BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 201 Centre Plaza Drive, Suite 1100, Monterey Park, CA 91754 Large Conference Room Monday April 15, 2013, 8am

Call-In Number: 323-859-2840 / Code: 0160439#


Item Min Presenter

1 STAFF & BOARD MEET AND GREET 2 CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOME 5 Bruce Herron New Board Members: Greg Collins Guests: Jeremy Davies/Chair-Corporate Initiative, Robert Smith/Chair- Communications, Ruby Wood/Counsel for CASALA All Staff Welcome 3 CONSENT AGENDA 5 Jean Youngquist Action Minutes from February Board Meeting Governance Committee Report 5 Anneli Stone - Job descriptions, Board commitment form, Board conflict of interest form, Mid-year progress form, Board terms and composition Memorandum of Understanding with the Court Bill Jones Development Committee Report 4 COLLECTIVE WISDOM PROJECT 5 Cristine Reynaert 5 FINANCE COMMITTEE UPDATE 15 Ralph Walter FY2013 YTD Performance Mgmt Team 6 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT 30 Dilys Garcia FY2014 Plan Highlights and Budget Recommendation Action 7 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE 20 Anneli Stone Revisions to By-Laws Action Board elections Action - A. Stone, D. Silva, J. Dolan Discussion: FY2014 Board Pledge Alchemy Leadership Workshop 8 DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY & RESULTS 25 Bill Jones Gala Committee Update Jim Rishwain & Paul Deitch Speaker Kit Robert Smith

9 CLOSING REMARKS 10 Bruce Herron RECOGNITIONS Lori Kozak for Court MOU Jean Youngquist and AV Fundraiser Committee Anissa McNeil and Glamour Gowns Committee, Educational Advocacy Pilot Ed Nahmias for Capital Group Engagement; 3 trainees and 8 to Gala Kurt Swanson for leadership on Toy Industry Foundation Event April 5 William Jones for AV Fundraiser, Keck Site Visit Robert Smith for New CASA/LA Videos and Speaker Kit Jim Rishwain and Paul Deitch for Gala Leadership 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND ADJOURNMENT 5 Bruce Herron

4/12/2013 2 of 108

NEXT BOARD MEETINGS: June 30: Annual Meeting followed by Annual Board & Staff Celebration BBQ, 3pm

EVENTS May 1: CASA/LA Spring Gala, 6:30pm, Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire! May 18: First AME Church, 10:30am June TBD: Marlene Rapkin House Party, Marina del Rey June 5: Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, CA Endowment June 17: Kyle Rudow Memorial Golf Tournament

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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING: Monday, February 4, 2013 8:00am CASA of Los Angeles Conference Room


Members Present: Bruce Herron, Ralph Walter, Jean Youngquist, Peter Csato, Paul Deitch, Lynn James, Lori Kozak, Anissa McNeil, Ed Nahmias, Cristine Reynaert, Ray Randall, Jim Rishwain, Daniel Silva, Anneli Stone, Jacquie Dolan,

Via Phone: Cristine Reynaert

Guests: Robert Smith, Charissa Gonzales, Erin Mooney, Barbara Bruner

Members Absent: Roger Ridlehoover, Dan Nabel, AJ Safavi, Jim Rishwain, Sandi Romero-Boada, Frank Addante, Deborah Greaves

Staff Present: Dilys Tosteson Garcia, Kurt Swanson, Lynne Gabriel, Tania Williams, Rosalee Villalobos, Bill Jones, Carolyn McGee, Lauri Halderman, Louise Bieschke, Linda Jones, Rosa Arevalo, Elizabeth Hook

Call to Order and Welcome, Bruce Herron The meeting was called to order at 7:59 a.m. by Bruce Herron.

Consent Agenda: Approval of the Minutes Upon a duly made and seconded motion, the consent agenda was approved.

CASA Story Barbara Bruner, who served on the CA CASA Board for 14 years and now heads the Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Committee, discussed the three unmet needs in the recruitment and retention of CASAs, First, a perceived lack of transparency which has been alleviated by volunteers meeting with Executive Director and Board President. Second, an emphasis on recruiting volunteers as diverse as the population we serve. The African American Committee, the Hispanic Outreach, and the Quarterback Club are groups created for these purposes. Third, an increase in satisfaction and decrease in dissatisfaction. Satisfaction is increased by acknowledging volunteers at the holiday parties and volunteer luncheon. We also seek feedback from CASAs and fundraising support where applicable. Many of the successes are due to the collaboration with staff especially when solutions are proposed rather than dictated by policy or procedures. In addition, we need to recruit with a healthy dose of reality. Main 6 of 108

reasons for dissatisfaction are isolation, lack of connection, and out-sized expectations. Lynn James added that the attrition rate has gone from 31% to 12%, and is currently 8%. Hopefully it will be only 6% this year. Moving and health issues are the main reasons for leaving. Providing additional connections to CASA through jury presentations, book clubs, share and support sessions, relevant in-services and meetings with Bruce Herron have also been helpful.

Finance Committee, Ralph Walter

Highlights of FY 2012 Audit 1 Unqualified clean opinion 2 Increase in assets of $400,000 3 Government grants are a much smaller piece 4 Contributions from foundations and individuals have replaced government grants 5 No debt 6 Line of credit was obtained to assist with any problems with cash flow. 7 Audit pointed out a lack of matching time sheets allocation in the draw and supervisor unapproved time cards. Both of these are required in the audit because of federal funds. Paul Deitch asked how many time sheets were tested. Ralph responded that 10 out of 75 were issues – the time was correct but in the wrong period. Lack of supervisor approval took place when supervision was in transition. 8 Previous amount of government grants was $789,000 which is what needs to be replaced.

ACTION: Upon a duly made and seconded motion, the audit was approved.

Following discussion of cost per child served, a decision was made to report on an annualized basis. Attention was called to the Justice Jog, which raised over $46,000 Over $900k in the bank as of 12/31/2012 In relation to outside services costs on page 42, Dilys explained that Charissa’s services are reflected in 2 lines, as event manager and under Gala

Introductions, Bruce Herron

Transparency is one of the hallmarks of this organization. Everybody is welcome at any committee meeting. It is important that items have been read and questions have been asked in advance of the board meeting.

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Governance Committee, Anneli Stone

1 Reflected on board composition report handed out during meeting. Board composition needs to reflect the population we serve. 2 Every 3 years we are required to review bylaws. Pages 71-72 of board packet lists recommended changes to bylaws. 3 Discussed 7.02 change of chairman and vice-chairman board terms from 2 years to 1 year. Recommended by the Governance Committee to give more flexibility and to allow more people to step up. Ed Nahmias pointed out that a one year term for chairman may be too short. Paul Deitch raised the issue that it may be awkward when we present to other organizations. Ralph Walter pointed out that there is flexibility through re-election. The final vote will be at the April 15 meeting. 4 Governance Committee also recommended addition of a nonprofit audit committee which would be separate from finance once we reach $2MM.

ACTION: Upon a duly made and seconded motion, Louis Lucido, Allyson Pfeifer and Greg Collins were elected to their first terms as CASA/LA board members.

Development Plans, Bill Jones

1 22 grants: 6 from first time funders. Parsons $300k, Eisner $100,000, NBC4 $50,000, Atlas renewed, Gogian increased, and Deutsch went to 80k, Generally it takes 3 years of contact with foundations before they contribute (pgs. 87-89 of Board agenda) 2 Charissa reported on Gala. External of $1MM. Currently $240k raised. Still no corporate honoree – reaching out to 2 corporations at this time. Auction committee wants to generate $75,000. First week of March, invitations will go out. Mailing lists needed by Feb 15. Charissa described Gala layout which will not be a traditional sit down dinner. From 6:30- 8:00, there will be food stations spread throughout rooms along with booths for auction items and possibly the Quilters’ Guild which furnishes quilts for CASA children... From 8:00-9:20 there will be dessert and a condensed program. 3 Jean Youngquist reported on AV Benefit which will be a sit down dinner on March 8 and will be honoring Supervisor Antonovich. 4 E-newsletters will focus on theme and Facebook has 4-5 stories per week. 5 Robert Smith debuted the rough cut of the video that he has been working on which is 4-5 minutes long. The plan is for it to be used on our website, to potential donors and volunteers, at the Gala and possibly as a PSA. It will also be used at the AV Benefit. 6 Anissa McNeil reported that Glamour Gowns is confirmed for March 8-10 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. There will be a collaborative 8 of 108

planning meeting this week. Discussion of the Friday event will be ironed out at this time. 7 Anissa McNeil reported on the African American Committee event which will be at the Mayme Clayton Library and Museum in Culver City on Feb 23.

Executive Director’s Report, Dilys Tosteson Garcia Quest for improvement of level of management continues. (p.103-104) Highlights: 1 Strategic recruitment and realignment of CASA continues with new emphasis 2 Staffing changes – Rosalee Villalobos is stepping into Monique’s role in AV / Louise Bieschke moving back to program / Bill Jones staying until of FY2013 3 Lynne Gabriel implementing flex training which allows us to scale up with computer as well as face-to-face training sessions 4 2nd rollout of case assessment survey 5 Successful audit 6 Successful AOC visit. AOC suggested that we make the case referral criteria more explicit. 7 Volunteer management system will be instituted by summer 8 MP office will be redesigned. Design team, recommended by Ridlehoover, visited last week. Will optimize use of space. 9 Board calendar changes will be made for June. Dilys will be on a once in a lifetime safari. Dilys recognized the following people: ● Ray Randall, Bruce Herron, Cristine Reynaert, Ed Nahmias for early board contributions ● Frank Addante, Paul Deitch, Jim Rishwain for early Gala commitments ● Lynne Gabriel for implementation of flex training ● Carolyn McGee for a steady hand in an inflammatory situation ● Kurt Swanson for AOC site visit- praised as competent and gracious

Closing Remarks

Bruce praised the robust committees and raised the importance of ending on time


The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 a.m. 9 of 108 10 of 108 11 of 108 memo

To: Board of Directors From: Anneli Stone Chair, Governance Committee Date: 4/15/2013 Re: Governance Committee Report

The Governance Committee is continuing to focus on board recruitment and instituting best practices in nonprofit governance, board performance and transparency.

Officer Slate: The Board will vote on the proposed Officer Slate at the June annual meeting. Descriptions of the board officer positions have been developed.

Board Recruitment:  We are pleased to welcome our new members from DoubleLine Capital – Louis Lucido and Allyson Pfeifer – and PwC’sGreg Collins!  A board recruitment strategizing session is being planned to brainstorm specific leaders who could be targeted for potential board membership. (See the criteria and areas of discussion outlined in the attached CASA Board Recruitment‐ Priorities Discussion document)

Board Composition and Terms (see attached)

Board Performance: The Committee has updated the Board Commitment Form:  New expectation that the minimum give is $5000. Existing directors, unable to make a “stretch” gift, will be grandfathered in at previous $3500 level during continued board transition to higher giving levels.  New expectation that board members set their own fundraising goal at a level that is doable for them  Increase expectation that board members attend 100% of scheduled board meetings (was 75%)

The Committee has developed a Mid‐Year Performance Update on Board Service Requirements Form to track each board member’s performance on commitments and contributions to CASA/LA.

Board members are asked to sign and submit a Conflict of Interest statement annually.

Each board member is responsible for filling out, signing and returning their own forms. All forms are due July 1, 2013 to Anneli Stone at [email protected] Thanks to each and every one of you for your support of CASA of Los Angeles and your dedication as a Member of the Board of Directors.

12 of 108 CASA/LA Board Job Descriptions

CASA OF LOS ANGELES Chair of the Board of Directors

Mission CASA OF LOS ANGELES’ mission is to mobilize community volunteers to advocate for children in foster care.

Position As a partner to the executive director and other board members, the Board Chair will provide leadership to CASA OF LOS ANGELES as it advocates for an increased number of foster children and transforms itself into a sustainable nonprofit. The Board Chair will support and sustain the work of CASA OF LOS ANGELES, and provide governance leadership and strategic fundraising support. General duties include:

Leadership, governance, and oversight  Being a trusted advisor to the CEO as s/he develops and implements CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s strategic plan  Planning, presiding over, and facilitating board and executive committee meetings  Partnering with the CEO to ensure that board resolutions are carried out  Developing and managing relationships and communicating with: funders, partners, and other stakeholders  As a board member, approving CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities  Coordinating an annual performance evaluation of the CEO in collaboration with the Executive Committee and compensation recommendation for approval by the board of directors  Assisting the CEO and Governance Committee in recruiting board members  Assists chief executive in conducting new board member orientation  Appoints all committee chairs, and with the chief executive, recommends who will serve on committees  Periodically consulting with board members on their roles and helping them assess their performance  Executing, with the Secretary or other proper officer of the Corporation authorized by the Board, any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, leases or other instruments  Acting as an ambassador for the organization  Ensuring CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s commitment to a diverse board and staff that reflects the communities CASA OF LOS ANGELES serves

Fundraising  In collaboration with the CEO, generating substantial annual revenue and fostering CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s overall financial health  Personally treating CASA OF LOS ANGELES as a top philanthropic priority reflected in an annual financial gift  Ensuring that 100 percent of CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s board members make an annual contribution that is commensurate with their capacity 13 of 108 CASA/LA Board Job Descriptions

 Identifying, qualifying, cultivating, soliciting, and stewarding major individual donors, corporate, and/or foundation gifts  Collaborating with the gala chair to secure sponsorships and a successful, high profile annual event

Board terms CASA OF LOS ANGELES’ board members serve a three-year term and may be eligible for re-appointment for one additional term. The Board Chairperson shall be elected by the Board of Directors before the end of the fiscal year for a term of one year, and shall serve at the discretion of the Board until his or her successor shall be elected, or his or her earlier resignation or removal. If a term of the outgoing Chair of the Board expires at the same time as the expiration of his or her second term, then such a Director may be reelected for an additional one-year term.

Board meetings are held a minimum of four times per fiscal year and committee meetings are held in the intervening months in coordination with full board meetings.

Qualifications This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about the success of CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s beneficiaries and who has a track record of board leadership. The selected Board Chair will have achieved leadership stature in business, government, philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector. His/her accomplishments will allow him/her to attract other well-qualified, high-performing board members. Ideal candidates will have the following qualifications:

 A commitment to and understanding of CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s beneficiaries and mission  Extensive professional experience with significant executive leadership accomplishments in business, government, philanthropy, or the nonprofit sector  Demonstrated success as a nonprofit board member or board chair  Track record of building credibility in the funding community that has resulted in major gifts to a nonprofit  Savvy diplomatic skills and a natural affinity for cultivating relationships and convening, facilitating, and building consensus among diverse individuals  Excellent written and oral communication skills coupled with natural affinity for public speaking  Personal qualities of integrity, credibility, and a passion for improving the lives of CASA OF LOS ANGELES’s beneficiaries

14 of 108 CASA/LA Board Job Descriptions


The Vice Chair is responsible for leading and overseeing the Board of Directors’ fundraising activities on behalf of the Corporation. In the absence of the Board Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Board Chair, and when performing the duties of the Board Chair shall sign as Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him or her, by the Board Chair or by the Board of Directors. During any period in which the Board Chair is unable or refuses to act, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of Chairperson. Other duties include:

 Attend all board meetings  Serve on the executive committee  Oversee the development committee  Collaborate with the development director to create an annual fund development plan, assign board members to activities in the plan, and hold board members accountable for fundraising activity  Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair  Understand the responsibilities of the board chair and be able to perform these duties in the chair's absence  Participate as a vital part of the board leadership

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The treasurer is responsible for overseeing the fiscal health and financial management of the organization in accordance with the bylaws and board-approved policies. General duties include:

 Attend all board meetings  Chair of the finance committee  Responsible for appropriate custodial arrangement for all the Corporation’s funds  Knowledgeable about who has access to the organization’s funds, and any outstanding bills or debts owed, as well as developing systems for maintaining a positive, healthy cash flow  Oversee the maintenance of adequate and correct accounts of the Corporation's business transactions, including accounts of assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains and losses.  Oversee the development and implementation of the organization's board-approved financial policies  Manage, with the finance committee, the board's review of and action related to the board's financial responsibilities  Work with the executive director and finance officer to ensure that appropriate financial reports are made available to the board on a timely basis  Present the annual budget to the board for approval  Review the annual audit and answer board members' questions about the audit if appropriate and in accordance with the bylaws  Keep the board regularly informed of key financial events, trends, concerns, and assessment of fiscal health in addition to completing required financial reporting forms and filings in a timely fashion and making these forms and filings available to the board

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The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to meet legal requirements, and to enable authorized persons to determine when, how, and by whom the board's business was conducted. Records kept by the Secretary will serve several purposes, including detailing accurate recollection of decisions; establishing quorum and determining eligibility to vote; ensuring continuity in implementing policies and practices; and documenting the accountability of directors and officers. As an elected officer, the Secretary is accountable to the Board of Directors. Through the Board of Directors, certain duties of the Secretary may be delegated to the Executive Director, Board members and/or committees as appropriate; however, the accountability for them remains with the Secretary. In order to fulfill these responsibilities, and subject to CASA OF LOS ANGELES's bylaws, the Secretary’s general duties include:

 Attend all board meetings and participate as a voting member  Serve on the Executive Committee  Chair the Governance Committee  Oversee the safe keeping and accuracy of all board records, including, but not limited to founding documents, (eg. articles of incorporation), lists of directors, board and committee meeting minutes, financial reports, and other official records  Ensure that accurate minutes of board meetings are taken and approved  Ensure that an up-to-date copy of the bylaws is available at all meetings  Ensure that proper notification is given of directors' meetings as specified in the bylaws  Assume responsibilities of the chair in the absence of the board chair and vice chair  Sign or countersign checks, correspondence, applications, reports, contracts or other documents on behalf of organization as authorized or required by the board of directors and/or bylaws

CASA of Los Angeles| Board 17of of Directors 108 2013‐14 Board Member Commitment Form

Vision A Los Angeles in which every foster child has an advocate and the opportunity to thrive. Mission To mobilize community volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children.

