Cornaceae – Dogwood Family Cornus Florida Flowering Dogwood
Cornaceae – dogwood family Cornus florida flowering dogwood Sight ID characteristics Vegetative Features: • Leaf: 2 1/2-5" long, simple, opposite, deciduous, elliptical to ovate with arcuate venation and an entire margin. • Bark: broken into small brown-black plates on mature trees. • Form: usually as several wide-spreading branches with a low dense crown – opposite branching gives candelabra form. • Reproductive Features: • Few, small, perfect, 4-parted flowers with inferior ovaries arranged in heads subtended by 4 notched, showy, white-pink bracts. • Fruits are oval shaped drupes in heads of 5-6, red at maturity, with oval grooved stone. 123 NOTES AND SKETCHES 124 Cornaceae – dogwood family Cornus nuttallii Pacific dogwood Sight ID characteristics Vegetative Features: • Leaf: 2 1/2-4 1/2" long, simple, opposite, deciduous, ovate- elliptical with arcuate venation, margin may be sparsely toothed or entire. • Bark: dark and broken into small plates at maturity. • Form: straight trunk and narrow crown in forested conditions, many-trunked and bushy in open. • Reproductive Features: • Many yellowish-green, small, perfect, 4-parted flowers with inferior ovaries arranged in dense in heads, subtended by 4-7 showy white- pink, petal-like bracts - not notched at the apex. • Fruits are drupes in heads of 30-40, red at maturity and they have smooth stones. 125 NOTES AND SKETCHES 126 Cornaceae – dogwood family Cornus sericea red-osier dogwood Sight ID characteristics Vegetative Features: • Leaf: 2-4" long, simple, opposite, deciduous and somewhat narrow ovate-lanceolate with entire margin. • Twig: bright red, sometimes green splotched with red, white pith. • Bark: red to green with numerous lenticels; later developing larger cracks and splits and turning light brown.
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