprises, EU support and funding mech- standing of the importance of the role of anisms during the pre- and post-accession destination management. periods has assisted an increase in the ● Free circulation of people – one of the most number of businesses, providing new con- important documents affecting tourism tacts, encouraging cooperation, facilitating development in the European Union is the the free movement of goods and capital. Schengen Agreement, which the Czech Most EU policies influence or are influ- Republic has yet to implement. When the enced by tourism. These include social policy, country has signed up to this agreement, it consumer protection, environment policy and is likely to encourage stronger leisure inter- transport. As noted in Chapter 1, tourism is est in the arts, culture, history, and educa- viewed by a number of bodies within the EU, as tion of other European members, opening well as the WTO and WTTC, as the industry new opportunities for segmented tourism that will generate considerable employment in products. At the same time, it will enhance the next 10 years. Enterprises involved in the possibilities for Czech citizens to travel industry are perceived as potential contributors abroad for holidays, business and education. to a number of the EU’s key objectives, such as ● Transport policy – and the implementation those of sustainable development, social and of directives and regulations – has two economic cohesion, quality of life and European major areas of impact: for land transport, integration. concerning vehicle licensing, safety and Most EU laws are resulting in higher stan- roadworthiness; and air transport liberal- dards and a better overall tourism product. ization, opening up domestic routes to for- Implementation of such standards, also deriving eign competitors. Consequent increases in from Western tour operators and by the tourism demand for transport access, safety and market itself, are vital for the Czech tourism security, and price quality, can result in industry to remain competitive. increased multiplier effects for the Czech economy: for example, with an increasing number of weekend trips especially to Prague, and in reviving small airports in Foreign Exchange Receipts and the provinces. Expenditure ● Health protection – the acceptance of European health insurance within the Union As one of the largest international industries, together with growing health-consciousness tourism also has a noticeable impact on the is increasing the demand for wellness and balance of payments of the Czech Republic. spa products. The environmental conscious- Development of foreign exchange receipts and ness of European citizens is demanding expenditure can be divided into two main sustainability in destinations. This requires periods – in the first, receipts increased and 108 A. Királ’ová

reached their peak in 1996 with US$4.1bn, 3.8%, but when tourism-related branches are then a decline was experienced, especially in also included, the estimated share grows to 1999 and 2000. Table 9.1 shows a slight 12–13% (Mag Consulting, 2005). increase in 2001 but the international situation after September 2001 and the floods of 2002 resulted again in a decline for that year. How- ever, the following years showed a resurgence Inbound and Outbound Travel in receipt levels. The direct share of tourism in GDP, as The Czech Statistical Office obtains information shown in Table 9.2, again had a positive ten- on tourism in two basic forms: (a) numbers of dency up to 1996 when it reached its maximum incoming visitors – each foreigner who crosses (7.1%). This was followed by a decline to 2003. the border regardless of length of stay; and (b) The estimated level for 2004 was between 3.0 number of incoming visitors who stay at least and 3.5%; together with tourism-related activi- one night in registered accommodation. When ties, the estimated share grew to 12% of GDP. compared to 2003, the number of arrivals to the The share of tourism receipts in exports reached Czech Republic in 2004 increased by 19.4%. its maximum in 1997 and 1998. From 1999, a From a total number of 7.9m arrivals, 6.06m relative decline can be observed as a result of visitors stayed in registered accommodation overall increasing export incomes. and 1.85m stayed with friends/relatives or in Receipts from tourism as a proportion of all rented apartments. foreign exchange receipts from services reached Germany is the major visitor source, with its maximum in 1997 (Table 9.2). A significant 1.99m arrivals in 2004 (an increase of 9.1% on decline set in from 1999, although a slight 2003), a share of 25.1% of the market, and an increase was experienced in 2003. The direct average length of stay of 4.8 days. Slovak visi- share of tourism in employment is estimated at tors represent the second largest market, with

Table 9.1. The Czech Republic: foreign exchange receipts and expenditure, 1992–2004.

Indicator (bn US$) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Receipts 1.1 1.6 2.2 2.9 4.1 3.6 3.9 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.9 3.6 4.2 Expenditure 0.5 0.5 1.6 1.6 3.0 2.4 1.9 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.9 2.3 Balance 0.6 1.1 0.6 1.3 1.1 1.2 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.4 1.6 1.9

Source: Czech National Bank, 2005.

Table 9.2. The Czech Republic: share of tourism in the national economy, 1993–2003.

Indicator 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

Share of tourism 5.0 5.6 5.5 7.1 6.9 6.8 5.8 5.9 5.5 4.2 4.2 receipts as % of GDP Share of tourism 11.0 14.0 13.4 18.6 16.3 15.0 12.0 10.3 9.3 7.7 7.3 receipts as % of exports Share of tourism 33.0 43.2 42.8 49.8 50.9 50.6 44.8 43.5 43.8 41.7 45.8 receipts as % of service receipts

Source: Czech National Bank, 2005. Tourism in the Czech Republic 109

0.78m arrivals in 2004 (an increase of 5.6% on Table 9.3 shows the number of arrivals of 2003), a share of 9.9% and an average stay of visitors to the Czech Republic and the depar- 4 days. The 0.78m visitors from the United tures of Czech citizens abroad. Arrivals reached Kingdom, with a share of 9.9% and an average a record 8.5m in 2004, and average length of stay of 3.8 days, had a marked effect on the stay returned to the high 2001 level of 4.2 nights overall visitor statistics in 2004, as the numbers in 2004 (Šeligová, 2005b). of Britons arriving represented an increase of The number of foreign visitors in registered 57.8% on 2003. The growth of budget airlines accommodation is indicated in Table 9.4. By far particularly contributed to this phenomenon the most popular types of accommodation are (Šeligová, 2005a). Other markets that witnessed three-star hotels (63.9%), with use of four- a significant growth in visitor numbers to the (17%) and five-star hotels (5.5%) being less Czech Republic were Italy (5.1% share), the significant. Earnings from tourism in 2004, at Netherlands (4.1%), Russia (3.0%), Spain 107bn Czech Crowns (approximately €4bn or (2.6%), and the USA (4.5%). $4.2bn; Table 9.1), showed an increase of 6.8% By contrast, there were large decreases in on 2003 (Šeligová, 2005a, 2005b). The three the numbers of visitors from Poland and Israel. highest spending groups are Japanese, Russian Arrivals from Israel fell by 10.4% in 2004 and Israeli visitors, each with an average daily (76,339 arrivals and a 1% share). Those from expenditure of US$134. Poland had been falling since 2001 (0.37m Seasonality has a medium impact on arrivals in 2004, a 4.7% share). visitor arrivals: the average annual share for From a total of 6.1m visitors who stayed in November, December, January and February is registered accommodation in the Czech Republic 5–6% each, compared with the July and August in 2004, Prague took by far the greatest share – share of 12.6% each. Travel agencies see a 57% of all international arrivals. This was an large part of their business in May, June and increase of 31% on 2003. Prague’s foreign visi- September. July and August are usually quieter, tors spent an average of 3.8 days there, less which could be due to more independent travel- than the national average 4.1 days. None the lers arriving in the country with their own faci- less, the Czech capital was the sixth most visited lities such as tents and camper-vans (mobile city in Europe in 2004 after London, Paris, homes). The quietest time for travel agencies is Rome, Madrid and Berlin. Particularly following January. The most popular services provided budget airline route development, the largest by travel agencies are group outings to Prague market share for visitors to Prague is from the (65.6%), the Central Bohemia region (8.2%), United Kingdom: a 17% share with 0.59m visi- South Bohemia (8.1%), South Moravia (6.6%) tors and an average stay of 3.8 days. Germany and the Karlovy Vary region (5.1%). Some of is the second most important market (0.51m), the areas most visited in 2004 were Prague, with Italy third (0.31m). Deský Krumlov, the Krkonoše Mountains and Karlovy Vary is the second most visited the Šumava area (Šeligová, 2005c). region in the country, with 0.39m arrivals (6.4% of the national share, with an average stay of 7.6 days). The largest visitor flows in Method of Transport 2004 were from Germany (0.24m with average stay of 8 days) and Russia (0.04m, average The Czech Republic is easily accessible from 12.8 days). Third most visited region is South much of Europe as the air transport network is Moravia, with 0.35m arrivals (5.7% share), being steadily expanded. The number of pas- with major visitor flows from Germany (59,601) sengers carried by air exceeded 9.6m in 2004, and Poland (55,481). By comparison, the an increase of 28% on 2003 (Johánek, 2004). Pardubice and Highlands regions were the least However, as shown in Table 9.5, the most visited ones with just 53,018 (0.9% share) and popular mode is still road transport. Trains are 64,194 (1.1%) arrivals, respectively. The largest less used, although the railway system provides regional decreases in 2004 were registered in quality links with the European network. North Moravia (–9.3%), Olomouc (–8.9%) and The Czech Republic has one major inter- Ústí nad Labem (–4.9%) (Šeligová, 2005d). national airport, Prague Ruzyne (Table 9.6), 110 A. Királ’ová I–IX IX VIII Outbound VII QII QI I–IX IX VIII Inbound VII QII nbound and outbound travel, 2000–2004. i c: i ce, 2005. i cal Off i QI st i The Czech Republ Czech Stat Table 9.3. 20002001200220032004 21,1892004/2003 21,3932004/2002 21,566 26,8742004/2001 19,873 26,283 10,877 102.0%2004/2000 20,274 25,892 10,851 94.0% 11,105 23,651 104.1% 10,290 94.8% 11,187 24,616 9,053 9,508 99.0% 95.7% 95.1% 9,489 8,821 9,416 93.7% 79,098 10,111 91.5% 95.1% 8,417 91.6% 78,535 86.8% 9,620 7,651 8,751 101.4% 95.7% 86.6% 75,654 7,352 8,371 86.0% 100.6% 99.5% 71,894 9,512 7,006 86.6% 105.6% 9,153 94.9% 72,298 95.6% 6,933 4,281 92.5% 102.8% 8,636 104.5% 92.1% 7,321 4,042 8,789 101.9% 4,023 91.4% 104.6% 3,904 99.6% 3,973 9,032 99.1% 104.7% 4,012 95.7% 3,453 3,602 98.7% 108.1% 3,259 99.8% 4,089 3,926 95.0% 28,920 101.2% 110.5% 3,031 102.5% 27,779 3,892 95.5% 3,356 98.0% 105.7% 26,179 102.7% 3,348 96.7% 27,015 97.0% 99.7% 27,682 95.7% Source: Tourism in the Czech Republic 111 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 ons). i ll i 1998 nm i 1997 on, 1992–2003 ( i 1996 1995 stered accommodat i n reg i 1994 tors i s i gn v i 1993 c: fore i ce, 2005. i cal Off i 2.616.61 2.67 7.38 3.04 8.61 3.38 10.33 4.56 14.19 4.98 15.67 5.48 16.93 16.86 5.61 16.47 4.67 16.85 5.19 15.57 4.74 16.51 5.08 1992 st i tors i The Czech Republ s i Czech Stat ghts i gn v i overn fore Number of Number of Table 9.4. Source: 112 A. Királ’ová

Table 9.5. The Czech Republic: mode of transport for inbound travel, 1996–2004.

% share of I–IX total inbound 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Road 94.4 94.4 93.8 94.5 94.3 94.1 94.0 93.4 92.4 Rail 4.2 4.2 4.7 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.5 3.3 3.3 Air 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.3 4.3

Source: Czech Statistical Office, 2005.

Table 9.6. The Czech Republic: Prague Ruzyne Airport traffic statistics, 2000–2004.

Passenger numbers (in millions) Aircraft movements Cargo (in tonnes)

2000 5.6 94,117 30,283 2001 6.1 97,542 29,570 2002 6.3 103,904 39,590 2003 7.5 115,756 41,439 2004 9.6 144,962 46,884

Source: Prague Airport, 2005. and nine smaller international airports. The While low-cost carriers today represent only Czech Airport Authority was established in 1990 around 8% of total civil aviation in Europe to manage and operate the country’s four key (ECAC member states), the figure is 35% in the international airports: Prague Ruzyne, Brno, United Kingdom and up to 60% in Ireland, Ostrava and Karlovy Vary. As a pilot project for largely the result of the consolidation of private investment in state-run airport infra- Europe’s two major low-cost airlines, Ryanair structure, from July 2002 Brno-Turany airport (Ireland) and EasyJet (UK). The success of these was leased to a private corporation. Most of the carriers stems from their North American- remaining airports are owned and operated by inspired cost-efficient business model, often flying local authorities. just one type of aircraft (Welch, 2005), which enables them to offer relatively low, but elastic fares based on yield management principles Role of budget airlines (Box 9.1). They have clearly opened new (down-)market customer segments and, despite The most notable development in air transport a general increase in awareness of aviation’s is the growth of low-cost carriers to some 60 in contribution to climate change, low-cost airlines number in little over 10 years. Almost 45% of appear to have stimulated further demand for the (then) EU population took a low-cost flight air travel, particularly in Europe (Binggeli and in 2003 (Welch, 2005). This growth, reflecting Pompeo, 2002). A new and loyal customer the EU’s ‘open skies’ policy, has contributed to base has been created at secondary airports considerable interest in the Czech Republic (often former Soviet military bases), of which from other EU member states. there are many across Central and Eastern Budget airlines’ market share in European Europe (Theunis, 2003). passenger traffic almost quadrupled from 5% in One study estimated that 75% of the low- 2000 to 19% in the first quarter of 2005. Having cost market share represents new customers, 70% to operate in a more sharply segmented customer of whom are leisure travellers: 20% are holiday- market will require the airlines to consistently makers, 25% are on city breaks, weekend trips or align their products, their network, their brand visits to family/friends, and 25% are people trav- image, and their price policies with target cus- elling to their second homes. These new travel- tomers in key market segments (Pollino, 2005). lers generate additional tourism receipts in the Tourism in the Czech Republic 113

Box 9.1. Low-cost airlines’ model characteristics. The European Union’s Committee on Economic Affairs and Development has noted the main operating characteristics of low-cost carriers:

● the creation of new routes, often at secondary airports; ● a broadening of the market to carry passengers who would not have previously travelled (by air); ● a concentration on short and mid-range distances; ● point-to-point flights between smaller airports allow more rotations (round-trips) in a single day, with no regard for connectivity at the place of arrival; ● flight timetables are flexible and ready to react to seasonal changes in demand; ● communication systems are standardized; ● pay levels are relatively lower; ● cabin crew are often used to clean the aircraft between flights thereby saving time and costs and helping rapid turn-round times (25 minutes for Ryanair), again permitting more flights to be undertaken within the same day; ● the aircraft used often have the maximum possible number of seats and thus less leg-room; ● low-cost carriers normally offer few or no frills: all food and drink on board is purchased at relatively high prices; ● landing fees at the airports used are low or non-existent; ● passengers may also pay indirectly due to longer and more costly land transport from remote secondary airports; ● point-to-point operation also means one-way fares are employed, no onward baggage facilities are provided, and no provision is made for missed connections; ● electronic, web-based reservation systems are employed, lowering costs for operators and obviating the need to issue paper tickets. Source: after Masseret, 2003, pp. 6–7. destinations, and since low-cost carriers operate The first Czech low-cost carrier, Smart primarily short and medium-haul flights, the Wings, launched regular flights to Paris, tourism receipts are generated within European Zurich, Madrid, Amsterdam and Copenhagen countries (Alderighi et al., 2004). in May 2004, and added flights to Vienna, Prague Ruzyne airport has developed a Rome and London in October 2004. Smart key position in relation to low-cost carriers for Wings also operated flights to Palma de Central and Eastern Europe. The number of Mallorca, Heraklion, Larnaca, Milan and Solun passengers passing through the airport using in the summer season of 2005. Discovery low-cost carriers increased by 116.5% in 2003, Travel flew from Kunovice to Prague and and movements increased by 84.6%. The share Antwerp from 2004. Ryanair began opera- of low-cost passengers was 8% in that year, tions between Brno and London Stansted in rising to 13% in 2004 (Prague Airport, 2005). March 2005. The first low-cost airline started to operate The increasing number of low-cost carriers to the Czech Republic in 1999 (British Airways’ in Prague is determined by a number of factors spin-off GO, since sold to EasyJet), to Prague from that include: London Stansted. At the time of writing some 12 low-cost carriers operate into Prague Ruzyne ● the economic environment in the Czech airport – bmi baby, EasyJet, FlyBe, Germanwings, Republic is very friendly, open and one of, SkyEurope Airlines, Snowflake, Smart the most liberal to the low-cost carriers in Wings, WIZZ Air, Sterling European AI, Helvetic Europe; Airways, and Discovery Travel. These provide ● Prague is an attractive destination both for more than 20 routes, including nine UK destina- leisure and business visitors; tions, Stuttgart, Cologne/Bonn, Stockholm, ● most low-cost carriers use the high quality Paris, Zurich, Madrid, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, passenger services available at the main Budapest, Katowice and Košice. Prague Ruzyne airport; 114 A. Királ’ová

● the quality of services provided to low-cost and employment, has been increasingly carriers has a comparable standard to involved in the sector since the early 1990s. A other, more expensive, European airports; step forward was taken with the establishment ● low-cost carriers can take advantage of a of the Czech Tourism Authority in 1993. The 1 year 50% discount on landing fees when enlargement of European Union has brought opening a new route to or from Prague new dimensions to inbound as well as to out- (Kovaríková, 2003). bound travel in the Czech Republic. The 20% increase in the EU population as a result of the The availability of secondary airports such 2004 enlargement has created new tourism as Brno is likely to attract further services in the demand supported by harmonized legislation, future, although the potential dangers of local quality standards and norms, investments in dependence upon one (foreign) airline need to infrastructure, and enhanced methods of trans- be monitored. Further, the structural role of port and distribution. the relatively down-market nature of budget air- It is expected that the growth of health line customers – in relation to the equilibrium of and environmental consciousness among the tourism economy and the destination image European Union citizens, together with the of Czech cities – needs to be carefully consi- demand for education, history, adventure, dered and managed in the future. eco- and agro-tourism, supported by low-cost carrier routes operated from Prague and other Czech centres, will further increase the demand Conclusions for the Czech Republic’s tourism products, with important economic, cultural and envi- The Czech Government, recognizing the ronmental implications for the country’s future important role of tourism for economic growth development.


Alderighi, M., Cento, A., Nijkamp, P. and Rietveld, P. (2004) The Entry of Low-Cost Airlines: Price Compe- tition in the European Airline Market. Amsterdam: Tinbergen Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam Discussion Paper 04–074/3. Binggeli, U. and Pompeo, L. (2002) Hyped hopes for Europe’s low-cost airlines. The McKinsey Quarterly 4. Available at: CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) (2005) The World Fact Book – Czech Republic. Washington DC: US Government Printing House. Available at: Czech National Bank (2005) Czech National Bank. Prague: Czech National Bank. Available at: Czech Statistical Office (2005) Czech Statistical Office. Prague: Czech Statistical Office. Available at: CzechTourism (2005) CzechTourism. Prague: CzechTourism. Available at: Johánek, T. (2004) Letecká preprava zazívá v Cesku boom. Profit, 25 October. Available at: http:// Kovaríková, A. (2003) Prazské letište se stalo nejvetším uzlem low-cost dopravc^ v zemích strední a východní Evropy. Prague: Czech Airports Authority. Available at: (site changed from 30 October 2005 to Prague Airport: Mag Consulting (2005) The Tourism Share of GDP. Prague: Mag Consulting. Available at: Masseret, M. (2003) European Air Transport Policy: Crucial Choices at a Critical Time. Report. Available at: Pollino, P. (2005) There’s good news and bad news for Europe’s low-cost airlines. Mercer Briefs 1. Avail- able at: Prague Airport (2005) Traffic Statistics. Prague: Prague Airport. Available at: (formerly at Tourism in the Czech Republic 115

Šeligová, K. (2005a) 2004 was a record year for incoming tourism in the Czech Republic. Prague: CzechTourism. Available at: Šeligová, K. (2005b) Foreign tourists spend more in the Czech Republic. Prague: CzechTourism. Available at: Šeligová, K. (2005c) Survey on Czech travel agents’ experience with the needs and wishes of foreign tourists. Prague: CzechTourism. Available at: http// Šeligová, K. (2005d) Which regions received the most visitors in 2004? Prague: CzechTourism. Available at: Theunis, G.T. (2003) Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr zu Niedrigen Kosten Analogie und Unterschiede zu den Billigfliegern. Eisenbahntechnisches Kolloquium. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Fernverkehr Realität und Visionen. Darmstadt: Technische Universität Darmstadt, p. 1. Available at: http:// Welch, M. (2005) Fly the Frugal Sky. How Low-cost Airlines Have Transformed Europe – And What it Means for America. Los Angeles CA: Reason Online. Available at: 10 Product Development and Diversification in Hungary

László Puczkó and Tamara Rátz

Introduction 1. The number of foreign arrivals dropped by 15.7% between 1990 and 2000, alongside a ‘The happiest barracks’ is how Hungary was fivefold increase in tourism income generation often referred to in the West before the political during the same period, whilst average spend- and economic changes of 1989–1990. ing per visitor and trip increased almost Although, as the Hungarian National Tourist sixfold. The decline in numbers was attributable Office (HNTO, 2005) states, the country: mostly to the reduction of cross-border shop- is not fortunate enough to be endowed with ping and petty-trading by visitors from CEE spectacular features, either natural or countries. man-made. However, this lack is compensated 2. There was a clear shift towards higher quality for by its geographical situation and the sheer services in the use of commercial accommoda- number of its more modest attractions. tion establishments. The proportion of guest Hungary is situated in the centre of Europe nights spent in hotels continued to rise and the and has always attracted visitors from other rate of increase in the number of guests staying countries. This popularity has exhibited both at 4- or 5-star hotels especially so. The turnover stability and significant change over time. of guests at commercial accommodation sites Because of the country’s central location and its shows strong geographical and seasonal con- relatively developed status compared to most centration in Budapest and around Lake neighbouring countries, Hungary has been Balaton. attracting high numbers of visitors for several 3. The purpose of visit was predominantly decades. Although the data collection methods leisure, with business arrivals representing a of tourist flows applied by the Hungarian National secondary but growing proportion. Central Statistics Office (KSH) have been modi- 4. The growing role of domestic tourism since fied since 1990, the main trends remain the 1997: numbers of domestic guest-nights grew same, and Hungary has been among the 15 by 4.6% per annum between 1997 and 2002 in most visited countries in the world with around commercial accommodation. 30 million international visitors per year (the 5. Half of all international arrivals have been highest position was 4th in 1994: HNTO, day-trippers or hikers, and the proportion of 2005). such visitors from Austria is close to 60%. Only During the 1990s, tourism in Hungary deve- about 12% of all international visitors stay in loped five major trends (Behringer et al., 2001): Hungary for more than a week.

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 116 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Product Development and Diversification in Hungary 117

Further, the late 1990s witnessed a new Whereas arrivals figures are dominated by surge of interest from foreign investors fuelling visitors from neighbouring countries, with the a hotel construction boom (Behringer and Kiss, exception of Germany and Austria, the number 2004). of overnights spent in commercial accommoda- Considerable imbalances can be observed tion establishments is led by Germany, with no when comparing visitor origins in terms of num- neighbouring country source falling within the bers of international arrivals and overnights top ten. spent by foreign visitors in Hungary (Figs 10.1 There are specific reasons to explain this. and 10.2). Before 1990, Hungary, or more specifically,

Romania Austria Slovakia Yugoslavia/Serbiaand Montenegro Germany Ukraine Croatia Poland Bulgaria Slovenia

051015 20 25 %

1990 1995 2004

Fig. 10.1. Hungary: top 10 arrivals’ source countries, 1990–2004. Source: KSH, 2005a.

Fig. 10.2. Hungary: top 10 guest nights’ source countries, 1990–2004. Source: KSH, 2005a. 118 L. Puczkó and T. Rátz

Lake Balaton (the largest freshwater lake in visited by a growing number of tourists from Central Europe) was the meeting place for fami- other EU-member countries. The increase in visi- lies and friends separated by the border between tor numbers has been particularly significant from West and East Germany. Since travel within the the UK, France, Spain and the Scandinavian Eastern bloc was relatively easy, while it was countries (HNTO 2005). complicated or impossible to cross the border In 2000, when the date of Hungary’s EU from East to West Germany, the lake became a accession was confirmed, the HNTO inaugu- destination that was close by and easy to visit rated a series of studies aimed at collecting infor- for Germans from both sides of the border. The mation and data about the image of Hungary popularity of Hungary was further increased when, and perception of the country as a destination in for the first time ever, the Hungarian govern- the main tourist generating countries of Europe. ment opened the border to allow East Germans It was confirmed by the results that, apart from to travel to Austria in 1989. Austria and Germany, the general image of, and The image of Hungary became very posi- knowledge about Hungary in other EU member tive in Germany and many people were grateful countries were either based on false stereotypes for this gesture. However, this popularity lasted or were rather limited. The Ministry of National for only 5 or 6 years. Since the mid-1990s, the Cultural Heritage together with the HNTO stim- share of German tourists to Hungary has been ulated into action by the results of the studies, stagnating or (slightly) declining. started to organize special events in selected On the other hand, Hungary was a countries (notably France, the UK, The Nether- central location for many former Eastern bloc lands, Italy) under the title of ‘Year of Hungar- cross-border petty-traders. These generated the ian Culture’. The rich cultural and arts ironically-named ‘Comecon-markets’, which were programme of this series of events resulted in often located in border towns and villages and positive impacts, with incoming numbers increas- were extremely popular in making available ing and a modification of national image goods (and services) that were otherwise unavail- appearing to have been generated. However, able, had a long waiting list, or were available these events were not aimed primarily at attract- only at unattainable prices. Visitors to these ing visitors with particular cultural interests. markets, who did not want to know where the products came from and were happy to shop without warranty or guarantee, could buy (or sell) virtually anything at substantially discoun- The Main Impacts of EU Enlargement ted prices. Such markets and the petty-trading on Hungarian Tourism that supported them acted as a safety valve in response to the ‘market failure’ of central Although a relatively short period has passed economic planning (see also Chapter 8). Post- since Hungary’s EU accession on 1 May, 2004, Communist liberalization of the economy and the country was an associate member for 10 foreign direct investment in commerce and years prior to that, so the EU integration process trade caused these markets to vanish within a has influenced Hungarian tourism development few years in the early 1990s, although the fact for more than a decade. In preparation for that part of Hungary’s borders now act as the Hungary’s EU accession, the tourism industry external EU border is likely to renew some underwent a step-by-step harmonization with degree of petty-trading activity with/from non- the EU’s legal framework. The country adopted EU neighbours. the common body of EU law that governs areas The imbalance of arrivals and dominance such as foreign policy, movement of goods, per- of German visitors have put incoming tourism sons and capital, transport and the environment. and the suppliers of related services in a relatively Although integration into the EU seemed to vulnerable position. There were high hopes that proceed smoothly during the first year of acces- EU accession would make Hungary a better sion, the magnitude of future changes could not known and more popular destination. Certainly, be fully anticipated. in the last few years, with EU (pre-)accession According to recently published WTTC processes gaining pace, Hungary has been (2004) industry-supported research data, Hungary Product Development and Diversification in Hungary 119

and Poland have the highest latent potential participation in Community Initiatives such as for tourism growth among the new EU member INTERREG and Equal may also assist cross- states. The prospective additional travel and border and inter-regional tourism cooperation, tourism resulting from structural changes to and the development of human resources in the Hungary’s economy following EU accession is tourism industry, respectively. estimated at an additional US$22.8bn in GDP Altogether, as the whole territory of Hungary and 901,000 jobs. As a direct positive impact belongs to the Objective 1 area, during 2004–2006 of EU accession, Hungary’s image among EU the country will receive €3.21bn structural aid members is expected to improve, leading to an from the EU (European Commission, 2004). increase in the number of visitors from both old However, in this period, EU experts estimate and new member countries. This is particularly that Hungary will only absorb 30% of funding notable because EU nationals generally per- at most. Specific programmes supported by the ceive other EU destinations as posing less risk, Structural Funds include the encouragement particularly in relation to laws, standards and of a more diverse rural development and the access to health services (Blake, Sinclair and growth of complementary activities such as rural Sugiyarto, 2003). tourism, as well as the exploitation of natural During the preparation period for EU and cultural heritage resources in the least accession, Hungary received European aid favoured regions through the development of within the framework of the Phare programme. tourism services. Between 1995–2003, Phare CBC programmes contributed €135m to the establishment of cross-border cooperation projects in the fields of tourism, infrastructure and transport develop- The Immediate Consequences of EU ment, human resources and environmental pro- Accession for Hungarian Tourism tection (VÁTI, 2003). As a result of the latest regional development Phare programme for the Following EU enlargement, Hungary borders period of 2002–2003, a total of €54.12m EU four non-EU nations and accounts for 15% funds were allocated to projects that included: of the EU’s external land border. In order to conference tourism development, rural tourism comply with the far more stringent EU border training, spa and health tourism development, control regulations, Hungary spent €40m to transformation of heritage buildings into tourism strengthen its eastern and southern borders facilities and urban rehabilitation (VÁTI, 2005). over the decade prior to accession. Another By joining the EU, Hungary has obtained €150m EU funding is expected in the following the right to benefit from the Community’s Struc- years to further improve border infrastructure, tural Funds which aim to support less devel- equipment and information technology and to oped regions in order to achieve economic and organize training to enable Hungary to join the social cohesion between the different member Schengen Treaty (NFH, 2005). However, the fact states. Although the key objectives of the Struc- that Hungary’s frontiers coincide with the exter- tural Funds do not include the development of nal frontiers of the EU, at least until the next tourism explicitly, the tourism industry and tour- enlargement, unfavourably affects VFR tourism ism destinations may become direct or indirect from the country’s eastern and southern neigh- beneficiaries of all the objectives (adjustment and bours, as Hungarian minority members living in development of regions where GDP per capita Ukraine, Romania, Croatia and Serbia are now is less than 75% of EU average (European Com- subject to more stringent visa requirements. mission, 2004); development of areas undergoing One of the major direct impacts of EU industrial conversion; economic diversification of accession is the growing number of budget air- rural areas; reduction of long-term unemploy- lines entering the Hungarian market. As the ment and vocational training for young people). new member states are becoming more popular In addition to the Structural Funds, Hungary among European customers, accessibility to also receives aid from the EU’s Cohesion Fund Central Europe is a key to international success, for infrastructural development in the fields of both for destinations and for airlines. Changes environment and transportation. The country’s in the regulatory environment following EU 120 L. Puczkó and T. Rátz

accession, particularly the liberalization of air priority. During 2004, €4.5m was spent to im- traffic, opened up the market for several Euro- prove the infrastructure of six regional airports, pean budget airlines that were ready to seize the including FlyBalaton Airport in Sármellék, the opportunity. While in 2003 only two low-cost gateway to Lake Balaton and to the renowned carriers operated from Budapest, the number of spa destination Hévíz, and Airport Debrecen in budget airlines grew to eight by the end of the country’s second largest city, which received 2004, and by April 2005 the number serving €1.460m and €0.880m respectively (Galla, Hungary had increased to ten, with new com- 2004). In 2005, the project continued on a panies continuing to appear. similar scale as the development of regional Low-cost airlines have contributed signifi- airports was expected to reduce the spatial cantly to the growth of international passenger concentration of tourism demand and to extend traffic at Budapest: in 2004, a record number of the tourist season. 6,456,983 travellers were registered at the capi- In the field of air transport, a potential tal’s Ferihegy International Airport, a near 30% negative consequence of enlargement is the increase over 2003, which made Ferihegy the likely future consolidation process that will third busiest Central European airport after particularly affect the Central Eastern European Vienna and Prague. Although this growth can airlines, including the Hungarian national also be attributed to the global rebound of air carrier Malév, because of their fragile financial travel after the global depression following situation. ‘9/11’, the rising number of both incoming and outgoing budget airline passengers is a major factor of change in the overall increase of demand. While in 2004 every seventh customer Hungarian Tourism in the travelled by budget airlines, in the first 3 months European Union of 2005 already every third passenger was transported by low-cost carriers. Comparing the According to the marketing strategy of HNTO, absolute volumes of budget demand, Budapest there are four major tourism types that char- Airport registered 445,420 customers between acterize the tourism supply of the country to January and March 2005, as opposed to foreign, predominantly EU visitors: 51,667 in the same period of 2004, represent- ing a more than eightfold increase in the year ● health tourism: medical and wellness following the country’s EU accession (Budapest services that are provided in almost all Airport, 2005). parts of the country; Certainly the growth of budget airlines ● MICE tourism: the supply of which is con- serving Hungary has helped to increase inter- centrated in some major cities, especially in national tourism revenues. In 2004, low-cost Budapest, where high quality conference airlines brought around 340,000 tourists to the facilities have been available since the late country, increasing direct revenues from tour- communist period; ism by an estimated €90m and generating an ● cultural tourism: culture, heritage, historic additional €13m in tax receipts (Galla, 2004). cities, gastronomy, wine and village tour- In addition to attracting recognized budget air- ism are all important: there are nine World lines such as EasyJet or Air Berlin, the signifi- Heritage Sites within the country together cant market demand for low-fare air travel from with several cultural festivals, and, for and to Central and Eastern Europe, together example, the wine region; and with the elimination of administrative bound- ● activity tourism: building on youth, sport, aries with EU accession, have also led to the green and recreational tourism the facilities establishment of new low-cost carriers with a of which are available around major lakes regional hub such as WizzAir and SkyEurope. (Balaton, Velence, FertO) and along rivers Further, as the EU accession is expected (Danube, Tisza) and in the mountains. to result in growing incoming demand, the Hungarian government considers the develop- Since 2003, in order to become more suc- ment of regional airports as an economic cessful in the European tourism market, Hungary Product Development and Diversification in Hungary 121

has developed stronger links in the field of mar- and Slovakia’s EU accession, visits to the three keting with the other members of the Visegrád cities may easily be combined, which, in the Group: the Czech Republic, Slovakia and medium term, may put geographically more Poland. Experiences show that both intra- separated Prague in a less competitive position. European and overseas tourists tend to see the Cooperation between the national tourist offices Visegrád countries as one region (e.g. ‘East- of the Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary is Central Europe’), such that, although all partici- aimed especially at the US and Japanese mar- pants joined the EU in 2004, further tourism kets, particularly promoting the three capitals to cooperation within the region is both a necessity likely visitors to Europe. and an opportunity. The lessons learnt from the A significant future impact of EU accession Visegrád project may also help Hungary to is the introduction of the single European cur- become fully integrated into the enlarged EU’s rency. To join the EMU, the country must meet international tourism activities. the Maastricht convergence criteria in terms of Obviously, in addition to being potential price stability, long-term interest rate, budget partners in regional tourism marketing, all Cen- deficit, government debt and exchange-rate tral and Eastern European countries are also stability. The past few years’ economic policy Hungary’s competitors in the European market. has been characterized by considerable budget Throughout the region, one of the greatest chal- and current account deficits, rising inflation and lenges of EU accession is to meet the increased exchange rate volatility. In the country’s 2004 standards and expectations of European cus- convergence programme, the target date for tomers and to provide the same service quality adopting the euro was set at 2010. Although that they are accustomed to in any other EU this target seems to be relatively late after the destination. Although the quality and the range country’s EU accession, the euro is in fact already of the Hungarian tourism supply have impro- penetrating the Hungarian private sector. The ved significantly in the past decade, the coun- country’s service industry, particularly the hos- try’s high 25% VAT rates levied on hotel and pitality sector, is taking its own steps towards catering services may potentially prove a com- euro integration, with many restaurants and petitive disadvantage (HHA-KPMG, 2004). retailers in tourist destinations accepting pay- Since VAT rates are generally more favourable ment in euros. Hungarian tourists, on the other elsewhere within the EU (e.g. the Czech Repub- hand, seem to be relatively unaffected by the lic boasts a 5% VAT rate on tourism, as does single currency: as the results of a recent survey France at 5.5% and Spain at 7%, and even suggested, adoption of the euro in member neighbouring Slovakia’s 19% is lower), Hungary states does not seem to have influenced signifi- as a holiday destination may compare less posi- cantly the travel behaviour of Hungarian tour- tively among price-conscious leisure tourists. ists, although there is a significant awareness This therefore suggests a future strategy empha- as well as a favourable perception of the lower sizing higher quality, higher yielding tourism transaction costs brought about by the euro experiences. (Rátz and Hinek, 2005). Vienna and Prague have long been tradi- tional competitors of the Hungarian capital, Budapest, and although they remain so follow- ing EU enlargement, the integration process has The Development of Spa Tourism in opened up further cooperation opportunities as Hungary – a Past and Future Niche well. With Vienna being the most successful of the three Central European capital cities, in Hungary as a tourist destination has been look- international tourism Prague has been more ing for a long time for a special product that can popular than Budapest over the past decade. make the country appealing to its predomi- Although, in the short term, EU enlargement nantly European visitors. Based on its rich does not seem to threaten Prague’s position as resources, health tourism seemed to be a logical the leading CEE heritage city, Budapest has the alternative, since health consciousness, more geographical advantage of being closer to healthy living and use of natural healing resources Vienna and Bratislava. Following Hungary’s are becoming more prevalent. Health tourism 122 L. Puczkó and T. Rátz

has been and can be the product that makes By 1920, due to the Trianon Peace Treaty Hungary a favourite destination for European ending World War I, Hungary lost more than visitors, since thermal baths have a long history two-thirds of its territory, and the majority of the here. country’s internationally established thermal The country’s modern spa tourism supply and mineral spas (e.g. Pöstyén, Trencsényteplic, is built on ubiquitous Roman, Turkish and Bártfa, Szováta, HerkulesfürdO and Tusnád) Austro-Hungarian spa heritage, amongst others, were located beyond the newly-drawn borders. and Hungary is the fifth richest country in As a consequence, the focus of health tourism thermal and healing waters after Japan, Iceland, development shifted to the exploitation of the France and Italy. According to the natural heal- thermal resources of Budapest and other desti- ing assets register (HNTO, 2002), Hungary has nations within the country such as Hévíz and 1289 thermal wells, of which 148 are mineral- Balatonfüred at Lake Balaton. World War II ized and 136 medicinal; five medicinal caves, interrupted the progress of Hungarian spa tour- four medicinal mud sources, one mofetta (a ism development, and in the post-war decades carbon dioxide bath); one natural healing lake tourism development in the newly established (Lake Hévíz); 39 medicinal baths; 57 medical socialist political system was mostly limited to hotels; 41 wellness hotels; and 350 baths (with state-controlled social tourism, domestic trips approximately 1200 pools). Additionally, Budapest subsidized by the state or by trade unions. Most has a special position among spa towns as being of these domestic visitors chose a hotel or guest the only such capital in the world. This position house that was either near to Lake Balaton or to was recognized in 1934 when it was awarded a bath/spa. The number of guests showed a the title of international spa city and Budapest steady growth throughout the socialist period: was chosen as a venue for the first International while in 1949 only 250,000 state-supported Bath Congress in 1937. domestic guests were registered, their number It was the Romans who first capitalized on increased to 1,411,000 by 1986, a 560% increase Hungary’s thermal waters in the 1st century, (Lengyel, Puczkó and Rátz, 1996, unpublished when they built baths on the banks of the river research report, Budapest University of Eco- Danube. Although archaeologists have since nomic Sciences, Tourism Research Centre). This uncovered 21 baths from the Roman era, these reflected both a continuous increase in the are only preserved as ruins today. The tradition state’s financial support, and the expansion of of bathing continued during the 15th–17th. cen- the state-managed accommodation sector. turies; the Turkish baths and the oriental spa However, the state’s financial contribution culture that Hungarians adopted are among the ceased to increase from 1982, so the National positive legacies of the country’s 150-year-long Council of Trade Unions, the coordinator of the Turkish occupation. The historic baths of the system, was no longer able to operate it on capital city and the countryside are equally the sole basis of social tourists’ significantly dis- popular as leisure facilities for local residents counted payments. Consequently, a certain pro- and heritage attractions for tourists. portion of the available beds were offered on the The third golden age of spa-going in commercial market, resulting in a decrease in Hungary started in the 19th century when both bed capacity and guest numbers: while in balneology – the study of the art and science of 1984 social tourism offered 25,350 beds, by bathing – became popular. The establishment 1996 this figure had fallen to 11,286 beds, and of the ‘Balneological Society of the Countries of commercial tourists accounted for 64% of all the Hungarian Holy Crown’ in 1891 (MBE, the registered guests (Lengyel, Puczkó and Rátz, 2005) facilitated scientific cooperation in 1996, unpublished research report, Budapest balneology, thus resulting in a more effective University of Economic Sciences, Tourism healing process and contributing to the devel- Research Centre). opment of medical spas around the country. The decline of social tourism demand in The period’s typically science-oriented focus on the 1980s may be attributed to various reasons. the medicinal values of natural waters signifi- As state subsidies dwindled, operators were cantly affected Hungarian spa tourism develop- forced to either increase prices or find supple- ment during the 20th century. mentary sources of income. However, due to Product Development and Diversification in Hungary 123

the Hungarian population’s decreasing real The most important elements of the TDP income and the generally rather mediocre related to health tourism, with state support quality of social tourism accommodation, price provided for: increases were only partly accepted by the mar- ● development of health tourism attractions – ket, which necessitated fundamental changes in medical, wellness and fitness services; the system (Lengyel, Puczkó and Rátz, 1996, ● increasing the capacity of accommodation unpublished report). Transformation of the facilities as well as extensions and quality trade union hotel resorts began in 1992, when, improvements; as part of the post-Communist privatization ● infrastructure development in bath towns; process of Hungarian tourism, the government ● cofinancing of feasibility studies; established the Hungarian National Holiday ● marketing of health tourism facilitated by Foundation as the owner of the former social the Health Tourism Department of the tourism estates, and the Hunguest Company as HNTO; and the management body. Direct state subsidies ● establishing bath clusters. through trade union membership were replaced by a holiday cheque system in 1998, providing Altogether 74 baths and medical/thermal organized holiday allowances to underprivi- hotels received state support in the form of non- leged social groups, and supplementing holiday repayable subsidy amounting to HUF 29.2bn bonuses offered by employers. As the system is (€115m). It is estimated that state support now mainly aimed at those in the lowest income generated additional investment €230m from groups, participation is highly dependent on the private sector and some 2700 permanent employers’ attitudes towards this type of remu- jobs were also created (GKM, 2003). neration. In 2004, the total sum of HUF 5.4bn Since Budapest has been the most visited (€21.3m) was made available for social tourism destination, its historical baths – which are in the purposes, but rising demand continues to top three attractions of the city (Budapest Tour- exceed the availability of state subsidies (KSH, ism Office, 2005, unpublished research report) – 2005a). attract large numbers of foreign visitors every year. Most visit for reasons other than health- related ones. They are more likely to be inter- ested in the history and architecture of these establishments. The baths are strong and charac- The Current State of Spa and Health teristic elements of the image and tourist attrac- Tourism in Hungary tions of Budapest. Since 1998, an approximately additional HUF 7.2bn (€28m) has been spent The most important step to make this unique on reconstructions of baths in Budapest from asset of the country competitive in the funds provided by the local government, tenders European and consequently in the world and the baths themselves (GKM, 2003). Besides market, was the so called Széchenyi Plan. This the investments in infrastructural developments, development plan was aimed at the redevelop- most of the resources were spent on the recon- ment of already existing baths and the erection struction of thermal pools, facades, installation of new ones, as the Ministry of Economy and of automated entrance systems and interior Transport stated: refurbishments. As a medium-term economic development It should be noted that baths and spas of programme, the Széchenyi Plan aims at laying Hungary can sometimes be different from what the foundations of permanent and sustainable foreign visitors may expect by just looking at economic growth, widen and deepen the basis the names of places. In Western Europe baths, of growth – according to sectors, branches and and especially spas, have been the cradle of a regions. certain cultural tradition from Roman times to (GM, 2001, p. 1) the mid-20th century (spa as a word probably The Tourism Development Programme comes from the Latin words espa (fountain) (TDP) provided 33% of the total funds made and sparsa,fromspargere – to bubble up) available for this plan between 2000 and 2003. (, 2005). These spas were places 124 L. Puczkó and T. Rátz associated with elites and cultural events, not Conclusions merely with curative stays. After World War II spas and baths in Hungary, now sponsored Although tourism has been a major economic by the state or the trade unions (with, for activity in Hungary since the 1970s, the indus- example, trade-union rest houses, hotels and try’s structure and characteristics have under- sanatoria), became ‘healing combinats’ for the gone significant changes in the last decades. working people, based on mineral waters, Similar to the impacts of the political transition climate and other local natural resources. in 1989–1990, the country’s EU accession has Accommodation facilities were typically large considerably influenced the Hungarian tourism buildings with mineral water basins and heal- industry. ing devices, with a residential part, dining facil- During the pre-accession preparation ities and meeting halls. Other services were period, the country received substantial EU funds almost absent. In the last 5–10 years, however, that were allocated to development projects in these centres have experienced substantial such fields as conference tourism, spa and change. For example, based on Western expe- health tourism development. Wider access to rience, standards for wellness hotels were EU funds as a member country may also con- established, baths and hotels started to create tribute to the sector’s development and growth. their own special character, and the wide As part of the accession process, the Hungarian adoption of water-based wellness services took tourism industry gradually adopted the relevant place. body of European legislation to harmonize with The EU, recognizing the rich history and the EU’s legal framework. heritage of baths and spas in many member In the relatively short period since EU and pre-accession countries (e.g. Austria, Italy, accession, practical changes have proved to be Greece, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the most important immediate impacts of EU Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria) has been pro- membership, notably the expansion of the low viding financial support for the Itinerari Termali cost airline market and the improvement of the (ITER) project in recognition of this common border control system. Budget airlines have cultural heritage that offers ‘an extraordinary played a major role in stimulating both incom- combination of archaeology, architecture, craft ing and outgoing traffic, making Hungary a and landscape’ (ITER-CADSES, 2005). more accessible destination for foreign visitors Although spa and health tourism is a key and a more attractive market for investors. component of the Hungarian tourism supply, However, the low-income yielding end of the the education and training of spa tourism pro- market that such visitors may represent, and fessionals has only recently become a priority. potential issues of dependence on fickle, price- Because of the complex nature of the spa sensitive markets and operators, may require a product, spa- and wellness-related education is reappraisal of the role of such airlines in the currently provided within the framework of future. both tourism and physical education pro- There are high hopes that foreign health grammes, and the development of spa tourism insurance companies operating in the EU will management education as part of an under- explore the country’s rich healing assets and graduate healthcare programme is under way. the favourable price/quality ratio that guests In addition, wellness training and education (patients) can enjoy in Hungary, and will pursue are provided by various short courses and contracts with local service providers. A certain post-secondary programmes around the coun- amount of uncertainty exists, since the state- try. Hungary’s EU accession is affecting spa financed health sector in almost all EU countries and health tourism education favourably, as is facing a deficit and making attempts to limit wellness training in secondary education is its coverage to the patients’ home country. supported by the Leonardo da Vinci pro- To facilitate health service developments gramme, and spa tourism education may the government has opened a special support also be developed within the framework of scheme targeting spa and bath owners and employment creation and rural development operators. However, since most of these bath- projects. ing establishments are managed by companies Product Development and Diversification in Hungary 125

owned by local municipalities, they lack special- near future. Several attempts by national, ized services. International experience suggests regional and local tourism and bathing organi- that the operation of baths cannot easily be zations are being made to ensure that health profitable without a well-balanced service port- tourism becomes the core product of the coun- folio (such as high quality accommodation and try. To make this happen, more specialized conference facilities), and such companies may development and focused, well-segmented face a high risk of financial imbalance in the promotion are necessary.


Behringer, Z., Király, G., Kiss, K., Rátz, T. and Török, P. (2001) Idegenforgalmi és Vendéglátói Ismeretek I, II. Budapest: Szókratész Kiadó. Behringer, Z. and Kiss, K. (2004) The role of foreign direct investment in the development of tourism in post-communist Hungary. In: Hall, D. (ed.) Tourism and Transition: Governance, Transformation and Development. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, pp. 73–81. Blake, A., Sinclair, M.T. and Sugiyarto, G. (2003) Tourism and EU Accession in Malta and Cyprus. Nottingham: University of Nottingham Tourism and Travel Research Institute (TTRI) Discussion Paper 2003/7. Available at: Budapest Airport (2005) Duplázhatnak a Diszkontok Ferihegyen. Budapest: Budapest Airport, 14 April. Available at: European Commission (2004) The European Structural Funds (2004–2006). Magyarország (Hungary). Brussels: European Commission. Available at: hungary/factsheets/pdf/fact_hu_en.pdf Galla, G. (2004) Két év Alatt Másfélmilliárd Forint Regionális Repterekre. Budapest: Magyarorszá, 9 December. Available at: GKM (Gazdasági és Kozlekedési Minisztérium) (2003) A Széchenyi Terv Hatásai. Budapest: Gazdasági és Kozlekedési Minisztérium (Ministry of the Economy and Transport). GM (Gazdasági Minisztérium) (2001) AJövo Pillérei, A Széchenyi Terv. Budapest: Gazdasági Minisztérium (Ministry of the Economy). HHA-KPMG (2004) A Szállodaipart Éinto Áfa-kulcs Emelésének Várható Gazdasági Hatásai Magyarországon. Budapest: Hungarian Hotel Association and KPMG. HNTO (Hungarian National Tourism Office) (2002) The Marketing Concept of Health Tourism. Budapest: HNTO. HNTO (Hungarian National Tourism Office) (2005) Tourism in Hungary 1990–2004. Budapest: HNTO. ITER-CADSES (2005) Iter Spa Itinerary. Project Background. Bologna: ITER-CADSES INTERREG IIIB. Available at: KSH (Központi Statisztikai Hivatal) (2005a) Turizmus Magyarországon 2004. KSH, Budapest: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (Hungarian National Statistics Office). KSH (Központi Statisztikai Hivatal) (2005b) A Fogyasztóiár-index Idosorai. Budapest: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal (Hungarian National Statistics Office). Available at: load2_01_06_21.html MBE (Magyar Balneológiai Egyesület) (2005) Az Egyesület Története. Budapest: MBE. Available at: – egyesulet_tortenet1.htm NFH (National Development Office) (2005) The National Institution System of the Schengen Fund and the Use of Funding. Budapest: NFH. Available at: &i=28&ci=61 Rátz, T. and Hinek, M. (2005) The implications of the single European currency for Hungarian tourism. In: Proceedings of the First International Scientific Conference ‘Theoretical Advances in Tourism Economics’, Évora, Portugal, 18–19 March 2005. Évora, Portugal: Urban and Regional Analysis and Research Laboratory, University of Évora, CD-ROM. (2005) Spa. Brussels: Trabel Belgium Travel Network. Available at: spa/spa.htm 126 L. Puczkó and T. Rátz

VÁTI (2005) Phare 2002–2003. Promotion of Integrated Local Development Actions Programme. Granted Projects. Budapest: VÁTI Kht, Hungarian Regional Development and Town Planning Non Profit Company. VÁTI (2003) Phare CBC Programok. Európai Uniós támogatások a határon átny6ló együttmvködések elosegítésére 2003–2006. Budapest: VÁTI Területfejlesztési Igazgatóság. WTTC (2004) Latent Potential of Travel and Tourism in New EU Accession Countries Totals an Additional US$54.6bn GDP and 2 Million Jobs. London: WTTC. Available at: 11 Tourism in Poland: Changes in Policy, Management and Education

Barbara Marciszewska

Introduction the market economy on one hand and social needs on the other. Hence tourism, due to its The main purpose of this chapter is to discuss, ‘sensitive’ and unpredictable nature, requires within the context of Poland’s EU accession, long-term policy at the national, regional and the importance of improvements in tourism local level, taking into account the ‘knowledge education and in state/regional/local tourism pol- factor’ (Marciszewska, 2004a, p. 29). icy for creating a competitive tourism strategy. Tourist consumption in Poland is shifting Such a strategy, in its turn, should be imple- from domestic tourism to international tourism, mented in order to exert a positive influence on which calls for a new strategy for the tourism the country’s socio-economic development. sector in order to stimulate the development of Future directions for tourism education within national tourist destinations. Religious sites, the framework of current tourism policy are sug- historical monuments, galleries, museums and gested as a contribution towards Polish socio- theatres are fixed elements of the tourist pack- economic development. age but they are particularly significant factors The development of tourism in Poland influencing demand among students and faces a number of obstacles which have to be foreign tourists. These cultural attractions are recognized and overcome by both national partly being replaced by small cultural festivals, tourism administration and regional and local sporting events, popular culture events and the authorities. The process of globalization and performing arts, which can bring tourists relax- Poland’s accession to the EU have, to a certain ation and a new experience (Marciszewska, extent, opened borders and lowered barriers for 2001, p. 223). tourism exchange between nations, but it is also Regional and local development strategies creating new directions for national policy due should therefore include building projects, to the fact that globalization such as new infrastructure, theme parks and leisure centres, and the adaptation of existing crosses the traditional borders of time, space, buildings to be used for cultural activities. While scope, geography, function, thought and such projects can be supported by indirect cultural assumptions. (Knowles et al., 2001, p. 176) investment, this means of funding is of little relevance in Poland at the present stage of its This, in turn, demands a new political socio-economic development. Although the approach to both small and medium-sized enter- relationship between tourism and economy is prises and tourism services which are shaped by discussed in the Polish literature (Marciszewska, ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 127 128 B. Marciszewska

2000, 2002) little attention is paid to tourism ● poorly developed capacity to permit suc- impact on the national economy. cessful management of the tourist economy Many European countries regard tourism at local and regional levels; and as a driving force for socio-economic develop- ● the need to better develop provision of tour- ment. Tourism itself is, at the same time, a local ist information and marketing in tourism, at or community concern and a global pheno- both national and regional levels. menon which reacts rapidly to changing circum- As by far the largest 2004 EU accession stances at all levels of policy-making. In a world state (see Table 1.1), Poland has a vast range of of dynamic change one constant is that tourism resources and attractions which are clearly too is an important human activity and an industry diverse to give justice to in this short piece. that will continue to grow. Dawson (1991) provides an excellent overview Experience has shown that managers, of Polish tourist sites and regions at the end of academics and policy-makers must understand the communist period. Natural attractions are both the changes taking place in a region and represented by five regions: the managerial reactions stemming from the changing socio-economic environment. This ● the Baltic coast, an area of sandy beaches understanding must be reached both at national and coastal lagoons; and global scales. Political and managerial ● the lowland lake districts of northern lessons drawn from previous strategic and Poland; and operational experience can be shared between ● the three upland regions of central Poland, various regions and enterprises. Private–public and the Sudeten and Carpathian moun- partnership can be seen as a specific testimony tains of the south. to the power of shared learning and regional He noted that, representing what the development as a factor in competitiveness in authorities considered was of value for Polish the global tourism market. An innovative sys- children to learn in the 1980s, school text books tem of education for the tourism sector is crucial brought together, almost unwittingly, an excel- for this process. lent introduction to the cultural and heritage underpinnings for the country’s tourism devel- opment. These included historic cities such as Kraków, shrines to the Christian faith, notably Tourism Resources the Black Madonna at Czestochowa, to national figures, most outstandingly Chopin’s house at Towards the late 1990s, after a spectacular Zelazowa Wola, and to the victims of World increase in international arrivals numbers and War II, most depressingly the concentration camp receipts, Poland could be characterized by the at Oswiecim (Auschwitz). Alongside these were World Travel Organization (WTO) as ‘a tourist featured the spas of the Sudeten Mountains, ski- tiger’ (Migdal, 1999). However, despite some ing resorts of the Carpathians, castles (Malbork) fluctuations, the overall trend in recent years and forest reserves (Bia^owieza) ‘as well as such has been one of relative decline, and certainly unlovely towns as Katowice and -ódz!’ (Dawson, when compared to neighbouring 2004 EU 1991). This was, of course, a long time ago. accession states. Factors appearing to constrain Subsequently, Przezborska (2003; Hegarty growth have been identified to include and Przezborska, 2005) has written on the grow- (Go^embski, 1996): ing role of rural tourism within the country. During the 1990s, the Polish National Tourist Organiza- ● insufficient political support for tourism tion together with expertise from the European development, especially for new construc- Union evaluated the potential of developing tion and modernization of the existing unique Polish tourism products. Five segments infrastructure; were identified that were considered sufficiently ● insufficient encouragement for foreign cap- competitive in European tourism markets: ital investment in tourism, or the creation of equal investment opportunities for both ● city and cultural tourism; home and foreign capital; ● active tourism; Tourism in Poland: Changes in Policy, Management and Education 129

● rural tourism and agri-tourism; and means by which policy can be implemented ● transit tourism; and (Handszuch, 2005, p. 224). ● border-zone weekend tourism (Legienis, State tourism policy in Poland is created by 2000; Ziolkowski, 2003). the Ministry of the Economy (Department of Tourism) and the Polish Tourism Organization Rural tourism, agri-tourism and active (Polska Organizacja Turystyczna) established in tourism in particular were seen to be important 2000. The main players at regional level are the in assisting rural restructuring through the con- regional authorities and regional tourism orga- solidation of economic back-linkages and stimu- nizations. The aim of this part of the chapter is lating value-added quality produce. Although to analyse the perceived changing role of tour- tourism had existed in Polish rural areas since ism in the new economic system in Poland in the nineteenth century, its development was the context of state and regional tourism policy considerably accelerated during the 1990s as a in relation to a new approach to this branch of result of the introduction of a market economy the economy adopted in the process of Poland’s and the restructuring of the Polish agricultural accession to the European Union. sector. The process of post-Communist change in The Polish Tourist Organization and the tourism policy began in the early 1990s, when Institute for Tourism have acknowledged an Poland was engaged in implementing three increased interest in Poland since EU accession, stages of the PHARE Programme: Tourin I, II and especially from young people, schools and and III, which were aimed at developing human students (Ziolkowski, 2003). There are implica- resources and tourism products. The work of tions here for developing educationally oriented Tourin identified four paths for tourism devel- rural tourism packages targeted towards youn- opment in Poland: cultural, business, activity ger markets with group travellers. Rural tourism (adventure) and agri-tourism. These four were entrepreneurs may not, however, wish to attract seen as the driving force of both the tourism sec- such low budget visitors on relatively short stays tor and the economy as a whole. Their identifi- (Hegarty and Przezborska, 2005). cation was based on the tourism potential of the country and their promotion and enhancement was taken into account in most subsequent offi- cial documents relating to international tourism State Tourism Policy: the Changing development. However, these forms of tourism Role of Tourism activity did not establish themselves in the real world. The tourism sector was more interested Any tourism body, whether public or private, in working in conjunction with foreign tour national or regional, has to base its activities on operators than in creating its own products. policy, at least to some extent. Many factors Even newly qualified personnel were unable to should be taken into account in order to prop- carry through the reorientation when collabora- erly design policies and to adopt effective tion with tour operators appeared to be a more measures facilitating the implementation of efficient strategy. This short-term view ignored such policies and strategies which should pro- the value of the country’s tourist attractions and vide both consumer satisfaction and sustainable their potential role in socio-economic develop- development of the country or region. Such a ment. At the time the tourism policy at state purpose leads to the choice and design of tour- level was weak and unable to facilitate progress ism policy which has to be built on existing in the tourism sector. tourism resources, including comparative and During the late 1990s and the onset of the competitive advantages in the actual and poten- new millennium, the situation changed. Research- tial tourist destinations (Handszuch, 2005, p. ers began to focus in their publications on the 223). Tourism policy should therefore identify attractiveness of Poland and analysed the role resources to be used and developed for of this asset in the context of the dynamic expected economic and social benefits. Policy economic development of the country and its should describe goals and tools (Gaworecki, component regions. The first regional tourism 1997, pp. 110–111) while strategy defines ways strategies were accepted for implementation at 130 B. Marciszewska

the beginning of the new millennium, but lack of The strategy for tourism development in the appropriate mechanisms for such implementa- years 2001–2006 (the governmental programme tion proved to be the main obstacle to effective of tourism development support) pointed out development. Much has been said by the that: authorities about the need to give priority to tourism and so it is somewhat surprising that In the Polish Government’s policy presented in rarely have effective political instruments been the most important strategic documents concern- ing the economic policy of Poland, tourism is employed to motivate tourism enterprises to considered as a sector that is able in an essential develop national and regional tourism products. way to support the implementation of important In the face of adverse macro-economic governmental programmes, in particular a factors such as a high rate of unemployment, a programme of the fight against unemployment. slowing down of economic growth, and a Also in several governmental documents and decreasing demand (in common with many strategies of voivodships development, tourism is other branches of the economy) as a result of regardedasoneofthesectorsthatcouldensure low salaries and the instability of the Polish dynamic economic development, and at the same currency (z^oty), politicians have remained un- time diminish the negative effects of necessary convinced that tourism should become a prior- transformations. (MGIP, 2005) ity. However, the approach to the management of the sector has changed with the setting up of The document was formulated with the broad a new institution to oversee tourism. The Polish participation of economic development agen- Tourism Organization (PTO) was established in cies and voivodships (local government), and 2000 to create, with the Ministry of Economy and Labour, a responsible tourism policy and to formulates a strategy of tourism development promote it at both national and international as a part of the strategy of social–economic scales. This move was a matter of some development of the country. It assumes an urgency, as ongoing globalization of competi- increase in tourism’s role in the realisation of tion and the failure of central planning in the social–economic objectives of the state policy, decades leading up to 1990 had led to the as well as in complementary activities of other sectors. collapse of the centrally planned economy and (MGIP, 2005) tourism; it was clear that a market-oriented approach was the right one to adopt. Despite However, the social and economic objec- some questioning of the role of the government tives for tourism development indicated in the in industrial and service policy early in the tran- strategy do not refer directly to Poland’s sition period, the PTO has been seen to fulfil an accession to the European Union and the new important informational and promotional func- economic and political environment arising tion (MGIP, 2005). The focus of its activities has from that. These objectives include: been on cooperation with regional and local tourism organizations, acting as a ‘bridge’ ● an increase in incomes of inhabitants of between these and the tourism private sector. regions requiring a deep reconstruction of Mechanisms are thus in place to facilitate the economy; tourism organizations at all levels actively partic- ● a decrease of unemployment in areas ipating in the creation of tourism policy. located on the borders, of high tourist values, Although the market itself dictates decisions suffering from structural unemployment; concerning the production and allocation of ● activization of inhabitants of rural areas; goods and services, the government and ● transformation in the sector of health resorts regional/local authorities have the task of pro- and recreation centres owned by enterprises; viding the framework for the institutional colla- ● support for cultural heritage, civil society, boration necessary to obtain economically and and the natural environment’s role in socially desirable effects from tourism. Cooper- education; and ation and various types of partnership are thus ● an improvement of the image of Poland prerequisites for the success of the tourism and its inhabitants on the international sector. scene (MGIP, 2005). Tourism in Poland: Changes in Policy, Management and Education 131

Tourism enterprises, as main actors in the Poles to visit the regions of their country and to ‘new’ market had to consider their own eco- generate more income for them. nomic goals in a wider context. Traditional and The complexity of tourism products is indi- modern demand-management policies have cated in some tourism strategies in Poland but run alongside each other. Satisfying the therearemanyobstaclestobeovercomeinimple- demand for holidays abroad has met the needs menting development. Tourism businesses prefer of Polish tourists, but it has not contributed to sell flexible products which can be cheaper much to the national or regional economies. than complex ones and can find clients relatively The need for national tourist products and quickly, usually without considering the fact that socio-economic development has called for a foreign tourists prefer complexity. It has to be new approach to tourism policy aiming at pointed out, therefore, that market success for improvement of the quality of services and utili- Polish tourism depends on a change of attitude zation of the national and regional potential for on the part of tourism managers (and tourists innovation in tourism. On the basis of regional themselves, perhaps). and tourism development strategies, many regions are now seeking new tourism products in order to provide meaningful incentives for Public–private partnership: a means of Polish and foreign tourists to visit these areas. tourism development?

Public–private partnership (PPP) in tourism has Selected Features of the Tourism received little attention from Polish writers Sector in Poland (Oszoro, 2000; Marciszewska and Miecznikowski, 2003; Zysnarski, 2003; Marciszewska, 2004b; The institutional structure of the tourism sector SDTPV, 2004), and the discussion has been in Poland is intended to complement the largely based on foreign literature. According to macro-scale market economy. The Department Linder (2002, p. 26) there are at least six distinc- of Tourism is an integral part of the Ministry of tive uses of the term, each invoking certain pre- the Economy and undertakes many initiatives mises about the relevant problems to be solved on behalf of government, that foster partnership and how best to solve them. in tourism, including common market research, Taking into account that: seminars, restructuring and educational reform partnership as power sharing can alter in the tourism sector. business–government relations in fundamental Tourism policy-making in Poland is framed ways [and] . . . as a management reform, in terms of guardianship of the resource base. partnerships are promoted as an innovative The concept of sustainable development is a tool that will change the way government major plank of the Polish tourism strategy as functions, largely by tapping into the discipline developed by the Ministry of the Economy. This of the market. indicates that the government is both concerned (Linder, 2002, pp. 31, 26) about safeguarding the future of tourism and of PPP applied to the tourism sector in future generations of the Polish nation. Tourism Poland has the potential to bring the following policy is thus intended to be socially compatible social and economic benefits: and economically rational. ● improve quality of services for tourists; Unfortunately, little attention is paid to ● integrate tourism promotion abroad; tourism market control in Poland. Tourism ● develop new tourist products based on the demand is therefore generated by those who attractiveness of the country; wish to go abroad for their holidays, while ● improve managerial skills of employees in regional and local tourism products suffer due the sector; and to the small number of visitors out of season. ● improve the quality of education for the Currently, the Polish regions look to more sector. profitable foreign rather than domestic visitors. Intervention by the regional authorities can be Membership of the EU has required a new a means of encouraging greater mobility of service quality which tourism enterprises have 132 B. Marciszewska

established incrementally. This has involved in tourism education and training (Faché, 1998, some improving information and promotion 2000). systems and personnel skills. However, such processes need additional financial resources, and these are limited in both the national budget and the tourism enterprises. New Features of Tourism Education in Poland

A Shift in Education for the Tourism The necessity for change in tourism education Sector Toward Quality and Innovation standards has been created by the two major transformations in the political and economic In order to maintain or increase market share situation in Poland: the implementation of a in the intensified competition, customer orienta- market economy after 1989, and EU accession tion and non-price factors have taken on strate- in 2004. These two factors placed the national gic significance in the management of product tourism sector in a more competitive environ- development (Faché and Marciszewska, 2004) ment, demanding that tourism enterprises seek and distribution. Competition through quality has highly skilled personnel. Therefore, both educa- had a demonstrably beneficial effect on market tion curricula and training are being revised retention and return on investment, as well as both by the Ministry of Education and higher supporting and improving competitiveness and education institutions (HEIs). Some aspects of contributing to cost reduction, increased efficiency the development of tourism education and train- and improvements in productivity. Having rec- ing in Poland are now discussed. ognized the role of customer-perceived quality and satisfaction in generating repeat business and increased hospitality, tourism organizations The development of a curriculum in elsewhere have adopted quality strategies and tourism higher education which focuses evaluation techniques (Augustyn and Pheby, on business-oriented or 2000; Gyimóthy, 2000). As a consequence of management-oriented subjects this, quality management is becoming a crucial subject of study for students of tourism; but A decade ago, Jung and Mierzejewska (1996, national perspective on service quality in tourism p. 67) could point out that is not enough: cross-cultural aspects of service higher education in Poland still largely suffers in tourism require cross-cultural understanding. from a clear lack of focus. It has traditionally The service demand expectations of tourists are been activity-oriented (preparing ‘animators’ of dependent on their national/cultural background. social and qualified tourism), spatially-oriented Therefore, an analysis of cultural differences is (preparing spatial planners specialised in important, considering that internationalization is tourism and recreation, destined to work in fundamental to the industry, and cultural diver- planning commissions and local government) sity is vital to the attractiveness of the product or functionally-oriented (preparing administra- tors of state-owned hotels and travel agencies). itself (Pizam, 2000, p. 396). Further, those who supply the service, such This approach has been changing due to as hotels, also have different concepts of service triangular cooperation between the Ministry of quality, depending on their national and cul- Education, HEIs and the Ministry of the Econ- tural background. Polish tourism enterprises omy. This is initiating changes in the curriculum have to compete with foreign tour operators, to make it more skills-oriented and appropriate and thus it is important for Polish tourism to the requirements of the job market. The cur- personnel and students that they acquire a rent curriculum for tourism and recreation has cross-cultural understanding by experiential been under discussion in terms of how to adapt learning, not least because ‘national cultures it to meet new national and global require- have a moderating effect on tourist behaviour’ ments. One move is to replace some of the (Pizam, 2000, p. 406). This requires a different sport recreation activities with economic and pedagogical approach from that usually adopted managerial subjects such as tourism markets, Tourism in Poland: Changes in Policy, Management and Education 133

tourism environments, sustainable develop- tourism. This approach has already been par- ment and customer service. Such a replacement tially adopted in a number of situations (Faché, could lead to an improvement of students’ 1996), but it is still unpopular in tourism skills but it does not change the old activity- education in Poland. oriented approach. New teaching methods have to be implemented to create wider opportunities for students to learn more about real-world International student and problems. teacher exchange

Undertaken mainly within the framework of Focus on practical training and fieldwork the SOCRATES-ERASMUS scheme and via bilat- as problem-based action learning: future eral cooperation between universities and schools, direction of tourism education? this provides an opportunity to transfer knowl- edge and skills and adapt them to a national The concept of problem-based action learning socio-economic context, thereby assisting bench- was originally modelled on the lines of problem- marking. Polish students are interested in the based education in some progressive medical Erasmus programme, but it is difficult to assess if schools in North America, where students work this is a temporary, transient interest arising from in clinics and see real patients with real feelings the initial enthusiasm for Poland’s EU accession. and real problems (Barrows and Tamblyn, 1980) and of engineering education at the Harvey Mudd College (Claremont, California) where students work on campus on real projects An increase in the role of the private for real clients with real budgets and real dead- sector in higher education lines (Remer, 1992). In professional education relating to leisure, The private sector is usually more flexible than culture and tourism, student teams can solve the state sector and is quicker to react to market real problems for real clients in problem-based changes. Private higher education institutions fieldwork projects. As a consequence, the field- fill many niches in the labour market including work project is not only related to the content of hospitality management, tourism management, students’ academic subjects, but also allows and small enterprise management. students to make positive contributions to orga- nizations in the community. Problem-solving fieldwork can therefore best be carried out with A focus on the teaching of foreign the collaboration of businesses, such as hotels, languages and information technologies boat trip operators and tour-operators, and gov- ernmental organizations, such as tourist informa- Foreign languages and ICT are of course essen- tion centres and museums. Such an approach is tial tools for effective work in the sector, and implemented by many higher education institu- have become a specific feature of every educa- tions, mainly at the bachelor (first degree) level. tional tourism programme. Such a focus pro- Efforts to educate skilled people who will both vides an opportunity to improve communication meet tourists’ needs and attain economic bene- between tourism companies and clients and fits, is important for effective, practical business. builds a competitive environment for tourism in Real-world problems, project selection and aglobalmarket. team work – new components of the educa- On the whole, the process of reforming tional process in Poland – are essential for pre- tourism education in Poland is well on its way paring students for effective employment in the and it is expected that graduates will possess tourism sector. skills linked to the development of both Polish Fieldwork with students and professors on and international tourism markets. However, one hand and with professionals on the other is both private and public institutions of higher an appropriate and innovative methodological education in Poland engaged in educating for approach to learning how to improve quality in the tourism sector need to work together to 134 B. Marciszewska

establish a competitive position for their gradu- A lack of integrated tourism information for ates in a global job market that requires Poland as a whole and unified promotion of the managers well trained in proactive behaviour country’s regions, particularly abroad, consti- (Marciszewska and Faché, 2004, p. 242). tute a barrier for international tourism develop- ment at all levels. This task is beyond the means of individual sub-regions and has to be Conclusions included in the national tourism promotion policy. Domestic tourism suffers due to poor The fluctuations of government interest in cooperation between the regional authorities tourism as a branch of the national economy and the local administrative units in the field of and an important area of public policy over the information distribution and tourism product past 15 years can be summarized as: development. The macro-economic situation characterized by a high rate of unemployment ● an initial interest (in the early-1990s) in tourism as an access to the free market ser- and, as a consequence, low purchasing power, vice economy, with the social and political reduces demand from domestic tourists. Rela- reforms as a result of ‘shock therapy’; tively low levels of investment in tourism and limited financial resources for the restoration of ● an increased interest in the mid-1990s when foreign tour operators entered the historical buildings are the reason for looking to Polish tourism market; and horizontal collaboration between local authori- ties and the private sector or between adminis- ● active tourism policy created by the Ministry of Economy and the Polish Tourist Organi- trative units in the public sector itself. zation at the central level at the beginning A low awareness that information and of this century when tourism was recog- knowledge are the major prerequisites for any nized as a significant contributor to the development in the contemporary world, push national economy. many small tourism enterprises to focus on out- bound tourism because they can sell ready Tourism development is considered as an made products which are prepared by tour essential factor of enterprise support and con- operators. In this context it seems to be obvious tributor to the national economy, mainly as a that the rich experience of tourism enterprises job-creating activity (Dziedzic, 2005, p. 202). and owners has to be supported by knowledge Tourism has been gaining support in Poland as exchange between different actors of the a legitimate branch of the economy, partly asso- tourism sector. Such a philosophy can put the ciated with the fact that it is perceived as a Polish tourism sector in a competitive position dynamically developing sector in many regions utilizing a number of institutional measures and of the country. Poland’s accession to the EU changes in managers’ attitudes to tourism opened a new door not only to the demand, but products such as: also to a new quality of tourism activities and education for this sector. However, economic ● the use of regional identity as a strong benefits from tourism perceived as a direct factor in outbound tourism development; effect of Poland’s accession to the EU cannot be ● the organization of new cultural and sports easily assessed. Social changes are expressed events; by knowledge exchange, the influence of fash- ● cooperation with the cultural sector; and ion, changes in life-style and culture, and they ● the engagement of students in new tourism too shape the tourist activities of Polish society. projects.


