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Orange Coast Pilot[Icon] DeLo~ean separates JWA expansion hits sna day, County Coun t Adn n Kuy~ project following a pubhc heanna from Wife l~crease~ pub~ic concern may · del~y recommended uch a delay to Oct. 11. ensUtt legal adcquaty ana complete· "We Wln1 to g1ve adequate COn· WSAN· 0 GEL ES decision on $191 million project ness of the Pr.c>JCC1's environmental sideration and f'CSJ)OftlC 10 the ~m­ (AP)-Just impact rcpon. mcnts received." K.uypet' aid of the • 1" 'fhe Board of upcrv1sors probably recommended delay. a month A decision on the proposed S191 so county airport planners will have after auto­ will con idcr delayin its con uSer· The prOblem is mat the county has million expansion of John Wayne ume to respond to a lar&e number Qf auon of the :dant ~ect durin3 1 been swamped with public reacnon to maker John Airpon - and an acoompanyina Z . De public conocms about 'the project. dosed 1onWcdn y,accord!DI the pro~ reccivina more lhaD 400 increase in the number ofjet flights~ In a confidential memorandum to Kuyper. The board had been pqes Of Mitten comments on lhe Lorean was may have to be dclaYcd until January circulated amona supervisors .Mon- acquitted scheduled to OOQ idcr certifying~ ex~nsion plan. tate law reQutres. the on drua traffickina charles. he anc:f .. his FERRARE' wife, tele­ vision show host Cristina Fcnve, Donald L. Bren have split up, De LOrcan's at· tomey said toda)'. "If the question is, •Arc they living separately,' the answer is 'No. yes " Howard Weitzman said, rates· 60' addina that the couple separated three days ago. "It was a . little too much pressure for anybody to handle," On richest list he said. "They decided to take a little bit ofa break." chain owner Ricbatd Jerome o~, who said he would Irvine Co. chairman 61. ofSan Juan not be the attorney for either one Bren.~ lives OD Unda Ille.. wu in any divorce proccedina, among top 400 · catapulled into &be nnklofthe ~­ emphasized that "no eroceedinas wealthy. says Forbes rich last yar. wbeD be~ coauol are started. NobOdy s seeina a of the lrvifte eo.,. lbe ~y daat la " owm OOHixth 01 tbe Land m <>ranee Wiorcan, S9, and Fel'Tal"C, 34, BJ UREN E. UZIN • C.oUaty. stayed I\ the home of her parents OI .. ~ ....... Ako vaJUcd al SSOO million, but throuahout his five-month feder· Donald Leroy Bren, chairman of ranked one place lower lban Brm. ii al triaf on~ ofconspirinJ to the board and majority stockholder of Alfred A. Taubman, a Detroit distribute s2• million in cocame. the Irvine Co., is the 60lh ricbcst . fiMncier and former c:bainlwl oftbe De Lorean remains at that home person in the natioo.. aecontint to a boerd of lbe Irvine Co. Taubma·1 with his in-la.~ Weitzman said. list ofthe .00 wealthiest people in the lhue in tbe company wu bouibt out U.S. reJeued Mooday by Forbes bY Bml in last year,s takeover. Jou Irvine smith, an Irvine family mC~s2. of Newpon Beach. is heir and aootber Nctrport !Beach estimated u havioa a minimum resident. does DOI appear OD the Worth of $500 million. accordina to Fornes list but WU ·ranked OG • the financial tniprine's tJllrd annual similar list published by ~orume compilation ofnation's wealthy. mapzine thispr. Other Oraqe Cout residenu that Gordon P. Getty, SI, an heir of oil made the list: Pie •n Save aore baron J. Paul Getty. is No. I on the founder William Zimmerman. 64, of Fotbcs '400. 1be San Frmcisco resi· A Laguna Beach cop quit Huntington Beach; Huab Bancroft dent's worth ii estimated at $4.1 the force Instead of ap­ Ill. 3S, of Newport Beach; and billion. pealing a decision to fire ~ COUBty developer,· political The top dozen wedhiest people OD him for misconduct./A3 KtiV'l.St and Tmy Naylor rataurant (PleMe-.DlVDIS/AS) California Ave hostages held Inside Dean may: face death a Bell home by gunmen are freed./A4 in ez-wife's killing Nation BJ STEVE MABBLB time later at Mmion comm ty A radio listener pays 999 °' ......, ....... Hospital in Mission Viqo. bananas-llteralty-for An asislant dean at Saddleblck AccordiDa to ID &Ul0p5)', the acar./M CoUege who apPeared bridJy in coun woman bad been shot six times. today, could f&c:e the diith penalty for Enri&bt said the evidence indicates alle&cdlY killinJ his former wife, a that l>aMOD fired both lllM be WU rcspec:1td nUtsina itlStrUCtOr at the canyina. Mind a: Body community colJqie. Dawson reportedly was staildina Donald Emil Dawson, 4S, of near his former wife's fallen body Everyone over 50 shOuld Irvine, lill~ armed himself 'With when officers sat to1hc sccne1111d wu have a .. stroke proflie" two guns. several boXes of ammuni­ taken into custody 'filtbout