Board Member:______

1. Board Member Pledge As a member of the Board of Directors of CASA of Los Angeles, I pledge to the organization and to my fellow directors that I will further the mission of the organization and will fulfill all basic board member agreements to which I have previously committed and those fundraising and cultivation commitments I indicate below.

2. Board Member Duties and Responsibilities: a. Provide financial support through personal giving and solicitation b. Attend 100% of scheduled Board Meetings c. Participate in at least one committee d. Contribute my individual talents and expertise e. Attend CASA functions and events f. Provide community outreach and leadership

3. Specific Board Responsibilities that I agree to fulfill: a. The Financial Support I will provide this year: $______(minimum of $5000) b. Solicitations I will cultivate from potential donors this year: $______c. Understand and approve policies of the organization d. Understand and approve the annual budget e. Attend the annual board retreat

4. Specific Board-level Committee(s) that I will regularly participate in (circle all that apply): o Executive (elected) o Finance o Audit o Governance o Development Committees: i. Gala ii. Justice Jog iii. Other______

5. Specific Events I will work on in addition to my Board-level committee obligation: o Hosting a Home or Other Event o Glamour Gowns o Other______

I understand that the Board of Directors is protected under the Directors and Officers insurance through the Non-profits’ Insurance Alliance of . I understand that a knowledgeable, committed Board of Directors is the strongest protector of a charitable organization’s accountability to the law, its clients, its donors and the public. And as such, I understand that I must fulfill these duties in order to remain a board member in good standing.

Accepted by: ______Date:______

Scan signed copy and return to [email protected] by July 1, 2013. 18 of 108 19 of 108



No member of the Board of Directors, or any of its Committees, shall derive any personal profit or gain, directly or indirectly, by reason of his or her participation with CASA of Los Angeles or related entities, including other CASA organizations.

Each individual shall disclose to the organization any personal interest which he or she may have in any matter pending before the organization and shall refrain from participation in any decision on such matter. Any member of the Board, any Committee, or Staff who is an officer, board member, a committee member, staff member of or consultant to a client organization or vendor of CASA shall identify his or her affiliation with such agency or agencies; further, in connection with any committee board action specifically directed to that agency, s/he shall not participate in the decision affecting that agency and the decision must be made and/or ratified by the full board.

Any member of the Board, any Committee, Staff, and certain Consultants shall refrain from obtaining any list of clients for personal or private solicitation purposes at any time during the term of their affiliation.

At this time, I am a board member, committee member, an employee of or consultant to the following organizations:

Now this is to certify that I, except as described below, am not now nor at any time during the past year have been:

1. A participant, directly or indirectly, in any arrangement, agreement, investment, or other activity with any vendor, supplier, or other party doing business with CASA which has resulted or could result in personal benefit to me

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2. A recipient, directly or indirectly, of any salary payments or loans or gifts of any kind or any free service or discounts or other fees from or on behalf of any person or organization engaged in any transaction with CASA

3. Any exceptions to 1 or 2 above are stated below with a full description of the transactions and of the interest, whether direct or indirect, which I have (or have had during the past year) in the persons or organizations having transactions with CASA

Signature Date

Print Name Title

Scan signed copy and return to [email protected] by July 1, 2013.

Page 2 of 2

21 of 108 CASA of Los Angeles| Board of Directors 2013 Performance Update on Board Service Requirements

Your Name | Title or Profession Employer Name – Address| W: () C: () ; Email: Member Since (Year)| Term of Service Expires (Date)

Thank you for your support of CASA of Los Angeles and your dedication as a Member of the Board of Directors. Your assistance has never been of greater importance than during this period of continued growth. As a Member, you bear the responsibility of governing the organization to effectively fulfill its mission and CASA of Los Angeles’s success is built on your commitment. We rely on you attending meetings, actively participating on at least one Committee and making CASA of Los Angeles your philanthropic and fundraising priority. This performance assessment was created to help you evaluate your participation and obligations as you close the year. Key measures are:

 Board Meeting Attendance: Members are required to attend a minimum of 75% of board meetings annually.  Committee Participation: Members are required to join at least one board –level committee (Executive, Finance, Audit, Governance, Development).  I participate on the ______Committee(s).  Financial Commitment:* Members are asked to contribute $3500 as well as support and attend CASA of Los Angeles’s special events  Fundraising Goal:* Members are asked to set a goal that is achievable for them and actively solicit donations for CASA of Los Angeles

KEY MEASURES July 1st – April 30th Meeting Attendance Annual Giving (# I’ve attended / Meetings held to date) (as of 4/15/13) Board 4/4 Give Get Total Pledged* Committee $3,500 $ $3500 Committee

Special Project(s) /

Other Stewardship Activities

*As indicated on my 2012‐13 Board Commitment form, which I signed and returned to CEO Dilys Garcia on 10/19/12

Give/Get Highlights in Detail:

Fill out and scan signed copy and return to [email protected] by July 1, 2013.

Board Service Requirement Card issued on 4/15/13 22 of 108 23 of 108 CASA/LA BOARD SERVICE TERMS

BOARD SERVICE FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 24 Jacquie Dolan (7/13) 123456 22 Greg Collins (4/13) 123456 21 Allyson Pfeifer (4/13) 123456 20 Louis Lucido (4/13) 123456 19 A J Safavi (11/12) 123456 18 Peter Csato (9/12) 123456 17 Ed Nahmias (9/12) 123456 16 Lori Kozak (9/12) 123456 15 Paul Deitch (4/12) 123456 14 Dan Nabel (4/12) 123456 13 Cristine Reynaert (2/12) 123456 12 Deborah Greaves (2/12) 123456 11 *Lynn James (2/12) 123456 10 *Anissa McNeil (11/11) 123456 9 Ray Randall (9/11) 123456 8 Jim Rishwain (9/11) 123456 7 Frank Addante (7/11) 123456 6 *Jean Youngquist (5/11) 123456 5 Anneli Stone (9/10) 123456 4 *Dan Silva (6/10) 123456 3 *Roger Ridlehoover (5/09) 123456 2 Ralph Walter (2009) 123456 1 *Bruce Herron (7/08) 123456

*CASA advocate Terms by FY July 1 - June 30

BOARD MEMBER AFFILIATIONS COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Jacquie Dolan (7/13) Founder, CASA of Los Angeles Greg Collins (4/13) Audit Partner, PwC, alternative asset management, California C.P.A. Allyson Pfeifer (4/13) Client Services, DoubleLine Capital; investor relations Louis Lucido (4/13) Principal, COO, DoubleLine Capital, investment management A J Safavi Vice President, Morgan Stanley, wealth management Peter Csato Attorney, Frandzel Robbins Bloom & Csato, commercial litigation Finance Committee Ed Nahmias Retired executive, Capital Research Company, civic leader, board member, Center Theatre Group Finance Committee Lori Kozak Former CASA, Attorney, Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zaffman, trademark/branding, intellectual property rights Development/Counsel for CASA Dan Nabel Attorney, Greenberg Glusker, technology interest, pro adoptions Development/Counsel for CASA Paul Deitch Managing Director, Oaktree Capital Management Gala Committee, Governance Cristine Reynaert Attorney, Dollamir, commercial litigation Development/Counsel for CASA Deborah Greaves Trained CASA, Corporate Counsel, True Religion Gala Committee Lynn James Active CASA, VP in private wealth management at Wells Fargo Governance Anissa McNeil Active CASA, education consultant, civic leader, African American community Governance Jim Rishwain Global Chair, Pillsbury law firm Chair, Gala Committee Ray Randall Retired executive, civic leader Finance Committee Frank Addante Internet entrepreneur, CEO/Founder The Rubicon Project, South Bay Jean Youngquist Active CASA, Retired school administrator, civic leader, Lancaster/AV, Development/Outreach AV Anneli Stone Private foundation officer, nonprofit management, SFV Chair, Governance; Executive Dan Silva Active CASA, Lobbyist, marketing services, Valencia/AV Bruce Herron Active CASA, Retired executive, civic leader, Harbor Interfaith, South Bay Board Chair, Executive, Governance, Developme Roger Ridlehoover Active CASA, economist, civic leader, South Bay/Downtown Executive, Finance, Gov Ralph Walter Retired executive, KayneAnderson, civic leader, board member-Exceptional Children's Foundation, Fulfillment Fund Executive, Finance, Governance

4/8/13 24 of 108 25 of 108 CASA of Los Angeles| Board of Directors 2013‐14 Board Recruitment Priorities

Ideas for discussion:

Characteristics we will seek I prioritize: 1. Passion for CASA mission and keen interest in children’s causes 2. Prestige- personal and/or professional- visibility/credibility 3. Local knowledge- business community, civic/political (knows elected officials), community 4. Connections/relationships- ability to connect to local resources and communities 5. Has personal wealth/Major donor capacity ($XX,XXX) 6. Has a large network from which to raise awareness I fundraise- a. How do we want to define this? How to vet prospective candidates on this topic? 7. Willingness to fundraise, implement new ideas for fundraising events 8. Has connections to people with major donor capacity, connections with corporate sector 9. Representation from South Los Angeles, East Los Angeles, Glendale/Burbank/Pasadena? 10. Has previous nonprofit or corporate board experience

Types of potential board members: 1. Civic leaders- Who should we go after? Who do we know? County and/or state level? 2. CEOs- which companies? Chamber of Commerce? 3. Business executives- what level? Types of firms? 4. Venture capitalists- L.A. has a vibrant, growing venture capitalist scene. Who? 5. Philanthropists -Ideas? 6. Academician or practitioner (child welfare, mental health or public health). Do we need this type of person on the board? 7. Known child advocate on state or national stage? 8. Former CASA Youth?

Which fields do we need to prioritize?: Banking/Finance/Investments Accounting/Auditing Legal Health care Entertainment Technology Child welfare, mental health, early childhood Marketing/public relations Government relations/Policy 26 of 108 CASA of Los Angeles| Board of Directors 2013‐14 Board Recruitment Priorities

CASA of Los Angeles- Board Composition as of November 2012

Female-7 Male-12

White-18 African American -1

Antelope Valley- 2 San Fernando Valley- 3 San Gabriel Valley -1 South Bay-4 West LA-8

Following totals more than 19 since members identified more than one area of professional

Banking/Finance- 4 Business/Entrepreneur- 5 Executive/Management- 5 Fundraising- 2 Legal- 6 Nonprofit- 3 Technology- 2 Sales -1

Of the 11members who responded, those that self-identified as having:

Fundraising experience- 5 Communications experience - 1 Connections to people with money- 1 Connections with businesses/corporations- 1 Personal wealth - 1 Is well known - 1 Leadership skills - 5 Is a client representative- 0

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CASA of Los Angeles is the CASA program operating in Los Angeles County. As of 2010, CASA of Los Angeles is a private, not‐for‐profit corporation organized under the laws of California, and is recognized by the Los Angeles Superior Court (Court) as a community service organization established to provide trained community volunteers to report to the Court and to make recommendations regarding the best interests of children in the Dependency Court.

This document shall become effective on the date on which all parties have signed. It is intended to replace the Operating Principles dated June 30, 2004, in light of the change in status of CASA of Los Angeles from a public/private partnership to an independent, private not‐for‐profit corporation. It outlines the principles and mechanisms through which the Court and CASA of Los Angeles shall cooperate. These principles shall guide the Court and CASA of Los Angeles until and unless changed by the mutual consent of the Court and CASA of Los Angeles and may be terminated by either side with 30 days written notice.

Mutual Goals

CASA of Los Angeles and the Court agree to work together towards the mutual goals of:

 Providing maximum protection and representation of children who are being physically, sexually or emotionally abused, neglected or exploited, and protecting children who are at risk of harm;  Providing a full array of social and health services (within programmatic and resource limitations) to help the child and family and to prevent further abuse of children;  Preserving the family as a unit when it is in the best interest of the child, and working towards a resolution within a framework of 12 months;  Increasing cooperation and training between the various partners within the dependency system, in order to increase cooperation and impact, and improve outcomes for children.  Improving referral protocols to improve effectiveness and efficiency to best serve children with available resources, including without limitation involving a CASA volunteer as close to detention as possible, as well as improving resources for young children, transition age youth, medically fragile children and youth, and children who have cases of particular complexity.  Sharing information, including statistics and data, in order to continue to evaluate and improve the CASA of Los Angeles program, the Dependency Court and the referral process.

General Working Relationship

The Court shall:

 Refer appropriate cases to the CASA program at the earliest possible stage of the court proceedings;

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 Issue and send court orders appointing and removing CASA volunteers directly to both the CASA of Los Angeles office and DCFS;  Swear in CASA volunteers;  Allow CASA volunteers access to all records and reports relating to the case for which the volunteer is appointed, including court files, law enforcement records, medical records, counseling records, and DCFS records;  Provide CASA volunteers with notice of and admission to all scheduled court dates, service appeals, administrative case reviews, staff meetings or conferences pertaining to the child and/or the parents except for those meeting or conference where a legal privilege is attached.  Consider the written and verbal reports of the CASA volunteer to aid in the Court’s decisions and to protect the best interests of the child;  Coordinate with CASA of Los Angeles and maintain an open, constructive and effective line of communication to support CASA of Los Angeles’ operations and impact for children.  Keep CASA of Los Angeles informed of new policies and procedures as they are established by the Court.  Support applications for CASA funding.

CASA of Los Angeles shall:

 Recruit and train qualified volunteers to gather and provide the Court with independent and objective information regarding the status of children in abuse and neglect cases;  Provide CASA volunteers with professional oversight and support;  Assign CASA volunteers (based on availability) to cases referred to the CASA program by the Court;  Cooperate with the Court, including providing the Court with copies of reports and other documents prior to scheduled hearings and, upon request, allowing them access to all materials used to prepare those reports;  Provide training regarding the CASA program to the Court, DCFS and other related or involved service agencies;  Coordinate with the Court and maintain an open, constructive and effective line of communication to support the Court’s operations and increase positive impact for children.  Keep confidential all information about children and families referred to the CASA program unless otherwise ordered by the Court.

Budget and Finance

CASA of Los Angeles is an independent, self‐supporting non‐profit corporation, and shall be responsible for its own budget and funding. CASA of Los Angeles shall be the receiver of grants, foundation funding and private contributions to support its operations. CASA of Los Angeles will consult with the Court on


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major initiatives and strategic direction, and the Court will support CASA of Los Angeles in its applications for grant funding.

