1934-11-07 [P A-5]
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FEW NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS MARK SWEEP BY DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS • ■ ■".■■■.. CURLEY IS VICTOR Elected in Races for Governorships OLSON LEAD CUT PHIL LA FOLLETTE INMASSMSETTS BY RURAL VOTES NAA GOVERNOR Ex-Grocery Clerk Achieves Lieut. Gov. Smith Defeats Three Largest Twin Cities With Less Than 200 Pre- ; Ambition—Defeats Reg- Learny by Vote of 73,618 Papers, However, Concede cincts Out, He Leads Dem- ular Nominee. to 54,189. Nelson’s Defeat. ocrat by 16,000. I By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. BOSTON, November 7. — James ! MONTPELIER, Vt., November 7.— ST. PAUL, November 7.—Slow gains MILWAUKEE. November 7.—The a infant Michael Curley, who started life as Republican rule of Vermont, dating that whittled down Gov. Floyd B. Progressive party appeared to- humble grocery store clerk, has at- day to have been victorious in all back to pre-Civil War days, still held Olson’s lead were chalked up by Mar- tained a lifelong ambition—the gov- major contests of the Wisconsin gen- ernorship of Massachusetts. forth today. tin A. Nelson, Republican, today as eral election, with the two La Fol- Through three terms as mayor of United States Senator Warren R. almost a fourth of the State's 3,700 lettes in full comamnd by virtue of he his on the their individual triumphs. Boston, kept eye gov- Austin, bitter foe of the administra- precincts were heard from. Senator Robert M. La Follette was ernorship. Ten years ago he sought The rural where the Nation’s tion, was re-elected, however, by such vote, his to be turned back a re-elected: his younger brother Phil, goal only by only Farmer-Labor Goveinor had won But there was a narrow margin that his victory was on the basis of nearly complete re- Republican. yesterday big majorities two years ago. was lean- turns, won the Governor’s office, a no stopping the original Roosevelt not assured tintil tabulation of the ing toward Nelson on the basis of man in position he reached four years ago, Massachusetts—he swept the State's vote was completed. scattered returns, in the face of which nearly to be retired after a term. State from Berkshires to the coast the Twin only single small town was three largest City newspa- and in the one-time clerk When the last in, The Senator defeated John B. Chap- grocery pers, supporters of Nelson, had con- so into Austin’s over Fred C. Martin, pie, Republican, and John M. Calla- % doing swept political retire- victory ceded the election to Olson. stood 67,278 han, Democrat. ment Lieut. Gov. Gaspar G. Bacon, his Democratic opponent, Returns from 1.004 precincts gave: scion to The Senator vote in 2,719 Republican standard bearer and 63,546. Olson, 149,151; Nelson, 123.807, and precincts of bore the brunt of the Dem- of 2,917: La Follette, 359,993: Calla- an ancient and distinguished Austin John E. Regan, Democrat, 45.488. almost exclu- han, 203,679; Chappie, 193.967. family. ocratic attack, waged The Governor, on a platform charg- Phil nosed ahead of the Democratic In 1,679 precincts out of 1,716, the sively upon national issues. Austin ing failure of capitalism and advocat- Martin Governor, A. G. Schmedeman, and ran figures were: Bacon, 617,242: Curley, opposed Roosevelt policy; sup- ing a sweeping program of public far ahead of Howard T. Greene, Re- 720,894; Goodwin (independent!, ported it. ownership, apparently would win the in publican. 92,653. Vermont’s lone Representative Twin Cities by at least 30,000 or 35,000 Charles A. The vote In 2.786 precincts of 2.917: Flair for Politics. the National Congress. votes. Plumley, Republican, found himself La Follette, 351,602: Schmedeman, Jim as he is known to his The final outcome, Indications were, Curley, re-elected over Carroll E. Jenkins, 335.470; Greene, 162.944. hinged on how the farm vote went Intimates, is a man of many faces. Six months ago the brothers dared Democrat, by the comfortable figures with small towns going for Nelson. Even his political enemies have con- to split from the Republican ranks —73,530 to 54,952. The Governor’s strongholds, however, ceded his flair for practical politics Lieut. Gov. Charles M. Smith, Re- and declared for a new political while his record the Iron ranges and the Western questioning, at times, won the Governor’s chair alignment. They organized their own publican, drought area, were yet to report. First In office. party, inspired with the La Follette from James P. Leamy, Democrat, 73,- returns from these areas showed a pre- He w'ent only to grammar school, touch, and swept the boards. 