Congressional Record—Senate S4379
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May 24, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S4379 S. 2622. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- ROBERTS, DORGAN, and LINCOLN, to in- the Congress to recognize that. I fully enue Code of 1986 to encourage stronger troduce the Trade Normalization With support the efforts being made again math and science programs at elementary Cuba Act of 2000. this year in both the Senate and the and secondary schools; to the Committee on Finance. For 40 years, we have implemented a House to remove the unilateral re- By Mr. ROBERTS (for himself and Ms. series of policies designed to end Fidel straints we have put on our export of SNOWE): Castro's leadership of Cuba. The instru- food and medicine to a number of coun- S. 2623. A bill to amend the Elementary ments we have used have included a tries, including Cuba. This bill is not a and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to es- trade embargo, an invasion of Cuba, as- substitute for those efforts. Rather, tablish and expand programs relating to sassination attempts, and multilateral this bill is directed only toward Cuba, science, mathematics, engineering, and tech- pressures. None of these measures has nology education, and for other purposes; to and goes far beyond liberalization of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, moved Cuba any closer to democracy food and medicine exports. and Pensions. and a market economy. In fact, the re- Thomas Jefferson said ``Enlighten By Mr. ROBERTS (for himself and Ms. sult has been just the opposite. Castro the people generally, and tyranny and SNOWE): is as entrenched as ever. The economy oppressions of body and mind will van- S. 2624. A bill to establish and expand pro- is in tatters. The Cuban people are suf- ish like evil spirits at the dawn of the grams relating to science, mathematics, en- fering. day.'' Current US policy turns Jeffer- gineering, and technology education, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Health, For four decades, Castro has sup- son's statement on its head. Our effort Education, Labor, and Pensions. pressed his own citizens. He has been to isolate Cuba through the trade em- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Mr. responsible for the imprisonment and bargo and other policies has failed to DODD, Mr. HUTCHINSON, Mr. mistreatment of thousands, and the bring human rights improvement, has WELLSTONE, Mr. TORRICELLI, Mr. emigration of hundreds of thousands. provided a pretext for Castro's contin- MURKOWSKI, Mr. DORGAN, Mr. He has dispatched Cuban troops around ued repression, makes the United LIEBERMAN, and Mr. MOYNIHAN): the world to support revolution. States the scapegoat for Castro's failed S. 2625. A bill to amend the Public Health During the Cold War, Cuba was an in- Service Act to revise the performance stand- economic policies, and hurts the Cuban ards and certification process for organ pro- tegral member of the Soviet bloc. Cas- people. curement organizations; to the Committee tro was an eager and active participant It is time to put together a respon- on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. in the proxy battles fought between the sible strategy to improve the human By Mr. JEFFORDS: United States and the Soviet Union condition in Cuba and set the stage for S. 2626. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin increased freedom and respect for enue Code of 1986 to improve access to tax- America. human rights once Fidel Castro leaves exempt debt for small non-profit health care and educational institutions; to the Com- The Cold War has been over for a dec- the scene. mittee on Finance. ade. The embargo, which had the goal Obviously, Cuba will not change By Mr. BURNS: of forcing Castro out of power, has overnight with the removal of the S. 2627. A bill to direct the Secretary of the failed totally. And it will continue to trade embargo. But this bill is a first Interior to provide funding for rehabilitation have no impact on the longevity of step down the road to a peaceful transi- of the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier Na- Castro's rule. tion to a democratic society and a mar- tional Park, to authorize funds for mainte- What has the embargo and American nance of utilities related to the Park, and for ket economy in Cuba. other purposes; to the Committee on Energy policy actually done? It has certainly Before I conclude, I want to recognize and Natural Resources. done nothing to advance liberty and my friend, Congressman Charles Ran- By Mr. MACK: democracy for the Cuban people. And gel, who has been a leader in trying to S. 2628. A bill to suspend temporarily the there are no prospects that it will. end the embargo