North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship NCAT Student Newspapers Digital Collections 11-3-1986 The Register, 1986-11-03 North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation North Carolina Agricutural and Technical State University, "The Register, 1986-11-03" (1986). NCAT Student Newspapers. 1058. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digital Collections at Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in NCAT Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Aggie Digital Collections and Scholarship. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. VOTE VOTE Tomorrow — Memorial Union Building * llitftll "COMPLETE AWARENESS FOR COMPLETE COMMITMENT" f, D. Blufotf Library VOLUME LV"111 St)0r0 NUMBER 8 NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURAL AND TECHNICAL STATE UNIVERSITY, GREENSBORO - N. NOVEMBER 3, 1986 Sanford saysstudents key WARREN MCNEILL of North at III Carolina students invovled in my cam- to the Vietnam War and stu- freedom," Sanford said News Editor Greensboro. paign, and that is why I want dent protests against it. "You can make your lives Terry Sanford, "I stu- former am told that we have their energies and enthusiasm "That great tragedy was fuller, you can make America Duke University president, dent organizations on 76 cam- and intellect channeled reversed because young people great said this week that experience puses in this state representing through the U.S. Senate when knew it was wrong, said it was has taught him that students nearly one million students," reach that office,' Sanford wrong, convinced others that I "I can be the key in any political Sanford said.