Sanford Saysstudents
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North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 11-3-1986 The Register, 1986-11-03 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1986-11-03" (1986). NCAT Student Newspapers. 1058. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOTE VOTE Tomorrow — Memorial Union Building * llitftll "COMPLETE AWARENESS FOR COMPLETE COMMITMENT" f, D. Blufotf Library VOLUME LV"111 St)0r0 NUMBER 8 NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY, GREENSBORO - N. NOVEMBER 3, 1986 Sanford saysstudents key WARREN MCNEILL of North at III Carolina students invovled in my cam- to the Vietnam War and stu- freedom," Sanford said News Editor Greensboro. paign, and that is why I want dent protests against it. "You can make your lives Terry Sanford, "I stu- former am told that we have their energies and enthusiasm "That great tragedy was fuller, you can make America Duke University president, dent organizations on 76 cam- and intellect channeled reversed because young people great said this week that experience puses in this state representing through the U.S. Senate when knew it was wrong, said it was has taught him that students nearly one million students," reach that office,' Sanford wrong, convinced others that I "I can be the key in any political Sanford said. said. it was wrong." am not talking about sometime in the future, as issue "The same old tired heads Sanford rejected the commencement speakers are Sanford, a Democrat, is of Washington are telling us popular contention that Sanford said students say, I am talking running against Jim Broyhill, that you cannot expect to en- students are only should be aware of the impact likely to but concerned now," a Republican, for the U.S. joy the same lifestyle of your about money they can have while in school about Sanford said. Senate. parents. and not wait until they According to Students for Sanford was campaigning in "I don't want you slipping graduate politically "I remember, for those who to become Terry Sanford co-chairman Greensboro with 6th District back pass your parents, you doubted the wisdom and vi- active Kevin Monroe, Sanford had congressional candidate Robin should have the same lifestyle sion of the youth, that the planned to visit A&T on Oct. Britt who is challenging Rep. as they did." youth of the nation at your "I remember that it was less 22, but the visit was reschedul- Howard Coble, R-Guilford. Sanford encouraged age, a mere decade ago, turned than two decades ago that the ed to Oct. 29 because of fall Sanford and Britt spoke to students to get involved in around a grossly mistaken young people, white and break approximately 200 students politics and said he has always political decision that sent black, were a powerful force and faculty members Wednes- willing been to hear their thousands of young people to in turning this nation away Monroe said the latter vist day at a noon rally outside ideas their deaths in Southeast from its century-old policy of was canceled because at the University Elliot Center "That is why I wanted Asia," Sanford said, referring denying free people full schedule. Ballot will contain private college issue HP By ESTHER WOODS High Point College and Elon Managing Editor College are denied the right to sell taxes and bonds," Private colleges and univer- Ross said sities in the state will be mak- Although these colleges are ing a second attempt Tuesday the primary institutions in- to get permission to raise volved in presenting the money through the sale of referendum, he said there are bonds. 38 independent colleges and ...private colleges contribute to the well- being of the state just as public schools like A&T and the University ofNorth Carolina at Greensboro. Photo by R. Thompson The referendum, known as universities in North Carolina Michael Branson, SGA president speaks to A&T students and SGA officers(in background) at Amendment One, would allow that would like to renovate a Student Body Meeting held Wednesday. sponsored by the the private The meeting was SGA and SUAB colleges and and construct new buildings It was held in the Student Union Ballroom. universities to do what the but cannot public institutions already do, If Amendment One is pass- North Carolina at directly, Ross said, because developed by a nonpartisan said Greensboro College At- ed, private institutions will be Greensboro the bonds are guaranteed by committee of Democrats and torney General Joseph Ross. allowed to borrow money at "Out of the 38 independent the colleges and universities. Republicans, he expects to Ross, get a senior history major an interest rate lower than the colleges, one-third of the "Once the voters in North support from both parties dur- from Philadelphia, is prime students receive Carolina recognize that it ing the election. Greensboro College's undergraduate or bac- won't cost the taxpayers any The referendum is sup- spokesman for the supporters Ross said private colleges calaureate degrees while one- money, it will bring us into the ported by political leaders in- of the Amendment. should be allowed to sell half receive medical and law future and give our indepen- cluding Harvey B. Gant, "Right private now colleges bonds because private colleges degrees," he said. dent colleges the tool to tackle mayor of Charlotte and U.S. and universities such as contribute to the well-being of This amendment, if the future," he said. Senate candidates Terry San- Greensboro College, Bennett the state just as public schools adopted, would not cost tax- Ross said that because the ford, a Democrat and Jim College, Guilford College, like A&T and the University of payers anything directly or in- amendment concept was Broyhill, a Republican. PAGE 2 THE A&T REGISTER NOVEMBER 3r 1986 Congressman Gray speaks to students By BARBARA L. SILVER who hasn't been with us on interest of not only A&T Since the Britt-Coble con- Gray, a native of Staff Writer issues such as supporting sanc- students, but all students, test may be determined by as Philadelphia, has been a Congressman William Gray tions on South Africa." because Britt would favor con- few as 1,000 votes, it is im- member of Congress for eight campaigned in Memorial Stu- Gray, a Democrat, was tinued federal student aid; perative that students vote, years and is chairman of the dent Union Thursday telling campaigning on behalf of such as Pell grants. Gray said. House Budget Committee. He students they can determine former congressman Robin is pastor of Bright Hope Bap- the outcome of next Tuesday's Britt, a Democrat who is try- "Sixty percent of all A&T "Remember all the folks tist Church in Philadelphia. election ing to win back the Sixth students are here because of who died for the right that you He is married and has three by "Just the registered District seat from Rep. Coble Pell Grants," Gray said. have now," he said. "Don't boys. He attended Franklin voters on campus exercising (R-Guilford). The Sixth "Britt would not vote against let that right go unused and Marshall College in Lan- thisrightK-vote," Gray said in District includes Greensboro. student aid but will cast votes because you can make all the caster, Pa. and holds an an interivew, "we can oust a Gray said re-electing Britt to supporting education and stu- difference, and right now it is honarary doctorate from person like (Howard) Coble Congress would be in the best dent aid." a close race." A&T. Education is a concern for Britt Former assistant DA WARREN MCNEILL III protect the Pell Grant." "I am strongly in favor of top News Editor We have got to bids for office " be sure severe economic sanctions Education is a key concern equal that everyone has an op- against South Africa," Britt of Robin Britt his bid for to in portunity education." said. By LINDA BUMPASS at Chapel Hill School of the 6th district congressional "The federal financal aid His opponent, Howard Co- Editor-in-Chief Law. He was sick Thursday seat held by Rep. Howard Co- system too is getting com- ble, voted against the sanc- An assistant district at- and could not be reached for ble (R-Guilford),Britt said last plicated. We simplify must tions. Coble said in his debate torney and a lawyer in pri- comment. week. process this so that it's not a with Britt recently that the vate practice are hoping to Pfaff, who is in private He also said he believes that burden." sanctions would hurt black become Guilford County's practice, is a former assistant A&T play a vital role will in Britt said he is appalled at South Africans. next district attorney. district attorney. the election. the complexity of application Britt is proud of his support Jim Kimel, a Democrat, is He has served as a District "A&T will play a very im- forms for federal student aid. of the King holiday. running against Jim Pfaff, a Court judge for four years portant role in me getting "There also should not be "The day after Senator former Democrat who is now but lost his re-election bid in elected.