Operations and Human Resources

CASA of Los Angeles shall hold all responsibility for operational supervision over its program operations, in accordance with the Rules of Court. The Executive Director of CASA of Los Angeles is responsible for oversight of daily operations.

CASA of Los Angeles shall directly employ its own staff and operates as an independent entity from the Court in the handling of all personnel matters. CASA of Los Angeles shall follow the security clearance requirements established by the Court.


The Executive Director of CASA of Los Angeles shall meet regularly, at least monthly, with the Juvenile Court Presiding Judge, the Supervising Judge of Dependency Court, and the Dependency Court Administrator, to discuss and coordinate on issues of mutual concern and foster effective collaboration.

Any dispute between the Court and CASA of Los Angeles shall be referred to a joint meeting of representatives of the Court and CASA of Los Angeles Board of Directors, which may include any sort of mediation assistance agreed to by the Court and CASA of Los Angeles.

______Honorable Michael Nash, Juvenile Court Presiding Judge Date Los Angeles Superior Court

______Honorable Margaret Henry, Juvenile Court Supervising Judge Date Los Angeles Superior Court

______Dilys Tosteson Garcia Date Executive Director, CASA of Los Angeles


30 of 108 31 of 108


Events  CASA’s gala is quickly approaching! An Evening of Dreams will be held on Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at the Four Seasons Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. NBC4, Allison and Frank Addante and Jan Brice will be honored. Thank you to our honorees, chair Jim Rishwain, all the members of the Gala Committees and everyone else who has been selling tickets and tables, gathering auction items, and working to make this a great success for CASA!

Gala Commitments to date are $522,000. The sponsorships/table purchases of $5,000+ so far are (those in bold are new since the last Board packet):

o Louis Lucido, $50,000 (part of larger $250,000 five‐year pledge) o Rubicon Projects, $50,000 o Tama & Paul Deitch, $25,000 o Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, $25,000 o Union Bank, $25,000 o Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, $10,000 o Bank of New York Mellon, $10,000 o Bloomberg, $10,000 o BSTZ/Lori Kozak, $10,000 o Ernst & Young, $10,000 o Susie & Bruce Herron, $10,000 o Maureen & Bob Lucas, $10,000 o Mestel & Company, $10,000 o Munger Tolles & Olson, $10,000 o Protiviti, $10,000 o PriceWaterhouseCoopers, $10,000 o Sheldon Stone, $10,000 o US Bancorp, $10,000 o Baker Hostetler, $5,000 o Judith & Thomas Beckmen, $5,000 o Steve Bloom, $5,000 o Commonwealth Partners, $5,000 o Computech, $5,000 o Cresa Los Angeles, $5,000 o Pippa & Jeremy Davies, $5,000 o deKernion Family Foundation, $5,000 o First Charter Capital, $5,000 o Frandzel Robins Bloom & Csato, $5,000 o Jane & Jeffrey Gale, $5,000 o Grandpoint Bank, $5,000 o Greenberg Glusker, $5,000 o HSBC, $5,000 o Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell LLP, $5,000 o Sue Marshall/Joanne Solov, $5,000 o Deena & Edward Nahmias, $5,000 32 of 108

o NBC4, $5,000 o Anna & Ray Randall, $5,000 o Showtime, $5,000 o Shulman, Hodges & Bastian, LLP, $5,000 o Southern California Edison, $5,000 o Judith Sweet & Eugene Friedlander, $5,000 o Patricia Trendacosta, $5,000 o Ralph Walter, $5,000 o White & Case, $5,000 o Christina Zuber/Jouer, $5,000 o Anonymous, $5,000

 “Helping Children Blossom,” a benefit dinner to support CASA’s services in the Antelope Valley, was held at the John P. Eliopulos Hellenic Center in Lancaster on Friday, March 8, and honored Supervisor Michael Antonovich. Thank you to committee members Diane Grooms, Judi Olson, Sandra Price, Dan Silva, Monique Stevens, Katie Whitman, and Jean Youngquist. Gross revenue was $7,400; net revenue was $3,600. Plans are already underway for a 2014 event.

 CASA will once again this year be a beneficiary of the Kyle Rudow Memorial Golf Tournament, to be held at the Calabasas Country Club on Monday, June 17. CASA receives $10,000 annually from this event. We want to be sure to have some participation from CASA representatives this year; if you are able to participate, please purchase your tickets from the Rudow Fund (information about the event and a link can be found at and let Bill Jones know that you will be doing this. Thank you to Taryn Rudow, a longtime CASA, and her family, for including CASA among the beneficiaries for the past ten years.

 For the third year, CASA will be the beneficiary of the Justice Jog, the 5K run/walk of the Greater Los Angeles Association of Legal Administrators. This year’s event will be held on September 15, 2013. Thank you to Cristine Reynaert and Ruby Wood, among others, for continuing to develop our relationship with GLAALA.

 Plans are being developed for an indie rock benefit concert, spearheaded by CASA Marie‐Helene Demers. This will most likely be held at a club in Silver Lake in late August or September. As a preliminary project, we teamed up with the charity website Upperatus and the band Sea Wolf for a sale of specially‐designed wolf‐themed t‐shirts throughout the month of March, through which CASA will receive $1,870.

Major Gifts  Thank you to those individuals who have made gifts of $5,000 or more since the last Board packet (1/28/13): o Lou Lucido ($250,000 payable over five years; first installment is for the 2013 Gala) o Anonymous ($100,000) o John Powell & Melinda Lerner ($5,000) o Patricia Young ($5,000)

 Marlene Rapkin and Deena and Ed Nahmias have both agreed to host house parties; dates will be confirmed shortly. If you would be willing host a house party, please contact Bill Jones. 33 of 108

 CASA is forming a Planned Giving Committee. If you would be interested in serving on this committee, please advise Bill Jones or AJ Safavi.

Foundation and Corporate Grants:  Since the last board packet (1/28/13), CASA has received (or been advised that it will receive) the following grants:

o SHARE Inc., $45,000, for transition age youth programs and Glamour Gowns o Green Foundation, $20,000, for transition age youth programs o Angell Foundation, $10,000 plus consulting program, through their Organizational Spirituality Initiative (a first‐time funder) o Rhonda Fleming Foundation, $10,000, for transition age youth programs o John W. Carson Foundation, $10,000, for general operations (a first‐time funder) o Sony Pictures WAVE Program, $2,000, for general operations (a first‐time funder)

 Requests are currently outstanding to approximately 16 foundations and corporations. Among the larger ones that we have approached or will be approaching soon: Annenberg, Carol & James Collins, Crail‐Johnson, Drown, National CASA, RGK, W.M. Keck, Rose Hills, Sawchuk, and Weingart.

Communications  The fiscal year 2012 annual report has been published. Copies will be available at the Board meeting, and it is also accessible on the website.  A new E‐News format has been developed, and e‐newsletters were distributed in January, February, and March.  1,020 people have now “liked” CASA of Los Angeles on Facebook. Our Antelope Valley page has 143 “likes.” We continue to post items five or more times per week, and we encourage all Board members to “like” our page and to comment on and “like” our postings. When you do that, that helps to promote the visibility of each of the postings on other readers’ News Feeds. Also click “Like” a second time, and click “Get Notifications” and “Show In News Feed,” so that you’ll see more of the items that we post.  Media placements since the last report: KTLA morning news for Glamour Gowns, L.A. Times photo for Glamour Gowns, Hoy! For Glamour Gowns, three stories in the Antelope Valley Press, Time Warner Cable in the Antelope Valley, a High Desert Broadcasting radio station, and a very brief shot of the NBC4 Evening News related to their check presentation to us. In addition, we coordinated media outreach for the National CASA/Toy Industry Association event.  Press releases have been distributed about Glamour Gowns, the Antelope Valley benefit event, the African‐American History Month recruitment event, the Toy Industry Association event, and the NBCUniversal grant.

Personnel  The search for a new Development Director has been continuing, and additional candidates have been interviewed.

34 of 108 OUTSTANDING REQUESTS 35 of 108

OUTSTANDING REQUESTS Amount Type Project Submitted Expected Response Date

Foundations‐Initial (or only) Approach Global Philanthropy Group $200,000 Proposal Youth Homelessness 7/26/2012 No Information Prevention The Adamma Foundation $5,000 Proposal General Support 9/5/2012 The board is meeting in June, 2013 Weisman Foundation $5,000 Proposal General Support 9/5/2012 No Information Brotman Foundation $5,000 Proposal General Support 9/7/2012 About a month after submission Smith Fdn., Leonard and Ethel $3,500 Proposal TAY 10/15/2012 No Information Marilyn S. Broad Foundation $5,000 Proposal TAY 10/22/2012 Unknown Whitecap Foundation $10,000 Proposal Gen. Op 10/22/2012 Unknown Benenson Foundation $2,500 Proposal TAY 11/21/12 Unknown The Ernest Lieblich Foundation $5,000 Proposal Letter General Support 12/14/2012 Unknown RGK Foundation $35,000 Application EC Initiative 1/9/2013 Mid‐March probably. Swett Foundation $25,000 Online LOI EC Initiative 2/25/2012 21 days Morse Family Foundation $3,000 Proposal General Support 3/5/2013 Unknown Walter Lantz Foundation $15,000 Proposal General Support 3/5/2013 Unknown Riordan Foundation $25,000 Proposal Educational Advocacy 3/6/2013 Usually within 90 days. Sawchuk Family Foundation $0 Letter General Support 2/28/2013 Unknown

Foundations‐Second step Carol and James Collins Foundation $15,000 LOI TAY 1/10/2013 Unknown

Foundations‐Third Step Gogian Foundation $20,000 LOI; Proposal Gen. Op LOI: 9/13/2012; 10/29/2012 Proposal: 1/15/13 W.M. Keck Foundation $250,000 Phase 1; Phase 2EC Initiative 11/1/2012; 1/11/2013 2/15/13 Rose Hills Foundation $100,000 LOI; Application. Volunteer focus 1/10/2013; Unknown 2/22/13 OUTSTANDING REQUESTS 36 of 108

Crail‐Johnson Foundation $25,000 LOI; Application EC Initiative 11/14/2012; First response date was 2/12/13; 3/26/13

Subtotal $754,000

Corporations Northrop Grumman‐ECHO $5,000 Online application EC Initiative 9/13/2012 Prob. 3 months Toyota Motor Engineering & $50,000 Online application Educational Advocacy 11/30/2012 Prob. 3 months Manufacturing, Toyota Technical Center (TTC) Lockheed Martin $25,000 Online application Gen. Op for AV 1/18/2013 MAXIMUS Foundation $5,000 Application TAY 1/18/2013 Unknown Sony WAVE $2,000 1 page proposal General Support 2/8/2013 Unknown Wells Fargo $25,000 Online application Sponsorship 2/13/2014 Unknown TJX Foundation $5,000 Online Application TAY 2/25/2013 Probably end of June. HSBC $10,000 Online Application Gala (Volunteer Prog.) 3/14/2013 Unknown Morgan Stanley Online Application Gala (Volunteer Prog.) 3/18/2013 Unknown

Subtotal $127,000

Government Board of Supervisors $650,000 Proposal Technology 6/6/2012 Sent follow up letters on 1/31/13

Subtotal $650,000

TOTAL Amount Outstanding $1,531,000 37 of 108


38 of 108 CASA LOS ANGELES DASHBOARD - FYTD 2/28/13 39 of 108

Var. as a % Revenue Totals FYTD 2/28/2013 of FYTD ### FYTD 2/28/2013 FYTD 2/29/2012 Variance 2/29/2012 556,180 Revenues Government Grants 80,959 Individual Contributions $ 219,389 $ 195,616 $ 23,773 12% 82,888 Board Contributions $ 57,591 29,650 27,941 94% Juror & parking Fees 78,009 Business & Org Contributions $ 26,172 28,970 (2,798) -10% 630,732 Foundation grants $ 867,828 630,732 237,096 38% Foundation Grants 867,828 Government Grants $ 80,959 556,180 (475,221) -85% 195,616 Juror & parking fees $ 78,009 82,888 (4,879) -6% Individual Contributions 219,389 State & Local grants $ 33,900 17,856 16,044 90% Child Special Needs Restricted $ 21,686 - 21,686 100% 29,650 Board Contributions 57,591 Special events $ 160,996 - 160,996 100% FYTD 2/29/2012 Glamour Gowns $ 1,097 (3,913) 5,010 -128% Business & Org 28,970 26,172 Program Fees 175 Contributions FYTD 2/28/2013 Total $ 1,547,802 $ 1,537,980 $ 9,822 1%

Var. as a % Expense Totals FYTD 2/28/2013 of FYTD FYTD 2/28/2013 FYTD 2/29/2012 Variance 2/29/2012 Personnel 787,296 Expenses 841,907 Personnel 841,907 $ 787,296.06 $ 54,610.94 7% Outside Services 334,970 Fundraising & Outreach 78,244 $ 56,570.85 21,673 38% 364,437 IT, Telecom & Occupancy 42,547 $ 25,514.43 17,032 67% IT/Telecom/Occupancy 25,514 Office & Overhead 48,160 $ 43,047.71 5,113 12% 42,547 Outside Services 364,437 $ 334,970.32 29,467 9% Office/Overhead 43,048 Program Expenses 96,570 $ 59,541.38 37,028 62% 48,160 Total $ 1,471,864 $ 1,306,941 $ 164,924 13% 59,541 Program Expenses 96,570 Net $ 75,937 $ 231,039 $ (155,102) -67% 56,571 FYTD 2/29/2012 Fundraising/Outreach 78,244 FYTD 2/28/2013 KEY INDICATORS IN COMPARISON TO FYTD 12/31/2011

FYTD 2/28/2013 FYTD 2/29/2012 Actual FY 2012 Program Totals FYTD 2/28/2013 CASA Expenses $ 1,471,864 $ 1,306,941 $ 2,044,178 Estimate of court overhead 21,333 21,333 32,000 168 $ 1,493,198 $ 1,328,274 $ 2,076,178 New Children Served 216 FTEs (exc. AmeriCorps) 19 19 19 509 Program Staff 11 9 9 Children Served 645 Children per Volunteer 1.63 1.62 1.68 76* Active Volunteers/FTE 20.79 16.53 19.84 Waitlisted Children 102* New children served 216 168 291 314 Total children served 645 509 632 Active Volunteers 395 Cost per child served $ 3,876 $ 4,078.94 $ 3,285 118* FYTD 2/29/2012 New CASAs Trained 65 77 141 On-Leave Volunteers 106* Volunteers active 395 314 377 FYTD 2/28/2013 9* Shelter care volunteers 27 Available Volunteers 22* Shelter care children served 3670 *on 2/29/12 and 2/28/13 CASA LOS ANGELES DASHBOARD - FYTD 2/28/13 40 of 108

Percentage of Overall Revenue by Source

Top Funders Individual Contributions Board Contributions Donor Award Amount Type Business & Org Contributions Foundation grants 1 Ralph M. Parsons Foundation $ 150,000 Foundation Government Grants Juror & parking fees 2 BCM Foundation 100,000 Foundation 3 S. Mark Taper Foundation 100,000 Foundation Other 4 The Eisner Foundation Inc. 100,000 Foundation 5 Carl & Roberta Deutsch Foundation 80,000 Foundation 6 County of Los Angeles Auditor-Controller 59,000 Government 7 Atlas Family Foundation 50,000 Foundation 14% 14% 4% 2% 8 NBCUniversal Foundation 50,000 Foundation 5% 9 Thomas And Dorothy Leavey Foundation 50,000 Foundation 7% 10 William H. Hurt Foundation 50,000 Foundation $ 739,000 Percentage of total revenue 47.75% 56% Fundraising % of Annual Goal

Government Grants 85.74%

Foundation 86.78%

Individual Contributions 43.88%

LIQUIDITY MEASURES 2/28/2013 2/29/2012 Board Contributions 65.82% Cash balances $ 966,599 $ 720,375 (includes CD) Months on hand 4.71 4.33 Business & Org Contributions 52.34% Current assets $ 972,580 $ 757,048 Current liabilities $ 67,764 $ 88,083 Current ratio 14.4 8.6

Funds Remaining to Raise Government Received Additional Committed Remaining Needed to Raise $0 $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 3:38 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 41 of 108 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2012 through February 2013

