Native Oak Chapparal Species Plant Lists

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Native Oak Chapparal Species Plant Lists NATIVE OAK CHAPPARAL SPECIES PLANT LISTS Scientific Name Common Name Plant Type Height Bloom Period Picture Achillea millefolium Common yarrow Forb, PF 8-6” Summer (butterflies, bees), DF, DR Bromus carinatus Lemon’s Grass 7.5-32” Spring needlegrass Amelanchier alnifolia Western Shrub, PF 5-20’ Mid Spring serviceberry (butterflies, bees), DT Arbutus menziesii Pacific madrone Evergreen 15-100’ Spring Tree, PF (butterflies, moths, hummingbir ds), DT Balsamorhiza sagittata Arrowleaf Forb, PF 8-36” Mid-Late balsamroot Spring Bromus carinatus California Grass 1-5’ Spring brome Bromus laevipes Chinook brome Grass 5’ Spring - Summer Resource Factsheets: Plants 1 NATIVE OAK CHAPPARAL SPECIES Castilleja varieties Indian paintbrush Forb, PF 2’ Spring - Summer Ceanothus cuneatus Buckbrush Shrub, PF 3-12’ Late spring Ceanothus integerrimus Deerbrush Shrub, PF 3-13’ Spring-Summer (bees) Cercocarpus Mountain Shrub 8-20’ Winter, Spring mahogany Collomia grandiflora Grand collomia Forb, PF 18” Mid Spring – Mid Summer Corylus cornuta California Shrub 3-50’ Spring-Fall hazelnut Dichelostemma Blue dicks Forb, PF 6-27” Early Summer capitatum Elymus glaucus Blue wildrye Grass 1-5’ Summer Eschscholzia californica California poppy Forb, PF, 6-16” Spring-Summer DT Resource Factsheets: Plants 2 NATIVE OAK CHAPPARAL SPECIES Festuca californica California fescue Grass, DT 1-4’ Spring, Winter Festuca occidentalis Western fescue Grass, DT 3-4’ Spring Garrya fremontii Bearbrush Shrub, PF, 9-13’ DT Iris chrysophylla Yellowleaf iris Forb, PF 2-8” Late Spring (butterflies, hummingbir ds), DR Madia elegans Common madia Forb, PF 3-36” Summer-Fall Mahonia aquifolium Oregon grape Shrub, PF 1-4’ Spring (butterflies), DT, DR Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa pine Evergreen 40-223’ Spring Tree, DT, DR Plectritis macrocera Longhorn Forb, PF 2-30” Mid Spring plectritis Resource Factsheets: Plants 3 NATIVE OAK CHAPPARAL SPECIES Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas-fir Evergreen 40-246’ Spring Tree, DT, DR Quercus chrysolepis Canyon live oak Tree/ Shrub, 30-90’ Spring, Winter DT, DR Quercus garryana Oregon white Deciduous 20-90’ Spring oak Tree, DT, DR Quercus kelloggii California black Tree/ Shrub, 20-120’ Spring, Winter oak DT, DR Rhus trilobata Skunkbrush Shrub 1.5-8’ Spring sumac Senecio integerrimus Lambstongue Forb, PF 8-30” Late Spring – ragwort early summer References California Native Plant Society – Calscape North Mountain Park Nature Center – Plants of the Rogue Valley Key Oregon Flora Project (photo credit) PF = Pollinator-Friendly Oregon State University – “Oak and chapparal ecology and fuels DT = Drought-Tolerant management in southwest Oregon” DR = Deer-Resistant USDA Plant List (photo credit) Turner Photographics – Wildflowers (photo credit) Jackson Soil & Water Conservation District 89 Alder Street, Central Point, OR 97502 Phone: 541-423-6159 Website: Resource Factsheets: Plants 4 .
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