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The Baltics This page intentionally left blank 12 The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives

Raija Komppula, Arvo Peltonen, Tom Ylkänen and Taneli Kokkila

Introduction changed, reproducing and reflecting the histori- cal processes of power divisions in the region. The purpose of this chapter is to briefly examine The 2004 EU enlargement has had substantial the implications for the Finnish tourism industry impact on the relationships between the neigh- of the Baltic countries’ accession to the European bouring countries around the Gulf. Union. First of all, the relationships between Economic and cultural cooperation between Finland and Estonia, and between Finland and Finland and Estonia has always been strong, Russia, are briefly introduced. In the second partly because of the nations’ similar ethnic back- section, reflections on transformations and EU grounds: both are Finno-Ugric, speaking lan- enlargement in the Baltic Sea rim are offered at guages that are closely related to each other; but a general level. This is followed by a brief intro- there are some differences reflected in diver- duction to multi-level, cross-border cooperation gences of cultural heritage as well. The cultural in the area, focusing on tourism development. and political roots of Finland have linked it Development of tourism flows in the Baltics and more closely to Scandinavian countries, espe- Finland are then compared, and a short intro- cially Sweden, with independent peasants’ politi- duction to the Baltics and Finland as tourist des- cal and cultural sentiments. Estonian cultural and tinations is presented. We then look at some of political heritage has been orientated more to the most interesting trans-national projects in the Central Europe, especially Germany, with more field of infrastructural development. Finally, the Hanseatic and feudal features. results of a Finnish tourism practitioners’ interview Both countries have been influenced also by on the implications of the Baltics’ accession are the past political dominance of Imperial Russia: presented (Fig. 12.1). for Finland from 1809 to 1917, and for Estonia for about three centuries up to 1918. The prox- imity of the imperial capital, St Petersburg had The Relationship Between strong economic and cultural impacts on both Finland and Estonia countries. During the collapse of the Russian Empire and the Bolshevik revolution both The eastern enlargement of the EU from a nations gained their independence, Finland in Finnish perspective has important implications 1917 and Estonia in 1918. for the economic, cultural and political relation- Although the economic-political history ships of the countries around the Gulf of of the nations has been slightly different, their Finland. Along the course of history, the relative mental and cultural ability to communicate and permeability of borders in the region has change ideas has been extensive and versatile. ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 139 140 R. Komppula et al.

Fig. 12.1. Location map of the Baltic region.

The mutual communication, for example, of and cultural cooperation between the nations writers, scholars, and architects, was intense was minimal and strictly controlled by the coer- during the period of independence and cive Soviet policy and measures. However, even earlier under the Russian Empire, when tourism started to develop in spite of these cir- scholars of both nations could exploit the cumstances, organized by the Soviet state tour- wide-ranging imperial cultural and economic ism operators (e.g. Intourist, Sputnik) from the resources and international networks. A promi- late 1950s. Official political, cultural and labour nent feature of collaboration among ordinary delegations were characteristic for ‘tourism’ people was söber trade: barter trade between between Finland and Soviet Estonia, and Finnish and Estonian peasant families during indeed with the whole Soviet Union during the Imperial period and the later decades of the following three decades (Kostiainen, 1998). independence (Sepra, 2005). Fish and agricul- The situation was normalized after the collapse tural products were exchanged (and, unlaw- of the Soviet Union. From the moment that the fully, spirit from Estonia to Finland in the three Baltic states regained their independence, 1930s). preparations were begun for EU accession. Finland succeeded in preserving her inde- pendence after the Second World War, but Estonia and the other two Baltic states lost theirs The Post-war Finnish–Soviet/Russian in 1941, and became socialist republics within Relationship the Soviet Union until regaining their independ- ence after the collapse of the USSR in 1990. World War II was a painful process for Finland, The Soviets closed the border, and economic and its outcome required a revised attitude to The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 141

foreign relations, especially with the Soviet development projects. Finland, beside her own Union. In the Paris peace treaty, Finland lost ‘neighbourhood’ development funding for about 10% of her surface area, more than 10% adjacent Russian regions, now also had at her of her industrial and agricultural resources, the disposal EU initiatives such as INTERREG for country’s second biggest city, Viipuri (Vyborg), cross-border cooperation. In the EU, Finland the Petsamo corridor to the Arctic Ocean, and started to advocate a Northern Dimension pro- the tourist islands in the eastern Gulf of Finland. gramme with a strong emphasis on European Further, besides the financial and material repa- Russian policy in the sectors of energy, security, rations paid to the Soviet Union, Finland had to environment, legislation and health care. Finnish resettle more than 400,000 inhabitants from the direct investment in Russia had begun imme- lost region into a ‘mutilated’ Finland. diately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Former Finnish villages, towns (mostly Mobility across the Finnish–Russian border destroyed), cultural monuments and cemeteries has intensified during the last decade. Tourism were left beyond the new border. All these rem- from Russia has become more important in nants have become tourism attractions for the Finnish international tourism than the country’s generation that left the region and their off- neighbours. Finns are slowly returning to spring. Nowadays one of the more important St Petersburg, not so much for vodka anymore, types of tourism to Russia from Finland is com- but for cultural and architectural attractions, and prised of ‘nostalgia tours’ to the lost region of to Russian Karelia as a destination for nostalgia Karelia. The battlefields of the war have become and military tourists. resources for military tourism, where especially Beside tourism, there is emigration from war veterans and military historians like to visit Russia to Finland. One group of these emigrants (e.g. the Mannerheim line). are the ‘returnees’, the offspring of Finnish Russian An agreement for mutual cooperation was orthodox families who had to move to Russia concluded with the Soviet Union in 1947, and it from Finland under Swedish rule in the 17th flavoured Finnish–Soviet policy for the next century. Among the emigrants there are also 40 years, a situation that produced the pejora- members of ‘original’ Finno-Ugrian tribes living tive term ‘Finlandisation’. Bilateral trade was in Russia. A third group consists of offspring of based on annual barter agreements. Soviet exports the Finns who moved to the Soviet Union after to Finland consisted especially of raw materials, the 1917 revolution. Ethnic Russians are also such as fossil energy resources (oil and natural among the newcomers to Finland for family or gas), timber and chemicals. Finland provided employment reasons. manufactured goods, particularly machinery products and consumption goods. A special fea- ture of the barter trade was huge construction projects. Reflection on Transformations and Tourism was, as in Estonia, strictly con- EU Enlargement in the Baltic Sea Rim trolled, consisting of official delegation visits, cultural exchanges, and ordinary Finns visiting There are five major implications of the fall of St Petersburg as cultural tourist groups – often communism and successive EU enlargement to motivated by cheap vodka. After the collapse of be addressed here. the Soviet Union, tourism from Finland slowed First, the Baltic Sea has become almost an down quite a lot, partly because of uncertainty ‘inland sea’ of the EU. With the break-up of the and lack of organization. The biggest former Soviet Union and empire, Russia lost the major- Soviet tour operators owned by the government ity of its most effective international harbours or labour unions were split and privatized, and and, consequently, the Gulf of Finland has become some 10,000 SMTEs were created in Russia, in an important logistical corridor for Russian oil, an initially wholly unregulated environment. gas and other bulk exports (Peltonen, 2004, Finland’s accession to the EU in 1995 pp. 101–102). The growing importance of this changed the instruments of tourism develop- Gulf and the whole of the Baltic Sea in Russian ment on both sides of the border. Russian international logistics also has repercussions for subjects received TACIS funding for joint environmental considerations and, for example, 142 R. Komppula et al.

on the ways in which marine tourism can be Last, the deep gap in living standards and developed in the region. income levels between the EU15 countries and Second, the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad the Baltic accession countries and Russia is Oblast remains in the middle of the Baltic rim, narrowing only slowly. The salary and price with its need to maintain access to Russia proper differences between Finland and Estonia were and thus to sustain appropriate relations with its enormous during the years of pre-accession and Baltic neighbours and Poland. The Kaliningrad were still so in the first year of the enlargement, question is a challenging test for the European 2004. GDP for Finland was US$23,000 and Union’s Russian policy and especially its neigh- $25,000 for Sweden in 2002; for Estonia $4200, bourhood policy for bordering countries, which Latvia $3500, and Lithuania $3700. The differ- has implications for international tourism incen- ence for Finland was thus 5–6 times higher than tives in the southern part of the Baltic Sea rim. in the Baltic States. However, figures of GDP, This situation is significant when considering adjusted for purchasing power parity reveal the plan to upgrade the road connection from that the gap is not that impressive: Finland Finland to Berlin, the Via Baltica Nordica. This and Sweden $25,000, Estonia $11,000, Latvia route will be a part of a pan-European north– $8940, and Lithuania $9900 (Statistics Finland south corridor development from Finland to the 2004, p. 657). Balkans and Greece. The unadjusted GDP figures show us the Third, the effectiveness of international relative salary differences between Finland and mobility and tourism is dependent on border the Baltic States, but the adjusted figures reveal formalities and border-crossing facilities. Ways that living costs and prices have been much lower of crossing borders have also become easier in the Baltic States. The higher salary level is lur- with accession. However, the three Baltic ing Estonian experts to work in Finland (e.g. as States are not yet Schengen countries, so a doctors), indicating a higher risk of brain drain passport, but no visa, is needed for crossing in Estonia. However, for more than a decade their borders from other EU states. Some the neo-liberal economic policy, well-educated prejudices or exaggerated security measures labour force and lower price levels in the years that may prevail in the borders hindering of pre-accession, and especially after accession, flexible crossing date back to Soviet times, but have created a very attractive environment for these are changing. Finnish direct investment in all the Baltic States. After the Soviet collapse, a passport Finnish companies are especially investing in and visa barrier was formed. The citizens of the the Estonian retail trade and hotel business. Baltic Republics encountered similar formalities When, for example, Ireland, Portugal and Spain for crossing the Russian border as all other entered the EU, the level of foreign direct invest- visitors from abroad. This led also to the fourth ment increased exponentially (e.g. Karismo, implication, an aggravated situation for the 2002). In the Baltic countries this trajectory Russian-speaking minorities, especially in occurred prior to accession. Estonia (28% of the total population of 1.4m inhabitants) and Latvia (30% Russian plus 10% other minority groups out of 2.4m inhabitants). Regionalization of the Baltic Sea In Lithuania (3.6m inhabitants), the minority Rim Linked to the EU Eastern groups consist of 8.7% Russian and 7% Polish. Enlargement The unclear citizenship situation of minorities still obstructs, for example, VFR mobility from OneofthemostimportanteffectsoftheEU reaching the ‘expected’ level. The political strain has been the multi-level regionalization of the is also reflected in discussions about visa-free European economic space. The cohesion and access between the EU and Russia. Tension in structural instruments of the EU have contri- this matter is echoed in the media every now buted to a deepening cooperation between the and then, expressing the sentiment of reluc- regions at the provincial level through the real- tance towards deepening cooperation on both ization of the multi-provincial projects. These sides of the EU–Russian border, with conse- instruments have been of great importance espe- quences for trans-national tourism. cially in deepening cross-border cooperation, The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 143

and in the Baltic Sea rim trans-national tourism The Euro-region of the Gulf of Finland projects have been significant. wil provide neighbouring countries with an The inter-governmental Council of the Baltic opportunity to develop the Gulf rim as an Sea States (CBSS) is, among other issues, advo- international, marine-based tourism destination. cating and coordinating the EU’s Russian policy Here, three metropolises (Helsinki, Tallinn and in the Baltic Sea region (CBSS, 2002). Partly in St Petersburg), with their cultural heritage, tourism order to gain these objectives, Finland launched facilities and attractive natural surroundings could the Northern Dimension initiative of the EU in create a strong single market area of international the late 1990s. The joint European strategy for tourism at the global level. Also, Hoghland Island cooperation between the EU and Russia has in the middle of the Gulf of Finland may possess been delineated in the Northern Dimension promising potential for international tourism, Action Plan 2004–2006. although its political status in the Russian vision Although in the Action Plan tourism is only is still uncertain. In some of the schemes the rim implicit at present, it emerges as an important has been referred to as the ‘growth triangle of tool for regional development in the contribu- the Gulf of Finland’ (Council of General Affairs tions of various regional and thematic organiza- and External Relations 2003, p. 38). The eastern tions contributing to the Action Plan, e.g. in the enlargement of the EU and the ‘regionalization’ initiatives of the Union of the Baltic Cities (UBC), of the Northern Dimension initiative and pro- and the Baltic Sea States Sub-Regional Coop- gramme have created a mental and material eration (BSSSRC). These organizations are also base for the realization of this tourism vision. promoting trans-regional projects serving tourism, Euro regions have already launched cross- for example, the above-mentioned Via Baltica, border cooperation projects with infrastructural South Baltic Arch, and Via Hanseatica (CBSS, emphases, supporting means for privatization 2002, pp. 11, 16). and small and medium entrepreneurship, mar- Just to mention some other examples, keting, environmental protection, land-use plan- the Baltic Sea Tourism Commission (BCU) is a ning and upgrading governance. The majority supra-national apparatus of the national tour- of the projects are directly or indirectly linked ism boards and respective ministries. One of its with the tourism sector. From the viewpoint of important contributions has been Agenda 21 for Finland, it will be crucial that border crossings Baltic Sea Region Tourism, which offers guide- throughout the Baltic region along the Via lines for sustainable tourism development in Baltica start operating properly without any the Baltic Sea region. Tourism also has its own unexpected obstruction. working group among the other industrial clus- ters in the Baltic Rim Competitiveness Council showing that tourism is seen as a promising Tourism in the Baltic Countries sector in multinational economic development, and in Finland thus enhancing the overall competitiveness of the Baltic rim (Porter, 2001, p. 36). 2004, when the EU was enlarged from the Besides cooperation between states and previously 15 member states to 25, was a very governments, regionalization at the NUTS III good year for international tourism. International (Nomenclature of Territorial Statistical Units) tourism grew by 10% and incoming tourism to level is creating practical forums for most of the and within Europe grew by 4% measured by trans-regional and cross-border cooperation (CBC) the number of international arrivals (WTO, projects on regional development, cultural and 2005). The best results in Europe were achi- environmental collaboration and tourism. A new eved by the ‘emerging’ destinations of Central phenomenon created through the EU measures for and Eastern Europe (ETC, 2004, pp. 13–15). activating cross-border cooperation is the forma- The number of accommodation overnights tion of a process of ‘Euroregions’ that link the bor- increased by 21.1% in Estonia and 30.4% in der areas of Finland and the Baltic EU countries Lithuania (Table 12.1). Data on the number of and their adjacent areas in Northwest Russia and overnights in Latvia were not available to the Belarus. There are 12 Euro-regions being consoli- authors for 2004, but measured with the num- dated in the Baltic rim (e.g. Radvilavicius, 2004). ber of foreign departures (including day visits) 144 R. Komppula et al. Total % ous i % year from change prev a i a i n i gn i nland, 2002, 2003, 2004. i ghts thuan i i cs F i st i Total fore nland, Eston i over-n and L F ous i % year from change sm, 2004; Stat i prev a i thuan i % share a, 2001–2004. i L thuan i stays No. of a and L i ous i % year from change prev nland, Eston i st Board 2005; State Department of Tour i a i nF i es i t Eston % share i sh Tour l i i nn i on fac i stays No. of ous st Board, 2004; F 0.8 2,747,000 31.6 21.1 1,526,282 17.6 30.4 8,680,440 10.2 100 i i % − year from change n all accommodat prev i an Tour i nland i ght stays F i % share a/Eston i gn overn 5.4 43.7 42.3 21.1 i se Eston i stays No. of Fore Enterpr % change 2001–2004 2001200220032004 4,183,206 4,290,288 58.3 4,441,829 57.7 4,407,158 56.4 50.7 2.6 3.5 1,911,000 1,998,000 2,268,000 26.7 26.9 28.8 4.6 13.5 1,144,557 1,170,369 1,072,548 15.4 14.9 15.0 6.7 2.3 7,432,845 7,880,198 7,166,754 3.7 6.0 100 100 100 Year Sources: Table 12.1. The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 145

from Latvia, the number of foreign visitors grew of 4.2%. Finland had a decrease of 0.8% in by more than 20% (i.e. from 2.47m in 2003 to German overnights, while at the same time in 3.033m in 2004), a remarkable growth of more Estonia the growth was 34.1% and in Lithuania than half a million visitors (Latvijai Statistika, 45.8%. Finland has strong winter attractions for 2005) (see also Chapter 14). French and Italian tourists, and these should In order to examine to what extent the EU help to maintain Finland’s competitive advantage accession of the Baltic States has influenced tour- against the Baltic countries in the future. ism flows, a comparison of the development in Finland and the Baltic countries is presented in Table 12.1. As comparable data for Latvia were Finland and the Baltic Countries as not available to the authors, the comparison is Tourist Destinations limited to Finland, Estonia and Lithuania for 2001–2004. In order to better understand the competitive Finland’s share of all foreign overnights position of Finland as a tourism destination in among these three countries has diminished relation to the Baltic countries, a short summary from 58.4% in 2001 to 50.8% in 2004. Of all of research undertaken on the induced images these countries, Estonia has had the best growth of Finland and the Baltic countries is now pre- of 43.7% from 2001 to 2004, while the overall sented. An induced image is derived from a growth for these countries was 21.1%, which conscious effort towards tourism promotion was the result of very positive development in directed by tourism organizations (see e.g. Gunn, the Baltic countries. 1972). A content analysis conducted on travel Foreign tourism in Estonia is more or less brochures of Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and dependent on Finnish guests, which are in a Finnish national tourist boards showed some very dominant role, as they represent over 60% differences and similarities in the images of of all foreign overnights. Of the total growth of these countries (the brochures from Latvia and approximately 480,000 overnights in 2004, the Lithuania concerned only summer tourism). majority still come from Finland. The biggest In the Estonian brochures, nature was absolute growth after Finland comes from emphasized. In the winter brochure (Nordic Sweden and Germany. The most important with a Twist), most illustrations were of natural foreign markets for Lithuania are Germany scenery and forests. This brochure seemed to be (18.7%), Poland (13.7%), Belarus (12%) and targeted at people looking for peace and quiet. Russia (8.8%). In addition, both summer (Explore Estonia) and To obtain a more precise comparison winter activities described in Estonian brochures between Finland and the two Baltic countries, were outdoor ones taking place in nature. Fur- the development of foreign overnights are com- ther, the summer brochure emphasized experi- pared according to the most important foreign ences of unspoilt beaches, the countryside, small markets (Sweden, Russia, Germany, the UK, villages on the islands and forests. Both brochures France, Italy, Denmark and the USA), which also strongly promoted the history and architec- are common for all these countries (Table 12.2). ture of Estonia. Especially in the summer bro- For the markets described above, Finland chure, mansions and castles, medieval churches, showed an overall decrease of 1.2% in 2004. ruins of castles, museums and even cemeteries By contrast, Estonia experienced 37% growth were illustrated. The nightlife in Tallinn and Tartu and Lithuania 42.8%. Estonia and Lithuania was advertised as being sophisticated and versa- combined had about 700,000 overnights from tile. In the winter brochure, the focus was on the the above-mentioned countries, whilst the cor- advantages of Estonia as a tourist destination, responding figure for Finland was about 2.8m. and notably accessibility (see Chapter 13). Although Finland is still the market leader The emphasis in the Latvian brochure in relation to the Baltics for the Russian market, (Latvia Discover) was on the history, culture and the Baltic countries can now be seen as compet- traditions of Latvia. Latvian history was promoted itors. In the Swedish market, Estonia improved in pictures from castles and palaces, as well as its overnight figures by 37.8% and Lithuania in stories of Latvian royalty. The cultural side by 19.6%, while in Finland there was a decline of Latvia was pointed out by the presentations 146 R. Komppula et al. % change a i nland 2004. i 2004 a, 2003 and 2004. thuan i i cs F L i st i thuan i a and L i 2003 sm, 2004; Stat i nland, Eston i nF i es % change i t i l i a on fac i i 2004 Eston st Board, 2005; State Department of Tour n all accommodat i i 2003 es i sh Tour i nn i 1.2 510,571 699,573 37.0 482,549 689,008 42.8 0.4 398,996 553,535 38.7 338,164 503,172 48.8 2.6 73,060 94,843 29.8 46,564 64,575 38.7 0.8 122,189 163,842 34.1 196,121 285,958 45.8 4.2 134,189 184,871 37.8 29,674 35,493 19.6 8.5 81,321 101,546 24.9 108,277 134,746 24.4 − − − − − − % change dents of selected countr i st Board, 2004; F i nland 2004 i F an Tour i ghts from res i a/Eston i 2003 se Eston i Number of overn es Enterpr i es above 2,746,378 2,714,315 i a 489,486 447,982 i dence i USATotal for countr 193,532 211,930 9.5 30,254 44,492 47.1 36,108 51,090 41.5 FranceItalyDenmarkEU-countr above total 201,070 99,328 153,948 2,063,360 219,200 105,600 2,054,403 162,859 9.0 6.3 5.8 15,350 26,008 28,200 28,962 28,510 52,507 88.7 86.2 9.6 18,760 22,957 24,088 34,607 45,158 37,381 84.5 96.7 55.2 UK 420,237 409,150 Germany 551,636 547,410 Sweden 637,141 610,184 Russ Country of res Sources: Table 12.2. The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 147

of different cultural events including music Most new member countries have several and ballet, as well as by highlighting museums benefits compared to Finland. The accessibility of and galleries. The traditions of the country were these countries, not only due to their location, but shown in the stories celebrating Christmas and also due to their tourist attractions will develop midsummer. The capital city of Latvia, Riga, was further in the near future. Already today, several especially promoted in the brochure. The nightlife low-cost airlines fly to the new member countries in Riga was described as intensive and sophisti- (Davidson, 2004). In addition, the quality of road cated. The city was also mentioned to be the fash- and railway networks is improving at a brisk pace. ion centre of the Baltic countries. Nature was also The new member countries will tempt highlighted: long beaches and rare animals were tourists with their exoticness, moderate price emphasized. An orientation towards children levels and easy accessibility (Lohmann, 2004). was also evident: the country was presented as a The European Tourism Forum in Budapest in safe and natural holiday resort for families. October 2004 found that the new member The national tourist board of Lithuania pro- countries had become more attractive in the vided only brochures of Vilnius for our survey. A eyes of international chains and investors. It is to brochure for walking tours emphasized buildings: be expected that their tourist infrastructure will churches, mansions, castles and the town hall. improve at a fast pace (Davidson, 2004). EU Finland’s winter brochures tend to focus on subsidies will also enable more intensive invest- Lapland and its attractions: Santa Claus, Lapps, ments in product development and marketing. In reindeers, northern lights, constructions of snow addition, EU membership itself will promote (snow castles and igloos, ice hotel) and eating positive publicity for the countries concerned. by the fire. Brochures promise ‘the ultimate snow adventure’. Summer promotions empha- size nature and the activities that can be carried out in it, with an emphasis on water. Culture is a Improving Consistency Through second emphasis. Infrastructure Developments In all the brochures from the Baltic countries and those from Finland, nature was a central The World Tourism Organization (WTO, 2001, focus. However, there were some differences in p. 44) has envisioned that Central and Eastern emphasis. In Latvia, sandy beaches were pro- Europe, accession countries of the Baltic rim moted. In Finland, the focus was also on water included, will be the fastest growing tourism and the beautiful scenery of the inland lakes. In area in Europe by 2020. The Baltic rim might Estonia, the emphasis was more on forests and be one of the Northern European cultural and nature trails. Nevertheless, in the Baltic countries, economic ‘hot spots’ (Ellerman-Jensen, 2002). the induced image communicated in the bro- From the viewpoint of Finland, an important chures placed stress on cultural and historical dimension will be the substantial upgrading of aspects. The medieval architecture was espe- the infrastructure of the eastern side of the Baltic cially portrayed. In Finnish brochures, culture Sea and the activation of the measures of the was more in a supporting role to nature. In sub-regions (administrative provinces) towards Finland, the versatility of services and activities reaching deeper and wider cooperation. was emphasized and the information concerning There are three trans-national routes, these activities was much more detailed than in which have been on the Finnish agenda as to the brochures of the Baltic countries. the infrastructural development of the north- During the ITB fair in Berlin in 2004 eastern Baltic Rim. The Middle Nordic Corridor and 2005, it appeared that Baltic and Central will link the provinces of the middle parts of European countries (especially Poland, and also Norway, Sweden and Finland and will increase the Czech Republic and Slovakia) now offer their mutual cooperation partly by INTERREG similar travel experiences as Finland and other funding. Also, the Mid-Scandinavian link to Nordic countries. For example, Estonian spas, St Petersburg has been added to the scheme, the Polish lake district, hiking and snow holidays and funded partly by TACIS CBC. The concept in the Tatras, are serious competitors for Finnish implicitly includes tourism as an industry to be travel products. jointly developed. 148 R. Komppula et al.

The King’s Road links the Nordic capitals, domestic sources. The sub-sectors that benefit Oslo, Stockholm and Helsinki to St Petersburg. from tourism income are: This concept emphasizes provincial and local ● personal and public transport and related tourism developments along the road. The activities (44%); touristic purpose of the King’s Road was further ● accommodation, restaurants and catering strengthened, when a cruise line started opera- (17%); tions along the northern shore of the Gulf of ● travel agents, operators and tourism sup- Finland in 2000. Improving Estonian access to porting services (16%); the EU, her northern provinces also joined this ● retail trade (13%); project. New financial instruments will be used ● petrol stations and car repairers (6%); to extend the project to the south, and thus ● cultural, recreation, sports and activity also link Latvian and Lithuanian cities to the services (3%); and extension of the King’s Road. ● other tourism-related industries (1%). The third trans-national route is Via Baltica Nordica, for which the provincial authorities Across most of these sub-sectors the of southern Finland have argued for more than ownership structure is based on small units and a decade. It has been highly prioritized in the micro-tourism enterprises (SMITEs), with only Finnish international traffic policy. Now the few large or medium-sized firms. For example, concept links Mo-i-Rana (Norway) with mid- 85% of the country’s 10,100 hotels, restaurant Swedish and Finnish provinces through Helsinki and catering enterprises employ fewer than to the Baltic capitals, Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius, five people, and only 0.5% have more than 100 continuing to Warsaw and Berlin, or through employees. The ten largest firms employ approx- Kaliningrad directly through northern Poland to imately 20% of all the labour force (72,000) Berlin. The main objective of the route is to in this sector. Approximately 28% of all the develop a chain of national economic develop- tourism-related enterprises are located in the ment zones in order to link the ‘smart regions’ Finnish countryside, and almost all of these can of the respective countries together (Hämeen be classified as SMITEs. Tourism is the main Liitto, 2002). source of income for only 25% of SMITEs, with None of the bigger infrastructural develop- around 40% being part-time entrepreneurs ments has been very successful at the trans- (Peltonen, Komppula and Ryhänen, 2004). national level yet, and, for example, they do not About three-quarters of all foreign travellers serve Finnish international ground traffic as effec- visiting Finland are on a leisure trip. July is the tively as had been expected. In all the trans- busiest month in general, but in Lapland national projects, besides basic construction and Christmas and the ski season are the busiest times reconstruction of roads and railways, border- of the year. More than one-third of foreign travel- crossing facilities, traffic services, safety systems lers regard Helsinki as their main destination in and information facilities for serving inter- Finland. About 5% of all the foreign visitors go to national tourism have been on the supra- Lapland (Finnish Tourist Board, 2004). Accord- national agenda, but international coordination ing to research on organic images of Finland in is still scant and the border crossings are espe- European markets, nature is a strong although not cially weakly organized. overwhelming element of the image held by con- tinental Europeans, both for those who have visi- ted Finland and those who have not. As a whole, Impacts of Baltic Countries’ winter elements are associated with Finland more EU Accession on the Finnish often than summer elements (e.g. the midnight Tourism Industry sun) (Komppula and Saraniemi, 2004).

The Finnish tourism industry General impacts and perspectives Although tourism is increasingly being recog- nized as an export industry in Finland, over The impacts of Baltic enlargement on the 80% of tourism income currently comes from Finnish tourism industry were investigated by The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 149

interviewing Finnish tourism specialists repre- in the Baltic countries for many years. Initially, senting transport operators, the Finnish Ski the possible increase in the number of tourists Area Association, spas, the Association of the will be caused by business travel. Nevertheless, Finnish Tourism Industry and persons responsi- the image of Finland in the Baltic States is positive ble for tourism marketing in the cities of Helsinki and Finland has received a lot of media publicity. and Turku. Finland is still the nearest destination, or at least One important impact relates to changes in the most easily accessible European destination, air traffic and the EU ‘open skies’ policy. After especially for the Estonians, and, for example, the Baltic countries’ accession, air traffic Finnish amusement parks offer very attractive increased considerably. The price level for the family tourism destinations. national airlines in the Baltic countries is now The Baltic countries’ accession is believed generally lower than in other EU countries as a to have the biggest impact on Estonian tourists, response to the arrival of budget airlines. but the majority of these new tourists are likely Favourable air fares have clearly increased tra- only to visit Helsinki and the surrounding area. velling in general, not merely shifting passen- The tourist office of Helsinki estimated that even gers from other modes of transport or from in the longer-term the maximum growth in tour- other airlines. ist numbers would only be about 4%. Yet EU It is believed that the Baltic countries attract membership has made it easier to travel from mid-European tourists for their history with Estonia to Finland and the demand for tourism the Soviet Union. Moreover, accessibility from products has clearly diversified. In addition to mid-Europe to the Baltic countries is easier Helsinki, now more tourists are interested, for than, for example, to Helsinki. Mid-European example, in ski centres in southern Finland. Due tourists travelling to the Baltic countries by car to high prices of fuel in Finland, typical Estonian do not have to cross the sea, while by plane tourists travelling by car drive only as far as they they are an hour earlier at their destination. It is can get with the fuel they have bought in their believed that travel will increase considerably home country. Consequently, in winter the ski when the Baltic countries join the Schengen centres in southern, and perhaps some in southern Treaty and the Euro zone, and as infrastructure mid-Finland benefit most. For example, the ski improves further. The accession of the Baltic centre of Himos is marketing heavily in Estonia. countries into the EU has strengthened Western Currently, the driving distance is too long and Europeans’ feeling of security towards travelling plane tickets are far too expensive for a typical to the Baltic region. Estonian tourist to travel to Lapland. Today, Finland, as well as Helsinki, is posi- Because of easy travel between Tallinn and tioned as a part of Scandinavia, and the image Helsinki, Helsinki could serve as a starting and is Scandinavian. It will be interesting to see in return point for American and Japanese tourists the future if, and how, the tour operator sector will making a tour in the Baltic countries. This could, combine Helsinki with Baltic countries. Already however, also create a threat. At present, Tallinn today one can find several tour operators which offers added value to Helsinki as a day-trip desti- have at least included Helsinki as a destination nation. In the future, the situation could reverse: in their Baltic brochure (e.g. Dertour, Mare Tallinn might be the main destination, from Balticum Reisen). where tourists will visit Helsinki for a day-trip. This can result from lower price levels and deve- loping air connections. In the international mar- Opportunities for the Finnish tourism kets Helsinki has until now promoted Tallinn at industry following EU accession its own expense. In the future, it will be important of the Baltic countries to have a common marketing plan, as Tallinn puts more effort into marketing. It is thought that integration into the EU will Impacts of EU integration on the protection not enhance travel from the Baltic countries to of the Baltic Sea may be significant. With the Finland significantly. Considering the small Baltic countries within the sphere of the population and its weak economic situation, it EU’s environmental laws, there are better possi- is unlikely that leisure travel will increase greatly bilities for cooperation in the protection and 150 R. Komppula et al.

improvement of the condition of the Baltic. The noisy families with children and the over-55s Baltic countries are already collaborating in who want peace and quiet. attracting large cruise liners, and if pollution is In the short term, the lower level of wages reduced, it will influence the attractiveness of in the Baltic will influence the competition in the Baltic as a cruise destination (notwith- passenger ship traffic. Consequently, the market standing that some cruise liners can produce shares of the shipping companies in Estonia, considerable marine pollution). Although St Finland and Sweden will be reallocated. The Petersburg is not involved in this cooperation, it Baltic countries’ accession eliminated the mar- is still the prime Baltic attraction for American ket for tax-free trade, so the shipping companies cruise lines, for example. have been forced to rethink their strategies. This Recently, both Turku and Helsinki have has brought about versatile product supply and started novel forms of collaboration with the cit- increased programme offerings. In the long run, ies of Estonia. If Finland and other countries in the increased supply is expected to show in the Baltic Sea region are going to place the increased demand. Subsequently, the weakest archipelago and the sea as main attractions in companies will be eliminated from the market their international marketing, the quality of the and the good ones will survive. This is consi- water will be a key factor. Direct flights from dered to be a positive development. Finland to certain Baltic cities and especially low The Baltics’ accession has also brought cost airlines offer new possibilities, such as city some distinct drawbacks to the Finnish national breaks for new markets. Volumes will not be airline. Previously, the main part of the air traffic big, however, because of the poor economic between Tallinn and Helsinki consisted of con- situation of the countries concerned. The repre- necting flights, but now direct flights from sentatives of the cities believe, however, that Tallinn are also possible, so there is no longer a with the help of different events and other major need to fly through Helsinki. attractions the new EU member travellers could Although Finland reduced alcohol taxes as be persuaded to travel north instead of to mid- Estonia was about to enter the EU, the high Europe. prices and monopoly position of the Finnish government in the alcohol market presents problems for the hospitality, travel and tourism Threats industry. It is now much cheaper to spend weekends, have business parties, birthdays and The lively spa culture in Estonia forms a threat other family celebrations in the restaurants of to the Finnish spa industry. Rehabilitation that is Tallinn than in those of Helsinki. In addition, meant for working people to maintain their there is now a possibility to import alcohol and ability to work is a growing business. Moreover, other purchases much more advantageously more and more Finnish senior citizens are using and without restrictions. Consequently, many these wellness services. Estonia and other Baltic Finnish customers, private or business, prefer countries have a long history of rehabilitation, Tallinn to Helsinki. well-being and relaxation services. Their price Other Baltic countries are also predicted level is considerably lower than in Finland and to become competitors in MICE markets. New their service quality levels have risen noticeably destinations, like Riga, have always been inter- in recent years. Many completely new spas have esting for conference organizers, but both Latvia been built in Estonia and old ones have been and Lithuania have a lot to learn before they renovated to meet the requirements of Western can achieve important positions in MICE mar- customers. kets. Especially in Estonia, old mansions and It is predicted that in the near future the castles have been renovated for the use of tour- social insurance institution of Finland will fund ists, and for Finnish conference visitors these are rehabilitation provided to Finnish citizens in exotic and therefore attractive alternatives. More- other EU countries such as Estonia, if it is more over, in the future when interesting programmes economical than in Finland. Most of the spas in are developed to suit these historic surround- Finland have not segmented their markets and ings, this area will also become a competitor in they simultaneously try, for example to serve incentive travel markets. The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 151

Summary and Conclusions from a the new member countries, such as safety and Finnish Perspective the hygiene conditions, underdeveloped infra- structure, weak service levels and, to some Tourism development in the Baltic countries has extent, also a relatively high level of criminal been very positive in recent years. Although 2004 activity (Employers’ Confederation of Service was an exceptionally good year in international Industries, 2003). Moreover, the countries are tourism generally, the growth figures in Estonia not known very well. However, all these draw- and Lithuania are much higher than the aver- backs can be remedied in the course of time. age of 4% in Europe. This indicates that interest The EU programmes and financial instru- in these ‘new’ destinations with their rich ments and initiatives have also helped Finland cultural heritage, improving services, seaside to upgrade her tourism industry, especially in resorts and beautiful countryside, competitive the more peripheral areas and border regions price levels, and the extra publicity given by the through tourism projects funded by ESF, ERDF EU accession have increased incoming tourism and INTERREG. Also, the profile of foreign significantly. tourist markets became more diverse (Statistics Although Finland is still a more consider- Finland 2004, pp. 31–32). Cohesion and struc- able destination for incoming tourism than the tural instruments have assisted Finland to acti- individual Baltic countries, Finland cannot neglect vate her cross-border cooperation (CBC) tourism the competition emanating from these coun- development especially with Estonia and Russia, tries. In 2004 Estonia and Lithuania combined which implemented their programmes for CBC had nearly as many foreign overnights in com- development, PHARE and TACIS respectively, mercial tourist accommodation as Finland. If the in the mid-1990s. figures of Latvia were also taken into account, It is clear that Finland will become one of the Baltic countries as an entity would be a big- the net payers in the EU budget and the amount ger incoming destination than Finland. When of agricultural, structural and regional subsidies the very competitive price level, proximity to, received will be reduced. Thus, one of the effects for example, the German market, and the avail- of the new member countries on the structure of ability of low cost flights is added to the attrac- present funding is, for example, the reduction of tions mentioned above, the Baltic countries can subsidy areas and levels for Finland. It is clear be seen as serious competitors to Finland for the that the tourism industry in Finland will also be immediate future. supported in the future, but the conditions for Lower prices for alcohol and other con- funding will tighten and competition for public sumer goods and services have made Estonia a funding will become even tougher. Tourism must shoppers’ paradise for the Finns and Swedes, compete for ‘subsidy euros’ with other sectors. although the earlier trans-national tax-free Tourism will not be supported as such, unless it shopping on the ferries ceased after EU acces- is competitive. Thus, in the future, the Finnish sion. Daily shopping trips, short breaks, ‘mini tourism industry must be prepared for less EU cruises’, and spa and wellness tourism have been funding for development projects. the impetus for substantial growth in Estonian The Finnish tourism industry needs to tourism development. The Finnish consumption become more customer-oriented, to have a of tourism services acted as a trigger for the clearer focus on markets and to strengthen the upgrading of the Estonian tourism industry to structure of the industry in order to sustain a replace the Soviet monolithic structures. Although competitive advantage in European markets. there have been many unacceptable side-effects This means that business unit sizes should linked with the Finnish (and Swedish) ‘booze grow and the efficiency as well as the flexibility tourism’, the rapidly growing tourism industry of distribution channels should be developed. as a whole has pushed the Estonian economy The industry also needs to pay more attention forward and nowadays tourism accounts to product design. for over 8% of Estonia’s GDP (e.g. Huang, Finland is nearer to the Baltic countries 2000). than, for example, Sweden or Norway, so there On the other hand, there are also factors are good preconditions for cooperation in this that hold back the growth of tourism for some of new situation, in which the centre-point of the 152 R. Komppula et al.

Baltic Sea countries has moved more to the assistance has been crucial in the process of this east. Winter tourism will be even more impor- work: Ms Helen Reijonen M.Sc. and Ms Hanna tant for Finland, while that time of the year will Varis M.Sc. (the University of Joensuu), who be very challenging for the Baltic neighbours, assisted with the data on induced images, and especially in leisure travel. Rein Luuse M.Sc. (University of Tartu, Pärnu College, Estonia), who revised the text dealing with Estonia and her cooperation with Acknowledgements neighbouring countries. The authors would also like to thank all the interviewed experts The authors wish to express their warmest and cooperative partners who contributed to thanks to the following people, whose help and this study.


CBSS (Council of the Baltic Sea States) (2002) Contributions Towards a Northern Dimension Action Plan 2004–2006. Compilation of Written Contributions from CBSS Working Bodies and Partner Organisations. Stockholm: The Secretariat of the Baltic Sea States. Available at: Council of General Affairs and External Relations (2003) Northern Dimension – Second Northern Dimension Action Plan, 2004–2006. Brussels: Council of the European Union Note 13112/03. Davidson, R. (2004) Economic Trends Report September 2004. London: EIBTM. Available at: Ellerman-Jensen, U. (2002) Opening of the 11th CBSS Ministerial Meeting. Baltic Development Forum, March 2002. Copenhagen: Baltic Development Forum. Available at: sideid=506&sprog=1 Employers’ Confederation of Service Industries (PT) (2003) EU Enlargement and Private Service Branches. Helsinki: PT. Available at: eunlaajentuminen2003.pdf Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board (2004) Tourism in Estonia in 2004. Preliminary Results by Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board as of 31 March 2004. Tallinn: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board. Available at: ETC (European Tourism Commission) (2004) Tourism Insights – Outlook for 2005. Brussels: ETC Research Report No 2005/2. Finnish Tourist Board (2004) Border Interview Survey 2003. Foreign Visitors inFinland in 2003. Helsinki: Finnish Tourist Board (MEK) A:136. Finnish Tourist Board (2005) Monthly Data on the Number of Nights in Accommodation Facilities inFinland for the Biggest Origin Markets from January 1993 Onwards. Helsinki:Finnish Tourist Board. Available at: Gunn, C.A. (1972) Vacationscapes: Designing Tourist Regions. New York: Van Nostrand. Hämeen Liitto (2002) Via Baltica Nordica – Vyöhykeen Kehittäminen Jatkuu. Hämeenlinna: Hämeen Liitto. Available at: Huang, M. (2000) Estonia: beyond alcohol tourism. Central Europe Review 2(14), 10 April. Available at: Karismo, A. (2002) Sijoitukset Itä-Eurooppaan kasvavat. Helsingin Sanomat, 24 May, p. D5. Komppula, R. and Saraniemi, S. (2004) Organic images of Finland in European markets. Tourism Today 4, Autumn, pp. 37–51. Kostiainen, A. (1998) Mass tourists, groups, delegates: travel from Finland to the Soviet Union from 1950 to 1980. In: Peltonen, A. and Heikkinen-Rummukainen, M. (eds) Trends in Russian Research on Tourism. International Forum for Tourism Research. Savonlinna: University of Joensuu, the Finnish University Network for Tourism Studies No. 3. Latvijai Statistika (2005) Basic Socio-Economic Indicators: Number of Latvia’s Border Crossings.Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Available at: Lohmann, M. (2004) New Demand Factors in Tourism. Budapest: Presentation at the European Tourism Forum, October 15. The Baltics’ Accession: Finnish Perspectives 153

Peltonen, A. (2004) Matkailu ja logistiikka Itä-Suomen lähialueyhteistyössä [The role of tourism and logistics in the neighbourhood cooperation in eastern Finland]. Muuttuva Matkailu [Tourism in Transition] 2–4, 100–109. Peltonen, A., Komppula, R. and Ryhänen, H. (2004) Overview of SMEs in Tourism: Finland. In: Morrison, A. and Thomas, R. (eds) SMEs in Tourism: an International Review. Tilburg: ATLAS, pp. 25–33. Porter, M.E. (2001) The BalticRim Regional Agenda. Stockholm: Baltic Development Forum, Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics, September 25. Radvilavicius, S. (2004) Cross-border Cooperation in the Baltic Countries and North-West Russia. Copenhagen: Norden, Nordic Council of Ministers. Sepra (2005) Summary. Hamina, Finland: Sepra. Available at: State Department of Tourism (2004) Lithuanian Tourism Statistics 2003–2004. Vilnius: State Department of Tourism. Available at: Statistics Finland (2002) Tourism Statistics 2002. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. Statistics Finland (2003) Tourism Statistics 2003. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. Statistics Finland (2004) Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2004. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. WTO (World Tourism Organization) (2001) Tourism 2020 Vision. Global Forecasts and Profiles of Market Segments. Madrid: WTO. WTO (World Tourism Organization) (2005) World Tourism Barometer, Volume 3, No.1. Madrid: WTO. 13 Estonia – Switching Unions: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development

Jeff Jarvis and Piret Kallas

Introduction Economically, it can be seen that Estonia has benefited greatly from the tourism industry, It wasn’t that long ago that the Baltics in with over €5.8bn in receipts being generated general, and Tallinn in particular, were between 1993 and 2003 (Enterprise Estonia/ regarded as a fringe destination, an exotic Estonian Tourist Board, 2004a). The economic stopping place for cruise ships and a pin on the impact of the industry, as highlighted in Fig. 13.1, map for the more adventurous backpackers. has grown dramatically from €91.8m in 1993 Rest assured that those times are no more. € (In Your Pocket, 2005) to over 900m in 2004, with a substantial increase occurring in the year Estonia acceded The above guidebook quote highlights the fact to the EU (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist that the Estonian tourism industry is booming Board, 2005). In terms of total exports, the with investment and tourists flocking to the coun- industry in 2003 accounted for 40% of all ser- try. In 2004, overnight visitors were estimated to vice exports and 13% of total exports, a rise have increased by 20%, receipts from tourism by from 32% and 9% in 1993. Additionally, the 21%, the supply of bed spaces throughout Statistical Office of Estonia estimated in the country by over 33% (Enterprise Estonia/ 2000 that the industry accounted for 8.2% of Estonian Tourist Board, 2005) and passenger GDP and over 45,000 full-time jobs (Enterprise numbers at Tallinn airport grew by 40% (Tallinn Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2004b). With Airport, 2005). Indeed, Eurostat (2005) indi- demand forecast to grow annually by 6.4% to cated that in terms of total number of overnights 2015 and capital investment by 7.7% (WTTC, compared to the same period in the previous 2005), the long-term outlook for the Estonian year, Estonia was the fastest growing tourism industry is positive. destination in the EU25 for the first 9 months of Estonia has responded proactively to the 2004. Tallinn’s strategic location in the Baltic opportunities presented to it in the tourism Sea is also leading to its growth in popularity as industry, launching the ‘Brand Estonia’ cam- a cruise destination, with 331 ships due to dock paign in 2002 to act as a point of focus for their in 2005, an increase of more than 100 on the marketing strategy as they moved towards EU previous year (Baltic Stand-by News, 2005). membership. Since 1995 the industry has CNN World Business Report even broadcast on moved away from being over-reliant on same- 9 November, 2004 that the former Soviet day visitors and the Finnish market, and has socialist republic was one of their tourism ‘hot seen investment in and the development of spots’ to visit for the following year. product sectors such as the convention industry, ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 154 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 155

Fig. 13.1. Estonia: international tourism receipts and expenditure, 1993–2004 (?m). Source: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board 2005. health spa tourism and off-season city breaks. Evolution of the Tourism Industry in Overall it can be argued that the road to EU Estonia accession has impacted positively on the tourism industry in Estonia, accelerating its Tallinn, the walled medieval capital city is cur- development, although most of the impact has rently the chief attraction for the majority of been indirect. This can be divided into three tourists visiting the country. It has fulfilled this categories: role over the centuries as it was one of the initial 1. EU accession, in association with NATO destinations where tourism developed in Estonia. membership, has assisted in creating a percep- However, mirroring the contemporary trend for tion of safety and security in the country. This spa tourism (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist in turn with the economic management of the Board, 2004b), the primary attraction for visi- country has created the foundation for a posi- tors to Estonia was the discovery that the sea tive business environment and increased the flow mud from the Baltic coast town of Haapsalu of both foreign and local direct investment to the could be of therapeutic benefit. Subsequently, industry as well as international visitors. the first health resort built by the town doctor, 2. EU membership has facilitated increased Carl Abraham Hunnius, opened in 1825 and access to the country by making it easier to visit, immediately became popular with the Russian with the removal of cross-border bureaucracy aristocracy (including Tsar Nikolai II), intellec- and increased transport access to the country, tuals and artists, as well as the local Baltic most notably stimulating the arrival of budget Germans. This led to the growth of similar health airlines into the industry. spas throughout the 1800s in Parnu (1838), on 3. The imminent arrival of a ‘new’ country Saaremaa (1840) and Narva-Joesuu (1872) into the EU also led to unprecedented quantities (Kallas, 2002). of free publicity for Estonia in the media, The first geopolitical shift to affect the both within the EU and internationally. This in region was World War I and, not unexpectedly, turn raised awareness of the destination in the it had a major impact on the tourism industry. international marketplace and provided a The lifeline of the Russian inbound market platform on which to promote ‘Brand Estonia’. was cut off after the revolution of 1917 and the 156 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas

Table 13.1. Estonia: international visitors by citizenship, 1926–1939.

Country of residence 1926 1928 1930 1932 1934 1936 1939

Latvia 52,738 8,211 74,809 66,277 61,761 127,056 53,643 Finland 4,528 7,834 13,899 5,587 6,559 12,221 13,286 Germany 3,523 4,299 5,686 3,852 5,072 5,566 5,008 Sweden 861 1,261 1,361 1,024 1,903 5,432 7,074 Russia 2,172 2,373 1,247 1,091 1,074 1,032 778 UK 875 1,774 2,799 3,068 1,070 1,414 1,108 USA 596 885 1,102 772 514 801 712 Lithuania 877 693 688 563 539 927 1,409 Other 3,689 4,146 5,157 3,382 3,862 5,661 5,310 countries Total 69,859 105,375 106,748 85,616 82,354 160,111 88,328

Source: Kallas, 2002. majority of tourism infrastructure lay in a operating up to twice per week between Tallinn state of decay. Inbound tourism in the newly and Helsinki. In its first year of operation independent Estonia of the 1920s focused on some 10,000 foreigners came to Estonia on a rebuilding the industry. This led to a reorienta- quota system related to available bed spaces, tion that saw the country being marketed to through the Soviet travel agent Intourist and her near neighbours, the Finns, Swedes and selected travel agents in Finland (Kallas, 2002). Latvians, many of whom were attracted to her ‘Capitalist’ tourists were only permitted to stay coastal resorts (Unwin, 1996). Table 13.1 shows in approved accommodation for international that by 1936 over 160,000 international visitors guests and were expected to purchase a pre- were travelling to Estonia, an increase from packaged tour of Tallinn where they would be 1926 of 129% (with a heavy reliance on Latvia shown the Old Town (Fig. 13.2) as well as the and Finland); but by the end of the 1930s, ‘new and improved’ 1960s housing projects, World War II led to the destruction of much of such as the suburb of Mustamae (a 1960s the tourism infrastructure and saw the country high-density, high-rise ‘village’). occupied by both the Nazis and the Soviets. The opening of the 829-bed Hotel Viru in 1972 altered the landscape of international tourism and by the end of the 1970s it alone The Soviet Tourism Era in Estonia was accommodating between 40,000 and 50,000 visitors (Jaakson, 1996). Estonia still The structure of leisure tourism that existed remained a mainly closed country with the pre-World War II in Estonia was regarded as a majority of visitors only permitted to go to ‘non productive’ industry by the Soviet occupiers Tallinn and even the historic university town of and its major benefit was redefined either as a Tartu was off limits due to the proximity of a propaganda tool or as a means to recuperate military airport (Unwin, 1996). The Moscow the workforce (Hall, 1991). After the death of Olympics came to Tallinn in 1980 in the form of Stalin in 1953 international travel to the USSR the yachting regatta. This further stimulated became easier, but the tourism industry in Soviet hotel construction, which led to the Hotel Estonia had become primarily associated with Olympia and the Pirita Sport Hotel. The free- internal or inter-republic domestic travel. Inter- doms gained under Gorbachev and Perestroika national tourism to Soviet Estonia increased in the late-1980s stimulated a boom in tourism substantially when the sea link to Finland was as restrictions were eased. This importantly re-established in July 1965, with the ferry encouraged an ‘independent’ tourism industry Vanemuine (named after an Estonian folk hero) to emerge to fill the gaps left by Intourist, Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 157

reflect the region’s reintegration into Europe (Worthington, 2001, 2004). The ferry link to Tallinn from Helsinki had been the lifeline of Estonian tourism since the 1960s and in the period post-1991 it almost threatened to overwhelm Tallinn with Finns. This led some guidebooks to describe the capital as a ‘virtual suburb’ of Helsinki (Williams et al., 2000). The number of Finnish visitors increased from an estimated 120,000 in 1985 (personal communication from O. Sööt, Director of Intourist, Estonia (1966–1991)) to 1.52m in 1995 when they accounted for 72% of all foreign arrivals to Estonia. Most of this increase can be attributed to same-day visitors and can be explained by the close proximity of Helsinki, the linguistic and cultural links, and by the economic incentive of cross-border trade (Unwin, 1996). Tallinn quickly became an established shop- ping destination for Finns where, after taking a short ferry ride, they could purchase Western goods at a heavily discounted rate in comparison to Helsinki. This led to the fact that by 1994 up to Fig. 13.2. 1960s tourist guide to Tallinn. 40% of all retail purchases in the Estonian capital were attributed to them (Worthington, 2001). including the servicing of the ferry traffic by the Most importantly, the arrival of large num- provision of guided tours, excursions, folk enter- bers of foreigners acted as a stimulant in the early tainment and meals (Worthington, 2001). This years of independence for entrepreneurs to gen- also encouraged the establishment of tourism erate employment and foreign exchange earnings organizations such as the Estonian Association either independently or with the assistance of a of Travel Agents in April 1990 (Estonian Western partner (primarily Scandinavians and Association of Travel Agents, 2005). Finns). Additional benefits with Finnish partner involvement in tourism included adoption of Western business ethics and managerial knowl- edge, such as in the spa industry in Estonia. As The Transition Era 1991–1994 Worthington (2001) argues, this in turn acted as a stimulant in the overall transition process, and The importance of tourism as a stimulation possibly even the catalyst. His thesis here is agent in the transition process has been pro- based on the premise that those economies with posed by a number of researchers. Hall (2001) a larger service sector directed at the inter- argues that theoretically tourism as an industry national market attracted higher levels of for- was integral to post-Communist regional eco- eign investment and thus achieved a greater nomic restructuring and the transition process rate of progress in the transition process. as a whole. Worthington (2001) builds on these arguments by adding that tourism in common with the rest of the entrepreneurial service sec- The Road to the European Union: tor is not capital intensive, employs large num- Estonian Tourism 1995–2003 bers of workers, attracts foreign investment and produces results within a remarkably short time In November 1995, Estonia submitted its appli- frame. Additionally, in the case of Estonia, it cation to accede to the European Union and would provide the model for the transformation since then a steady market reorientation has of an industry exposed to market forces and occurred, as can be clearly seen from Table 13.2. 158 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas 2003 2002 2001 280,751 281,041 295,620 a 2000 332,000 a an passports. i 1999 299,100 th Russ i a dents w i 1998 an res i on. i vals, 1996–2003. 1997 i d accommodat st Board, 2004. i i tor arr i s i an Tour i nclude a number of Eston i d and unpa onal v i i 1996 665,000 730,000 825,000 950,000 1,220,000 1,320,000 1,362,000 1,462,000 a/Eston i nternat i ng at pa i a: i n 1998–2000 i b se Eston i tors 1,769,621 1,888,484 2,083,819 2,230,530 2,090,300 1,910,323 1,891,012 1,915,837 vals 2,434,621 2,618,484 2,908,819 3,180,530 3,310,300 3,230,323 3,253,012 3,377,837 i tors Eston i tors stay i vals i s i i s s i i Enterpr a 72,597 80,168 82,593 80,330 92,544 112,981 129,493 127,275 gn arr i i ght v an arr i i a 142,000 188,000 232,000 ne 7,685 8,806 14,300 13,376 14,842 15,319 15,810 16,806 i sh share 69% 67% 62% 60% 58% 56% 56% 53% a 230,000 249,000 325,000 437,000 419,000 450,246 401,536 414,447 i n 3,631 3,794 5,106 9,362 9,748 12,907 17,358 22,276 i i i dence i nland 1,689,416 1,761,019 1,813,380 1,912,157 1,913,622 1,809,617 1,824,728 1,787,576 nn thuan i i i Russ Includes v Overn Same-day v BelarusPolandCzech Rep.HungaryUSACanadaJapan 3,370All fore 10,902 3,394 2,803 3,493 14,529 3,160 45,925 6,243 3,812 4,228 4,000 17,164 35,372 4,767 6,047 4,536 4,666 12,746 67,442 4,832 6,743 7,148 5,900 4,787 16,122 58,248 5,669 7,648 4,438 22,390 7,033 7,594 88,286 6,877 9,236 6,679 29,250 98,672 8,253 9,562 7,457 10,965 38,055 8,097 70,958 7,928 9,595 12,457 83,144 6,974 9,084 8,765 9,488 L Ukra Country of res a b SwedenNorwayDenmarkGermanyUKItalyFrance 74,921The Netherlands 12,195 12,244Spa 38,084Latv 100,763Russ 15,338 17,542 8,382 18,582 108,790 33,384 8,381 8,487 17,692 18,476 6,971 23,059 132,818 45,071 9,092 6,798 20,091 15,933 158,159 33,263 7,700 48,124 15,100 9,750 24,418 109,756 16,269 35,417 57,784 7,748 17,181 10,579 134,232 27,940 16,190 44,297 70,491 149,822 9,383 15,226 10,703 36,025 16,694 57,050 85,850 10,536 43,457 18,537 12,157 17,800 104,957 59,324 11,916 21,103 14,852 71,097 16,422 33,053 20,293 F F Source: Table 13.2. Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 159

Although Finnish visitors still dominate the market numerical increase of 95%, and the nearby for total visitor arrivals, the reliance the Estonian Scandinavian markets of Sweden, Denmark and tourism industry has on the market is diminish- Norway significantly growing by 112%. ing. In 2003, visitors from Finland accounted for The earlier lifeblood of the industry, same- 53% of all arrivals compared with 72% in 1995 day visitors, only grew by 8% between 1996 (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, and 2003, while overnight visitors increased by 2004b). Over the same time period, a reorienta- 120% and from 27% to 43% of all international tion towards the more distant EU markets has arrivals. Clearly the market was reorientating occurred, in particular Germany, the UK, Italy, towards overnight visitors and away from France, The Netherlands and Spain. As a group, cross-border shopping, or ‘vodka tourists’, as these countries grew by over 213% in contrast some early Finnish visitors were described with total visitor arrivals to Estonia, which only (Worthington, 2001). grew by 39% over the same time period. Market Given the high percentages of same-day share has also been gained by the near Eastern visitors it is worthwhile to consider the data for markets of Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and those who stayed overnight. Figures shown in Ukraine, up from 19% to 25% in 2003, a Tables 13.3 and 13.4 demonstrate that these

Table 13.3. Estonia: number of foreign tourists staying in registered accommodation, 1995–2003 (excluding health spas).


Country of residence 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003

Finland 185,040 341,407 467,082 611,895 610,182 Sweden 22,748 34,546 51,226 55,943 60,513 Germany 23,006 25,592 28,369 43,617 66,615 Latvia 10,239 16,046 21,527 25,219 28,333 UK, Ireland 7,739 14,608 16,537 23,513 31,557 Russia 12,914 12,190 14,953 24,989 35,340 Norway 4,542 7,556 10,731 16,298 29,213 Lithuania 8,615 11,981 11,536 12,267 14,092 Denmark 6,540 9,368 11,725 11,107 14,527 Benelux countries 4,002 4,624 6,132 6,981 10,815 Italy 3,233 3,773 5,622 7,180 13,003 France 2,119 3,193 5,281 4,958 8,233 Poland 1,661 2,031 2,443 5,343 11,424 Spain, Portugal 865 1,804 2,208 5,107 9,033 Switzerland 1,481 1,452 2,049 2,945 3,745 Austria 1,277 2,341 2,271 2,309 3,450 Czech Republic, 1,003 963 1,608 1,202 2,586 Slovakia Hungary 691 624 877 986 1,477 Other Europe 12,644 19,478 12,178 10,719 15,462 USA 13,516 13,830 14,398 14,687 12,513 Canada 1,681 1,937 2,175 2,191 1,517 Japan – – 5,405 6,907 6,893 Other countries 5,297a 11,070a 7,337 11,709 9,843

Total foreign visitors 330,853 540,414 703,670 908,072 1,000,366 aIncludes Japan. Source: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2004. 160 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas

Table 13.4. Estonia: number of tourist overnights in registered accommodation, 1995–2003 (excluding health spas).


Country of residence 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003

Finland 305,663 469,081 616,068 877,623 896,978 Sweden 45,443 60,012 81,224 93,936 100,201 Germany 47,913 46,818 53,859 80,392 117,386 UK, Ireland 16,452 29,937 36,458 56,291 75,315 Russia 23,939 21,897 27,306 52,401 71,305 Latvia 16,539 25,438 29,968 37,504 40,739 Norway 9,942 14,316 20,642 33,642 59,062 Lithuania 15,305 17,899 17,359 20,468 22,446 Denmark 13,248 20,413 22,480 21,769 24,937 Benelux countries 7,925 8,910 12,598 15,195 22,805 Italy 6,939 8,010 11,870 15,708 27,993 France 4,431 5,949 9,191 9,895 15,169 Poland 3,285 3,968 4,608 11,200 38,168 Spain, Portugal 1,563 2,617 4,562 8,363 16,048 Hungary 1,362 1,175 2,771 2,792 3,859 Switzerland 3,298 3,074 3,542 5,859 6,973 Austria 2,089 4,308 3,841 4,673 6,333 Czech Republic, Slovakia 2,314 2,033 2,846 3,089 4,937 Other European countries 29,611 36,565 23,920 23,460 34,966 USA 31,475 29,150 31,808 34,975 29,264 Canada 4,192 4,783 4,908 5,097 4,110 Japan – – 8,780 11,379 12,637 Other countries 14,688a 18,407a 13,994 20,011 18,644

Total foreign visitors 607,616 834,760 1,044,603 1,445,722 1,650,275

aIncludes Japan. Source: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2004. visitors increased significantly between 1995 ● maintaining the on-going growth trend of and 2003, breaking the one million visitor mark tourism receipts and domestic tourism; for the first time. Importantly, more Finns were ● increasing the average length of stay in encouraged to stay in overnight accommodation accommodation establishments; with an increase of 230% from 1995 to 2003 ● increasing the relative share of overnight accounting for 61% of the market (Table 13.4). visitors; ● increasing expenditures made by overnight visitors; The Estonian National Tourism ● diversifying into a wider range of markets; Development Plan 2002–2005 and ● widening the product range; and ‘Brand Estonia’ ● achieving a better regional distribution of tourism (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist In order to manage the development of the Board, 2004b). industry, the Estonian government published a strategy to chart a course for the future direction The strategy identified that the key target of the industry to 2005. The stated objectives markets for Estonia were Finland, Sweden, listed were: Russia, and the more distant markets of Germany Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 161

and the United Kingdom. Additionally, the plan highlighted the development of four priority products in Estonian tourism: conference tour- ism, historical and cultural heritage tourism, nature tourism and national parks and activity holidays (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2004b). During 2001, and timed to take advantage of the media coverage associated with the hosting of the 2002 Eurovision song contest, Estonia commenced the marketing initiative ‘Brand Estonia’. Branding is increasingly gain- ing recognition in tourism marketing as an essential step in the international marketing of destinations. Van Ham discusses the develop- ment of the branding of states in the political context and defines the ‘brand state’ as the out- side world’s ideas about a particular country that can have an impact on a country’s eco- nomic and political attention. This he defines as a state’s strategic equity (Van Ham, 2001). Tourism destination brands are also increasingly beginning to reach beyond the tourism industry (Morgan et al., 2002). Estonia’s stated multiple Fig. 13.3. ‘Estonia: Nordic with a twist’. An example of a marketing brochure to promote objectives of the branding campaign were: Estonia in winter (2004). Note the ‘Brand Estonia’ ● to enable the country to achieve greater logo, launched in 2002, in the top right corner. success in attaining foreign direct investment; ● to expand the tourist base beyond Sweden and Finland; and that were taking place (Enterprise Estonia, ● to increase exports to European markets 2002). Additionally, the country was identified (Enterprise Estonia, 2002). as ‘a Nordic country with a twist’ (Fig. 13.3), These objectives are similar to those fol- and the Estonian people as radical and reform- lowed by other post-Communist states as ing, resourceful and environmentally minded, noted by Hall (2002). In branding a destina- calm and peaceful (Gardner and Standaert, tion, establishing a differentiation from other 2003). Importantly, this shifted the perception competitors is essential, as is developing a of Estonia to the Nordic/Scandinavian region, brand identity. Brand identity involves the differentiating it from the other Baltic States and development of a vision of how that brand Russia. The logo for the brand was the words should be perceived by its target market (Aaker ‘Welcome to Estonia’ in the shape of the and Joachimsthaler, 2000; Grönroos, 2000). country. Although hotly debated internally This then helps establish a relationship amongst Estonians, the branding campaign between the brand and the customer by gener- provided a marketing focus in the prelude to EU ating a value proposition potentially involving accession in May 2004. functional, emotional or self-expressive bene- fits (Aaker and Joachimsthaler, 2000). The Estonian brand essence emphasized Inbound Tourism to Estonia in 2004 the essential character of the country and people and was described as ‘positively trans- Tourism to Estonia boomed in the EU member- forming’. This was primarily based on the ship year of 2004. Additional visitors staying successful transition the country had just experi- in paid accommodation numbered 261,000, a enced and the positive nature of the changes substantial percentage increase of 24%, while 162 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas

visitor nights increased by 21% (Tables 13.5 preliminary data of 2004, holiday tourists and 13.6) (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist account for 66% of foreign tourists at accommo- Board, 2005). This growth trend was not merely dation establishments, with 5% being conference a reflection of the summer peak season as each delegates, 18% other business tourists and month of 2004 demonstrated high growth rates 12% travelling for other purposes (Enterprise in comparison to the respective month of 2003 Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, In terms of the major source markets, the 2005). Among the 1.37m overnight tourists, substantial growth rates in the number of 200,000 stayed at health spas, an increase of Finnish, German, Swedish, Italian, Latvian and 66,000. In total, this rapidly growing segment British tourists mainly contributed to the overall accounted for 32% of foreign visitor overnight increase, although tourist arrivals from almost stays in accommodation establishments (Enter- all other markets have increased substantially as prise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). well (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, Reviewing the market by type of holiday, 2005). While between 2001 and 2003 tourism the main growth sectors have been: (i) city flows from Finland to Estonia had been stabili- breaks to Tallinn, (ii) tours combining Estonia zing, the number of Finnish tourists started to and its neighbouring countries, popular with increase again in the fourth quarter of 2003. tourists from Western and Southern Europe, This was related to additional ferry capacity and (iii) spa holidays, popular with tourists being available on the Tallinn–Helsinki route from Finland and Sweden. To a lesser extent, and the opening of several new hotels and spas. conference tourism has also increased by 20%, Tourists staying at the hotels of Tallinn account although from a smaller base. According to the for almost 66% of the increase in Finns, while

Table 13.5. Estonia: visitor arrivals, 2004 (staying in paid accommodation including health spas).