Jul '12 - Feb 13 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Income 42200 · Training Manuals 175.00 175.00 100.0% 40000 · Contributions 40100 · Contributions from Individuals 40105 · Board contributions 57,591.16 60,060.00 -2,468.84 95.89% 40100 · Contributions from Individuals - Other 219,388.98 350,000.00 -130,611.02 62.68% A Total 40100 · Contributions from Individuals 276,980.14 410,060.00 -133,079.86 67.55%

40200 · Contributions from Businesses 26,171.76 46,500.00 -20,328.24 56.28% 40300 · Contributions from Foundations 867,828.08 775,000.00 92,828.08 111.98% B 40600 · Child Special Needs restricted 21,686.00 21,686.00 100.0% Total 40000 · Contributions 1,192,665.98 1,231,560.00 -38,894.02 96.84%

41000 · Government Grants 41400 · Direct federal funding 41402 · Infant Toddler 80,830.00 68,856.00 11,974.00 117.39% C Total 41400 · Direct federal funding 80,830.00 68,856.00 11,974.00 117.39%

41300 · AOC Grant 33,900.00 25,572.00 8,328.00 132.57% D 41000 · Government Grants - Other 129.06 129.06 100.0% Total 41000 · Government Grants 114,859.06 94,428.00 20,431.06 121.64%

42000 · Juror Fees 58,008.53 50,000.00 8,008.53 116.02% 42100 · Parking fees 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 100.0% 43000 · Justice Jog 46,445.86 46,445.86 100.0% E 43100 · Gala 43101 · Sponsorships 111,600.00 111,600.00 100.0% F 43100 · Gala - Other 0.00 35,000.00 -35,000.00 0.0% Total 43100 · Gala 111,600.00 35,000.00 76,600.00 318.86%

43200 · Other Fundraisers 2,950.00 2,950.00 100.0% G 49000 · Glamour Gowns Contributions 49010 · Glamour Gowns - Storage Expense -4,375.13 -4,375.13 100.0% 49012 · Glamour Gowns - Jewelry Expense -3,000.00 -3,000.00 100.0% 49013 · Glamour Gowns - Event Expense -12,884.26 -12,884.26 100.0% 49000 · Glamour Gowns Contributions - Other 21,356.54 21,356.54 100.0% Total 49000 · Glamour Gowns Contributions 1,097.15 1,097.15 100.0%

Total Income 1,547,801.58 1,430,988.00 116,813.58 108.16%

FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 3:38 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 42 of 108 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2012 through February 2013

Jul '12 - Feb 13 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Expense Fundraising and Outreach 61600 · Gala Expenses 61650 · Comprehensive Fundraising Plan -6,900.00 -6,900.00 100.0% H 61600 · Gala Expenses - Other 25,416.50 115,000.00 -89,583.50 22.1% I Total 61600 · Gala Expenses 18,516.50 115,000.00 -96,483.50 16.1%

61900 · Publicity 18,155.00 20,000.00 -1,845.00 90.78% 62250 · Outreach materials 6,358.63 30,000.00 -23,641.37 21.2% J 62260 · Marketing and mailing 23,515.35 40,000.00 -16,484.65 58.79% Fundraising and Outreach - Other 22.98 22.98 100.0% Total Fundraising and Outreach 66,568.46 205,000.00 -138,431.54 32.47%

IT and Telecommunications 60500 · Telephone 8,247.87 4,000.00 4,247.87 206.2% K 60501 · Internet 0.00 4,000.00 -4,000.00 0.0% K 60550 · Software - donor 237.57 8,333.32 -8,095.75 2.85% 60560 · Software - office 913.55 14,933.32 -14,019.77 6.12% 64600 · Computer Support 25,483.00 21,600.00 3,883.00 117.98% Total IT and Telecommunications 34,881.99 52,866.64 -17,984.65 65.98%

Occupancy and Risk Management 62700 · Insurance Expense Director and officer insurance 2,251.20 2,251.20 100.0% Liability insurance 3,489.62 3,489.62 100.0% 62700 · Insurance Expense - Other 1,923.90 6,748.68 -4,824.78 28.51% Total 62700 · Insurance Expense 7,664.72 6,748.68 916.04 113.57%

Total Occupancy and Risk Management 7,664.72 6,748.68 916.04 113.57%

Office and Overhead 60200 · Bank Charges Credit Card Processing Fees 4,736.84 4,736.84 100.0% L 60200 · Bank Charges - Other 1,290.97 3,600.00 -2,309.03 35.86% Total 60200 · Bank Charges 6,027.81 3,600.00 2,427.81 167.44%

60300 · Supplies Expenses 16,092.24 15,766.68 325.56 102.07% 60600 · Printing 14,052.90 6,000.00 8,052.90 234.22% M 61200 · Equipment Rent 4,015.76 12,000.00 -7,984.24 33.47% 61700 · Postage 2,950.86 800.00 2,150.86 368.86% N 62000 · Board & Committee Meeting 4,354.70 6,666.68 -2,311.98 65.32% 62900 · Small Equipment 665.95 4,000.00 -3,334.05 16.65% 65000 · Miscellaneous 0.00 666.68 -666.68 0.0% Total Office and Overhead 48,160.22 49,500.04 -1,339.82 97.29%

FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 3:38 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 43 of 108 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2012 through February 2013

Jul '12 - Feb 13 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

61400 · Repairs & Maintenance 410.55 1,600.00 -1,189.45 25.66% Outside Services 60901 · Payroll Processing Fees 2,247.30 1,920.00 327.30 117.05% 61000 · Professional Services 61151 · Outsourced HR and recruiting 52,434.85 40,000.00 12,434.85 131.09% O 61110 · Accounting Fees 61111 · Audit fees 29,990.00 30,000.00 -10.00 99.97% 61110 · Accounting Fees - Other 24,943.47 12,000.00 12,943.47 207.86% P Total 61110 · Accounting Fees 54,933.47 42,000.00 12,933.47 130.79%

61150 · Outside Contract Services 61154 · CRM/Database Management 14,760.00 14,760.00 100.0% Q 61153 · Development director 134,592.80 134,592.80 100.0% Q 61150 · Outside Contract Services - Other 42,606.66 0.00 42,606.66 100.0% R Total 61150 · Outside Contract Services 191,959.46 0.00 191,959.46 100.0%

61160 · Outsourced F/R and Outreach 61161 · Grantwriting 18,076.75 6,666.68 11,410.07 271.15% S 61162 · Web development and e-news 15,962.00 6,666.64 9,295.36 239.43% S 61160 · Fundraising and Outreach Consul - Ot 14,550.00 0.00 14,550.00 100.0% T Total 61160 · Fundraising and Outreach Consul 48,588.75 13,333.32 35,255.43 364.42%

Total 61000 · Professional Services 347,916.53 95,333.32 252,583.21 364.95%

64700 · Program-related consultants 13,862.50 56,666.68 -42,804.18 24.46% U Total Outside Services 364,026.33 153,920.00 210,106.33 236.5%

Personnel 60100 · Salaries 726,552.74 806,212.00 -79,659.26 90.12% R 60115 · Payroll Taxes 62,787.16 64,496.68 -1,709.52 97.35% 60110 · Employee benefits 60112 · Workers' Compensation 13,091.20 13,091.20 100.0% 60111 · Health Insurance Benefits 39,476.09 58,668.66 -19,192.57 67.29% Total 60110 · Employee benefits 52,567.29 58,668.66 -6,101.37 89.6%

Total Personnel 841,907.19 929,377.34 -87,470.15 90.59%

FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 3:38 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 44 of 108 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual July 2012 through February 2013

Jul '12 - Feb 13 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget

Program Expenses 62400 · Volunteer outreach 3,381.04 3,381.04 100.0% V 61100 · Americorp 23,226.29 13,333.32 9,892.97 174.2% W 61500 · Dues & Subscriptions 250.00 250.00 100.0% Total 61800 · Travel & Entertainment 2,115.69 11,185.36 -9,069.67 18.92%

62200 · Volunteer Recognition 18,599.72 11,333.36 7,266.36 164.12% 62300 · Mileage Reimbursement - Staff 5,005.93 5,733.36 -727.43 87.31% 62350 · Mileage Reimbursement-Volunteer 0.00 916.68 -916.68 0.0% 64200 · Children Support - Restricted 16,427.86 8,333.36 8,094.50 197.13% 64300 · Background checks 209.80 164.00 45.80 127.93% 64400 · Program stipends 6,100.00 20,000.00 -13,900.00 30.5% 64900 · Training Expense 21,253.33 153,907.36 -132,654.03 13.81% Total Program Expenses 96,569.66 224,906.80 -128,337.14 42.94%

63100 · Special Event Expense 10,681.39 10,681.39 100.0% X 62100 · Conferences and Training 974.00 974.00 100.0% 61300 · Taxes & Licenses 20.00 20.00 100.0% Total Expense 1,471,864.51 1,623,919.50 -152,054.99 90.64%

Net Income 75,937.07 -192,931.50 268,868.57 -39.36%

A Major donor cultivation has had a slower start B Higher rate of conversion for proposals to funded and grants cycles C Updated YTD budget to better reflect Federal v. AOC grant D Difference here is a timing difference in receipt of funds E New event; this was one method of raising individual and corporate contributions. F Timing difference on Gala revenue receipts. G Antelope Valley benefit. H Refund from prior year invoices, but books are closed. I Timing difference on Gala costs - hotel deposit currently reflected in prepaid expenses J See V also - these two lines reflect volunteer outreach activity, along with costs in other areas, such as staff travel. K Telephone and internet are billed together and on budget. L Need to budget for higher fees given volume of contributions over the internet and via credit card. M Greater utilization of internal printing and copying. N Overall, printing and postage are on budget if grouped with fundraising mailing. O More recruiting fees incurred than expected since Development Director search remains ongoing. P Continued use of RBZ for financial reporting, etc. Q These two line items were budgeted as staff expenses but have been staffed to-date using independent contractors. R This represents payments to On Target and NPO Solutions. On Target is substantially related to the Gala, but includes other activity. S Higher utilization of grantwritier. Dilys, Robert Cooper's time may need to be split - materials development? T Major donor consulting. This is consultant is no longer used. Bill now fills this role. U Delayed in spending on program evaluation, particularly Early Childhood. V See J W Additional half-time Americorps volunteer addes that was not originally budgeted. X These are primarily expenses related to events other than the Gala (Lancaster event, Justice Jog, etc.)

FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 4:25 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 45 of 108 Accrual Basis Profit & Loss Prev Year Comparison July 2012 through February 2013

Jul '12 - Feb 13 Jul '11 - Feb 12 $ Change % Change

Income 42200 · Training Manuals 175.00 0.00 175.00 100.0% 40000 · Contributions 40100 · Contributions from Individuals 40105 · Board contributions 57,591.16 29,650.00 27,941.16 94.24% 40100 · Contributions from Individuals - Other 219,388.98 195,616.46 23,772.52 12.15% Total 40100 · Contributions from Individuals 276,980.14 225,266.46 51,713.68 22.96%

40200 · Contributions from Businesses 26,171.76 28,970.20 -2,798.44 -9.66% 40300 · Contributions from Foundations 867,828.08 630,732.11 237,095.97 37.59% 40600 · Child Special Needs restricted 21,686.00 0.00 21,686.00 100.0% Total 40000 · Contributions 1,192,665.98 884,968.77 307,697.21 34.77%

41000 · Government Grants 41400 · Direct federal funding 41403 · 38th District 0.00 136,718.00 -136,718.00 -100.0% 41402 · Infant Toddler 80,830.00 204,599.00 -123,769.00 -60.49% 41401 · Antelope Valley 0.00 181,263.00 -181,263.00 -100.0% Total 41400 · Direct federal funding 80,830.00 522,580.00 -441,750.00 -84.53%

41100 · National CASA 0.00 33,600.00 -33,600.00 -100.0% 41300 · AOC Grant 33,900.00 17,856.13 16,043.87 89.85% 41000 · Government Grants - Other 129.06 0.00 129.06 100.0% Total 41000 · Government Grants 114,859.06 574,036.13 -459,177.07 -79.99%

42000 · Juror Fees 58,008.53 62,887.90 -4,879.37 -7.76% 42100 · Parking fees 20,000.00 20,000.00 0.00 0.0% 43000 · Justice Jog 46,445.86 0.00 46,445.86 100.0% 43100 · Gala 43101 · Sponsorships 111,600.00 0.00 111,600.00 100.0% Total 43100 · Gala 111,600.00 0.00 111,600.00 100.0%

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Jul '12 - Feb 13 Jul '11 - Feb 12 $ Change % Change

43200 · Other Fundraisers 2,950.00 0.00 2,950.00 100.0% 48100 · Miscellaneous Income 0.00 0.33 -0.33 -100.0% 49000 · Glamour Gowns Contributions 49010 · Glamour Gowns - Storage Expense -4,375.13 -3,874.41 -500.72 12.92% 49012 · Glamour Gowns - Jewelry Expense -3,000.00 0.00 -3,000.00 -100.0% 49013 · Glamour Gowns - Event Expense -12,884.26 -38.85 -12,845.41 33,064.12% 49000 · Glamour Gowns Contributions - Other 21,356.54 0.00 21,356.54 100.0% Total 49000 · Glamour Gowns Contributions 1,097.15 -3,913.26 5,010.41 -128.04%

Total Income 1,547,801.58 1,537,979.87 9,821.71 0.64%

Expense Fundraising and Outreach 61600 · Gala Expenses 61650 · Comprehensive Fundraising Plan -6,900.00 19,394.35 -26,294.35 -135.58% 61600 · Gala Expenses - Other 25,416.50 2,335.92 23,080.58 988.07% Total 61600 · Gala Expenses 18,516.50 21,730.27 -3,213.77 -14.79%

61900 · Publicity 18,155.00 15,600.00 2,555.00 16.38% 62250 · Outreach materials 6,358.63 4,853.92 1,504.71 31.0% 62260 · Marketing and mailing 23,515.35 9,373.37 14,141.98 150.87% 63200 · Other Fundraisers Expense 0.00 269.10 -269.10 -100.0% Fundraising and Outreach - Other 22.98 0.00 22.98 100.0% Total Fundraising and Outreach 66,568.46 51,826.66 14,741.80 28.44% IT and Telecommunications 60500 · Telephone 8,247.87 4,955.30 3,292.57 66.45% 60501 · Internet 0.00 3,052.87 -3,052.87 -100.0% 60550 · Software - donor 237.57 0.00 237.57 100.0% 60560 · Software - office 913.55 12,815.06 -11,901.51 -92.87% 64600 · Computer Support 25,483.00 206.64 25,276.36 12,232.08% Total IT and Telecommunications 34,881.99 21,029.87 13,852.12 65.87%

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Jul '12 - Feb 13 Jul '11 - Feb 12 $ Change % Change

Occupancy and Risk Management 62700 · Insurance Expense Director and officer insurance 2,251.20 1,801.20 450.00 24.98% Liability insurance 3,489.62 2,821.80 667.82 23.67% 62700 · Insurance Expense - Other 1,923.90 -138.44 2,062.34 -1,489.7% Total 62700 · Insurance Expense 7,664.72 4,484.56 3,180.16 70.91%

Total Occupancy and Risk Management 7,664.72 4,484.56 3,180.16 70.91%

Office and Overhead 60200 · Bank Charges Credit Card Processing Fees 4,736.84 0.00 4,736.84 100.0% 60200 · Bank Charges - Other 1,290.97 4,370.74 -3,079.77 -70.46% Total 60200 · Bank Charges 6,027.81 4,370.74 1,657.07 37.91%

60300 · Supplies Expenses 16,092.24 14,835.21 1,257.03 8.47% 60600 · Printing 14,052.90 4,995.70 9,057.20 181.3% 61200 · Equipment Rent 4,015.76 6,914.97 -2,899.21 -41.93% 61700 · Postage 2,950.86 3,361.01 -410.15 -12.2% 62000 · Board & Committee Meeting 4,354.70 5,948.91 -1,594.21 -26.8% 62900 · Small Equipment 665.95 337.49 328.46 97.32% 65000 · Miscellaneous 0.00 2,016.07 -2,016.07 -100.0% 62600 · Interest 0.00 263.83 -263.83 -100.0% Office and Overhead - Other 0.00 3.78 -3.78 -100.0% Total Office and Overhead 48,160.22 43,047.71 5,112.51 11.88%