618 to 54.189. ponderance of Olson sentiment. yet few men are so well read. He The brothers broke precedents in * Olson’s- running mate, Hjalamar has a resonant voice and a command- their sweep. Their father, the late Peterson, was out in front for lieu- ing platform manner. ’’Fighting Bob” La Follette, won his Vote tenant governor. His campaign speeches are liberally Challenged, victories as a Republican. A La Fol- interspersed with quotations from the lette has represented Wisconsin in one more DalVs Ballot or another since but classics, and he has delighted on Mrs. Ritchie capacity 1900, than one occasion to confound his Campaign never did two run together for the opponents with apt quotations from Fails to Arrive State’s most important posts. Shakespeare. Button Sends Senator R. M. La Follette left Madi- Curley first came into the national Boy, son early today for Washington, where when he will meet President Roosevelt. limelight in the early days of • to a the boom for Franklin D. Roosevelt Forfeiture of Rights 6, Hospital for the Democratic presidential elec- tion, he defied the preponderant Claimed by G. O. P. MERRIAM TO 1 f -i WEIGH Alfred E. Smith sentiment in Massa- • No. 1—Philip La Follette, elected Governor cf Wisconsin on a third Object Swallowed by also his Robert chusetts to espouse the Roosevelt Candidate. party Progressive ticket, which carried brother, M., jr, cause. safely back to the Senate. Baltimore Not TOM MOONEY’S PLEA who defeated Child; Denied the right to go to the Chicago No. 2—Frank F. Merriam. Republican, Upton Sinclair, By the Associated Press. convention as a delegate, he succeeded former Socialist, but running on the Democratic ticket, to win the Cali- in N. November Danger. in seated as an POUGHKEEPSIE, Y., fornia governorship. Promised by stratagem being _ Yesterday, Before Vote who re-elected alternate for a delegate from Puerto 7.—Anna Roosevelt Dali, daughter of No. 3—Gov. Herbert H Lehman of New York, was Rico. With the backing of President Roosevelt. By the Associated Press Results Were to Con- the President, did not return her ab- personal Known, No. 4—James M. Curley, one of the original Roosevelt-for-President BALTIMORE, November 7.—A uecnneo roiana rosx. sentee ballot thus side- sider Pardon yesterday, men. who won the Massachusetts governorship. IN NEW JERSEY Democratic campaign button sent El- Request. He STATE the State and NEW stumped many stepping the challenge made to her No. 5—Wilbur L. Cross, Democrat, re-elected Connecticut Governor. wood Miller, 6 to a hospital yester- parts of the country for Roosevelt, but No. 6—Frank B. Fitzgerald, Republican, elected Governor of Michigan. — day. franchise by Miss Natalie Couch on YJ1 By the Associated Press. shortly after the President was in- 7—Gov. Alf M. Landon of Kansas re-elected. El wood was playing with the button, the of r.on-residence. No. LOS ANGELES. November 7—Act- augurated, he surprised political wise- grounds Control G. 0. P. Gets Control Over which bore a picture of Gov. Albert Miss Couch, Republican candidate Capture Complete ing Gov. Frank F. Merriam said acres by declining presidential ap- Ritchie. He put the button in his yes- for Representative-at-Large, declared he pointment as Ambassador to Poland. mouth and swallowed it. terday had declined to consider her intention of challenging Mrs. Lehman and State Government as Hoff- the of Thomas He explained he wanted to finish by Electing All efforts of Elwood's family to pardon application Dali’s vote in a telegram sent to Mrs. Mooney, serving a life sentence far his term as mayor. He stayed on the dislodge thi button failed and the % Franklin D. Roosevelt. I the job despite the taunts of the envious Ticket. man Is Victor. I hospital was called in. An x-ray pic- Preparedness day bombing in San Because Mrs. Dali established resi- Francisco, because he is “not a that he was building his fences for ture showed that the boy was in no duly- dence in Nevada this Summer to ob- elected officer of the of the forthcoming gubernatorial fight. I danger. State Cali- tain her divorce. Miss Couch claimed fornia.” Merriam was elected Gov- Curley will succeed B. Ely. By the Associated Press. By the Associated Press. Joseph she had forfeited her to vote in ernor right — in yesterday's retiring Democratic Governor, whose NEW YORK. November 7.—Swept NEWARK. N. J„ November 7 balloting. this State. “If am the momentum of a IN I named Governor In the power he flaunted by overturning onward before ! Harold G. Hoffman. Republican, to- Mrs. Dali remained in Washington, CONNECTicUTAGAIN election." Merriam said. "I shall, in Ely’s choice of Gen. Charles H. Cole rebuilt Tammany machine in New and the ballot which she had obtained GJIF7STATES day was elected Governor of New due time, consider any pardon to be his successor.