Arrival numbers Change 2004/2003 growth

Country of residence 2003 2004a Nos %

Finland 706,473 843,871 137,398 19 Sweden 66,751 89,042 22,291 33 Germany 68,151 85,643 17,492 26 Russia 37,320 42,348 5,028 13 Latvia 29,230 40,956 11,726 40 UK 30,151 38,903 8,752 29 Norway 29,842 35,798 5,956 20 Italy 13,127 25,642 12,515 95 Lithuania 14,320 20,555 6,235 44 USA 12,761 19,411 6,650 52 France 8,326 15,086 6,760 81 Denmark 14,894 13,915 –979 –7 Spain 7,921 12,177 4,256 54 The Netherlands 7,826 10,490 2,664 34 Japan 6,901 7,362 461 7 Austria 3,487 5,757 2,270 65 Switzerland 3,791 4,694 903 24 Czech Republic, Slovakia 2,624 4,997 2,373 90 Hungary 1,489 2,267 778 52 Canada 1,567 2,981 1,414 90 Foreign tourists 1,112,746 1,374,414 261,668 24 aEstimated. Source: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005. Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 163

Table 13.6. Estonia: number of overnights for visitor arrivals, 2004 (staying in paid accommodation including health spas).

Overnights by country of residence Growth 2004/2003

Country of residence 2003 2004 Nos %

Finland 1,411,623 1,664,799 253,176 18 Sweden 134,189 184,871 50,682 38 Germany 122,189 163,842 41,653 34 Russia 81,321 101,546 20,225 25 Latvia 42,682 59,532 16,850 39 UK 73,060 94,843 21,783 30 Norway 61,381 81,288 19,907 32 Italy 28,200 52,507 24,307 86 Lithuania 22,977 32,068 9,091 40 USA 30,254 44,492 14,238 47 France 15,350 28,962 13,612 89 Denmark 26,008 28,510 2,502 10 Spain 13,631 21,878 8,247 61 The Netherlands 16,094 21,698 5,604 35 Japan 12,648 14,174 1,526 12 Austria 6,420 10,620 4,200 65 Switzerland 7,059 8,905 1,846 26 Czech Republic, Slovakia 5,025 10,255 5,230 104 Hungary 3,877 4,844 967 25 Canada 4,254 7,245 2,991 70 Total foreign visitors 2,267,873 2,746,806 478,933 21

Source: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005. spa tourists (mainly in Pärnu and near Tallinn) touring holidays in the Baltics (in the summer account for a quarter of the increase. In total, season), also the number of Germans’ off-season spas accounted for 19% of Finnish tourists and city breaks to Tallinn increased substantially, 44% of Finnish overnights at all accommoda- apparently thanks to additional flights from tion establishments in 2004 (Enterprise Estonia/ Germany to Tallinn and the lower prices offered Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). by airlines (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist The number of Swedish tourists in 2004 Board, 2005). After a decline in 2003, tourist showed a substantially larger increase of 33%, in arrivals from Latvia soared in 2004, exceeding comparison to the average growth rate of around considerably also the 2002 result. This was mainly 8% in previous years. The growth in Swedish visi- brought about by simplified border crossing tors occurred mainly in Tallinn and the resort regulations after joining the EU, which stimulated town Pärnu (in the latter due to increasing popu- touring in Estonia by car and led to an increase in larity of spa holidays). In 2004, spas accounted Latvian overnights especially outside Tallinn for 35% of Swedish overnights at Estonian (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). accommodation establishments (compared with 26% in the respective period of 2003) (Enter- prise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). Impacts of European Union Tourist arrivals from Germany continued to Membership increase at a similar rate as they had done in the past few years (20% in 2002; 30% in 2003 and From examining the statistical evidence it is 2004). In addition to the increasingly popular clear that the Estonian tourism industry is in a 164 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas

positive growth phase and undergoing a market conveyed some of the attributes associated with reorientation away from same-day visitors and the union to ‘Brand Estonia’, most notably in an over-reliance on the Finnish market. As a regard to issues of perceived safety and security replacement, Tallinn appears to be developing (Managing Director of the Estonian Association as a year-round city break destination for more of Travel Agents, personal communication). distant EU markets. In addition, market niches In expectation of a considerable increase are developing in segments such as spa tourism, in visitor flows (especially overnight visitors) cruise tourism, conference tourism (Enterprise after EU accession, the accommodation and Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2004b) and spa sectors attracted substantial investments backpackers (Clark and Jarvis, 2005). Member- (D. Visnapuu, Managing Director of Estonian ship of the EU has had a significant role in this Hotel and Restaurant Association, personal com- growth and the development of the industry. munication). This investment flow has resulted in There are three broad arguments that can be a 33% increase of bed places between January proposed on how membership has impacted 2003 and July 2004. During the same period, upon the industry. the number of bed places in Tallinn increased by 37% (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). Figure 13.4 shows an investment peak in EU membership fostered a positive 2003 as membership of the EU drew nearer. business climate and stimulated Additionally, in order to further develop the investment in infrastructure: increased industry, tourism infrastructure development and supply marketing funds were also available for strategic projects under the EU’s PHARE project prior to The move towards the EU, in association with May 2004 (Enterprise Estonia, 2005). Estonia joining NATO in March 2004, gene- rated a favourable business climate that increased the perception of security for both Regulatory changes associated with investors and tourists. This in turn led to incre- EU membership stimulated increased ased investment in accommodation and the transport access and removal of border marketing of Estonia (including the launch of controls: ease of access facilitated the ‘Welcome to Estonia’ brand), which in turn increases in demand contributed to the stimulation of increased visi- tor flows. In terms of tourist perceptions of the The structural changes associated with moving destination, the linking of Estonia to the EU toward EU membership facilitated streamlined

20,000 17,224 18,000 16,347 16,000 14,000 ) s 12,000 nd 10,000 usa 8000 (tho

€ 4043 4946 5813 6000 3747 4000 2484 2386 2647 4911 2000 1388 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Ye ar

Fig. 13.4. Estonia: foreign direct investment in hotels and restaurants, 1994–2004 (?000s). Source: Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005. Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 165

border-crossing procedures and increased The fifth freedom ‘open skies’ policy of transport access to Estonia by road, air and sea. the EU and the competitive threats posed by The Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board budget airlines influenced Estonian Air to alter also believe that faster border-crossing pro- its structure prior to EU membership to shore up cedures and simplified requirements for car its competitive position. This is a strategy that insurance after EU enlargement contributed to has been followed by other incumbent airlines an increasing number of Finnish, Latvian, in response to the arrival of low-cost carriers Lithuanian and Polish car travellers, as well as (Pender and Baum, 2000). This restructure continuing growth in the number of German involved the national carrier introducing sub- tourists travelling via Baltic countries by car, stantially lower one-way airfares that were coach or caravan (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian available to be purchased over the internet Tourist Board, 2005). starting from October 2003 (Enterprise Estonia/ On the Stockholm–Tallinn sea route, new Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). Additionally, ships entered service. One ferry with the capacity Estonian Air launched new routes to Amsterdam, to carry 2500 passengers added a stopover Berlin, Oslo, Munich, Brussels and Dublin and on the Åland Islands so as to maintain duty-free increased frequency to Copenhagen, London sales, whilst another offered cruises from and Hamburg. Stockholm to Tallinn three times a week targeted Once EU membership was attained, the at Swedes (Fig. 13.5). Another route also Italian budget carrier, Volare (May 2004), and opened up between Tallinn and St Petersburg easyJet (November 2004) started flying bet- and a high-speed catamaran entered service on ween Tallinn and the UK, Germany and Italy the Tallinn–Helsinki route. (Fig. 13.6). The arrival of easyJet on the London– Tallinn route stimulated a 185% increase in the number of British visitors in November and December 2004 (Enterprise Estonia/Estonian Tourist Board, 2005). During the first 4 months of these flights to Tallinn, 10,000 additional British tourists stayed at accommodation establishments in Estonia compared to the same months in the previous year (Enterprise Estonia/ Estonian Tour- ist Board, 2005). This correlates with the findings of Pender and Baum (2000) that low-cost carriers can create new markets. However, there is some

Fig. 13.5. Brochure from the Nordic Company Silja Line promoting the commencement of a thrice weekly ‘day trip’ cruise to Tallinn from Stockholm (October, 2004). The caption reads Fig. 13.6. A poster in central Tallinn advertising ‘Now in Autumn you can travel with the West the launch of budget airline easyJet’s London and Indian cruise ship Silja Opera to Tallinn’. Berlin services. 166 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas

concern about the type of segments that can be The advantage for Estonia was that the EU attracted initially, with adverse comment being accession was a big enough story to encourage passed on the number of British stag/hen week- a regular stream of reporters and feature writers ends being attracted to Tallinn (Anon, 2004), rais- directly to the country. This pre-EU coverage ing the issue of the impact of these on the image further built on the increased exposure Estonia of Estonia. Overall, however, only a small per- secured in the European media during the host- centage of total visitors to Estonia are on such ing of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2002. In weekends and many bars in 2004 had started to 2004 alone, newspapers and magazines, such publicize that such groups were not welcome in as Le Figaro, The Times, Newsweek, Wall their establishments (as broadcast on the TV Street Journal, Elle, Time, The Economist, Le series Fast Track, November 2004 (BBC World Monde, Marie France, The Daily Telegraph, Television)). Coles and Hall (2005), however, Cote Est published articles promoting a positive warn of the potential long-term impact that such image of Tallinn as a tourist destination segments may have on the branding and posi- (Estonian Foreign Ministry, 2005). Importantly, tioning of destinations. a positive image makes people more perceptive to favourable word of mouth and it also helps them screen information, making it easier for Imminent EU membership led to the firm (or tourism board) to communicate increased media coverage of Estonia effectively (Grönroos, 2000). This positive pub- both within and outside the EU: licity can be equated to hundreds of thousands stimulated demand of euros worth of promotion.

As the 2004 accession countries moved closer to the EU, this stimulated substantial media coverage (Coles and Hall, 2005). Media cover- Future Implications age is widely sought after in tourism marketing as it is essentially free and is regarded by It can be seen that a number of factors asso- consumers as far more believable than paid ciated with Estonia’s accession to the EU have advertising. Many countries, such as Australia, positively impacted on the tourism industry and have sponsored visiting journalist programmes further accelerated its development. Dr Reinhard to encourage publicity of the destination Klein, Head of the European Commission’s (Tourism Australia, 2005). An effective story in tourism unit, was correct in March 2004 when a targeted magazine can be highly powerful, he predicted that due to the low levels of especially if it can convey the desired brand existing demand all new EU countries would attributes. In Estonia’s case, the latent or experience remarkable growth (Coles and Hall, dormant brand image may have in fact been 2005). The challenge for the future of the indus- non-existent or at least extremely limited, thus try is to manage the growth to ensure that the providing a unique opportunity for positioning industry is sustainable. This was already the brand. This fact was identified in the back- identified in the tourism development strategy ground on the development of ‘Brand Estonia’ 2002–2005 (Estonian Ministry of Economic by the government in 2002. Affairs and Communications, 2005). Strategi- Our re-emergence on the European stage has cally, the Estonian industry needs to focus on a given us a critical and rare opportunity to make number of points. a first impression on millions of European Initially, the focus must be placed on business people and potential tourists. For most attracting high-yield visitors and dispersing of them the name Estonia will be unfamiliar, or, tourists outside the capital. This can occur in a if they have any impressions at all they will couple of ways, initially by encouraging existing more likely than not be vague or even negative visitors to stay longer. Generally, this can be regarding Estonia’s occupied past or perceived achieved by product development, and the poor weather. response of Finns and Swedes to spa holidays (Enterprise Estonia, 2002, p. 46) in Estonia is a case in point. Additionally, Estonia can also target high-yielding niche Estonia: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development 167

markets such as convention delegates and European has had a substantial impact on the segments with high dispersal and greater length industry. The country initially sought a replace- of stay, such as spa tourists, special interest ment market for internal USSR visitors, first visitors, backpackers and international students. turning to the Finns who flocked to the country Although backpackers and international stu- primarily as same-day visitors motivated by dents may not spend a lot of money per day, cross-border shopping in the early years of tran- their extended length of stay and lower levels of sition (see also Chapter 12). Over time, and as economic leakage increases their strategic EU membership was placed on the agenda and importance and makes them high-yield visitors then slowly grew closer, the market started to (Jarvis, 1994). Efficient research is the key to reorientate away from the reliance on Finland identifying these high-yield segments, however, and same-day visitors towards overnight stays as an indirect impact of EU accession the and more distant EU markets. industry lost access to border-guard statistics of It is clear that the EU accession process total visitors and the government is yet to has had a positive, albeit indirect impact on commission a fully funded replacement inter- accelerating the development of the tourism national visitor survey. industry in Estonia. First, it has assisted in Second, the industry needs to effectively facilitating the increase in investment in the manage the marketing of the destination and industry by, along with NATO membership, ‘Brand Estonia’. Managing the brand involves increasing the security associated with foreign trying to sustain and leverage the media direct investment. This has led to an increase in coverage the country is now gaining as a new accommodation and the supply of tourism EU member, and ensuring the desired brand products. This has also affected demand where attributes are conveyed. Third, the continued the increasingly secure image of Estonia within diversification of their source market needs to Europe directly countered the lawlessness be maintained by targeted marketing and perceived in the initial break-up of the Soviet associated product development to suit the Union. In effect, some of the positive attributes desired segments. Fourth, seasonality needs to associated with the European Union were be addressed by targeting the segments that are transferred to ‘Brand Estonia’. likely to visit between November and March to Second, the policy shifts associated with ensure consistent returns for investors. A case in joining the EU, namely the removal of border point is the success of marketing Tallinn as a controls and the ‘open skies’ policy has winter city break, especially to the more distant increased access to the country from the other EU markets. Fifth, if the growth potential of the EU member states. Within months of Estonia industry is to be realized, further investment in joining the EU the first budget carriers began education is necessary, with in 2004 only one touching down at Tallinn airport. Additionally, tertiary institution offering tourism education. in response to EU membership the national Finally, the growth in tourism the country is carrier, Estonian Air, was restructured into a low currently experiencing, particularly in the Old cost carrier with an increased number of routes. Town of Tallinn, must be managed effectively to Finally, membership of the EU generated a ensure that the city doesn’t develop into a deluge of foreign media coverage of Estonia, medieval theme park to the exclusion of the primarily within the EU, but also globally. This locals. media coverage then acted as free promotion of the country in key markets and can be associ- ated with stimulating demand and acting as a platform for communicating the elements of the Conclusion ‘Brand Estonia’ strategy that was devised in 2002. The EU accession process has firmly put The evolution of the tourism industry in Estonia Estonia on the road to being recognized as a presents a case study in major market reorienta- small but significant player in the Northern tion due to associated shifts in the geopolitical European tourism industry: it has helped to environment of the country. The most recent upgrade tourism infrastructure, facilitated shift of ‘switching unions’ from the Soviet to the increased access to and from the country, and 168 J. Jarvis and P. Kallas

stimulated demand for visitors, primarily from focus on high-yield international visitors who other EU countries, to be ‘welcomed to Estonia’. will spread the economic benefits throughout The primary challenges for the industry are to the whole country and to manage ‘Brand address some of the structural anomalies and Estonia’ effectively in the global marketplace.


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Kallas, P. (2002) Tourism and Holiday Business. Tallinn: Estonian Encyclopedia. Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R. (2002) Destination Branding: Creating a Unique Destination Propo- sition. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pender, L. and Baum, T. (2000) Have the frills really left the European airline industry? International Jour- nal of Tourism Research 2, 423–436. Tallinn Airport (2005) Tallinn Airport Traffic Statistics. Tallinn: Tallinn Airport. Available at: http://www.tallinn- Tourism Australia (2005) Tourism Australia. Sydney: Tourism Australia. Available at: http://www.tourism. Unwin, T. (1996) Tourist development in Estonia. Tourism Management 17(4), 265–276. Van Ham, P. (2001) The rise of the brand state: the postmodern politics of image and reputation. Foreign Affairs 80(5), 2–6. Williams, N., Kokker, S. and Galbraith, K. (2000) Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, 2nd edn. Melbourne: Lonely Planet Publishing. Worthington, B. (2001) Riding the ‘J’ curve – tourism and successful transition in Estonia. Post Communist Economies 13(3), 389–400. Worthington, B. (2003) Change in an Estonian resort: contrasting development contexts. Annals of Tour- ism Research 30(2), 369–385. Worthington, B. (2004) Estonian national heritage, tourism and paradoxes of transformation. In: Hall, D. (ed.) Tourism and Transition: Governance, Transformation and Development. Wallingford, UK: CABI Publishing, pp. 83–94. WTO (World Tourism Organization) (2005) Facts and Figures: Information, Analysis and Know-how. Madrid: WTO. Available at: WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council) (2005) Country Report Estonia 2005. Available at: http://www. 14 Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development

Iveta Druva-Druvaskalne, Ilgvars Abols and Agita Škara

Introduction Latvia is a land of diverse terrain where plains alternate with hillocks and river valleys; Latvia is located on the eastern coast of the 57% of the territory lies above 100 metres Baltic Sea, bordering Estonia in the north, although the highest land is just 311 metres Lithuania in the south, Russia and Belarus above the sea level. The country has more than in the east, the latter acting as an EU exter- 2,250 lakes, most of which are found in eastern nal eastern border. The territory of Latvia Latvia. Nearly all inland waters are pollution- (64.589 km2) is only a little smaller than that of free and ideally suited for swimming and fish- The Netherlands and Belgium together; it is ing. The sea coast stretches 497 km along the larger than Switzerland or Denmark, but its Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga. At present, population is one of the smallest among EU 8.5% of Latvian territory is protected by law. member countries at just 2.3m, with a low There are four state reserves, three national population density averaging 36 people per parks, 22 nature parks, 211 nature reserves, six km2 (Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, protected landscape areas, and one biosphere 2004a, p. 32). reserve. They offer important environments for An ethnic demographic mix is largely the ecotourism (Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, result of massive post-war immigration, which 2004a, pp. 6–8; Pilats, 2004). resulted in a decline in the proportion of ethnic Latvia is divided into four historical cul- Latvians from 77% in 1935 to 52% in 1989. tural regions: Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale and In the post-Soviet period the proportion of Vidzeme, named after ancient tribes who used Latvians has grown, reaching 58% in 2004. to live in each area. They present a diversity of Russians and other Baltic groups make up cultural landscapes. These include distinctive most of the remaining population. Nearly one farmhouses and a range of wooden buildings third of Latvia’s population (739,000) lives in in traditional architectural styles, castles from the capital city, Riga, founded in 1201. The medieval times, manor houses and churches. value of Riga’s cultural and historical signifi- In 1991 Latvia declared the restoration cance has been recognized by the fact that the of its independence, and in 2004 the coun- city’s historic centre has been included in try’s most important foreign policy goals – UNESCO’s list of the world’s most important membership of both the European Union and cultural and natural sites. NATO – were fulfilled.

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 170 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 171

Factors Influencing Tourism declared the Latvian Song and Dance festival Development of Latvia together with the Lithuanian and Estonia Song festivals ‘masterpieces of intangible culture Global tourism tendencies are favourable heritage’ in 2003 (Ministry of Culture of the to tourism development in Latvia Republic of Latvia, 2003). The presence of a number of religions Various global events have affected travel to a within the country helps to promote tolerance in certain extent; therefore, due to security reasons society. Aglona Basilica in the south-east is a travellers prefer destinations closer to their place major Catholic pilgrimage destination, which of residence (Hall, 2005, p. 283) and Latvia is annually celebrates the Assumption of Blessed located near the tourism generating regions of Virgin Mary, attracting more than 420,000 Europe and Russia. people (District Council of Preiki, 2004). Soviet One of the most significant factors that heritage provides new tourism products, such as will affect world tourism in future is the ageing the employment of military objects in Liepaja demographic structure in industrialized countries Military port and Ventspils International Radio (UN, 1998; Hall and Page, 2002, p. 341). By Astronomy Centre (former USSR military cosmic 2050 one in five people will be aged 60 or older communication centre). (UN, 1998). Along with the improvement of living conditions the average life expectancy will Latvia as a new tourism destination increase, although in Latvia the average life expectancy is 8 years less than the average in As a member of the EU, Latvia is now better Europe: 71.4 years in 2003, compared to 66.7 in positioned in the international tourism market. i o 1995 (T si a, 2004). This factor will present chal- Many EU citizens mainly travel around the terri- lenges for the development of tourism product tory of the EU. Over a period of 2 years it was and infrastructure in future. Considering its tour- found that three-quarters of all EU citizens ism resource potential, Latvia is ready for these did not travel outside of the Union’s borders challenges. The country is also well positioned in (European Commission, 2003). Latvia is a relation to the globalizing driving forces of IT, comparatively cheap, relatively high quality, telecommunications and international trade. comfortable and not overcrowded destination. In 2004, border-crossing data indicated that 37% of foreign visitors were arriving in Latvia Political and geographical position for the first time (Briksne, 2005b). Indeed, arri- vals have increased every year since 1995, Germans, Swedes, Poles and Russians have recog- rising by 2004 to 3m (0.7% of all European nized the advantages of Latvia’s geographical travellers), a 22% increase on the previous year position. However, Latvia should better position (Table 14.1). itself as the centre of the Baltic States, promot- A majority of foreign visitors are still from ing the development of Riga as the capital of neighbouring countries, notably Estonia and the Baltic region. Within a 1-hour flight of Lithuania (in 2004, 28% and 30% of the total, Riga live 100m people. The Baltic States should respectively). The number of foreign travellers collaborate to develop common tourism pro- from the CIS countries has diminished (Briksne, ducts for the international tourism market, with 2005b). German arrivals in 2004 occupied third Latvia at the heart of such cooperation (Latvian place (7%). More than 50% of all foreign tourist Institute, 2005). overnights in provincial areas were by German tourists (Seilis, 2005). Natural and cultural heritage tourism resources Tourism management and administration: institutional capacity strengthening Latvia is characterized by a variety of natural and cultural landscapes, ancient folklore and folk- In the period 1993–2003, tourism was the art traditions and traditional cuisine. UNESCO responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and 172 I. Druva-Druvaskalne et al.

Table 14.1. Latvia: inbound tourism, 1997–2004.

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Non-residents entering 1824 1801 1718 1914 2039 2273 2470 3033 Latvia (‘000) % change against the 6.5 –1.3 –4.6 11.4 6.5 11.5 8.7 22 previous year

Source: Briksne, 2005a.

Fig. 14.1. Latvia: institutional structure of tourism administration.

Regional Development and was not considered 1200 a priority requiring serious investment. One of the 1041.60 arguments for making tourism the responsibility of the Ministry of Economics was commonality 1000 re u with other EU countries. This ministry estab- t i lished a Department of Tourism ( 800 employing eight professionals (see Fig. 14.1). 600 The main task of this department is the creation 457.70 m (LVL'000) dget expend s i of tourism policy, elaboration of legislative docu- r bu u 341.90 l 400 ments, and promotion of international coopera- a 286.90 n to

i 211.90 on i tion. The Latvian Tourism Development Agency t 175.20 a 109.40 (LTDA), responsible to the Ministry of Econo- N 200 104.90 mics (with 20 employees) is responsible for 30.9 implementation of tourism policy and marketing. 0 However, a high turnover of employees provides 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 a major problem for continuity, morale and Ye ar long-term development. None the less, in 2004 Fig. 14.2. National budget expenditure in tourism received more than a doubling of its tourism in Latvia, 1996–2004. 1 LVL = ?0.72 budget (Fig. 14.2) to a figure of LVL1.1m, or (April 2005). The currency rate has rapidly € 1.45m. This compares with Estonia’s budget changed from 1996 to 2005 due to pegging of of €1.7m and that of Lithuania of €669,000 Latvian Lats to the SDR currency basket. (Lithuanian State Tourism Department, 2005). Source: Ministry of Economics, 2004b. Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 173

Most of the tourism budget growth in 2004 There is a tendency of relatively small foreign was assigned to international and domestic tourism companies to enter the market, which tourism marketing, including participation in currently appears too small to attract the larger international tourism fairs and the opening of international groups. new tourism information offices abroad. In One must emphasize also investment of EU order to promote the development of religious pre-structural and structural funds in tourism. tourism, an additional €1.6m was assigned to These have been especially important in the the maintenance of churches in autumn 2004. renovation of accommodation and develop- In 2003, the VAT rate for tourist accommoda- ment of new products, as well as enhancing the tion was changed from 18% to 5%. involvement of local government and NGOs in Domestic tourism information is provided by the provision of tourism information. Com- tourism information centres (TICs: 55 in 2004) pared to other new EU member countries, indi- and points (TIPs) financed and maintained by cators of tourism activity in Latvia were low local municipalities (Ministry of Economics of in 2002 (Table 14.2). For example, tourism the Republic of Latvia, 2004b). In 2004, a state- income in that year was €170m, the lowest financed TIC was opened in Riga, providing visi- level among the new EU member countries and tors to the capital with information about tourism 28 times smaller than that of Poland. This attractions and services across the country. Orga- reflected the limited horizons (focus on nature nization improvements required include a decen- and rural tourism), restricted budgets (Fig. 14.2) tralization of tourism services, effective local and dominance of domestic tourism prior to the tourism advertising and an extension of the tour- administrative changes of 2003. ism season. The Latvian Tourism Development In terms of accommodation capacity in Agency maintains tourism information offices in 2002, Latvia had the second lowest provision Helsinki, London and Berlin (the last being after Lithuania among the new EU member shared by all three Baltic States). In 2005, tour- countries. Compared to the Czech Republic, ism information offices were opened in Stock- Latvia had 13 times fewer rooms. This reflects holm and Moscow. the relatively slow construction of new accom- In 2004, the government adopted tourism modation and refurbishment of Soviet-era development basic guidelines, whose main pur- hotels and resorts. pose is to increase the value of tourism during Tourism development still requires greater the period 2004–2008, at the end of which investment. Overseas promotion is still inade- GDP contribution is planned to increase by quate, and an integrated state tourism develop- 5–7%, and tourism export earnings to average ment strategy is required, which should include 10–15% per annum (Ministry of Economics of the development of infrastructure, quality the Republic of Latvia, 2004a). It is planned to improvement, service diversification, and achieve these targets by positioning and pro- improved availability of information provision. moting Latvia in the international market as a These dimensions are receiving attention, as different, safe and recognizable international tourism is now recognized as one of the priority tourism destination while also promoting the branches of the national economy (Lujans, development of domestic tourism (NTDP, 2001). 2004). Latvia is a member of the European Travel Commission, the Baltic Sea Tourism Commis- sion and, from 2005, a full member country of General improvement in the the World Tourism Organization. Participation economic situation in these organizations opens wide cooperation possibilities in a number of sectors. The recent economic development of Latvia is According to CSB information, 112 tour- reflected in annual GDP growth rates of 8% ism companies operated in Latvia in 2004, ser- (2001), 6.4% (2002), 7.5% (2003), 8.5% (2004), vicing 370,000 travellers, 80% of whom were and 7.4% (forecast for 2005). For all the quar- Latvians who travelled abroad. The majority of ters of 2004 and the first two quarters of 2005 Latvian tourism enterprises are small family Latvia had the strongest growth rate in GDP companies. Most are concentrated in Riga. among all EU countries compared to the same 174 I. Druva-Druvaskalne et al.

Table 14.2. Latvia: comparative indicators of tourism in the new EU member countries, 2002.

Area Tourist Tourism Accommodation capacity Country (’000 sq km) arrivals (’000) receipts (?mn) (no. of rooms)

Poland 323 13,980 (TF) 4,759 65,658 Hungary 93 15,870 (VF/2) 3,461 73,000b Czech Republic 79 4,579 (TCE) 3,110 91,490a Cyprus 9.3 2,418 (TF) 1,970 45,058a Slovenia 20 1,302 (TCE) 1,145 15,056 Slovakia 49 1,399 (TCE) 766 34,619 Malta 0.3 1,134 (TF) 601 20,346a,b Estonia 45 1,360 (TF) 587 10,845 Lithuania 65 1,433 (TF) 543 5,649a Latvia 65 848 (TF) 170 7,034a a2001. bnumber of bed-places × 0.5. TF, tourist arrivals at frontiers; TCE, tourist arrivals at all accommodation establishments; VF/2, visitor arrivals × 0.5. Source: Cabrini, 2004. quarter of the previous year. During the second Latvian state, with a 52.6% share, and SAS AB, quarter of 2005 Latvia’s GDP growth rate with a 47.2% share. In 2004, Air Baltic carried reached 11.6% (Eurostat, 2005). The general almost 590,000 passengers, an increase of 75% economic situation has positively affected compared to 2003. In 2005, Air Baltic offered domestic tourism development, is promoting direct flights to 27 destinations (Air Baltic, 2005). outbound tourism, and is a prerequisite for busi- In autumn 2004, the competition increased ness travel destination development. with the two leading European low-cost air- Similar growth rates in the other two Baltic lines, Ryanair and easyJet, inaugurating ser- States (2004 GDP growth of 6.1% for Estonia vices. In the autumn of 2005 another two and 6.6% for Lithuania) have been a regional European airlines – Aer Lingus and Norwegian driving force for domestic demand, service Air Shuttle – started operations into Riga Air- industry and construction growth. The share of port. As a consequence, Air Baltic has been transport and communication in GDP was about forced to reduce flight costs and the range 2% (Martioa, 2005), and passenger numbers of services included in the ticket price (food and increased by nearly 50%, largely due to the beverages are now offered for additional rapid growth of air transport. payment). At the same time, Uzbekistan Air- ways opened a twice-weekly Tashkent–Riga– New York service. Changes in air transportation market in Latvia Increase of travellers from Latvia The international airport at Riga is the busiest abroad – increase of leisure and air transport junction in the Baltic States. Since business trips 1993 the number of air passengers has doubled (1.1m in 2004). In 2004, six new airlines began After the restoration of independence the num- flying to Riga, doubling the number of com- ber of Latvians travelling across the border panies serving the city. The airport now serves rapidly increased. The peak year was 1993 more than 30 destinations in Europe, Asia and when 2.45m did so – the last year that it was America, and current capacity is 2m passengers possible to travel to CIS countries without a per year (Riga Airport, 2005). visa. In 1994, after such visa requirements were The national airline, Air Baltic, was estab- introduced, the number of Latvian resident lished in 1995. Major shareholders include the travellers diminished to 1.78m, although gradual Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 175

growth has taken place since then, with a nota- their travel. In that year it was found that just ble speeding up in 1999 and 2000. Main desti- over 54% of inhabitants travelled for holiday nations are Lithuania, Estonia and Russia; the purposes across an internal administrative main purpose of travel is shopping, which is boundary. The most popular destination was explained by cheaper prices in neighbouring Riga. Day trips without accommodation com- countries. In 2000, 41.1% of those stating a prised 44% of all such recorded travel. About reason for travelling indicated shopping. With a 23% took short holiday trips with overnights subsequent equalization of prices in neighbour- of 1–3 days. Only 6.4% of travellers chose ing countries, this motive has become less sig- domestic holiday trips of 4 days or more. Of all nificant, accounting for just 16% of the number domestic holiday travellers, 54% were women of travellers going abroad in 2004 (Central and the most typical age group was 15–24 Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 1998, p. 11, 2001, years. Private accommodation accounted for pp. 18–19). 91% of overnights, and 62.2% travelled by car Visiting friends and relatives (29% in 2004) (Briksne, 2005b). has been consistently the most popular stated reason for travelling out of the country since independence. It can be explained by the multi- Persisting negative balance of Latvian national ethnic composition of Latvia, as well as tourism payments the development of new links and networks with EU countries. The number of travellers From a state economic perspective, inbound going on holiday is increasing every year. In tourism needs to be developed because of 1996 it was only 6% of travellers, but in 2004 it the negative tourism balance of payments was 20%. The number of business travellers is (Table 14.3), even though since 2002 the num- also increasing, rising to 19% by 2004 (Briksne, ber of inbound travellers has exceeded those 2005b). outbound. In Latvia, balance of payments data indi- cated the share of tourism to be 2.2% of GDP in Development of domestic tourism 2003, compared to an EU average of 4.8%. However, there is steady growth in Latvia, at Only in 2004, implementing the EU Directive about 7%, with plans to reach 2.5% of GDP in 95/57/EC of 1995 on the collection of statistical 2007 (WTO, 2003, p. 233). Further, inbound information in the field of tourism, did the traveller expenditure is increasing by an aver- Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia begin age of 10% per annum, even though the aver- regular surveying of inhabitants of Latvia about age length of stay between 1997 and 2004

Table 14.3. Latvia: tourism balance of payments, 1996–2004.

Income from foreign Latvian tourists’ expenditures Tourism balance of Year tourists (million LVL) abroad (million LVL) payments (million LVL)

1996 108.7 201.8 –93.1 1997 118.4 167.2 –48.8 1998 98.2 171.1 –72.9 1999 66.0 157.1 –91.1 2000 74.4 147.9 –73.5 2001 70.8 137.0 –66.2 2002 96.0 137.4 –41.4 2003 124.4 182.5 –58.1 2004 141.9 197.5 –56.6

Sources: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 1999, 2004b; Briksne, 2005a. 176 I. Druva-Druvaskalne et al.

diminished by 2.4 days to 1.77 days (Briksne, include hotels up to 50 km from the capital 2005a). (Fig. 14.3). There were 326 tourist accommodation establishments in 2003, a 9% increase on Increase in tourism accommodation 2002. In 2003 the number of serviced visitors occupancy rate increased by 13% to 759,500. Hotel, guest house and motel service quality assessment is Since 1991 the occupancy rate of tourist accom- undertaken by the Hotel and Restaurant Cen- modation has been steadily growing. The year tre. It is a voluntary procedure and frequently 2004 was exceptionally successful for the hospi- tourism accommodation owners themselves tality industry, stimulated by EU entry, new air decide on their qualification category. Some services from Western European markets and 118 establishments had passed the voluntary the growing significance of Riga as a business certification at the time of writing (Central centre. Summer occupancy in Riga increased by Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 2004b; Association 15–20% (rising to an occupancy rate of 90%), of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia, 2005). and over the whole year by an average of 10%. The rural tourism accommodation sector Indeed, some inbound tourism service compa- has seen considerable recent growth (a 770% nies complained about a constraining shortage increase in 9 years) (Table 14.4). Perhaps of tourist accommodation. For 2005 there were because they have been driven out of the cities, plans to begin construction of 20 new hotels, and especially Riga, by an influx of foreign tour- when Riga could accommodate 8000 people ists, domestic tourists actually accounted for and Jurmala 2000 (23 km from Riga). Conse- 75% of rural tourism customers in 2004, com- quently, accommodation for the 2006 World Ice pared to 61% in 2003. By far the most impor- Hockey Championship in Riga is supposed to tant overseas market for rural tourism is


(%) 35 s 30 25

te in hotel 20 a 15 ncy r

a 10 Room occupancy rate p u 5 Bed occupancy rate Fig. 14.3. Occupancy rates in Occ 0 Latvian hotels, 1997–2003. 1997 1999 2001 2003 Source: Central Statistical Ye ar Bureau of Latvia, 2004b.

Table 14.4. Latvia: rural tourism accommodation provision, 1993–2004.

1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2004

Hotels and other 170 180 200 210 274 326 343 accommodation establishmentsa Accommodation in Association 38 70 116 210 275 294 rural areasb founded aExcluding state special sanatoria and centres of rehabilitation which render state orders in the field of health care. bMembers of professional association, Lauku Cekotajs. Sources: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 2004b, 2005; Lauku Cekotajs, 2005. Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 177

Germany with 44% of the total in 2004. Next come Finland and France with 9%, Sweden 6%, USA 5%, Britain and Estonia 4%, Den- mark 2% and other countries 17%. The dura- tion of foreign travellers’ stays in rural tourist accommodation establishments is longer than that of local travellers, in 2004 averaging 2.73 Fig. 14.4. Latvia tourism logo and motto. days compared to 1.28 days (Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia, 2004b). Many rural tourism accommodation estab- ● production of informative material about lishments have been improving the quality of tourism possibilities in Latvia in different their services in order to meet the necessary foreign languages; requirements for a ‘green certificate’ (environ- ● information about tourism possibilities mentally friendly housekeeping). This is pro- in the mass media and an internet portal; moted by the rural tourism association Lauku ● the organization of workshops for (poten- Cekotajs (‘Countryside Traveller’), the Environ- tial) entrepreneurs; ment Protection Fund of Latvia and by rural ● the organization of tour operator and jour- tourism enterprises within the EU Life pro- nalist visits; gramme project. The work of Lauku Cekotajs ● 2005 marketing campaigns for the inter- includes educational and marketing activities national television channel CNN, in four and the creation of a collective booking system cities in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, for the rural tourism accommodation establish- Strasbourg) during the festival Etonnante ments in the Baltic States (Lauku Cekotajs, Lettonie (‘Surprising Latvia’) (Latvian Tour- 2004). ism Development Agency, 2005; Reinberga, 2005; Urpena, 2005). Growth of tourism marketing activities From a 2002 competition, the logo and strapline for promoting Latvia, ‘The land that The marketing activities of Latvian tourism sings’, was adopted to characterize the coun- are stated in the annual Latvian Tourism Devel- try’s mentality and traditions, manifesting them- opment Agency (LTDA) action plan, but a selves in song and dances (Fig. 14.4). However, long-term marketing strategy has not been elab- it was not effectively employed in such special orated as it has been, for example, in Lithuania. events as the 2003 Eurovision Song Contest, A Latvia tourism basic development guideline XXII Latvian Song Festival and XII Dance 2004–2008 identifies the main problems: Festival in 2003. This emphasized the need for Latvia to work on strengthening its tourism ● lack of tourism marketing strategy, insuffi- image and raising its visibility. cient promotion in domestic and inter- A future challenge in this respect is to com- national markets, and insufficient pete for the status of European Culture Heritage coordination of joint marketing activities; Capital, which the ten 2004 EU entrants can ● a poorly defined tourism product; apply for from 2009–2019. ● frequent changes of leaders and employees, often determined by political factors, con- straining longer-term views; a change of Tourism Product Development government is often followed by a change of LTDA management. The origins of tourism development began in The main marketing tools are: the 19th century when Latvia was part of the Russian Empire. As in many other places in ● participation in international fairs (15 fairs Europe, this was based on curative tourism, in 10 countries in 2003, 17 exhibitions especially emphasizing sea baths and air, min- in 12 countries in 2004, 23 exhibitions in eral water spas and mud baths. The number 14 countries were planned for 2005); of holidaymakers increased each year until 178 I. Druva-Druvaskalne et al.

World War I. After the restoration of independ- In particular, with regard to global trends, demo- ence following the collapse of Czarist Russia, graphic change in Europe, and the renewal of domestic tourism was developed, based on Riga as a Baltic business centre, tourism product familiarizing citizens with their native land. development should be viewed in terms of two Rural tourism and activity tourism became pop- large product groups: leisure and business tourism. ular, alongside curative tourism, and after the world economy crisis of the 1920s and early 1930s the number of foreign tourists every year Leisure tourism products increased. The Soviet period brought a curtail- ment of natural ties with much of Europe and Leisure tourism products need to relate to target tourism became subordinate to Soviet ideology. groups according to age, social status or inter- None the less, activity tourism (re-)developed, ests. Latvia can offer senior tourists culture and while leisure and curative tourism flourished. curative tourism. Germans, Russians, Swedes and Poles have all left their footprints in the culture landscape from ancient times, and the Post-socialist change country’s rich cultural heritage, supported by well-established tourism infrastructure, should After disruption of the planned economy in witness an increased demand for this type of 1991, the structure of employment rapidly product. changed, especially in rural areas. Along with Latvian folk traditions and events, such as the land and building privatization process, the Ligo Festival (Midsummer) and song and many inhabitants regained their former land dance festival, could be offered to cruise tourists and properties, including those with consider- whose numbers are likely to increase in the com- able cultural and historical value (manors, ing decade. Latvia must employ its geographical castles – the Association of Latvian Castles, position and three port cities Riga, Liepaja and Palaces and Manors has 80 members, 30 of Ventspils to advantage in this respect. At present, whom provide tourism services: www.castles. Tallinn (Estonia) is the Baltic leader in sea lv), and land in nature-protected areas. In the passenger transport, but Riga has considerable following years this restructuring of ownership growth capacity. The city municipality must influenced the provision of attractions and facili- therefore promote accessibility by sea, while ties, development and competition among the small ports in the Riga Gulf (Roja, Skulte) and on local enterprises, as well as with Baltic and the Baltic Sea coast (Pavilosta) have the poten- European tourism entrepreneurs. tial to attract yachting tourists. Until 1991, a limited number of destina- The ageing of Europe and the variety of tions in Latvia were available to local and espe- health problems require curative and medical cially foreign tourists, such as Sigulda, Jurmala, leisure products. Latvia possesses top-class Rundale Palace, Cgsis and Frgki. Holiday and medical professionals, but they often choose to tourism opportunities were directly influenced work abroad. It is important to encourage coop- by the availability of public transport, as the eration between medicine and tourism, creating level of access to motor cars was low for many tourism products related to dentistry, planned people. Between 1997 and 2005 the number of surgery or plastic surgery. Prices of various registered cars in the country rose from almost beauty, relaxation and related medical services 380,000 to more than 686,000 (CSDD, 2005), in Latvia can be two to ten times lower than in an increase of some 80%. This growth, while other EU countries. Jurmala could become a bringing various problems of pollution and con- significant centre of curative tourism: during gestion, has facilitated the wider availability of Soviet times it was one of the most popular tourism products and services outside the major resorts in the USSR, and attracted 6m tourists cities, thereby stimulating greater competition every year (Slava, 2004). between destinations and attractions. Since the turn of the century, several water Yet tourism opportunities have been offered amusement parks have been built in Latvia, the in a chaotic way, and products need to be sys- largest being in Jurmala. Currently the biggest tematically assessed, developed and promoted. water amusement park in Northern Europe, it Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 179

was opened in December 2003, and in 2004 entrepreneurship to avoid Riga becoming a received 435,000 visitors (Livu Akvaparks, European sex tourism capital. During 2005, 2005). It offers a new experience for families action was taken by the state and city authori- with children, and complements other family- ties to reduce advertising of sex-related tourism oriented recreational attractions such as Riga products in Riga and across Latvia. Zoo and Ligatne nature paths. Ecotourism was started in the 1990s, while rural cultural tourism has been reinvigorated. Business tourism products Growth has been particularly marked in the northwest part of Latvia. Slitere National Park, The territory of Latvia has interested merchants for example, is the home of the Liv (Latvia’s and leaders of many states since ancient times. Finno-Ugrian minority) community, whose main- It has been known as the road from the East to tenance could be supported by the income from the West since the 6th century. In the 10th–12th ecotourism; but compared to Estonia, Latvia lacks centuries the Daugava river was the most an understanding about these types of activities – important trade route. Via the Daugava and for example, there are difficulties in accommo- then the Dnepr, one could reach the Black Sea dating bicycles on buses or trains. However, and the rich Constantinople. Ancient trade routes several projects have been initiated for the devel- are well marked by discoveries of imported opment of infrastructure – creation of cycling articles, coins and silver in former trade centres. paths, cycle rentals, ease of transportation – These include Arabian 8th–11th century, within the framework of the international cycling Byzantium 10th–11th century and 10th–13th path Eurovelo 11 (Leitis, 2005). century European coins. i There are more than 1200 organic farms in R ga joined the Hanseatic Union in 1282, Latvia, but marketing organic food is compli- and acted as a trade centre between East and i cated by different certification systems. Yet food West. At the beginning of the 20th century R ga freshness, originality and difference are major was one of the most developed industrial cities tourism attractions in both rural and urban and trade centres in the Russian Empire. i areas. For example, Germany and Denmark Currently, R ga is again establishing itself as the have adopted home-producer friendly legisla- Baltic business centre, with the location of many tion, and tourists can easily purchase typical international enterprises’ Baltic central offices in local food directly from producers, supported at the city. i both the state and municipal levels. However, in R ga tourism operators, hotels, Air Baltic i Latvia there have been bureaucratic delays in and R ga airport have created an organization – i the development of this tourism product. Inspiration R ga ( – i Latvia may possibly experience the same promoting R ga and Latvia as attractive wave of entertainment seekers as has been pre- congress, meeting, incentive and business travel viously experienced in Dublin, Amsterdam and destinations within the context of EU and Prague. There are several dozen tour operators NATO membership. In May 2000, for example, i specializing in ‘stag’ and ‘hen’ weekend packages. R ga hosted the 9th EBRD (European Bank of Riga is now targeted as a possible ‘hot spot’ that Reconstruction and Development) annual offers ‘amazing nightlife, fantastic cheap local meeting, involving 4000 delegates. beer – and the most stunning-looking women on the Continent’ (Naish, 2004). The relation- Conclusions ship between the flow of such tourist groups and the growth of budget airline connections is In summary, we can conclude that tourism i strong. The privately published R ga Visitor’s development in Latvia is taking place slowly but i Guide, which is available for free at R ga airport surely, exhibiting both positive and not so posi- i and in the hotels, advertises R ga as an enter- tive tendencies: tainment city and the last page devoted to night- life offers clear sex tourism. The government of ● Latvia is located at a geographical ‘cross- Latvia and Riga municipality should improve road’, which can be employed to promote legislation and its implementation in entertainment tourism development; 180 I. Druva-Druvaskalne et al.

● global change, notably the expansion of in each. Within Latvia, many foreign trav- the EU, can be favourable for Latvia if ellers only see Riga, and at best cross the opportunities are recognized and taken; rest of the country in transit. This suggests ● the number of inbound tourists in Latvia is the need for greater collaboration and gradually increasing; rationalization of products between the ● tourism infrastructure is improving, as tour- three neighbours; ism is now recognized as one of the priority ● the reduction of VAT from 9% to 5% for branches of the national economy; tourism accommodation enterprises has ● the number of direct flights to Riga is inc- improved the sector’s competitiveness reasing, and an intensification of regional within the EU; airport operation in Liepaja, Ventspils and ● budget airlines flying into Riga have Daugavpils is planned; increased the flow of foreign tourists and ● budget airlines may not generate the best accommodation occupancy rates; markets for a positive image for Riga and ● visa requirements have been abolished for Latvia; a number of countries since 1991; ● both the quantity and occupancy rate of ● Latvia is becoming an important destina- tourist accommodation are growing; tion for higher education mobility, both for ● Latvia has a negative balance of tourism networks within the EU and as an attractive income; environment for non-EU neighbours. This, ● the country lacks a comprehensive tourism in its turn, can promote the development of marketing strategy, although the financial business and conference tourism. provision for marketing activities from the state budget has been increased; ● Latvia can promote business tourism pro- Future Activities and Proposals ducts, emphasizing Riga as the Baltic busi- ness centre; It is clear that a number of measures are neces- ● the quality of leisure tourism products – sary to take better advantage of Latvia’s tourism cultural, curative and natural – is high. opportunities. First, cooperation among the Baltic and Nordic countries must be developed, After 1991, tourism development in Latvia creating complementary tourism product and was greatly influenced by necessary changes in promotion opportunities. Latvia should coope- national economic planning. The influences on rate in Asian markets with the Nordic countries, tourism change since EU accession in May 2004 in the North American market with Poland, include the following: and in Western and Southern European ● a new demand for Riga as a destination, markets with Lithuania and Estonia. Further, especially from the EU15 countries; there should be a strengthening of collaboration ● the experience of having a European between the three Baltic States through the Union external border – this has a dual Baltic Cabinet of Ministers Tourism Committee. impact of acting as a sightseeing attraction At a different level, emphasis should be placed but also constraining movement and upon the development of cooperation among socio-economic development; EU tourism enterprises, local municipality and ● significant tourism markets – Russia (Saint NGO sectors, in pursuit of European Commis- Petersburg, Moscow, Pskov) and Belarus sion initiatives. (Minsk) – are located beyond EU external Second, tourism marketing research is borders, and to optimize their potential better needed in order to identify priority goals and cooperation in border-crossing formalities markets for each available product. This needs is desirable. This would also help to pro- to be undertaken in tandem with tourism pro- mote the development of Jurmala as a duct development in the country’s different resort and the country’s border regions; regions, helping to promote the development of ● the three Baltic states are often perceived micro- and small enterprises. This needs to be together and visits may encompass all allied to an emphasis on quality of the tourism three, thereby shortening the length of stay product, with trained and qualified employees, Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development 181

high-quality marketing, employment of environ- waste, telecommunications). This should com- mentally friendly technologies and sustainable plement both domestic and international objec- use of resources. tives, such as assisting the development of Finally, a fundamental requirement is the international transport corridors with EU and development and elaboration of necessary other neighbours – for example, the Via Baltica infrastructure (water, gas, sewage, electricity, highway, RailBaltic and Eurovelo 11.


Air Baltic (2005) Statistics. Riga: Air Baltic. Available at: Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia (2005) Atbilstibas novfrtfšana un sertifikbcija.Riga: Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia. Available at: Briksne, I. (2005a) Latvijas Iedzivotbju Aptaujas Rezultbti par 2004.gada Trešajb Ceturksni Veiktajiem Cekojumiem. Press release 17 January, 2005. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Available at: A00%3A00%27%7D Briksne, I. (2005b) Survey: Traveler in Latvia. Press release 17 February, 2005. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Available at: 272005%2D02%2D17%2012%3A50%3A00%27%7D Cabrini, L. (2004) International and European Tourism 2003 and Beyond.Riga: Paper presented at Inter- national Rural Tourism Workshop, 3 June, 2004. Riga: Lauku Cekotbjs. Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (1998) Tourism in Latvia Statistical Bulletin. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (1999) Tourism in Latvia Statistical Bulletin. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (2001) Tourism in Latvia Statistical Bulletin. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (2004a) Statistical Yearbook of Latvia. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (2004b) Tourism in Latvia Statistical Bulletin. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (2005) Tourism in Latvia Statistical Bulletin. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. CSDD (Road Traffic Safety Department) (2005) Statistics.Riga: CSDD. Available at: default.php?pageID=1098883151 District Council of Preiki (2004). Preiki Rajona Padome. Tourism. Preiki:District Council of Preiki. Available at: European Commission (2003) Tourism and the European Union. Brussels: European Commission. Available at: Eurostat (2005) Euro Zone GDP up by 0.3% and EU25 up by 0.4%. Euro-Indicators News Release 128/2005, 13 October 2005. Brussels: Eurostat. Available at: docs/PAGE/PGP_PRD_CAT_PREREL/PGE_CAT_PREREL_YEAR_2005/PGE_CAT_PREREL_ YEAR_2005_MONTH_10/2-13102005-EN-AP.PDF Hall, C.M. (2005) Tourism: Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility. Harlow, UK: Pearson Education Limited. Hall, C.M. and Page, S.J. (2002) The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. London: Routledge. Latvian Institute (2005) Latvijas Instituts Turpina Sadarbibu ar Zimola Ekspertu Voliju Olinsu. Press release 1 March 2005. Riga: Latvian Institute. Available at: Latvian Tourism Development Agency (2005) Press release 21 February.Riga: Latvian Tourism Develop- ment Agency. Available at: Lauku Cekotbjs (2004) Latvian Rural Tourism Association: Statistics.Riga: Lauku Cekotbjs. Available at: Leitis, E.(2005) Neizpostitas dabas nestb pekma. Latvijas Vfstnesis, 1 March. 182 I. Druva-Druvaskalne et al.

Lithuania State Tourism Department (2005) Medium Term Marketing Strategy 2005 to 2009.Vilnius: Lithuania State Tourism Department. Available at: Livu Akvaparks (2005) Livu Akvaparks Welcomes its 500,000th Visitor. Press release, 7 April 2005. Jurmala: Livu Akvaparks. Available at: Lujbns, J. (2004) Tourism in Latvia–Priority Industry of National Economics.Riga: Paper presented at International Rural Tourism Workshop, 3 June. Riga: Lauku Cekotbjs. Mbrtima, I. (2005) SEB ekonomisti optimistiski par Baltijas attistibu. Dienas Bizness, 16 March. Available at: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia (2003) LR Kulturas Ministrija, Dziesmusvetki, Vesture. Avail- able at: Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia (2004a) Guidelines for Tourism Development in Latvia. Riga: Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia. Available at: 2nd/?cat=373 Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia (2004b) Main Legal Acts and Policy Planning Documents in the Field of Tourism.Riga: Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Latvia. Available at: Naish, J. (2004) Baltics braced for new kids on the Bloc. Times Online, 1 May. Available at:,160-1092380,00.html NTDP (2001) National Tourism Development Programme for Latvia, 2001–2010 (in Latvian). Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. Available at: cat=373 Pilbts, V. (2004) Nature and Ecotourism in Latvia.Riga: Latvian Institute. Available at: en/?id=27 Reinberga, E. (2005) Viesu skaits un aktivitbtes kkust ievfrojamas. Industry Reports Available at: htpp:// Riga Airport (2005) Statistics.Riga: Riga Airport. Available at: view=statistics&lang=lat Seilis, G. (2005) Atbilde uz jautbjumu par vbcu turistu piesaistišanu. Ventspils Dome, 29 March. Available at: LURL=%2fNR%2fexeres%2f2C86B3F6-EC91-495D-B3D5-6B0BDB50777D&FRAMELESS=false& NRNODEGUID=%7b2C86B3F6-EC91-495D-B3D5-6B0BDB50777D%7d&Lang=lv Slava, L. (ed.) (2004) Jurmala: Daba un Kulturas Mantojums. Riga: Neptuns. Tisima, V. (2004) Latvijas Sievietes Demogrbfiskb Skatijumb. Press release, 27 April 2004. Riga: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia. Available at: 7Bts%20%272004%2D09%2D27%2013%3A00%3A00%27%7 D UN Division for Social Policy and Development (1998) The Ageing of the World’s Population. New York: United Nations. Available at: Urpena, E. (2005) Pbrsteidzošb Latvija. Press release, 1 April 2005. Riga: Ministry of Economics of Republic of Latvia. Available at: WTO (World Tourism Organization) (2003) Tourism Highlights. Madrid: WTO. 15 Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in the Baltic Coastal Region

Aušrinh Armaitienh, Ramunas Povilanskas and Eleri Jones

Introduction about 100 km of sandy coastline along the Baltic Sea and in the Curonian lagoon offering the Following 50 years of Communist rule, Lithuania best locations for coastal tourism in the whole of had the distinction of being the first Soviet the Baltic Sea region. Lithuania has five national republic to declare independence in 1990, join- parks and 30 regional parks together with an ing the United Nations in 1991, applying for abundance of cultural heritage reflecting a rich NATO membership in 1994 and getting full cultural history. Over 10,000 objects enjoy the NATO membership in 2004. In 1998, Lithuania official status of a monument although only became an associate member of the European about 350 are under the protection of the state Union (EU) and in 2003 signed the EU Acces- with a still smaller number developed as tourist sion Treaty, becoming a full member of the EU attractions. Perhaps of particular interest in rela- on 1 May, 2004. Increasingly close ties with the tion to this chapter is Lithuania’s centrality as West have been extremely important in Lithuania’s a European tourist destination with Vilnius economic development and, for example, have (Lithuania’s capital) only 26 km south of Europe’s widened opportunities to participate in inter- current geographic centre at 54°54’N and 25°19’E, national trade and tourism fairs, such as the World as commemorated by a 9 tonne boulder in Travel Market in London and fairs in Berlin, Europas Park, Bernotai in eastern Lithuania. Milan, Göteborg, Moscow and St Petersburg, Lithuania’s traditional markets have been its through which the Lithuanian State Tourism neighbouring countries: Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Department and Lithuanian tourism companies and Poland. As a consequence of German being have been able to significantly broaden their taught in Lithuanian schools, German-speaking sphere of influence. Participation has been sup- markets – Germany, Austria and Switzerland – ported mainly from EU pre-accession PHARE have also become important. Increasingly close funds. The importance of EU funding and its links with the West, and particularly associate judicious deployment in supporting much of the and later full EU membership, are seen as being tourism development in Lithuania today can- the key to an upturn in the number of incoming not be underestimated. EU support has enabled tourists from other EU countries, particularly Lithuania to build on strong tourism development Spain, France and Italy. Whilst the number of traditions to exploit an abundance of tourism foreign visitors to Lithuania decreased through resources. the late-1980s and in the first half of the Lithuania enjoys a rich diversity of land- 1990s, since 1996 the opposite trend has devel- scape – forests, lakes, rivers and notably oped with tourist flows increasing each year ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 183 184 A. Armaitienh et al.

by 12–19% (National Tourism Development (National Tourism Development Plan, 2003). Programme, 2003). The demand for rural and farmhouse accom- Lithuania’s Medium Term Marketing modation outstrips supply, and the quality of Strategy 2005 to 2009 (European Commission, accommodation is identified by the Marketing 2004) identifies six broad product categories: Strategy (European Commission, 2004) as being coastal holidays, city breaks, coach tours, health of sub-standard quality and requiring further spas, countryside/rural tourism, meetings and investment. The majority of rural tourism visitors incentive travel. Strengthening of the image come from neighbouring countries and, more and identity of Lithuania and the creation of a recently, German-speaking countries. People Lithuanian brand are seen as being issues extend- living in rural areas are generally not prepared ing across all product categories and markets. for tourists from further afield due to communi- Each product category has its specific and different cation and language barriers and lack of busi- priority markets. Coastal holidays, for example, ness skills. However, an increasing number of prioritize Germany, Russia, Latvia, Belarus and Lithuanian city dwellers are travelling to rural the domestic market, with each market having areas for short breaks resulting in several bene- its preferred resorts (Neringa or Palanga). City fits: Lithuanians become acquainted with their breaks are linked to cultural interest or sporting homeland, which helps build Lithuanian iden- events and the importance of developments tity and encourages the cherishing of natural in the transport infrastructure are noted. For and cultural values. In an economic development example, strategic partnerships with ‘no frills’ sense, increased domestic demand for rural airlines are seen as critical to the competitive- tourism products is important in developing a ness of Vilnius, the Lithuanian capital, in the quality platform for incoming tourism. Ritchie European city-break market; the opening of the and Crouch (2003, p. 24) identify that: new ferry terminal in Klaipeda in 2006 is key to generally the supply of tourism product is the Scandinavian market; while railways are driven by domestic or local demand that is important for domestic, Polish, Latvian and typically more stable and reliable and less fickle Belarus markets. Coach tours are perceived as a than demand from distant markets. Hence, straightforward product, especially for more dis- solid domestic demand provides a healthy tant markets – the UK, the USA, Sweden and competitive environment and the critical mass other original EU member countries, particularly of demand necessary to support a thriving Italy. Lithuania recognizes four health resorts: tourism and hospitality industry. Strong Neringa, Palanga, Druskininkai, Birštonas, each domestic demand therefore helps to provide a with very different specializations. Meetings and climate that also encourages inbound tourism incentive travel is identified as having the advan- and discourages outbound tourism. tage of a higher per capita spend and the disad- Ritchie and Crouch (2003, p. 102) further vantage of a long lead time (at least 3–5 years). assert that: The establishment of a Lithuanian Convention Bureau is seen as being key to the development Strong local demand creates an environment that fosters the development of a rich variety of the meetings and incentive travel market. and range of tourism amenities, facilities, Countryside/rural is a attractions and services. Indeed, without sub- product category that is of particular interest. stantial local demand, many of these facilities Bicycle tourism is particularly important as a and services, particularly those provided by rural tourism activity. There are opportunities to governments and funded through taxation, promote countryside accommodation in asso- would not exist to the same extent. Governments ciation with nature reserves and cultural sites provide public services which the private sector in rural locations and walking, canoeing, bird cannot or will not provide. While foreign watching, hunting and fishing are seen as tourists may be able to enjoy the benefits of having potential in the longer term (European these public services and facilities, where they exist, it is domestic demand that provides the Commission, 2004). Rural tourism is seen as real basis for their need and funding. having the potential to generate 30–40% of total income and being particularly important So rural tourism can be seen as a distinct in areas where agricultural land is less fertile phenomenon in Lithuania’s rapidly growing Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development 185

tourism industry and is particularly relevant This chapter presents three case studies of to the concept of sustainable development. The sustainable coastal rural tourism development National Tourism Development Plan (2003) in Lithuania which are contributing to the identifies the integration of tourism development diversification of rural activities in Lithuanian into the wider economic development strategy coastal areas: Rusnh Island in the Nemunas and the need for the public sector to be active river delta adjacent to the Curonian lagoon, participants in the dissemination of information Minija village in the Minija river delta – the and training of providers of rural tourism ser- ‘Venice of Lithuania’ – and Karklh, a seaside vices. As in many developed and developing village situated north of Klaiphda on the Baltic countries, rural tourism has been recognized as Sea coast. All three case studies were developed a vehicle for economic and social development through the first-hand experiences of staff from (Sharpley, 2002), providing opportunities for the Department of Tourism and Recreation at revenue generation as well as employment. Klaiphda University investigating social and Rural tourism development has become an issue economic changes since 1997 in the Lithuanian of major significance in Lithuania, a country in coastal rural areas following the collapse of the which 20% of the inhabitants live in rural areas, Soviet Union and its centrally planned economic and where, as the agricultural industry becomes system. Through interviews with key stakeholders, selectively industrialized, there are few alter- including relevant officials and local interest native opportunities to enhance the economy. groups, and interrogating Lithuanian govern- As emphasized by Wanhill (2005, p. 251): ment tourism statistics and a range of reports and policy documents, the chapter explores the the spillover benefits of tourism in terms of policy context for rural tourism development in income and employment creation are well Lithuania, the ‘triple-bottom-line’ sustainability known and, more than any other industry, of rural and water tourism developments in tourism deals with the use of natural and cultural resources, which in outlying regions Lithuania at a local community level, and the are often their major asset. conflict between social and economic develop- ment on the one hand and environmental Rural tourism offers important opportu- issues on the other. nities for the diversification of rural activities in Lithuania and has the added advantage of providing a vehicle to ensure the ongoing con- servation of Lithuania’s globally significant, but Governance and Sustainable Rural fragile ecosystems. Appropriately managed rural Tourism Development tourism development offers the potential for triple bottom line sustainability, i.e. a way of Amongst tourism’s potential contribution to balancing the economic, social and environ- rural development, Hall et al. (2003) include: mental agendas. Rural tourism has experienced regenerating local economies and improving rapid growth in Lithuania, as evidenced by the the quality of life; supplementing income gene- number of officially registered rural tourism ser- ration for the farming, craft and service sectors; vice providers. However, demand still outstrips countering isolation of social groups and remote supply. Such rapid growth raises questions areas; re-evaluating heritage and other resources about the sustainability of Lithuania’s rural and rural identity; assisting environmental, tourism development activities and in answer- economic and social sustainability policies and ing these questions it is important that ‘both helping to realize the economic value of key positive and negative impacts are evaluated’ elements of rural life – quality foods, scenery, (Ap and Crompton, 1998, p. 120). Whilst ‘triple- spaces and culture. However, Hall et al. (2003) bottom-line’ sustainability is undeniably an go on to caution the fragile nature of rural tourism appropriate goal for tourism development the development, which may result in limited inward question of whether such sustainable develop- investment, business start-ups and employment ment is anything more than a ‘guiding fiction’ generation because of its small scale, dispersed (McCool and Moisey, 2001, p. 3) is a more nature and low return on investment, requires debatable point. skills for success, is often controlled by people 186 A. Armaitienh et al.

without specific tourism training, may be con- quality management (IQM), which offers the strained by shortage of capital and has a short benefits of: time-scale for success. Rural tourism is generally ● more local awareness and support for tour- dominated by micro-businesses, which perform ism generally in the destination, amongst an important role economically and socially in local people and across all rural sectors; stabilizing fragile areas (Middleton, 2001) but ● better coordination between local tourism emphasize the fragmentation of the tourism enterprises themselves, and greater support industry across different economic sectors. for, and involvement with, the management The modern countryside has become an and marketing of the destination; arena where a multitude of tensions and compet- ● an improved image of the destination which ing ideologies are played out (Sharpley, 2003). is real and not based on false expectations; Sharpley (2003, citing P. Stone’s unpublished ● a set of rural products which can be pro- MSc Thesis, University of Northumbria, 2000) moted with confidence; contrasts two ideological perspectives. First is ● increased customer satisfaction, with more the resource-oriented ‘conservation ideology’ in repeat business and recommendations; and which the environmental agenda dominates and ● better knowledge of the economic, social the countryside is maintained as a rural idyll and environmental impacts of tourism to support appropriate recreational pursuits. and ability to adjust for them (European Second is the profit-oriented ‘commercial ideo- Commission, 2000, p. 8). logy’, which adopts a rational approach to the countryside focusing on the profitable develop- Through IQM, a consensus on appropriate ment of tourism and where the economic development for a particular rural area can be agenda triumphs. However, as Wanhill (2005, negotiated with private and public sectors work- p. 251) points out, ‘the short-term gains sought ing in partnership using whatever mechanisms by capital markets are often at odds with the are available to be able to facilitate the achieve- long-term sustainability of tourist environments’. ment of goals. Wanhill (2005, p. 251) highlights Sharpley (2003) develops a model of the role of investment incentives in proactively governance which recognizes these two orienta- ensuring appropriate development: tions and identifies a middle ground which he labels ‘authority’ adopting a power-orientation investment incentives are policy instruments that can be used to correct for market failure through appropriate planning and control assert- and ensure a development partnership between ing that successful governance must ‘recognise, the public and private sectors. The partnership satisfy and balance the opposing needs of the approach has a particular significance for conservation and commercial groups of actors regional development, particularly in peripheral within broader development objectives’ (Sharpley, areas due to the existence of many small 2003, pp. 42–43). Sharpley stresses the import- communities, lack of resources, areas in decline ance of partnerships of relevant stakeholders in and the fragmented nature of the supply being the planning and control of rural tourism devel- a range of small and micro-tourist establish- opment at a local level and the close alignment ments. The disparate character of the industry of tourism policy with the wider economic at this level requires a proactive role from public bodies in the form of a coordinated development policy. This will become increas- tourism strategy and business support, in order ingly important as tourism movements increase: to give a sense of direction and engender confi- dence through local community involvement. there will be a need for more regulation, direction and improved management of Thus, to have any potential for the achieve- tourism resources to prevent environmental ment of sustainable rural tourism there must be degradation and implement tourism development plans in a sustainable manner. a consensus on development goals, an appro- (Wanhill, 2005, p. 251) priate policy framework which recognizes the agendas of different stakeholders and the use of This balancing of internal and external agen- investment support to proactively orchestrate das for rural tourism development come together rural tourism developments. Thus, of particular in the European-led initiative of integrated interest is the policy framework for sustainable Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development 187

rural tourism development in Lithuania, parti- involving elderly people, reducing depopulation cularly the way that local and regional tourism in rural regions and minimizing the unemploy- planning is vertically integrated with national ment rate and antisocial phenomena. Rural development objectives, and the way that finan- leisure and tourism activities are recognized cial incentivization is used to coordinate rural as encouraging understanding of Lithuanian tourism development in the three case studies culture and traditions, encouraging mobility presented in this chapter. and impacting positively on human health. However, there has been conflict between pro- tection of the natural territories and the private Rural Tourism Development interests of land owners. in Lithuania Rural tourism is growing rapidly in Lithuania with the number of visitors increasing from 18% The ‘flagships’ for sustainable rural tourism to 49% between 1999 and 2004. The number development in Lithuania are its five national of officially registered rural tourism service pro- and 30 regional parks and these territories were viders has grown fourfold from 89 registered the first to be involved in the implementation of providers in 2000 to 361 in 2004 and growth in Agenda 21 in Lithuania. Lithuania has a mild demand for tourism is constrained by the rate of climate and a diverse and beautiful landscape growth in supply, especially of accommodation with enormous potential for a wide variety of (see Fig. 15.1). However, despite raised aware- recreational activities. It has a rich history and ness of sustainability issues in Lithuania at a policy cultural heritage through the broad ethnic mix level, sustainability terms are not used to market of its population that creates favourable precon- Lithuania at a national, regional, local or indi- ditions for tourism development and can lead to vidual tourism business level, and terms such as enhanced employment opportunities and income ‘undamaged nature’, ‘natural spaces’, ‘ecological generation. Tourism has been recognized in farm’, ‘natural vegetables and food’ prevail. the post-Communist transition of Lithuania to a However, this is probably more a reflection of market economy and the economic restructur- the market than of attitudes towards sustainable ing therein as a vehicle for balancing the rural tourism development in Lithuania. economic, social and environmental agendas, especially in rural areas. Tourism development in rural areas enables not only social and The Lithuanian Policy Framework economic development through exploitation of for Sustainable Rural Tourism Lithuania’s rich natural and cultural resources, Development but also ensures their ongoing conservation which can be under threat at times of economic As widely documented, the concept of sustain- downturn. Rural tourism development is seen as ability and Agenda 21 dates back to 1992 and

Fig. 15.1. Lithuania: rapid growth of rural tourism, 2001–2004. Source: compiled by A. Armaitienh, 2005, using statistics from the Lithuanian State Tourism Department website at 188 A. Armaitienh et al.

the Johannesburg Summit. Lithuania’s initial counties and districts. Tourism is explicitly rec- response to the sustainability agenda, as for ognized as being of significant importance to the many other countries, fell short of that outlined Lithuanian economy and to the diversification in the Johannesburg Summit. Discussions in of activities in rural areas and the resolution of Lithuania about Agenda 21 were very often associated social problems. The National Tourism narrowly focused on environmental issues and Development Programme (2003) aims to use maintained by the Environment Ministry rather tourism resources sustainably to maintain the than being implemented in a more holistic and growth of income from the tourism sector. integrated manner. There were several mitiga- Integration of environmental concerns into ting factors for this: sectoral development strategies is a key priority for sustainable development in Lithuania. The ● the period 1992–1993 coincided with eco- NSSDL (2003) builds on the national priorities nomic transition in Lithuania which posed and objectives formulated in three documents serious economic challenges, with ques- approved by Seimas (the Parliament of the tions of economical survival and avoidance Republic of Lithuania) during 2002, namely: of poverty higher on the agenda than those the ‘National Long-term Development Strategy’; of sustainability; the ‘National Long-term Economic Development ● Lithuania had one of the strongest and best Strategy’ and the ‘Master Plan of the Republic organized environmental protection policies of Lithuania’. The NSSDL (2003) was devel- amongst the ex-Soviet states and is still oped to align with the European Union’s strate- amongst the best in the European Union; and gic provisions for sustainable development in ● the focus for tourism was for the creation of anticipation of Lithuania’s membership of the system, structure, markets and readjust- European Union in 2005 and integrates the ment to different European standards and work of the ministries of environment, social in this arena the concept of sustainability security and labour, transport, health, education simply did not resonate. and science, economy, foreign affairs, interior Lithuania’s strategy for tourism develop- and agriculture, emphasizing the complexity of ment is outlined in the National Tourism a holistic response to the sustainable development Development Programme (2003). It empha- agenda. The strategy emphasizes the import- sizes sustainable development and integrates ance of minimizing environmental impacts from tourism into the wider strategy for economic the main industrial sectors (transport, industry, development providing vertical integration energy, agriculture and tourism) whilst increas- between national and regional policy through ing their eco-efficiency, and stresses the need the provision of recommendations for the plan- for reduction in the consumption of energy and ning of sustainable development of tourism at water per GDP unit whilst highlighting the bene- the level of municipalities. The strategy for sus- fits of tourism and its relatively lower impact on tainable tourism development is a significant, the environment in comparison with other eco- but separate, aspect of the wider sustainable nomic sectors. The priorities for the exploitation development strategy for Lithuania and nests of European Union structural funding, which within the National Strategy for the Sustainable plays a key role in the implementation of the Development of Lithuania (NSSDL) which was National Strategy, are outlined in the ‘Lithuanian approved in 2003 and presents sustainable deve- Single Programming Document for 2004–2006’ lopment as a ‘classical’ balanced ‘triple-bottom- (Government of the Republic of Lithuania, line’ approach, based on a vision of ‘three 2004). Measure 3.4, for example, covers ‘public pillars of equal importance – environmental tourism infrastructure and services’ and empha- protection, economic development and social sizes a sustainable approach to the environment. development’ establishing a set of sustainable Cross-cutting – horizontal – themes relating to development indicators (NSSDL, 2003, p. 2). sustainable development include specific con- Thus, sustainability is perceived as a key policy sideration of the information society, equal and planning tool and guiding principle of the opportunities and regional development. administration of territory and a major consider- Rural tourism in Lithuania is defined in ation in the master plans for Lithuanian regions, the ‘Requirements of Rural Tourism Service Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development 189

Provision’ (Lithuanian State Tourism Depart- (2500 inhabitants), six villages and over 20 ment, 2003) as the provision of accommodation, manors are located on the island and adminis- catering, attractions, amusement and related trated by the Šiluth district municipality. The services to tourists in farmsteads or individual island is a flat and open alluvial plain and parts living houses by persons with rural tourism busi- are protected from flooding by dykes. The ness licences in the rural areas or towns with less unsealed floodplains of the island make a criti- than 3000 inhabitants and is based on previous cally important ecozone between the aquatic legislation, building on experience in response and terrestrial habitats (Breber et al., in press) to the metamorphosis of the economic context and in the spring provide a nursery for Curonian and business conditions. Interestingly this docu- lagoon fish and a foraging place for migratory ment is the only one that does not explicitly birds. Both of these offer important resources consider sustainability issues – it focuses instead for the development of sustainable rural tourism on the regulation of practical issues arising from products. rural tourism activity. Since 1993, the entire Nemunas delta has There are a number of opportunities to been listed under the Ramsar Convention as a further develop Lithuania’s response to the sus- wetland of international importance. Rusnh Island tainability agenda: eco-labelling, for example, is is also protected as a managed landscape reserve underdeveloped. In place are the Blue Flag within the Nemunas Delta regional park. Sandy programme, which provides municipality awards islets and reedbeds of the lagoon foreshore in for beach quality, and the Green Key programme, front of the island are protected as a strict nature which focuses on the accommodation sector. reserve with no activities or access allowed. The Blue Flag has been achieved by two municipali- regulations of the managed reserve relevant to ties, Neringa and Palanga. Large hotels in sustainable rural tourism development constrain Vilnius and Klaiphda – the Reval and Baltpark expansion of arable land acreage at the expense hotels – have participated in the Green Key of meadows and establish the basis for interpre- programme. No labelling schemes have been tation of the resources of the area for tourists implemented for rural tourism products despite and residents which should stimulate interest evidence of high awareness of the importance and tourism activity (DeinoraviEius et al., 1999). of environmental protection and the balancing Traditionally, fishing has been an impor- of economy and social questions (Armaitienh tant part of the economy. Before the changes of et al., 2004). the 1990s, the Rusnh fishing cooperative shared fishing in the Lithuanian part of the Curonian lagoon with three other cooperatives. Besides fishing, people were employed in dairy and duck The Case Studies farming. Fishing quotas, milk and poultry pro- duction plans were determined centrally, and Figure 15.2 shows the location of the three case the local economy was dependent on cheap h h studies: Rusn Island, Minija village and Karkl , fuel and low-cost manual labour (Roepstorff on the Baltic Sea coast. and Povilanskas, 1995). The economic reforms of the 1990s caused a decline of fishing in the Curonian lagoon and dissolution of the cooper- Rusn Island atives. On Rusnh Island, large-scale husbandry and duck-farming was economically unviable Rusnh Island is the largest island in the Nemunas and collapsed. Unemployment and emigration river delta adjacent to the Curonian lagoon with from the island soared as the remaining locals, a total area of 45.2 km2. It is isolated from the mostly people in their 40s and 50s, had to meet mainland by the two main branches of the river: new survival challenges without possessing Atmata in the north and Skirvyth in the south, proper knowledge and skills. which also serves as the state border separating In this situation, rural tourism development Rusnh Island from the Kaliningrad enclave of was perceived as a cure-all by many local peo- Russia. A few minor river branches cut the island ple. In 2000, the first steps to facilitate the provi- into separate parts. The township of Rusnh sion of rural tourism services on selected pilot 190 A. Armaitienh et al.