61400 · Repairs & Maintenance 410.55 64.00 346.55 541.48% Outside Services 60901 · Payroll Processing Fees 2,247.30 2,285.32 -38.02 -1.66% 61000 · Professional Services 61151 · HR and recruiting consulting 52,434.85 0.00 52,434.85 100.0%

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Jul '12 - Feb 13 Jul '11 - Feb 12 $ Change % Change

61110 · Accounting Fees 61111 · Audit fees 29,990.00 0.00 29,990.00 100.0% 61110 · Accounting Fees - Other 24,943.47 94,840.29 -69,896.82 -73.7% Total 61110 · Accounting Fees 54,933.47 94,840.29 -39,906.82 -42.08%

61150 · Outside Contract Services 61154 · CRM/Database Management 14,760.00 0.00 14,760.00 100.0% 61153 · Development director 134,592.80 0.00 134,592.80 100.0% 61150 · Outside Contract Services - Other 42,606.66 137,063.71 -94,457.05 -68.92% Total 61150 · Outside Contract Services 191,959.46 137,063.71 54,895.75 40.05%

61160 · Fundraising and Outreach Consul 61161 · Grantwriting 18,076.75 0.00 18,076.75 100.0% 61162 · Web development and e-news 15,962.00 0.00 15,962.00 100.0% 61160 · Fundraising and Outreach Consul - Other 14,550.00 10,192.00 4,358.00 42.76% Total 61160 · Fundraising and Outreach Consul 48,588.75 10,192.00 38,396.75 376.73%

61000 · Pro fess iona l Serv ices - Other 0000.00 13, 312. 50 -13, 312. 50 -100. 0% Total 61000 · Professional Services 347,916.53 255,408.50 92,508.03 36.22%

64700 · Program-related consultants 13,862.50 77,212.50 -63,350.00 -82.05% Total Outside Services 364,026.33 334,906.32 29,120.01 8.7%

Personnel 60100 · Salaries 726,552.74 683,750.38 42,802.36 6.26% 60115 · Payroll Taxes 62,787.16 62,275.29 511.87 0.82% 60110 · Employee benefits 60112 · Workers' Compensation 13,091.20 0.00 13,091.20 100.0% 60111 · Health Insurance Benefits 39,476.09 32,929.62 6,546.47 19.88% 60110 · Employee benefits - Other 0.00 8,340.77 -8,340.77 -100.0% Total 60110 · Employee benefits 52,567.29 41,270.39 11,296.90 27.37%

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Jul '12 - Feb 13 Jul '11 - Feb 12 $ Change % Change

Total Personnel 841,907.19 787,296.06 54,611.13 6.94%

Program Expenses 62400 · Volunteer outreach 3,381.04 0.00 3,381.04 100.0% 61100 · Americorp 23,226.29 12,407.65 10,818.64 87.19% 61500 · Dues & Subscriptions 250.00 709.90 -459.90 -64.78% 61800 · Travel & Entertainment 61810 · Entertainment 167.20 0.00 167.20 100.0% 61820 · Meals 1,509.55 4,818.91 -3,309.36 -68.67% 61830 · Travel 438.94 5,521.58 -5,082.64 -92.05% 61800 · Travel & Entertainment - Other 0.00 -4,387.42 4,387.42 100.0% Total 61800 · Travel & Entertainment 2,115.69 5,953.07 -3,837.38 -64.46%

62200 · Volunteer Recognition 18,599.72 9,603.09 8,996.63 93.69% 62300 · Mileage Reimbursement - Staff 5,005.93 1,685.31 3,320.62 197.03% 62350 · Mileage Reimbursement-Volunteer 0.00 273.40 -273.40 -100.0% 64200 · Children Suppor t - Res tr ic te d 16, 427. 86 13, 744. 85 2, 683. 01 19. 52% 64300 · Background checks 209.80 199.30 10.50 5.27% 64400 · Program stipends 6,100.00 3,500.00 2,600.00 74.29% 64900 · Training Expense 21,253.33 11,123.76 10,129.57 91.06% Program Expenses - Other 0.00 341.05 -341.05 -100.0% Total Program Expenses 96,569.66 59,541.38 37,028.28 62.19%

63100 · Special Event Expense 10,681.39 4,691.21 5,990.18 127.69% 62100 · Conferences and Training 974.00 0.00 974.00 100.0% 61300 · Taxes & Licenses 20.00 52.98 -32.98 -62.25% Total Expense 1,471,864.51 1,306,940.75 164,923.76 12.62%

Net Income 75,937.07 231,039.12 -155,102.05 -67.13%

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Jul '12 - Feb 13 Jul '11 - Feb 12 $ Change % Change

90% Funding now comes primarily from the 80% community 70%


50% 2013 40% 2012 30%



0% Contributions Governmental Events Other ‐10%

FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 4:23 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 51 of 108 Accrual Basis Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison As of February 28, 2013

Feb 28, 13 Feb 29, 12 $ Change % Change

ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings Money Out Clearing -1,612.37 0.00 -1,612.37 -100.0% 10100 · CNB Petty Cash 101-982-254 0.00 322.93 -322.93 -100.0% 10300 · Cash - CNB Checking 112-016-562 967,961.65 616,168.95 351,792.70 57.09% A 10400 · Cash - Money Market 101-982-246 0.00 16.66 -16.66 -100.0% 10500 · Cash - Petty Cash 250.00 250.00 0.00 0.0% Total Checking/Savings 966,599.28 616,758.54 349,840.74 56.72%

Other Current Assets 11900 · Employee receivables 256.48 32.46 224.02 690.14% 12200 · Government grants receivable 5,725.00 141,101.71 -135,376.71 -95.94% B 19999 · Suspense -0.87 -844.99 844.12 -99.9% Total Other Current Assets 5,980.61 140,289.18 -134,308.57 -95.74%

Total Current Assets 972,579.89 757,047.72 215,532.17 28.47%

Fixed Assets 16200 · Computer hardware 39,513.60 0.00 39,513.60 100.0% C 16100 · Furniture and Fixtures 52,915.20 52,915.20 0.00 0.0% 17900 · Accumulated Depreciation -54,149.20 -52,915.20 -1,234.00 2.33% Total Fixed Assets 38,279.60 0.00 38,279.60 100.0%

Other Assets 11500 · Investments 0.00 103,615.89 -103,615.89 -100.0% D 13100 · Prepaid Expenses 13110 · Prepaid Insurance 0.00 2,255.80 -2,255.80 -100.0% Total 13100 · Prepaid Expenses 0.00 2,255.80 -2,255.80 -100.0%

Total Other Assets 0.00 105,871.69 -105,871.69 -100.0%

TOTAL ASSETS 1,010,859.49 862,919.41 147,940.08 17.14%

LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 20000 · Accounts Payable 42,864.82 55,323.20 -12,458.38 -22.52% Total Accounts Payable 42,864.82 55,323.20 -12,458.38 -22.52%

Credit Cards City National Bank Credit Card -479.47 0.00 -479.47 -100.0% Total Credit Cards -479.47 0.00 -479.47 -100.0%

FOR MANAGEMENT USE ONLY 4:23 PM CASA of Los Angeles 03/14/13 52 of 108 Accrual Basis Balance Sheet Prev Year Comparison As of February 28, 2013

Feb 28, 13 Feb 29, 12 $ Change % Change

Other Current Liabilities 21140 · Accrued Payroll 40,865.99 0.00 40,865.99 100.0% E 29900 · Credit card charges due back 298.41 298.41 0.00 0.0% 21100 · Payroll Withholding Payable 428.09 392.96 35.13 8.94% 21150 · Accrued Expenses 454.46 47,846.77 -47,392.31 -99.05% E 21200 · Accrued Vacation 24,083.98 35,372.07 -11,288.09 -31.91% 21400 · Employee Benefits Withholdings 21401 · 403B Payable (TIAA-Cref) 1,575.00 675.00 900.00 133.33% 21402 · Aflac Payable 58.00 0.00 58.00 100.0% 21403 · Med125 Payable 0.00 3,498.23 -3,498.23 -100.0% Total 21400 · Employee Benefits Withholdings 1,633.00 4,173.23 -2,540.23 -60.87%

Total Other Current Liabilities 67,763.93 88,083.44 -20,319.51 -23.07%

Total Current Liabilities 110,149.28 143,406.64 -33,257.36 -23.19%

Total Liabilities 110,149.28 143,406.64 -33,257.36 -23.19%

Equity 32000 · Unrestricted Net Assets 457,183.18 335,319.93 121,863.25 36.34% 32100 · Glamour Gowns 26,175.72 28,861.72 -2,686.00 -9.31% 33000 · T/R Net Assets 33010 · Taper Contribution 100,000.00 0.00 100,000.00 100.0% F 33000 · T/R Net Assets - Other 179,459.00 0.00 179,459.00 100.0% Total 33000 · T/R Net Assets 279,459.00 0.00 279,459.00 100.0%

33100 · Dillon's Special Needs Fund 61,955.24 67,984.00 -6,028.76 -8.87% G 35100 · Net Assets 0.00 56,308.00 -56,308.00 -100.0% Net Income 75,937.07 231,039.12 -155,102.05 -67.13% Total Equity 900,710.21 719,512.77 181,197.44 25.18%

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 1,010,859.49 862,919.41 147,940.08 17.14%

A Cash high due to funding surpluses and closure of CD account. B Reduced government grant activity resulted in lower receivables. C Computer equipment purchased with Ahmanson grant funds. D CD account closed and moved to regular bank account. E Established new accrued payroll account since last year. PY balance was primarily payroll. F Taper contribution recorded directly to net assets because it is for capital expenses. (It will need to be reflected back in revenue for 6/30/2013 audit.) G No adjustments recorded so far for current fiscal year (see budget variance report for activity.)



54 of 108 55 of 108


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In FY2012 and 2013 CASA/LA demonstrated unprecedented growth, for the first time in over 5 years. Optimized staff capacity coaching an average of 50 volunteers in turn serving 100 children brought service levels to a replicable all- time high for the Los Angeles CASA program and for CASA programs in general. We are now poised to reach first for 1,000 children served next year, and then 2,500 soon thereafter. This continued expansion requires FY2014 focus on five key strategic areas: 1) Outreach, 2) Growth, 3) Infrastructure, 4) Evaluation, 5) Development.

1. OUTREACH Community outreach and volunteer recruitment need a more precise and strategic approach in order to effectively widen and diversity the incoming pipeline of advocates. The plan calls for a new Community Outreach Director and volunteer coordinators restructured to support two distinct areas that have previously functioned as one, outreach and volunteer services (screening and training).

2. GROWTH Supporting a growing cadre of volunteers at the achieved and optimal ratio of 1:50:100, with one Senior Program Coordinator (SPC) coaching 50 volunteers serving 100 children, will require additional program staff since we are so close to full capacity. The budget includes two new SPC positions staggered to support the growth of an additional 200 children served as it materializes. We are also proposing to fill the Assistant Director leadership position in Antelope Valley in order to secure the

4/10/13 1 56 of 108


growth achieved so far and lead future expansion in this underserved area. On our wish list but not funded for this year is a Policy Director position, in response to the desire heard from many of our volunteers to channel CASA learning into specific advocacy for systems change. When and if funding can be identified and obtained in FY2014, this possibility will be revisited.

3. INFRASTRUCTURE Continuing to build infrastructure with equipment, systems and processes is essential for supporting staff and volunteer scope and productivity. In this area we propose to upgrade volunteer applicant processing, data management, accounting, and evaluation staffing with a cost-effective combination of systems work, regular staff and outside contractors. We will continue to work with high performing contractors in human resources and tech support. Our most important infrastructure objective is the implementation of the Optima Volunteer Management Software system that will provide staff and volunteers with a cloud-based platform on which to transact and track advocacy activity. We are also using specified restricted funds for a master redesign of office and conference room training space that will allow us to accommodate the overall increase in FTEs (from 19 to 26) within existing office space. Rewarding our people for performance: The FY2014 Plan and Budget includes normalizing salary management with a pay for performance system that provides for raises tied to annual evaluation of individual performance to goals set the year prior. Pay for performance also provides annual bonus incentives for the management team, tied to

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individual and team accomplishment of previously set measurable goals and objectives.

4. EVALUATION Measurement and evaluation of program impact is essential to the sustainability of CASA advocacy in Los Angeles and elsewhere. We are committed to providing leadership for the entire CASA community while solving our immediate need for more evidence-based data on program impact. Our plan calls for deepening work on case assessment survey with pro-bono resources at USC and contracting for improved evaluation design to lead work of identifying milestones that are comparable with more general foster child data to build the case for CASA impact from existing data.

5. DEVELOPMENT FOR SUSTAINABILITY FY2014 plans call for continued building of development capacity. Positions opened in FY2013 will be filled in FY2014; development director with major gifts focus and a foundation manager. We will continue working with high performing contractors in the areas of publicity, grant writing, event management, copy writing, web services, direct mail, donor database management, etc., adding as needed and budgeted. The plan proposes supporting a continuing growth in activity as required to generate the $3.0MM revenue needed to support serving 1,000+ children, as evidenced in a higher overall development budget.


Total Budget Revenues Federal grants 165,000 Foundation grants 1,250,000 Businesses/organizations 50,000 Major/individual donors 500,000 Board contributions 125,000 Special events revenue 1,000,000 Other income - Total Revenues 3,090,000 Development Contingency 175,000 Total with contingency 2,915,000

Volunteer Personnel costs FTEs 6.2 380,471 Increase outreach quality, reach and frequency 33,750 Develop strategic community outreach plan for volunteer Online volunteer management system 10,000 Annual volunteer training plan 104,905 Curriculum development 29,900 Volunteer recognition 55,878 Shared Costs 22,475 Benchmark: 200 volunteers recruited annually 637,379 Cost per volunteer $ 3,187

Advocacy Personnel costs FTEs 14.2 894,261 Training in coaching service delivery model 51,550 Expand staff support for 200+ children to reach 1,000 Specialty training and assignments for priority areas 46,406 served.

Refine outcome measurement 87,500 Refine outcome measurement and evaluation design. Advocacy support 37,375 Shared Costs 57,152 Benchmark: 1,000 children served annually 1,174,244 Cost per child $ 1,174

Administration Personnel costs FTEs 1.6 144,056 HR Consultant 90,000 Implement Optima volunteer management system Outsourced accounting and audit fees 56,000 General overhead 46,929 336,985

Fundraising Personnel costs FTEs 3.0 340,125 Direct mail campaign 60,000 Special events 205,000 Design and production of marketing and web 25,000 Develop plan to increase activity to stimulate foundation materials pipeline and individual giving both major and minor Grant writing, research and special event 70,000 management Publicity 15,000 Prospect research software 12,500 General supplies, support and activities 16,089 Benchmark: 20% of funds raised 743,714 Percentage of funds raised overall: 25% Calculated net of special events 17% Program services FTEs 20.4 1,811,623

Support services FTEs 4.6 1,080,699 Benchmark: <25% of expenses 37%

Total Expenses FTEs 25.0 2,892,322

Net Income 22,678 60 of 108 CASA of Los Angeles 61 of 108 Organizational Chart FY2014

Dilys Tosteson Garcia Executive Director

OPEN Kurt Swanson Lynne Gabriel Community Outreach OPEN Rosalee Villalobos Development Director Operations Director Volunteer Services Director Director Policy Director Program Director OPEN/AV Assistant Program Director Adriana Lopez OPEN OPEN OPEN Rpsa Arevalo Volunteer Services and AmeriCorps Foundation and Grants Outreach Coordinator Senior Program Coordinator Lesley Bois Manager Program Assistant Senior Program Coordinator Tania Williams OPEN Charissa Gonzalez Lauri Halderman Administrative Assistant to Volunteer Coordinator Senior Program Coordinator Jasmine McClendon Special Events Executive Director Senior Program Coordinator

Ann Taylor Michael Marquez Elizabeth Hook Grants Consultant CRM Data Analyst Senior Program Coordinator Yesenia Collier Volunteer Services and Program Assistant

Bill Jones Lorenza Pakula Dana Johnson OPEN Development Consultant Human Resources Senior Program Coordinator Volunteer/Outreach Coordinator

Tech MD Linda Jones Tech Support Senior Program Coordinator

Carolyn McGee Senior Program Coordinator

Louise Bieschke Senior Program Coordinator

OPEN Senior Program Coordinator 62 of 108 63 of 108


What is needed from the CASA/LA Board of Directors?

