INCLUSION I N W O R S H I P MINISTRY A Ministry to Welcome Worshippers of All Abilities as Active Participants INCLUSION REPRESENTATIVE RESOURCE BOOKLET Fourth Roman Catholic Edition DEDICATION This resource is dedicated with gratitude to the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin and Father Henri Nouwen who inspired the Inclusion in Worship Ministry at the Pathways Foundation That All May Worship Conference, April 22, 1996, to Cardinal Francis George, Archbishop of Chicago, for his continued support, the Inclusion In Worship Round Table of advisors for their guidance and to the pastors and Inclusion Representatives who work to make the parishes in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Chicago accessible to parishioners of all abilities. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Grace Harding, former director of the Department for Persons with Disabilities, Diocese of Pittsburgh, PA and the Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania for sharing their Parish Advocate Handbooks with Their publications acknowledge the following: Eastern Paralyzed Veterans of America, National Catholic Partnership on Disabilities, National Pastoral Life Center, Diocese of Wichita, Diocese of Boston, Liberty Resources, Research and Training Center on Independent Living This resource was created at the request of Inclusion Representatives. If you have information that you would like to add to this booklet, please submit by email to Joanne Meyer, Program Manager, at
[email protected] or call 708-922-9455. ON THE COVER The icon of the Holy Trinity was selected for the Inclusion Awareness Day prayer card because it is a source of meditation and prayer on the inter-relation of the Trinity, hospitality and inclusion.