Fig. 15.2. Location map showing the three case study areas. Source: drawn by R. Povilanskas, 2005. farmsteads of the island were taken by the service providers for the first 5 years, provision Department of Tourism and Recreation at of capital for public tourism facilities on the Klaiphda University. These efforts proved to be island (e.g. bird observation towers and bike a real success, and the number of farmsteads paths), education and training of local tourism providing rural tourism services doubled each service providers. year from just two in 2000 to 28 in 2004, cater- Thus, rural tourism development on Rusnh ing for the growing visitor demand from the Island is resulting from the growing interest of large cities of Lithuania attracted mainly by the the island’s community and tourism service pro- excellent all-year-round angling on the island viders in turning local conservation values and (Vaitekunas et al., 2001). The Šiluth district rich traditions into an asset for sustainable municipality encourages environmentally friendly development. Such interest has manifested itself rural tourism development on Rusnh Island in restoring and cherishing the environment- through the provision of a range of financial friendly traditional approaches of deltaic farm- incentives, including tax relief for rural tourism ing and fishing combined with the provision of Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development 191

rural and nature tourism services. An ancient by co-funding from European Union and Šiluth fishing boat, Kurenas, has become a potential municipality. In 2004, the village had 200 water- icon for local cultural traditions and ecological borne daily visitors during the peak summer thinking and has been recommissioned by locals season and accrues a total of about 11,000 to carry tourists around the island (Armaitienh visitors per year. The potential conflict between et al., 2004). conservation and commercial imperatives arising out of this will be interesting to follow. Minija village is protected as a managed Minija ethno-cultural reserve within the Nemunas Delta regional park. The prevailing regulations impose Minija village is a tiny village located in the restrictions on the construction of new buildings Minija river delta, adjacent to the Nemunas and the reconstruction of existing ones, includ- delta and is unique – the ‘Venice of Lithuania’. ing expansion of tourist facilities and forbid the It is part of the Šiluth district municipality and entry of motor boats to the Minija river delta. features narrow parcels of land with houses pro- Comprehensive education campaigns are pro- tected by dykes and stretching along both banks vided for local people to raise awareness of the of the river (Povilanskas et al., 2002a). Move- environmental significance of the area. As on ment around the village is possible only by boat. Rusnh Island, the key incentives to promote Minija has 45 permanent inhabitants living in environmentally friendly rural tourism develop- 15 farmsteads with ten more farmsteads made ment in Minija village include tax advantages into second homes. The area around Minija has for the providers of rural tourism services for the a series of valuable habitats, including flood- first 5 years. plains, shallow lakes and coastal wet forests and Sustainability in rural tourism development boasts the greatest biodiversity in Lithuania in in Minija is reliant upon further promotion of terms of fish and waterfowl species (Povilanskas Minija as an important rural and water tourism et al., 2002b), of which several are considered destination catering for the increasing demand as threatened species in Europe. of the visitors for a unique (‘wild’) environment. Before the economic reform of the 1990s, The marina of Minija, which is managed by the fishermen from Minija belonged to the fishing Kintai Sailing Club, has become an important cooperative of Kintai and fished in the northern promoter of advanced ideas about sustainable part of the Curonian lagoon (Povilanskas et al., rural and water tourism development to the local 2002a). Besides fishing, farmers of Minija were community. Thus, in 2003 ecological waste- employed in dairy farming and the production water treatment was introduced in the marina of grass pellets on the floodplains. The early in cooperation with the Zvejone environmen- 1990s saw the dissolution of the fishing cooper- tal club from Klaiphda and Coalition Clean atives and collapse of grass pellet production as Baltic. they lost viability in the new economic environ- ment. Whilst a few locals became involved in private fishery or husbandry, many were forced Karkl to leave the village. Those who remain are gen- erally socially deprived, retired persons surviving Karklh is a seaside village with 100 inhabitants on subsistence farming and poaching. Remark- situated north of Klaiphda. It belongs to the ably, the area’s attractive scenery and unique Klaiphda rural district municipality and stretches cultural heritage caused a rush to purchase along the coast of the Baltic Sea. Its landscape property for conversion into second homes by includes the highest coastal cliffs in Lithuania the residents of Klaiphda, Lithuania’s third-largest and mature mixed forests, making this small city. Since 1997, one Minija household has village a popular year-round destination for started to provide bed and breakfast and leisure weekend visitors from Klaiphda. The area boating services. The main focus for promoting around Karklh hosts several valuable coastal and Minija as a rural and coastal tourism destination marine habitats forming a series of Lithuanian has been the construction of a marina for small- coastal and marine NATURA 2000 sites (Olenin scale sailing boats in 2003, which was supported and Klovaite, 1998). These include parabolic 192 A. Armaitienh et al.

dunes and, particularly, ‘hard bottoms’ of peb- (2002), any new buildings in the 300 m seaside bles and boulders with the highest biodiversity zone must be approved by the Prime Minister’s in the southeast Baltic proper (Olenin and cabinet [sic]. The adjacent nearshore of the Labanauskas, 1995). ‘hard-bottom’ is protected as a managed marine Before the changes of the 1990s, Karklh reserve with restricted fishing and navigation. village was part of the heavily militarized Under such a restrictive management regime, seaside frontier zone of the Soviet Union with sustainable tourism incentives are critically impor- restricted access for tourists and devoid of any tant. The regional park administration controls tourist facilities. The Soviet authorities did not the development of tourism facilities (e.g. stair- allow local inhabitants to fish in the Baltic Sea ways leading to the beach, bird observation fearing their escape to the West. Hence, every- hides and nature trails), and provides training one was forced into farming at local kolkhoz. and capacity building to local people. Unfortu- (Kolkhoz was a form of farming in the former nately, the inhabitants of Karklh do not enjoy Soviet Union that existed along with state farms. any tax relief in relation to rural tourism service The word is a contraction of ‘collective house- provision. hold’, usually translated as ‘collective farm’. The policy for sustainable tourism develop- Members of kolkhoz were paid a share of the ment in Karklh is in keeping with the policy to farm’s product and profit according to the diversify the Lithuanian tourism product follow- number of workdays.) ing membership of the European Union and is After the collapse of the ‘Iron Curtain’, primarily linked to the promotion of specific Karklh opened to the outer world and became local rural tourism services based on local tradi- immediately popular among the inhabitants of tions, e.g. amber fishing in the Baltic Sea as part Klaiphda, both as a destination for seaside of an international ‘Amber Trail’ and riding recreation and as a residential suburb. Such traditional, locally raised Samogitian horses, rapid development of leisure facilities and hous- which contributes to their preservation as well ing led to dramatic changes in the village and its as maintaining habitat diversity in the dunes. environs, which had been left intact for 50 The capacity of Karklh as a sustainable rural years. Since the beginning of the 21st century, and coastal tourism will be enhanced by the active efforts have been undertaken by the sea- anticipated integration of the seaside regional side regional park administration to reverse park into the Baltic network of sustainable negative developments and to promote local coastal dune tourism (Povilanskas, 2004). sustainability through facilitation of the provi- sion of small-scale rural tourism services in Karklh. During 2002/2003, a comprehensive public awareness and capacity building cam- Discussion paign was launched by the staff of the seaside regional park and the Department of Tourism Recent years have seen a significant global shift and Recreation at Klaiphda University. This in land use and rural employment towards more campaign, however, has not resulted in an emphasis on the non-farm sector (Bouma et al., increase in the number of farmsteads providing 1998; Bryden and Bollman, 2000; Lanjouw rural tourism services in Karklh beyond the and Lanjouw, 2001). The sustainability of three extant farmsteads. According to the results coastal habitats and landscapes depends to of a visitor survey, current demand for tourism a significant degree on the sustainability of services outstrips supply (Spiriajevas, 2003). the patterns of human activities. To date, the Karklh village is protected as a managed maintenance of wildlife sanctuaries in the ethno-cultural reserve within the Pajurio (seaside) Lithuanian coastal areas has fallen mainly on regional park. The management regulations of the shoulders of the taxpayer, albeit supple- this reserve are some of the strictest in Europe mented with voluntary donations. Whereas regarding construction and reconstruction, includ- this may work in affluent societies, if serious ing expansion of tourist facilities (Povilanskas and economic difficulties arise such contributions Urbis, 2004). So, according to the Law of the are the first to suffer. A better guarantee for the Coastal Zone of the Republic of Lithuania continued existence of these valuable coastal Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development 193

habitats would be to consider them not only for economic development strategies at a local, their ecological value, but also for their economic regional and national level. There is good and social potential. To achieve this requires the vertical integration from country to regional to application of biodiversity protection policies local level. It is clear that tourism is firmly through top-down regulation and voluntary on the economic development agenda in incentive-based ones (Breber, 1995; Hurni, Lithuania and is recognized as an industry 2000; Doremus, 2003; Shogren et al., 2003). sector with important implications for Lithuanian Without a determined local collaborative net- prosperity. Lithuania has warmly embraced the work, which involves all relevant stakeholders, sustainability agenda and has strongly integrated including owners of recreational amenities, hunters sustainability into the wider development and anglers, any top-down conservation system strategies. fails to prevent poaching and misuse of the The three case studies evidence the impor- resources. To achieve environmental, economic tance of tourism in providing sustainable devel- and social sustainability of rural tourism requires opment opportunities in Lithuanian rural/coastal the empowerment of local communities to effec- areas. Each case study provides evidence of the tively exploit the natural resources whilst also understanding of the opportunities afforded to conserving them (DeinoraviEius et al., 1999; rural coastal areas of repackaging traditional Bridgewater, 2002). industries and cultures into a new range of lei- The emerging trend of urban-to-rural sure and tourism products. Income streams for in-migration in both developed and transition rural inhabitants can be derived from servicing countries (Stockdale et al., 2000; Brown and leisure and tourism opportunities for city dwellers Schafft, 2002; Paquette and Domon, 2003) and using traditional skills. Each of the case studies the strong emotional attachment of Lithuanians has a strong regulatory framework to minimize to the coast provides an opportunity to foster a environmental impact, with the most fragile eco- robust local identity based on the sustainable systems having the strictest regulations. However, use of diverse natural resources and conserva- the importance of a high quality environment in tion of valuable habitats. The three case studies sustaining tourism activity and the increasing presented in this chapter illustrate that Lithuania environmental pressure resulting from increased has a strong policy framework to support sus- tourism activity has led to a search for national tainable rural tourism development, which is and international funding to enhance the envi- vertically and horizontally integrated. Financial ronmental quality. The case studies exemplify incentives are used variably between districts to the importance of partnerships of key stake- orchestrate tourism product development in line holders in protecting these fragile ecosystems with policy objectives. The continued balancing whilst providing development opportunities for of the environmental, economic and social agen- local people, thus balancing the conservation das will require the ongoing resolution of con- and commercial agendas. flict between the conservation and commercial Lithuania has made very effective use of EU agendas. The key to resolving such conflict might funding to support marketing and promotion lie in anticipated shifts in the European Union’s activities, which has enabled a major shift Common Agricultural Policy towards increasing from declining ex-Soviet markets to improving support for environmentally friendly farming, European markets. This has required a paradigm sustainable rural tourism development and shift in terms of the quality of provision and in maintenance of biological diversity (Donald this context rural tourism is an important issue et al., 2002). Certainly the National Tourism providing an effective platform for incoming Development Plan (2003) emphasizes the impor- tourism building on domestic tourism demand. tance of opening up the eligibility of investment The domestic market is important in contributing support for tourism-related activity from wider to the critical mass of demand that will encour- funding posts, e.g. the Rural Support Fund. age public-sector response to the tourism pro- Such changes would enhance the horizontal duct quality issue and develop the infrastructure integration of tourism development with wider to meet the needs of incoming tourism markets. 194 A. Armaitienh et al.


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The Mediterranean Enlargement This page intentionally left blank 16 The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview

HabibAlipour and Derek Hall

Introduction powers of Germany, Sweden, Poland, Lithua- nia and Russia. Of the other five CEE accession This Mediterranean overview chapter has a states, all but Slovenia had been part of the number of objectives in supporting its overall Soviet bloc since World War II, all but Hungary aim of contextualizing the following two chapters have Slav cultures, and all, with the partial on Malta and Cyprus: exception of Poland, had been part of the Hapsburg Austro-Hungarian empire up to ● to briefly highlight common and contrast- World War I. Climatically Central or Northern ing elements between the Mediterranean European, with distinctly cold winter continen- and CEE accession states; tal components, many of the basic characteris- ● to highlight common and contrasting ele- tics of the CEE entrants are thus far removed ments between Malta and Cyprus themselves; from those of Cyprus and Malta. ● to exemplify this through aspects of Indeed, although a maritime heritage is an tourism–environment relationships; and element that the Mediterranean entrants may ● to consider the wider Mediterranean impli- be said to share with the Baltic States, Poland cations of the EU accession of Malta and and perhaps Slovenia, that is certainly not Cyprus. the case with the other three, land-locked CEE members (Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia). The characteristic of a small Contrasts Among the Accession population figure (see Table 1.1) is certainly an States element Cyprus and Malta share with Slovenia (a nation state only since 1991), Estonia and It might seem simplistic, but none the less Latvia, although all three CEECs are much largely true, to argue that few points of compari- larger in terms of land area. Notably, Malta’s son exist between the Mediterranean and Cen- population density is far greater than any other tral and Eastern European (CEE) 2004 EU or Mediterranean country (Table 16.1; see accession states. Of the CEE entrants, Estonia, also Table 1.1 and Chapter 17). Latvia and Lithuania had been incorporated Three key and interrelated characteristics within the Soviet Union, had distinctive link the two Mediterranean entrants while acting non-Slav majority cultures, a largely Baltic mari- to contrast them with the CEE8: a history of time tradition, and a history embracing the wax- British colonial occupation, and the linguistic ing and waning Northern European imperial and tourism heritage flowing from that. ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 199 200 H. Alipour and D. Hall

Table 16.1. Selected Mediterranean and European countries in comparison.

Hotels and similar accommodation Population No. of Area density Motorways passenger cars per No. of No. of beds Country (in km2) (per km2) (in km) 1,000 population establishments (’000s)

Malta 316 1,239 0 508 188 39 Cyprus 9,251 82 268 405 803 92 Greece 132,000 80 742 333 8,899 668 Italy 301,000 192 6,478 590 33,840 1,969 Spain 505,000 78 9,910 460 17,402 1,512 France 544,000 108 10,223 490 18,217 1,207 Turkey 814,578 77 1,851 66 1,862 NA

Source: Eurostat, 2005.

A history of British colonial occupation 100 km from Turkey – since ancient times. The island was absorbed by the Ottoman Turks in North African Arabs occupied the Maltese 1571 and remained in their hands until 1878, islands from the 9th to the 13th century and when it was ceded to Britain for administrative left behind notable imprints of their culture, purposes. At the outbreak of World War I the particularly on the Maltese language. Ruled British formally annexed Cyprus. Civil violence by the throne of Aragon from the early 14th began in 1955 with Greek demands for enosis – century, in 1530 the islands were granted to the union with Greece. This was resisted strongly International Order of the Knights of St John of by the Turkish population, who, as a counter, Jerusalem by Charles V of Spain. The Knights pressed for a partition of Cyprus into Turkish administered the islands for the next 268 years and Greek sectors. Britain had two military until Napoleon occupied the country in 1798 bases on the island, reflecting Cyprus’ role as a in the name of the French Republic. Within last remaining British defence garrison in the two years the French were forced to surrender eastern Mediterranean. In 1959 preparations following a land and sea blockade by combined for independence began, and the Republic of Maltese and British forces, and in 1800 Malta Cyprus was constituted in 1960, being admitted became part of the British empire. to the British Commonwealth the following Independence was gained in 1964 and year. Independence was guaranteed by Britain, Malta was declared a republic within the British Greece and Turkey, under agreements signed Commonwealth in 1974. Until the 1960s the in Zurich and London. This status prohibited economy had been dependent upon require- union with another state, or partition of the ments of the British armed services and the island into two or more parts. The president naval dockyard (Mizzi, 1994). On independ- would be Greek and the vice-president Turkish. ence, the country’s small internal markets, insu- British sovereignty was retained over the two larity, and limited range of natural resources, areas used as military bases. Despite throwing appeared to severely limit development options off the colonial yoke, there developed little (Bramwell, 2003). Subsequently, light industry concept of a Cypriot nationhood. Citizens con- (textiles, electronic components) and tourism tinued to think of themselves either as Greek or were developed as major sources of employ- Turkish Cypriots (Hall, 2000a), and at the time ment (Lockhart and Mason, 1989; MTA, 1999). of independence, the island’s demographic Greeks have inhabited Cyprus – 800 km (im)balance was 80% Greek Cypriot and 20% from the mainland of Greece and less than Turkish Cypriot. The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview 201

The use of the English language However, the nature of such division differs as lingua franca markedly between the two, spatially, structurally and culturally. The contemporary common use of English on Three years after independence, Malta both islands is of course a heritage of their indicated that it wished to establish formal colonial past. The Maltese language is Arabic- contractual relations with the EEC. Subsequent derived, while employing the Roman script – negotiations led to the signing of the EC–Malta the only Semitic language to do so. Greek or Association Agreement which came into force in Turkish, of course, represents the first language April 1971, and covered trade-related issues, for most Cypriots, with English often employed legal approximation and other areas of coopera- as a mediating vehicle for communication. tion, including industry, environment, transport and customs (EC, 2000). It formalized close links between the Community and Malta, with a gradual removal of trade barriers to allow A mass 3Ss tourism industry based to unhindered access to each other’s markets by a large extent on the demands of the the end of the 20th century. This resulted in the UK market EU accounting for more than half of Malta’s exports and over two-thirds of total imports by As English-speaking with a colonial heritage the late 1990s (EC, 1999a). coupled to a warm and sunny Mediterranean Malta’s essentially two-party post- climate, tourism development aimed at the UK independence political system has generated market was an obvious economic option for fierce political debate within the islands, and on both countries which gained independence just certain issues – not least EU membership – this as the inclusive holiday industry was taking off. has proved to be severely divisive. Although a In both islands the tourism industry’s evolution small and relatively ethnically homogenous has also resulted in patterns of uneven regional state, Malta has been viewed as having one of development, albeit not untypical for the the purest two-party political systems in the Mediterranean (Hadjimichalis, 1987; Dunford, developed world (Cini, 2002). Intense political 1997). rivalry, and its polarization of Maltese society, That both Malta and Cyprus have sought have been complemented by a culture of subsequently to diversify away from mass-market patronage, exacerbated by the fact that elec- dependence – a lingering colonial heritage tions have often been won by small margins whose erosion EU membership could either of votes, often leading to inaction due to an encourage or constrain – is emphasized in the inability to pass and enforce laws. As a result, following two chapters (17 and 18). What this government policies ‘may end up as a tattered overview chapter wishes to suggest is that there patchwork of conflicting client demands’ are comparable underlying structural issues (Mallia, 1994, p. 700). Within this context, poli- influencing the effectiveness and implications of tical polarization has also been viewed in terms such policies. In Malta, for example, in the process of ‘traditionalists’ and ‘modernizers’ (Mitchell, of trying to change that mass image, as discussed 2002). in Chapter 17, a number of environmental This division complicated Malta’s path to conflicts have arisen (e.g. Markwick, 2000, 2001; EU accession, rendering an ambivalence to the Bramwell, 2003). concept of the country’s ‘Europeanization’ (e.g. Cini, 2000). Baldacchino (2002) contended that this was partly the result of Malta’s status as a ‘nation-less state’, characterized by post- Political Division and the colonial, small island nationalism, but with a Accession Process history of attempted integration with France, Italy, Britain and Libya. Yet the country’s small Political division has characterized the size has also allowed the Maltese to win conces- recent history of Malta and Cyprus and has sions from the EU (e.g. Pace, 2002). This is notably interacted with processes of accession. exemplified later in the chapter. 202 H. Alipour and D. Hall

The Nationalist Party government formally year with arrangements intended to benefit applied for European Community membership the population of the whole island. As noted in 1990. Three years later, publication of a in Chapter 1, Cyprus was politically divided in favourable Opinion by the European Commis- 1974 when a coup backed by Athens to annex sion saw EU-Malta relations oriented towards the island to Greece triggered a Turkish military the goal of accession. However, the coming to occupation of the north (Fig. 16.1). The political power of a nationalist, anti-Europe Labour and economic consequences of these actions government in October 1996 saw Malta’s appli- delayed full implementation, such that a second cation for EU membership placed in abeyance, stage of the Association Agreement was only only for accession negotiations to recommence signed in Luxembourg in 1987, with provisions in September 1998 with a return to government for a customs union between ‘Cyprus’ and the of the Nationalist Party. Five months later EU to be completed by 2003 at the latest. the European Commission recommended that In 1990 the (South) Republic of Cyprus accession negotiations should commence by applied to join the European Community. The the end of 1999; but reports in the Maltese press European Commission’s 1993 Opinion consi- suggested that Brussels was concerned about dered Cyprus to be eligible for membership, and the country’s anti-EU membership lobby. Led ‘in expectation of progress on the political pro- by the opposition Labour Party, this movement blem’ (i.e. reunification) confirmed that the EC appeared to be better organized and more vocal was ready to start the process with Cyprus that than pro-accession supporters. The message should lead to its eventual accession (EC, 1997). was clear that the Maltese government urgently Substantive accession negotiations began needed to crystallize a distinctive policy frame- in November 1998. Prior to the important work favouring EU membership as other appli- December 1999 Helsinki summit, the European cant countries had done (Manduca, 1999). Commission’s report on (the Republic of) Cyprus’ Despite a deeply divisive internal party progress towards EU accession concluded that it political structure, the European Commission’s had fulfilled the Copenhagen political criteria, 1999 Regular Report (EC, 1999b) concluded was a functioning market economy able to cope that Malta was a functioning market economy with the competitive pressures and market forces and should be able to cope with competitive within the EU, but should accelerate progress pressures and market forces within the EU, towards privatization (EC, 1999c). This was a although it needed to continue with industrial similar response to that for Malta. However, restructuring (Hall, 2000b). The EU leaders’ there was a caveat: Cyprus needed to adopt meeting in Helsinki in December 1999 formally several pieces of sectoral legislation to permit invited Malta, along with five other applicants, alignment with the environment acquis,and to start accession talks, and negotiations with needed to reinforce administrative capacity in the EU were brought to a successful conclusion the maritime transport and environment sectors in December 2002. In Malta’s subsequent refer- (EC, 1999c). endum of March 2003, a 53.65% majority vote The EU position on political division was in favour of membership led the government to that the status quo imposed by the Turkish call a general election in the following month. invasion of 1974 and the continued occupa- The governing Nationalist Party won 51.7% tion by Turkish troops of 37% of the island’s of the vote based on a 96% turnout, reinforcing territory, was unacceptable. The EU supported the government’s confidence to confirm accept- the efforts of the United Nations to reach a ance of the package presented to Malta by the negotiated and comprehensive settlement that European Union for accession in May 2004. would respect the sovereignty, independence, In 1971, the Government of Cyprus territorial integrity and unity of the country entered into negotiations with the EEC and in within a bi-communal and bi-zonal federation. December 1972 an association agreement was These principles – the Ghali ‘set of ideas’ signed between the two parties. This was one of established by the UN Secretary General the EEC’s first such treaties, aiming to establish Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1992 and endorsed a customs union within a period of 10 years. by the UN Security Council – stipulated that The agreement came into force the following EU membership should be decided upon only The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview 203

Fig. 16.1. Cyprus: location map with the demarcation line. Source: Alipour and Kilic, 2004. after the Cyprus problem had been settled, For its part, the Greek government indi- and through separate referendums of the two cated that Athens would veto the process of peoples (Bolukbasi, 1995, 1998). wider enlargement if Cyprus was omitted. It The Commission’s Agenda 2000 (EC, argued that Cyprus could not be allowed to 1997) confirmed that accession negotiations become a ‘hostage’ of Turkey. Further, until the would begin as planned and reiterated the December 1999 Helsinki Summit, Greece had EU’s determination to play a positive role in blocked moves towards inaugurating accession bringing about a just and lasting settlement in discussions with Turkey (Anon, 1998). accordance with UN resolutions. Yet, almost Since the end of the Cold War, Turkey’s paradoxically, the timetable agreed for acces- relationship with Europe had been changing. sion negotiations meant that they could start Having been a loyal eastern NATO bastion and before a political settlement was reached, with crucial listening post, its strategic importance for the EU arguing that negotiations could stimu- the West had declined just at a time when late the search for a political settlement. If suffi- the EU was forging ahead for economic and cient progress was made between the parties to political integration with some of the states allow representatives of the Turkish Cypriot against whom Turkey’s NATO role had been community to be involved in the accession employed. Turkey had also been experiencing process, this would permit a faster conclu- domestic instability concerning the role of sion to the accession negotiations. However, Islam in its society and the rights of its Kurdish Agenda 2000 indicated that if progress towards minority population. Until the 1999 Helsinki a settlement was not reached before the nego- Summit there had been growing recrimination tiations were due to begin, they should be between the EU and Turkey as the latter had opened with the government of the Republic of watched former Cold War ‘enemy’ countries Cyprus as the only authority recognized by from CEE leapfrog its own long-standing international law. application for membership. 204 H. Alipour and D. Hall

The Turkish Cypriot view of the 1990 Environmental Issues application for EC membership was that it was a unilateral action on the part of the Greek Cypriot The path of accession has acted as a catalyst administration and not on behalf of Cyprus as for change in many aspects of national policy a whole. The North’s position was that the for all new member states. It was during this bi-communal Republic of Cyprus established in process that increasing attention was paid to accordance with the 1959–60 Zurich and London Malta’s environmental questions, and not least Agreements was still in force. Turkish Cypriots issues related to growing traffic and pollution viewed the Greek Cypriot objective to be the problems. This was reinforced by the fact that destruction of these fundamental rights and the EC’s Regular Report for 2002 (CEC, 2002, status by the accession application, and by so pp. 60–62, 84–88) highlighted the need for doing to shift the equilibrium between Turkey administrative capacity strengthening in the and Greece over Cyprus substantially in favour fields of both transport and environment. of Greece. Once ‘Cyprus’ was accepted as a These problems held clear implications for the member of the EU, the Treaty of Guarantee vitality of the tourism industry (Attard and Hall, would be inapplicable against an EU member 2004). state and, by virtue of EU laws, all the basic Malta has one of the highest per capita principles enshrined in the Ghali proposals levels of car ownership in the Mediterranean regarding a bi-zonal, bi-communal settlement and Europe, with over 500 cars per 1000 would be of no effect (Richmond, 1999). inhabitants (Malta Transport Authority, 2003). In talks with NATO counterparts, Turkey The number of motor vehicles on the islands threatened to proceed with a ‘partial integra- grew by 116% in the last 15 years of the tion’ of the Turkish-controlled north of the 20th century. By 1998 there were four times island if the EU started membership negotia- as many work-related trips being made by tions with the Greek Cypriot government in the car than by public transport (MEPA, 2002). spring of 1998. Some Turkish politicians argued Further, all major international rental compa- that Ankara should block entry of the Czech nies are represented in Malta, together with a Republic, Hungary and Poland to NATO by larger number of small local businesses that refusing to ratify that organization’s expansion. run rental vehicle services in tourist areas, For their part, the Greek Cypriot government’s such that by 2000 there were almost 340,000 ordering of S-300 missile systems from Russia annual tourist hire car contracts being issued. further heightened tension in the region (Mather The growth of this mode of transport has and Krushelnycky, 1998). heightened pressure on infrastructure and the It was therefore with some relief that, at need for road space. Demand for such space the December 1999 EU leaders’ summit in has been skewed by the high population Helsinki, Greece lifted the veto it had wielded densities concentrated in just under 22% of for the past decade on accession talks with the land area, exacerbated by a large tourist Ankara. Turkey was now assigned the status of population concentrated in many of the same a candidate country, although a timetable for areas, and increasing dependence on the accession discussions was not established. motor car (albeit with no motorway-grade Greece had not accepted the principle of highway), there being no heavy or light rail eventual Turkish EU membership without systems surviving (Attard and Hall, 2003, imposing conditions. In addition to the normal 2004). Table 16.1 presents a comparative over- EU requirements for improving human rights, view of different European and Mediterranean democratic structures and economic reform, countries. Turkey would have to agree to take any territo- Malta has attracted more than a million rial disputes with Greece in the Aegean to the tourists every year since the early 1990s. Marked International Court of Justice in The Hague. seasonality has heightened pressures on the Further, Turkey had to face the subsequent country’s infrastructure, especially energy prospect of ‘Cyprus’ becoming an EU member supply, water quality, waste disposal and trans- in May 2004 before any internal political settle- port provision (Lockhart, 1997). The physical ment had been reached (Müftüler-Bac, 1999). impact of tourism is complicated and to some The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview 205

extent obscured by a number of dynamic pro- encouragement and promotion (Markwick, cesses. Most notable of these are: 1999, 2000, 2001). Such a policy has, how- ever, led to environmental conflicts involving ● the increasing incidence of retirement both the natural resources and residents of the immigration, particularly from the UK, with islands, exacerbating social and environmental migrants being both participants in, and pressures, in terms of: recipients of, visiting friends and relatives tourism (Williams et al., 2000); and ● traffic congestion pinch-points; ● new housing appears to have contributed ● tourist congestion and intrusion at cultural much more to land-take than has new sites; tourism development (Ministry of Tourism, ● excessive land-take at key locations for 1999; Planning Authority, 2001), but an luxury hotels; unknown number of new apartments and ● land and water demands for golf courses; houses are used by Maltese as second homes, and by returning émigrés, by international tour- ● the space demands and marine pollution ists, and by retirement immigrants. impacts of marina development. Certainly, as tourism has grown, it is clear Critically, such continued encroachment that resulting increased physical congestion on the Maltese people’s own leisure space both on the country’s roads and on its beaches has been seen to echo colonial times when the has become less acceptable (Boissevain and British administration prevented public access Theuma, 1998) (Fig. 16.2). The country’s 1989 to large areas of rural Malta (Boissevain and tourism master plan called for the development Theuma, 1998, p. 114–115). Notably, the pro- of higher quality tourism and for the encourage- motion of golf tourism requires the diversion of ment of winter and spring attractions to reduce scarce water resources and valuable land-take the high level of seasonality of international (Planning Authority, 1997; Markwick, 2000). arrivals. As a result, sports such as diving and On the other hand, logistical and moral golf, alongside cultural and rural tourism, conflicts have arisen as a consequence of were given a higher level of development foreign tourists visiting the countryside and

Fig. 16.2. The Maltese islands: distribution of tourist areas and cultural sites. Source: Attard and Hall, 2004 (compiled by Maria Attard). 206 H. Alipour and D. Hall

being intimidated by local hunters and trap- Box 16.1. Hunting and trapping in Malta. pers, of whom there are an estimated 20,000 (Fenech, 1992), especially where the latter The two main species hunted are turtle dove have carried out their pursuits in ‘protected’ and quail. Under EU law (EC, 1979), hunting areas (Markwick, 2001). in spring is normally prohibited to protect Attempts to align Malta’s environmental migrating birds. Yet the EC acceded to Malta’s derogation from this part of EU law so that the legislation with EU requirements precipitated Maltese could continue to hunt in spring for strong reaction from the politically articulate these birds. Hunting was also permitted to hunting lobby on a number of occasions (Borg, continue to take place between September and 1996). These issues entered party politics and the end of January each year. Bird hunting at have contributed to the often sharp tensions on sea was also allowed to continue from 3 km questions of EU accession. As a consequence, off the coast: the argument for this is that Malta and to the dismay of many environmentalists has no wetlands to attract wildfowl onto land. and nature lovers, Malta gained a number of Trapping is a traditional method of captur- concessions from the EU during its accession ing birds through the use of personally operated negotiations relating to environmental issues. In nets. Birds that are trapped are not killed but are kept in captivity. Trapping was allowed to particular, the hunting and trapping of wild continue, conditionally, for a number of song- birds was allowed to continue. While Malta bird species, including goldfinch, greenfinch, accepted that it should adopt EU law (EC, chaffinch, linnet, hawfinch and siskin. The 1979) on the protection of birds, it argued that conditions relate to a number of measures that hunting and trapping wild birds was a tradi- need to be implemented by 2008: tional pursuit. As a central element of Maltese ● a study conducted to assess the culture it reflected Malta’s particular biogeo- sustainability of trapping finches by graphical circumstances, and as such, should be establishing how many birds may be maintained (Box 16.1). captured from the wild to maintain the In Cyprus, challenges to the tourism sector genetic diversity of the birds in captivity; have been exacerbated in the short term by the ● a full captive breeding system established unsatisfactory process and outcome of acces- with trappers trained in avian breeding; sion (Warner, 1999), although tourism’s prime ● the registration of all trapping sites; and developmental characteristics – boosterism (Hall, ● no new licences issued during the period 1999) in the south, and institutional fragility in of study. the north – remain. In summary, the challenges Sources: Attard and Cordina, 2002; FKNK, facing the sector include: 2003; IAR, 2003.

● the overall sustainability of tourism activity and growth; concentration of physical development ● lack of policy or policy clarity, and the low and urbanization constraining opportuni- level of priority for resolving problems and ties for establishing strong back-linkages lack of authority vested in tourism bodies with rural hinterlands; and to overcome them, with consequently poor ● unsatisfactory implementation of planning monitoring and feedback; approaches (e.g. Ioannides, 1995; ● lack of environmental education and com- Saveriades, 2000; Sharpley, 2001; Alipour munity information, and thus absence of a and Kilic, 2004; CTO, 2005). culture of environmental awareness and informed participation; These raise issues of ‘policy credibility’ ● lack of economic diversification and thus (Grabel, 2000), whereby the political economy dependency on tourism, with only limited of partition in both South and North Cyprus success in diversifying away from the 3Ss has exacerbated the environmental conse- markets; quences of tourism (Fig. 16.3). The ‘policy ● inability to curb over-development and credibility’ model emphasizes that endoge- coastal degradation resulting from the nously determined factors are crucial intensity of construction, with the coastal (Box 16.2), challenging the approach of the The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview 207

1960 The year of independence

1974 The year of partition

The Turkish Republic of The Republic of Northern Cyprus Cyprus (TRNC, 1983) (1960)

EU accession of (the Republic of) Cyprus (2004)

EU New challenges Globalization and glocalization enlargement

Unifying a divided island of Cyprus

To raise the policy credibility of Cyprus’s political economy(ies)

New Alternative Human Carrying Diversification Sustainability Environmentalism international tourism resources capacity image

Fig. 16.3. A ‘policy credibility’ political economy model for Cyprus.

Box 16.2. Endogenous factors constraining environmental policy in Cyprus.

● Under-utilization of the island’s resources. ● Spatial and organizational discontinuities and fragmentation of development and infrastructure. ● Disrupted mobility. ● Land market, planning and development uncertainties. ● The psychological impact of the North’s lack of recognition by the UN and other international bodies, and the lack of recognition of the South by Turkey. ● Militarization. ● Ethnic tension. ● Regional imbalances. ● High transaction costs. ● Environmental apathy and neglect in respect of sustainability.

Sources: Zetter, 1994; Kliot and Mansfeld, 1997; Ioannides and Apostolopoulos, 1999; Milne, 2003. 208 H. Alipour and D. Hall

island’s authorities who argue that exoge- of the term “sustainable development” refers nous forces are paramount in determining to all development paths that are environmen- continuing division and its manifold conse- tally beneficial and lasting’ (Ahn et al., 2002, quences (e.g. see Jayasuriya, 2001; WBI, p. 2). With the EU accession of (South) 2003; Alipour and Kilic, 2004). Cyprus in 2004, the opening of the borders The ‘environment’ has remained a neg- between two Greek and Turkish enclaves on lected area both in terms of institutional capa- the island, and the acceptance of Turkey to city and policy implementation, as emphasized start negotiations in October 2005 towards in the Republic of Cyprus Strategic Plan for full membership, a euphoric wave of invest- Tourism 2000–2010 (CTO, 2005). This is ment and development, especially in tourism, in stark contrast to the perceived importance swept the North, raising numerous questions of the environment within EU policy-making concerning the credibility of ‘sustainability’ and the fact that environmentally related poli- policies. cies have become one of the fastest growing In the South’s strategic plan for tourism areas of policy implementation elsewhere 2000–2010, a great deal of environmental (Ruzza, 2000). The EU 1992 framework docu- concern is elaborated, its practical expression ment Towards Sustainability, expressly tar- having been contingent upon alignment with geted the environmental impact of tourism. EU environmental practices and norms (CTO, The influential Fifth EC Environmental Action 2005). In the North, while institutional short- Programme, approved by the Council in comings and their consequences are similar in 1993, made explicit the intention to incorpo- degree, more than three decades of sanctions rate environmental awareness into a wide and embargoes have had an environmental number of sectors, including tourism (Ruzza, dividend in terms of the limited nature of new 2000, p. 292). capital development, not least in mass tour- The EU has transformed environmental ism. Indeed, an intriguing question faces the policymaking for the states of Europe. There North, caught between the struggle for recog- are now close to 300 environmental regulations nition on one hand and the possibility of uni- and directives governing environmental policy fication on the other: assuming the island’s throughout the member states. In many political situation improves, will EU norms environmental policy areas the EU now plays and practices be adopted and implemented an international leadership role. before the rush of (re-)development takes (Schreurs, 2004, p. 27) place in response to a reopening to mass This is important, for example, because markets? coastal over-development and urban visual With the inauguration of accession negotia- pollution (e.g. Anon, 1999, 2001) have hith- tions with Turkey, and enhanced hopes for erto not been constrained, because of weak North Cyprus to become a de facto functioning environmental bureaucracies in both the South part of the EU, it is time to institutionalize and North. However, the twin forces of EU the issue of tourism sustainability beyond ad environmental requirements and apparent hoc mechanisms of integrating environmental market pressures for tourism ‘sustainability’ elements into tourism plans. At present, now require a better understanding and holis- there appears not to be an appropriate and tic approach to ecological issues by tourism well- thought-out model available, especially in managers. the areas of strategic environmental assessment The issue of ‘sustainability’ as a concep- (SEA), environmental impact assessment (EIA), tual paradigm has become a significant policy and sustainability impact assessment (SIA) issue within the international development (Basiago, 1999; Boulanger and Bréchet, 2005). community. It has evolved beyond being just a This is at a time when the EU has adopted such fashionable buzzword, but has become a pol- models as a fundamental policy element of its icy dimension emphasizing ‘values associated development agenda, and across Europe a with cultural and community diversity, concern great deal of effort is being put into for social issues of justice and fairness, and a operationalizing these models in the tourism strong orientation toward stability. The evolution sector as well as in regional planning strategies The Mediterranean Enlargement: an Overview 209

(Ahn et al., 2002; Masters, 2004; Boulanger Conclusions and Bréchet, 2005). Irreversible damage can be inflicted upon Cyprus and Malta are no longer small, peri- the fragile and small-scale nature of North pheral entities in the Mediterranean, but are Cyprus if policies are not in place, especially in integral elements of a larger and globally impor- newly developing tourist zones in the coastal tant socio-economic and political structure. areas (e.g. Bafra), and in the form of intense Being a part of this structure calls for modified urbanization around Kyrenia. In both cases, or new policy behaviour while confronting exis- ‘sustainability’ remains uncertain as there is no ting and new challenges. In their pre-accession sign of any policy or measure to assess limits of economic model, Blake et al. (2003) suggested acceptable change (LAC) as an essential mech- that accession would be beneficial to both anism for sustainability management (Ahn countries, although as a percentage of GDP, et al., 2002). For example, the daily Turkish Malta would benefit considerably more than language newspaper Kibris has pointed to both Cyprus. However, the effects of accession on the impact caused by mining companies in the tourism would be negative for Malta because current construction boom and the apathy of greater impacts from trade and EU funding the government in response to it (Kibris, 2005, allocations would lead to a higher demand for pp. 1–4). Over 211 registered construction firms labour that would increase wage rates and are busy building without environmental impact divert manpower away from tourism. assessment or a master plan in place. This situa- Malta and Cyprus constitute important tion is exacerbated by an unknown number crossroads and cultural links between of construction firms who are not registered Europe and the lands of the south and east with the Cyprus Turkish Construction/Contrac- Mediterranean Basin. Both need to address tors Association (CTCA). This most likely will issues of capacity building, and, specifically have irreversible consequences upon the envi- within tourism, the generation of credible ronment and the sustainability of this fragile diversification policies that express sustainabi- destination (personal interview with the CTCA, lity objectives. Being linking agents comes at a 2005). price: while Malta’s Valletta harbour has been An environmental strategic partnership restructured to accommodate increasing num- between at least the appropriate bodies from bers of cruise liners, so the country’s security the South, the North, the EU and the UNDP institutions are having to confront the political (which is highly active in a number of develop- and moral dilemmas of a rapid increase in mental and cultural areas including small numbers of economic migrants and asylum ecotourism projects), is required. seekers from Africa (116 in 2001, rising to Certainly, one area of concern for Cyprus 1227 in 2004) (Campbell, 2005). For Cyprus, as a whole is actual or potential unfettered the interrelated issues of overcoming division coastal development, since the island lacks an and establishing a working relationship with integrated coastal management plan (ICMP). the rest of the eastern Mediterranean have This fundamental priority for managing coastal profound implications for the development of areas (Tagliani, 2003) requires integration with tourism in the region. resource and structure planning at local and Ensuring good prospects for European regional levels (Gunn and Var, 2002). Clearly, tourism requires the preservation of its regional the two communities of Cyprus share the diversity as an asset for competitiveness, ensur- same ecosystems, and (inter-) community level ing quality and considering community well- tourism and other development planning pro- being in tourist destinations, conserving or pro- cesses need to be implemented within a colla- tecting the environment and heritage resources borative framework (e.g. Murphy and Murphy, and using them wisely, and promoting sustain- 2004). Indeed, public participation has become able inter- and intra-destination mobility. It also a fundamental aspect of planning and environ- depends on equitable access and remuneration ment within the EU, and this needs to be for local providers (EU, 2003, pp. 6–7). These acknowledged and implemented within Cyprus requirements present serious challenges to all as a whole. stakeholders in Cyprus and Malta. 210 H. Alipour and D. Hall


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Nadia Theuma

Introduction Tourism Development in the Maltese Islands 1950s–1990s Situated at the centre of the Mediterranean, the Maltese islands are very often seen as Although present since the beginning of the a sun-and-sea destination attracting mainly 20th century, was officially summer tourism and mass tourists. The launched in 1958, when Malta was still a British islands are also endowed with rich cultural colony (Pollacco, 2003). Since then, tourism and historical assets, that until recently were has experienced a rapid growth with the num- seen as an ‘add-on’ rather than a main feature ber of visitors increasing from 12,583 in 1959 of the tourism product. Tourism in Malta is to 1.13m in 2003 (Table 17.1). Today, tourism based on tour-operator business, with about is considered the backbone of the Maltese 76% of the business being tour-operator economy, with gross tourism earnings for 2000 generated. reaching LM260.7m (€600m) (MTA 2001). Malta’s tourism development pattern fol- lows closely the classic model of a tourism development cycle (Butler, 1980) where, after very modest beginnings, tourism in Malta went Early beginnings (1960s–1970s) through a phase of rapid growth in volume, fol- lowed by stagnation and rejuvenation. Through- Malta’s natural resources of abundant sunshine out the years there has been an emphasis on and mild climate, a rich cultural heritage (Pearce, Malta’s image as a destination. This chapter will 1955) and its status as a British colony, were analyse changes in tourism in Malta over the crucial in establishing Malta as a tourism desti- past three decades and the actions adopted nation. During the early 1960s, tourism enjoyed by Maltese tourism authorities to reposition the a positive but gradual growth; yet it was not per- islands. In doing so, it will highlight the diffi- ceived as an important economic activity and culties encountered when operating in an was not actively encouraged by the govern- environment of increased competition, limited ment. However, by the mid-1960s, as the termi- financial resources common to small scale nation of the British presence in Malta drew economies and a new political and strategic alli- nearer, the Maltese authorities saw tourism as ance brought about by the accession to the the ideal replacement for the economic activi- European Union. ties generated by the naval base.

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 213 214 N. Theuma

Table 17.1. Malta: growth in visitor numbers, arrivals declined by 40% between 1981 and 1959–2005. 1984 (MTA, 2000a).

Total number of visitors Year (including excursionists) (000s) Remedial action and counter-reactions 1959 12.6 These fluctuations in visitor numbers and their 1965 47.8 impact on the Maltese economy encouraged the 1970 170.9 Maltese tourism authorities to take action. Ini- 1975 334.5 tially, rather than pursuing market diversification, 1980 728.7 Maltese authorities introduced a preferential cur- 1985 517.9 rency exchange value (a forward buying rate) 1990 871.8 for UK-based tour operators. This led to an 1995 1116.0 increase in visitor numbers, but it also conti- 2000 1215.7 nued to create over-dependence on the British 2001 1180.1 market. A more strategic approach was adopted 2002 1133.8 in the late 1980s, when the Maltese government 2003 1126.6 commissioned a Malta tourism development 2004 1157.7 plan, referred to as the Tourism Master Plan 2005 (Jan–Sept) 931.9 (Horwath and Horwath, 1989). This outlined seven marketing actions, including market diver- Sources: Theuma, 2004; MTA, 2005. sification, an upgrading of products, tourist segmentation and season extension. Mass tourism (1970s–1989) In the early 1990s the National Tourism Organization of Malta (NTOM), the body respon- During the 1970s high numbers of tourists sible for the marketing of the Maltese islands, were sought (Lockhart, 1997; Pollacco, 2003), embarked on a series of initiatives to implement with the numbers of visitors often far exceeding the objectives of the Master Plan. New markets the targets outlined in government develop- within continental Europe and beyond were tar- ment plans. The type of tourism sought was geted. The authorities also tried to improve visi- mainly mass summer tourism. The Maltese tor quality by diversifying away from the ‘3Ss’ government gave incentives for the building of product and by improving the quality of accom- a new tourism infrastructure (Commonwealth modation available. Following this strategy, Secretariat, 1972), which transformed tourism numbers of tourists started to grow incrementally activity and stimulated the development of sum- until 1994, when a record of 1.2m visited the mer resorts in the coastal areas of St Paul’s Bay, islands. This success, however, was short-lived Mellieha and Bugibba. Unfortunately, very little as numbers started to decrease leading to debates planning was carried out; tourism grew unbri- as to whether the action taken was indeed justi- dled, fuelled by speculation and with the sup- fied. Newspaper correspondents argued that ply of accommodation being demand-led. The poor infrastructure, low service quality and lack growth of tourist numbers and increase in tour- of emphasis on heritage were to blame for the ist accommodation placed enormous pressures decline (Borg, 1996; Grech, 1995; Times of on local infrastructure, leading to water and Malta, 1996). They also advised that Malta should electricity shortages and sewage overflow pro- seek an alternative type of tourism such as cul- blems. This, in turn, exerted a negative impact ture and heritage (Cacciottolo, 1996). However, on the islands’ tourist image. Further, Malta the notion of shifting the focus from a ‘3Ss’ des- was highly dependent on the British market, tination to a greater cultural orientation was which in 1980 contributed 77% of the total questioned by others. Amid this debate, more number of visitors (Lockhart, 1997). Malta felt hotels were built, further compounding the issue the adverse impacts of over-reliance on this since the supply of bed stock exceeded demand, single market when, as a result of the European stimulating the bigger hotels to intensify a price economic recession of the early 1980s, tourist waronsmallerones. Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination 215

The mid-1990s proved to be turbulent years The MTA took over the responsibilities of for tourism. The quest for quality tourism accom- the NTOM, the Hotel and Catering Establish- modation led to tensions between the Maltese ments Board (HCEB) and also became involved population and entrepreneurs (Boissevain and in human resources. The new tourism authority Theuma, 1998; Ioannides and Holcomb, 2001). was empowered to address the key challenges This was compounded by Malta’s continuing facing the industry, namely: dependence on tour operator business, where- ● visibility, competitiveness and attractiveness by in the late 1990s, 85% of Malta’s tourism oftheMaltabrandinsourcemarkets; business was generated by large multinationals. ● product upgrading, presentation and In an attempt to encourage operators to sell interpretation; Malta, Maltese tourism authorities had provided ● development of core service skills to enhance UK tour operators with advertising assistance visitor experience; and a preferential rate of exchange for 15 years ● the establishment of standards and regula- (1985–2000). Although this support sustained tion of the industry; and visitor numbers it was counter-productive in ● the provision of relevant information to terms of market and product since Malta’s enable critical decision-making by the MTA image still remained predominantly that of a itself, by government and by the industry ‘3Ss’ Mediterranean destination (N. Theuma, (MTA, 2000a, p. 15). 2002, unpublished PhD thesis). In addition, Malta was facing competition from other newly established destinations within the Mediterranean region such as Tunisia, lead- Strategies adopted by MTA ing to further price competition among Maltese hoteliers. In an attempt to retain economic via- The approach adopted by the MTA addressed bility, local entrepreneurs undercut one another the main stakeholders in Malta (local popula- to the extent that five-star hotels sold three-star tion, tourism providers) and abroad (tour oper- priced holidays, in turn jeopardizing service qual- ators and prospective visitors). For many years, ity, leading to many ‘consumer complaints about Malta’s competitive advantage as a tourism the facility and service standards’ (Cleverdon, destination was price (Brigulio and Vella 1995). 2000, p. 85). Despite the fact that price remains an important In summary, tourism during the 1990s in element in determining the choice of holiday Malta was characterized by an over-reliance on destinations, the MTA’s main objective is to price factors, large hotel developments and a move away from this position through new tourism service that lacked quality. The appli- marketing activities. Malta had to become a cation of Malta to join the EU had forced the destination of choice (MTA, 2000a, p. 40) by Maltese government to cease its preferential emphasizing non-price factors of quality, service treatment under EU competition law. and product. In analysing the work conducted by the MTA since the inception, one could argue that its strategic focus was based on three main areas: Malta Tourism Authority: a New product development, re-imaging of the Maltese Approach Islands, and, a redefined marketing campaign. These three factors are discussed below. A more strategic approach to tourism man- agement had to be found. A government paper (Ministry of Tourism, 1997) led to the The Malta product production of two studies – on economic impact (Vella and Mangion, 1999) and carry- As part of the author’s survey (N. Theuma, ing capacity assessment (Ministry of Tourism 2002, unpublished PhD thesis), informants from 2001). These three documents resulted in the the public and private tourism sectors opined formation of the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) that the Malta product was ‘very fragmented’ in September 1999. since Maltese tourism authorities sell Malta as a 216 N. Theuma

sun-and-sea destination, a cultural destination produced by the national tourism entity. Not as well as an activity destination. One informant surprisingly, this led to a negative reaction from described these different perceptions as a spec- the Gozitan operators. trum ranging from the perception of ‘a cheap The Maltese product was another area that mass market to a cultural destination with shades was addressed. For the first time, Maltese tour- of other perceptions in between’. This overall ism authorities had a directorate that could focus fragmentation of the product is a cause of con- entirely on the quality of product. The MTA stra- cern for the industry, since Malta has not been tegic plan defines product as ‘the environment, associated with a clearly defined characteristic, national and tourism infrastructure and cultural leading to a confused image of what the Maltese heritage’ (MTA 2000a, p. 11). Through its Product Islands stand for. Planning and Development Directorate, the This fragmented approach is further rein- MTA has addressed the various elements of the forced by the practice that each overseas MTA product in terms of accommodation, activities representative office has its own separate mar- and events, beach development, and the creation keting and advertising campaigns, thus impart- of country walks. This directorate also linked up ing a mixed image of the islands (N. Theuma, with a number of local communities and NGOs 2002, unpublished PhD thesis). According to in sponsoring tourism-related projects. informants, this approach leads to the creation The process of accession to the EU also of conflicting signals – Malta stands for beach provided Malta with structural and cohesion tourism (UK), culture (France and Italy), English funds. The Ministry for Tourism and Culture and language teaching institutions (continental the Malta Tourism Authority accessed LM90m Europe), and a destination that attracts elderly (€210.6m) between 2004 and 2006, covering visitors (UK). A clearer and more recognizable four major areas of intervention concerning image and one that truly represents Malta is tourism, namely: required. This would imply a stronger advant- ● projects of assistance to tourism enter- age, when trying to get the message across on prises; the international arena. This observation is ● projects leading to the upgrading of Malta’s based on the argument that as a small island cultural heritage; Malta has a limited advertising budget and thus ● projects for the upgrading of tourism infra- it is imperative that the available space is used structure at key tourism areas; and effectively: ● human resources development programmes The windows of opportunity at our disposal aimed at tourism and support services are very, very, limited. We have a number of enterprises, employers and employees. competitors, and a lot of ‘noise’. Thus, we have to use the space at our disposal very effectively by mentioning the more salient points of our Imagery destination. Our promotion has to be concise but effective. [Tourism public sector informant] An issue related to the challenges faced by the future development of tourism in Malta is the In order to create a more coherent image, current prevalent image of the Maltese islands one of the first assignments adopted by MTA locally and abroad. The MTA is determined in its was the creation of a logo and a brand image. quest to transform the prevalent image to one The chosen logos, the eye of Osiris and ‘Malta: that is more competitive and culture-oriented More than meets the eye’, are aimed at encour- (Grech, 2003). Informants perceive this to be a aging the visitor to look beyond – an invitation major challenge. to experience the diversity and depth offered by This aspect is being tackled at two levels: Malta and its people. These are mandatory in all adverts or literature published by MTA and its ● a destination image shift from multiple associated partners, such as the national airline. images to a coherent image of what the However, the creation of this logo meant that islands represent; and the name of the sister island of Gozo was com- ● clarifying and promoting the actual product pletely removed from the marketing literature on offer. Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination 217

One theme that keeps emerging in debates wider (popular) appeal and would reach a is the extent to which the images presented bigger audience. abroad actually reflect the product on offer. The The two major brochures have a central following section will explore the changes that image spread with much smaller pictures aligned have been implemented in the creation of a along the perimeter of the pages. Each set of new image for Malta. pages describes a theme relevant to the Maltese islands: two themes are based on the natural and physical environment of water and climate, and four are related to heritage and culture – ‘Malta: More than meets the eye’ – a new history, buildings, hospitality, and feasts. destination image The islands are depicted as idyllic settings with honey-coloured stone buildings, sunrises, To complement its new image, the MTA harbours and fishing villages: as a ‘tranquil launched a new set of brochures in 2000: one celebration of sea and sun’ inhabited by a each on Malta and Gozo, and five smaller bro- population that is ‘lively, warm-hearted, typically chures focusing on the segments/themes of div- Mediterranean’. The Maltese are described as ing, prehistory, history (including monuments having ‘a unique sense of welcome’ extending and high culture), leisure and sports, and learning back to mythological times, with figures such as English. The strap lines of the Malta and Gozo St Paul and the Knights of St John being brochures – ‘Malta: The Island at the Heart of depicted as having benefited from Maltese hos- the Mediterranean’ and ‘Gozo: The Island of pitality. For the first time, Malta’s historical past Love and Honey’ – were carefully chosen: is referred to as ‘7000 years of history’, a strap line adopted with repetitive use. For example: ● ‘island’ denotes the underlying geogra- phical characteristic of Malta; Widely known as a sun-drenched land of mystery, ● ‘heart’ signifies the warmth and hospitality Malta is much more than a bridge between sea of its people; and sky. It is an image of its past: 7000 years of history which, from the megalithic temples ● ‘honey’ is closely associated with one of built at the dawn of humanity to the grandiose Gozo’s agricultural products (although in saga of the Knights of St John, have endowed fact this is not entirely correct, as it is the Malta with extraordinary heritage [emphasis in name of Malta and not Gozo that originates the original]. from the word melith meaning honey); and (MTA, 2000b, p. 7) ● ‘love’ refers to the myth of Calypso who is Finally, the MTA makes it a point to remind believed to have kept Ulysses prisoner for the visitor that although the islands are historical 7 years in a cave overlooking Ramla Bay in they offer the visitor a number of modern activi- Gozo. ties, such as water and land sports and enter- Both strap lines were designed ‘to capture tainment. For example, the visitor is invited to the imagination of the potential traveller’ (tour- ‘live to the rhythm of your dreams’ and then, ism public sector informant, personal communi- after dancing the night away, to head for a cation). The images used on the brochures are well-known local tea-shop to eat pastizzi (a local well-known tourist landmarks. The Malta bro- savoury) in the early hours of the morning. chure depicts the lower parts of Valletta, Malta’s Parts of the text accompanying each theme are capital city, the bastions and St Paul’s Anglican written in bold, with highlighted text referring to, Cathedral overlooking the Grand Harbour, for example, megalithic temples (‘heritage’) and while in the foreground is a girl and her mother St Paul (‘historic figures’). In this manner, the preparing fishing tackle. The Gozo brochure bold text acts as a ‘marker’ (MacCannell, 1976) depicts the Azure Window in Dwejra Bay and a for history, thus identifying those attractions and small luzzu (traditional fishing boat). In contrast characteristics that, according to the MTA, are to the tourist literature published in the previous worthy of tourist consumption. The MTA is act- years by NTOM (NTOM, 1989), the MTA litera- ing as a mentor indicating to the visitor ‘this is ture is more image-based. Tourism personnel what you should look out for’. This approach argued that the new approach would have a permeates the literature. 218 N. Theuma

The language used gives the islands a In assessing the sites singled out for tourist mythological image with a hint of mystery. This attention, one immediately sees that MTA’s is elicited from references made to the painted imagery does not focus on the actual sites (i.e. eye of Osiris on local fishing boats (il-luzzu), and localities) but focuses more on the ‘object’ – a the myth of Calypso’s cave reputed to be located palace, or a building, which could be anywhere on the island of Gozo. The historical and the on the islands. This approach dissociates the mythological are intertwined in the brochure object from its context but highlights the actual dedicated to prehistory. However, even amid attraction. An analysis of the localities depicted myth and prehistory the modern visitor is not show that there are no images of the major tour- that far away since there is a continual juxta- ist resorts; again reinforcing the idea that Malta position of old and new, history and modernity. is a quiet and tranquil destination. Apart from these brochures, the MTA uses coloured posters for campaigns in particular Images of Malta – the MTA’s perspective countries. These are employed in newspapers and hoardings. As mentioned earlier, each The images used by the MTA in its brochures destination has its own imagery and character. emphasize heritage (22.9%), water sports and For instance, Dutch MTA promotions combine activities (22.3%) and art and architecture history or culture with activities such as sailing, (13.4%). They depict local characteristics to a diving and walking. The composite image of each lesser extent, with 8.3% of the images of local advertisement is based on two pictures – one is an crafts, the local ‘pub’, hanut tat-te, and the activity-based image and the other is a heritage- luzzu, towns and villages including Valletta related image. Each has a caption that highlights (7%), and cultural expressions through the the two activities represented in the image, for depiction of festas, invented and religious pag- example ‘Sail into 7000 years of history and cul- eantry (5.7%). These images do not pay much ture’ (Verkeerbureau Malta, 2001). The empha- attention to people, giving the impression of sis of the UK campaigns focuses more on the a sparsely populated island. The image trans- water element, tranquillity and quietness, where mitted is one of tranquillity hiding the fact the the visitor can get away from it all. Images used islands are some of the most densely populated by the MTA office in London are less coherent in territories in Europe. Such images can mislead their message. The images used include the water the visitor and can have a negative impact on element – an empty pool with the exception of visitors who arrive to find that the Maltese the visitor, a couple standing in front of an empty islands are heavily built up, with road conges- beach and diving. These images do not fit in with tion and busy local people. Thus, in the author’s the ‘cultural image’ but emphasize relaxation. survey (N. Theuma, 2002, unpublished PhD One promotion that did have a ‘cultural’ thesis) one German tourist commented ‘I never theme was of an old Malta bus driving along a knew Malta was so built-up’. country road with two farmers and some goats In the brochures just 12.7% of the images blocking the way. Using bus times (19.57 and depict the local people. The largest proportion 20.00), this image gives the impression that of these (35%), show the Maltese during festive Malta has stopped in time (1957) at a gentler celebrations. The remaining images depict peo- age, yet it is also modern (2000) since a number ple at leisure or appearing relaxed in traditional of amenities (bars and restaurants) are available work (children at play, people talking, fisher- for the visitor. The themes explored by these men mending nets or engaging in fishing or images are contrasted in the text, which indi- lace-making). Tourists, on the other hand, are cates to the visitor that they can engage in a represented mostly as young couples, without range of activities – history, culture, festa children. Such imagery indicates that the MTA (described as ‘party’) or even join the locals in has moved away from depicting the country as their evening walk (N. Theuma, 2002, unpub- a family destination, so popular with the UK lished PhD thesis). In Italy, Malta’s image pre- market hitherto (M.L. Callus and S. Bajada, sents leisure – sea, casino, dining – and appeals 1994, unpublished report for National Tourism to the fashion-conscious market with captions, Organization of Malta). such as ‘Malta . . . profumo di mare’ (Malta . . . Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination 219

a hint of sea) pouring out of a perfume bottle through the web and meetings with specific (A.M. Caruana, 2003, unpublished BA(Hons) sector leaders in the target markets. Thus, it is Tourism dissertation). This mix of images brings envisaged that Malta will at last start targeting forth the third element of the MTA’s new role – those characteristics that are unique to it. its revaluation of the marketing process. Further fine-tuning of current operations will result in more effective marketing. The con- cept of destination marketing in Malta, until The Marketing Process and the recently, has been rather traditional in focusing Art of Negotiation on the importance of getting people to Malta first and then introducing them to activities once Marketing campaigns are mainly carried out by they have been ‘captured’. This approach is the Marketing and Promotion Directorate of the now changing so that there is more emphasis on MTA. They have been conducted through an the true value of the Malta destination. international network, providing tactical and strategic support to tour operators, developing new and niche markets (MTA 2000b, p. 24). In ‘Building trust’: the tour operator 2004, MTA changed its marketing practices and began to withdraw from a number of over- MTA is also seeking to redeem its relationship seas offices. Rather than focusing on individual with tour operators. This role is based on markets, the MTA is now focusing on specific re-establishing dialogue within the tourism sector segments within its target countries. These seg- and rebuilding trust with tour operators. This ments include the MICE market, culture, sports, is sought through consultation with, and the religion and food. To complement participation involvement of, various stakeholders in strategic in an average of 70 fairs per year, the mecha- meetings. Joint advertising campaigns with tour nisms used to market Malta overseas include operators and other partners such as Air Malta, consumer advertising, public relations, newslet- Malta’s national airline, are also being employed. ters, regular press releases, publications for the The discourse used by informants in local trade in Malta as well as foreign markets, and describing the process adopted by the MTA to the internet. In the latter case, the MTA started reach its target audience is one based on inter- to complement the above activities through its action. Yet, at the same time the MTA adopts website,; subsequently the the role of the instructor who educates, reaches corporate site was launched. out and convinces the target audience and the These sites have direct links to activities, events, operator to perceive Malta differently. This specific and general information about the Mal- approach is aimed at counteracting the pres- tese Islands. For a country like Malta whose mar- sures brought about by large tour operators that keting budget is limited by its economies of scale, often dictate the manner in which particular they are an important asset, although the tradi- countries are marketed and sold (Sastre and tional forms of marketing (advertising and public Benito, 2001). Informants from the tour operator relations) are still considered important. sector have indicated that the approach adopted Much importance is placed on advertising by the MTA was welcomed (N. Theuma, 2002, campaigns and familiarization trips for around unpublished PhD thesis). This role of educator 600 journalists and travel writers. Journal and has been extended subsequently to include for- newspaper articles are aimed to target a rela- mal teaching through e-learning programmes tively affluent market and have so far included offered to travel agencies and tour operator per- features on diving, farmhouses, history, interior sonnel. A total of 1752 employees within 500 design, food and wine. These also serve as a tour operator companies had benefited from bridge between stakeholders, since all articles this programme between 2002 and 2005. include the name of the operators selling the In its newly acquired role, as summarized type of activity/holiday described, hotels in Malta in Fig. 17.1, the MTA is trying to redress some and the contact address of the MTA office. The of the past practices adopted by the NTOM. This changes within the marketing policy of the MTA approach is more proactive and focuses directly will in the future focus on direct marketing on the consumer while still targeting the operator. 220 N. Theuma

Fig. 17.1. The MTA marketing process. Source: N. Theuma, 2002, unpublished PhD thesis.