1. The board needs to continue its expansion, to the maximum number of 31 directors, using recruitment criteria that attract high-profile philanthropic community and business leaders able to contribute financially at higher levels than seen in the past. The board needs to become what it seeks to attract; the leading group of major gift donors to CASA/LA.

2. Annual minimum give amount needs to align with magnitude of total revenue sought, rising from $3500 to $5,000 for new directors, with existing directors unable to make a “stretch” gift, grandfathered in at previous $3500 level during continued board transition to higher giving levels. The board contribution line item in the FY2014 budget calls for 25 members giving a minimum of $5,000 for a total minimum board contribution of $125,000.

3. The board needs to follow its great Gala start of May 2013 with a repeat performance in FY2014, with the 2nd annual Evening of Dreams again targeting to generate $1MM for CASA/LA children. Board involvement in stewarding new donors generated from Gala will ensure ongoing donor relationships for FY2014.

4. A second annual and more accessible fundraiser needs to be developed, led by the board. We also need to prepare for replacing the Justice Jog in FY2015, as this third year as a beneficiary may be our last.

5. Continued governance and stewardship over program direction, fiscal and legal management.

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FY2013 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND PROGRESS  More alignment among CASA/LA stakeholders around sustainable vision and mission is yielding stronger organizational performance results in service quality, service levels and community support.  Growing awareness of CASA role in system of care for children in Los Angeles County leading to invitations to participate and collaborate with broader child welfare community and higher profile overall.  Staffed a larger, more specialized development group to support higher level of development activity and generate higher funding level.  Continued increase in ability to raise private dollars; from <$500K in FY2010, to $700K in FY2011, $1.2MM in FY2012, to $TBD+MM in FY2013. Raised $500K more in private dollars (at 8 months) over year prior.  Engaged more CASA volunteers than ever in support of the organization’s mission and sustainability goals.  Technology platform in place to support software systems for volunteer management, program evaluation and donor relationship management. Completed Sales Force integration project?  Recruited 145 volunteers in FY2013 and activated 400+ volunteers.  Improved quality of volunteer training with enhanced interactive adult education techniques, increased use of online training tools, and the implementation of National CASA Flex Training format with off-site and after-hours delivery.  Programmatic innovations with Early Childhood Initiative are performing well and attracting additional investment from funders. Transition Age Youth and Educational initiatives are in development to follow suit.

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 Optimized caseload management levels with staff/volunteer ratio of 50, up from past levels as low as 20 – and program staff serving at its highest capacity ever, supported by growing cadre of 25 volunteer peer coordinators.  Number of children served continues rising with productivity; from historical threshold of 570 in FY2011 to 632 in FY2012 and 800 in FY2013.  Cost per child continues decreasing, from over $5000/year in 2009 towards goal of $2500/year by 2014.

FY2014 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES A. DELIVER EFFECTIVE AND GROWING CASA ADVOCACY PROGRAM 1. Expand number of children served/year from 800 to 1,000, or +200. 2. Expand number of new volunteers trained/year by +80, from 145 to 225. 3. Expand number of total volunteer base by +200, from 400 to 600. 4. Increase number of volunteers assigned to children, from 400 to 500. 5. Increase child/volunteer ratio from 1.7 to 2.0. 6. Expand number of CASA Coordinators by +25, from 25 to 50. 7. Expand number of CASA Court Assistants by +8, from 28 to 35.

B. ENSURE QUALITY THROUGH CYCLE OF CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 1. Continue collecting evaluation data via Case Assessment Survey twice a year, refine measurement to better understand impact, and develop program improvements and adjustments that promote high quality and effective advocacy. 2. Continue training and coaching staff to solidify migration from directive to coaching volunteer support model, supporting a volunteer centric service delivery model with potential for continued growth at affordable funding levels.

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3. Solicit volunteer input and foster responsive feedback cycle in order to provide continuous improvement of volunteer experience.

C. OPTIMIZE SERVICE LEVELS BASED ON DATA DRIVEN EVIDENCE BASED ADVOCACY PRACTICE 1. Continue optimizing staff/volunteer and staff/children ratios. 2. Evidence based and data driven expansion approach, using caseload analysis and effectiveness measures, furthering growth by making best use of scarce resources and demonstrable cost-effectiveness.

D. INCREASE AWARENESS FOR VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT AND FUNDING 1. Develop strategic community outreach plan that is more precisely targeted and directed at specific results needed; continued general market recruitment, increased recruitment for Lancaster office, Spanish-speaking, Latino, African-American and male volunteers, and donors from all corners of Los Angeles County. 2. Continue building general awareness of CASA in community and among philanthropists.

E. BUILD FUNDING TO SUSTAINABLE LEVELS 1. Raise $3.0MM budget, growing to $5MM within 3 years. a. Expand number of total dollars raised over year prior by at least +$800K, primarily from private sources.


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1. Developing more specialized and targeted recruitment strategies to widen incoming volunteer pipeline. 2. Engaging a larger pool of active CASAs in a variety of roles to support affordable scale and connect volunteers more closely with organization. 3. Accepting more court and community referrals, +20/month. 4. Improving infrastructure systems and work processes overall to stimulate greater productivity and efficiency. 5. Cultivating existing donors for larger donations, to deepen base of support and widen contribution pipeline. 6. Developing strong donor acquisition program. 7. Continue staffing a larger more specialized development group to deliver larger revenue targets. 8. Adding key staff in program and outreach areas to support volume increase in volunteer recruitment and advocacy activity. 9. Developing stronger staffing plans in areas of accounting, data management, and evaluation design. 10. Measuring everything we do in all areas so we can learn and apply new knowledge.

KEY INITIATIVES: OVERALL Create a culture of giving that attracts higher numbers than ever before of volunteers, donors and supporters, in order to serve more children from a much broader base of support.

KEY INITIATIVES: ADVOCACY PROGRAM 1. Solidify migration from directive to coaching volunteer support model. a. Staff training in management basics and coaching model.

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b. Coordinator training track for paid and unpaid staff. c. Expand service via CASA Coordinator structure in AV and MP. d. Document roles, responsibilities and procedures. e. Implement online volunteer management system. f. Implement electronic document management system. 2. Build top priority practice areas with specialty training and assignments. a. Expand Early Childhood Initiative. b. Develop plan and pilot Transition Age Youth Initiative. c. Develop plan and pilot Education Initiative. 3. Implement outcome measurement a. Identify milestone quality measures that are comparable with outside data and add to case assessment data. b. Refine Case Assessment Survey (USC Project). c. Implement bi-annual program evaluation by stakeholders; court officers, partners, volunteers, staff. d. Implement annual performance evaluation of volunteers. 4. Identify areas for CASA policy leadership.

KEY INITIATIVES: COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT 1. Hire a dedicated Community Outreach and Volunteer Recruitment Director to lead in this key area and improve incoming volunteer pipeline productivity and management to support program growth and scale. 2. Develop a more strategic plan for community outreach that supports the identified targeted needs for volunteers; continued general market recruitment, increased recruitment for Lancaster office with capacity for 50

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more volunteers at current staffing levels, Spanish-speaking, Latino volunteers, African-American and male volunteers. 3. Engage, train and manage volunteers, board and staff to conduct outreach a. Continue and improve communications/presentation training b. Deploy more presenters into community by activating volunteers and volunteer networks. c. Continue effective off-site recruitment presentations at jury rooms, civic and faith based community sites and business venues. d. Present at community outreach events. e. Diversity plans to attract young professionals, men, Latinos, African Americans, and other underrepresented community groups in addition to continuing to recruit from the general population.

KEY INITIATIVES: VOLUNTEER SERVICES 1. Improve screening criteria and process, engaging staff and volunteers at higher levels of participation in order to support larger pipeline of incoming volunteer applicants. 2. Improve volunteer connection and new recruit start a. Automate and streamline application process with online tools. b. Implement online volunteer management system. c. Plan for heightened volunteer engagement in years one and two. d. Collaborate with development staff on donor development among volunteers. 3. Develop annual training calendar for all educational tracks a. Advocate pre-service training (200) (6x) b. CASA Coordinator training (30) c. Early Childhood CASAs (100)

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d. Advocate continuing education in-service training for 500 (3/month) e. CASA Court Assistant training (30) (2x) f. Staff training to support coaching service delivery model. 4. Curriculum development a. Full conversion to Flex Training format, combining online and classroom delivery, with off-site and after-hours delivery. b. Continue increasing use of interactive adult education techniques. c. Continue developing online training tools to enhance volunteer and staff training experience. d. Develop specialty tracks for continuing education in-service training. 5. Identify areas for CASA policy leadership.

KEY INITIATIVES: DEVELOPMENT 1. Secure regular staffing needed to continue growth towards $5MM revenue capacity a. Development Director, Foundation Manager, Database Manager. 2. Continue cultivation campaign for larger gifts from Major Donors, growing this category into $1.5MM+ portfolio. 3. Expand Grant and Foundation proposal funding to $1.5MM by increasing outgoing proposals to widen pipeline. 4. Increase frequency and planning of direct marketing appeals to raise awareness, stimulate acquisition and donations. a. Annual fund direct mail and email campaigns, 6X? b. Monthly e-mail blasts to supporters 5. Use Special Events to engage CASA community, connect with donors and stimulate gifts all year long.

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a. House Parties (YEAR ROUND) b. Justice Jog (SEPT 15) c. Glamour Gowns Day at the Races: (OCT) d. Volunteer Appreciation Holiday Party: (DEC) e. Glamour Gowns Preview Party (MARCH/APRIL) f. Spring Gala (APRIL/MAY) g. Volunteer Recognition Luncheon (JUNE) h. Corporate/community events (YEAR ROUND) 6. Continue publicity outreach with monthly media placement to promote volunteer and donor recruitment. 7. Improve donor database management. a. Follow up and acknowledgement b. List management and record quality c. Online giving improvements d. Donor analysis software e. Sales Force training 8. Identify areas for CASA policy leadership.

KEY INITIATIVES: OPERATIONS 1. Budget Management and Controls a. Prepare for higher volume donation management. b. Work with directors on budget management by area. c. Develop in-house accounting function. 2. Systems and Database Management a. Implement Optima Volunteer Management Software System. b. Collaborate with development staff on Donor Database Management Plan.

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c. Hire Evaluation Consultant i. Manage Case Assessment Survey data project. ii. Manage EC and TAY evaluation projects. d. Oversee technology infrastructure needs and development. 3. Office Space Redesign a. Complete S.Mark Taper Foundation funded conference room and office redesign based on master plan to enhance space usage for larger volume activity and organization in MP and AV offices. 4. Policies and procedures a. Compliance and Documentation. b. Revised Volunteer Handbook. c. Review and update Forms. 5. Training, Performance Evaluation, Compensation a. Establish annual staff training plan. b. Continue annual performance evaluation plan. c. Benefits review and improvement. d. Intern program.

KEY INITIATIVES: BOARD 1. Board recruitment for expansion to 31 members. 2. Board training and development. 3. Stewardship of staff appreciation plan. 4. Fundraising role, give and get commitments. 5. External outreach to promote CASA. 6. Leadership in areas of policy and evaluation. 7. Leadership and communications about culture of giving at CASA that attracts more volunteers, supporters and donors to serve more children.

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KEY INITIATIVES: EXECUTIVE 1. Board relations, development and expansion. 2. Agency-wide performance in program, service, and financial areas. 3. Leadership in areas of policy and evaluation. 4. External outreach to promote CASA/LA. 5. Leadership and communications about culture of giving at CASA that attracts more volunteers, supporters and donors to serve more children.

4/10/13 14 74 of 108 CASA LOS ANGELES 75 of 108 2012-13 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET

Total Budget Revenues Federal grants 120,000 Parking Trust Fund 20,000 Juror fees 75,000 Foundation grants 1,000,000 Businesses/organizations 50,000 Major/individual donors 500,000 Board contributions 87,500 Special events revenue 650,000 Investment income - Other income - Total Revenues 2,502,500

Volunteer Personnel costs FTEs 4.0 248,926 Increase outreach reach and frequency 43,750 Online volunteer management system 10,000 Annual volunteer training plan 150,905 Curriculum development 29,900 Volunteer recognition 45,778 529,259

Advocacy Personnel costs FTEs 13.1 796,902 Transition from case management to coaching 51,550 support Specialty training and assignments for priority areas 46,406

Implement outcome measurement 87,500 Advocacy support 37,375 1,019,733

Administration Personnel costs FTEs 1.1 87,079 HR Consultant 60,000 Outsourced accounting and audit fees 48,000 Board meetings and retreat 10,000 General overhead 93,199 298,278

Fundraising Personnel costs FTEs 3.1 280,962 Direct mail campaign 60,000 Special events 205,000 Design and production of marketing materials, 25,000 including website Grant writing and research 10,000 Publicity 15,000 Prospect research software 12,500 General supplies and activities 7,450 615,912

Program services FTEs 17.1 1,548,991

Support services FTEs 4.2 914,189

Total Expenses FTEs 21.3 2,463,181

Net Income 39,319 76 of 108 CASA of Los Angeles Organizational Chart FY2013 77 of 108

Dilys Tosteson Garcia Executive Director

William Jones Kurt Swanson Lynne Gabriel Rosalee Villalobos Volunteer Services Director Program Director Interim Development Director Operations Director Assistant Program Director

Lauri Halderman Ann Taylor Adriana Lopez Senior Program Coordinator Lesley Bois Grants Consultant Volunteer Services and Program Outreach Manager Senior Program Assistant Coordinator

LouiseLouise Bieschke Bieschke Charissa Gonzalez Senior Program Coordinator Tania Williams Senior Program Coordinator Jasmine McClendon Special Events Administrative Assistant to Outreach Coordinator Senior Program Executive Director Coordinator Rosa Arevalo Senior Program Coordinator Marc Haupert Yesenia Collier Federal Grant Admin Michael Marquez Kaylee Wilmovsky Volunteer Services and CRM Data Analyst AmeriCorps Program Assistant Elizabeth Hook Senior Program Coordinator Lorenza Pakula Cynthia Whitlock Human Resources AmeriCorps Dana Johnson Senior Program Coordinator

Tech MD Tech Support Linda Jones Senior Program Coordinator

Carolyn McGee Senior Program Coordinator

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A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation

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ARTICLE I. NAME SECTION 1.01 NAME………………………………………………………………………… 1

ARTICLE II. FISCAL YEAR SECTION 2.01 FISCAL YEAR………………………………………………………………… 1

ARTICLE III. OFFICE SECTION 3.01 PRINCIPAL OFFICE………………………………………………………….. 1 SECTION 3.02 OTHER OFFICES……………………………………………………………… 1

ARTICLE IV. PURPOSE SECTION 4.01 PURPOSE……………………………………………………………………… 1

ARTICLE V. MEMBERSHIP SECTION 5.01 MEMBERS……………………………………………………………………… 1

ARTICLE VI. DIRECTORS SECTION 6.01 POWERS…………………………………………………………………. 1 SECTION 6.02 DUTIES………………………………………………………………………. . 1 SECTION 6.03 NUMBER OF DIRECTORS………………………………………………….. 2 SECTION 6.04 BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES…………………………………… 2 SECTION 6.05 TERMS OF OFFICE………………………………………………………….. 2 SECTION 6.06 NOMINATION……………………………………………………………….. 2 SECTION 6.07 ELECTION……………………………………………………………………. 2 SECTION 6.08 COMPENSATION……………………………………………………………. 2 SECTION 6.09 MEETINGS…………………………………………………………………… 2 SECTION 6.10 ACTION BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT WITHOUT MEETING …………... 3 SECTION 6.11 VACANCIES…………………………………………………………………. 3 SECTION 6.12 NON-LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS………………………………………….. 4

ARTICLE VII. OFFICERS SECTION 7.01 OFFICERS POSITIONS………………………………………………………. 4 SECTION 7.02 ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE………………………………………… 4 SECTION 7.03 VACANCIES…………………………………………………………………... 4 SECTION 7.04 CHAIRPERSON……………………………………………………………….. 4 SECTION 7.05 VICE CHAIR…………………………………………………………………… 5 SECTION 7.06 TREASURER………………………………………………………………….. 5 SECTION 7.07 SECRETARY……………………………………………………………….. 5 SECTION 7.08 ADDITIONAL OFFICERS…………………………………………………….. 6 SECTION 7.09 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR……………………………………………………… 6 SECTION 7.10 REMOVAL OF OFFICERS……………………………………………………. 6 SECTION 7.11 RESIGNATION OF OFFICERS……………………………………………. 6


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ARTICLE IX. AUTHORITY TO SIGN CHECKS………………………………………………………………… 8

ARTICL X. BANK ACCOUNTS……………………………………………………………………………………. 8

ARTICLE XI. CORPORATE RECORDS, REPORTS, AND SEAL SECTION 11.01 CORPORATE RECORDS …………………………………………………. . 8 SECTION 11.02 ANNUAL REPORT………………………………………………………….. 8 SECTION 11.03 CORPORATE SEAL………………………………………………………….8






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REVISED AND AMENDED BYLAWS OF CASA OF LOS ANGELES A California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation


SECTION 1.01 NAME. The name of this corporation is CASA OF LOS ANGELES, a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation.


