Congressional Record—House H7225
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September 6, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H7225 William Broomfield was also a main- Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, on ministration. Later, he was elected to stay of the Foreign Affairs Committee. that I demand the yeas and nays. the 88th Congress and served until Jan- As Ranking member for fourteen years, The yeas and nays were ordered. uary 3, 1986. he was a workhorse rather than a show The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Mr. Broyhill was elected to the House horse. He did not seek out the spot- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the of Representatives to represent the light, but worked tirelessly, often be- Chair's prior announcement, further 10th District of North Carolina in 1962 hind the scenes, to help craft impor- proceedings on this motion will be and was reelected to 11 succeeding Con- tant legislation that was amiable to postponed. gresses. During this period, he served both sides of the isle and in the best in- f as the ranking member on the Com- terests of our great country. mittee on Energy and Commerce. Mr. JAMES T. BROYHILL POST OFFICE Naming the Royal Oak Post Office Broyhill resigned his House seat in BUILDING Building in William Broomfield's honor July 1986 when he was appointed to the is a proper tribute to a man who vigor- Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I United States Senate to fill the unex- ously served his constituents and hon- move to suspend the rules and pass the pired term of Senator James East of orably served his country in doing so. bill (H.R. 4534) to designate the facility North Carolina who died unexpectedly. As such, Mr. Speaker, I would ask my of the United States Postal Service lo- Senator Broyhill was respected by colleagues to support this resolution cated at 114 Ridge Street in Lenoir, both Houses on both sides of the aisle and join me in honoring a good man North Carolina, as the ``James T. Broy- as a level-headed and open-minded leg- and public servant who did much for hill Post Office Building,'' as amended. islator. his state and country, William Broom- The Clerk read as follows: Madam Speaker, I commend our col- field. H.R. 4534 league, the gentleman from North Mr. BEREUTER. Madam Speaker, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Carolina (Mr. BURR), for sponsorship of this Member wants to express strong resentatives of the United States of America in this legislation. I urge support of H.R. support for H.R. 4884, which would Congress assembled, 4534 by all of our colleagues. name a United States Postal Service SECTION 1. JAMES T. BROYHILL POST OFFICE Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- facility in Royal Oak, Michigan, as the BUILDING ance of my time. ``William S. Broomfield Post Office (a) DESIGNATION.ÐThe facility of the Mr. CUMMINGS. Madam Speaker, I United States Postal Service located at 114 yield myself such time as I may con- Building.'' This Member became well Ridge Street, N.W. in Lenoir, North Caro- acquainted and impressed with the de- lina, shall be known and designated as the sume. cency, convictions, and leadership of ``James T. Broyhill Post Office Building''. Madam Speaker, H.R. 4534, which Representative Bill Broomfield. A (b) REFERENCES.ÐAny reference in a law, names a post office after James T. Member of this body from 1956±1992, map, regulation, document, paper, or other Broyhill, was introduced by the gen- Bill Broomfield served the state of record of the United States to the facility re- tleman from North Carolina (Mr. BURR) Michigan with extraordinary distinc- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to on May 24, 2000. tion. When this Member joined the be a reference to the ``James T. Broyhill James T. Broyhill was born in Post Office Building''. House Foreign Affairs Committee at Lenoir, North Carolina in 1927. He the beginning of his 3rd term, Rep- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- graduated from the University of North resentative Broomfield, the senior Re- ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1950. He publican member of the Committee, Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA) and the gen- served as vice president of Broyhill gave this member great advice when tleman from Maryland (Mr. CUMMINGS) Furniture Industries and was a member requested, support and encouragement, each will control 20 minutes. of the Lenoir Chamber of Commerce and most importantly an outstanding The Chair recognizes the gentle- where he served as president for 2 example of how a Representative can woman from Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA). years. so capably represent their constituency GENERAL LEAVE In 1962, James Broyhill was elected and state, while pursuing the national Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I to the United States House of Rep- interest on matters of foreign policy. ask unanimous consent that all Mem- resentatives where he served until 1986. During his time as a senior member of bers may have 5 legislative days within He was the ranking member of the the Foreign Affairs Committee, this which to revise and extend their re- House Energy and Committee on Com- nation faced numerous crisesÐthe marks on H.R. 4534, as amended. merce for a number of years. Cuban missile crisis, the Vietnam War, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Upon the death of Senator John East, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, objection to the request of the gentle- Congressman Broyhill was appointed to turmoil in Latin America, and the col- woman from Maryland? the United States Senate by the gov- lapse of the Soviet empire. In each in- There was no objection. ernor. He subsequently lost in his elec- stance, Bill Broomfield's first thought Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I tion bid for the Senate seat and was ap- was toward the U.S. national interest. yield myself such time as I may con- pointed to serve as the chairman of the Thus the designation of this Post Of- sume. North Carolina Economic Development fice Building with his name in his (Mrs. MORELLA asked and was given Board. He is currently retired and liv- home town is certainly one way his permission to revise and extend her re- ing in Winston Salem, North Carolina. colleagues and newer Members of Con- marks.) I urge the swift adoption of this meas- gress can appropriately recognize the Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I ure. outstanding contributions he made to want to commend the sponsor of this Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- America while a Member of the U.S. legislation, the gentleman from North ance of my time. House of Representatives. Carolina (Mr. BURR), for introducing Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I Madam Speaker, obviously, this H.R. 4534. The bill was introduced on yield 4 minutes to the gentleman from Member encourages his colleagues to July 19 of this year and is cosponsored North Carolina (Mr. BURR), the author support this legislation and hereby ex- by each member of the House delega- of this legislation. tend this Member's appreciation of his tion from the State of North Carolina. (Mr. BURR of North Carolina asked service to Bill Broomfield and his fam- This legislation, as amended, will and was given permission to revise and ily. designate the facility of the United extend his remarks.) Mrs. MORELLA. Madam Speaker, I States Postal Service located at 114 Mr. BURR of North Carolina. Madam yield back the balance of my time. Ridge Street, Northwest, in Lenoir, Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. North Carolina, as the James T. Broy- from Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA) for BIGGERT). The question is on the mo- hill Post Office Building. yielding the time to me. tion offered by the gentlewoman from James Thomas Broyhill was born in Madam Speaker, it is indeed an Maryland (Mrs. MORELLA) that the Lenoir, North Carolina, in 1927. He at- honor to be here today to ask my col- House suspend the rules and pass the tended public schools and graduated leagues to support H.R. 4534, which was bill, H.R. 4884. from the University of North Carolina cosponsored by every member of the The question was taken. in 1950 with a BS degree in business ad- North Carolina delegation. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 04:22 Sep 07, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A06SE7.026 pfrm02 PsN: H06PT1 H7226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE September 6, 2000 Jim Broyhill, along with his entire Jim Broyhill never went in for nega- tleman from Maryland, when I next family, has always had a sincere dedi- tive campaigning. That is the type of drive through Lenoir on my way to the cation to serving the community and individual Jim Broyhill was, a very op- crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains, I helping wherever there was a need. His timistic person. will feel just a little better as I drive parents instilled in him the importance Jim Broyhill's years of service de- through that little mountain town, of giving of oneself and time to help serve some form of recognition, and the knowing that its Post Office bears the make a better place for all to live. It naming of a post office in his home- name of Jim Broyhill, an outstanding was because of this desire that in 1962 town is a small way in which we can American, an outstanding public serv- Jim Broyhill first ran for the United honor the work that he has already ant. I know that my colleagues in the States Congress in the old eighth dis- done before us.