In addition, tour operators and other stake- skies’ and competition regulations. With the threat holders such as the airline industry are seen as of budget airlines as well as the more traditional partners with whom joint business is conducted. chartered sector, Air Malta has had to restruc- Stakeholders have welcomed this initiative, ture and rethink its strategies in terms of: acknowledging the need for cooperation and ● introducing budget-level fares (Fare 4 U), partnership. However, the MTA still needs to initially to London (2003) and Köln (2005); review its functioning at the local level. In par- ● consolidating its package holidays arm ticular, there should be more coordination Flyaway Tours; between the head office and overseas branches ● extending its charter activities; to ensure that a consistent policy is adopted. ● securing code-sharing agreements with Further, the application of research needs to be global airlines such as Qantas and Emirates; more widespread and made more accessible to ● publicizing the development of a corporate overseas offices. environmental policy; and Malta’s status as an EU country also means ● undertaking a restructuring both of opera- that it will have exposure in more European tions logistics, commensurate with the above countries than before. However, a major factor developments, and of senior management inhibiting equal competition remains accessi- (Air Malta, 2005). bility to the Maltese Islands. Most international visitors have to arrive by air, and the Maltese Islands have been served in the past mainly by Discussion the national air carrier, Air Malta, which was set up in 1974. The airline’s near-monopoly position This chapter has suggested that reviewing a in the market is now diminishing with EU ‘open destination’s products and image and managing Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination 221

the course of tourism development is a far from in cultural assets, yet poor in the availability simple task (Selänniemi, 2001). Research shows of space. This approach is not easy to digest espe- that some stakeholders still perceive tourism to cially for individuals who feel that there is safety be composed of bed-nights and arrivals num- in numbers (Arrigo, 2004). Taking an active role bers rather than the holistic vision suggested in the way tourism is developed is perhaps the by the MTA. There is also an element of frustra- only answer to developing a competitive tourism tion since, while operators have started to shift product. Education and awareness campaigns towards including more elements of Maltese by the MTA highlight the need for the Maltese culture, visitor numbers have remained static, people to better appreciate the importance of with the resulting perception that no momentum tourism quality. Moreover, the increase in the has been gained. Tour operators still emphasize number of students attending the degree pro- resorts and hotels, and Malta’s image in the tour gramme in tourism at the University of Malta is operator brochures has remained rather stan- helping towards creating a greater conscious- dardized and dated, depicting concrete hotels, ness that tourism is an activity that needs to be sea and swimming pools. harnessed and directed rather than allowing it In his opening speech at the 2003 MTA to take its own course of action and be directed annual conference, the organization’s chairman by outsiders. The challenge is for all stake- admitted that: holders involved to create sufficient interest in We have not yet managed to sufficiently what has to be offered. Malta’s assets lie in its impress the strategic repositioning of the islands high value product; but while clearly culture, on the way tour operators sell Malta. . . . history, climate and landscape are all valuable, Another major challenge we are facing lies in Malta’s strongest asset is its people. the mismatch between the brand promise and the delivery of our own product. (Grech, 2003, p. 1) Conclusions So what is missing? What needs to be This chapter has highlighted the major chal- done? Primarily, Malta has needed to identify lenges facing the Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) the product and the image it would like to pro- in trying to find a new course of direction for ject. Since July 2005, when a re-branding exer- tourism in Malta in the context of EU accession, cise was launched by the MTA, this has been increasing competition, and continuing pressures, under way. Major stakeholders were invited to both internal and external, to pursue low-value participate in a 2-day workshop in which the mass tourism. By adopting a more proactive re-branding exercise was initiated. Local stake- marketing approach and by determining its own holders identified the main aspects that they, image overseas, the MTA aims to shift Malta’s and not outsiders, would like to project. competitive advantage from one based on price Indeed, this chapter has emphasized that to high quality non-price factors. This chapter destination images may be created and promoted has identified the need for improved consistency both by tour operators and tourism authorities, within MTA for better coordination between but they may not correspond or be complemen- stakeholders. This reinforces that it is prerequisite tary. Recent changes within MTA’s operations for local participation to be at the core of tourism have highlighted the pivotal role that local development in an economy where the industry actors need to establish in directing tourism touches so many local people’s lives. development (Selwyn, 2001). Looking at the recent changes that have occurred in tourism throughout the Mediterranean, it is becoming Note increasingly evident that local players – whether tourism authorities or providers – have been gain- An earlier draft of this chapter was presented ing a more active role in tourism management at the 2004 ‘Tourism: State of the Art II’ con- and development. Clearly the policy adopted ference at Strathclyde University, Glasgow by the MTA is a step in this direction: towards (Theuma, 2004). The material has been sub- creating a type of tourism activity that fits within sequently updated, supplemented and sub- the constraints of a small island that is rich stantially edited. 222 N. Theuma


Air Malta (2005) Welcome to Air Malta. News. Valletta: Air Malta. Available at: page.jsp?id=74&siteid=1 Arrigo, R. (2004) It’s all a question of strategy. Times of Malta. Boissevain, J. and Theuma, N. (1998) Contested space: planners, tourists, developers and environmentalists in Malta. In: Abram, S. and Waldren, J. (eds) Anthropological Perspectives on Local Development. London: Routledge, pp. 96–119. Borg, V.P. (1996) Renewing the country’s tourist bait. Times of Malta, 9 August, pp. 9, 11. Brigulio, L. and Vella, L. (1995) The competitiveness of the Maltese islands in Mediterranean international tourism. In: Conlin, M.V. and Baum, T. (eds) Island Tourism: Management, Principles and Practice. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 133–147. Butler, R.W. (1980) The concept of a tourism resort area cycle of evolution: implications for management of resources. Canadian Geographer 24(1), 5–12. Caciottolo, A. (1996) Call for tour-operators in promoting Malta’s heritage. The Times of Malta, 6 September, p. 20. Cleverdon, R. (2000) Malta. Travel and Tourism Intelligence 2, 85–101. Cockerell, N. (1996) Malta. Travel and Tourism Intelligence International Tourism Reports 4, 71–91. Commonwealth Secretariat (1972) Malta. In: Organisation of the Tourist Industry in Commonwealth Countries. London: Commonwealth Secretariat, pp. 156–159. Grech, E. (1995) Mass movement. The Malta Business Weekly, 9 February, p. 25. Grech, J. (2003) Are we equipped to compete? Paper presented at the MTA Annual Conference, 10 December. St Julian’s, Malta. Horwath and Horwath (1989) The Maltese Islands Tourism Development Plan. London: Horwath and Horwath (UK) Ltd. Ioannides, D. and Holcomb, B. (2001) Upmarket tourism in Malta and Cyprus. In: Ioannides, D., Apostolopoulos, Y. and Sönmez, S. (eds) Mediterranean Islands and Sustainable Development: Practices, Management and Policies. London: Continuum, pp. 23–44. Lockhart, D.G. (1997) ‘We promise you a warm welcome’: tourism to Malta since the 1960s. GeoJournal 41(2), 145–152. MacCannell, D. (1976) The Tourist: a New Theory of the Leisure Class. Stanford CA: University of California Press. Ministry of Tourism (1997) Strategic Development Framework. Valletta: Ministry of Tourism. Ministry of Tourism (2001) Carrying Capacity Assessment for Tourism in the Maltese Islands. St Julian’s, Malta: Ministry of Tourism. MTA (Malta Tourism Authority) (2000a) Malta Tourism Authority Strategic Plan 2000–2002. Valletta: MTA. MTA (Malta Tourism Authority) (2000b) Malta: the Island at the Heart of the Mediterranean. Valletta: MTA. MTA (Malta Tourism Authority) (2001) Malta Tourism Authority Annual Report and Financial Statements 2000. Valletta: MTA, Communications and Business Development Division. MTA (Malta Tourism Authority) (2005) Malta Tourism Digest: Statistics. Valletta: MTA. Available at: NTOM (National Tourism Organisation of Malta) (1989) Malta: Where the Sun shines from the Heart. Valletta: NTOM. Pearce, F.R.G. (1955) Illustrated Guide to Historic Malta, 2nd edn. Valletta: Giov. Muscat. Pollacco, J. (2003) In the Interest of the Nation. Valletta: Fenech Foundation. Sastre, F. and Benito, I. (2001) The role of transnational tour operators in the development of Mediterranean tourism. In: Ioannides, D., Apostolopous, Y. and Sönmez, S. (eds) Mediterranean Islands and Sustainable Tourism Development. London: Continuum. Selänniemi, T. (2001) Trapped by the image: the implications of cultural tourism in insular Mediterranean. In: Ioannides, D., Apostolopous, Y. and Sönmez, S. (eds) Mediterranean Islands and Sustainable Tourism Development. London: Continuum. Selwyn, T. (2001) Searching for sustainable tourism development in the insular Mediterranean. In: Ioannides, D., Apostolopoulos, Y. and Sönmez, S. (eds) Mediterranean Islands and Sustainable Development: Practices, Management and Policies. London: Continuum. Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination 223

Theuma, N. (2004) Malta: more than meets the eye – Destination marketing challenges of a small island state. Paper presented at Tourism: State of the Art II Conference, Strathclyde University, 27–30 June. Times of Malta (1996) Editorial. Tourism: cleaning up our act. Times of Malta, 3 December, p. 8. Vella, L. and Mangion, M.L. (1999) The Economic Impact of Tourism in Malta. Valletta: NTOM, Research and Planning Division. Verkeerbureau Malta (2001) MTA Advertisements. Amsterdam: MTA. 18 Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe

Julie Scott and Layik Topcan

Introduction meaning and mission of the European Union, which was born out of conflict and the need to After years of division in Cyprus, a referendum ‘[eliminate] . . . the age-old opposition of France held in April, 2004, on the United Nations- and Germany’. The first year of enlargement brokered peace plan (the Annan Plan), followed saw considerable efforts within the Commission one week later by the accession of the Republic to promote cooperation and rapprochement of Cyprus to the European Union, produced between the two sides in the Cyprus conflict, to dramatic but ambiguous changes on the island. create favourable conditions for settlement, and The failure, after 30 years of negotiation, to to prepare the ground for the eventual entry of reach a political settlement between the Greek the north into the European Union as part of a Cypriot south and the Turkish Cypriot north united federal Cyprus. before the scheduled accession date of 1 May, Tourism has a central, yet contradictory meant that the southern two-thirds of the role to play in these processes. With the natural island, constituting the de facto territory of the tourism assets of the north largely undeveloped internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus, due to the political and economic embargoes of entered the European Union unaccompanied the past three decades, tourism offers an avenue by the Turkish Republic of North Cyprus (TRNC: for stimulating economic activity and raising declared unilaterally in 1983). The Green Line – income levels which lag a long way behind the militarized border marking the cessation of those of the more prosperous south. This need is hostilities in 1974, which runs across the island generally regarded as a prerequisite to obtaining and continues to divide its capital, Nicosia – now a workable settlement on the island. defined the outer edge of the European Union, Moreover, the opening up of the north pre- and the limits of the acquis communautaire. sents an opportunity to develop complementary Nevertheless, this latest European border tourism products to the south that could widen remains highly contested, creating a fluid and the appeal of the island as a whole and promote uncertain borderland which has become the collaborative marketing and business ventures focus for on-going attempts to construct both between Greek and Turkish Cypriots (see Sönmez the new Cyprus and the new Europe. Indeed, and Apostolopoulos, 2000). On the other hand, as the Commissioner for European Enlarge- achieving these aims requires that Cyprus’ most ment, Olli Rehn, made clear in a speech mark- controversial and politically charged issues ing the first anniversary of Cyprus’s accession be confronted head-on. Control of movement to the EU, Cyprus in many ways embodies the over and within borders, access to the physical ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 224 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 225

and economic assets of land, landscape and (Scott, 2000). Tourist arrivals to the north are property, the packaging and representation of low compared to those for the south, and the cultural heritage for tourist consumption, envi- north remains heavily dependent on the Turkish ronmental protection and the regulation of con- market, which makes up approximately 80% of struction – all problematic areas in any tourism total arrivals.1 The Greek Cypriot tourism indus- development context – remain the hot topics of try, by contrast, has been subject to the full force the Cyprus dispute, to which the Annan Plan of globalization, and has derived substantial eco- was unable to provide a satisfactory resolution. nomic benefit from it. Tourism revenues gen- Tourism development in Cyprus thus has enor- erated by the stays of 2.1m tourists in 1995 mous symbolic, as well as economic, social and amounted to CY£810m (US$1.62bn) or 40.1% political significance. of total export receipts, with more than 10% of In this chapter we explore the place of tour- employment provided by the hotel and restau- ism in the current arrangements for Cyprus’ rant sector, making tourism the ‘chief earner of membership of the EU, looking at the impact of foreign exchange and the economy’s driving enlargement on tourism, but also on the part force’ (Ioannides and Apostolopoulos, 1999, tourism is playing in both helping and hindering p. 52; Sönmez and Apostolopoulos, 2000). More progress towards agreement and the process of recently, however, attention has also been drawn ‘Europeanization’. We start with a brief survey to some of the problems and costs of tourism’s of tourism development on the island and a com- rapid growth in the south. Whilst research in the parison of the tourism industry north and south. mid-1990s suggested that local residents (both Following sections summarize the provisions of north and south of the Green Line dividing the the ‘Green Line Regulation’ and its impact on island) were on the whole prepared to pay a cross-border traffic and cooperation. In subse- social and environmental price for tourism-led quent sections we consider the current legal prosperity (Akis, Peristianis and Warner, 1996), impasse over ownership and investment in land uncontrolled coastal strip development, pres- and property in the north, and attempts to sure on scarce water resources, congestion achieve EU standards of environmental protec- and noise pollution arguably made Southern tion in the teeth of a construction boom driven Cyprus less attractive to tourists (Ioannides and by a strategy of confronting uncertainty by Apostolopoulos, 1999; Ioannides and Holcomb, creating ‘facts on the ground’. Information was 2001). Further, by the year 2000, 20–30% of all gathered by interviewing individuals and repre- tourism in the south was controlled by a single sentatives of professional associations in the tour operator, Thomson-Preussag (Bianchi, tourism industry, a survey of secondary sources 2001), and the traditional sun, sea and sand such as newspapers and statistics gathered by product was facing problems of over-capacity government bodies, and participation in urban and declining per capita spending by tourists. and environmental planning processes in Tourist arrivals in 2003 were 4.76% down on Northern Cyprus. The data presented here the previous year, with average expenditure per represents the most recent information available tourist at €750.2 Meanwhile, the proportion of in July 2005. the labour force directly employed in tourism has risen to 13%. The north’s dependence on the Turkish market is paralleled in the south by the domi- Tourism in a Divided Island: nance of the UK market, which has formed a 1974–2004 growing proportion of the total number of tour- ist arrivals for more than a decade. The popu- After the division of the island in 1974, follow- larity of Cyprus as a British holiday destination ing a coup engineered by the junta in Greece builds on the long-standing relations between and decisive military intervention by Turkey, the the UK and its former colony. From driving on north of Cyprus became relatively isolated the left, to the style of post boxes, colonial build- from the rest of the world as a result of compre- ings, and stone drinking troughs dedicated to hensive diplomatic, economic and cultural boy- Elizabeth II and dating from her coronation year cotts. Attempts to develop its tourism languished of 1953, there is much about the landscape of 226 J. Scott and L. Topcan

Cyprus to render it familiar and ‘safe’ to the meant that only planes from Turkey could land British visitor. Constituting 49% of arrivals in at Ercan Airport, just northeast of Nicosia, with 1998, rising to 61% in 2003, UK tourists to passengers from non-Turkish sources such as southern Cyprus outnumber by several-fold the London and Frankfurt being required to change German tourists who form the next largest cate- planes or, in some cases, simply touch down en gory.3 In the north, the UK forms the second route at Istanbul, Izmir or Antalya. Like Ercan largest tourist market after Turkey, at around airport, the north’s seaports of Famagusta and 10% of total arrivals, with Germany in third Kyrenia were deemed illegal points of entry, place at 4–5% (Devlet Planlama Örgütü, 2001). and all transport and communication links to The age profile of tourists to the north tends to the north were diverted through Turkey. be higher than the south, and includes a good Internally, traffic across the Green Line was number of retired British servicemen and their also closely regulated and liable to be termi- families revisiting the scene of their military nated abruptly at times of dispute or political service from the 1950s. The international club tension. Limited transit was permitted to enable scene centred on the resort of Ayia Napa, in a number of Turkish Cypriots to work in the contrast, attracts many younger, single tourists to south, largely in construction and labouring, and the south. the British sovereign bases, straddling the buffer The north of Cyprus has attempted to zone and occupying roughly 2% of the land area develop its tourism under substantially differ- of Cyprus, also provided employment for both ent conditions from the south, closed off from Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Foreign nationals the major global tourism players, but with its entering via a port of entry in the south were border wide open to Turkey (Scott, 2000). Of allowed limited entry into the north during day- the 351,000 visitors to Northern Cyprus in light hours, but were not permitted to bring 1994, 73% were short-stay visitors from Turkey goods purchased in the north back with them. (Sönmez and Apostolopoulos, 2000). This trend Foreigners entering via the north were not has been deepened by the development in the admitted into the south, either across the Green north of a casino tourism sector, directed primarily Line or subsequently, if they carried a TRNC at gambling tourists from Turkey and Israel stamp in their passport. (Bicak and Altinay, 1996; Scott and AsikoHlu, In April 2004 the Council of Europe called 2001).4 Despite this, the north has not been able on the European Commission to bring forward to emulate the south’s prosperity, and its annual comprehensive proposals to put an end to the per capita income of $3538 lags far behind the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community. A $10,591 per capita of the south. However, it high priority for the north in this regard has is the north’s very exclusion from mainstream been to lobby for the authorization of direct tourism which now makes it potentially a parti- flights, although there seemed little likelihood cularly attractive ‘nature/culture’ tourism product that this would be granted in the immediate for the European market. future.5 Nevertheless, there was a steady increase in the number of arrivals through Ercan in the 3 years from 2002 (Table 18.1), and there are Opening up the North: the Green plans to expand the existing terminal and even Line Regulation to build a new runway. The number of non- Turkish visitors staying in hotels in the north has The north’s seclusion was largely the result of also risen over the same period (Table 18.2). the cutting of direct transport and communica- At the beginning of May 2004, following a tion links following the war of 1974. Nicosia period of uncertainty and some disagreement International Airport, which had previously among government ministries in the south, served the island as a whole, remained stranded foreign nationals with EU passports who had and out of use in the buffer zone between the entered Cyprus via the north were permitted two sectors. The construction of Larnaca and to cross into the south for the first time. These subsequently Paphos airports filled this gap in first steps inaugurated the free movement of EU the south. In the north, by contrast, the inter- citizens around Cyprus, as provided for by the national civil aviation boycott on direct flights Green Line Regulation which had been adopted Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 227

Table 18.1. Arrivals through the Northern Cyprus May 2005 (the latest month for which figures airports (Ercan and Geçitkalea), 2000–2004. were available) up 67% on the previous year (Table 18.3). Thus, whilst the value of goods Number of % annual traded across the Green Line so far remains Year arrivals change low, at around €100,000 per month, and the 2000 416,596 NA ban on direct flights to Northern Cyprus remains 2001 345,601 −17.0 in place, nevertheless, the operation of the 2002 386,097 11.7 Green Line Regulation has had a considerable 2003 410,142 6.2 economic impact by enabling tourists from the 2004 509,501 24.2 EU – as many as 10% of all the tourists staying at some of the larger hotels9 – to enter the north aGeçitkale is a small airport north of Ercan used after flying direct to Larnaca. for short periods when the latter is undergoing Tourists may be aware only of a quicker maintenance or renovation. and cheaper journey to the north of Cyprus, but Source: unpublished data, General Directorate of in effect their journey requires the negotiation of Police/Ministry of Tourism and Economy, TRNC. multiple spaces characterized by the political conditions regulating the mobility of different classes of people and objects in transit. In the Table 18.2. Non-Turkish foreign visitors staying in Northern Cyprus hotel accommodation, next section we consider the nature of these 2000–2004. spaces and the types of collaborative relation- ship that are being established across them. Number of % of total Year foreign tourists tourist numbers

2000 65,321 25.6 Crossing the Border 2001 65,455 28.6 2002 89,139 31.2 At the time of writing, there are four points at 2003 82,465 30.2 which the Green Line may be crossed: Akyer and 2004 112,921 36.8 Beyarmuda, through the British base area near Famagusta, and Metahan in Nicosia, are all Source: Ministry of Tourism and Economy, open to vehicular traffic, whilst the Ledra Palace TRNC, 2005. crossing, close to the walled centre of old Nicosia, is for pedestrian use only.10 From being a on 29 April, 2 days before the south’s entry no-man’s land populated by UN soldiers sta- into the EU, and became fully operational tioned at the Ledra Palace, the large and for- the following August.6 A special protocol which merly grand hotel that dominates the buffer recognizes the north’s anomalous status as zone, the crossing has reassumed some of the existing both inside and outside the EU,7 the appearance of a normal street, with crowds of Green Line Regulation controls the passage of Cypriots and tourists using the checkpoint goods and people across the line, offers special every day to cross for shopping, sightseeing, conditions for trade between Northern Cyprus work and leisure. For the tourist, the experi- and the EU, and aims to foster trust and cooper- ence of crossing the border encapsulates the ation between the two communities through contradictory nature of Cyprus. Passing by the opportunities for joint commerce.8 cafes located conveniently close to the barricades, In the words of the DG Enlargement where jokes and conversation are swapped in Commissioner, Olli Rehn, ‘the Green Line Regu- Greek and Turkish, the tourist is confronted by lation has been a great success in the crossing of the uncompromising political slogans and persons’. Many of the people crossing the notice board displays documenting the atro- Green Line are tourists visiting the north, with cities committed by the ‘other side’, which mirror monthly arrivals of non-Cypriots showing an each other from either end of the buffer zone, average increase of 57% for the first 5 months and finally reaches a cluster of booths where of 2005 compared with 2004, and figures for Greek and Turkish Cypriots sell car insurance. 228 J. Scott and L. Topcan Departures a gn i Fore vals i Arr 2005 Departures Total vals i

Arr na na na na sm and Economy, TRNC. i Departures a gn i Fore stry of Tour i n i vals i Arr ce/M i 2004 rectorate of Pol i Departures vals and departures, 2004 and 2005. i Total vals i Arr shed data, General D i Southern Cyprus: arr ot. i unpubl l 277,105 272,458 37,512 35,172 325,743 317,570 57,977 52,863 i Non-Cypr Table 18.3. JanuaryFebruaryMarchApr May 242,180 281,425June 294,095 238,918 279,527 290,034 291,177 23,487 300,098 25,860 286,741 30,745 296,860 22,251 24,460 39,644 42,645 29,332 278,051 270,082 37,248 40,627 323,984 275,547 266,873 326,484 314,944 36,933 35,426 323,828 51,086 36,138 33,589 66,248 47,134 62,757 Months JulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember 322,343 330,229 343,693a 323,082 279,151 319,140 324,360 333,582 313,238 319,433 281,099 52,757 312,770 51,201 61,958 60,613 42,669 40,025 49,358 47,093 58,197 56,841 40,908 38,538 Source: Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 229

The arrangements for bringing vehicles subsequently built on Greek Cypriot owned over the Green Line were not, at the time of land, and in fact the Green Line Regulations writing, yet entirely reciprocal. Private cars specifically exclude trade in goods and services registered either in the north or the south are of which expropriated property is a compo- allowed to cross, provided that additional insu- nent. Twenty thousand cases are currently rance is taken out to provide cover on the ‘other pending in the European Court of Human side’. Taxis, buses and rental cars registered in Rights, brought by Greek Cypriot owners for the south may cross to the north, but their restitution of land and property in the north, northern equivalents are not allowed into the including hotels being operated by Turkish and south. Whilst it is not clear whether the imme- Turkish Cypriot companies and individuals.14 diate reason for this concerns the recognition of Amongst many Turkish Cypriots, on the other Turkish Cypriot commercial driving licences, as hand, there is a suspicion that the business recently suggested by Leopold Maurer of the contacts entered into with partners in the European Commission,11 or the testing arrange- south echo Turkish Cypriot dependence on the ments for commercial vehicles, what is evident mediation of Greek Cypriot gatekeepers, is that the nub of the matter is the contest for which had been characteristic of the 1960s and legitimacy between the apparatus of state orga- early 1970s. There is also criticism that bring- nization north and south, linked, in turn, to the ing in tourists via Larnaca is undermining contested sovereignty of the island.12 Ercan Airport and taking business away from The responses to the current status quo are Turkish and Turkish Cypriot carriers. Tourism illuminating, and range from the pragmatic to activity in the North, it is argued, needs to the partisan. Domestic tourism on the island, be built on the development of the Turkish including Greek Cypriots heading north and Cypriot tourism infrastructure if it is not to lead Turkish Cypriots south, has grown, despite the to dependent development. This conviction fact that numbers of Greek Cypriots, offended is reinforced by the fact that the benefits of by the requirement to show their passport, prefer the increased traffic are by no means evenly not to make the crossing, whilst Turkish Cypriot spread. Whilst three-quarters of hotel accom- tour parties have to change on to Greek Cypriot modation in the north is in small, family-run buses at the checkpoint.13 The transfer of inter- businesses, it is the larger four- and five-star national tourists, however, requires forms of establishments that are now reporting occu- collaboration which frequently cut across the pancy rates of 90–100% in the summer months, formal positions of the respective communities. whilst the occupancy rates for the smaller The gradual opening up of the north of the island, hotels remain low at under 40% over the year with its reputation as an unspoilt and undevel- (Table 18.4).15 oped corner of the Mediterranean, is attracting overseas tour operators working either through Turkish Cypriot agencies or directly with hotels in the north, to bring tour groups to the TRNC Table 18.4. Northern Cyprus: occupancy rates via direct flights to Larnaca. According to the by hotel classification, 2004. current operation of the Green Line Regulation, the logistics of bringing the tourists from Larnaca % occupancy rate into the north require a division of labour in Classificaton 2004 2003 2002 2001 which the transfer is done by a Greek Cypriot operator whilst the Turkish Cypriot agent does * 29.8 – – – the handling. ** 35.1 – – – Sofarthedataavailableonthistypeof *** 39.6 – – – business arrangement are anecdotal at best, **** 45.2 – – – but, clearly, involvement in such relationships ***** 51.2 – – – is politically sensitive. Greek Cypriot public Average overall 41.2 37.5 38.6 31.5 opinion condemns any activity promoting the use of hotels in the north which were in Source: Ministry of Tourism and Economy, Greek Cypriot ownership until 1974 or were TRNC, 2005. 230 J. Scott and L. Topcan

Tours and Tour Guides Turkish Cypriot Department of Antiquities. The Turkish Cypriot Tour Guides Association Another sensitive area connected with the tran- (KITREB), on the other hand, is opposed to the sit of tourists over the Green Line concerns the exclusion of Turkish Cypriot tour guides. Whilst role of tour guides accompanying daily coach acknowledging that low levels of training and tours. Trips to the empty beaches of the Karpas language skills is a problem, KITREB is attempt- Peninsula and the northern towns of Kyrenia ing to raise the professional standards of an and Famagusta, taking in famous sites such as occupation which has been in low demand in the the mountain-top crusader castles of St Hilarion north for three decades. The training require- and Kantara, the ancient ruins of Salamis, and ment has been raised from 1-month ad hoc the monastery of Bellapais, are widely adver- courses organized by the Ministry of Tourism, to tised in southern resorts such as Ayia Napa at 6-month university diploma courses, and lan- prices from CY£20 upwards, and during 2005 guage training in German, Swedish and Italian seven tourist buses a day or more were crossing is now being offered to Turkish Cypriot tour the Green Line into the north. This was a situation guides, with funding from the United Nations which had been envisaged under the Boutros- Development Programme (UNDP). A compro- Ghali ‘confidence building measures’, a series mise with the tours from the south has been of proposals by the then UN General Secretary reached, whereby unregistered Turkish Cypriot for cooperation in tourism and other economic guides accompany the tours as silent escorts. The activities designed to encourage rapprochement dilemma can again be viewed in terms of the between the two sides in the mid-1990s (see trade-off between the need for the immediate Chapter 16). At public meetings held in the north economic boost of increased tourism activity, to discuss the proposals at that time, much con- and the longer term development of the tourism cern was raised about who would accompany infrastructure in the north; deeper still is the and guide coach tours over the Green Line, and problem of the legacy of division concerning the opportunities they offered for positive and notions of cultural ‘property’, which urgently negative propaganda. The same concerns are needs to be addressed (see Scott, 2002). being raised again in the context of an arrange- ment that does not permit Turkish Cypriot guides to lead the tours emanating from the south. What Kind of Tourism, What Kind The current situation provides an illumina- of Cyprus? ting example of the merging of the political and the instrumental in relation to particular issues. The accommodations and compromises being As with the licensing of Turkish Cypriot buses reached by individuals and groups within the and drivers, the Cyprus Tourism Organisation tourism industry, north and south, suggest par- recognizes only CTO-registered tour guides, tial and halting progress towards treating the whom tour operators working in the south are island as a single destination within the limita- contractually obliged to use. At one level this tions of the current division, and at least one concerns the quality and training of tour guides, German tour operator has started offering dual and the protection of local jobs. At the same destination holiday packages in both parts of time, the history of ethno-national conflict in the island. At the government level, in contrast, Cyprus makes the interpretation of the heritage policy and planning remain strictly separate, and and landscape, and who has the right to repre- there is no arena for collaborating on a tourism sent and ‘perform’ it for an external audience, strategy for the island as a whole. One outstand- politically extremely sensitive (see, for example, ing exception to this general rule is the Nicosia Bowman, 1992). Master Plan, which, under the auspices first of Responses to the situation pit diverse inter- the UNHCR, and subsequently the UNDP, has ests against each other in the north. The daily for two decades provided an umbrella for coop- tours from the south have injected new life into eration on the strategic planning of the divided the shops and restaurant businesses, and have city and for the regeneration of the historic increased visitation, and consequently, income, walled city in which culture-based tourism is to the sites administered by the cash-starved expected to play an increasingly significant role. Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 231

In response to the downward trend in tourist variety of specialist holidays ranging from walk- arrivals currently being experienced in the ing tours and sea diving to weddings, blessings south, the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) and honeymoons and a tailored ‘connoisseur has instituted a Strategic Plan for Tourism 2010 programme’. As the second largest incoming which it started to implement in 2003. The plan operator for Northern Cyprus, Jewels of the aims at sustainable tourism development for World brings in 15,000 package tours per year, Cyprus by repositioning the product as a high and is optimistic about expanding and develop- quality destination centred on culture and the ing its markets, but its plans for growth require environment. The Plan has the goal of doubling the availability of larger units of accommodation total tourism revenue to reach CY£1.8bn by in order to meet the requirements of the major 2010, by increasing the number of boutique European tour operators for economies of scale. hotels, tourist villages, villas and traditional However, the question of the extent to which houses. Tourist arrivals are expected to increase Northern Cyprus should aim to attract the large by 3.5% per annum to reach 3.5m by 2010.16 operators is one which divides the industry. The CTO’s sustainable tourism strategy Representatives of the Turkish Cypriot Hoteliers’ comes after a long period in which the Republic Association, KITSOB – the majority of whose of Cyprus has benefited from the ‘critical mass’ members own small family-run hotels with of large-scale tourism development, which was fewer than 200 beds (Table 18.5) – argue that simply not available to the TRNC. With the pro- Northern Cyprus needs to keep out mass tour- spect of mass tourism development opportuni- ism, continuing instead to develop small-scale ties opening up in the north, the dilemma now is niche tourism, and focus on maintaining North- how to ‘catch up’ with the south by achieving ern Cyprus’ reputation as a quiet and relatively that critical mass of tourism development in a undeveloped location that offers an alternative way which does not jeopardize the environment to the tourism of the south. For the owners and nor threaten existing tourism stakeholders. operators of the larger hotels, on the other Over the years of the north’s isolation, a hand, the south offers a model of a different number of specialist companies have developed kind. As the head of Net Holding, an important successful niche tourism products which are tourism company in Turkey which, under the increasingly being taken up and developed by trading name of ‘Merit’, has major investments larger companies. One such company is Jewels in hotels in the north of Cyprus, observed: ‘We of the World, which is linked to the charter flight need to decide on our priorities and ask our- company TWI. Their 2005 catalogue offered a selves why we attract only 300,000 tourists

Table 18.5. Northern Cyprus: hotels and holiday village accommodation by number of beds.

2004 Under construction 2005–2006 Combined total

No. of No. of As % of No. of As % of total under No. of As % of beds hotels total hotels hotels construction hotels total hotels

< 50 59 50.0 22 38.6 80 45.7 50−100 26 22.0 11 19.3 37 21.1 100−200 22 18.6 8 14.0 29 16.6 200−300 5 4.2 8 14.0 13 7.4 300−400 2 1.7 2 3.5 3 1.7 400−500 1 0.8 2 3.5 4 2.3 500 > 3 2.5 4 7.0 9 5.1

Total 118 100 57 100 175 100

Note: these totals reflect the construction of additional bed capacity insomeoftheexisting establishments. Source: Extrapolated by the authors from unpublished figures supplied by the Ministry of Tourism and Economy, TRNC. 232 J. Scott and L. Topcan

when our neighbours in the south manage substantial development on Greek Cypriot land 3 million’ (NCHA, 2005). would be entitled to receive the title deed, on The current pattern of tourism investment payment to its original owner of the value of the in the north suggests that the profile of the land alone. This provision in the Annan Plan accommodation sector there is about to change provides a strong motivation for Turkish Cypriots, dramatically. Bed capacity was scheduled to as the current users, to secure the right to keep double in little over 2 years to about 24,000 the property allocated to them in place of their by the end of 2006. Whilst hotels with over 500 property in the south, either by erecting a build- beds would still form only a small proportion ing on the land, or by selling Greek Cypriot (5.1%) of the total number of establishments, owned land to developers as soon as possible. these would contribute 51.6% of the total bed The suggestion that a future settlement would capacity, with four out of the nine largest estab- safeguard such investments has also stimulated lishments offering more than 900 beds each, a keen foreign interest in property ownership and and three of these, totalling around 3000 beds, speculation in the north.17 Real estate values concentrated in one small village location have seen a steady steep increase, with inves- (Table 18.5). Such developments have raised tors principally from Britain and Israel establish- questions not only about the desirability of the ing new estate agencies in partnership with mass tourism route, but also about its environ- Turkish Cypriots living in Cyprus or abroad, mental impact, and the ability of the north to and offering current users prices of from £5000 meet the infrastructure requirements implied by to £50,000 sterling per donum (1338 m2). Many this increase in capacity. European purchasers have been convinced by the promise of a continuing rise in property prices in the north in the coming years. The Annan Plan, the Referendum and These recent developments have introduced the Construction Boom a new and complicated dimension to the prob- lems of the property issue in Cyprus. Whereas, The referendum on the Annan Plan on 24 April, in the past, this took the form of Turkish Cypriots 2004, was swiftly followed by a massive boom and Turkish settlers living in former Greek Cypriot in the construction sector in Northern Cyprus, property, with Greek Cypriots living in Turkish closely related to the failure of the referendum Cypriot property left in the south, now, not only to resolve the property issue. This opened the are foreigners being issued ‘unrecognized’ titles door to widespread speculation in land and to land in an ‘unrecognized state’, but Greek property in anticipation of a likely settlement in Cypriots are seeing their dreams of return the future. The current situation regarding pro- destroyed by bulldozers and housing com- perty in the north dates back to a law enacted plexes. Events have taken a further turn with the in Northern Cyprus in 1977, and subsequently issuing of lawsuits against foreign investors for subject to several amendments, which distributed the use or development of Greek Cypriot owned Greek Cypriot owned properties in the north to property. The ‘Orams’ case18 and the ‘Hurma displaced Turkish Cypriot refugees from the Restaurant’19 are two landmark cases which south (see Morvaridi, 1993; Scott, 1998). The have made Greek properties less favourable for intention of the Annan Plan was to introduce a development, and have diverted the attention new property regime in compliance with inter- of developers to Turkish Cypriot or publicly national law, recognizing the needs and sensi- owned land, regardless of their location, tivities of the two communities and the basic environmental or cultural sensitivity. requirements for bi-zonality and bi-communality. According to the property provisions of the Annan Plan, current users of affected properties who are themselves dispossessed owners or Environmental Consequences of the persons who own significant improvements to Construction Boom affected properties may apply to receive title to such properties. This has been widely interpreted After the referendum, the number of planning as meaning that a current user who carries out or building applications tripled. The number of Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 233

applications for new construction in the Kyrenia planning law. There is no overall development region (the north’s main tourist resort) in the policy grounded on sustainable development. first year exceeded the number of total applica- Current levels of construction are placing tions made in the previous 30 years for the entire an immense strain on certain areas, such as the north of Cyprus. Again, political calculations, popular tourist resort of Kyrenia, in terms of the and the prospective future implementation of carrying capacity of natural resources and pre- the Annan Plan, or something like it, play their sent public service infrastructure, and severely part in shaping development. It is interesting to compromising the sustainable future of the island observe, for example, that the total number of for coming generations. The expansion of stone applications for building permission is very low quarries is a case in point, with the use of dyna- in the Güzelyurt area, which is subject to territo- mite in the excavation process severely compro- rial readjustment under the terms of the Annan mising water resources and irrevocably changing Plan. Turkish Cypriots living here are prepared the topography of a region which enjoys natural to move to other places, despite having been heritage status under the constitution. Besides the refugees both in 1963 and 1974, and do not capacity increase in stone quarries, the general invest in the Güzelyurt area, nor even bury their import of iron, cement and similar materials had dead there, preferring to invest instead in Nicosia, increased by well over 200% in just 1 year. Kyrenia or elsewhere, which would remain under Planning authorities and local municipali- Turkish Cypriot control under a future settlement. ties in the north are unable to keep pace with The current intense building activity in the scale of illegal construction and lack of com- Northern Cyprus has stimulated ribbon devel- pliance with the environmental, planning and opment at the edge of the cities and along high- building legislation. The Union of Chambers of ways, and the spread of scattered development. Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects, envi- Tourism and second home developments are ronmental groups and NGOs criticize the speed the major construction activities placing pres- and poor quality of construction, as well as the sure on the coastline and other environmentally failure to enforce the existing legislation. The sensitive or fragile areas, including forestry areas, municipalities, who are responsible for the inspec- agricultural lands, aquifers, riverbeds, mountain tion of construction sites within their territories, ranges and dune systems. Numerous natural face the dilemma of trying to achieve a trade-off resources and sensitive sites are already being between their need for the cash generated by exploited, polluted or destroyed by rapid deve- the building activity, and the environmental lopment and sprawl, and many other areas are damage it causes. In general, tourism and the in danger of being taken into tourism use without construction sector are considered the driving proper planning or impact analysis. The regions sectors for boosting the economy, and the main between Lapitos/Karavas-Kyrenia, the northern source for local budget revenues to enable coastal line between Kyrenia and Karpasia, and Northern Cyprus to become less dependent on the eastern coastal line between Famagusta and Turkey. Whilst Turkish Cypriots complain about Karpasia, have all undergone particularly rapid the effects of construction on the environment, development, with buyers or sellers in some they also argue that, as long as they are under places clearing acres of citrus, olive and carob embargo and cannot export goods, they do not groves to open up land for construction. have many choices. The dominance of these The construction free-for-all is exacerbated perceptions and arguments in the public arena by the lack of a comprehensive spatial develop- acts as a disincentive for the government to ment plan for the entire territory of the northern create alternative development policies. part of the island covering spatial development strategies and delineating and designating areas for various types of economic sectors such as tourism, industrial transportation, waste man- Planning and Interim Measures for agement, and protected areas. Planning legisla- the Protection of the Environment tion is in force in an ad hoc way, in areas where a development plan exists, or where a develop- Although the government regards the construc- ment ordinance has been prepared under the tion boom as an opportunity for increasing local 234 J. Scott and L. Topcan

revenues, there is also awareness that this trend failure to secure a settlement has sparked off a would have significant negative impact on the frenzy of unplanned development and specula- environment. The government in the north has tion, driven by the expectations of the Annan enacted two development ordinances in 2004, Plan and the apparent opportunity to second- one for the Karpas peninsula and the other for guess the conditions of a future agreement, the Tatlisu area, in order to minimize the damage which will no doubt cause long-term damage to environmentally sensitive areas which are both to the environment and to the quality of habitats for turtles, historical and cultural heri- bi-communal relations. tage sites, dunes, forests and maquis landscapes There is no immediate prospect of a solu- under pressure from tourism development. The tion at the official level to the political problems main aim of these development ordinances is to that are inseparable from the very ingredients take precautionary measures and prohibit deve- of tourism in Cyprus. The political landscape is lopment in special protection areas (SPAs) until constantly shifting, in response both to initia- a comprehensive development plan for these tives from the political centre of Brussels, and to areas can be prepared, approved and enforced new developments in the periphery, particularly under the planning legislation. However, it is in relation to the process of Turkey’s accession unclear whether these ordinances will be effec- to the European Union. The question of how tive in controlling haphazard development and strategic alliances are made in these conditions securing environmentally sound and culturally of uncertainty, who is able to make them, and aware sustainable development, given the what benefits they bring, will be critical in shap- economic pressures for development and the ing the contours of Cyprus’ emerging tourism problems of enforcement. landscape.

Notes Conclusion and Future Prospects 1 In 1999 and 2000, Northern Cyprus received The current state of tourism in the Cyprus of the 414,000 and 433,000 tourists respectively, of new, enlarged Europe presents a complex and which 334,400 and 347,700 were from Turkey. In contradictory picture. Despite the lack of a poli- the same years, arrivals to the south numbered tical settlement, there are signs that Cyprus is 2.4 million and 2.6 million respectively. moving towards a single tourism economy, as 2 Recent reports suggest that business interests find common cause across the the decline in foreign tourist arrivals isbeing Green Line, and, to a limited extent, recruit from offset to some extent by an increase in domestic a common labour market. At the same time, the tourism (see Christou, 2005). 3 restructuring of the tourism industry – as the German tourists made up 10% of total arrivals in 1998, declining to 6% in 2003 (Statistical Service north scales up for an element of mass tourism, of the Government of Cyprus). and the south seeks to reposition its product in 4 In Southern Cyprus the issue of casinos has the face of declining numbers and per capita long been a matter of debate. Despite a vocifer- spend – is creating new winners and losers, con- ous lobby in favour, pressures to allow casinos tributing to a sense of insecurity amongst some to operate have so far been opposed and tourism stakeholders, exacerbating the political resisted, both out of traditional moral concerns, tensions surrounding tourism development on and also on cultural and political grounds the island. (Sunday Mail, 17 September, 2000). However, On one level, the continued separation of this policy isbeing reconsidered, inview of the the two parts of the island and the maintenance steady stream of Greek Cypriots who, since the relaxation of border restrictions between north of ‘no-go areas’ of various types could be viewed and south in April 2003, have been heading as forcing the creation of relationships to negoti- northwards to gamble in the casinos (Cyprus ate the divide and assuring a role for both Greek Mail, 23 June, 2004). and Turkish Cypriot actors as gatekeepers to 5 ‘Direk uçutta kararliyiz ama’ Londra Gazete ‘their’ part of the island. On the other hand, the 3/2/05. The then European Minister of the UK Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe 235

Government, Denis MacShane, emphasizes in often informally arranged by private and family the article the legal complexities of the issue, groups who club together for the coach hire. explaining: ‘Ercan airport in north Cyprus has In a recent incident, seven coaches taking a not been designated as an approved inter- party of Turkish Cypriots for a day out to visit national airport, so under the existing UK Cyprus the shrine of Hala Sultan near Larnaca were air services agreement, no regular direct flight allowed to cross, after a stand-off of some could operate to it from the UK’. three hours waiting at the checkpoint. Despite 6 Cypriot citizens had already been crossing using the claims by the head of the Turkish Cypriot their passports/ID cards. coach operators’ association, it is not yet 7 North Cyprus could be said to have slipped into clear whether thiswill form a precedent. See the gap between model and reality of the politi- ‘Otobvslerimizle Hala Sultan’da’, Kibris, 19 June cal map of Cyprus, hence its current state of 2005. limbo. The Cypriot territory established under 14 See further the Orams (note 18) and Hurma the 1960 Constitution, and still upheld by the Restaurant (note 19) case, below. government of the Republic of Cyprus based in 15 Baceli, ‘Thiswill be our best summer yet’, the south, extends to the whole of the island, Cyprus Mail, 21 June, 2005. According to the with rights to citizenship of the Republicof head of the Turkish Cypriot Hoteliers Associa- Cyprus similarly available to Turkish Cypriot tion, on the other hand, 12 of the smaller citizens of the TRNC. Thus, the acquis com- Turkish Cypriot hotels closed in the past year munautaire is described as being merely sus- (Beydarli, personal communication). pended in the north, whilst individual Turkish 16 Cypriots, as citizens of the Republic of Cyprus, 17 According to existing legislation, foreigners may enjoy the rights of individual EU citizenship may buy and sell properties in the north on both in Cyprus and throughout the territory of the approval of the Turkish Cypriot Councilof the EU. Ministers, but risk losing their investment 8 Council Regulation (EC) No 866/2004 of 29 April, in properties with anything other than original 2004, on a regime under Article 2 of Protocol Turkish Cypriot title deeds in the event of a settle- No. 10 of the Act of Accession as amended ment (see Scott 1998). Since the floating of the by Council Resolution (EC) No.293/2005 of 17 Annan Plan, there has been substantial February 2005. foreign interest in properties in the north, since 9 See Baceli ‘Thiswill be our best summer yet’, the plan suggests that foreigners too would be Cyprus Mail, 21 June, 2005. compensated for their investments in the event 10 With exceptions for UN and other diplomatic/ of a settlement. governmental vehicles and the odd cyclist. 18 ABritish couple, David and Linda Orams, who 11 European Commission and European Parlia- built a villa on land owned by a Greek Cypriot ment Conference, ‘Facilitating Commercial displaced person in the north, have been Activity Across the Green Line’ Tuesday sued in the NicosiaDistrict Court and ordered 2nd November 2004, Ledra Palace, Nicosia. to demolish the house and pay court costs Content Report by the Management Centre and damages of CY£7654 (?13,166) and and Highway Communications www.highway CY£294.41 (?506.95) a month until the property is returned to the original Greek Cypriot owner. 12 In fact, some Turkish Cypriot drivers register Since the entry of the Republic of Cyprus into their taxis in the south and change their number the EU, the court in Cyprus can request that the plates at the border in order to take passengers judgement be enforced by the courts in the to and from Larnaca airport. The duplication of UK, leading to the possibility of arrest and the registration and insurance requirements increases confiscation of the Orams’ property assets in their operating costs significantly. Britain. See Warning by the Cyprus Embasy: 13 Restaurant menu boards written in Greek around the harbour in Kyrenia, and large road- 19 The original Greek Cypriot owner of the Hurma side billboards advertising the casinos of the Restaurant in Famagusta issuing the Turkish north in Greek, are visible signs of the pres- Cypriot currently operating the restaurant ence of Greek Cypriots in northern Cyprus, through the court in Larnaca and claiming although there is anecdotal evidence that compensation of between CY£100,000 and these numbers may be tailing off in the face of CY£250,000 for the loss of the property. See the current polarization of political positions. ‘Rum Mahkemesi’ne Itiraz’: Turkish Cypriot tour parties to the south are 13/05/05 236 J. Scott and L. Topcan


Akit, S., Peristianis, N., and Warner, J. (1996) Residents’ attitudes to tourism development: the case of Cyprus. Tourism Management 17(7), 481–494. Bianchi, R. (2001) Beyond the periphery: exploring the “new” regional dynamics of tourism in Southern Europe. In: Toivonen, T. and Honkanen, A. (eds) North–South: Contrasts and Connections in Global Tourism. Tilburg: ATLAS, pp. 249–265. Bicak, H.A. and Altinay, M. (1996) Economic impact of Israeli tourists on North Cyprus. Annals of Tourism Research 23(4), 928–931. Bowman, G. (1992) The politics of tour guiding: Israeli and Palestinian guides in Israel and the Occupied Territories. In: Harrison, D. (ed.) Tourism and the Less Developed Countries. London: Belhaven, pp. 121–134. Christou, J. (2005) Domestic tourism hits all time high. Cyprus Mail, 10 July. Devlet Planlama prgvtv (2001) 2002 Geçis Yili Programi. Lefkota (Nicosia): Devlet Planlama prgvtv. Ioannides, D. and Apostolopoulos, Y. (1999) Political instability, war, and tourism in Cyprus: effects, management, and prospects for recovery. Journal of Travel Research 38(1), 51–56. Ioannides, D. and Holcomb, B. (2001) Raising the stakes: implications of upmarket tourism policies in Cyprus and Malta. In: Ioannides, D. Apostolopoulos, Y. and Sönmez, S. (eds) Mediterranean Islands and Sustainable Tourism Development. London: Continuum, pp. 23–44. Ministry of Tourism and Economy, TRNC (2005) Tourism Statistics. Lefkota(Nicosia): Ministry of Tourism and Economy. Morvaridi, B. (1993) Demographic change, resettlement and resource use. In: Dodd, C.H. (ed.) The Political, Social and Economic Development of Northern Cyprus. Huntingdon, UK: Eothen, pp. 219–268. NCHA (Northern Cyprus Hoteliers Association) (2005) Cyprus Passion of ‘Net Group’. Tourism Monthly ,10 May. Scott, J. (1998) Property values: ownership, legitimacy and land markets in northern Cyprus. In: Hann, C.M. (ed.) Property Relations: Renewing the Anthropological Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 142–159. Scott, J. (2000) Peripheries, artificial peripheries and centres. In: Brown, F. and Hall, D. (eds) Tourism in Peripheral Regions. Clevedon, UK: Channel View, pp. 58–73. Scott, J. (2002) World heritage as a model for citizenship: the case of Cyprus. International Journal of World Heritage Studies 8(2), 99–116. Scott, J. and AtikoGlu, T. (2001) Gambling with paradise? Casino tourism development in northern Cyprus. Journal of Tourism and Travel Research 26(3), 47–57. Sönmez, S.F. and Apostolopoulos, Y. (2000) Conflict resolution through tourism cooperation? The case of the partitioned island-state of Cyprus. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 9(3), 35–48. Part V

The Next Enlargement

In this penultimate section of four chapters, the candidates for EU membership – Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Croatia – are examined. While the first two had entered membership negotiations in the 1990s and had been included within the group of 12 candidates for possible accession in 2004, they were found not to be able to meet fully the Copenhagen criteria, but were encouraged to con- tinue pursuing their full implementation. Despite Ankara’s considerable history of seeking a closer relationship with the EU, not until October 2005 did the EU member states agree that both Turkey and Croatia could now enter into accession negotiations. That this took place on the same day rep- resents one of the many important symbolic elements of the EU trajectory. For it was in the 1520s, as Ottoman armies were overwhelming the Kingdom of Croatia, that the Pope sent a message to the Croatian parliament, urging it to continue to resist, and extolling Croats as the ‘ramparts of Christendom’ (Tanner, 1997; Hall, 2000). Just as a founding objective of the EEC in the 1950s was to bring France and Germany into a core partnership within a wider community that would remove the possibility of conflict within Western Europe, so successive enlargements have acted to wipe away past – and often ancient – animosities, rivalries and conflicts, whether cultural, ideological or territorial (or indeed all three). In this respect alone, the EU member states’ attitude towards the speed and nature of the Union’s enlargement has taken on a global significance, not least in terms of the signals it conveys to non-European as well as to domestic audiences. The EU is not a white, Christian, European club, and tourism is one of the contexts in which the richness and importance of (multi-)cultural heritage and its relationship with European citizenship and identity can be expressed (Chapter 3). Debates on the accession of Turkey to the EU thus appear fundamental to an evolving conception of ‘Europe’ and the appropriateness of this conception in a globalizing world that confronts man-made and natural potential disaster. As a brief introductory overview of the candidates, this short piece aims to address their commonalities and contrasts, and to reflect on the significance for tourism of their likely accession to the EU.


There are two, perhaps interrelated, obvious commonalities that the candidates share. Geographi- cally, all four are located in south-eastern Europe, although this needs qualification. First, of course, 238 The Next Enlargement

is the fact that less than 10% of Turkey actually falls within geographical Europe, although this terri- tory does include the country’s, and arguably Europe’s, largest city, Istanbul. The rest of the country extends across the Dardanelles and Bosphorus into Asia, as the geographical entity of Anatolia (historically ‘Asia Minor’), extending to borders with Georgia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq and Syria. Kemal Ataturk’s capital for a modern secular Turkish state, Ankara, was established in the centre of Anatolia in 1923. The second qualification is that the geographical description south-eastern Europe does not equate with ‘the Balkans’ or Balkan, an essentially geographical term, but one which has acquired, at least in the West, pejorative connotations of instability, division, under-development and a certain mentality (e.g. Todorova, 1994, 1997; Hall and Danta, 1996). While Bulgaria and Turkey would accept that they are Balkan countries, if only in the geographical sense, Romanians argue that the Balkans begin south of the Danube, and Croatians might suggest that while Serbia and Bosnia fall within the Balkans, Croatia most certainly does not, being a Central European and/or Mediterranean country. Some might argue that Balkanism is historically associated with Ottoman rule, and one related commonality is the fact that present-day Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia were, to varying geo- graphical extents and historical periods, occupied by the Ottoman Turks. The mythic imagery of Transylvania, for example, is based on the fact that this upland element of present-day Romania acted as a Habsburg bastion against the Ottomans. The latter had incorporated what are now Romania’s other two major regional components, the lowland Moldavia and Wallachia, which, extending over fertile Danubian plains, became known as the ‘breadbasket’ of the Ottoman empire. The second commonality is that all four candidates’ tourism has tended to be (perceived as being) dominated by the ‘3Ss’ market, historically associated with such all-inclusive brands as Balkan Holidays and Yugotours. Within Yugoslavia, Croatia held a dominant role in international tourism, embracing a large proportion of the country’s Adriatic coastline, leaving relatively short coastal stretches within Slovenia to the north (e.g. Izola, Piran) and Montenegro to the south (e.g. Sveti Stefan, Budva and the Neretva Delta). Major economic reforms and construction of the Adriatic Highway in the 1960s opened up the Yugoslav coast to Western markets. By the end of the 1980s the hard currency generated by tourism in Yugoslavia, and largely within Croatia, was greater than the total for the rest of Communist Central and Eastern Europe (Hall, 1991). As Chapter 22 suggests, despite a wide range of cultural and natural assets, only in recent years, following independence, and especially after the devastating wars of Yugoslav succession in the first half of the 1990s, has the Croatian tourism industry pursued substantive efforts to diversify its markets, products and regional distribution (e.g. see Jordan, 2000). In the 1970s and 1980s the Black Sea beaches of Bulgaria were far more popular for Western tourists than those of Romania, although both also attracted the lower end of the market, such as school groups and novices, to their mountain winter sports centres. Spas and other natural and cul- tural attractions, while present in abundance, were poorly promoted in the West and lacked good infrastructure and information services. In particular, Romania had a deservedly poor image in the 1980s, not least because of food and power shortages, although bad publicity in the Western popu- lar press also afflicted the image of Bulgarian resorts. Until 1989, both countries were members of the Soviet bloc, with currency exchange and potential visa complications. Further, acting as an attraction for some Western tourists and a disincentive for others, most Romanian and Bulgarian coastal and inland resorts tended to be dominated by domestic tourists whose own international travel opportunities were severely limited. As Chapter 21 relates, almost unrestricted tourism and related urban development along stretches of Turkey’s Aegean and Mediterranean coasts from the 1970s saw that country exhibiting some of the fastest growth rates in international tourist numbers during the 1980s and 1990s. This process saw Turkey taking over the momentum of Mediterranean coastal tourism from the more mature and diversifying tourism economies further west, and almost replicating scenes characteris- tic of the Spanish costas in the 1960s and 1970s. The experience of Turkey is instructive in suggest- ing that far from declining, mass tourism is continually being rejuvenated as new markets – notably former Soviet bloc citizens in the 1990s – are drawn into the consumption activity. The Next Enlargement 239


Perhaps the most obvious contrasts between the four candidates are cultural. Turkey, as a predomi- nantly (Sunni) Islamic country, with relatively high birth rates, a rapidly growing population and a consequently relative young demographic structure, contrasts markedly with most other European countries. Yet, with a classical heritage reflected in numerous archaeological sites, it shares a great deal with much of Europe. The Turkish language is related only to Hungarian, Finnish and Estonian in Europe, and is not part of the Indo-European linguistic group. The dominant religion of both Romania and Bulgaria is Eastern Orthodoxy, the churches and monasteries of both countries representing an important cultural legacy; but whereas Bulgarian is a Slavic language using the Cyrillic alphabet, Romanian is essentially a Latin-based romance tongue using the Roman alpha- bet. Croatia is mostly Roman Catholic, particularly since the migrations and other consequences of conflict in the 1990s saw many Orthodox Serbs and Muslim Bosnians no longer living within the country. Recent political and military histories certainly represent a contrasting legacy. Turkey was a stalwart member of NATO throughout the Cold War and an important base for eavesdropping across the Soviet bloc. Bulgaria and Romania, as members of that bloc, belonged both to its eco- nomic grouping CMEA (COMECON: viewed somewhat optimistically by some in its time as the Communist equivalent of the EEC), and its military umbrella, the Warsaw Pact, and were thereby part of ‘the enemy’. Croatia, meanwhile, was the second most important component of the Yugoslav Socialist Federation, a country whose leader, Josip Broz Tito (along with India), tried to steer the non-aligned movement as a third way between the capitalist and communist worlds. Romania had been put together as a sovereign state with the loss of Wallachia and Moldavia by the Ottomans in 1859, and then in the aftermath of World War I, following the collapse and dis- memberment of the Austro-Hungarian empire, with the addition of Transylvania. Bulgaria gained independence from the Turks in 1878 following intervention from Russia. Croatia, like Transylvania, had also been a Hungarian part of Austria-Hungary, and became a major compo- nent of the post-First World War Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, the forerunner of Yugo- slavia. Although south , and thus regarded as an inferior race by the Nazis, Croatians gained a degree of independence during World War II following German occupation. The Turkish Ottoman empire, just as Austria-Hungary, was largely dismembered as an outcome of World War I. What had been an enormous multi-ethnic Islamicized empire, the western arm of which had stretched across south-eastern and central Europe, was reduced, in Europe, to a small territory barely representing the western hinterland of Istanbul.

Tourism Significance

The accession of these four candidates would mean that the EU would embrace the whole of the north Mediterranean coast except for the relatively short strip between Dubrovnik and Greece, through Montenegro and Albania. Further, the western and southern shores of the Black Sea would also be within ‘Europe’. This has at least two implications:

● virtually all of the summer sun mass tourism locations in Europe and Asia Minor would be subject to EU directives and laws relating to tourism, environmental and employment issues; and ● it would act as an incentive for at least some of the other Black Sea and Mediterranean coastal states, both north and south, to forge closer relations with the EU. Further, Turkey’s accession to the EU could help to draw closer both fellow Islamic and Turkic states of Western and Central Asia, whose cultural and natural resources appear to have been little developed for tourism purposes. None the less, as Chapter 21 indicates, at the time of writing there 240 The Next Enlargement

exist a number of obstacles particularly for Turkey to overcome on its path to accession, a process that may continue until 2020, by which time the world is likely to look a very different place. Despite the goodwill of most of the EU 25 member states for Turkish accession, the issue of the Union’s ‘absorption capacity’ for further enlargement was raised at the start of negotiations in October 2005 (e.g. Watt and Smith, 2005). One suspects that this concept will take on a dynamic of its own in the months and years ahead.