SECTION 2.01 FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year end of the Corporation is June 30.


SECTION 3.01 PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The principal office for the transaction of the business of the Corporation may be established at any place or places within the County of Los Angeles by resolution of the Board.

SECTION 3.02 OTHER OFFICES. The Board may at any time establish branch or subordinate offices at any place or places where the Corporation is qualified to transact business.


SECTION 4.01 PURPOSE. The mission of CASA of Los Angeles is to mobilize community volunteers to advocate for abused and neglected children.


SECTION 5.01 MEMBERS. The Corporation shall have no members. Any action which would otherwise require approval by a majority of all members or approval by the members shall require only approval of the Board. All rights which would otherwise vest in the members shall vest in the directors.


SECTION 6.01 POWERS. Subject to the provisions of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law and any limitation in the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws, the activities and affairs of CASA OF LOS ANGELES shall be conducted and all corporate powers shall be exercised by or under the direction of the Board.

The Board is solely responsible for all activities of the Corporation, including determining corporate policy, approving the annual budget and establishing the goals of the Corporation.

The Board may delegate the management of the activities of the Corporation to any person or persons, a management committee or committees however composed, provided that the activities and affairs of the Corporation shall be managed and, all corporate powers shall be exercised under the ultimate direction of the Board.

SECTION 6.02 DUTIES. Without prejudice to their general powers, and subject to the same limitations, the Board shall have the following powers in addition to the other powers enumerated in these Bylaws:

(a) To select and remove all the officers, agents and employees of the Corporation, prescribe powers and duties for them as may not be inconsistent with law, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, and to fix their compensation and require from them security for faithful service.

(b) To conduct, manage and control the affairs and activities of the Corporation and to make such rules and regulations therefore not inconsistent with law, the Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws, as they may deem best.

(c) To borrow money and incur indebtedness for the purpose of the Corporation and to cause to be executed and delivered therefore, in the Corporate name, promissory notes, bonds, debentures, deeds of trust, mortgages, pledges, hypothecations or other evidences of debt and security therefore.

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(d) To accept on behalf of the Corporation any contribution, bequest or devise for the general purpose or for any special purpose of the Corporation.

SECTION 6.03 NUMBER OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall be not less than ten (10) and not more than thirty one (31), with the exact number to be determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors unless and until changed by an amendment to these Bylaws. The number may be changed by the vote or written assent of a majority of the Directors then in office. The Chief Executive Officer shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board.

SECTION 6.04 BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES. These responsibilities include:

(a) Providing financial support; (b) Soliciting financial support; (c) Regularly attending scheduled Board meetings; (d) Participating in committees; (e) Contributing individual talents and expertise; (f) Attending Corporation functions and events; and (g) Providing community outreach and leadership.

SECTION 6.05 TERMS OF OFFICE. Directors shall be elected at each annual meeting of the Board for one three- year term. Each Director, including a Director elected to fill a vacancy, shall hold office until the expiration of the term for which he or she was elected and until the election and qualification of a successor, or until that Director’s earlier resignation or removal in accordance with these Bylaws and California Nonprofit Corporation Law.

Each Director shall be eligible to hold office for two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms, as long as he or she meets all of the provisions in Section 6.04. No Director shall serve more than two full consecutive terms without a sabbatical of at least one year. By resolution, the Board may arrange for terms to be staggered.

SECTION 6.06 NOMINATION. Any person qualified to be a Director under Section 6.04 of these Bylaws may be nominated by the method of nomination authorized by the Board or any other method authorized by law.

SECTION 6.07 ELECTION. The Directors shall be elected by the Board of Directors by written ballot or voice vote as authorized herein. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes up to the number of Directors to be elected are elected. Directors shall be eligible for re-election subject to the limitations set forth in Section 6.05 above.

SECTION 6.08 COMPENSATION. The Directors shall serve without compensation.


1. Regular and Annual Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board shall be held with a minimum of four (4) Board meetings (in separate months) to be held each fiscal year including the annual meeting. The annual meeting shall be held at the end of the fiscal year. All meetings of the Board shall be held at the principal office of the Corporation, or any location in the County of Los Angeles specified by the Board Chair or the Board of Directors.

2. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the Board Chair, Secretary, or any two (2) Directors, and such meetings shall be held at the place designated by the person or persons calling the meeting, and in the absence of such designation, at the principal place of business of the Corporation.

3. Notice of Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board may be held without notice. Special meetings of the Board may be held upon four (4) days notice by first-class mail, postage prepaid, or on forty-eight (48) hours notice delivered personally, by telephone, or by electronic mail. If sent by mail, the notice shall be deemed to be delivered on its deposit in the mails. Such notices shall be given to each Director at his or her address, telephone number or electronic mail address, as applicable, as shown on the books of the Corporation. Notice of the time and place of holding an adjourned meeting need not be given to absent Directors if the time and place of the adjourned meeting re fixed at the meeting adjourned and if such adjourned meeting is held no more than twenty-four (24) hours from the time of the original meeting.


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4. Contents of Notice. Notice of meetings not herein dispensed with shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting. The purpose of any board meeting need not be specified in the notice.

5. Waiver of Notice and Consent to Hold Meetings. The transactions of any meeting of the Board, however called and noticed or wherever held, are as valid as though the meeting had been duly held after proper call and notice, provided a quorum (as hereinafter defined), is present and provided that either before or after the meeting each Director not present signs a waiver of notice, a consent to holding the meeting, or an approval of the minutes thereof. All such waivers, consents, or approvals shall be filed with the corporate records or made a part of the minutes of the meeting.

6. Quorum for Meetings. A majority of the presently serving number of Directors constitutes a quorum of the Board for the transaction of business. Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws or in the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation, or by law, no business shall be considered by the Board at any meeting at which a quorum is not present, and the only motion which the Chair shall entertain at such meeting is a motion to adjourn.

The Directors present at a duly called and held meeting at which a quorum is initially present may continue to do business notwithstanding the loss of a quorum at the meeting due to a withdrawal of Directors from the meeting, provided that any action thereafter taken must be approved by at least a majority of the required quorum for such meeting or greater percentage as may be required by law, the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of this Corporation.

7. Majority Action as Board Action. Every act or decision done or made by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present is the act of the Board of Directors, unless the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of this Corporation, or provisions of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law, require a greater percentage or different voting rules for approval of a matter by the Board. The following actions shall require a vote by a majority of all Directors then in office in order to be effective: creation of, and appointment to, committees (Section 5212); approval of contract or transactions in which a Director has a material financial interest (Section 5233); and indemnification of Directors (Section 5238e).

8. Conduct of Meetings. In the absence of the Board Chair, the Vice Chair of the Board shall preside at the meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary of the Corporation or, in the Secretary's absence, any person appointed by the presiding officer, shall act as Secretary of the Board. Members of the Board may participate in a meeting through use of conference, telephone or similar communications equipment, so long as all members participating in such meeting can hear one another. Such participation shall constitute personal presence at the meeting. In the absence of the Board Chair or the Vice Chair, the majority of the Directors present may appoint a presiding officer to preside at the meeting.

The Robert's Rules of Order, as may be amended from time to time, shall be the authority for all matters of procedure.

SECTION 6.10 ACTION BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT WITHOUT MEETING. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Board of Directors under any provision of law may be taken without a meeting, if all members of the Board shall individually or collectively consent in writing to such action. For the purposes of this Section only "all members of the Board" shall not include any "interested director" as defined in Section 5233 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law. Such written consent or consents shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Board. Such action by written consent shall have the same force and effect as the unanimous vote of the Directors. Any certificate or other document filed under any provision of law which relates to action so taken shall state the action was taken by unanimous written consent of the Board of Directors without a meeting and that the Bylaws of this Corporation authorize the Directors to so act, and such statement shall be prima facie evidence of such authority.

SECTION 6.11 VACANCIES. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall exist (1) on the death, resignation or removal of any Director, (2) at the completion of any Director's maximum term of service, and (3) whenever the number of authorized directors is increased.

The Board may declare vacant the office of a Director who has been declared of unsound mind by a final order of court, or convicted of a felony, or been found by a final order or judgment of any court to have breached any duty under Section 5230 and following of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.

Any Director may resign effective upon giving written notice to the Board Chair, the Secretary, or the Board of Directors, unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation. No Director may resign if the Corporation would then be left without a duly elected director or directors in charge of its affairs, except upon notice


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Any Director appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of all Board Members at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present whenever, in their judgment, the best interest of the Corporation would be served, including any Director who fails or ceases to meet any required qualification that was in effect at the beginning of that Director’s current term of office and as defined in Section 6.04.

Vacancies on the Board may be filled by approval of the Board or, if the number of Directors then in office is less than a quorum, by (1) the unanimous written consent of the Directors then in office, (2) the affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors then in office at a meeting held pursuant to notice or waivers of notice complying with this Article of these Bylaws, or (3) a sole remaining Director.

A person elected to fill a vacancy as provided by this Section shall hold office until the next annual election of the Board of Directors or until his or her death, resignation or removal from office.

SECTION 6.12 NON-LIABILITY OF DIRECTORS. There shall be no personal liability of a Director to a third party to the fullest extent provided by California law and the Directors shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the Corporation.


SECTION 7.01 OFFICERS POSITIONS. The officers of the Corporation (“Officers”) shall be a Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and such officers with such titles and duties as shall be determined by the Board. The Corporation, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, may have additional officers including such Officers as may be appointed in accordance with Section 8.01. One person may hold two or more offices, except that the person holding the office of Chair may hold only that office.

SECTION 7.02 ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE. The Officers of the Corporation, except those appointed in accordance with Section 8.01, shall be elected by the Board of Directors before the end of the fiscal year for a term of one year, and each shall serve at the discretion of the Board until his or her successor shall be elected, or his or her earlier resignation or removal. If a term of the outgoing Chair of the Board expires at the same time as the expiration of his or her second term, then such a Director may be reelected for an additional one-year term.

SECTION 7.03 VACANCIES IN OFFICES. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or any other cause shall be filled in the manner prescribed in these Bylaws for regular appointments to that office, provided that such vacancies shall be filled as they occur and not on an annual basis. In the event of a vacancy in any office other than the Chair of the Board or one appointed in accordance with Section 8.01, such vacancy shall be filled temporarily by appointment by the Chairperson, or if none, by the Chairperson, and the appointee shall remain in office for 60 days, or until the next regular meeting of the Board, whichever comes first. Thereafter, the position can be filled only by action of the Board.

SECTION 7.04 CHAIRPERSON. The Chairperson (“Board Chair”) shall be elected by the Directors of the Corporation and shall be Chair of and preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee. The Board Chair must be a member of the Board at the time of election, and will be considered a member of the Board if so elected to that position.

a) The Board Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all committees which may from time to time be elected or appointed.

b) The Board Chair may sign, with the Secretary or other proper officer of the Corporation authorized by the Board any deeds, mortgages, bonds, contracts, leases or other instruments which may have been authorized to be executed on behalf of the Corporation except where the signing thereof shall be expressly delegated by the Board, or by these Bylaws, or by statutes to some other officers or agent of the Corporation; and, in general, the Board Chair shall perform all duties incident to the function of the Chairman of the Board of a Corporation and such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board from time to time.


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SECTION 7.05 VICE CHAIR. The Vice Chair is responsible for leading and overseeing the Board of Directors’ fundraising activities on behalf of the Corporation. In the absence of the Board Chair, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of the Board Chair, and when performing the duties of the Board Chair shall sign as Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such duties as may be assigned to him or her, by the Board Chair or by the Board of Directors. During any period in which the Board Chair is unable or refuses to act, the Vice Chair shall perform the duties of Chairperson.

SECTION 7.06 TREASURER. Subject to the provisions of these Bylaws relating to the "Execution of Instruments, Deposits and Funds," the Treasurer shall:

a) Chair the Finance Committee.

b) Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds and securities of the Corporation, and deposit all such funds in the name of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as shall be selected by the Board of Directors.

c) Receive, and give receipt for, monies due and payable to the Corporation from any source whatsoever.

d) Disburse, or cause to be disbursed, the funds of the Corporation as may be directed by the Board of Directors, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements.

e) Keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the Corporation's business transactions, including accounts of assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains and losses.

f) Exhibit at all reasonable times the books of account and financial records to any Director of the Corporation, or to his or her agent or attorney, on request therefor.

g) Render to the Board Chair and Directors, whenever requested, an account of any or all of his or her transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation.

h) Prepare, or cause to be prepared, and certify, or cause to be certified, the financial statements to be included in any reports.

i) In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these Bylaws, or which may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Directors.

SECTION 7.07 SECRETARY. The Secretary shall:

a) Chair the Governance Committee.

b) Keep or cause to be kept, at the principal office or such other place as the Board may order, a book of minutes of all meetings of the Board and, if requested, its committees, with the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, and if special, how authorized, the notice thereof given, the names of those present at Board and, where applicable, committee meetings, and the proceedings thereof.

c) Keep, or cause to be kept, at the principal office in the State of California the original or a copy of the Corporation's Articles and Bylaws, as amended to date.

d) Give, or cause to be given, notice of all meetings of the Board required by these Bylaws.

e) Keep the seal of the Corporation in safe custody.

f) In general, perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these Bylaws, or which- may be assigned to him or her from time to time by the Board of Directors.


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SECTION 7.08 ADDITIONAL OFFICERS. The Board may empower the Chairperson or chief executive to appoint or remove such other Officers as the business of the Corporation may require, each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such authority, and perform such duties as are provided in these Bylaws or as the Board from time to time may determine by resolution.

SECTION 7.09 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Subject to such supervisory powers as may be given by the Board to the Chairperson, the Board may hire a chief executive who shall be the general manager of the Corporation, and subject to the control of the Board, shall supervise, direct and control the Corporation's day-to-day activities, business and affairs. The chief executive (who may be referred to as the “Executive Director”) shall be empowered to hire, supervise and fire all of the employees of the Corporation, under such terms and having such job responsibilities as the chief executive shall determine in his or her sole discretion, subject to the rights, if any, of the employee under any contract of employment. The Executive Director shall make regular reports to the Board regarding the activities of the Corporation. The Executive Director shall be a non-voting member of the Board and all standing committees.

SECTION 7.10 REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. Subject to the rights, if any, of an Officer under any contract of employment, any Officer may be removed, with or without cause, (i) by the Board, at any regular or special meeting of the Board, or at the annual meeting of the Corporation, or (ii) by an Officer on whom such power of removal may be conferred by the Board. Any officer elected by the Board of Directors may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of all Board Members at a meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present whenever, in their judgment, the best interest of the Corporation would be served.

SECTION 7.11 RESIGNATION OF OFFICERS. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Chairperson or Secretary of the Corporation. Any resignation shall take effect at the date of the receipt of that notice or at any later time specified in that notice; and, unless otherwise specified in that notice, the acceptance of the resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective.