and move toward nor- duty on R115777; to the Committee on Fi- What has the embargo done? First, it malization of relations with Cuba. I nance. prohibits all trade with Cuba. It does look forward to working closely with By Mr. HELMS: S. 2629. A bill to designate the facility of include an exception for the sale of him to make this happen. the United States Postal Service located at food and medicine. However, the re- I urge my Senate colleagues to sup- 114 Ridge Street in Lenoir, North Carolina, quirements are so complex and burden- port our effort. as the ``James T. Broyhill Post Office Build- some on U.S. suppliers that very little ing''; to the Committee on Governmental Af- food or medicine has been exported to By Mr. REID: fairs. Cuba. We hurt the Cuban people. We S. 2618. A bill to direct the Secretary f hurt American business, American of the Interior to sell certain land to SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND farmers, and American workers. And the town of Kingston, Nevada, for use SENATE RESOLUTIONS we have had no impact on the regime. as an emergency medical air evacu- We have succeeded in alienating vir- ation site and other public uses; to the The following concurrent resolutions tually all potential allies who would be Committee on Energy and Natural Re- and Senate resolutions were read, and sources. referred (or acted upon), as indicated: willing to work with us in developing a realistic policy to influence change in EMERGENCY LANDING STRIP CONVEYANCE By Mr. ROTH (for himself, Mr. BIDEN, CubaÐthe nations of the European Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today Mr. LOTT, Mr. HELMS, and Mr. to introduce the Town of Kingston VOINOVICH): Union, Canada, the Organization of S. Con. Res. 117. A concurrent resolution American States, the United Nations, Emergency Landing Strip Conveyance commending the Republic of Slovenia for its even the Pope. Act. partnership with the United States and Another accomplishment of our pol- The Town of Kingston, Nevada, cur- NATO, and expressing the sense of Congress icy of our trade embargo, we now have rently uses federal land as an emer- that Slovenia's accession to NATO would en- a law, the Cuban Liberty and Demo- gency landing strip at Kingston in hance NATO's security, and for other pur- southern Lander County, Nevada. poses; to the Committee on Foreign Rela- cratic Solidarity Act, that prohibits tions. lifting the embargo until there is a Kingston is a rural town located on a f transition government in Cuba that small island of private land in the cen- does not include Castro. This is an ``all ter of the state and is surrounded by STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED or nothing policy'' that cannot work in both United States Forest Service and BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS the real world. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) By Mr. BAUCUS (for himself, Mr. Unilateral trade sanctions don't public lands. The isolation constrains DORGAN, and Mrs. LINCOLN): work. This is as true with Cuba as it the growth, economic diversity, and S. 2617. A bill to lift the trade embar- has been with China, Myanmar, Iraq, public services available to those who go on Cuba, and for other purposes; to or North Korea. In some cases, it hurts live in or visit Kingston. Medic Air of the Committee on Finance. the people in those countries. And it Reno has an agreement with local Fire THE TRADE NORMALIZATION WITH CUBA ACT OF hurts Americans, our farmers, ranch- and Rescue to provide 24-hour emer- 2000 ers, workers, and businesses. gency medical service to this landing Mr. BAUCUS. Mr. President, I rise Forty years of sanctions have accom- strip. BLM has extended the existing today, on behalf of myself and Senators plished nothing in Cuba. It is time for airport lease to the Kingston Town VerDate 25-MAY-2000 04:40 May 25, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24MY6.055 pfrm01 PsN: S24PT1 S4380 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE May 24, 2000 Board until September 30, 2000, but (d) NO RESERVATIONS.ÐThe patent by order alternative punishments that are cannot renew the lease because the which the conveyance under subsection (c) is mixed with mandatory testing and strip does not meet FAA standards. made shall contain no reservations. drug treatment and human services This Act will convey a total of 144.88 (e) LEASE EXTENSION.ÐIf for any reason the conveyance under subsection (c) is not such as education or vocational train- acres to the Town of Kingston. Seventy completed before September 30, 2000, the ing. Meanwhile, imprisonment is held acres will be conveyed at fair market term of the airport lease, as in effect on the out as a stick to ensure good behavior. value and 74.88 acres at no cost.