Hall, D. (ed.) (1991) Tourism and Economic Development in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Lon- don: Belhaven Press. Hall, D. (2000) Croatia. In: Hall, D. and Danta, D. (eds) Europe Goes East: EU Enlargement, Diversity and Uncertainty. London: The Stationery Office, pp. 275–288. Hall, D. and Danta, D. (1996) The Balkans: perceptions and realities. In: Hall, D. and Danta, D. (eds) Reconstructing the Balkans: a Geography of the New Southeast Europe.Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1–13. Jordan, P. (2000) Restructuring Croatia’s coastal resorts: change, sustainable development and the incorporation of rural hinterlands. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 8(6), 525–539. Tanner, M. (1997) Croatia: a Nation Forged in War. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Todorova, M. (1994) The Balkans: from discovery to invention. Slavic Review 53, 453–482. Todorova, M. (1997) Imagining the Balkans. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Watt, N. and Smith, H. (2005) Sweet and sour climax to Turkey’s long march. The Guardian, 4 October, p. 14. 19 Tourism in Bulgaria

Marin Bachvarov

Introduction Europe including the British Isles. The upgrading of the motorways in Serbia and Romania and in Bulgaria emerged onto the international tour- the country itself, as well as the building of a ism market in the 1960s as a ‘sun, sea and second bridge over the Danube at Vidin and the sand’ destination and was the most successful EU financed E-8 corridor to link Bulgaria with among COMECON countries in attracting for- Italy via FYR Macedonia and Albania, will eign tourists, particularly for summer holidays enhance Bulgaria’s accessibility. Sofia airport is on the Black Sea coast. Throughout the 1970s currently being enlarged and similar projects will and 1980s the Bulgarian international tourism soon start in the other three international air- industry was one of the most competitive in ports: Varna, Bourgas and Plovdiv. Central and Eastern Europe (Koulov and The country has a number of strengths that Marinov, 1997). favour its tourist development: The downfall of the Communist system ● rapid economic growth and 4.5–5.5% GNP after 1989 led to a deep crisis in Bulgarian annual growth; tourism and it fell behind developments else- ● lower (though rising rapidly) prices of where, particularly those in Central Europe (Hall, property, services and goods; 1995). Along with other destinations on the ● currency (the lev) pegged to the euro; European periphery, Bulgaria suffered from an ● expected accession to the EU in 2007; absence of good and rapid transport links with ● full NATO membership; the more developed parts of the continent. This ● regular and seasonal flights to the larger was, and still is, a serious obstacle for the devel- European cities from the country’s four opment of tourism in the country. On the other international airports (see the house page of hand, the removal of the Iron Curtain and sub- (www. sequent integration into European economic and infrastructure networks has made the country more easily accessible for tourists from Western Europe. In the new conditions Bulgaria could make better use of its location between Europe, Resource Base, Types and Spatial Turkey and the Eastern Mediterranean. Structure of Tourism Bulgaria is accessible by air, including char- ter flights, but is not within driving distance of About 35–40% of Bulgarian territory offers Western Europe and especially from Northern good conditions for recreation and tourism ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 241 242 M. Bachvarov

(Evrev, 1988). The changes during the post- Secondary zones Communist transition did not result in serious shifts in the spatial structure of the tourism Besides the Black Sea region there are several industry, which is still characterized by an secondary tourist zones. over-concentration on the Black Sea coast ● The south-west interior of the country is the accounting for 63% of beds and 67% of over- second largest recreational and tourism nights (Marinov, 2004). Traditionally, tourism zone. It has a composite character and in Bulgaria has been associated with coastal serves both shorter and longer domestic resorts and to a much lesser degree with holidays, and in a number of places (cities, cultural tours, spas and ski resorts. The areas monasteries, winter resorts and spas) it also with differing tourism specializations (tourism attracts foreign visitors. The interior tourism regions) are presented below (see Fig. 19.1) areas are at a different stage of develop- (Bachvarov, 1997b). ment and those better known, and better prepared to cater for tourism, include those listed below (see Fig. 19.1); Black Sea coast ● the Sofia conurbation with the high moun- tains to the south-west (Vitosha, Rila and The Bulgarian Black Sea coast between Pirin). Here the cultural and business Romania in the north and Turkey to the south is importance of the capital is diversified with 378 km long. Fine sandy beaches cover about skiing resorts, spas, national parks and 30% of the coast, while there are 9 million m2 Orthodox monasteries including the famous of beach (16 million m2 including dunes) Rila monastery; (Vodenska, 1992). This capacity allows simul- ● the Plovdiv conurbation and the adjacent taneous recreation for up to one million tour- West Rhodope skiing and spa resorts, with ists. In the peak months of July and August the cultural and natural attractions, and wine number of tourists is close to 70% of this and folklore tours; and capacity, but some popular beaches are over- ● Central Stara Planina – the Balkan range crowded. Here the problem of congestion is and sub-Balkan valleys including the serious and demands concerted management Valley of Roses – with many historic, spa efforts to reduce it. The Black Sea region is the and rural tourism opportunities. most developed tourism area in the country, leading in terms of international tourism with about 75% of overseas tourist overnight Northern Bulgaria and the Thracian Plain stays and about 50% of domestic overnights. A peak of its development was reached at the Much of northern Bulgaria and the Thracian end of the 1980s, but recently a new cycle of Plain has less tourism and recreational potential rapid development has been inaugurated and consequently are not included in the spe- under changed geopolitical and economic cialized tourism regions. Actually, behind the conditions. Black Sea region lays a hinterland which is a The region includes two major urban vacuum rarely attracting tourists based in the centres and ports (Varna and Bourgas), ten seaside resorts. On the other hand, the fact that smaller towns and 20 villages. There exist about the most appealing tourism areas lie in the 2000 separate tourism establishments; many eastern and western peripheries of Bulgaria can of these are clustered in two areas north of potentially activate the central parts of the coun- Varna and Bourgas (Fig. 19.2) as parts of these try along communication corridors. At present conurbations. only about 5% of coastal package tourists take Tourist visits are highly concentrated in the organized trips inside the country. summer (June–September) and 60% of the overnights take place in July and August. Winter tourism Around 60–65% of the country’s total accom- modation capacity is located in the Black Sea Bulgaria is among the most southern of European region (Bachvarov, 1999). winter tourism destinations. Typical winter Tourism in Bulgaria 243 on, i de i n, 7 – North-West. i r on, 3 – West Rhodope, i i a reg i de resort; 5 – boundary of a reg i llages, 3 – resort complexes outs i n resort, c – seas i -Balkan range and Valley of Roses), 6 – P i n the map: 1 – Black Sea coast, 2 – Sof i onal resorts; 1 – towns, 2 – v i th numbers i onal resorts, II – Reg i ons marked w i n valleys), 5 – Sredna Gora (Ant i on. Reg i ons. I – Nat i de permanent settlements; a – spa resort, b – mounta i cro-reg i sm reg i gnated resorts outs i on, 7 – boundary of m i na (Central Balkan range and mounta i a: types of resorts and tour i Bulgar 6 – boundary of sub-reg Source: Bachvarov, 1997b. permanent settlements, 4 – des 4 – Central Stara Plan Fig. 19.1. 244 M. Bachvarov

Fig. 19.2. Bulgaria: the spatial organization of the country’s Black Sea region. Source: Bachvarov, 1999. weather is sunny in the five high mountain slopes of Rila the highest mountain in the ranges above 2000m altitude: Rila, Pirin, Balkans (2925 m). Borovets is only 65 km Vitosha, Balkan and Rhodope. Despite the from Sofia and since the 1980s has been proximity of warmer regions, snow cover is promoted as an inexpensive downhill stable and lasts 4–6 months. This explains skiing venue in the UK, Holland, Finland Sofia’s joint bid with Borovets to host the 2014 and Greece. Winter Olympic games. At present there are ● Frequently visited by foreigners, Pamporovo four international mountain resorts: is 80 km south of Plovdiv in the central part of the Rhodope mountains. Nearby is ● Vitosha – at 2285 m with good snow con- Chepelare another developing ski centre, ditions on its northern slopes yet within as well as the Bachkovo monastery and Sofia municipality. Vitosha is a national several picturesque towns and villages park with good tourism and skiing infra- offering cultural heritage, rural tourism and structure visited by over three million skiers folklore attractions. and hikers annually. A crucial factor is the ● The newest and most rapidly expanding ski excellent road and lift connections and the centre is Bansko in the Pirin mountains, 1.2m population capital city next-door. including the nearby resort of Dobrinishte, ● The oldest and largest Bulgarian moun- which has a skiing area linked with the tain resort is Borovets on the northern Bansko region. Bansko, a small heritage Tourism in Bulgaria 245

town on the piedmont attracted US$40m heritage and the numerous second homes investments in tourism in 2004. A new available for renting to tourists (see the website gondola cableway, eight other lifts and 50 So far the most successful snow-guns have been installed. rural tourism areas are near the mountain resorts and the cultural heritage towns (e.g. Veliko Turnovo). However, the poor state of Hiking and trekking infrastructure and depopulation of large areas of the countryside are barriers to rural tourism Hiking and trekking has a long tradition in development. Bulgaria: the Bulgarian Union of Hikers was founded in 1895. A network of over 200 moun- tain hostels (huts) is located mostly in high and Cultural and business tourism medium mountain areas. A few of them have been modernized and upgraded to accommo- Cultural tourism and business visits in Bulgaria date more demanding guests. are largely restricted to the cities and some small towns with Bulgarian Orthodox Revival sites in the mountain foothills or at the seaside, such Spa resorts as Nesebur, Sozopol, Triavna, Melnik, Zheravna, Bozhentsi, Samokov, Koprivshtitsa, Elena, Spa resorts used to play a very important part in Etropole. Other important urban tourism centres the Bulgarian health system, but now have a are Plovdiv and Veliko Turnovo, which have the minor role. Only 20% of the rest homes run by appeal of what Hall (1991) has termed ‘cultural the Association of Trade Unions up to 1991 still capitals’ in Central and Eastern Europe. function as a recreational network. The remain- The Orthodox churches, and especially the der were privatized, some changed functions, 160 monasteries, among them Rila, Bachkovo, others turned into hotels or were simply aban- Troyan, Preobrazhenski and Rozhen, are one doned. The Bulgarian sanatoria network was of the strengths of Bulgarian cultural tourism. reduced between 1990 and 2000 from 184 to Together with the country’s rich folklore tradi- 30 establishments (NSI, 2001). Many of the tion, they should play a much bigger role in the former sanatoria were transformed into rehabi- country’s range of tourist attractions. At present, litation hospitals and private clinics. The main few foreigners on holiday at the Black Sea, or in spa centres of Velingrad, Hisarya, Varshets, the mountain resorts, travel inside the country Sandanski, Kostenets, Pomorie, Bankya are in order to visit cultural heritage sites. This is situated in attractive environments and in com- often a result of the poor promotion of the latter, bination with water sports, mountain hiking, although there is a considerable potential for rural tourism and retirement migration, are well tempting these groups away from their bases for patronized by a domestic market. None the less, a short time, as well as developing exclusively because of ongoing changes in function, the cultural tours. average length of stay has decreased. During the post-Communist transition the political importance of the cultural tourism has been acknowledged, although dominance of Rural tourism the prevailing perception of ‘heritage’ within the country rather than market-oriented devel- Rural tourism is deeply rooted in tradition as the opment (Hughes and Allen, 2005) has been majority of the Bulgarian population are of hindering the expansion of cultural tourism rural origin. There are 480,000 second homes despite its considerable potential. throughout the country. As a participant in the foreign tourism market, however, Bulgaria is a newcomer. In spite of the fact that the country is Ecotourism and adventure tourism not within driving distance of Western Europe, there is considerable potential for rural tourism Ecotourist and adventure itineraries and other on the basis of the rich natural and cultural activities organized by specialized tour operators 246 M. Bachvarov

have attracted limited numbers of foreign tour- Until February 2005 the tourism sector ists. They are functioning in the mountain areas was the responsibility of the Ministry of the and national parks and more specifically in Economy, which implemented public policy for the Rhodope, Stara Planina and Pirin. These tourism and coordinated tourism development should not be developed as mass tourism desti- with other sectors. This entailed: nations as this would be contrary to the very ● initiating regulations for tourism activities; appeal of the discovery of little known places. ● supervising international relations in the field of tourism; ● supporting the activities of regional and Gastronomic tourism local organizations, and with those in specific sectors; Bulgarian traditional food and drink can be ● developing information technology resources; one of the strengths in the tourism attraction ● undertaking marketing research, analysis mix of the country. Bulgaria is alleged to be and forecasts; and the homeland of wine, as Homer writes that ● developing the tourism product and training. Thracians (the ancient inhabitants of the eastern Balkans) learnt to prepare wine from On 18 February 2005 the government trans- grapes. Bulgarian wines, especially the dry red ferred tourism to a combined Ministry of Culture, varieties, are of good quality and good value. Tourism and Sport. The first reaction of the Visits to vineyards and wine cellars (and the business community to this was not enthusiastic. development of wine trails) should be pro- The National Tourism Board has been moted and combined with folklore events, established as a body to consult with the Minis- archaeological tours and other special interest try. As a national tourism organization its role is visits. There is also a variety of other drinks to assist the implementation of national policy based on the Bulgarian yoghurt and different in the field of tourism. The members of the types of brandies. National Board are representatives of tourism- related ministries, national airlines and of sector and regional tourism organizations. According to the Tourism Act, municipal administrations Bulgarian Tourism During the have statutory rights and obligations to imple- Post-Communist Transition ment tourism policy in their areas. By September 2004, 1876 companies had Institutional change a state licence to operate in the tourism sector (NSI, 2005) with the majority (1112) registered After establishing the necessary legal frame- as tour operating companies, and 764 as travel work, privatization in the Bulgarian tourism agents. A serious concern is the lack of experi- sector was carried out during the period ence of many smaller firms operating in market- 1997–2002. Employees in tourism enterprises ing: their service quality is low and long-term were allowed to buy up to 20% of the shares, plans are rarely implemented or are absent. A the rest were sold on competitive terms to new law referring to the management of the Bulgarian and foreign financial groups. Black Sea coast is being prepared in order to The new owners immediately started regulate: building licences against interference reconstructing old premises and building new from other interests, access to public spaces and facilities. In a short time the Bulgarian coastal the use of beaches, the location of shops and and mountain resorts were modernized although other commercial activities, and ecological some serious problems emerged. The rapid requirements. transformation, and particularly the construc- From January 2007, any difference in tion and upgrading of premises and the market- accommodation price for foreigners and ing of the new Bulgarian tourism product, could Bulgarians will become illegal as one of the not have been possible without the financial requirements of EU entry (see and logistic support of European tour operators, Currently some hoteliers offer lower prices to especially the German and British. Bulgarians, justifying a dual pricing policy by Tourism in Bulgaria 247

arguing that domestic tourists have a lower Fifth, there have been notable policy purchasing power. changes to respond to a market environment, and appropriate administrative structures have been set up. The role of the state is now mainly Transformation Trends limited to legal and administrative regulation and destination marketing. Since 1990, Bulgarian tourism has faced a radi- As noted earlier, attempts, albeit still insuffi- cal transformation (Vodenska, 1992; Harrison, cient, are being made to change the structure 1993; Bachvarov, 1997a; Kasatschka and of the country’s tourism product from a sole Marinov, 2003), and a number of trends can be emphasis on summer seaside holidays to a distinguished. First, as might have been expec- wider range of activities and locations including ted, there has been a significant change in mar- mountain and cultural tourism. This is related to kets, with the share of EU countries in foreign attempts to establish a new image to better posi- tourism overnights increasing from 36% in tion Bulgaria in the international market. This is 1990 to 72% in 2002. Such a trend might be particularly required to counteract mass media expected to continue. generalizations concerning ‘war in the Balkans’ Second, there has been a substantial that had a strongly deflecting effect on potential reduction in the domestic tourism market. A tourists during the 1990s. International promo- major reason for this is changes that have taken tion of the country as a tourist destination was place in subsidized welfare and recreation due almost totally abandoned during this time, and to the withdrawal of financial support from the between 1990 and 1997 official tourism offices state. The majority of trade union and spa abroad were reduced from 27 to just four. facilities have been privatized, and have often Recently their number has increased to 12, but changed their function, while some have been all are within EU countries, except those in abandoned. At the same time, better-off domes- Moscow and New York. tic tourists have more frequently used commer- Arguably, a major reason for the recent suc- cial accommodation in the mountains and at cessful development of tourism in Bulgaria is the the seaside. By contrast, many former domestic country’s political stability since 1997, along with tourists will have been adversely affected by the privatization of the tourism infrastructure and short- to medium-term rising prices and rela- catering facilities. A further reason is the consi- tively lower incomes. derable foreign investment in Bulgarian resorts. Third, tourists from former COMECON As a result, in just a few years the Bulgarian Black countries, so numerous in the 1970s and 1980s, Sea region has been thoroughly modernized and have almost entirely disappeared, with the is now better prepared to accommodate the notable exception of wealthier Russians and requirements of Western tourists. Generally, the Ukrainians, who, in the 1990s, represented a Bulgarian tourist product has been found attrac- large share of tourists and were preferred as tive to those of lower or average income. An customers by the local population. In 2001, investigation in 1998 disclosed that only 2% of Bulgaria introduced a visa requirement for CIS foreign tourists belonged to the affluent segment visitors and the result was a considerable reduc- of the market. A recent survey in Poland of 540 tion in arrivals from former Soviet countries. internet users found that low-spending tourists Fourth, the rapid privatization of state from Central and Eastern Europe remain a prob- property – hotels, catering, shops and many lem, with 61% of those planning to spend their services – has taken place, while outdated infra- holidays in Bulgaria having a budget of less than structure in the resorts is still run by the state or €360 (from the website, local government. This causes constant prob- 2005). As might be expected, the largest reve- lems with hotel and restaurant owners. In many nue contribution is provided by visitors from cases tourism facilities were built on land now Germany, the UK, Greece, Russia, Benelux claimed by its former owners or their heirs. and Scandinavia who stay for longer periods. Koulov and Marinov (1997) assessed that 80% By contrast, visitors from neighbouring countries of land in the coastal resorts of Slunchev Briag tend to stay for a short time and often for non- and Albena is liable to re-privatization. leisure purposes. 248 M. Bachvarov

Tourism Infrastructure from the EU stayed in the Black Sea resorts, 10% in the mountain resorts and 20% in urban Most tourism infrastructure in Bulgaria relates to (business trips and cultural tours) and rural 102 resorts (seaside, spa and mountain) and 66 areas (ecological and rural tourism, game settlements with cultural attractions (Bachvarov, hunting). 1999). The large seaside and mountain resorts A characteristic feature of Bulgarian accom- were centrally planned and financed exclusively modation in the past was its low quality and lim- for tourism. In 2004, the capacity of hotels and ited variety of services. The dominant category similar establishments was 86,000 rooms, or was 2-star with small rooms and poor sanitation, 190,000 beds, out of a total 450,000 beds in all often in noisy places and without sports facilities. forms of commercial and subsidized accommo- This was appropriate for simple ‘sun, sea and dation. Between 2002 and 2004 the country’s sand’ tourism when the majority of tourists came hotel capacity increased by up to 50%. In the from other Communist countries. The propor- official statistical sources for 2002, the capacity tion of luxury hotels in the 1980s was only for hotel and similar establishments was only 3–4%. This situation is gradually changing as new 170,000 (Marinov, 2004), but there is a consid- private hotels offer a higher quality and the pro- erable undeclared capacity. For example, in portion of 4- and 5-star hotels in 2004 was 27% 2004 the mayor of Bansko declared that there (of which 5.4% were 5-star – see Table 19.1). were 1000 ‘hidden’ beds in his town (from Sofia’s proportion of the number of, 2005). Private lodgings, for- overnights spent within the country is 10.1% merly very popular, have declined as well as (for foreign visitors, 15.6%), but due to a higher trade union ‘rest houses’ and other subsidized standard, prices and occupancy rates, the ‘welfare’ accommodation. capital city’s share of revenue was actually 30% The overwhelming trend in the years since (Marinov, 2000, 2004). the start of privatization in 1997 has been the A similar trend can be observed in catering rapid reconstruction of older hotels and restau- and entertainment establishments that have rants and the building of many new hotels, also expanded in capacity, standard and variety catering and entertainment establishments. It is of services (Table 19.2). The price : quality estimated that in 2004 about 70% of tourists ratio of food and other services is among the

Table 19.1. Bulgarian accommodation and ‘lodging’ establishments, September 2004.

Category 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star Total

Number 0 266 276 100 20 662 Rooms 0 20,238 29,662 14,715 3,646 68,061 % of total rooms 0 29.44 43.58 21.62 5.36 100

Accommodation establishments include hotels, motels, holiday clubs and villages. Lodging facilities include specially built second residences (villas). Source: Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of the Economy, 2005.

Table 19.2. Bulgaria: catering and entertainment establishments, September 2004.

Category 1-star 2-star 3-star 4-star 5-star Total

Number 31 578 869 222 51 1,751 Seats 2,399 48,005 84,488 23,696 5,002 16,590 % of total seats 3.06 14.48 51.65 29.34 1.47 100

Catering and entertainment establishments include restaurants, fast-food restaurants, pubs, cafes and bars. Source: Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of the Economy, 2005. Tourism in Bulgaria 249

most attractive in Europe, reflecting the impact development lies behind these problems. Often, of privatization. violations of the 50m zone above the water The expansion of good quality private line, which is legally protected from develop- hotels, usually small and family run, is one of ment, are in favour of local politicians and the strengths of Bulgarian tourism, although it businessmen who have often exerted pressure has meant a growth of room capacity greater on local officials. than the increase in tourists. As a result, the One problem facing both the functioning of average occupancy rate fell from 56% in 1990 the infrastructure and employment in tourism is to 32% in 2000 (Marinov, 2004). Even more the question of seasonality. Over 90% of the troublesome is the fact that this accommodation coastal facilities are operational only between growth has not been matched by infrastructural June and the end of September, although sea- development in the resorts. The condition of the sonality is less important in urban hotels and in infrastructure in some seaside (Slunchev Briag spas. In the mountain resorts there are two is the obvious example) and mountain resorts peaks of occupancy, with domestic tourists in (Bansko) is extremely poor. The inflow of tour- summer and both foreign and Bulgarian ists to many areas is far greater than the capa- visitors in winter. In terms of overnight stays and city of the infrastructure to support them. Such a revenue, the winter season from the end of situation can hardly be regarded as sustainable December until mid-April is the more important. (Bachvarov, 1999). What is the reason for this unfortunate situ- ation that could in the near future endanger the Tourism Markets overall development of the Bulgarian tourism industry? Taking into account that hotels and Since 1989 a dramatic change has occurred in other tourism facilities are no longer state-run, the foreign tourist arrivals by region of origin. Central state cannot subsidize the infrastructure any and East European tourists, who represented longer. Local authorities earn considerable 80% of overnights until 1990, practically disap- income from resorts, but appear to fail to maintain peared. Visitors from adjacent countries (Turkey, the infrastructure sufficiently. Re-privatization of Greece) increased dramatically, although their land in the resorts has also created a maze of stays were usually short or in transit, thus having legal problems and contradictions regarding a weak economic effect. The Western European management responsibilities. share remained relatively stable, Germany and In order to cope with this situation, in UK being the major inbound tourism markets, December 2004 the government granted muni- but in terms of overnight stays and revenue this cipality status to nine resorts – seven on the coast sector also seriously declined. (Albena, Zlatni Piasatsi, St Konstanin, Eleni, The assumption that tourism could become Slunchev Briag, Primorsko ‘Youth Centre’ and a priority sector did not prove correct in the early Duni) and two in the mountains (Borovers in stages (1990–1996) of transition to a market Rila and Pamporovo in the Rhodope). They are economy (Bachvarov, 1997a), but in 1997 the defined as settlements of national significance. ineffective socialist government was over- The construction and urbanization plans in these thrown and the country embarked on a large- resorts will have to be approved by the Minister scale market transformation. The tourism sector of Regional Development, unlike previous prac- developed dynamically, and since 1998 tourism tice when municipal councils could decide on indicators have constantly risen. In 2001–2004, local spatial development policy (Sofia News in spite of the crisis in global tourism after ‘9/11’, Agency, 2005). inbound tourism to Bulgaria exhibited one of the Another threat is the illegal building of steepest increases in Europe. In 2004, when hotels and restaurants on the coastal strip, the country was visited by 7 million foreigners, often on the beaches themselves. This has dis- including 4 million for tourism purposes (and a turbed the physical planning of the resorts further 2.3m in transit), revenue of €1.8bn was producing unplanned development. Thus, the generated. Yet, this is only 0.3% of the global incompatibility of the ‘get rich quick’ attitude and 0.5% of the European income directly with an orderly, ecological and sustainable generated by tourism. The revenue was earned 250 M. Bachvarov

mainly in summer (June–September), while dur- Foreign visitors registered nearly 10m overnight ing the winter season (January–April) it reached stays, while Bulgarians contributed 5m, making only €263m. a total of 15m overnight stays in commercial Within the EU market, Bulgaria is viewed as accommodation. The leading source country a typical package tourism destination, while visi- continues to be Germany, followed by rapid tors from neighbouring countries arrive almost growth from the UK and Greece. Smaller source exclusively on individually arranged trips. markets that are also growing quickly are the In 2004, arrivals of foreign tourists grew by Scandinavian countries, The Netherlands, the 13.6% (see Table 19.1), and accommodation USA, Israel, Austria, Switzerland and new capacity expanded by almost 30%. Such dynamic EU members: the Czech Republic, Hungary, tourism growth places Bulgaria among European Slovakia, Poland and Slovenia, as well as neigh- growth leaders together with Turkey and Croatia. bouring Romania and Turkey (see Table 19.3).

Table 19.3. Bulgaria: international arrivals in Bulgaria for leisure and recreation, 2004.

No. of leisure and Top 30 countries recreation visits 2004/2003 % change

Greece 707,453 +29.17 FYR Macedoniaa 655,974 −2.44 Serbia and Montenegroa 576,965 −2.50 Germany 565,337 +5.75 United Kingdom 259,092 +62.60 Russian Federation 120,523 −0.67 Czech Republic 102,045 +30.17 Poland 99,684 +61.25 Sweden 96,131 +36.43 Romaniaa 91,539 +19.43 Israel 79,172 +14.65 Slovakia 75,253 +17.74 Finland 58,463 +19.72 Denmark 52,594 +23.15 France 48,634 +35.98 USA 39,276 +26.18 Turkey 37,600 +13.92 Hungary 33,028 +51.17 Austria 32,219 +38.79 Belgium 30,022 −6.69 Ukraine 29,793 –29.71 Italy 28,337 +15.28 The Netherlands 25,874 +19.09 Norway 21,403 +37.15 Switzerland 20,085 +39.43 Cyprus 13,400 +52.93 Belarus 12,037 −1.38 Slovenia 11,824 +73.40 Rep. of Ireland 11,460 +83.39 Spain 9,638 +40.27 Total 4,010,326 +13.56

aIncluding cross-border petty traders. Source: NSI, 2005. Tourism in Bulgaria 251

In 1989, 80% of foreign tourists were from considerably better if the country was pro- former Communist countries, while in 2003 moted abroad more consistently. In 2004, about 60% of arrivals and 75% of overnights Bulgaria had a national stand at only five were from EU countries. The German share is tourism fairs and had smaller stands at 36 especially large, and the British and Greek pro- other events (30 in EU countries, the rest in portion substantial too, while Russia and some the CIS, Israel and the Middle East) (from of the new EU members such as Poland are far, 2005). below their 1989 level. There are strong seasonal variations in the different markets. For the majority, summer holidays dominate, while among Greek and UK Quality Issues tourists the January–April period is favoured (Greeks representing 25% of tourists in this The growth of Bulgarian tourism in the last few period, while the UK proportion grew by 43% years should not hide existing serious problems in 2004 compared to 2003) (Devnik, 2005). which could impede the development of the During the 2002–2004 period the rate of country as a sustainable tourism destination. winter tourism arrivals has grown faster than Tourism quality is still judged according to summer. service providers’ perceptions rather than an Bulgarian outbound tourism increased in evaluation of clients’ preferences. The supply the first years of transition, but after 2000 it side dominates, partly based on real demand, stabilized at around 3–4 million trips, mainly partly on long-standing myths of what foreign to neighbouring Turkey, Greece and FYR tourists are interested in. This is particularly the Macedonia. Bulgarian expenditure abroad case in gastronomy; many tourists now seek reached US$800m in 2004. About one million local produce, yet there persists the belief that Bulgarians travel abroad primarily for tourism, foreign tourists would consume Western food but most trips are not recreational in character; and drinks such as hamburgers and whisky. however, the number of recreational holidays Such quality issues are at least in part a to Turkey and Greece is rising. According to legacy of the Communist period when services Turkish frontier statistics in 2003, Bulgarians were perceived as mass, non-personalized and represented the second largest group after inflexible. Considering the image of the country Germans. Bulgarians are the biggest group of as a seaside holiday destination and the less visitors to FYR Macedonia, while Romania, and developed resources of its interior, tourism at Serbia and Montenegro also attract a consider- the Black Sea coast will continue to be crucial able number of trips. Visits to neighbouring for Bulgarian tourism. Pursuing diversification Balkan countries are usually short and spread and flexibility within the basic seaside product throughout the year. The main reason for such is probably a more realistic proposition than a pattern is the dramatic increase in transport introducing alternative forms of tourism. Such a costs, especially airfares, causing a reduction in diversification should be based on an exten- more distant trips. sion of the season and the continued opera- The majority of foreign arrivals are by car tion of more hotels throughout the year adapted and coach, though the proportion by air is to hosting such activities as conferences, train- increasing dynamically and now supplies about ing sessions and group therapy. The main 25% of all tourism visits. Proportions by train trend should be away from mere sunbathing and ship are not significant. and include more water sports and outdoor In general, the financial performance of activities. Bulgarian tourism has improved since 1997 The diversification and upgrading of the and more specifically in the years 2001–2004 level of services should be one of the strategic when a considerable rejuvenation in the inter- objectives of Bulgarian tourism. This cannot national tourism market occurred. There was be achieved without upgrading the infra- a positive balance of payments in tourism structure and improving training for those reaching €1bn in 2004; but the impressive in the industry. Both tourists and entrepre- results of Bulgarian inbound tourism would be neurs complain about the poor roads and 252 M. Bachvarov infrastructure, continued construction activity Bulgarian Tourism in the Context of in the resorts producing noise and refuse, the EU Enlargement poor hygiene of some beaches and public toilets, and the outdated purification of water Patterns of flows and waste treatment. They blame the local authorities and the withdrawal of the state from The number of foreign tourists in Bulgaria in the investment in local infrastructure. At the same first eight months of 2004 rose by 18.39% in time, however, the owners of hotels and res- comparison with the same period in the previ- taurants and tour operators also lack the will to ous year. At the same time the EU15 share of enter into joint efforts in an attempt to resolve international arrivals grew by 28% (Republic of such issues (, 2005). One Bulgaria Ministry of Economy, 2005). This sug- recent response has seen the Minister of gests that the European Union is the principal Culture and Tourism banning all construction and most promising market for Bulgarian tour- works in the largest coastal resorts for the dura- ism. It remains to be seen if, in the shorter term, tion of the 2005 summer season. Further, an the ten new accession states will be preferred additional investment of about €35m was as tourism destinations for EU tourists at the allocated from the national budget in 2005 expense of candidates Bulgaria, Romania, to improve the road infrastructure. Access to Croatia and Turkey. historic sites will be a priority and signs in Much may depend on the border regime English will be updated. and regional cooperation. If the EU visa obliga- The existing system of professional educa- tion is waived for Russians and Ukrainians, as tion for the needs of tourism is outdated. has been promised to President Putin, this will Higher educational institutions offer theoretical change the geography of the tourism flows in teaching but little practical implementation: a the whole continent. Certainly, the Bulgarian particularly weak element is work experience government has withdrawn the visa require- in companies. The high percentage of seasonal ment for package tourists from Russia and other workers in the industry tends to reduce commit- post-Soviet countries and Bosnia at least for ment and the quality of service. This is aggra- an interim (from the website, vated by the shortage of qualified and 2005). It can be expected that tourists from experienced middle management, especially in Poland and Hungary will return to Bulgarian 4- and 5-star hotels. High rates of emigration of resorts as has already happened with Czechs young skilled labour appear to exacerbate the and Slovaks. situation. In spite of the unemployment rate of The 2004 EU enlargement is resulting in 12–13% of the population in all economic both higher salaries in the new member states, branches, there are a large number of job but also higher prices of consumer goods and vacancies requiring specific skills and qualifica- services. For several years at least, prices in tions. One requirement is for a radical upgrad- Bulgaria will remain significantly lower and this ing of work productivity levels that can will attract more tourists and investment, pro- consequently raise employee earning levels. vided the geopolitical situation does not change. Security in the resorts has improved, but The seaside hotels in Bulgaria, for example, prostitution is still a major problem along offer 30–40% lower prices in comparison with the motorway from Sofia, between Slunchev Spain and Greece, and 20–25% lower than Briag and Varna, and near the busier frontier Turkey, while service quality in establishments check-points. A niggling problem is the cheat- of the same category is now comparable. ing of tourists by some smaller currency exchange offices in the resorts. The overall impression in the larger coastal resorts is of congestion of the resort centres with dense and Inward investment noisy commercial areas with restaurants, fast-food outlets and shops having little to do A further important issue is the mutual inter- with tourism and the recreational activities in action between tourism and other socio- the resorts. economic sectors. A crucial question is whether Tourism in Bulgaria 253

tourism development will boost the local eco- Bulgarian property attracts buyers who nomy, or will rely upon EU assistance, or, more acquire property in city centre areas and coastal likely, will result in a combination of both of resorts to let for profit, and in some cases rural these characteristics. property is bought with the aim of modernizing In December 1999, Bulgaria started the and selling at a profit. Apart from representa- process of conforming to EU membership re- tives of the banks, large tour operators and hotel quirements. This was a clear signal to European chains, smaller speculators include all ages business communities about investment oppor- and income groups. Although land and pro- tunities in Bulgaria and in its tourism industry. perty in Bulgaria is much cheaper than in EU The volume of foreign investment for construc- member states, prices are rising rapidly due to tion and the upgrading of tourism facilities both external and internal pressures. Even in promptly increased. Foreign banks, tour opera- remote villages prices have risen considerably. tors and hotel chains have shown interest and The appearance of foreign speculators has started various projects and ventures jointly contributed substantially to this rise and its with local partners. In the context of economic geographical differentiation. growth and the creation of jobs, foreign invest- Many foreigners have already purchased ment plays a crucial role in the country’s coastal property (factories, houses, hotels, restaurants) region, the larger cities and mountain resorts. In and the number of transactions has risen drama- the 1970s Bulgaria came to rely on Western tically since 2000. For instance, many Greek and expertise in coastal and mountain resorts and British nationals have bought houses as well as later in the urban hotels constructed or man- land on the Black Sea coast and in some moun- aged jointly with Western hotel chains. tain areas in the interior – Rhodope, Pirin and In the ski resorts most technical equipment Central Stara Planina (Balkan). For example, the is imported from France and Austria, while in author was told in the village Galata near Varna the coastal resorts the know-how and ideas that during 2004, foreign buyers caused an reflect German, Greek and British experience. increase in the price of property from €7to€20 Accession to the EU will provide more opportu- per m2, while in the ski resort of Bansko the price nities for such investment. rose from €40 to €70 in the same year (Dnevnik, 2005). Overall, during 2004 prices in the second home property market in Bulgaria have risen by Second homes and foreign ownership 35%, and a growth of 25% was expected for 2005 and 2006. In 2004, the price of building Bulgaria has liberalized its property law and lots at coastal resorts started at €35,000 (from amendments are being prepared to allow direct, 2005). In rural areas, prices of purchase of land by citizens of EU states, as well plots with old houses differ substantially, but as the building and reconstruction of existing normally do not exceed €30,000. Here the premises. Foreigners will be able to buy land highest prices reported are associated with the from the moment of accession. At present the mountain resorts. direct purchase of land by foreigners is not Bulgaria is still in the initial stage of its allowed, but in practice many own land and host–guest relationship cycle of behaviour, and other property through intermediary companies local populations appear to be on good terms set up jointly with a Bulgarian citizen, or con- with foreigners. It is not premature to say that tract the use of land through specialized agen- tourism has benefited host communities in cies. As a result, many foreigners already have terms of improved infrastructures and higher access to land and property as prices and costs service standards. A political dividend has also are much lower than in the country of origin. In been recognized: during the first free elections order to meet the demand, British banks have in the 1990s, voters living in the tourist regions included Bulgaria on the list of countries where massively supported pro-Western and market- a loan is available for buying property. In fact, oriented political parties. Anecdotal evidence in many places Britons, Greeks, Russians, and suggests that foreign home owners appreciate smaller numbers of Scandinavians, Dutch and the friendly attitude of local populations and Germans have bought or rented property. their Bulgarian neighbours, although at the 254 M. Bachvarov

same time they often complain about service Black Sea coast, but also increasingly cheap and infrastructure quality, bureaucratic prac- packages to ski resorts. There is considerable tices and poor information provision (Holiday- potential for various types of tourism inside the, 2005). country which are little promoted and practi- cally unknown to the wider European public. One of the strengths of Bulgaria on the tourism Conclusion market is that it offers holidays in less congested resorts, but the recent building boom in the Bulgaria had been expected to accede to the resorts that are becoming too urbanized and EU at the beginning of 2007, and this objective lacking in coherent planning is a major chal- had already brought a profound and positive lenge to Bulgaria’s sustainability as a tourism impact on the country as a whole, and espe- destination. cially on the nature and extent of its inter- For Bulgaria there is no alternative to national tourism both inbound and outbound. development, further restructuring and the However, by the time this chapter was being rejuvenation of its tourism industry to adapt to submitted, doubts were beginning to be raised the EU market environment and to provide a concerning the realism of the 2007 date. This greater variety and higher quality of tourism was constraining foreign interest in property services. Priority should be given to the training purchase and also possibly the rate of foreign and retraining of those professionally involved investment. None the less, the EU share of in a sector that expects 20,000 new jobs to be Bulgarian tourism will grow, and after accession created annually. the pace could accelerate further. Bulgaria is Such expectations will become reality already firmly in the EU tourism market and this only if the existing serious problems are trend will intensify. It is perceived as a hospi- adequately addressed and alleviated. Particu- table and calm country with a Mediterranean lar attention should be given to the promotion style of living and is not associated with terrorist of the country, which at the moment is practi- threats, although after becoming a NATO mem- cally non-existent. Ecological issues, for exam- ber in 2003 and having sent a detachment to ple, the grave problem of pollution in the Black Iraq, this could change. Sea (practically a closed basin), can be solved In Western Europe, Bulgaria is associated only in the framework of broad international with all-inclusive summer package tours to the cooperation led by the European Union.


Bachvarov, M. (1997a) End of the model? Tourism in post-communist Bulgaria. Tourism Management 18(1), 43–50. Bachvarov, M. (1997b) Recreational and tourism functions of the settlements. In: Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ Vol. 2 – Geography. Sofia: SofiaUniversity Press, pp. 7–28 (in Bulgarian). Bachvarov, M. (1999) Troubled sustainability: Bulgarian seaside resorts. Tourism Geographies 1(2), 192–203. Dnevnik (2005) Dnevnik: the News. Available at: Evrev, P. (1988) Territorial Planning of Recreation and Tourism. Sofia: SofiaUniversity Press (in Bulgarian). Hall, D.R. (1991) Tourism and Economic Development in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. London: Belhaven. Hall, D.R. (1995) Tourism change in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Montanari, A. and Williams, A.M. (eds) European Tourism: Regions, Spaces and Restructuring.Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 221–244. Harrison, D. (1993) Bulgarian tourism: a state of uncertainty. Annals of Tourism Research 20, 519–534. (2005) BulgariaDiscussion Forum. Manchester: Available at: Tourism in Bulgaria 255

Hughes, H. and Allen, D. (2005) Cultural tourism in Central and Eastern Europe: the views of ‘induced image formation agents’. Tourism Management 26(2), 173–183. Kasatschka, D. and Marinov, V. (2003) Der Tourismus in Bulgarien während der Übergangsperiode. In: Becker, C., Hopfinger, H. and Stainecke, A. (eds) Geographie der Freizeit und des Tourismus: Bilanz und Ausblick. Oldenburg: Oldenburg Verlag. Koulov, B. and Marinov, V. (1997) Post-socialist change: Bulgaria’s international tourism. Journal of American Geographers 4, 23. Marinov, V. (2000) Tourism accommodation facilities in Bulgaria during the transition: main quantitative and structural changes. In: Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia ‘St. Kliment Ochridski’, Facultiede Geologie et Geographie, Livre 2 – Geographie, Vol. 94, pp. 112–130 (in Bulgarian). Marinov, V. (2004) Situation and dynamics of tourism development in Bulgaria by planning regions and districts. In: Petrov, P. (ed.) Geography Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Sofia: ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ Publishing House, pp. 218–232. NSI (Republic of Bulgaria National Statistical Institute) (2001) Tourism: Annual Bulletin. Sofia: NSI. NSI (Republic of Bulgaria National Statistical Institute) (2005) National Statistics. Sofia: NSI. Available at: Republic of BulgariaMinistry of Economy (2005) Analyses and Overviews. Sofia: Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Economy. Available at: Sofia News Agency (2005) The yearly performance of our tourism. Sofia: Sofia News Agency, 5 February. Available at: Vodenska, M. (1992) International tourism in Bulgaria: problems and perspectives. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 83(5), 409–534. 20 Romania: National Identity, Tourism Promotion and European Integration

Duncan Light

Introduction increased numbers of tourists to the country. However, it is also underpinned by political This chapter examines the role of tourism pro- imperatives: the role of a National Tourist Office motion in Romania in presenting and affirming is to project and affirm a particular identity for a post-socialist identity as one component of the the respective country. It is one means through country’s protracted process of Euro-Atlantic which that country can seek to present and legi- integration. At first sight tourism promotion may timize itself to ‘others’. The language and ima- seem unrelated to questions of identity, parti- gery of state-sponsored tourist promotion is cularly given the long tendency to regard it as underpinned by messages such as ‘this is who essentially a marketing activity underpinned by we are’ and ‘this is how we want you to see us’ particular economic imperatives. However, in (Light, 2001). recent years there has been increasing attention Nowhere is this relationship between tourism within tourism studies to the political and ideolo- promotion and the projection of national identity gical dimensions of tourism promotion (Morgan more important than in the formerly socialist and Pritchard, 1998; Hall, 1999; Pritchard, countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Morgan 2000; Pritchard and Morgan, 2001; Ateljevic and Pritchard, 1998). During the socialist period and Doorne, 2002; Hall, 2002a). As Morgan and the use of tourism promotion to project an overtly Pritchard (1998, p. 148) argue: ideological message about the nature and achie- vements of state socialism was a well-established decisions which shape tourism policy, the practice. Since 1989, as the countries of this extent and nature of government intervention region have sought to redefine national identities, and the kind of tourism development which is their state-sponsored tourism promotion has been encouraged are political acts which result from political processes. Equally, the images used in equally ideological in nature. Although different the promotion of destinations are similarly countries have adopted different strategies, a ideological. common characteristic has been the requirement to project an image of ‘European-ness’ that The ideological dimension of tourism pro- demonstrates and legitimizes their claims as motion is most apparent in the officially spon- aspirant members of the EU (Hall, 1999, 2002a, sored promotion undertaken by National Tourist 2002b; Hughes and Allen, 2005). Offices. The agenda of such promotion is, of This chapter considers the role of officially course, economic and is intended to contribute sponsored tourism promotion, produced during to economic development through attracting the mid- and late-1990s, in presenting a new ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 256 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Romania: National Identity and Tourism Promotion 257


Maramures Bucovina Republic of Tr Moldova ans Vatra Dornei ylv Moldov Hungary ania Bistrita Baile Felix Cluj-Napoca Sovata a


Sibiu Brasov Poiana Brasov Seminic Calimanesti Sinaia Baile Govora Danube Serbia Baile Herculane Delta Wallachia Black Sea Bucharest Mamaia Key Constanta Eforie Nord Cities/towns of Saxon origin Costinesti Coastal resorts Mangalia Bulgaria Principal spa resorts Principal winter sports resorts 0 50 100 N kilometres

Fig. 20.1. Romania: location map of major tourist resources and regions. This map includes data provided by the MapInfo Corporation from the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). identity for Romania (Fig. 20.1). In particular, it and, like many of the other socialist countries of examines the efforts to draw a line under the Central and Eastern Europe, the need to generate tyranny of Nicolae Ceausescu’s regime (and the hard currency to fund imports was paramount political and economic instability that followed (see Hall, 1991). However, in Romania, the his downfall) and to reposition Romania in the enthusiasm for international tourism was also a Western popular imagination as a potential future component of the country’s efforts to assert its member of the EU. The chapter begins with an independence from the Soviet Union (a policy overview of tourism development in Romania in developed during the early 1960s and pursued recent decades. It then considers Romania’s often with vigour by Nicolae Ceausescu after 1965). ambivalent relationship with Europe. The final Considerable investment in tourism was under- section presents an analysis of tourist promotional taken, particularly during the periods of the materials produced by the Romanian Ministry of 1966–1970 and 1971–1975 Five Year Plans Tourism in the 1990s. It considers what these (see Turnock, 1977). These efforts were ini- materials tell us, both about the kind of country tially successful: the number of foreign visitors Romania imagines itself to be, and the way in rose from 676,000 in 1965 to 2.2m in 1970 and which it wants to be understood by the West. to 7m in 1981 (Gavrilescu, 1973; CNS, 1995). The majority of international tourists visiting Romania were from the other socialist countries Romanian Tourism in Context of Central/Eastern Europe (particularly Poland and Czechoslovakia) or the Soviet Union, but Romania started to promote itself for inter- nevertheless, in 1975 Romania received over national tourism during the 1960s and 1970s 630,000 visitors from non-socialist countries.1 258 D. Light

Fig. 20.2. Romania: arrivals of foreign visitors, 1980–2004. Sources: CNS, 1995; INS, 2003a, 2004a, 2005a.

However, international tourism declined during (Hall, 1995). In 1995, citizens of EU countries the 1980s due to the austerity and repression of and America accounted for just 13% of foreign Ceausescu’s regime: by 1985 the number of visitors (CNS, 1997). foreign tourists had fallen to 4.7m (CNS, 1995). Romania’s poor performance as a tourist Following Ceausescu’s overthrow in destination after 1989 can be attributed to both December 1989, Romania experienced a brief internal and external factors. Within Romania tourism boom (see Fig. 20.2). Visitor arrivals in itself tourism has enjoyed little governmental 1990 were 35% higher than the previous year support, since successive post-socialist adminis- (due largely to visits by journalists, charity trations have, understandably, been pre-occupied workers, ‘revolution tourists’, returning Romanian with the challenges of reforming and restructur- émigrés and cross-border traders from neigh- ing the hyper-centralized economy created by bouring countries). Thereafter the trend in Ceausescu. Yet, the process of macro-economic arrivals has been more erratic and after 1992 restructuring has been a protracted process. international tourism entered a long period of Between 1990 and 1996 the Romanian govern- decline. Over the 1990–2002 period visitor ment (dominated by former Communist Party arrivals fell by 27% and by 2002 Romania members) pursued a ‘gradualist’ course of reform, attracted fewer foreign visitors than in 1989 reflecting both its suspicion of Western models (INS, 2003a). In 2001, tourism contributed just and its need to retain popular support. This 2.5% of Romania’s GDP (Andrei, 2004). policy brought about the first ‘transformation The origins of foreign visitors to Romania recession’ in the early 1990s whilst delaying have also changed significantly since 1989. major economic structural reorganization (Smith, Romania rapidly lost its former Central 2001). A centre-right coalition government European market, although during the early elected in 1996 attempted to implement a form 1990s there was a large increase in visitors from of ‘shock therapy’ that produced a second neighbouring states, who accounted for 61% of recession but failed to bring about major eco- visitors in 1995 (CNS, 1997). Many such nomic restructuring (Smith, 2001). As a result, visitors arrived in Romania for the purpose of successive reports by the European Commis- business or cross-border trading, while others sion noted that Romania was making little were in transit through Romania (at a time progress towards creating a functioning market when conflict in the former Yugoslavia had economy (Phinnemore, 2001). In 2000, the closed the main transit routes through this former socialists (now renamed as Social Dem- region). Others (particular from Hungary and ocrats) returned to power and in the follow- the Republic of Moldova) travelled to Romania ing years succeeded in bringing about a degree for the purpose of visiting friends and relatives. of economic stability. However, Romania was unable to attract large In this context, Romania’s post-socialist numbers of visitors from Western Europe and administrations have not regarded tourism (and has failed to enjoy the post-socialist tourism tourism reform) as a priority. This is reflected in boom experienced elsewhere in Central Europe the changing fortunes of the country’s Ministry Romania: National Identity and Tourism Promotion 259

of Tourism itself (originally established in 1971). offer for mass tourism (Fig. 20.1). It was not until In 1990, the Ministry was combined with the after 2000 that progress was made in pushing Ministry of Commerce. A separate tourism min- forward the privatization of the tourism accom- istry was re-established in November 1992, but modation sector: by 2004, 81.3% of tourist was replaced during a governmental reorgani- accommodation was in majority private owner- zation in 1998 by a National Authority for ship (INS, 2005a). However, by this time Romania Tourism. A tourism ministry was re-established had largely lost its competitive position as a in November 2000 only to be combined with destination, particularly in comparison with the Ministry of Transport and Construction in neighbouring Bulgaria (where, due to much 2003. Each administrative reorganization has earlier tourism privatization, Black Sea resorts been accompanied by changes in personnel and have successfully retained their position as leadership so that there has been little consis- destinations for Western tour operators). tency or continuity in the development and While the internal situation (particularly the implementation of tourism policy and little dilatory pace of economic reform) accounts long-term tourism planning. in large part for the under-performance of Perhaps the most significant problem that Romanian tourism since 1989, external factors has faced the tourism sector has been continual (over which Romania has less control) are of delays with the privatization of the accommo- equal importance. Perhaps the most important dation sector (see Dumbrbveanu, 2001). These is Romania’s image among Western tourists as a delays have meant that much of Romania’s potential destination (Light and Dumbrbveanu, tourist accommodation has deteriorated in 1999). Romania’s reputation as a destination quality (due both to neglect in the later socialist had deteriorated during the 1980s so that the era and the lack of investment after 1989). country entered the post-socialist period from Although tourism privatization was launched in an already disadvantaged position. Subsequent 1993, only 15% of hotels were in private owner- events further tarnished Romania’s international ship by 1997 (CNS, 1998). Some hotels were image. These included violent civil unrest in successfully privatized through management/ Bucharest in the 1990s; much-publicized ethnic employee buyouts, while others (particularly in tension between Romanians and Hungarians in larger cities) were purchased by international Transylvania; and the rise of extreme nationalist hotel chains. However, there were many others political formations (some of which formed part (particularly those in need of considerable refur- of a coalition government between 1992 and bishment) that were not regarded as attractive 1995, causing considerable concern in the West prospects by either Romanians (during the about Romania’s commitment to minority 1995 Mass Privatisation Programme) or by rights). The presence of a neo-communist élite foreign investors. In addition, the state’s privati- (which was frequently linked with high-level zation agency pursued a policy of privatizing corruption) in government between 1990 and hotels (particularly those at the Black Sea) as 1996 also raised doubts regarding the extent to part of large complexes (sometimes comprising which real change had taken place in Romania. several hotels, along with restaurants and other However, in the Western popular imagina- associated facilities) rather than individually, but tion perhaps one issue – orphans – has domi- such an offer failed to attract the interest of nated the image of Romania. In the early 1990s Western investors or tour operators. the state of Romania’s under-funded orphan- The repeated delays in privatization of the ages was widely reported in the Western mass tourist accommodation sector has meant that media and the West acted with incredulity and many hotels have experienced sustained under- horror. Many Westerners subsequently arrived investment and are unable to offer services in Romania to assist the Romanians who were which meet the expectations of Western tourists. represented as being unable or unwilling to deal Moreover, the persistence of so many hotels in with the problem themselves and who were in state ownership hindered the development of a need of Western compassion and expertise commercially orientated and customer-centred (Light, 2001). In the process, Romania came to style of management. The situation was most be viewed by the West as somewhere marginal acute at the Black Sea coast, Romania’s major and not ‘fully’ European. In fact, this was just 260 D. Light

one manifestation of a long-established discourse Romania’s tourism planners continue to about South-East Europe that Todorova (1997) prioritize mass tourism (particularly at coastal, has labelled ‘Balkanism’. Todorova argues that the winter and spa resorts) as playing a central role in Balkanist discourse in the West has constructed the relaunch of Romanian tourism (Fig. 20.1). South-East Europe as somewhere ambiguous, Yet, while mass tourism has not recovered from ‘in between’ and only partly European. It is a the decline of the late socialist period, Romania region that is Europe’s ‘other’, but at the same has emerged during the late 20th and early 21st time it is the ‘other within’ (Todorova, 1997, century as a destination for both independent p. 188). The West has long viewed Romania in travellers and for various forms of niche (or such terms. As one Romanian historian notes, post-mass) tourism (Hall, 1998; Hughes and while ‘the West defines itself as an ordered and Allen, 2005). This includes cultural and heritage predictable world, Romania belongs, on the tourism (particularly in Transylvania) and rural contrary, to a vague and unpredictable space’ tourism (in Maramures and Bucovina). The (Boia, 2001, p. 185). Events in Romania after development of such tourism is due more to 1989 – of which the orphans issue is just the promotion by Romanian NGOs or independent best-publicized – have contributed to keeping Western travel agencies than to initiatives by Balkanist ‘ways of seeing’ Romania alive. the Romanian tourism authorities. Although Nevertheless, in recent years Romania’s Romania has considerable potential for eco- international reputation has ameliorated con- tourism (particularly in the Carpathian Moun- siderably. Civil unrest has largely disappeared tains and Danube Delta) the country has been and ethnic tension between Romanians and slow to promote this potential and it was not Hungarians decreased significantly after 1996 until 2004 that the National Tourism Author- from which time Romania’s governments have ity prepared a national ecotourism strategy stressed partnership rather than conflict with (Dumbrdveanu, 2004), something that was itself Hungary. The nationalist Right, while still active stimulated by the imperative of EU accession. in Romanian politics, is a much diminished force. The enlargement of the European Union in Romania’s orphan ‘problem’ has received con- May 2004 had an unexpected (if highly local- certed attention by both Romanian and Western ized) impact on . The acces- NGOs, with EU support. Since 2000, the country sion of neighbouring Hungary meant that for has achieved political and economic stability, the first time Romania shared a border with an and this was recognized by both the EU (which EU state. There was subsequently a significant invited Romania to begin accession negotiations) increase in the number of Hungarians visiting and by NATO (which Romania joined in 2004). the western region of Romania for the purposes Indeed, in recent years there is evidence of cross-border shopping, since the prices of that Romanian tourism has started to enter a basic foodstuffs (such as sugar, flour, rice and period of recovery (see Fig. 20.2). In 2004, oil), petrol and building materials were lower Romania attracted 6.6m foreign visitors, a 38% in Romania. The total number of Hungarian increase on 2002 (INS, 2005b). Although citi- visitors to Romania in the first 6 months of zens of neighbouring states still accounted for 2004 was 51% higher than in the same period the majority of visitors in 2004, the proportion in 2003, while between April and May 2004 the arriving from EU countries (which now included number of Hungarian visitors increased by 71% Hungary) had risen to 39% (INS, 2005b), much (INS, 2003b, 2004b). arising from business tourism generated by Romania’s increasingly close ties with the EU. In 2003, the contribution of tourism to Romania’s GDP had risen slightly to 3.5% (Andrei, 2004) Tourism Promotion and European although this figure was much lower than in Integration neighbouring Bulgaria. Nevertheless, tourism remains a low priority for the Romanian gov- Romania and Europe: a brief history ernment: in 2005 the budget for tourism pro- motion was just €3.7m, less than a quarter of For much of the past three centuries Romania that of neighbouring Hungary (Anon, 2005). has had an ambivalent relationship with Europe. Romania: National Identity and Tourism Promotion 261

In particular, since the 18th century two dis- external (i.e. Western) influences and which courses of national identity have emerged instead championed indigenous and distinctly within Romania (Verdery, 1991). One empha- Romanian national values. sizes historical and cultural ties with ‘Europe’ The 1989 revolution did not bring about a and seeks to assert that Romania is part of the dramatic change in Romania’s relations with European mainstream; the other stresses indig- Europe. Instead, the ruling élite that came to enous and autochthonous values and is more power in December 1989 recognized that an hostile to European influences. Each represen- appeal to national sentiment was one way of tation of national identity has enjoyed different retaining popular support. Romania’s first periods of influence at different stages in president, Ion Iliescu, was openly sceptical of Romania’s recent history. Western influences and famously argued for Romania’s location in South-east Europe ‘original democracy’ (a distinctly Romanian meant that the country was long subject to form of democracy rather than an adoption of ‘Eastern’ (Ottoman and Russian) influences. the Western European model). Similarly, early However, after achieving political indepen- post-socialist administrations were suspicious of dence in the second half of the 19th century foreign investment (and for much of the early Romania’s rulers looked to Western Europe 1990s foreign investors were not permitted to for models. During the period 1860–1870 the own land in Romania). Romania showed little political elite adopted almost everything it could inclination to embrace the agenda of the (including a constitution, parliament, legislative European Union with regard to issues such as system, universities and even an alphabet) from economic reform, respect for the principles of Western Europe, with France representing a democracy and human and minority rights: on particular model (Boia, 2001). However, during the other hand, the EU’s position with regard to the 1880s there was a counter-reaction and Romania during this period was distinctly cool many Romanian intellectuals sought to stress (Phinnemore, 2001). native (rather than ‘imported’) values. By the However, during the mid-1990s the end of the 19th century the struggle between ‘neo-communist’ administration looked to ‘indigenism’ and ‘Westernism’ was firmly escape from its increasing international isolation rooted in discourse about Romania’s identity and recognized that its main hope for economic (Verdery, 1991). recovery lay in closer ties with Europe (Gallagher, Nevertheless, by the inter-war period 2001). Romania was also concerned to distance Romania was at its most integrated ever into the itself from the turmoil in the former Yugoslavia. European economy and therefore most exposed Consequently, Romania’s leaders gradually to Western influences. However, a nationalist moved towards embracing the agenda of the emphasis on native values remained dominant EU. Romania signed an association agreement for much of this period and during the 1930s with the Union in February 1993 and submitted found expression in the rise of the extreme a formal application for membership in 1995 Right in Romanian politics. After the (Phinnemore, 2001). The prospect of EU Communist Party take-over of power in late membership led both Romania and Hungary to 1947, all emphasis on national values was sign a historic treaty of friendship in 1996 that firmly suppressed in favour of socialist inter- involved recognition of the existing borders nationalism. Moreover, under Soviet influence, and guaranteed rights for the Hungarians of priority was given to ‘Eastern’ (i.e. Russian) Transylvania. influences on Romanian history and cultural life The increasing reconciliation between (Deletant, 1991; Verdery, 1991). Once again, Romanians and Hungarians was demonstrated there was a reaction in favour of national values after 1996 when the ethnic Hungarian political and during the 1960s Romania pursued a party joined a centre-right coalition govern- course of asserting its national independence ment. This collaboration was continued (either from the Soviet Union. This found its most in the form of parliamentary alliances or formal extreme expression under Nicolae Ceausescu coalitions) following the elections of 2000 and who, from the 1970s onwards, promoted a 2004. Romania’s progress in achieving political version of Romanian-ness that was hostile to stability was recognized in 1998 when the 262 D. Light

European Commission accepted that Romania of high-quality promotional materials by the fulfilled the political criteria of the 1992 Ministry of Tourism with the assistance of Western Copenhagen conference for EU membership consultants. A new brand for Romanian tourism (Phinnemore, 2001). The 1999 Helsinki meet- was also launched under the slogan ‘Come as ing of the European Council agreed to begin a tourist, leave as a friend’. A second PHARE accession negotiations with Romania and, in project in May 1995 allocated a further 300,000 December 2002, the European Council sug- ECU for the production of brochures and other gested 2007 as a possible accession date. In promotional materials (Anon, 1995). These October 2004, Romania finally achieved the full materials, produced within a context where conditions for membership when the European Romania was seeking to engage with the EU, Commission’s annual report declared Romania were intended to ameliorate Romania’s image to be a functioning market economy. The coun- in the Western imagination and ultimately to try was scheduled to join the EU on 1 January ease progress towards accession by presenting 2007. Romania as a plausible candidate for member- ship. The following section presents an analysis of these promotional materials, produced dur- Tourism promotion and the ing the mid- and late 1990s for the Western re-branding of Romania European market. The discussion is not con- cerned so much with the nature of the brand During the mid-1990s, as Romania sought to that Romania was seeking to develop, but engage with the European Union, tourism instead examines the ideological agenda that promotion was one component of a strategy to underpinned tourist promotional materials dur- present and legitimize the country as a potential ing this period. future member. The use of tourism promotion in this way to project the country’s national Romania as a ‘new’ country identity was nothing new. Throughout the socialist period Romania’s external tourist pro- While after 1989 the exact nature of Romania’s motion – particularly the monthly magazine post-socialist identity and orientation was con- Holidays in Romania, published in various for- tested within the country, there was almost eign languages – had stressed the achievements unanimous rejection of Ceausescu’s extreme of socialist Romania, exalting the contribution form of Stalinism. As such, the 1989 revolution of Nicolae Ceausescu and presenting overtly has come to represent the ‘foundation myth’ for nationalist accounts of Romania’s history. After a new Romania (Boia, 2001) and the country 1989, Holidays in Romania sought to present has been eager to present itself as ‘reborn’ after Romania’s new face to the West (for example, more than four decades of totalitarian rule. As the first issue in 1990 included a lengthy Morgan and Pritchard (1998) observe, such account of the Revolution). However, tourism themes of new beginnings and rebirth have promotion was hit by lack of funding and the underpinned the redefining of national identi- magazine was published less frequently (and in ties throughout the former socialist countries some years seems not to have appeared at all). of Central and Eastern Europe. Yet for all Along with a reduced budget was a lack of the efforts to present itself as a new country, expertise in marketing and promotion among a Romania remained inextricably linked with team trained for ‘external propaganda’ during Ceausescu in the Western popular imagination the socialist period. As a result, Romania’s tour- (Gallagher, 1995). The presence of the former ism promotion was ill-equipped for the role of nomenklatura in government, the reluctance presenting a post-socialist identity to the wider to embrace economic reform and the persis- world. tence of nationalist rhetoric directed against In this context, a PHARE project (worth Romania’s minorities further reinforced the 4.5m ECU) was launched in 1993 to address belief in the West that Romania had not fully the problems of restructuring the tourism indus- broken with the Ceausescu era. try in Romania (Florian, 1994). One compo- Consequently, Romania’s tourist promo- nent was the production (in 1994) of a new set tion sought to assert that Romania was a new Romania: National Identity and Tourism Promotion 263

and emphatically post-Ceausescu country. For state with a free economy’ (National Tourism example, one brochure (Ministry of Tourism, Authority, undated a, p. 3). One brochure also undated a, p. 3) from the mid-1990s proclaimed emphasizes the ‘new’ Romania’s respect for the ‘rebirth of a nation’. It continued: minority rights in order to repudiate the shrill s In December 1989 Romania was reborn as a nationalism of both the Ceau escu era and the free nation. Now this multi-faceted country is early 1990s. For example: welcoming tourists to enjoy a wonderfully According to the Romanian laws, adopted after varied heritage of traditional culture, scenic 1989, the minorities are entitled to pursue their splendours and leisure opportunities. A interests, exercise their rights and preserve their resurgence of endeavour and enthusiasm is cultural identity. re-invigorating the country’s tourist facilities to (National Tourism Authority, create a unique holiday destination. undated b, p. 2) The narrative of a new beginning is under- lined by stressing that, now freed from the Highlighting historical and cultural ties enervation of socialism, the ‘new’ Romania is an with Western Europe energetic and reinvigorated country. Another brochure describes Romania as ‘heading for a Coupled with its efforts to present itself as a new future’ (Ministry of Tourism, undated b, ‘new’ and post-socialist country which shares p. 2). Similarly: ‘Romania is on the move. Come the political, economic and social values of the and see for yourself’ (Ministry of Tourism, EU, Romania, like other countries in the region, undated a, p. 3). Romania’s new start is best has also been seeking to highlight (and reaffirm) illustrated in Bucharest where ‘the capital’s res- long-standing historical and cultural ties with taurants are regaining their vigour’ (Ministry of Western Europe (Morgan and Pritchard, 1998). Tourism, undated a, p. 9). The process of reform This is another way in which Romania has in Romania has been so protracted that, well sought to demonstrate its ‘European-ness’ but it over a decade after Ceausescu’s fall, a website is also an element of the post-socialist rewriting established by the Ministry of Tourism continues of history (Verdery, 1999). In seeking to excise to talk of ‘a new Romania’ ( the socialist era from the country’s historical There are other attempts to present narrative Romania (like other countries in the ‘reborn’ Romania as an explicitly European region) has sought to turn back the clock and country. For example: ‘Now that Romania has resume the course of economic and political rejoined mainstream Europe, it is welcoming development of the pre-socialist era (a period visitors to share and enjoy a civilized heritage, when Romania was much more integrated into spiced with touches of Byzantine influence’ the political and economic life of Western (Ministry of Tourism, undated c, p. 2). Present- Europe). ing Romania in such a way is intended to As such, Romania’s tourist promotion has demonstrate that the country adheres to stressed a long shared history with the Western European norms and values from which it was and Central parts of Europe. For example, there only temporarily detached during the period of are insistent references to the Roman origins of state socialism. It also represents a rejection of the country. One brochure declaims: ‘The very the emphasis on indigenous over European name “Romania” reminds us that values that characterized Ceausescu’s reign and exercised a decisive influence on this country’ the early years after his overthrow. (Ministry of Tourism, undated a, p. 3). Similarly: In addition to presenting itself as a new ‘. . . the ancient Roman inheritance that gave country, Romania has been eager to assert itself the country its name and its Latin characteris- as a state that adheres to Western political and tics. Even the climate of south west Romania is economic values after four decades during Mediterranean’ (Ministry of Tourism, undated c, which it was, in political terms, ‘other’ to the p. 2). The Romanians are also presented as West. For example: ‘The revolution of 1989 being a Latin people: brought Romania firmly back into democratic This Latin ancestry is apparent in all sorts of Europe’ (Ministry of Tourism, undated a, p. 7). ways today, not least in the warm, outgoing Similarly: ‘Today Romania is a fully democratic temperament of the people . . . it is an ancestry 264 D. Light

which has miraculously survived a thousand Saxon architecture in Transylvania. This theme years of barbarian and other invasions in the is developed most fully in the presentation of Dark Ages. Bucharest, where the congruence with French (Ministry of Tourism, undated c, p. 3) architectural styles is repeatedly stressed. For There are also prominent references to example: settlements around the country that played an the city developed into an acknowledged important role within the Roman Empire (such European centre of culture and good as the spa resort of Bdile Herculane and the living. . .French architects, who had contributed coastal city/resort of Constan1a) (Fig. 20.1). so much to its [Bucharest’s] style, its tree-lined At first sight this emphasis on Roman and boulevards and elegant fin de siecle architec- Latin origins may not seem unexpected since ture in the 19th century, again added grace to most countries in some way present their its buildings. An Arc de Triomphe was erected national history within their tourist promotion. in 1935 . . . Boulevard cafes proliferated . . . Bucharest remains a Garden City, leafy and However, the emphasis on Roman/Latin origins pleasant, architecturally eclectic with pavement represents a significant departure from the way cafes open in the warm summer, and boating s in which Ceau escu sought to define Romanian on the lakes. national identity. In accordance with the import- (Ministry of Tourism, undated d, p. 2) ance attached to native and indigenous – rather than European – values, Ceausescu sought to There are also repeated efforts to draw downplay (or even deny) the Roman origins of parallels between Bucharest and Paris. These the Romanians. Instead, greater priority was take the inter-war period as their inspiration attached to the Dacian ancestry of the when the French influence in Bucharest was Romanians (the Dacians were the pre-Roman such that the city was known by some in inhabitants of what is now Romania) (Verdery, the West as the ‘Paris of the East’ or the ‘Little 1991; Boia, 2001). The renewed emphasis on Paris’. Although, the ‘Little Paris’ may have Roman origins after 1989 parallels Romania’s been more myth than reality (Boia, 2001) it is a efforts to present itself once again as a myth that is frequently evoked by Romania’s European country by asserting a common tourist promotional materials. For example: inheritance with much of the rest of Europe. the city developed into an acknowledged Similarly, by highlighting their Latin origins and European centre of culture and good living, temperament, the Romanians themselves are earning it the nickname the ‘Little Paris’. presented as sharing characteristics with their (Ministry of Tourism, undated d, p. 2) Latin ‘cousins’ of Western Europe (the French, Bucharest used to be called the ‘Little Paris’, Italians, Portuguese and Spanish, all of whom and with good reason. are members of the EU). (Ministry of Tourism, undated a, p. 3) Another way in which Romania has asserted its long-standing links with Western Bucharest was acquiring the Belle Epoque architecture and intellectual vibrancy that made and Central Europe is through stressing con- it the ‘Little Paris’. tinuity with European architectural styles. For (Ministry of Tourism, undated c, p. 2) example, one brochure states: Although there is little in Bucharest today A kaleidoscope of architectural styles – that recalls Paris, the ‘Little Paris’ epithet is ideal Baroque, Renaissance, Neoclassical, material to enable Romania to present itself as Romanesque, Art Nouveau, Rococo . . . You sharing a common heritage with Western would be forgiven for believing we are Europe. As Morgan and Pritchard (1998) argue, describing the attractions of a tour of Europe, this is a strategy that attempts to mediate and but we are referring to the great cultural wealth encapsulated in just one country – Romania. legitimize the unfamiliar by positioning it along- (National Tourism Authority, side the familiar: the presentation of Haapsalu undated a, p. 20) in Estonia as the ‘Venice of the Baltics’ has a similar intent. The shared inheritance with European The stress on historical ties with Western architecture is also apparent with references to Europe (particularly France) is also apparent in Romania: National Identity and Tourism Promotion 265

Table 20.1. Romania: content analysis of images (N = 109) in two brochures.