SECTION 8.01 COMMITTEES OF DIRECTORS. The Board may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the Directors then in office, create one or more Board Committees (“Committees”), including an executive committee, each consisting of two or more Directors, to serve at the discretion of the Board. Committee chairpersons serve for a term of one (1) year and are appointed by the Board Chair. Any Committee, to the extent provided in the resolution of the Board, may be given the authority of the Board except that no Committee may:

a) approve any action for which the California Nonprofit Corporation Law also requires approval of the members or approval of a majority of all members;

b) fill vacancies on the Board or in any Committee which has the authority of the Board;

c) fix compensation of the Directors for serving on the Board or on any Committee;

d) amend or repeal Bylaws or adopt new Bylaws;

e) amend or repeal any resolution of the Board which by its express terms is not so amendable or repealable;

f) appoint any other Committees or the members of these Committees;

g) expend corporate funds to support a nominee for Director after more persons have been nominated than can be elected; or

h) approve any transaction (i) between the Corporation and one or more of its Directors or (ii) between the Corporation and any entity in which one or more of its Directors have a material financial interest.


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SECTION 8.02 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers of the Corporation and up to two voting member-at-large who are Directors of the Corporation. The Executive Committee, subject to such limitations as may be required by statute, shall have and exercise all the authority of the Board of Directors in the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation except the power to adopt new Bylaws, amend or repeal these Bylaws, appoint other Committees or elect or remove Directors or officers. The Executive Committee reviews the performance and compensation of the Executive Director annually and reports its findings and recommendations to the full board for approval. Additional Officers may be appointed to the Executive Committee as set forth by resolution of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 8.03 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE. The Secretary chairs the Governance Committee and shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Each member shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. The Governance Committee shall have the following duties:

a) Periodically assess the composition of the Board, determine its particular needs, recruit, and screen for potential board members and officers. Develop programs for orientation, training and self assessment.

b) Evaluate Board member status in respect to individual participation in Board activities.

c) Annually prepare a slate of proposed officers and directors and present the same to the Board for approval prior to the end of the fiscal year. The Board shall have the right to add or eliminate names from the slate so submitted. Members of the Governance Committee shall be eligible for office.

d) With the prior consent of each candidate, cause the slate to be placed in nomination at the annual meeting of the Board.

e) Every three (3) years, conduct a review of the Bylaws.

SECTION 8.04 FINANCE COMMITTEE. The Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee and shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The Finance Committee shall formulate and recommend the financial policies of the Corporation, act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director and the Board of Directors, and function as financial coordinator for the Corporation. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Board in financial matters, including an annual budget to be approved by the Board.

SECTION 8.05 NONPROFIT INTEGRITY ACT/AUDIT COMMITTEE. In any fiscal year in which the Corporation receives or accrues gross revenues of two million dollars or more (excluding grants from, and contracts for services with, governmental entities for which the governmental entity requires an accounting of the funds received), the Board shall (i) prepare annual financial statements using generally accepted accounting principles that are audited by an independent certified public accountant (“CPA”) in conformity with generally accepted auditing standards; (ii) make the audit available to the Attorney General and to the public on the same basis that the Internal Revenue Service Form 990 is required to be made available; and (iii) appoint an Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee shall not include paid or unpaid staff or employees of the Corporation, including, if staff members or employees, the chief executive officer or the Treasurer or chief financial officer (if any). If there is a finance committee, members of the finance committee shall constitute less than 50% of the membership of the Audit Committee and the chairperson of the Audit Committee shall not be a member of the finance committee. The chairperson of the Audit Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Subject to the supervision of the Board, the Audit Committee shall:

(a) make recommendations to the Board on the hiring and firing of the CPA;

(b) confer with the CPA to satisfy Audit Committee members that the financial affairs of the Corporation are in order;

(c) approve non-audit services by the CPA and ensure such services conform to standards in the Yellow Book issued by the United States Comptroller General; and

(d) if requested by the Board, negotiate the CPA’s compensation on behalf of the Board.


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SECTION 8.06 OTHER COMMITTEES. The Board of Directors or Board Chair may create and appoint members to, and dissolve, other committees and task forces as they shall deem appropriate. These committees must be composed of at least two Board members and may also comprise non-members of the Board. Such committees and task forces shall have the power and duties designated by the Board of Directors, and shall give advice and make non-binding recommendations to the Board.


SECTION 9.01 The persons authorized to sign checks shall be designated by the Board of Directors. All checks shall require the signature of two (2) authorized persons.


SECTION 10.01 All funds of the Corporation shall be deposited in a timely manner to the credit of the Corporation in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Board of Directors may select.


SECTION 11.01 CORPORATE RECORDS. The Corporation shall keep adequate and correct records of account, and minutes of the proceedings of the Board, and committees of the Board in written form. The corporation shall also keep a record of its directors giving their names, and addresses. Other books and records shall be kept in written form or in any other form capable of being converted into written form.

SECTION 11.02 ANNUAL REPORT. The Board shall cause an annual report to be sent to the Directors not later than one hundred twenty (120) days after the close of the Corporation's fiscal year. The report shall contain all the information required by Section 6321(a) of the Corporations Code and shall be accompanied by any report thereon of independent accountants, or if there is no such report, the certificate of an authorized officer of the Corporation that such statements were prepared without audit from the books and records of the Corporation.

SECTION 11.03 CORPORATE SEAL. The Board of Directors shall adopt a corporate seal which shall be in the following form and design: round with the corporate name. The Secretary shall ensure the seal is in safe custody and affix it in all appropriate cases to all corporate documents. Failure to affix the seal shall not affect the validity of any instrument.


SECTION 12.01 AMENDMENT. Subject to any provision of law applicable to the amendment of Bylaws of Public Benefit Nonprofit Corporations, these Bylaws, or any of them, may be altered, amended, or repealed and new Bylaws adopted by approval of the Board of Directors.


SECTION 13.01 AMENDMENT. Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation may be adopted by the approval of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 13.02 AMENDMENT RESTRICTIONS. Notwithstanding the above Sections of this Article, this Corporation shall not amend its Articles of Incorporation to alter any statement which appears in the original Articles of Incorporation of the names and addresses of the first directors of this Corporation, nor the name and address of its initial agent, except to correct an error in such statement or to delete such statement after the Corporation has filed a "Statement by a Domestic Non-Profit Corporation" pursuant to Section 6210 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.


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SECTION 14.01 No member, director, officer, employee, or other person connected with this Corporation, or any private individual, shall receive at any time any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operations of the Corporation, provided, however, that this provision shall not prevent payment to any such person of reasonable compensation for services performed for the Corporation in effecting any of its public or charitable purposes, provided that such compensation is otherwise permitted by these Bylaws and fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors.


SECTION 15.01 ADVANCEMENT OF DEFENSE COSTS. The Corporation shall advance defense costs for any director or officer who is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any proceeding by reason of the fact that the person is or was a director or officer or an agent of the Corporation, but only to the extent allowed by, and in accordance with, the requirements of Section 5238 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law..

SECTION 15.02 INDEMNITY. To the extent that a person who is, or was, a director, officer, employee or other agent of this Corporation has been successful on the merits in defense of any civil, criminal, administrative or investigative proceeding brought to procure a judgment against such person by reason of the fact that he or she is, or was, as agent of the Corporation, or has been successful in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, such person shall be indemnified against expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the person in connection with such proceeding.

SECTION 15.03 SETTLEMENT. If such person either settles any such claim or sustains a judgment against him or her, then indemnification against expenses, judgments, fines, settlements and other amounts reasonably incurred in connection with such proceeding shall be provided by this Corporation, but only to the extent allowed by, and in accordance with, the requirements of Section 5238 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.


SECTION 16.01 The Board of Directors may adopt a resolution authorizing the purchase and maintenance of insurance on behalf of any agent of the Corporation (including a director, officer, employee or other agent of the Corporation) against any liability other than for violating provisions of law relating to self-dealing (Section 5233 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law) asserted against or incurred by the agent in such capacity or arising out of the agent's status as such, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify the agent against such liability under the provisions of Section 5238 of the California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law.

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Board Re-election

Anneli Stone - 2nd term

Daniel Silva - 2nd term

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Board Nomination

Jacqueline Dolan

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Jacqueline Dolan Bio

Jacquie Dolan has served the cause of abused and neglected children for many years. She is currently a consultant to Changewave Children’s Foundation and a member of Maryvale’s Board of Directors and a member of the development committee of the Board of Directors of CASA of Los Angeles. She served on the Foster Care and Adoptions Policy Board of the California Children’s Lobby from 1982 to 2003. In 1994 she was appointed by Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of California, Malcolm M. Lucas to the Judicial Council Performance Procedures Standing Advisory Committee. She is the Founding President of the Friends of Child Advocates, now known as CASA of Los Angeles, and at the behest of the Stuart Foundation worked to establish the California Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Association and served as its President from 1990 to 1993. During that time the number of CASA programs increased from 13 counties to 26 counties in California. She has served as a guest lecturer to the Foundations for Early Childhood Mental Health Class at the University of Southern California School of Preventive Medicine for a number of years, as well as The St. Thomas Moore Society of Loyola Law School. She began working with children whose parents are unable or unwilling to care for them in 1969 when she joined the Orphanage Guild, which supports Maryvale, a children’s residential center.

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Gala Committee Update

Speaker Kit 100 of 108 101 of 108

CALENDAR/ROSTER 102 of 108 103 of 108


April 15: Board Meeting, 8am

May 14: Governance Committee Call, 8:30am

May 20: Executive/Finance Committee Meeting, 8am

June 30: Annual Board Meeting, 3pm Board & Staff Annual BBQ, 4pm

FY2013 DEVELOPMENT & OUTREACH EVENTS May 1: CASA/LA Spring Gala May 18: First AME Church, 10:30am June 5: Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, CA Endowment June 17: Kyle Rudow Memorial Golf Tournament


Aug 23: Board/Staff Collective Wisdom Retreat (Friday)

Nov 4: Board Meeting, 8am (Q1 Performance)

Feb 3: Board Meeting, 8am (Mid-Year Performance)

Apr 7: Board Meeting, 8am (Q3 Performance)

June 2: Board Meeting, 8am (FY2015 Plan and Budget)

June 29: Annual Board Meeting, 3pm Board & Staff Annual BBQ, 4pm

FY2014 DEVELOPMENT & OUTREACH EVENTS Sept 15: Justice Jog Dec 2: Volunteer Appreciation Holiday Party Mar/Apr TBD: Glamour Gowns May TBD: Spring Gala June 4: Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon June 7-9: National CASA Conference

104 of 108 CASA of Los Angeles 105 of 108 FY2013 Board of Directors Primary Term of professional/ Board Member Office and/or Committee Preferred Mailing Address Email Phone service Community affiliation Retired Board President 2012-2014 4305 Via Pinzon Bruce Herron executive; CASA [email protected] 310-791-0206 h Volunteer (Susie) Governance Committee 2nd term Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 310-890-9942 c Economic President-Elect 2013-2015 416 S. Spring St., #709 Roger Ridlehoover Science [email protected] 213-748-3210 w Associates, LLC (Frances) Development Chair 2nd term Los Angeles, CA 90013 310-351-4307 c

Treasurer 2012-2014 Kayne Anderson 1800 Avenue of the Stars, 3rd Floor Ralph Walter Capital Advisors, [email protected] 310-470-0578 Finance/Audit Chair; L.P. (Dorothy Fleisher) 2nd term Los Angeles, CA 90067 Governance Committee

Secretary 2012-2014 Retired Educator; 7011 West Avenue L-12 Jean Youngquist CASA Volunteer [email protected] 661-943-5197 h (Bob) Development Committee 1st term Lancaster, CA 93536

2012-2014 1801 Monterey Blvd. Frank Addante Rubicon Project [email protected] 310-998-7707 c (Allison) 1st term Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Asst: [email protected]

2013-2015 Pricewaterhouse Greg Collins Coopers [email protected] 617-365-9374 c 1st term 213-356-6315 w Frandzel Robins 2013-2015 6500 Wilshire Blvd., 17th Floor Peter Csato Bloom & Csato, [email protected] 323-852-1000 w L.C. (Cynthia) 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90048 Asst: [email protected] 310-717-3891 c

2012-2014 333 S. Grand Ave., 28th Floor Paul Deitch Development Subcommittee Oaktree Capital [email protected] 213-830-6867 w (Tama) 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90071 Asst: [email protected]

2012-2014 True Religion 2263 East Vernon Avenue Development Committee Deborah Greaves Apparel, Inc. [email protected] 323-244-6172 c 1st term Vernon, CA 90058 323-266-3072 w

2012-2014 Wells Fargo; 333 S. Grand Ave., 10th Floor Governance Committee Lynn James CASA Volunteer [email protected] 213-253-3617 w (Anne Madsen) 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90071 Blakely Sokoloff 2013-2015 12400 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor Lori Kozak Development Committee Taylor Zafman [email protected] 310.207.3800 w LLP 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90025 310-663-7333 c

4/11/2013 1 CASA of Los Angeles 106 of 108 FY2013 Board of Directors Primary Term of professional/ Board Member Office and/or Committee Preferred Mailing Address Email Phone service Community affiliation Retired 2013-2015 DoubleLine 333 S. Grand Ave., 10th Floor Lou Lucido executive; CASA [email protected] 310-980-3966 c VolunteerCapital LP 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-633-8414 w Education 2012-2014 20852 Moonlake Street Anissa McNeil, Ed.D. Development Committee Consultant; [email protected] 909-594-9204 h CASA Volunteer 1st term Walnut, CA 91789

2013-2015 Erin Mooney [email protected] 310-897-1940 c 1st term Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Greenberg, 2012-2014 Glusker, Fields, 1900 Avenue of the Starts, 21st Floor Development Committee Dan Nabel Claman & [email protected] 310-785-6855 c (Pamela) 1st term Machtinger LLP Los Angeles, CA 90067

2013-2015 4078 Sapphire Drive Edward Nahmias Retired executive [email protected] 818-783-6989 h (Deena) 1st term Encino, CA 91436 818-590-9271 c

2013-2015 DoubleLine 333 S. Grand Ave., 10th Floor Allyson Pfeifer Capital LP [email protected] 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90071

2012-2014 1004 Via Zumaya Ray Randall Finance Committee Retired executive [email protected] 424-634-8457 c (Anna) 1st term Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 310-541-9681 h

2012-2014 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1850 Cristine Reynaert Development Committee Doll Amir & Eley [email protected] 310-461-3114 w (Greg) 1st term Los Angeles, CA 90067 323-496-2585 c

2012-2014 725 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 2800 Jim Rishwain Development Committee Pillsbury Law [email protected] 213-488-7111 w

1st term Los Angeles, CA 90017 Asst: [email protected] 213-608-3737 f Morgan Stanley AJ Safavi 2013-2015 Wealth 21600 Oxnard St., Ste. 2000 Management [email protected] 818-715-1858 w 1st term Woodland Hills, CA 91367

2011-2013 Associated 17275 Sierra Hwy Daniel Silva Services [email protected] 661-252-2600 w 1st term Santa Clarita, CA 93536 661-378-1073 c

4/11/2013 2 CASA of Los Angeles 107 of 108 FY2013 Board of Directors Primary Term of professional/ Board Member Office and/or Committee Preferred Mailing Address Email Phone service Community affiliation Retired Governance Chair; 2011-2013 W.M. Keck 16447 Shamhart Drive Anneli Stone executive; CASA [email protected] 213-612-2013 w Development Committee VolunteerFoundation (Mark) 1st term Granada Hills, CA 91344 818-429-1533 c

Founding President; Ex-Oficio Child Welfare 951 Laguna Road Jacqueline Dolan Development Committee Activist [email protected] 626-529-3554 h (Peter) Pasadena, CA 91105 818-799-7208 f

Ex-Oficio Sandi Romero-Boada Glamour Gowns Chair [email protected]

CASA/LA Ex-Oficio 201 Centre Plaza Drive, Suite 1100 323-859-2888 Dilys Tosteson Garcia Executive [email protected] x6325 w Director (Lola Jackson) Monterey Park, CA 91754 Asst: [email protected] 310-924-9258 c

4/11/2013 3 108 of 108