incidcnL made to prevent such tion; a set ofhandcu.f& and a lenJlb of Aocordin& to Eiirigb~ DaWIOD attacka.181 rope and waited in his-ex-wife's El appuen~ himself into hiS former Toro n:Sidence Last Saturday for bcr wife's T Way residence witb a September Is caHed the ~ to Olief Assistant key the ~ kept bidden in a perfect month for District Attorney James Eru:i.JbL planter in tbc bllckya.rd. Dswson was .. The evidence seems to indicate procrastinators to renew still c:arryiaa the key when be was that Dawson bad made peat ~ arrested. Enri&bt said . year resolutlons./81 arations," said Enri&hL Because of the special circum­ He said evidence indicates DaWIOo stance of lyina in watt a1JeFd in tbe carried the auns and ammunition Sports case, Dawson, a former policeman., into the residence in a paper baa and face the death penalty, &riaht theD spread the weapons and otbe:r Marina Hlgh's Shawn :rJ. items out on the Ooor of Massey Is the Dally Piiot's, The arraipment was . ~ned A memOrial service for Mrs. until Oct. 9at tberequestofO.wlon's O.wson will be held Friday at I 0 Lm. Player of the Week after atto~. The assisiabt c.ollqe dean is at the Doyle McKinney Theater at the Vikings' 10-7 victory · beini held withoUt bail -· Saddleback Collqe. Tbe 'collete tw over Servlte./C1 Be'adonelt• Dona May Dawson, 46, Wa.s found established a scbolarsbip fuod for Regle Jacbon to Illa fana after It waa a bittersweet moment. though. u the face-down on a nci&hbor's lawn when Mrs. Dawson's 17-ycar-old dauptcr. hlttlna Ida 500tll blf home nm In Anael• loet 10-1 to the K.anu• City Royala. sheriff's deputies arrived at about Rochelle Oawson. accordina to cam· 9:30 a.m Saturday. She died a short pus spokesman Btll Schrieber. Enterialnment Monday DICbt'• pmeatAnahelm. Stadium. See~.PageCl . South Coast Repertory , has launched Its 20th season with a stunning production of Shaw' a Kindergarten ·Costa Mesa takes new steps "Saint Joan." /BS Two more police shows classrooms Join ttie fall TV llneup./83 are bOOmijig to liusli live entertainment :·>:~~:.:•:•!•!•!•!•!·~<·;·:·:·:-<·:·:-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:.. ity lqUlauon.s. \li' ~ •;r Council approves new city ordinance LoCa1 motorcycle races. tbe PacifJC By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Amph1tbeatre. South Coast Reper· Baameu oe ..o.-.,... .... tl htentn loopholes on noise issues A new blby boOm has resulted in 10ry theater and otber &cilities where Americans are not wflllng people arc ..invited to watch. listen cw larstr kindei'Prten cw.ts in some BJ l'ONY SAAVEDR.A put>dpete··also Wo\lld be required to . to accept the aofutlon to parts of Oranae County, but the proved the first rcadipg of a m urc t aty standards. the country's economic overall J>Ublic school enrollment is °' ....., ......... intended to tiahten loopboles and Past problem with a ro\\d) punk remove questions ofconstitution.i.lit)' Reli11ous activiucs arc cxea\pt woes.185 continuma a decaclcalona decline. from tbc ocw ordinance, w ·c:b must Thou&h Santa Ana and some still· nipit dub and a CU-""nt noise blttlc from_the city's entertainment onh· Wlth the Pacific Amphitheatre nance. , be •PP.JOvcd a second time by lbc arowinc South County communities The new law would require all counal. like Irvine reooncd increased enrol· $pumd the Costa Mesa City Councd to bttf up the city's entertainment busi~ featuri.'04 live C?r recorded ··we're actu 50 many more INDEX lments this fall~ administrators m the (complaints) and so may coastal achool distncts say only that regulations Monday. mu ><: to meet stnct Do1se. ttaflk, "°' Council members buildina, zoni parking and sccur- (Pl---MSSA/A2) Bridge 84 (fteue ... 9CBOOL/A2) unanimously·~ Bulletin Board A3 ButMneU 85 - Cat"omla Newt .A4 Clllllfled C5·7 Comlea 84 Judge: Newport-airpOrt flap It was the CfoatWOf'd C7 ONthNotlCM C5 HelpYourMlf 82 highest Horoec<>pe ce carries no sjmple solutiori Ann Land«a 82 Mfnd end IJoC'Y 81·2 low ever Mutuel Fund• 85 Netlonal NeWt A4 Opinion A8 Paparmt 81 PoleeloOQ A3 Publle Notlcel C5,8 fportt C1-4 l St Mart<ett 86 T~ 2 ThMtwt 83 Weather A2 WondNewt A4 I l - LB expected *> G.Kpoo1 , CoNTINUlO SroRIES ,." ,. --- - .. ..u IRVINE CO. 'S BREN 60••• .. .. From Al '" If the hst ire b1ltiona1res: 10 men nd b1lhona1re . Nel on Bunker Hunt, 58, •Sydney Mark Taper, $300 .,u11 tw women, including Oa\ 1d Pack­ who was accu~ or li;'ina to corner million H ard, who founded the Hcwlett·P • the sil er market in J979, is wonh nH •William R.nndolph Hearst Jr.• 11' IO ard computer oompany along with S 1.4 billion, accordina to Forbcl.
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