No. of No. of Primary category images % Secondary category images %

Buildings or townscapes 42 38.5 Modern (post-war) 7 6.4 19th century/Fin de siècle 14 12.8 Medieval – monasteries and 10 9.2 churches Medieval – other 11 10.1 Rural lifestyles and 20 18.3 People in traditional costume 11 10.1 traditions Folk art 6 5.5 Other 3 2.8 Landscape/scenery 20 18.3 Countryside 3 2.8 Mountains 4 3.7 Coast/Beach/Delta 9 8.3 Urban parks/lakes 4 3.7 Recreation and leisure 20 18.3 Land-based (including spas) 16 14.7 Water-based 4 3.7 Wildlife and nature 5 4.6 5 4.6 Other 2 1.8 2 1.8

Source: author’s original research. the imagery used to promote Romania. under Hungarian rule until 1918 and the Table 20.1 presents the results of a content architecture of many of its towns displays analysis (Pritchard and Morgan, 1995; Finn obvious AustroHungarian influences. Instead, et al., 2000) of two ‘general’ English-language Transylvania is presented solely in terms of brochures (Ministry of Tourism, undated a; Romanian cultural traditions. This mirrors National Tourism Authority, undated a) pro- Romania’s long-established wariness of duced in the mid- to late 1990s for the English- Hungary (particularly the fear among many speaking market. Romanians of Hungarian irredentist claims The table indicates that the largest category on Transylvania, something which was fully of images is that featuring buildings or town- exploited in the early and mid-1990s by nation- scapes and, within this category, images of 19th alist politicians) and a reluctance to acknowl- century and fin de siècle buildings (many in edge Hungarian influences in Transylvania. French styles or designed by French architects) are dominant. Images featuring churches or Promotion of rural lifestyles and traditions monasteries are also prominent. After four decades of official atheism (even if the Church A further theme that is prominently highlighted was not actively suppressed during the socialist in Romania’s tourist promotion is the country’s period) Romania is eager to reassert its rural culture, lifestyles and traditions. Indeed, Christian traditions as another means to there are many leaflets dedicated to the rural emphasize shared values and a common history traditions of the various regions of Romania. with the rest of Europe. Visitors are invited to ‘experience for yourselves However, the evocation of Romania’s one of Europe’s best kept secrets – the historical and cultural links with the rest of Romanian village’ (National Tourism Authority, Europe is partial and selective: in particular, undated a, p. 18) and to encounter ‘the most the promotional materials produced in 1994/95 important, living, folk culture to be found make almost no mention of Hapsburg influ- anywhere in Europe’. (Ministry of Tourism, ences in Transylvania. Yet Transylvania was undated c, p. 4). Moreover, the authenticity of 266 D. Light

Romania’s rural traditions is stressed. For aspirations by contributing to Balkanist ways of example: seeing the country as marginal and under- developed. That said, the rural lifestyles that You can watch folk festivals in Transylvania that are genuine expressions of local culture, Romania is so vigorously promoting are not merely staged for visitors. . .One of many themselves likely to change substantially as a extraordinary aspects of this country is its result of the agricultural restructuring which will vibrant rural culture, which for decades the inevitably follow EU accession. outside world heard little about. . . Wherever Romania’s motives for placing so much you go in Transylvania you will discover rural emphasis on its rural heritage are both prag- traditions that are a real part of everyday matic and ideological. On one hand, while life . . . Few other parts of Europe have there are many other European destinations preserved so distinctive a rural culture. offering beach and skiing tourism, the rural is (Ministry of Tourism, undated a, one of Romania’s unique attributes as a desti- pp. 3, 15) nation. Rural tourism enables Romania to pro- A similar emphasis is apparent in the ject itself as the ‘exotic’ and ‘authentic’ within images used in promotional materials. As Europe, by projecting the pastoral idyll to Table 20.1 indicates, almost 20% of brochure Western tourists seeking rural traditions and images feature rural traditions and lifestyles, lifestyles that no longer exist in their own coun- with people in traditional costumes being the tries (Morgan and Pritchard, 1998). In a more largest sub-category (10.1% of all images). down to earth sense, rural tourism enables This focus on rural heritage is not something Romania to play to its strengths without expos- particular to the post-socialist period: the pro- ing the weaknesses of the tourist infrastructure motion of rural tourism (particularly for domes- inherited from the socialist period (Roberts, tic tourists) was a characteristic of the socialist 1996). At a time when the state showed little era throughout Central and Eastern Europe concern for tourism (so that Black Sea, (Hall, 1998). Neither is the priority cur- mountain and spa resorts remained in state rently accorded to rural traditions unique to ownership and experienced prolonged under- Romania, since most of the formerly socialist investment), the development of rural tourism has countries of this region have stressed similar been led by the private sector, and coordinated themes, with their promotional materials mak- and regulated by various non-governmental ing prominent references to people dressed in organizations. traditional costumes (Morgan and Pritchard, However, there are also ideological rea- 1998). sons for promoting rural tourism. Within On one hand, the prominence given to Romania the rural environment is an important rural heritage and traditions in Romania’s symbol of identity and there is a long history officially-sponsored tourist imagery appears (generally, although not exclusively, among paradoxical given the country’s concern to more nationalist commentators) of idealizing present itself as a new, invigorated and the Romanian peasant and rural life more forward-looking country with ambitions for EU generally. As such, the prominence given to the accession. The focus on the rural (and particu- rural within tourist promotion reflects its import- larly lifestyles which have largely disappeared ance for national identity (although Western from much of Western Europe) highlights the tourists may not necessarily recognize this). ways in which Romania is ‘different’ and (in However, there is also a specifically post- rural areas at least) less developed than the socialist dimension: the importance attached to West. In effect, Romania is presenting itself as a rural lifestyles is a means of asserting and pro- pre-modern ‘other’. This is certainly not moting values and traditions which pre-date unique to Romania: through an emphasis on Communist Party rule and which have survived the rural many other peripheral areas of (relatively unscathed) Ceausescu’s attempts to Europe similarly construct themselves in this bring about a radical restructuring of the rural way (O’Connor, 1993). However, in the case environment. Giving priority to the rural – and of Romania the strategy to highlight the more generally presenting Romania as a pre-modern rural potentially undermines EU new country with old traditions (Morgan and Romania: National Identity and Tourism Promotion 267

Pritchard, 1998) – is another component of the present Romania as a modern European attempt to erase the socialist period from country, is a further way of emphasizing a national memory and affirm the country’s heritage which pre-dates state socialism. This is post-socialist status. something that Romania shares with the other formerly socialist countries of the region, many of which are now EU members. During the campaign for the parliamentary Conclusion elections in November 2004 (and following the European Commission report that recognized Tourism promotion is as much a political as an Romania to be a functioning market economy) economic activity and Romania, like many the country’s politicians declared that the pro- other countries, illustrates the ways in which longed ‘transition period’ had finally come to an tourist promotional materials are intended to end. While Romania is expected to join the EU present and affirm national identity. Since the in January 2007 the impacts for tourism in the country decided in the mid-1990s to adopt a country are less easy to predict. One govern- more integrationist foreign policy and embrace ment source suggested that the most immediate the values and agenda of the EU, it has engaged effect would be the migration of skilled tourism in a concerted (and successful) campaign to workers to other EU countries in search of present itself as a stable democratic country higher wages. On a more positive note, and a serious contender for membership of Romanian tourism is likely to benefit from the both the EU and NATO. However, given the country’s accession to the EU (and eventually long-term under-performance of Romanian the adoption of a common currency). This is tourism there are few people from Western likely to be expressed in a number of ways: Europe with first hand experience of the through greater foreign investment, increased country. As a result, Romania is viewed in terms business tourism, and, in the longer term, of predominantly negative stereotypes (such as increased arrivals from other EU countries, orphans, instability and, at least in Britain, particularly for post-mass and niche forms of asylum seekers) within the long-established tourism for which the country has so much to Balkanist discourse that constructs the country offer. Nevertheless, while Romania has suc- as not ‘fully’ European. Hence, Romania ceeded in closing accession negotiations with has recognized the need to reposition and the EU, the country is still regarded with uncer- ‘re-image’ itself in order to convince Western tainty by much of Western public opinion. As public opinion that it can be a credible partner such, tourism promotion in the short to medium within Euro-Atlantic integration processes. term will have a continuing role in legitimizing Tourism promotion has been one element Romania’s place within the Union. of this strategy and as this chapter has dis- cussed, in addition to presenting Romania’s abundant attractions for tourism, such promo- tion has been circumscribed by an imperative to Acknowledgements demonstrate the country’s post-socialist and European credentials. As such, various themes I would like to thank a senior Romanian civil are emphasized within the language and ima- servant (who wished to remain anonymous) for gery of tourist promotional materials. These a stimulating discussion on the current state of include an emphatic rejection of totalitarianism Romanian tourism, and David Phinnemore for and the construction of a ‘new’ Romania, com- his comments on an earlier draft of this chapter. mitment to the same political and economic values as the Western European countries, and an insistence on historical and cultural links with Note Western and Central Europe which were only temporarily disrupted by state socialism. The 1 These data were obtained from a former priority given to rural culture and lifestyles, employee of the National Tourist Office (Oficiul although seemingly antithetical to efforts to Na3ional de Turism). 268 D. Light


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Cevat Tosun, John Fletcher and Alan Fyall

Introduction other sectors and environments. Although public authorities, private sector representatives Approaches to tourism development in Turkey and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have undergone an evolutionary process reflect- have recognized, to some extent, the challenges ing changes in political, economic, cultural and of sustainable tourism development, necessary developmental spheres of policy (Tosun, 2005). strategies and policy measurements have not yet While tourism was seen as a purely economic been put in place to confront them. growth strategy during the 1960s and 1970s, it It is assumed that the continuing enlarge- was also a political, diplomatic and socio-cultural ment of, and Turkey’s eventual accession to the tool to project a more positive image on the inter- EU, will have several implications for the tourism national stage and to ease ideological clashes industry in Turkey. While EU enlargement, in among the young (Tosun and Jenkins, 1996; conjunction with global changes in the inter- Tosun and Fyall, 2005). national tourism market and consumer prefer- To achieve the above goals of tourism the ences, may bring about new opportunities, it may military-led government in 1982 enacted the also bring with it some negative consequences. Tourism Encouragement Law No. 2634 to It is thus the main objective of this chapter to provide generous monetary, fiscal and other examine tourism development in Turkey in the incentives to tourism entrepreneurs (Tosun, context of EU enlargement and accession and 1999). Consequently, Turkey experienced a rapid to offer policy recommendations and strategies growth of mass tourism in terms of volume to respond to the challenges and opportunities and value during the 1980s and 1990s. This is likely to accrue from such processes. reflected in Turkey’s current standing in the In view of the above, the structure of this global tourism market within the top 15 and top chapter is as follows. The first two sections dis- nine international tourist destinations in terms cuss the importance of tourism to the Turkish of arrivals and receipts respectively (WTO, economy and the country’s principal tourism 2005a, 2005b). However, this rapid growth of resources and attractions by region. The third mass tourism development has also ushered in section provides a brief account of the likely a number of potentially serious developmental impacts both of EU enlargement and of Turkey’s problems that appear to threaten not only the accession on Turkey’s tourism industry. The sustainable development of tourism, but wider chapter then provides some preliminary policy issues of sustainability because of the negative recommendations and strategies for achieving ‘spill-over’ effects of the tourism industry into better forms of tourism development within the ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 270 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 271

context of EU regulation and conditions, and by 2010. The latest 5-year development plan changing international tourism market trends. anticipates that international tourism will play Finally, the chapter offers some concluding an increasing role in the Turkish economy. The thoughts for the implementation of policy, Minister of Culture and Tourism foresees that by recommendations and strategies. 2010 international tourist arrivals and receipts will increase to 30m visitors and US$30bn respectively, while bed capacity will reach one The Contribution of International million (Mumcu, 2004). Tourism to the Turkish Economy

While international tourism arrivals in Turkey Turkey’s Principal Tourism totalled just 200,000 in 1963, their number rose Attractions and Resources to 1.6m in 1983, 6.5m in 1993 and to 14.0m in 2003. Similar growth trends also took place in Turkey, covering approximately 780,000 km2, bed capacity and revenues from tourism. The and with a 8000 km coastline extending along latter rose from US$7.7m to US$13.2bn during the Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, the Aegean this period. Meanwhile, bed capacity and the Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea, has a unique number of lodging establishments increased position connecting Europe and Asia, geographi- from 28,354 and 292 respectively in 1970 to cally as well as ecologically (see Fig. 21.1). The 404,500 and 2036 in 2003 (Ministry of Culture flora and fauna of Anatolia and Thrace have a and Tourism, 2004a, 2004b). The share of inter- rich biodiversity (Adaman and Arsel, 2005, p. 3). national tourism receipts in export earnings and The heritage of Turkey’s geographical and GDP was 2.1% and 0.1% respectively in 1963, geopolitical position embracing important civi- gradually increasing to 28.2% and 5.5% by lizations, from Ancient Hitites, Greek, Persian, 2003 (Ministry of Culture and Tourism, 2004a, Helenistic, Roman, Early Christianity, Early 2004b). Islam, Seljcuks, and Ottoman have served as The tourism industry has generated signifi- significant tourist attractions (see Table 21.1). cant employment opportunities for Turkey’s large However, the role of these core factors including number of young unemployed people. Regis- cultural heritage, natural endowments and built tered employment in the tourism sector exceeds facilities in the spatial distribution of tourism one million, or 5.5% of registered total employ- development have not been well-considered ment. It is estimated that the Turkish tourism (Tosun et al., 2003). Although the full implica- industry will generate around three million jobs tions of this issue are beyond this chapter, their

Marmara Region Black Sea Region

Central Anatolia Eastern Anatolia Region Region Aegean Region

South Eastern Anatolia Region Mediterranean Region

Fig. 21.1. Turkey: location map of regions. Key: The dotted line shows the coastal strip declared as the priority region for the concentration of both public and private investment. Source: Derived from data in Duzgunoglu and Karabulut (1999) cited in Tosun, Timothy and Ozturk (2003). 272 C. Tosun et al. ons for ons for i i ng ng i i nfra-super nfra-super i i ch shopp ch shopp i i es nfra-super structure nfra-super structure es, accommodat es, accommodat i i i i i t t t i i i l i lt fac i scos scos i i Moderate Moderate Bu opportun every budget, bars, restaurants, d structure: r Well-developed opportun every budget, bars, restaurants, d structure: r Well-developed s, i ene, i ent i ons, i erapol i zat i l i v i on), Troy, Pr a, etc.), anc i i n Mary House, s i i rg an, C i i es i t ) i ladelph i i cea Ad Lycum, H i on, Euromos, etc.) i a, Ph i cea, the V i tage i ent rock churches i es (Laod i t i an’s churches cal her i i nkuyu & Kaymakl ent underground c ent c i ous museums (Anatol ous anc i i i i letus, Herakle stor i i Var Mosques Var Anc (Der Sumela Monastery Ottoman Mosques Anc Ottoman’s and Seljuk’s mosques, and Georg Ishak Pasa Place churches (Laod Pergamum, Ephesus (Artem Temple of Ascep Archaeology Museum, Underwater Archaeology Museum Castle of St Peter Ottoman Mosques M Mevlana, Goreme and Zelve Outdoor, etc.) H ons and resources. i c i nes i sm attract i n ns, Forest i i n tour i es beach, etc.) yas (Argaeus) i i mneys i vely unpopular beaches fe fe i i i ent churches) onal Parks onal Parks i i i cus, etc.) ry Ch i lek, Davutlar, etc.) ldl ldl i i i i vers (Hermos, ghland pastures ver valleys (surrounded by ghest mounta i i i i Nat Sunny summer Mount Erc Fa R anc Sunny summer Mount Ararat – Turkey’s h Van Lake W Kackar Mounta Relat W H Sun-sea-sand (Garl beach, lad Pamukkale Travert Nat (D R Ca Natural n i st i onal i onal onal i i onal endowments of ma i ented i c local c local c local rural c local rural i i i i nantly nantly reg nantly reg sh bath sh bath sh bath sh bath i i i i i i i ng culture i es i v t i i Turkey: reg Western-or Turk Authent rural Turk Dom Western and reg culture equally ex c Authent Authent rural Turk Turk Dom Authent L a a i i ons i Anatol Sea Anatol Aegean Dom Table 21.1. Central Reg Black Eastern Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 273 es, es, i i t t i i scos scos i i nfra-super structure: nfra-super structure: i i ons for every budget, ons for every budget, i i ng opportun ng opportun nfra-super structure i i ons. i i ch shopp ch shopp i i Moderate Well-developed r Well-developed r accommodat bars, restaurants, d accommodat bars, restaurants, d de, i i erre, etc.) pol i i n Ahlat i ne i s, Perge, S i cs of i cholas, St P i sk es of Deyrul Zafaran i i el ., 2005; and the lead author’s personal observat i a i es (Phasel i t ous monuments i et al i ne & Constant i gn, Troy (rel g i i an Obel i a Soph ent c ent theatres (Aspendus, etc.) i ous museums: The Gall ous museums i i i i ppodrome i Anc Akdamar Church The monaster and Morgabr Hasan Keyf The rel Campa Ottoman Palaces Var H Egypt Serpent Column Blue Mosque Hag Trojan War), Assos, etc. Myra, etc.) Churches (St N Mosques Anc Var sm, 2005; Yale i se i onal i shery Lake i se Nat i ns (Uludag, c sunset–sunr i i se) i ous F fe i i g i ldl stry of Culture and Tour vers (Melas, i ghland pastures rd Parad i i i i n Sun-sea-sand R Cestrus, Eurymedon, Duden) Caves (Damlatas, Hell & Parad H Sunny summer Dramat Mount Nemrut Rel Ida, etc.) The Dardanelles B Sun-sea-sand Mounta Park, etc. W i onal i c local rural c local rural c local rural i i i nantly Western nantly reg nantly Western sh bath sh bath sh bath i i i i i i Turk Turk Authent Dom Authent Dom Turk Authent ved from Yenen, 1997; M i a der i ter- i Anatol South East ranean Med Marmara Dom Source: 274 C. Tosun et al.

role in tourism development will be discus- spelunking (caving). Tourists can enjoy water sed indirectly in relation to the principal tour- sports such as diving and water skiing in the ism attractions and resources in Turkey (see Mediterranean or Aegean Sea, and during the Table 21.1). same visit they can take part in winter sports in Turkey’s natural tourism attractions can be Central or Eastern Anatolia. classified under four sub-headings. Culturally, Anatolia (Asian Turkey, histori- cally known as ‘Asia Minor’) has acted as the crossroads of many civilizations throughout Sun-sea-sand history, from palaeolithic onwards, through to Greek, Persian, Roman, early Christian, early This includes the mass tourism attractions which Islamic, Ottoman, and the Republic of Turkey are to be found on Turkey’s western and south- (Yenen, 1997; Ministry of Culture and Tourism, ern coasts. While the hot, dry Mediterranean cli- 2005; Yale et al., 2005). For living culture, Turkey mate on the western and southern coasts along contains considerable diversity among its regions. with long sandy beaches has helped Turkey However, as a consequence of elite oriented become one of the most popular ‘3S’ tourist modernization efforts (see Keyman, 2005), destinations, it also provides opportunities for impacts of technological change and globaliza- various water sports, yachting and golf (see tion, industrialization, urbanization, and tourist– Fig. 21.1). host interactions (see Tosun, 2002), a significant part of traditional Turkish society has changed and moved towards a Western lifestyle. None the less, rural Turkey has managed to preserve Geological formations its unique cultural characteristics. These include a hybrid rural culture reflecting a mix of Turkish, These include two spectacular attractions: Greek and Bulgarian orientation in the Aegean Pamukkale Travertines and Fairy Chimneys of region. Authentic Yoruk Koyleri (Nomad Villages) Cappadocia. While the Pamukkale Travertines – can be found in the inner part of the Mediterranean giant steps of limestone deposits – are located in region, while in the Eastern and South-eastern the Aegean region, the Fairy Chimneys are situ- Anatolia regions, a mixture of Turkish, Arabic ated in Central Anatolia. Both of these natural and Persian cultures can be found. spectacular formations are listed as UNESCO Tourism infrastructure is well developed in World Heritage Sites and attract large numbers the Aegean, Mediterranean and Marmara regions, of tourists and tourism investment in their locality and less so in the relatively less developed regions (Tosun, 1998; Yuksel et al., 1999). such as the interior of the Black Sea region, Central Anatolia, Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia. Tourism accommodation, cuisine, enter- Flora and fauna tainment, and retail facilities are well-developed in the tourism regions whose boundaries were These include a considerable diversity, and determined by the Tourism Encouragement generate special interest tourism including Law in 1982. Most of these are on the western ornithology, hunting and endemic plant picking and southern coasts. Due to the generous fiscal, (Adaman and Arsel, 2005; Ministry of Culture financial and bureaucratic incentives given to and Tourism, 2005). the tourism industry during 1980s and early 1990s the coastal part of Turkey has experi- enced a rapid growth in terms of supply capacity Adventure environments and tourism demand (Sezer and Harrison, 1994; Tosun 1999). In this regard, Turkey has a wide range of mountains, rivers, a pronounced spatial dichotomy has evolved in lakes, caves and caverns, and highland pastures. Turkish tourism between a privileged space Each has potential to be utilized for a range along the coast and an underprivileged space of adventure activities, including rafting, under- in the interior of the country. water diving, mountaineering, winter sports and (Göymen, 2000, p. 1030) Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 275

The implication of this is that although Implication of EU enlargement for tourism tourism development taking place in the more development in Turkey developed regions has made a considerable contribution to the country’s GNP, it has also Enlargement of the EU brings with it opportuni- magnified the developmental problems of ties and pitfalls for sustainable development in Turkey by inducing regional disparities and general and sustainable tourism development in class inequities (Seckelmann, 2002; Tosun particular. The acceptance of the euro as a single et al., 2003). currency, considerable reduction in entry for- It is reported that while the Aegean, Marmara malities, guaranteed consumer rights by a single and Mediterranean regions, as relatively devel- European law might motivate European people oped areas, received on average 77.8% of the to visit primarily countries within the EU. EU tourism credits and 78.7% of the bed capacity enlargement to the eastern Mediterranean and supported by tourism incentives between 1985 CEE may have negative implications for the and 2000, the Black Sea and Central, South-east Turkish tourism industry, particularly in the and East Anatolia, as relatively less-developed short term, such that the rate of increase in areas, obtained only 22.1% of the tourism potential and actual tourist demand for Turkey credits and attracted only 21.3% of the bed may decrease in relative terms. However, when capacity developed in the same period. How- the tourism profiles of the new accession coun- ever, this appeared to change dramatically in tries are examined, none of them offer an equiv- 2001. For example, while East and South-east alent substitute for the Turkish tourism product. Anatolia received 33% and 30% respectively of Although Cyprus and Malta can offer similar the tourism credits given as tourism incentives, coastal tourism opportunities to Turkey, their the Aegean and Marmara regions obtained only small size limits their capacity and their impact. 3% and 1% of this credit (Turkiye Kalkinma For the eight new members from the former Bankasi, 1990, 2002) (Table 21.2). The rele- Communist bloc, cultural heritage, ecotourism, vant international tourist figures support the and other ‘niches’ can be developed as a unique above figures. For example, 91% of Turkey’s attraction of those countries, which may have international tourists visited the most developed some negative implications for Turkish tourism regions, and 96% of the nights spent by foreign demand. Yet Turkey’s cultural heritage is nota- visitors in 1997 and 2000 were in these regions bly different from the rest of Europe. Further, as (Table 21.3). Moreover, 84% of licensed beds the EU provides subsidies and more regional in tourism operations and 86% of investment in assistance, the new accession countries will providing licensed beds in tourism establish- become more affluent, such that demand from ments are in the Marmara, Aegean and Mediter- those countries for Turkish tourism is likely to ranean regions – the most developed parts of increase in the long term. Clearly, much depends Turkey (Ministry of Tourism, 1993; 2001b). The on the tourism policies and marketing strategies comprehensive spatial shift in investment of Turkey to secure some of the potential tourism between 2000 and 2001 probably reflects the demand of the new EU. recognition of an excess capacity of tourism supply in the relatively developed regions. Impacts of Turkey’s accession to the EU on tourism development in Turkey

EU Enlargement and Tourism Turkey’s accession to the EU will have various Development Patterns in Turkey positive impacts on political, social, cultural and economic development of the country. Of course, While enlargement of the EU and Turkey’s not only will Turkey benefit from this member- accession to it will have various implications ship, but the EU will gain as well (Birand, for and impacts on Turkish tourism develop- 2004a). However, it is beyond the scope of this ment patterns, Turkey’s membership of the EU chapter to consider wider impacts of Turkey’s will equally have influences on tourism within accession to the EU on the EU and Turkey. the EU. Thus, the scope will be limited to discussing 276 C. Tosun et al. b% Average a% b% 2001 a% b% 2000 a% – 0 0 30 28 4.20 4.95 b% 1990 7 a% b% 1989 a% b% on, 1985–2001. i 1988 a% b% nvestment by reg i 1987 sm i a% b% ves to tour i 1986 ncent i a% number of beds. = ven as i tg b% i ven ; b i 1985 ., 2003. tg i 1.62 1.67 0.40 1.60 0.57 1.44 0.50 1.00 0.71 0.96 0.0 a%

et al Turkey: cred a 11.88 9.19 32.05 12.66 2.93 5.68 3.39 7.01 6.53 7.86 5.7 – 0 0 1 1 7.94 6.20 i a 0.08 – 0.10 0.71 0.46 1.25 0.30 0.78 2.58 1.93 0.31 – 4 12 33 29 5.10 6.52 i Tosun a i amount of cred terranean 64.70 52.49 35.26 40.47 42.22 37.50 35.85 36.91 35.20 30.05 43.3 – 0 0 20 30 33.40 32.48 ons i i = Anatol a Source: Table 21.2. Reg East Anatol AegeanBlack SeaCentral Anatol 13.45 0.86 20.15 2.29 14.17 25.18 4.31Total 41.25 4.72 40.41 2.09 27.90 39.74 100 2.16 43.00 100 0.71 51.34 1.04 100 25.8 2.28 – 100 1.72 93 100 82 4.3 100 – 3 4 100 3 100 32.99 6 37.50 12 100 7 100 3.99 100 3.56 – 100 100 100 100 100 100 Med MarmaraSouth-east 7.41 14.21 13.71 14.66 10.48 11.56 31.35 13.52 9.70 6.14 20.46 – 0 0 1 1 11.76 8.77 Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 277 ghts) i of stay (n Average length 2000 (and %) ghts spent i N vals i Arr (and %) ghts) i of stay (n Average length on, 1997 and 2000. i ght stays by reg i (and %) ghts spent i 1997 N vals and overn i st arr i vals i Arr (and %) onal tour i sm, 2001a, 2001b. i nternat i a 16,898 (0.2) 27,401 (0.08) 1.62 20,612 (3) 401,120 (1) 1.4 i a 63,360 (0.7) 88,379 (0.2) 1.39 34,868 (2) 55,072 (1) 1.6 a 735,440 (8) 1,404,036 (4) 1.91 492,765 (12) 937,620 (7) 1.9 i stry of Tour i i Turkey: n i M terranean 2,649,613 (28) 16,233,604 (45) 6.13 2,537,798 (26) 16,119,574 (45) 6.4 ons i i Grand Total 9,443,199 (100) 36,167,196 (100) 2.71 6,804,076 (100) 28,510,906 (100) South-east Anatol AegeanBlack SeaCentral Anatol Eastern Anatol MarmaraMed 2,530,900 (27) 114,206 (1) 11,077,200 (31) 3,332,782 (36) 160,708 (0.4) 4.38 7,175,868 (20) 1.41 1,569,376 (0.24) 2.15 6,788,307 (25) 131,038 (6) 2,017,619 (27) 4.3 4,419,277 161,336 (18) (3) 2.2 1.2 Table 21.3. Reg Sources: 278 C. Tosun et al.

impacts of Turkey’s accession to the EU mem- secured political, cultural, social and economic bership on tourism development and vice versa. stability would provide for tourism authorities These impacts are considered below. and all stakeholders the context for stronger motivation, improved ability, and a wider vision to move towards more sustainable forms of Political stability, EU membership and tourism development. Turkish tourism development Political instability has been one of the biggest problems for the emergence of a modern Turkish Increased foreign investment State since the 1960s. Turkey wasted many The stability that EU accession should bring will years because of political inconsistency that has encourage foreign investment (Oguzlu, 2004, prevented emergence of a strong government p. 99). For example, Fiat and Mercedes Benz essential for taking the necessary measures have recently applied to bring their regional required for sustainable (tourism) development headquarters and plants to Turkey following the (Tosun, 2001). It has been argued that during the government’s decision to let foreign nationals 1990s few structural reforms could take place set up business there. In the past, multi-national owing to political instability (Tosun and Timothy, companies have operated hotels and other 2001, p. 356). Three hard and one soft military tourism facilities based on management con- coups in the last 45 years may imply that civilian tracts rather than involving fixed investment in governments have not had enough time and the tourism industry in Turkey (S. Kusluvan, security to take comprehensive, integrative and 1994, unpublished PhD thesis; Tosun, 1998). systematic long-term measures for moving To a large extent, this is a result of the lack of towards sustainable development. The average political and economic stability in the country. length of term of office for governments in power Having established such stability, the Turkish has been less than two years. As argued by tourism industry may attract a large amount of Okumus and Karamustafa (2006), between 1963 foreign investment because of low cost factors and 1996, 34 tourism ministers were appointed, of production such as labour, land and other with an average length of stay in office of just investment requirements. Foreign investment 1.6 years. would bring not only capital, but know-how, Not surprisingly, the historical position of invaluable management and operational expe- the Turkish State with respect to both sustain- rience, and new marketing opportunities. These able development generally and tourism devel- can increase the quality of tourism products to opment in particular has been inconsistent. render Turkey a more attractive and competi- While political instability has not provided suffi- tive international tourist destination. cient time for successive governments to estab- lish a development agenda for the nation, it has also encouraged conditions feeding corruption, Improvement in the perceived image of clientelism and wide-spread favouritism, which Turkey as a tourist destination have emerged as more challenging obstacles to sustainable democratic development. Birand To complement quality improvements there is a (2004b) argues that through accession to the EU, need for reinvigorated image promotion (Eclipse, Turkey’s multi-party secular and democratic 2003, p. 1; Tosun et al., 2005). Turkey has made political life and the republican system can be considerable progress in the area of human secured, and that the continuous efforts to pro- rights and overall democratization processes so tect the secular system would no longer be nec- as to fulfil the so-called Copenhagen criteria essary. Based upon the above discussion, it may (Anon, 2004; Kanli, 2004; Phillips, 2004). Hav- be argued that Turkey’s acceptance as a full ing obtained EU membership, somewhat para- member of the EU would offer a permanent doxically, Turkey’s ambiguous image of being assurance for multi-party liberal democracy neither European nor Asian should change, and political stability, which is sine qua non while its role of being a bridge between East and for sustainable tourism development (see West, and between the Muslim and Christian Kösebalaban, 2002; Birand, 2004b). Clearly, a worlds may be strengthened. Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 279

Hitherto, there has been a close relation- own educated and experienced citizens hitherto ship between the country’s ‘organic’ image and living abroad. the tourism destination image. For example, international tourism demand for Turkey in Improvement in product quality 2003 decreased unexpectedly due to the War in Iraq, although the country’s coastal resorts are Establishment of greater political stability, in- geographically far removed from the areas of creased foreign investment, and the sharing of conflict in the neighbouring country. Turkey’s accumulated experience and expertise should accession to the EU can assist developing the result in an overall improvement in product perception of Turkey as a more secure, safe and quality. As a requirement of EU membership, responsible destination, while also helping to Turkey will need to enact new rules and take remove historical prejudices prevailing in the measures to produce goods and services consis- mind of Western societies (e.g. Kanli, 2004; tent with EU standards. When Turkey increases Paris, 2004; Tosun and Temizkan, 2004). the quality of tourism products to attain EU standards, costs of production will increase as well, creating new challenges. Benefiting from accumulated experience Internationally, the numbers of tourists with of the EU special needs (through age and various forms of It will be easier for Turkey to share accumulated disablement) are increasing (CEC, 2003, p. 6). experience and expertise of the EU in the area To respond to the needs of these growing of tourism planning, management and market- markets, Turkey will need to restructure tourism ing when Turkey becomes a full member of the facilities both to increase the satisfaction levels EU. As the EU has helped Spain, Greece and of such tourists and to increase the country’s Italy utilize tourism as an instrument to reduce long-term competitiveness. regional developmental inequalities, it could encourage the Turkish authorities to plan, man- Other new market opportunities age and develop tourism in such a way as to achieve more balanced development outcomes Turkey has hitherto targeted Western European and assist progress towards sustainable forms of low- and middle-income groups, largely tourism. through the direction provided by international It is claimed that the country has failed to tour operators. With the improvement in quality use its educated human resources effectively of tourism supply, her organic image as a coun- and efficiently in the tourism industry because try and induced image as a destination, Turkey of widespread nepotism, lack of objective crite- should have a capability to reach higher income ria and the absence of equal opportunities. groups in the international tourism market. Thus, many students who studied at Western Collaboration and cooperation should be pur- universities supported with public money have sued with neighbouring Greece, particularly in either not returned to Turkey or have only destination marketing growth strategies such as stayed for a short time because of dissatisfaction market penetration, market development, pro- with the mismanagement of human resources duct development and product diversification in the public sector (Tosun, 2000, 2001). EU strategies. Although there are currently political, accession would be expected to reduce nepo- diplomatic and financial barriers to this (Tosun tism and create an environment for equal et al., 2005), despite the public polemics, opportunities in employment and promotion. Turkey’s EU accession bid has already brought This would enable Turkey to deploy human both countries closer in terms of diplomatic and resources in a more effective and efficient man- political relationships. As a reflection of this, a ner and reduce the costly brain drain currently bilateral agreement in the field of tourism was suffered (although, potentially, it could exacer- signed in 2000: bate the outflow of educated labour in the The Parties, in order to stimulate the tourist shorter term). Theoretically at least, Turkey flows from third countries into their countries, would benefit not only from the EU’s experi- shall encourage bilateral cooperation between ence in tourism management, but also from her the representatives of the tourism sectors of 280 C. Tosun et al.

both countries including the coordination of Strategies for Sustainable Tourism their activities within the Black Sea Economic Development in a ‘Europeanized’ Cooperation(BSEC)...ThePartiesshall facilitate tourist traffic between their countries in Turkey accordance with their respective laws and regulations and without prejudice to their If Turkey does not take measures and establish international obligations and will encourage the strategies for its own tourism development by cooperation between enterprises and taking into account global trends in the inter- organizations operating in the field of national tourism market, its competitiveness tourism. In this context, mutual visits, meetings and sustainability will be compromised. and seminars between entities operating in Possible strategies and policy recommendations the field of tourism shall be encouraged and for sustainable tourism development in Turkey organized. will now be considered. (Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000: Articles 2 and 9) European Union accession will encourage Turkish tourism stakeholders to cooperate with Product differentiation for sustainable their partners in the EU, from whatever country. It tourism development can be idealized that Turkey and Greece could promote themselves as a single destination to Existing tourism development requirements, as tourists for whom travelling to only one country in represented by Tourism Encouragement Law Europe and/or the Middle East is not a desirable No. 2636, were designed and put into effect in option. While this kind of cooperation might 1980 by the military-led government without increase the attractiveness of both countries to taking into account environmental, social and overseas travellers and their bargaining power developmental impacts of tourism. At that time against foreign tour operators (Timothy, 2002), the main objectives of tourism were to generate establishing facilities in their common borderlands desperately needed foreign currency and estab- may increase demand from a wide range of lish political credibility for the government markets. Such cooperation in tourism is required (Tosun and Jenkins, 1996). Thus, the govern- across Europe to encourage macro-level rational- ment gave priority to large-scale mass tourism ization of resource use and sustainability (not least investment projects to meet its short-term policy in Cyprus – see Chapters 16 and 18). objectives (Tosun et al., 2003). Turkey’s movement towards EU member- The myopic policy objectives of the 1980s ship has encouraged many EU citizens, most of and 1990s, in tandem with the encouragement them retired, to settle on a temporary or perma- of international tour operators, saturated the nent basis in the country’s coastal zones. By carrying capacity of coastal regions (Tosun and 2004, 11,000 foreigners had bought holiday Fyall, 2005). Table 21.3 indicates that in 2000, homes; 4900 of these foreigners from Germany, 83% of Turkey’s international tourists visited Sweden, Norwegian, Finland, Denmark and the coastal regions, and 91% of the nights spent Northern Ireland settled in Alanya (Turizm by foreign visitors were in these regions, down Gazetesi, 2004a). As is the case for many mass from 92% and 96% respectively in 1997. Given tourism destinations, seasonality is one of the the problems associated with coastal mass tourism biggest problems for the tourism industry in development and the implications of Turkey’s EU Turkey (Tosun, 1999). However, the burden of accession for its own tourism, this suggests that seasonality and its spill-over affect appear to be product differentiation is a major requirement lessened in some local mass-tourism destination for a structurally and spatially more balanced such as Alanya, Fethiye and Anamur due to tourism development. There appear to be sev- the fact that retired people from EU countries eral areas where diversification of the tourism tend to spend their winters in coastal hotels, product can take place. while some have settled permanently (Turizm Cultural and heritage tourism, ecotourism, Gazetesi, 2004b). This appears to help utilize faith tourism, event tourism, rural tourism, spa over-capacity and to attract and retain emplo- and health tourism, sport tourism and winter yees (see CEC, 2003). tourism are among the range of activities and Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 281

attractions for which Turkey has considerable heritage of certain regions in the country. supply potential (see Table 21.1). As an exam- This may lead tour guides to be more knowl- ple, cultural tourism will be considered here edgeable and experienced in a few regions both because it appears to have the greatest of the country where certain cultural and potential in terms of supply and demand, and historical heritage exist. Eventually, such because cultural tourism can be seen to be a specialization of tour guides will result in a more complex phenomenon than other poten- higher level of tourist satisfaction from tial forms of tourism development. guided tours. ● Facility and environmental planning for cultural tourism should be pursued. Cultural tourism Changing demographic structures and life- With its historic and cultural heritage, diverse styles suggest that the value of non-traditional lifestyle, food and people, Turkey demonstra- forms of tourism, particularly related to natural tes enormous potential for cultural tourism. and cultural heritage, will increase gradually Given the considerable cultural differences (Klein, 2001, p. 1; CEC, 2003). with its main competitors in the Mediterranean basin, Turkey has a unique opportunity to meet cultural and coastal oriented tourism demand The need for a new destination image simultaneously, through balanced, integrated destination marketing strategies and regional Two elements require change: the image of a collaboration. Accession to the EU may activate cheap mass tourism destination solely visited by a large potential demand for cultural tourism, downmarket sun-, sea-, sand- and sex-oriented and thus Turkey needs to prepare itself for this. tourists, and the pejorative historical construc- Cultural heritage can be employed to assist the tion of ‘Turk’, ‘Turkish’ and the ‘other Europe’ move towards sustainable tourism development held in the West (e.g. Aktan, 2004; Kanli, 2004; in a number of ways: Paris, 2004). In cooperation with appropriate ● A comprehensive inventory of cultural ministries, including that for foreign affairs, tour- heritage resources should be made. ism authorities need to promote Turkey as a ● Strict measures should be taken to protect bridge between civilizations and cultures. While cultural heritage. the existence of diverse cultural heritage built ● Human resource planning should be in place by different civilizations, and meeting points of to develop and manage cultural heritage as a Muslim and Christian civilization are emphasized, tourism product. A comprehensive training peace, security, safety, stability, modernity and programme should be designed and imple- high standards of facilities provided for tourist mented for those working in such areas of and community should be promoted in the cultural heritage as museums, historic build- establishment of a new destination image for ings and historic sites. Turkey. However, appropriate wider political ● With local community participation, the and economic circumstances are needed to scope and context of cultural events and establish a suitable environment for this. values should be determined for promoting cultural tourism products. There should be no compromising of cultural authenticity for Restructuring the public administration the sake of short-term economic benefits. of tourism ● Tour guides should be trained to present cultural heritage, but given the diverse Local governments in Turkey lack power and range of civilizations and their cultural heri- financial resources to respond to public and tages found in Turkey (see Table 21.1), a tourists needs effectively (Tosun, 1998). The careful specialization programme for tour structure of local government reflects bureau- guides may be necessary. In this regard, it cratic and fiscal concerns of central government may be argued that tour guides should be rather than acting as a source of local democratic encouraged to specialize in the cultural participation (Tosun, 2006). Therefore, without 282 C. Tosun et al.

meaningful devolution in public administration, Increased waste residues from tourism facili- it may not be possible for local authorities to ties coupled with the failure to install appropriate respond to the needs of tourists and local people sewage disposal systems have caused pollution simultaneously in a satisfactory manner. Although of underground and surface water (Kocasoy, the current government has recognized the need 1989; Tosun, 2001). Even some World for restructuring public administration systems Heritage Sites such as the Pamukkale and has prepared new legislation to give them Travertines and the Fairy Chimneys of Goreme more power, the enactment of this has been have been damaged by rapid, unplanned and delayed by strong political opposition. mismanaged tourism growth (Tosun and Fyall, Without empowering local governments in 2005). For example, it is reported that some an appropriate manner, it may not be possible hotels and motels have utilized the thermal for local authorities to deal effectively with water as their hot water source for swimming environmental, social and economic impacts of pools and baths. Such an excessive misuse of tourism. Municipalities have difficulty in serving the thermal water that keeps the Travertines foreign tourists, second-home owners and their fresh has changed their ecological balance permanent residents simultaneously because (Tosun, 2001; Yuksel et al.,1999). Moreover, their budgets are based on the number of Some open fissures are being filled by domestic permanent residents, excluding second-home waste from adjacent municipalities, hotels and owners and tourists (Suyolcu, 1980). When large motels. Surface waters collecting in these fissures numbers of tourists and second-home owners will wash pollutants into the main thermal-water come and visit popular local tourist destinations reservoir. This will bring two major problems. during peak season, the service demands on these Firstly, the polluted thermal waters will precipitate local municipalities goes beyond their capacities. unclean travertine of unsightly appearance and, Consequently, undesirable environmental, social, secondly and more importantly, the polluted cultural and economic impacts result. thermal waters will pose a threat to human health where they continue to be used supplying baths, swimming pools . . . (Altunel and Hancock, 1994, p. 129) Need for greater environmental protection Concentration of too many visitors in time and space, and careless attitudes and activities Turkish Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara of visitors towards the fragile fairy chimneys and coastal tourism destinations have suffered from rock-churches has also brought some irrever- the unplanned ribbon development of hotels sible damage (Tosun, 1998). and second homes, and tourist pollution from In order to give priority to environmental the careless discarding of packaging and food concerns in tourism development, the design waste (Tosun, 1998, 2001). Tourism develop- and implementation of training programmes ment has also disrupted the ecological balance for environmental awareness is vital. These of flora and fauna – for example, hotels and sec- should target appropriate local authority ond homes being built on the sites of olive and employees, private sector representatives and citrus groves and displacing the livelihoods of members of NGOs. Appropriate information many agricultural workers (Tosun and Fyall, and interpretation should be published and 2005). Owing to the loss of fertile agricultural provided for tourists to inform them about lands, former workers in the agricultural sector the fragile nature of the country’s historic and have been economically forced to work as cheap natural assets. labour for hotel construction or have low-paid It is strongly recommended that Turkey seasonal and relatively lower status jobs in the should draw lessons from the European experi- tourism industry. Tourist developments on ence in the area of management and protection beaches coupled with lighting and noise from of heritage sites and the natural environment. In tourist facilities have disrupted the natural life- this regard, it is believed that accession to the cycle movements of sea turtles along a small EU will make it easier for Turkey to share part of the Mediterranean Sea (Morrison and European experience and utilize its expertise in Selman, 1991; Türkozan, 2000; Tosun, 2001). the area of overall environmental protection. Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 283

The need to move towards cultural and natural heritage are a prerequisite societal-oriented destination for ensuring quality of tourism supply, remain- marketing ing as a competitive tourist destination and pro- viding a high quality tourist experience in the Until the late 1980s, Turkey followed a long term. But such basic principles of sustain- production-oriented marketing approach whose able tourism development may not be imple- main objective was to build sufficient physical mented in Turkey because there is an insufficient capacity including hotels, restaurants and tourist capacity to overcome clientelistic relationships transport, such as car hire facilities. By the mid- between decision-makers and the business elite 1990s a product-oriented marketing approach in the tourism industry that operates at the had been adopted to raise the quality of tourism cost of environmental degradation and societal products, but it was undertaken without seeking well-being (Tosun, 2001, 2005). In this context, knowledge of the real needs of customers in the it is strongly believed that Turkey’s accession to target tourism markets. The resulting five-star the EU will accelerate the emergence of a more hotels and other luxury physical facilities have democratic developmental state and strong thus not been appropriate to satisfy adequately NGOs that are necessary to scrutinize and tourists’ needs. enforce rigorously the implementation of Although there have been some moves sustainable (tourism) development principles. towards market and societal-oriented marketing Second, while experience of developed management philosophies, in practice their democratic countries suggests that for efficiency principles and strategies have not been imple- and effectiveness of public services, sufficient mented (Tosun and Fyall, 2004). If progress political, legal and financial power should be towards sustainable tourism development is to given to local authorities, Turkish development be achieved, societal-oriented destination mar- experience reveals that an over-centralization of keting strategies need to be adopted that seek the public administration system has actually to establish a balance between environmental accelerated socio-cultural and environmental protection, enhanced societal well-being, and problems. Management of every single communal long-term customer satisfaction and destination issue by state bodies in Ankara has been proved profitability. to be not only ineffective and inefficient, but also undesirable. Similarly, the over-centralized nature of tourism administration is unrepresentative Conclusion and unable to innovate and adapt to new global conditions and market demands (Tosun, 2006). This chapter has considered the implications of Thus, a reorganization and restructuring of public Turkey’s accession to the EU and of EU enlarge- administration in Turkey appears to be an urgent ment of the EU for Turkish tourism develop- requirement in order to give more power to local ment. It has dealt with a number of unknown governments, to enable local people and NGOs interrelated and interdependent variables that to participate in the tourism development process, have and will have various implications for and and to empower NGOs in participatory (tourism) impacts on tourism development both in Turkey development decision-making. Local governments and in the EU. Thus, some parts of the argu- cannot provide high quality services and deal ments raised in this chapter may be speculative effectively with environmental problems without in nature. Notwithstanding, it is possible to draw having appropriate legal and financial authority. some general conclusions as well as making Third, although Turkey has a rich potential policy recommendations for sustainable tour- for non-mass forms of tourism development such ism development in Turkey in the era of as ecotourism, cultural and rural tourism, mass New Europe. coastal tourism was deliberately developed to First, Turkish authorities should recognize contribute to the short-term economic objectives that the preservation of floral and faunal diver- of successive governments during the 1980s and sity, maintaining cultural authenticity, considering 1990s. Various negative impacts of this uncon- community well-being, avoiding architectural trolled, unplanned and mismanaged tourism pollution alongside coastal zones, and protecting development, strongly driven by powerful 284 C. Tosun et al.

business interests and international tour opera- account new trends in the international tourism tors, have revealed coastal tourism destinations market and impacts of global change, Turkish to be exceeding their carrying capacity, to be decision-makers should pursue a careful evolu- architecturally polluted, and to be losing their tionary development approach to tourism policy, competitiveness in the international market. If destination marketing, environmental planning, Turkey wants the tourism industry to continue and the public administration of tourism in to contribute to her economy by generating order to best utilize opportunities emerging from employment for her increasing unemployed EU accession processes. young population and foreign currency earnings Finally, it is evident that tourism seems to desperately needed for the finance of industrial- have widened the developmental gaps between ization, a balanced product diversification regions in Turkey and elsewhere in many coun- strategy should be adopted. tries. For example, studies in many developing The following steps are recommended: countries in the Mediterranean basin, such as the former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, ● different steering committees involving rele- Morocco and Algeria, suggest that tourism has vant experts from a wide range of interests been playing a significant role in industrialization should be established to plan, develop and economic growth at the cost of regional, and manage relevant forms of tourism and class, and inter-/intra-generation inequality since design operational strategies for sustainable the 1970s (Allcock, 1986; Lea, 1988; Poirier, development; 2001; Tosun, 2001; Var and Imam, 2001). ● local communities should be encouraged Polarization of tourism investment in the rela- to participate in the development process tively developed regions of these countries may including key decision-making processes; be partly explained by comparative advantage ● while the steering committees in collabora- theory and the endowments accruing from that. tion with local people prepare plans and In this context, Turkey’s western regions have strategies to develop ‘niche’ tourism, care- experienced more growth because they are ful market segmentation for each form of better endowed with mass tourism resources tourism should be made – for example, the (Tosun et al., 2003, p. 150). However, wider requirements and profile of demand for factors, such as political-social stability, interest sport tourism will be different to those of of power groups, and preferences of central religious tourism; governments and international tour operators ● new forms of tourism should be developed may also have played an important role in within an incremental tourism planning the regional allocation of tourism investment. approach. Past experience of coastal tourism For example, Tosun et al. (2003, p. 157) argue development has shown that rapid devel- that opment is difficult to control and manage. Thus, necessary measures should be taken the political dimension of regional tourism to prevent further rapid tourism growth in development should also be considered. . . . environmentally and socially fragile destina- the political and social unrest ushered in by the Kurdish Workers Party’s (PKK) violence and tions. Encouraging small-scale investment terror activities have discouraged local, national and identifying an anticipated threshold for and international investors from investing in the each local destination may be used as a east and south-east regions of Turkey. policy instrument for incremental tourism development. Consequently, an unplanned spatial dicho- tomy has evolved in Turkish tourism between a Turkey’s accession to, and the further privileged space in the relatively developed enlargement of, the EU present opportunities regions along the coast and an underprivileged and pitfalls for both the Turkish and European space in relatively less developed regions in the tourism industries. It appears that the profile of interior of the country. tourism demand generated in the EU is tending Lessons from a number of countries sug- to change towards ‘alternative’ forms including gest that unless special measures are taken, cultural and heritage tourism. By taking into tourism may magnify development gaps between Turkey: EU Membership and Sustainable Tourism Development 285

regions. However, it is not the tourism itself wid- should be kept in mind that unless relatively ening such gaps. Political preferences of central undeveloped regions in a country are made governments, factor endowments of regions, attractive through various financial, fiscal and preferences of tourists in the international other possible means, any potential of the market and regional social-political stability tourism industry may not be able to be used together direct tourism investment towards as a tool to decrease regionally imbalanced certain regions in a country. In this context, it development.


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Irena Ateljevic and Sanda Corak

Introduction when speaking from the experience of a non- aligned country that experienced freedom of When speaking of the implications for Croatian mobility during much of the Cold War era (e.g. tourism of the enlargement of the European Allcock, 1991). Union (EU), one important aspect needs to be Within this context, the chapter addresses stressed in comparison to other Central and the most critical issues and implications of EU Eastern Europe countries (CEECs). Croatia, as enlargement for Croatian tourism over the next a former republic of the Socialist Federal decade. First, the Yugoslav wars of succession Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ), was not part of in the 1990s, also coincided with an apparent the Soviet bloc. Notably, up to the end of the early decline stage of tourism development 1980s, Yugoslavia was generating more hard based on the traditional ‘3S’ market. With currency tourism income than the rest of CEE; consumers seeking cultural and more active Croatia generated the lion’s share of this. It was experiences (e.g. Morgan and Pritchard, 2000), predominantly Western tourists who travelled the concentration of simple sun and sea con- to the Adriatic coast freely without any visa sumption could not sustain continuous tourism requirements, whilst people from CEE had to growth. Equally, local and global forces have go through difficult paperwork in their own created pressures for restructuring and reposi- country. They could only travel on business and tioning of the Croatian tourism product at package tours organized by their companies destination and national levels. and often with the goal of socialist ‘ideologically Conflict speeded the emergence of Croatia sound’ holidays. Milan Kundera writes in many as a newly independent state, but it also of his books (e.g. Kundera, 2002) about severely damaged the tourism industry (Ivanic Czech(oslovakian) dissidents who used their and Radnic, 1996) and demanded a re-imaging travel to Yugoslavia to escape to the West. away from pejorative notions of ‘Balkan-ness’ From the early 1960s, Yugoslavia devel- (Hall and Danta, 1996; Todorova, 1997), oped ‘market socialism’, where federal devolu- to create a clear and positive national brand tion and private sector expansion was allowed, (Hall, 2002). Paradoxically, the opening of particularly in the area of tourism. Questions of political borders and the end of conflict in and interregional flows and the overall restructuring around Croatia saw new emerging tourist flows of both tourism production and consumption from CEE in the mid-1990s providing a in CEE (e.g. Hall and Danta, 2000; Coles short-term fix which, in conjunction with transi- and Hall, 2005) take on a different dimension tional political and economic complexities, ©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and 288 Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity 289

postponed much-needed marketing, product Croatia, and since then has lived and worked and spatial diversification (Hall, 2003). abroad as a tourism academic in the ‘West’. By contrast, Sanda Dorak is currently the Director of the Institute for Tourism, which as a governmental research institution, constantly Aims and Objectives: from the needs to maintain a balance between the aca- Economic to the Cultural demic agenda and research for tourism industry and policy needs. Working in the Institute for the Against this backdrop, the aim of the chapter is last 20 years, and being at the interface between twofold. First, it will present an overview of tour- various tourism stakeholders within the private ism development in Croatia in the local context and public sectors, she has a rich experience of of post-conflict recovery and the regional con- observing dynamics of tourism processes in text of new Europe. Building on Hall’s (2003) Croatia. work on rejuvenation and diversification of tourism in the Eastern Adriatic, we will provide a brief historical background with the particular Tourism Development in Croatia: a focus on the last few years. Second, we respond Historical Background to the urge made by Coles and Hall (2005, pp. 53–54) to ‘go beyond the rhetoric and The origins of Croatian tourism can be traced hyperbole of sweeping generalisations made by back to the 19th century when a few popular (EU) tourism industry spokespersons’, to pro- seaside/health resorts, such as Opatija and Hvar vide an insider/cultural perspective by Croatian were hosting the European aristocracy of the authors. Hall (2002, 2003, 2004) has raised time. After World War II, the coast became this point elsewhere, pointing to the CEE’s eco- popular as a holiday destination for the domes- nomic transition literature which dominantly tic population of Yugoslavia. Because of a stresses political and economic factors whilst shortage of formal accommodation facilities, the social, cultural and psychological conditions local population started to be involved heavily remain overshadowed. in tourism, renting their own rooms, apartments Therefore, the first part of the chapter will and houses to tourists. Statistical data were first give a structuralist account of likely and future collected by the Central Bureau of Statistics in tourism development. The second part will 1960 with 10 million overnights recorded (see deconstruct the economic (mostly statistical) Fig. 22.1) (Weber, 1998). The initial domestic generalizations in an attempt to unravel the demand was followed by the rapid growth of complexity of culture and values that shape international tourism in the late 1960s and early tourism processes ‘on the ground’. Facing the 1970s as a result of three key factors: prospect of joining the EU in 2007, which basi- ● Yugoslavia fully opened its borders to cally requires conformity to EU governance and tourists from Western Europe; economic and social reorganizations, the issue ● the state began supporting tourism devel- of local values, traditions, attitudes and prac- opment by giving very favourable loans tices is critical. Our articulation of the cultural for major hotel investment which became is necessarily founded on a reflexive under- ‘socially owned’ enterprises; and standing of insider perspectives. We argue that ● the accessibility of the Adriatic coast and growing up in the early stages of the Croatian islands was improved by building new tourism boom in the 1970s, and subsequently roads, notably the Adriatic Highway, and making tourism the choice for our academic improving ferry links. careers, provide a useful historical and ethno- graphic position from which to comment on When tourism brought prosperity to what lies behind contemporary change. coastal Croatia, it slowed down the depopula- We draw on our similar but distinctive life tion (mostly economic emigration to Western experiences. Irena Ateljevic was born in a small Europe and the USA) that had characterized Adriatic fishing/tourist village and spent her much of maritime Yugoslavia and particularly first 27 years ‘breathing and living’ tourism in the islands (Weber et al., 2001). Being part of 290 I. Ateljevic and S. Corak

Fig. 22.1. Croatia: growth in registered bed-nights, 1960–1990. Source: Weber, 1998, p. 42.

Fig. 22.2. Croatia: measures of tourism development, 1987–2004. Source: Institut za Turizam, 2005. the traditional ‘3S’ market booming in Western especially of foreign tourism. In 1988, 96% of all Europe in the 1970s, tourism development in Croatian accommodation capacities, 93% of all coastal areas of former Yugoslavia (Slovenia, overnight stays and 97% of all foreign overnight Croatia and Montenegro) continuously grew. stays were concentrated on this littoral (RZzS, This reached its zenith in the late-1980s when 1989). While the coast had a tourism intensity it was claimed to be one of the world’s top (overnight stays per 100 inhabitants) of 4089 in ten international destinations (Pearce, 1991, 1988, the figure amounted to an average of just p. 224). With 1777 km of mainland coastline 122 in interior counties (Jordan, 2000). and 1185 islands, Croatia hosted over 80% Croatia’s attractions were thus summer of the overall tourist turnover of the former recreation and bathing at the sea combined with Yugoslavia (see Hall, 2003), registering 68m relatively low prices. Visitors were mainly families nights and 10m tourists in 1988, the peak year for whom Western Mediterranean holidays were of what had been continuous tourism growth too expensive (Studienkreis für Tourismus for 30 years (see Figs 22.1 and 22.2). Starnberg, 1989). Per tourist spend was much Extreme regional concentration was found lower in Croatia than in Spain or Italy (Jordan, on the Adriatic coast (mainland and islands), 2000) and the nature of this market and its Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity 291

motivations resulted in short seasons. In 1988, purpose-built tourist flats, apartments, and 59% of all overnight stays in Croatia were con- bungalows, constructed from the proceeds of centrated in July and August (61% at the coast), families renting their own residential space. 81% (84%) between June and September, and These facilities have been aligned with upgra- 91% (93%) May to October (RZzS, 1989). ded modern standards of hygiene and tech- The interior and major part of Croatia – nical specifications, catering to the perceived about two-thirds by area and population – has needs of Western consumers. As the state did been barely exploited for tourism purposes. not provide incentives or strategic direction for Urban and cultural attractions exist mainly in small-scale businesses, but primarily concen- and around Zagreb, but also in the baroque trated on bigger hotel investments in selected Varaydin, in Karlovac as a former centre of the areas of strategic importance, such as military border, Samobor, Osijek and Vinkovci, Dubrovnik (Vukonic, 2005), the locally based as well as a rural popular culture in those developments were organic and often chaotic. regions less affected by depopulation such The local entrepreneurial spirit is reflective of as Slavonia and North Croatia. A range of the socio-cultural context we discuss in the last spas, for example, at Varaydinske Toplice and part of the chapter. Krapinske Toplice, complement natural phe- Another group of significant entrepreneurs nomena such as the waterfalls of the 16 Plitvice were returning ‘guest-workers’ from Germany, lakes, karst phenomena in the Dinaric zone many of whom perceived tourism on the Adriatic such as caves, and in the Pannonian basin the coast as a lucrative business opportunity to capi- large floodplain woods of the Lonjsko polje and talize on their contacts and experiences acquired the KopaEki rit with their wealth of birdlife. working abroad. These individuals either built However, it has proved difficult to diffuse tour- tourist businesses on their own land inherited ism into rural areas, not least because of poor from parents (Vukonic, 2005) or acquired land infrastructure. Inadequate rural roads are espe- from local landowners, which then provided fur- cially damaging to this type of tourism, since ther capital impetus for locals to invest in their many potential tourists are travelling by car. properties and tourism businesses (Pearce, 1991, Most other facilities are also usually absent, p. 229). The significance of small-scale, local from high-quality accommodation to desig- involvement in tourism is illustrated in the fact nated walking paths, hiking trails, bicycle lanes, that by 1987, private accommodation providers attractive inns, park benches, shops and even- together with campsites comprised two-thirds of ing entertainment (Jordan, 2000). the overall accommodation capacity in Croatia Yugoslavia had broken from the Soviet (Institut za Turizam, 2005). The dual structure of bloc in 1948, and later employed its political the accommodation sector was built around two independence to introduce ‘market socialism’ major market segments: package groups, and based on worker ‘self-management’ of ‘socially independent travellers exemplified by the ‘young owned’ enterprises. Agriculture was predo- automobile society’ (Gosar, 1999, p. 67). minantly privately managed and small-scale, Supplementing the accommodation sector private sector development elsewhere was has been a plethora of cafes and restaurants, endorsed, particularly in tourism. Given the mostly small-scale and under private owner- nature of demand, the tourism industry has ship, displaying the second most dynamic been structured primarily around the accommo- domain of local tourism entrepreneurship. As a dation sector. There have been two main cate- consequence of tourism development, several gories of accommodation. The first is large, parallel processes were noticed and one of them publicly owned hotels catering to group book- was abandonment of the traditional economic ings and representing 32% of the overall activities of agriculture and fishing. Tourism accommodation capacity with average of 300 became almost a monoculture for many desti- beds per facility (Hitrec, 2000). The second is nations along the coast, with fishing boats used small-scale, family-run home-stay rentals, often for (mostly day) tours during summer months. on a room-by-room basis. The Adriatic coastline and the islands became This latter sector has been a dynamic area dependent on the tourism economy, and this of entrepreneurship with the emergence of was reflected in landscapes of increasingly large 292 I. Ateljevic and S. Corak

private houses with restaurants and private the development of a new tourism identity; rooms. The supply dominance of small tourism quality upgrading and removal of the image of firms challenged the assumption that ‘3S’ mass mass and low-budget tourism; an updating of tourism facilitated only large-scale projects that the sun/sea product; priority for projects with displaced local communities. benefits for the resident population; creation of The first decline after 30 years of continu- regional identities; inclusion of cultural identity; ous growth was registered in 1989 (from 68m and to present Croatia as a ‘green’ country with nights in 1988, down to 62m), signalling difficult large protected areas, clean coastal waters and times to come (Radnic and Ivanic, 1999). without overcrowded beaches (Jordan, 2000). Weber (1998, p. 40) argued that the develop- Unfortunately, the early implementation of these ment cycle of the Croatian tourism product strategies was not successful (e.g. DragiEevic from 1960 to 1990 was ‘almost a textbook et al., 1998). example of trends in a life cycle curve’. A homo- Radnic and Ivanic (1999) estimated the geneous market (seasonal, summer tourism and loss from unrealized tourism consumption dur- uniformity of motives for visiting) and product ing the conflicts at a minimum of US$14bn (seaside passive recreation at favourable prices), (1998 rates), excluding the physical damage formed the ingredients for the occurrence and to accommodation facilities. Recovery began identification of stagnation and decline. This slowly in 1997 and 1998 recorded 31.2m over- conclusion was further strengthened by the night stays (Institut za Turizam, 2005). By 2004, notion of declining value for money, tour opera- figures of 8.6m tourists and 46.7m overnight tor withdrawals, and uncoordinated promotion stays suggest that Croatia was on the road to (Weber, 1998). recovery (see Fig. 22.2). In this process of crisis and subsequent recovery, the changing structure of inter- From Crisis to New Horizons? national tourism markets paints an interesting picture (Table 22.1). Early tourist growth was The impact of conflict from 1991 to 1995 and experienced from CEE, particularly the Czech the subsequent Bosnian and Kosovo crises, sig- Republic, Hungary and Poland. Indeed, Czechs, nificantly reduced international tourist demand who have a tradition of spending vacations on to Croatia to around 10m nights and 2m visitors theCroatiancoastgoingbacktothelate19th in 1992 (see Fig. 22.2). The newly independent century, and who did not neglect it during the state of Croatia faced many challenges and Communist era, notably helped to fill the gaps losses. created by the absence of Western tourists The authorities took energetic steps to in the most critical years of Croatian tourism renovate tourism, which they regarded as the (Jordan, 2000). In 1994 they accounted for highest economic priority alongside agriculture, the largest number of foreign overnight stays and as the potential motor of the Croatian eco- (DZzS, 1995). nomy (Jordan, 2000). The Ministry of Tourism, Subsequent diversification of markets has Chamber of Commerce, and the Croatian Cen- not necessarily helped the repositioning of the tre of Tourism developed top-down approaches Croatian tourism product, as current demand for subsidiary and regional structures, initiated reflects characteristics typically associated with a profound reform of legislation and tried to early stages of the Western consumption of the internationalize management training. The ‘3S’ product in the 1960s and 1970s (Smeral, Ministry and the Institute of Tourism in Zagreb 1993). It is also interesting to observe that the produced ‘Development Strategies of Croatian most significant growth occurred in the early Tourism’ (Ministarstvo Turizma and Institut za post-conflict years. In the desperation to attract Turizam, 1993), and the Austrian consultants any form of tourist income, Croatia reduced Horwath provided a tourism master plan, prices significantly in the mid-1990s and turned co-financed by the Austrian government to what was perceived to be the inexperienced (Horwarth Consulting and Institut za Turizam, and lower end of the market (Weber, 1998). 1993). These documents proposed: a holistic Yet, Table 22.2 suggests that the more recent renewal and protection of all tourist attractions; years have shown a trend of declining visits from Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity 293

Table 22.1. Croatia: leading international tourist markets, 1987–2004.

% share in bed nights

Generating markets 1987 1989 1994 1997 2001 2004

Germany 29.1 28.3 19.4 21.9 25.2 25.7 Italy 7.1 9.5 11.5 13.5 12.1 12.4 Slovenia 11.5 11.3 13.3 15.1 13.5 12.0 Czech Republic 2.8 2.3 21.2 16.9 13.0 10.0 Austria 7.7 7.2 15.5 11.5 9.1 8.2 Hungary 1.2 1.4 5.8 3.1 4.1 4.9 Netherlands 3.8 5.1 1.8 2.5 2.8 4.0 Poland 1.0 0.6 0.9 2.8 6.6 3.0 France 1.8 1.7 0.9 0.4 0.6 2.9 Slovakia 1.4 1.2 2.7 4.5 3.5 2.6 Great Britain 7.9 8.2 0.7 1.3 1.4 2.3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6.5 6.5 1.6 2.0 2.1 1.8 Russian Federation 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.1 1.5 Sweden 0.9 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.4 1.1 Belgium 1.1 1.6 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.1 Other European countries 14.7 12.6 2.1 1.9 2.5 4.8 Other non-European countries 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.7

Source: Institut za Turizam, 2005.

Table 22.2. Croatia: regional distribution of tourist nights, 1987–2004.a

% share of total tourist nights

County (Zupanije) 1987 1989 1994 1997 2001 2004

Istarska 32.0 32.0 51.1 40.5 37.5 35.0 Primorsko-goranska 21.3 22.2 31.5 27.0 23.6 21.4 Splitsko-dalmatinska 16.3 16.4 5.7 11.6 14.0 14.7 Zadarska 7.0 6.8 1.0 5.9 7.7 9.3 Dubrovacko-neretvanska 10.4 10.1 2.3 5.4 7.2 8.3 Šibensko-kninska 4.9 4.7 0.6 3.3 4.8 5.3 Licko-senjska 2.1 2.1 1.0 1.6 1.8 2.3 The total % of tourist nights 93.9 94.2 93.2 95.5 96.7 96.3 in Adriatic regions The total % of tourist nights 6.1 5.8 6.8 4.5 3.3 3.7 in continental counties Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 aNautical tourism data not included. Source: Adapted from Institut za Turizam, 2005.

CEE and slow but steady growth from the tradi- the trend of pre-conflict times. While the tional Western markets of Germany and Italy. major hotel capacity remained more or less The accommodation sector as the main the same in the 1987–2004 period, small- area of tourism entrepreneurship has continued scale enterprises increased their share and in 294 I. Ateljevic and S. Corak



Fig. 22.3. Croatia: structure of the accommodation sector, 1987–2004. Source: Institutza Turizam, 2005.

2004 represented 73% of the overall accommo- and EU aspirations towards sustainability, Hall dation capacity (Institut za Turizam, 2005) (2003, 2004) speaks about the need in Croatia (Fig. 22.3). for product and spatial diversification away The re-emergence of tourism has been from the coast into various forms of rural facilitated by central government rhetoric and cultural tourism development. Table 22.2 aimed at transforming the concept of Croatia shows that out of 21 Croatian counties, seven through the development of a layer of ‘value- Adriatic-based regions continuously comprise added’ attractions and infrastructure. This layer an average of 94% of all tourist nights (Institut is based on the ‘stimulation and acceleration za Turizam, 2005). Thus, it could be concluded of privatisation process with general emphasis that tourist flows remain concentrated on on the development of entrepreneurship, partic- coastal-based tourist consumption. ularly in the area of the so-called economy of However, the spatial distribution of tourist small scale’ (Ministry of Tourism 1997, p. 14). flows cannot portray the full detailed story. In Reflecting this initiative, the Ministry of Tourism the last few years there have been some signifi- published Guidelines for Entrepreneurs in cant infrastructural, policy and industry devel- Tourism, in 1999 in conjunction with the state opments that suggest the mid-2010s will see a budget to secure funding for promoting tourism turning point in Croatian tourism. There are amongst small and medium-sized enterprises. several reasons for this. Changes to the structure of tourism admini- First, various associations and groups of stration have been aligned with broader policy ‘special-interest tourism’ have emerged for the initiatives facilitating economic transition within first time at the national level. The Croatian the European Union’s Agenda 2000 supporting Chamber of Economy has been the main leader SMEs in candidate countries. As such it is in the process, facilitating public and private argued that tourism entrepreneurs at the relationships between the central government micro level have a strategic role in the macro- and the tourism industry, forming associations integration of Croatia as a developed Western- in a number of sub-sectors: allied nation (Dulcic, 2000). ● private family-based accommodation pro- viders (home-stays); Product and Spatial Diversification ● health and well-being tourism; ● rural family-based tourism (agriturismo); Croatia is politically divided into 21 counties, ● cultural tourism; so-called Yupanija; 14 continental and seven ● adventure tourism; coastal counties (Fig. 22.4). Within stated global ● hotels and restaurants; Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity 295

Fig. 22.4. Croatia: the 21 administration counties. Source: University of Zagreb and CARNet, 2004.

● travel agencies; promote groups at various trade shows. Rural ● nautical tourism (comprising four different tourism growth has been particularly impres- groups of marinas, charters, cruisers and sive, as the number of rural tourism businesses boat trip operators, plus scuba diving). has grown from less than 100 in 1999 to 251 in 2003 (Croatian Chamber of Economy, 2005). The concept of associations is designed to The group of adventure tourism operators, create public–private alliances and the Cham- founded in 2004, soon registered more than ber of Economy plays an important facilitating 100 members involved in the provision of such role. It has designated (central and regional) activities as rafting, surfing, kayaking, trekking, offices with a range of responsibilities related to horse riding, paragliding, climbing, paintball, the regulation and organization of each specific mountain biking, jeep safaris and team build- sub-sector and their industry linkages with ing. Such product diversification does not other groups and players (e.g. international tour necessarily suggest spatial diversification, as the operators), to coordinate specific events and leaders of these developments tend to be projects, to build a database of resources and located in the coastal areas. For example, two product development opportunities, and to Adriatic-based, and traditionally the most 296 I. Ateljevic and S. Corak

successful, counties of Istria and Dubrovacka- launched the strategic vision for Croatia in the Neretvanska together comprise more than half 21st century with the central emphasis on tour- of all registered rural tourism projects. ism, identifying specific objectives for Croatian Alongside small-scale tourism entrepre- tourism to 2010 (USRH, 2002). The overall neurship, many large public–private projects rhetoric of the vision is based on principles of are in development. Targeting the top end of sustainability where tourism will serve as an the market, luxury hotels, resorts, wellness agent of economic and social development in centres and golf courses have been developing peripheral regions whereby the preservation of through joint ownership between central and natural and cultural resources is conditional local government. For example, for the for achieving the long-term sustainability of Riviera project in Istria, with €5bn investment Croatian tourism. The document promotes and potential of creating 5000 new jobs, the product and spatial diversification, but with a central government is investing 67% of the capi- particular emphasis given to rural tourism tal and the local county of Istarska the remain- development to alleviate problems of peripheral ing 33%. The project will include, in addition to regions, especially depopulation. the renovation of three existing hotels, luxurious Changing policies have been translated villas, polo fields and golf courses, the building into national marketing and branding by the of two new hotels, a new golf course and Croatian Tourist Board, which has changed its a wellness centre (Pesut, 2005). Another previous slogan of ‘Small country for a great example is Park Prevlaka, on the border with holiday to the Mediterranean – as it once was’, Montenegro, which already has a centre for which is meant to connote authenticity, atmo- adventure tourism (team building, free climb- sphere, rurality and nature, with no ‘artificial’ ing, kayaking, paintball and cycling) and has additives (N. Bulic, 2002, personal communica- major plans to be developed in partnership tions). The projection is thus the image of an between the central government and local county implicitly pre-mass package culture and envi- of Dubrovacko-Neretvanska. One billion euros ronment. Whereas under the general heading are being invested in a hotel resort with 2000 ‘About Croatia’, the , heritage and beds, wellness facilities, a conference centre, a cuisine are still dominantly promoted, the marina with the capacity for 300 yachts, a retail- ‘Tourism plus’ link lists the diversity of various ing area and luxurious auto-camp with the activities, such as horse riding, cycling, diving, capacity for 1000 visitors, and the restoration of pilgrim tourism, health tourism, kayaking, raft- a 19th century castle into a museum, night club, ing and adventure racing. The significant tourist wine cellar and luxurious restaurant (Pesut, investment made by the central government (as 2005). Many public–private partnership ‘green clearly shown in Table 22.3) represents a differ- field projects’, are planned for central Dalmatia. ent trend from the post-Communist reduction of In terms of general infrastructure, the major the role of the state elsewhere in CEE (Light, investment has been made in the construction 2000; Hall, 2004). of highways connecting the main centres of Zagreb, Rijeka, Split, Zadar, and Sibenik. The most significant of these is the Zagreb–Split Culture Versus Conformity highway, with a total length of 375.7 km (com- pleted in June 2005) which has significantly In our previous two sections we presented the improved traditionally difficult road access to overview of tourism development in Croatia central Dalmatia as a gateway for travel to the from the 1960s to today. The economic indica- Dalmatian islands. Dubrovnik remains relatively tors based on quantitative figures of tourist flows isolated by road (there is an international and investments reveal a number of structural airport) whereby a car journey from Zagreb can changes at national, regional and product take up to 8 hours. Other tourism investments level. At this point we want to return to our cul- for 2005 are shown in Table 22.3. tural perspective to deconstruct structural and The changing industry structure reflects de-personalized accounts and draw on our ‘inti- recent policy development whereby the Office mate’ experience of Croatian tourism through for the Strategic Development of Croatia has our personal and professional lives. Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity 297

Table 22.3. Croatia: estimated value of major tourism and infrastructural investments (to be) made in 18 counties in 2005.

County (Zupanije) ?m The nature of investments (the greatest share)

Istarska 191.3 Private sector (upgrade of existing hotels and resorts, new small-scale entrepreneurship in coastal and rural forms of tourism) Primorsko-goranska 135.5 Private sector (hotels; conference and wellness facilities) Dubrovacko-neretvanska 95.6 Private and public sector (luxurious hotels; public mega projects of historical and adventure-based products) Zadarska 11.8 Private and public sector (upgrade of existing hotel facilities; infrastructure: heritage signposting, roads; beaches; promenades, etc.) Splitsko-dalmatinska 35.5 Private and public sector (upgrade of existing accommodation facilities; infrastructure) Šibensko-kninska 9.9 Public sector (infrastructure: heritage signposting, roads, ferry links, harbour) Licko-senjska 3.7 Private and public sector (new hotels; skiing facilities; revival of historical sites to become tourist attractions, e.g. the only watermill in the country) Grad Zagreba N/ADiversification of existing hotels and first thematic hotel in the country (Movie hotel) Karlovacka Zupanija 0.3 Public sector (tourism infrastructure; cycling routes; tourism marketing); the region had major hotel investment in 2 new hotels in 2004 Sisacko-Moslavacka 0.7 Public sector (tourism infrastructure: 250 km of cycling route; revival of traditional Moslavian houses turned into accommodation facilities) Krapinsko-zagorska 1.3 Public sector (upgrade of existing and new health/wellness resorts) Varazdinska I Medjimurska 6.5 Public sector (500 km of cycling routes and health resort/wellness resort) Osjecko-Baranjska I N/A Public and private sector (new and upgrade of Vukovarsko-Srijemskab existing hotels inOsijek; re-build of 4-star hotel Lav in Vukovar; conference centres, small-scale rural tourism projects, stopover in Vukovar for Dunav cruises;Dunav beach on the border with Serbia) aGrad Zagreb had major investment in hotels and facilities between 2000–2004. bThe value of investments is not given; rural tourism projects are cited as family-based, eco-projects focused on gastronomy. Source: Pesut, 2005.

Irena Ateljevic was born in a small fishing unpaid work at the family ‘homestay tourist village which experienced a tourist boom in the operation’, helping her mother and grand- early 1970s. By the mid-1980s the local popula- mother. Her university study was supported by tion of around 1700 people ‘hosted’ tourist seasonal work over the summer. Being a Croat flows of up to 10,000 in the peak season married to a Serb at the time of the conflict months of July and August (Ateljevic and between Croats and Serbs, this pushed her Doorne, 2003). Irena worked in tourism from even further from her village: all the way to New the age of 13, which involved paid work in local Zealand. For her PhD she interviewed num- cafes and visitor information centres, as well as erous tourists and particularly younger visitors 298 I. Ateljevic and S. Corak

from Western Europe who revealed in the are very much a reflection of the traditional course of conversations that they had visited practice of financially supporting children and Croatia (or what they would often refer to as assuming a nurturing responsibility for them former Yugoslavia) with their parents and now throughout one’s life. The flourishing busi- were searching for more ‘exotic’ places far away nesses, particularly in the accommodation sec- from home (Ateljevic, 1998, unpublished PhD tor, originate from the fact that most parents thesis). build houses on two or three storeys expecting In contrast, Sanda Dorak was born in the their grown-up children to remain living in their capital of Zagreb and her early involvement family home where they can look after their (since the age of 2) was on the consumption grandchildren and then the younger generation side in the form of summer family holidays. takes care of parents when they grow old. So, Typically, and in the tradition which continues separate living space the rest of the year to the present day, the urban population of becomes apartments for renting which usually Zagreb (the capital city) travelled to the coast for requires the extended family to ‘squeeze’ into a their annual 2-week summer holiday, either common living space over the summer months. staying in their own second holiday homes or in Close family relationships also reflect a private accommodation. Throughout her life, deep-seated suspicion and mistrust of socialist Sanda has spent her summer holidays on the state institutions and banks, to the extent that the coast and islands, first with her parents and then extended family has become the main source of with her own family. Her research career began financial, social and emotional support. with the Institute for Tourism 20 years ago. The The legacy of being part of a (‘market’) position of observing and researching tourism socialist state for 45 years and the frequent shift- phenomenon for almost two decades created ing of political boundaries undermined local many frustrations which prompted her to trust in the public sector, particularly with res- become more actively involved in shaping and pect to benefits received from collective taxa- influencing the future of Croatian tourism. In tion. The socialist system of public ownership, 2001, she established the Zagreb School of which ensured the absence of individual Management – Tourism Studies, to pass her accountability, provided political protectionism enthusiasm and knowledge to new generations. and privileges and eroded any sense of public In our reflections, while acknowledging good. As a result, many small, family-run busi- regional cultural differences at many different nesses traditionally have chosen to distance levels (north/south, coast/interior, islands/coast, themselves from formal taxation, either by urban/rural) we have identified a number of remaining unregistered or disguising income by interconnected social elements which have not registering all guests. underpinned local entrepreneurial spirit and In this context, coupled with the lack of regu- the dominance of small-scale businesses. These lation of the small-scale tourism sector, many relate to: local businesses flourished in the absence of strict tax control, enabling locals to generate capital ● the patriarchal society and the inter- over a short period of time. The extent to which generational nature of businesses, gender tourism sustained the local economy is illustrated and family; in the fact that many families in coastal areas ● black-market practice, informal economy generated sufficient tourism income over the and local resourcefulness; and 2 months of peak summer business to sustain ● local politics, personal economies and social themselves for the rest of the year (additionally networks. supported by fishing and their own subsistence In a country with strong historical ties with agriculture). Furthermore, the savings accumu- the Roman Catholic church, where today 90% lated over two decades of the tourism ‘golden of the population claims to be Catholic (Stati- age’ (1970s and 1980s) were so significant that sticki Ured Hrvatske, 2003), it is not surprising they helped people to ‘survive’ the war years and that family values are deeply embedded in soci- the cessation of tourism in the early 1990s. ety. The consistency of local ownership and the In an intensely patriarchal society, where intergenerational nature of tourism businesses the birth of a son is always to be celebrated, Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity 299

issues of gender and tourism in the Balkans are free trade, taxation, formalized relationships yet to be fully explored. Family businesses and and transparency are widely perceived as a properties are inherited down the male line: potential threat, an economic ‘other’. when women marry it is generally expected that they will move into their husbands’ houses. In such a living space the extended family makes Conclusion rules and creates certain expectations of what is the proper behaviour of ‘a good wife, mother The description and interpretation of Croatian and daughter-in-law’. tourism and its entrepreneurial characteristics In a masculine culture where many domes- over the last 45 years reveals a complex web of ticated responsibilities are considered to be structural and social/agency elements, which beneath male dignity, activities such as making condition and shape the nature of the industry. beds and cooking for guests are traditionally On the basis of the descriptive account of eco- regarded as a ‘natural’ extension of women’s nomic indicators in the first part we could easily domestic role. In contrast, their husbands main- conclude that EU regulations and the conformity tain financial control and the male role generally necessary for accessing the enlarged European involves the broader orientation of the business Community are bringing positive changes to based around male social networks, and any Croatian tourism. Emerging product and spatial technical and maintenance requirements. diversification suggest that Croatia is at the As well as local and personal politics the turning point of its tourism development. Yet, we structure of the industry and economy is very also illustrate the role of local culture as the prin- much enmeshed in the wider dynamics of party ciple regulator of the economic, which simulta- politics. During the socialist era membership of neously reveals elements and practices in which the Communist Party would secure power for the cultural manifests as materialization of the individuals and, similarly, the significance of the economic (see Crang and Malbon, 1996). The Nationalist Party during the 1990s prevailed. It cultural context described here through the use should be noted that despite the oscillations of of insider perspectives reveals a rationality politics, the relationships and often the roles of through which social structures, politics and individuals within political structures have economy are maintained and advanced despite remained relatively consistent. The widespread the last decade of political instability, upheaval practice of mito (baksheesh) represents a trans- and war. Horvat (1999) identifies the Croatian parent form of ‘taxation’ involving favours and entrepreneurial culture as suffering from preferential treatment not only for services, but post-war stress, yet it is still grounded in tradi- for all facets of social, political and economic tional values and orientations to family and interactions, such as securing a job or a child- community networks. She suggests that culturally care place. These forms of exchange are based specific attitudes to work and lifestyle provide on personal economies and social networks, stability, while at the same time providing initia- usually formed around extended family rela- tive and motivation for entrepreneurs at the local tions, geographic and ethnic connections. The level. So, when speaking about the implications social skills and resourcefulness required for of the potential access of Croatia to the EU it economic survival in this environment are a key becomes clear that political and socio-cultural characteristic of the cultural context of entrepre- elements represent key ingredients which can neurship, and is not only apparent in political explain the speculations of how well (or not) dealings but prevail in most managerial and Croatia will conform to the ‘EU embrace’. The operational activities. The nature of current fact that the delivery of the claimed war criminal product diversification in tourism, for example, General Gotovina (locally a hero) to the Hague reflects socio-cultural resourcefulness, since tribunal jeopardized inauguration of EU acces- local entrepreneurs generally remain uncon- sion negotiations, derives from an intricate vinced about the value of state assistance and geo-political history entangled with issues of support. In this context, increasingly rigorous tradition and identity. government regulation, privatization and the We have tried to reflect how social and shift towards EU and the Western systems of cultural identity has been perpetuated in its 300 I. Ateljevic and S. Corak

traditional form. One of the most persistent char- Despite decades of change with respect to acteristics of the cultural environment remains national and regional affiliations at the political the nature of gender division in terms of work level, the persistence of tourism and its represen- roles and attitudes, which act to reaffirm patriar- tation has provided a continuity of local and chal and social relations. It is these cultural attri- regional identity. Yet critical issues of gender, butes closely associated with place, landscape ethnicity and family relations as sources of power and its people, which simultaneously form the structures and dominant ideologies in South- principle elements of the tourism product. eastern Europe remain to be fully explored.


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Conclusions This page intentionally left blank 23 Summary and Conclusions

Melanie Smith and Derek Hall

This book has aimed to provide an overview of The overview chapters and section introduc- the tourism implications of accession for the tions served as a means of highlighting some of EU’s most recent member states, those coun- the geographical, historical, political and social tries that still wish to join, and those that are similarities between certain groups of countries directly or indirectly affected by EU enlarge- (i.e. The Baltic States, East Central Europe, the ment. One of the key conclusions that emerges, Mediterranean islands of Malta and Cyprus, not suprisingly, is that it is difficult to generalize and those countries seeking accession). Many about the impacts of EU accession on the coun- countries clearly feel a certain affinity to each tries in question. Impacts are varied and more other, and this may be expressed in terms of research is required to ascertain the extent to economic and political binding agents, such which accession has had a direct impact on as that of the Visegrad Group (see Chapters 1 tourism development. In the case of the CEE8 and 8). They are often bound by common lega- in particular, EU accession has followed a cies of occupation, colonization or oppression, process of complex political and social transi- and subsequent liberation, as well as by culture tion. It is therefore sometimes difficult to sepa- and environment. Indeed, the EU will have ful- rate the impacts of this ‘new’ process from the filled one of its original objectives if the common ongoing implications of the ‘old’. Indeed, a affinities and historical antagonisms shared central issue that applies to most tourism impact by member countries are expressed no more studies is the degree to which the consequences belligerently than on the front-stage provided of tourism development processes can be distin- by the annual Eurovision Song Contest, which guished from those of wider change agents of has become notable for apparent mutual voting development, restructuring, modernization and allegiances among neighbouring countries and globalization. historic allies (BBC News Online, 2004). The diversity of the countries included in While the book has not claimed to be this book manifests itself in their political struc- comprehensive in its coverage, it has aimed to tures, their policy frameworks, the priority that provide the reader with an introductory under- tourism is accorded, their economic situation, standing of some of the most significant issues and their social and cultural differences. The relating to tourism in the new Europe. These rationale for including a country-by-country include the policies and structures of the new analysis was to demonstrate this diversity while EU (Anastasiadou, Chapter 2); the social and highlighting key factors that are pertinent to all cultural complexities of unification and expan- EU members, newly acceded and otherwise. sion (Smith and Hall, Chapter 3); the global

©CAB International 2006. Tourism in the New Europe: the Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement (eds D. Hall, M. Smith and B. Marciszewska) 305 306 M. Smith and D. Hall

impacts of EU enlargement (Hall, Chapter 4); countries) consider the benefits of EU accession and the educational and training implications to far outweigh the disadvantages. As a sum- (Richards, Chapter 5). The regional overviews mary, accession to the EU can create a number aimed to contextualize the individual country of important benefits for countries. These chapters further (Jordan, Chapter 6; Komppula include: and colleagues, Chapter 12; Alipour and Hall, ● increased liberalization and competition Chapter 16; and Hall and Smith for Section 5). leading to greater productivity and growth; Within this framework, individual country ● employment creation and new opportuni- authors were then asked to provide an overview ties for migrant workers; of contemporary developments in tourism in ● harmonization of legislation; their respective countries, emphasizing in parti- ● increased business investment opportunities; cular the extent to which accession or aspira- ● freedom of movement for EU citizens; tions towards accession have been influential. ● access to EU funds; The remainder of this chapter therefore offers a ● opportunities to join the euro and stabilize summary of some of the key issues raised, while currencies; addressing issues relating to the future direction ● ongoing liberalization of civil aviation and of the EU, tourism, education, and research. the consequent growth of the low-cost airline It is unfortunate that tourism is still accorded sector; such a relatively low priority in EU policy- ● ease of cross-border trading; making and funding (as noted in Chapters 1, 2 ● educational mobility, new skills develop- and 4). The European Commission’s Tourism ment and training programmes; Unit (part of Directorate-General Enterprise) ● guidelines for nature and heritage conser- aims to undertake projects in such fields as sus- vation; tainable tourism, networking, regulation and ● rising standards of living and quality of life; skills development, but support is still woefully and inadequate. Personal attendance at one of the ● image enhancement. Unit’s annual European Tourism Forums dem- onstrated only too clearly the vagaries of EU Nevertheless, it should not be implied that tourism policy and research. It is therefore EU accession is some kind of panacea, or that unsurprising that many countries endeavour to EU accession processes are necessarily the most undertake their own policy-making, planning appropriate. Indeed, Smith (2000) has argued and research for tourism independently of EU that negotiation of ‘framework agreements’ for frameworks. Indeed, it is clear from some of the wider post-Cold War European order has the chapters in this book (e.g. Chapter 3) that both exposed contradictions in the EU’s perfor- many countries are starting to question their mance, and raised questions about its capacity involvement in the EU project at all (e.g. rejec- to shape the ‘new Europe’ in the face of conflict tion of the Constitution, and fears about the in South-eastern Europe, social unrest in some euro). of its founding members, and rejection of its Nevertheless, it appears that change might proposed constitution (see also Graham and be forthcoming if the words of the EU Commis- Hart, 1999). sioner for Enterprise and Industry are to be Most accession countries are aware that the believed. He stated that tourism had been iden- symbolic implications of EU accession are more tified as one of three key sectors where sustain- significant than economic or financial ones. able growth and job creation were anticipated: Regional aid from Brussels is notoriously miserly. As The Economist (2004) has sug- Tourism is a sector that needs more political gested, ‘it is what EU membership inspires – attention . . . Tourism has a huge potential in political stability, economic openness, fiscal Europe that is not fully exploited, in particular after the EU enlargement. rectitude – not what it provides that counts’. (HOTREC, 2005) However, access can be created for funds and grants that can benefit tourism development, It also seems to be the case overall that but as noted in Chapter 1, funds are not specifi- most countries (especially the newer accession cally allocated for tourism, therefore countries Summary and Conclusions 307

have to couch their bids in such terms that give areas as mobility, transport, law, justice, envi- priority to other issues, such as regional devel- ronment, health, culture and education. Its opment or social regeneration (Coles and Hall, benchmarking role in relation to assessing 2005). Such funding programmes include accession eligibility was, at the time of writing, INTERREG (cross-border projects), LEADER proving to be critical for the applications of (for boosting rural economies), URBAN (for Turkey and Croatia in relation to human rights regenerating cities and creating social benefits), issues. EQUAL (for human resources development), Freedom of movement for new EU citizens and PHARE (assisting pre-accession require- is creating wider opportunities (despite the cost ments). Most of the countries discussed in this differentials). These include new educational, book have benefited significantly from structural cultural and work opportunities, as well as pos- and cohesion funds. sibilities of visiting friends and relatives more eas- However, it is clear that the benefits of ily. However, a disadvantage for the VFR market accession are uneven both within and between is that new visa requirements for non-EU coun- new member states. Although cheap labour is tries have created barriers to cross-border travel an attractive feature of many accession coun- for ethnic groups now straddling EU external tries, it is noticeable that income levels are borders. Such impositions have also adversely often not commensurate with the cost of living affected cross-border petty-trading and shopping and the rising prices of consumer goods and tourism (e.g. see Chapter 8). It is difficult to say services. There are still fears that accession whether this will increase or decrease the degree countries (particularly in Central and Eastern of illegal trafficking in border regions. Europe) continue to act as a playground for One of the most positive aspects of acces- rich, foreign investors with little or no knowl- sion, as noted by Richards in Chapter 5, is that a edge of local markets, culture or language. degree of commonality and consistency in the Opportunities for travel on low-cost airlines European education and qualifications system also appear to be biased in favour of Western has led to opportunities for mobility and generating countries, given income differentials. exchange, access to international curricula and Consequently, (particularly leisure) travel from languages, as well as increasing specialization in many of the new accession states is often tourism education. Nevertheless, there is still a severely limited. need to develop closer links to the tourism One positive benefit of EU membership industry and further develop vocational training that is mentioned by many of the authors is the to improve career opportunities. Indeed, one of enhancement of destination image or brand the biggest problems that continues to affect the value. Tourist perceptions of safety and quality coherent development of tourism in the EU is are of considerable importance, especially as the seemingly unbridgeable gap between aca- we are led to believe that the world has become demic institutions offering tourism courses, and a more insecure place within which to travel. It the apparent needs of the tourism industry. should also be noted that many EU citizens (up Tourism professionals still view academics with to 75%) never travel beyond the EU (European some suspicion, and academics often seem Commission, 2003). A further positive impact is incapable of communicating their often excel- that accession countries are bound by legisla- lent research and consultancy skills to the indus- tion regarding the protection of natural and cul- try (and not least to EU tourism policy-makers). tural heritage. The Common Agricultural Policy, The major objectives of ATLAS (the Association in urgent need of reform, may also help to sup- for Tourism and Leisure Education), founded port many of the new accession countries in the by Greg Richards in 1991, are likely to play short term. However, EU membership has also a pivotal role in the future development of created extra pressure on those countries to European tourism education and research, and modernize and address important issues of in the establishment of relationships between health and safety, often an expensive process. tourism industry representatives, EU policy- Overall, adoption of the principles of the Acquis makers and tourism academics. Communautaire is important in the harmoniza- Overall, destinations in the new accession tion of legislation and of regulation in such key countries currently stand to benefit considerably 308 M. Smith and D. Hall

from tourism. The WTO (2003) notes that ● skiing tourism – where accession countries Europe is losing its market share as the world’s can compete in terms of novelty value and largest receiving region. Although this trend relatively low cost; and began before 1999, one reason for its continu- ● health and spa tourism – a long tradition ation is that euro-zone countries have suffered for many countries, especially in ECE. considerable price increases in recent years, which has had a negative impact on tourism. The development and promotion of more As well as the relatively low value of the US intangible aspects of culture and heritage (e.g. dollar (and thus other currencies pegged relating to indigenous communities and ethnic against it), and the continued overall vigorous minorities) is also a potential growth sector, but growth of the Pacific rim, a further factor is that the political implications of such decisions often many established European destinations have still need to be addressed. reached saturation point. The role of the acces- Indeed, in social and cultural terms, the sion countries in creating unique and innova- creation of a unified Europe has been more tive products – an argument voiced at least a problematic than political or economic integra- decade and a half ago (Hall, 1991) – may tion. The restructuring of Europe after 1989 therefore be pivotal to the continued growth of has been a complex process. Clearly, the com- tourism in Europe, especially as prices are still prehensive reorientation of political econo- relatively competitive. Although infrastructural mies, coupled, in the case of the Baltic States, limitations and service quality problems con- Czech and Slovak republics and Slovenia, tinue to constrain otherwise healthy tourism with a new-found independence, is bringing growth rates, the apparent popularity of long-term benefits that are being further up-market hotels has increased considerably in enhanced by EU accession, despite short-term the eight CEE accession countries. One expla- tensions in some cases. Indeed, some of the nation put forward is that just because travel- more intangible aspects of identity still need to lers fly with budget airlines, they do not be addressed. A decade and a half ago, many necessarily stay in budget accommodation, but countries were keen to extricate themselves indeed may spend the money saved on travel from particular political blocs and structures to upgrade their accommodation quality (EU and to create their own sense of nationhood. In Business, 2005). The impact of budget airlines some cases, this has exacerbated nationalism on many of the new accession countries has and problems for ethnic minorities and migrant clearly been significant in assisting an almost workers in such countries. In others, it has led exponential growth in the number of arrivals to a degree of uncertainty and anxiety amongst at several airports, the impacts of which are (particularly older) citizens, who have been being extended to secondary regions and unsure how to embrace fully a sense of demo- towns. cracy and to perceive benefits deriving from a Rural tourism in particular is seen as being capitalist economy. Uncertainty of identity has a potentially lucrative sector for the CEE8. In sometimes created confusion about how to the Mediterranean, Malta and Cyprus have deal with legacies from the past and displaced been seeking to diversify into village tourism for symbols of hegemony and oppression. Even some time, to gain added value from combining thecreationofauniquedestinationimagein elements of the natural, rural environment and terms of marketing and promotion has been a cultural heritage. Indeed, cultural tourism con- challenging process for some countries that tinues to be a growth market in accession coun- were under-developed (or, somewhat para- tries, even as the post-transition fascination with doxically, over-urbanized), and which con- communist heritage wanes. Many countries are veyed a negative image, or more commonly, turning their attention towards even more no specific image at all (at least to potential lucrative markets, such as: international visitors steeped in Cold War perceptions). ● business tourism – only really a possiblity Culturally, there have always been dilem- for destinations with good access, infra- mas within the European context about how structure and quality facilities and services; far to celebrate and promote a common Summary and Conclusions 309

European heritage, or even to identify what than expected, even in countries where there that means. In many ways, it has been easier were fewer restrictions (e.g. Britain, Ireland for politicians and policy-makers to focus on and Sweden) (see also Coles and Hall, 2005). selling the benefits of economic and political Germany and France have been grappling unification than to try to engage citizens in with problems of unemployment, and the 2005 complex debates about social or cultural unity. riots in France demonstrated clearly the politi- It is no coincidence that many countries and cal, social and economic disenchantment of regions have asserted their autonomy all the the population. By contrast, the British needed more strongly at a time when there is perceived to fill gaps in the labour market, in such areas pressure to further affiliate themselves to an as construction, semi-skilled manual work and apparently homogenizing supranational bloc. health-care provision. Fears about globalization and a concomitant Of course, many Western companies are trivialization of cultures, has led to excessive more than happy to exploit the cheap labour protectionism or even violent protest. Region- that exists in CEE and elsewhere, and residents alism is also still a strong underlying movement from neighbouring countries have always in Europe (e.g. Rodriguez Pose and Gill, benefited from cheap, cross-border shopping. 2003). Many of the tensions about economic It should also be remembered that many of the and political inequality and social and cultural countries and their inhabitants who are now identity originate from regions trying to assert complaining about enlargement think nothing autonomy or claiming the need for greater of colonizing other countries’ coastlines as support. It is clear that tourism can act as a tourists and buying up second homes, pricing powerful tool for regional development, the local residents out of their own market. The diversification of economies, and the projec- very countries whose citizens are now being tion of regional imagery, but it cannot solve rejected as migrant workers ironically tend political and social problems directly. to be those countries that are proving to be As noted earlier, it is interesting that the the most attractive to Western investors and most resistance to EU enlargement seems to tourists. be emerging within the older members of Concern continues over problems of persis- the EU. Fears of expansion are particularly tent racism against ethnic minorities, in both old pronounced in such founding countries as and new EU members states, where right-wing Germany and France. Germany in particular nationalism has emerged in the former as a reac- fears a repeat of the economic consequences tion to perceived levels of in-migration, and in of the reunification process, whereby eastern the latter as a reaction to years of Communist Länder became a heavy burden on the state’s oppression (or even as a continuation of some of exchequer. In 2004, some EU15 countries the more fascistic tendencies of its mentality). imposed work permits in order to restrict the Although some anti-Islamic expression has been number of migrant workers from new acces- stimulated by a series of terrorist attacks across sion countries. It has become a media cliché Europe and elsewhere, much of the tension is that the French rejected the EU Constitution in historical and unfortunately deep-seated. For 2005 because they had been overwhelmed by example, anti-semitism is well-documented in Polish plumbers: Poland (e.g. Kimel, 1996), and prejudice against The fear of the Polish plumber became Roma people continues in Hungary, Slovakia a symbol, a symbol of a danger for France and elsewhere (e.g. Hancock, 1994). The elec- and a symbol of the possibility to make a tion of the conservative new President in Poland social criticism of the constitution project. (2005) also resulted in demonstrations by gays The constitution became a symbol of the EU and lesbians against homophobia (Ireland, enlargement and the Polish plumber 2005). the symbol of the social danger of cheap Although some countries seeking acces- labour against the French social model. sion have been criticized over their human (Radio National, 2005) rights or war crimes records, it would be of Leonard (2005) notes that the actual increasing pertinence for all EU members to number of migrant workers was much lower closely examine their own policies of tolerance, 310 M. Smith and D. Hall

inclusiveness and integration. As indicated in widespread in Europe and is vital to the future Chapter 1, an economic survey in 1999 found of many destinations (Smith, 2006). the then pre-accession states more suitable for The debate continues on where the (politi- EU membership than two or three of the cal, psychological, social and cultural) borders incumbent EU15. The same might equally of Europe are and should be. European Union apply in the field of social and cultural develop- membership may be viewed by outsiders as ment today. something of a cosy club, despite extensive Social unrest clearly has profound impli- enlargement. The EU is often perceived as cations for tourism. Not only does it create a rather inward-looking, self-serving and overly temporary situation of insecurity and fear, protectionist. Political and economic frame- which can deter visitation across a wide works can facilitate tourism development, but geographical area, it can severely damage the it is arguably the social, cultural and environ- long-term image of countries and regions. mental policies that ultimately shape the future Research has shown that the most productive, of a healthier, happier and more integrated economically prosperous and creative cities Europe. These are still under-prioritized. None are those with high levels of tolerance and the less, notwithstanding its ongoing difficul- inclusion regardless of colour, ethnicity, class, ties, the EU project is one of the most progres- gender, ablement or sexual orientation (e.g. sive, democratic and exciting initiatives in the Pritchard and Morgan, 2000; Florida, 2002). world today. Most member states can only In addition, it is often the case that minority benefit from their involvement, and tourism is groups, as distinct ‘communities’, can and an integral part of Europeanization. This book have provided some of the most exciting new has represented an opportunity to contribute developments in tourism (e.g. Caribbean to this process and to the exchange of ideas, Carnivals, Asian Mela Festivals, China Towns, not least through the medium of the ATLAS ‘ethnoscapes’, gay quarters) (e.g. Richards and networking organization, and we end by Hall, 2000). In fact, many such developments identifying key themes for carrying forward are integral to the regeneration of former debate, both inside and outside the ATLAS industrial cities, a process that is becoming framework (Box 23.1).

Box 23.1. Key themes for further debate.

● The importance of continuity as well as change. ● The problem of distinguising the impacts of tourism from other change processes. ● The ongoing role and impacts of low-cost airlines. ● A continuing element of uncertainty concerning the 2004 accession (particularly relating to Cyprus). ● The uncertainty of future enlargement. ● The significance of continuing Balkan instability linked to future enlargement. ● The tourism significance of the EU’s relationship with other supranational organizations such as NATO. ● The relatively miserly attitude within the institutions of the EU towards tourism, despite its important economic and integrating role in Europe. ● The interrelationships between different mobilities – tourism, migration, cross-border petty trading and shopping, retirement and second homes – being influenced by the nature and role of transport and transport infrastructures, and the role of internal and external borders. ● Tourism and citizenship, and the nature, role and appropriateness of European identity. ● The interrelationships between tourism, education and culture (and implicitly mobility). ● The likely geographical consolidation of the EU in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions and the emphasis this will bring to the important continuing role of mass tourism. ● Climate change and the possibility of future constraints on fossil fuel-dependent travel. Summary and Conclusions 311


BBC News Online (2004) Ukraine celebrates Eurovision win. BBC News Online, 16 May. Available at: Coles, T. and Hall, D. (2005) Tourism and European Union enlargement. Plus ça change? International Journal of Tourism Research 7(2), 51–61. EU Business (2005) Luxury hotels cash in on tourism boom in new EU countries. EU Business, 21 June. Available at: European Commission (2003) Tourism and the European Union. Brussels: European Commission. Available at: Florida, R. (2002) The Rise of the Creative Class. New York: Basic Books. Graham, B. and Hart, M. (1999) Cohesion and diversity in the European Union: irreconcilable forces? Regional Studies 33(3), 259–268. Hall, D.R. (ed.) (1991) Tourism and Economic Development in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. London: Belhaven Press. Hancock, I. (1994) The Consequences of Anti-Gipsy [sic] Racism in Europe. Warsaw: Joint Seminar on Roma (Gypsies) in Europe, September 20–23. Available at:∼bcj/issues/ two/hancock_text.html HOTREC (2005) Commissioner Verheugen: Tourism Among EU Commission’s Top Priorities. Brussels: HOTREC press release, 18 February. Available at: Meeting%20Verheugen-18.02.05-EN.pdf Ireland, D. (2005) Gay Eurosocialists organize alliance, demonstration for Polish gays in Paris. Direland, 31 October. Available at: Kimel, A. (1996) The Jews and the Poles. Online-Holocaust-Magazine December. Available at: Leonard, D. (2005) How Many Polish Plumbers? London: Foreign Policy Centre. Available at: Pritchard, A. and Morgan, N. (2000) Constructing tourism landscapes – gender, sexuality and space. Tourism Geographies 2(2), 115–139. Radio National (2005) The Europeans: 150 Polish plumbers. Radio National, 19 June. Available at: Richards, G. and Hall, D. (eds) (2000) Tourism and Sustainable Community Development. London: Routledge. Rodriguez Pose, A. and Gill, N. (2003) The global trend towards devolution and its implications. Environ- ment and Planning C 21(3), 333–351. Smith, M. (2000) Negotiating new Europes: the roles of the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy 17(5), 806–822. Smith, M.K. (ed.) (2006) Tourism, Culture and Regeneration. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. WTO (World Tourism Organization) (2003) Performance and Trends of International Tourism in Europe. Warsaw: VI CEI Summit: Economic Tourism, 19–20 November. This page intentionally left blank Index

Abazzia see Opatija Agenda 21 143, 187–8 accommodation 15, 75, 116, 148, 151, 156, 158, Agenda 2000 16, 294 164, 167, 175, 200, 214, 216, 227, 232, agriculture 12–3, 34, 44–5, 50, 81, 129, 140, 151, 247, 259, 271–4, 289–93, 298 184–5, 188–91, 217, 233, 244, 266, 282, campsite 105, 294 291, 298 capacity 173–4, 176, 180, 187, 200, 214, agrotourism see rural tourism 231–2, 248–50, 271, 274, 283, 290, Air Baltic 174, 179 293–4 Air Berlin 120 facilities 124 Air Malta 219–20 guesthouse/home-stay 176, 289, 294 air transport see transport hostel/rest house 105, 124, 245 air travel see low-cost airlines; transport hotel 105, 116–7, 121–4, 132, 142, 148, 162, Alanya 280 176, 179, 200, 205, 214, 219, 221, Albania 4, 7, 11–2, 239, 241 226–7, 229, 231–2, 235, 248–9, alcohol 97–9, 141, 150–1, 159, 165 251–3, 259, 282–3, 289, 293–7, 308 Algeria 284 motel 176 Alps 75, 81–2 occupancy 84–5, 108–9, 111, 116–7, 122, Americanization 35 143–6, 151, 158–63, 176–7, 180, Amsterdam 6, 113, 165, 179 187, 227, 229, 242, 274, 290, 293 Anatolia 238, 271–7 price 214, 246 Ankara 204, 237–8, 283 quality 78, 86–7, 116, 121, 123, 125, 132, Annan Plan 224–5, 232–5 173, 176–7, 184, 214–6, 245, 249, Antalya 226 252, 291, 297 Antwerp 113 rural 176–7, 184, 187, 189, 219 Arabian Gulf 47 sanatorium 124 Armenia 238 self-catering 105, 289, 292, 294, 298 Asia 40–1, 47, 174, 180, 238–9, 271, 278, 310 VAT rate 173, 180 Atatürk, Kemal 238 acquis communautaire 13, 224, 235, 307 atheism 33 Adriatic Airways 85 Athens 16, 202–3 Adriatic Sea/coast 82–3, 238, 288–91, 295–6 ATLAS xv, 4, 52, 307, 310 adventure/activity tourism 14, 75, 114, 120, 128–9, attractions 15, 38–41, 116, 127, 129, 178–80, 189, 161, 178, 184, 216, 231, 245–6, 251, 244, 271–5, 291 274–5, 288, 294–6 Australia 44, 85, 166 Aegean 238, 271–2, 274–7, 282 Austria 3–4, 7, 9, 12, 23–4, 59, 65–79, 81–7, 92, aerospace 14 94–6, 98, 100–1, 104, 116–8, 124, Africa 209 159–60, 162–3, 183, 250, 253, 292–3, North 35, 200 295 ageing society/market 77, 150, 171, 178, 187, 191, Austria-Hungary 12, 65–6, 77, 81, 122, 199, 238–9, 205, 216, 226, 245, 279–81, 308, 310 265

313 314 Index

authenticity 41, 265–6, 272–3, 281, 283, 296 112–3, 116, 120–1, 143, 147, 199, 203, Ayia Napa 226, 230 238, 245, 247, 249, 256–7, 262, 266, 275, 288, 292–3, 307–9 Central Europe 34–5, 52, 81, 86–7, 92, 118–9, 121, backpacking tourism 60, 154, 164, 167 139, 147, 238–9, 263–4 Balaton, Lake 35, 66–7, 73–4, 116, 118, 120, 122 certification see quality indicators Balkan mountains 242–4, 253 chaos theory 13 Balkanism/Balkan-ness 260, 266–7, 288 China 12 Balkans 7–8, 13, 16, 47, 142, 238, 246, 299, 310 Churchill, Winston 6 Baltic coast 128, 155, 178, 183–93 CIS 101, 171, 174, 247 Baltic Sea 112, 139–43, 154, 170, 183–93 citizenship 6, 17, 35–6, 142, 235, 237, 310 Baltic states 3, 12–4, 16, 33, 39, 137–93, 199, 305, city breaks see urban tourism 308 climate 104, 187, 199, 201, 213, 217, 221, 244, Banská Bystrica 92 263–4 Barcelona 42 change 87, 112, 310 Basque provinces/country 32, 35 clusters 37, 123, 143, 242 Bavaria 67 CMEA 12, 239, 241, 247 Belarus 4, 8, 11, 145, 158, 170, 180, 183–4, 250 coastal tourism 14, 41–2, 66, 73, 81–3, 86, 94, 128, Belgium 4, 7, 9, 24, 79, 85, 170, 250, 293 145, 147, 151, 156, 180, 183–93, 206, Belgrade 12 214–5, 221, 225, 233, 238, 241–4, 246–9, benchmarking 55, 307 251–4, 260, 264–6, 271–5, 279–84, 290–2, Benelux 6–7, 159, 247 295, 298 Berlin 66, 109, 142, 147–8, 165, 173, 183 Cold War 5, 8, 16, 203, 239, 288–9, 306, 308 Black Sea 4, 94, 238–9, 241–8, 251, 254, 257, 259, Cologne see Köln 266, 271–2, 274–7, 280, 310 COMECON see CMEA Bled, Lake 82 Committee of the Regions 6 Bohemia 66–7 Common Foreign and Security Policy 7 Bologna Framework 53–4, 59 community/communities 14, 35–7, 40, 44, 54, 99, Bosnia-Herzegovina 4, 7, 11, 238, 252, 292–3, 295 127, 133, 179, 185–6, 190–1, 193, 203–4, Bosphorus 238 206, 208–9, 216, 226–7, 229, 232, 234, Bourgas 241–2, 244 237, 253, 281, 283–4, 292, 299, 310 Boutros-Ghali, Boutros 202, 204, 230 conference tourism see business tourism brand/branding 38, 81–90, 112, 154–5, 160–1, conflict/crisis management 37, 44, 73, 76, 105, 185, 164, 166–8, 177, 184, 215, 262–7, 288, 191, 193, 201, 205, 224, 237, 260 296, 307 conservation 37–8, 49, 104, 183–93, 206, 209, 225, Bratislava 14, 73, 92, 99, 121 233–4, 282–3, 292, 296, 306 Britain see UK cooperation, inter-regional/international 22, 26–9, Brno 104, 112–4 49, 92–4, 98–100, 105, 119, 121, 139–42, Brussels 6, 14, 27, 34, 165, 202, 234, 306 147, 149–51, 171–3, 180, 201, 220, 224–5, Bucharest 257, 263–4 229–30, 252, 254, 261, 279–80 Budapest 14, 34, 40, 59, 66–7, 73, 76, 113, 116, Copenhagen 113, 165 120–3, 147 Copenhagen criteria 8–9, 202, 237, 262, 278, 307 budget airlines see low-cost airlines corruption 12, 249, 259, 278–9, 299 Bulgaria 4–5, 7–10, 12–3, 15–6, 41, 57–9, 84, 117, Corsica 35 124, 237–9, 241–54, 257, 259 crafts 41, 185, 218 business tourism/travel 14, 40–1, 95, 97–8, 101–2, creative tourism 40 107, 116, 119–20, 124–5, 129, 149–50, 154, crime 47, 96–100, 151, 167, 252, 307, 309 161–2, 164, 167, 174–6, 178–80, 184, 219, crisis management see conflict management 242, 245, 248, 251, 260, 267, 288, 296, 308 Croatia 4–5, 7, 10, 12, 52, 65–6, 68–73, 76, 78, 81–5, 87, 117, 119, 237–9, 250, 252, 288–300, 307 Canada 57, 158–60, 162–3 cross-border activity 15, 26, 29, 47, 65–8, 73, CAP 5–6, 9, 45–6, 48–9, 193, 307 92–102, 116, 118–9, 128, 139, 141–3, 151, capital mobility 15, 45, 186, 275 155, 157, 159, 163–7, 175, 180, 224–35, Cappadocia 274 247, 251, 258, 260, 306–7, 309 Caribbean 40, 46, 48, 310 cruise tourism 148, 150–1, 154, 164, 178, 209, Carlsbad see Karlovy Vary 295 Carpathian Mountains 75–6, 128, 260 cuisine see gastronomy Catalonia 32, 35 cultural catering 121, 124, 148, 248, 292 cities/towns 34–5, 39, 42, 76, 104, 120–3, 170 Ceausescu, Nicolae 12, 257–8, 261–4, 266 diversity 32, 34, 36–8, 40, 42, 52–60, 104, Central and Eastern Europe xv, 3–17, 20, 33–4, 36, 128, 170, 208, 232, 237, 281, 305 40–1, 52–3, 55, 59, 65, 70–7, 84–95, 104, theory 36 Index 315

tourism 14–5, 37, 40, 42, 60, 74, 76, 97–8, 148, 154, 157, 172, 177–8, 180, 185, 187, 101, 118, 120, 127–9, 134, 178–80, 189, 192, 200, 209, 216, 219, 225–6, 230, 184, 205, 216, 219, 226, 238, 242, 234, 239, 246, 249, 253–4, 267, 271, 245, 247–8, 260, 263, 280–1, 283–4, 278–80, 282, 284, 296–8, 306, 309 288, 294, 308 conditions 22, 107 culture 12–5, 17, 32, 34–41, 52–6, 58, 86, 104, migration see migration 107, 118, 120, 127, 134, 139–40, 143, unemployment 8, 33–4, 59, 77, 81, 104, 119, 145, 147, 151, 161, 171, 177–8, 183–5, 130, 134, 187, 189, 252, 271, 309 187, 191, 193, 199, 200–1, 209, 213–4, empowerment 37, 186, 193, 206, 209, 221, 281–3 216–8, 221, 225, 230–1, 234, 238–9, 242, England xv, 24 244–5, 261, 263–7, 271–5, 283, 288–300, environment 305, 307–10 impacts 100, 150, 178, 181, 186, 188, 193, currency 6, 21, 27, 32, 77, 81, 88, 121, 130, 214, 204–9, 214, 218, 225, 232–4, 242, 238, 241, 252, 257, 267, 275, 280, 288, 244, 249, 252, 254, 280, 282–4 306 issues 9, 12–4, 46–7, 49, 76, 78, 87, 100, 107, cycling 74–5, 105, 179, 184, 190, 235, 296–7 114, 119, 141, 149, 161, 177, 181, Cyprus 4–5, 7, 9–10, 14, 16–7, 33, 39–41, 52–6, 185–93, 199, 201–2, 204–9, 216, 58, 174, 199–204, 206–9, 224–35, 250, 220, 225, 231–4, 239, 246, 252, 270, 275, 280, 308, 310 282, 307 Czech Republic 4–5, 7, 9–10, 32–3, 35, 41, 54, ERASMUS 54, 56–7, 133 56–9, 65, 68–76, 84, 92–101, 104–14, 121, Estonia 4–5, 7, 9–10, 33, 42, 55, 58, 84, 139–51, 124, 147, 158–60, 162–3, 174, 199, 204, 154–68, 170–2, 174–5, 177, 179–80, 199, 250, 252, 292–3, 308 264 Czechoslovakia, former 8–9,12, 67, 94–5, 104, 257 ethics 39, 157 ethnicity 35, 37–8, 40, 42, 92, 97, 101, 104, 119, 141–2, 155, 170, 175, 179, 187, 199–201, Dalmatia 296 203, 207, 230, 239, 259–63, 299–300, dance 40, 147, 171, 177–8 307–10 Danube 120, 122, 238, 241 Euratom 6 Delta 257, 260 euro 6, 21, 27, 32–5, 45, 65, 121, 149, 151, 166, dark tourism 42, 128 241, 275, 306, 308 Debrecen 120 European Central Bank (ECB) 9 Denmark 4, 7, 9, 79, 117, 140, 145–6, 158–60, European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 6–7 162–3, 170, 179, 250, 280 European Commission (EC) 6, 8–9, 14, 16, 20–9, de Gaulle, Charles 7 44, 48–9, 166, 180, 202–3, 208, 226, 229, dependency 46, 114, 206, 214, 225, 229 258, 262, 267, 306 diaspora 12, 38, 40, 70 European Constitution 3, 27–8, 32, 34–5, 46 Dinaric Mountains 75 European Court of Human Rights 229 domestic tourism 14, 75, 82–3, 116, 122, 127, 131, European Court of Justice 6 134, 156, 160, 173–6, 178, 184, 193, 229, European Economic Area (EEA) 7 234, 238, 242, 245, 247, 289 European Free Trade Area (EFTA) 7 Dublin 15, 165, 179 European Monetary System (EMS) 6 Dubrovnik 239, 291, 295–6 European Monetary Union (EMU) 7–8, 77, 121 European Parliament 6–7, 16, 23, 25, 60 European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 151 e-learning see education European Social Fund (ESF) 15, 151 e-marketing see marketing Eurovision Song Contest 161, 166, 177, 305 East Central Europe 3, 32–3, 65–79, 92, 121, 305 experience economy 40, 42 East Germany see German Democratic Republic Eastern Orthodox Church see Orthodoxy easyJet 85, 112–3, 120, 165, 174 faith tourism see religious tourism eco-labelling 189 Famagusta 203, 226–7, 230, 233, 235 ecotourism 60, 114, 170, 179, 184, 245–6, 248, farming see agriculture 260, 280, 283 Finland xv, 3–4, 7, 9, 33, 139–52, 154, 156–63, education 12, 34, 37–9, 47, 52–60, 76–7, 107, 114, 165–7, 177, 244, 250, 280 124, 127–34, 142, 167, 177, 180, 188, Finlandization 141 190–1, 206, 216–7, 219–21, 252, 279, folk culture/traditions 35, 156–7, 171, 178, 242, 306–7, 310 244–6, 265–6 e-learning 55, 219 foreign direct investment (FDI) 15, 33, 38–9, 41, 45, knowledge transfer 15, 52 48, 57, 78, 85, 101–2, 104, 117–8, 124, Egypt 21, 284 128, 141–2, 147, 154–5, 161, 164, 167, employment 5, 14–6, 20, 22, 33–4, 38–9, 45, 185–6, 208, 247, 252–4, 261, 267, 278, 52–60, 98, 107–8, 114, 119, 123–4, 132–4, 284–5, 306 316 Index

Framework Programme 15 Iceland 7, 122 France 4, 6–7, 9, 28, 34, 70–1, 79, 85, 87, 117–8, ICT 59, 87, 107, 119, 133, 165, 171, 177, 181, 121–2, 145–6, 158–60, 162–3, 177, 183, 188, 219–20, 246–7 200–1, 216, 224, 237, 250, 253, 261, 264, identity 13, 20, 32–3, 35–6, 41, 47, 81–90, 134, 293, 309 161, 184–5, 193, 237, 256–67, 292, 299, Frankfurt 226 300, 308–10 FYROM see Macedonia image/imagery 15, 26, 35–6, 41–2, 76, 78, 81–90, 95, 105, 112, 114, 118, 130, 145, 148–9, 155, 164, 166–7, 177, 180, 184, 186, 201, gambling 218, 226, 234–5 207, 213–21, 238, 247, 251, 256, 266–7, gastronomy 34, 40–1, 54, 120, 171, 179, 185, 187, 270, 278–9, 281, 288, 292, 296, 306–8, 218–9, 242, 251, 274, 296 310 gatekeepers 229 India 239 gateways 15, 59, 95 industrialization 75, 185, 200, 284 Gdansk 12 infrastructure 12, 15, 21, 34–5, 39–40, 42, 49, 54, gender 57, 279, 298–300, 310 74–8, 86–7, 92–3, 96, 99–100, 102, 112–4, Georgia 4, 11, 238 119–24, 127–8, 139, 142–3, 147–9, 154, German Democratic Republic (former East German 156, 164, 167, 171, 174, 178–81, 184, state) 7, 9, 93, 95, 118 188, 193, 200, 203–4, 207, 209, 214, 216, Germany 4, 6–7, 9, 12, 23–4, 34, 59, 66–71, 78–9, 226, 229–30, 232–5, 238, 241–5, 247–9, 83–7, 94, 97, 99, 101, 104, 108, 113, 251–4, 266, 272–4, 291, 294, 296–7, 308, 117–8, 139, 145–6, 151, 156, 158–60, 310 162–3, 165, 171, 177–9, 183–4, 199, 224, Innsbruck 76 226, 230, 234, 237, 247, 249–51, 253, integrated quality management (IQM) 186 280, 293, 309 international cooperation see cooperation globalization 8, 13, 15, 17, 35, 38–9, 48, 127, 130, International Court of Justice 20 171, 207, 225, 237, 274, 284, 291, 305, Internet see ICT 309 interpretation 35–8, 40, 189, 215, 225, 230 glocalization see localization INTERREG 15, 102, 119, 141, 147, 151, 307 Gorbachev, Mikhail 6, 156 Iran 238 Göteborg 183 Iraq 238, 254, 279 governance 13–4, 24, 44–50, 143, 185–7, 281–3, Ireland 4, 7, 9, 15, 41, 54–5, 85, 112, 142, 159–60, 292 250, 309 Gozo 216–8 Northern 24, 280 Greece 4, 7–9, 16, 28, 57, 124, 142, 200, Iron Curtain 5, 12, 39, 65, 68, 71, 73, 76, 94, 100, 202–4, 225, 239, 244, 247, 249–53, 192, 241 279–80 Islam 203, 239, 271–4, 278, 281, 309 Green Line (Cyprus) 224–7, 229–30, 234–5 Israel 109, 226, 232, 250 Greenland 7 Istanbul 226, 238–9 Istria 66–7, 75 Italy 4, 7, 9, 12, 28, 67–72, 78–9, 81–6, 94, 97, Hapsburg see Austria-Hungary 109, 117–8, 122, 45–6, 158–60, 162–3, Hamburg 165 165, 183–4, 200–1, 216, 218, 241, 250, handicrafts see crafts 264, 279, 290, 293, 295 health tourism see wellness tourism Izmir 226 Helsinki 9, 16, 143, 148–50, 156–7, 162, 165, 173, 202–4, 262 heritage 32–3, 35–42, 104, 119–24, 128, 139, 143, Japan 109, 121–2, 149, 158–60, 162–3 147, 151, 161, 170–1, 178, 183, 185, 187, jokes 227 191, 199, 201, 206, 209, 213–4, 216–7, Julian Alps 14 221, 225, 230, 233–4, 237–9, 244–6, 252, Jurmala 176, 178, 180 260, 263–7, 271, 275, 280–1, 283–4, 289, 296, 306–9 hiking see walking Kaliningrad 4, 142, 148, 189–90 Holland see Netherlands Karelia 141 Holocaust 37, 128 Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad) 66, 76, 105, 109, 112 Homer 246 karst 81–2, 86, 291 hotel see accommodation Katowice 113, 128 Hungary xv, 4–5, 7, 9–10, 12, 28, 32–6, 41, Kiev 97 54–5, 57, 59, 65–76, 81–2, 85, 92–101, Klaiphda 184–5, 189–92 116–25, 158–60, 162–3, 174, 199, 204, knowledge transfer see education 250, 252, 257–8, 260–1, 265, 292–3, 295, Köln 113, 220 309 Koper 82 Index 317

Košice 93, 113 254, 259, 260, 270–5, 280, 283, 288–90, Kosovo 292 292, 296 Kraków 14, 34–5, 40, 76, 128 media 15, 166–7, 177, 219, 247, 309 Kyoto Protocol 49 Mediterranean 3–5, 14, 17, 41, 58, 77, 81, Kyrenia 203, 209, 226, 230, 233, 235 197–235, 238–9, 241, 254, 263, 271, 273, 275–7, 281–2, 284, 305, 308, 310 MICE see business tourism labour markets 15–6, 92, 97 micro-businesses see SMEs labour migration see migration Middle East 35 lakes 14, 35, 74, 82, 86–7, 105, 118, 120, 122, migration 15, 42, 49, 96, 142, 170, 187, 189, 193, 128, 147, 170, 183, 190, 264–5, 272, 274, 205, 209, 252, 258, 296, 309 291 employment 12, 15–6, 34, 39, 46, 58–9, 65, land use (planning) 33, 75, 143, 192, 204–5, 207, 77–8, 99–101, 141, 209, 267, 291, 232–5, 253 306, 308–9 Lang, Jacques 32 Milan 113, 183 language 28, 32, 34–5, 37, 54–7, 59, 77, 101, 133, military tourism 141, 171 139, 142, 177, 183–4, 199–201, 209, Minsk 180 216–8, 227, 230, 235, 239, 252, 256, 265, MNCs (multinational companies/corporations) see 267, 307 TNCs Larnaca 113, 203, 226, 229, 235 mobilities 14–5, 37, 39, 45, 47, 56–60, 66, 74–7, Latvia 4–5, 7, 9–10, 33, 42, 140, 142–3, 145, 92–102, 107, 141, 180, 187, 205, 207, 147–8, 150–1, 156, 158–60, 162–3, 165, 209, 226–8, 232, 235, 238–9, 245, 253–4, 170–81, 183–4, 190, 199 258, 280, 288, 306–7, 309–10 LEADER 15, 307 Moldavia/Moldova (Romania) 238–9, 257 Libya 201 Moldova (Republic of) 4, 8, 11, 257–8 Liepaja 171, 178, 180 Monnet, Jean 6, 32, 35 life expectancy 10–11 Montenegro see Serbia and Montenegro lifestyle 20, 134, 266–7, 274, 281 Moravia 66 Limassol 203 Morocco 7, 21, 284 Lithuania 4–5, 7, 9–10, 28, 33, 42, 84, 140, 142–5, Moscow 94, 156, 173, 180, 183, 247 147–8, 150–1, 156, 158–60, 162–3, 165, mountains 14, 35, 66–7, 81–2, 84, 86–7, 109, 120, 170–2, 174–5, 177, 180, 183–93, 199 128, 233, 238, 242–9, 253, 265–6, 272–4, living standards see quality of life 295 Ljubljana 12, 14, 82, 84–5 Munich 165 localization/glocalization 39, 207 museums 37, 40–1, 76, 127, 133, 145, 272–3, 281, 2ódz xv, 128 296 London 42, 85, 109, 113, 165, 173, 183, 200, 204, music/song 40, 147, 161, 166, 171, 177–8 218, 220, 226 low-cost airlines 15, 35, 39, 77, 85, 109, 112–4, 119–20, 124, 147, 149–51, 155, 163, 165, national park 104, 161, 170, 179, 183, 187, 242, 167, 174, 179, 184, 220, 306–8, 310 244, 246, 272–3 see also Air Berlin; easyJet; Ryanair; NATO 6, 101, 104, 155, 164, 167, 170, 179, 183, SkyEurope; WizzAir 203–4, 239, 241, 254, 260, 267, 310 Luxembourg 4, 6–7, 9, 202 natural resources 14, 35, 72–5, 86–7, 104, 109, 121–2, 124, 128, 130, 141, 143, 147, 151, 170–1, 178, 183–9, 191–3, 200, 205–6, Maastricht Treaty see Treaty on European Union 217, 221, 224–6, 233–4, 238, 242–5, Macedonia, FYR 4, 7, 11, 241, 250–1 263–5, 271–4, 281, 283, 291, 296, 300, Madrid 109, 113 306–8 Malta 4–5, 7, 9–10, 14, 33, 39–41, 52–9, 174, nature tourism 14, 40–1, 147, 161, 170, 180, 199–202, 204–6, 213–21, 275, 308 184–5, 190–2, 226, 238, 248, 263–5, marginalization 14–6, 38, 42, 92, 185, 209, 259 271–3 Maribor 82 nautical tourism 74, 185, 191, 218, 274, 295 marketing 15, 20, 26–8, 35, 38–9, 53–4, 77–8, see also cruise tourism 81–90, 93, 105, 121, 123, 125, 129, 131, Netherlands 4, 7, 9, 34, 71, 78–9, 85, 97, 109, 143, 147, 149–50, 154, 160–1, 164, 166–7, 117–8, 158–9, 162–3, 170, 218, 244, 250, 172–3, 177–81, 184, 186–7, 193, 205, 293 213–21, 224, 245–7, 251, 254, 256–67, network/networking 36, 95, 140, 175, 180, 192–3, 275, 278–9, 283–4, 292, 294, 296–7, 308 219, 241, 245, 295, 298–9, 306, 310 e-marketing 107 New York 174, 247 Marmara 271, 273, 275–7, 282 New Zealand 44, 297 mass tourism 5, 14, 41–2, 74, 82, 84, 201, 208, Nicosia 203, 224, 226–7, 230, 233, 235 213–5, 221, 231–2, 238–9, 241, 246, 250, NIS (Newly Independent States) 47 318 Index

NGOs (non-governmental organizations) 49, 180, quality indicators 87–9, 177, 215, 225, 233, 251–2, 216, 233, 260, 270, 282–3 278 92 quality of life 9–12, 15, 33, 37, 107, 142, 171, 185, North Africa see Africa 188, 191, 306–7 Norway 7, 140, 147–8, 151, 158–60, 162–3, 250, 280 railway see transport Ramsar Convention 189 OECD 6 receipts/income, tourism 48, 69–70, 83, 86, 89, oil/fuel 101, 149 101, 105, 107–9, 112–3, 116–7, 119–20, price 46, 149 122, 148, 154–5, 157, 160, 173–5, 180, Olomouc 104, 109 185–7, 193, 213, 224–6, 231, 233–4, Opatija 66, 76, 289 250–1, 270–1, 275, 284, 292, 298 Orthodoxy, Eastern 239, 242, 245 regeneration 37–9 OSCE 6 rural 20, 119, 129, 185, 266 Oslo 148, 165 urban 20, 37–8, 42, 119, 230, 310 Other, the 256, 260, 281, 299 regional development 14, 21, 24, 47, 65–79, 127, Ottoman 237–9, 261, 271–4 130–1, 142–3, 148, 160, 166, 188, 201, 208–9, 233–4, 238, 249, 271, 294–6, 307, 309 Pannonian Plains 81 funding 21, 49, 93, 100, 102, 119, 124, 147, Paphos 226 151, 164, 183, 188, 193, 209, 216, Paris 109, 113, 141, 177, 264 241, 262, 275, 306 Pärnu 155, 163 uneven development 33, 65, 71, 74, 92, 100, participatory mechanism see empowerment 120, 201, 204, 207, 253, 274–5, partnership 130–2, 157, 184, 186, 193, 209, 220, 279–80, 284–5 229, 232, 237, 253, 260, 280, 294–6 religious tourism 41, 127–8, 171, 173, 218–9, 242, PHARE 13, 100, 119, 129, 151, 164, 183, 262, 244–5, 265, 272–3, 280, 284, 296 307 responsibility 24 Piran 82, 238 resource management 14, 52–60, 119, 128–9, 141, Pirin 243–4, 246, 253 171, 181, 183–93, 204–9, 215–6, 220, 225, Plitvice Lakes 75, 291 232–4, 253–4, 279, 282, 295, 308 Plovdiv 241–2, 245 restructuring, economic 5, 13, 44, 101, 118, 120, Poland xv, 4–5, 7, 9–10, 12–13, 16, 32–5, 41, 123, 130, 157, 178, 187, 191, 202, 220, 52–3, 55–7, 59, 65, 68–76, 92–101, 104, 234, 247, 249–51, 254, 258, 262, 283, 109, 117, 119, 127–34, 142, 145, 147–8, 288, 305, 308 158–60, 165, 174, 178, 180, 183–4, 190, revenues see receipts 199, 204, 247, 250–2, 257, 292–4, 296, Rhodope 244, 246, 249, 253 309 Riga 14, 147–8, 150, 170–1, 173–6, 178–80 policy/policymaker 6, 8–9, 14, 20–9, 36–40, 44–50, Rila 242, 244–5, 249 77, 81–90, 107, 112, 123–4, 127–34, risk 119, 125 143, 150, 154, 160–1, 166–7, 170, 172–3, road see transport 177, 184–8, 193, 201–2, 204–9, 213–21, Roman Catholic Church 12, 34, 171, 239, 298 230–4, 246–9, 256–67, 270–85, 305–7, Romania 4–5, 7, 9, 11–12, 16, 41, 53, 55, 58–9, 309 117, 119, 124, 237–9, 241–2, 250–2, political 256–67 division/polarization 5, 12, 16–7, 23, 201, Rome 109, 113 224–35 Rotterdam 42 instability 12–3, 16, 224–35, 247, 259–61, rural tourism 15, 35, 41–2, 45, 74–5, 114, 119, 129, 292, 297–9, 310 145, 151, 176–8, 183–93, 205, 218–9, 242, politicians 3, 14, 23, 25, 27, 33, 35, 87, 100 244–5, 248, 265–7, 280, 283, 291, 294–6, pollution see environment 308 Portoroz 53–4 Russia 4, 8, 11–3, 70–1, 85, 109, 139–43, 145–8, Portugal 4, 7–9, 41, 142, 159–60, 264 151, 155–6, 158–63, 170–1, 175, 177–80, Postojna 82 183–4, 189–90, 199, 204, 239, 247, 250–2, power relationships 20–9, 35–7, 186, 280–1, 283–4, 261, 293 299–300, 308 Ryanair 112–3, 174 Prague 14–5, 34–5, 40, 66, 73, 76, 94, 99, 105–7, 109, 112–4, 120–1, 179 privatization 13, 81, 101, 112, 123, 141, 143, 178, Saaremaa 155 202, 245–9, 259, 299 safety/security 47, 49, 76, 81, 85, 87, 102, 107, promotion see marketing 119, 141, 147–8, 151, 164, 167, 171, 173, Pskov 180 209, 221, 226, 252, 279, 281, 307 Index 319

Salzburg 76 sports tourism 60, 75–7, 120, 127, 134, 148, 156, Saxony 66 170, 184, 205, 217–9, 238, 242, 244–5, Scandinavia 12, 118, 139, 147, 149, 159, 161, 184, 248, 251, 274, 280, 284, 296 247, 250 Split 296 Schengen 21, 47, 65, 77, 93, 96, 100–1, 107, 119, St Petersburg 139, 141, 143, 147–8, 150, 165, 180, 142, 149 183 Schuman, Robert 6 Stalin, Josef 156 Scotland xv, 24 Stalinism 262 sea ferry see transport state socialism 5, 9, 12, 33, 36 seaside see coastal tourism state socialist mentalities 5, 34, 36, 78 seasonality 16, 66, 71–3, 75, 77–8, 84, 109, 147, Stockholm 113, 148, 165, 173 152, 155, 162, 167, 173, 176, 191, Strasbourg 6, 177 204–5, 213–4, 238, 242, 244–5, 247, strategy see policy 249–52, 254, 260, 274, 280, 282, 29102, structural aid see regional development 297–8 subsidiarity 22, 24, 29 second homes 15, 46, 75, 112, 191, 205, 233, 245, Sudeten Mountains 75–6, 128 252–4, 280, 282, 298, 309–10 Sweden 4, 7, 9, 23, 139–40, 142, 145–8, 150–1, sense of place 35–6, 300 156, 158–63, 166, 177–8, 184, 199, 250, Serbia and Montenegro 4, 7, 11, 68, 85, 117, 119, 280, 293, 309 238–9, 241, 250–1, 257, 290, 295–7 Switzerland 7, 69–71, 73, 78–9, 159–60, 162–3, service provision/quality 34–5, 38, 41–2, 53, 58, 78, 170, 183, 250 86–7, 114, 116, 121, 123, 131, 176–7, Syria 238 180, 184, 193, 205, 209, 214–5, 221, 230, 246, 248, 251–4, 283, 291, 307–8 sex (in) tourism 179, 252, 281 TACIS 141, 147, 151 shock therapy 33, 134, 258 Tallinn 14, 40, 143, 145, 148–50, 154–7, 162–7, shopping tourism 73, 94–5, 97–101, 116, 142, 148, 178 151, 157, 159, 167, 175, 227, 230, 260, Tartu 145, 156 272–4, 296, 307, 309–10 Tashkent 174 Silesia 66 Tatra Mountains 14, 66–7, 75, 147 Single European Act 6–7 telecommunications see ICT skiing 35, 41, 75, 98, 101, 105, 128, 149, 242, 244, terrorism 47, 254, 284, 309 253–4, 280, 308 Tito, Josip Broz 239 SkyEurope 113, 120 TNCs (transnational companies/corporations) 15, Slovakia 4–5, 7, 9–10, 12, 14, 32–5, 41, 65, 68–73, 215 75–6, 92–102, 104, 108, 117, 121, 124, tobacco 97–9 147, 159–60, 162–3, 174, 199, 250, 252–3, tour operators 46, 48, 129, 132, 134, 141, 148–9, 266, 293, 308–9 173, 177, 179, 183, 213–5, 219–21, 225, Slovenia 4–5, 7, 9–10, 12–4, 28, 32, 34–5, 53, 55, 229–30, 245–6, 252–3, 259, 279–80, 284, 58, 65, 68–76, 81–90, 117, 124, 174, 199, 292 238, 250, 290, 293, 295, 308 tourism SMEs 78, 127, 141, 148, 173, 180, 186, 229, 231, and sustainable development 39, 54, 75, 107, 249, 291, 298 166, 181, 183–93, 204–9, 231–4, social tourism 68, 122–3 249, 251, 270–85, 296 SOCRATES 54, 56–7, 133 education see education Sofia 241–4, 248, 252 employment see employment Solidarity free trade union 12, 94 industry 3, 13–4, 21, 23, 48, 52–60, 68, song see music 129–34, 149, 176, 183, 187, 190, South-eastern Europe 5, 16, 237–9, 241–300, 213–5, 225, 230, 238, 242, 246–7, 306 253, 256, 262, 270–1, 278, 281, Soviet Bloc, former 12, 33, 118, 199, 238–9, 247, 293–4, 297–9 275, 288, 291 management 13, 15, 20–9, 39–41, 46, 52–60, Soviet Union, former 3, 12–3, 33, 92, 94, 140–2, 68, 81–90, 105–7, 114, 124, 127–34, 149, 151, 154, 156–7, 167, 171, 178, 183, 157, 167, 171–3, 185–7, 193, 203–9, 185, 188, 192–3, 199, 257, 261 213–21, 225, 230, 242, 246–9, 252, Spain 4, 7–9, 24, 28, 57, 85, 109, 117–8, 121, 142, 254, 256–67, 278–9, 281, 283, 292 158–60, 162–3, 183, 200, 238, 250, 252, marketing and promotion see marketing 264, 279, 290 models 13, 213, 292 spas/spa tourism 35, 41–2, 65–7, 73, 75–6, 98, 101, product development/diversification 34, 53, 105, 107, 119, 121–5, 147, 149–51, 155, 78, 83–4, 104–5, 107, 131, 149, 154, 157, 162–4, 166–7, 177–8, 180, 184, 238, 160, 166–7, 177–8, 183–4, 192–3, 242, 245, 247–9, 260, 266, 280, 282, 291, 201, 209, 214–6, 238, 245–6, 251, 308 279–80, 284, 289, 294–6 320 Index

tourism continued UNESCO 104, 170–1, 274 receipts see receipts uneven development see regional development stakeholders 21, 23–6, 28, 86–9, 127–34, 186, United Nations (UN) 16, 183, 202–3, 207, 224, 193, 209, 215, 219–21, 231, 234, 227, 230, 235 278, 280, 289 urban regeneration see regeneration trade 9, 13–4, 16, 20, 37, 44–50, 99–101, 118, 141, urban tourism 14, 73, 76, 84, 109, 112, 128, 148, 157, 161, 171, 179, 183, 201, 209, 227, 150, 155, 162, 164, 167, 184, 218, 242, 306 245, 248, 253 training 33, 52–60, 119, 124, 127–34, 180, 185–6, urbanization 206, 209, 238, 249, 254, 274, 308 190, 192, 206, 215–6, 230, 246, 254, 281, USA 5, 45, 48–9, 55, 57, 70–1, 79, 85, 109, 117, 292, 299, 306–8 121, 145–6, 149, 156, 158–60, 162–3, 177, transit tourism 95, 98, 101, 129, 180, 249, 258 184, 250, 258, 289, 308 transition, post-communist 32–3, 53–5, 81, 93, 95, USSR see Soviet Union 104, 167, 187–8, 242, 245–7, 249–51, 267, 289 transport 13–4, 67, 93, 119, 148, 174, 181, 188, Valletta 205, 209, 217 233, 244, 283, 310 Varna 241–2, 244, 252–3 access 155, 164–6, 226, 235, 241, 258, 291 Venice 185, 191 air 13, 15, 46, 48–9, 76, 85, 96, 107, 109, Ventspils 171, 178, 180 112–4, 119–20, 124, 149–50, 154–6, VFR tourism 14, 95, 97–8, 101, 108, 112, 118–9, 163, 165, 167, 171, 174, 176, 142, 175, 205, 258, 307 179–80, 184, 203, 216, 219–20, Via Baltica 142–3, 181 226–7, 231, 234–5, 241, 246, 251, Vienna 66, 73, 77, 99, 113, 120–1 306, 308 Vilnius 14, 147–8, 183–4, 189 modernization 102, 142, 241, 289, 296 Visegrád 32, 121, 305 operators 85, 112–3, 120, 149, 165, 174, 229–30 policy/regulation 13, 107, 118, 148, 188, 201, Wales 24 204, 227, 307 walking 74–5, 105, 116, 147, 184, 216, 218, 231, price 85, 107, 149, 151, 163, 227, 251 244–5 quality 21, 78, 102, 107, 109, 147 Wallachia 238–9, 257 rail 65, 92, 100, 109, 112, 147–8, 179, 184 Warsaw 14, 148 river 65, 192, 244, 297 Warsaw Pact 12, 239 road 66, 92, 100, 102, 107, 109, 112, 142, waterfront 38 147–9, 163, 165, 175, 178–9, 184, welfare 14, 48, 187, 204, 208–9, 247–8, 283 200, 204, 218, 229–30, 235, 238, wellness tourism 41–2, 73–6, 82, 84, 87, 107, 241, 283, 289, 291, 296 119, 120–5, 130, 150–1, 155, 177–8, safety 102, 107, 148 180, 184, 251, 280, 289, 294, 296–7, sea 148, 151, 154, 156–7, 162, 165, 178, 184, 308 191, 202, 209, 226, 242, 244, 289 Western European Union 6 Transylvania 238–9, 257, 259–60, 264–6 wilderness 14 travel agent/agency 53–4, 105, 107, 109, 132, 148, wildlife tourism see nature tourism 157, 219, 229, 246, 295 WizzAir 113, 120 Treaty on European Union 6–7, 22, 121 World Heritage Site 104, 113, 120, 170, 274, 282 Tunisia 21, 215, 284 World Tourism Organization (WTO) 3, 20, 44, 47, Turkey 4–5, 7, 9, 11, 16, 35, 47, 122, 200, 202–4, 105, 107, 128, 147, 173, 308 208, 225–6, 231, 233–4, 237–42, 249–52, World Travel Market 183 270–85, 307 World War I 33, 65, 67–8, 75, 122, 155, 178, Turku 149–50 199–200, 231 World War II 5–6, 46, 122, 124, 128, 140, 156, 199, 239, 289 UK 4–5, 7, 9, 223–4, 37, 44–5, 54–7, 59, 71, 78–9, 83–5, 109, 112, 117–8, 145–6, 156, 158–63, 165, 177, 184, 199–200, 213–6, Yugoslavia, former 12, 32–3, 35, 65, 67–8, 70, 73, 218, 225–6, 232, 234–5, 241, 244, 247, 78, 81–2, 238–9, 258, 261, 284, 288–91, 249–51, 253, 267, 293, 309 298 Ukraine 4, 8, 11, 93–100, 117, 119, 158–9, 250, 252, 257 UNDP 209, 230 Zagreb 291, 295–6, 298 unemployment see employment Zurich 113, 200, 204