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VOL. 113 - NO. 47 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 20, 2009 $.30 A COPY HOW THE NOTHING PRESIDENT Frog Pond Could Become the Something President OPENS IN BOSTON by Jamie Weinstein Remember that oft-re- talking about what the presi- dency is health care reform. played Chris Matthews in- dent might accomplish in While Obama can claim terview during the 2008 the future? credit for getting closer to election where the talk show Just look at the record. universal health care than host stumped a surrogate for Obama is the Nothing Presi- any previous president, such then-presidential candidate dent. He has no significant, an “accomplishment” does Barack Obama with a series positive achievements. not mean anything unless of seemingly simple ques- With the souring economy he actually signs a bill into tions: What has Barack the president’s most press- law. Though the House re- Obama accomplished? Can ing domestic concern as cently passed a massive you name anything he ac- he entered office, Obama 2,000-plus page health care complished as a senator? pushed through a gargan- bill by a narrow margin, The flummoxed Obama tuan $787 billion stimulus Obama is still a long way supporter wanted to speak package which, to date, is from a White House signing in generalities. He wanted the only substantive piece of ceremony. to speak of how Obama in- legislation he has been able Almost no one believes spires and of what Obama to sign into law. But so far that the bill that passed might do in the future. the stimulus has stimulated through the House will be Matthews wouldn’t let him little more than the national acceptable in the Senate. As off the hook. Pressed by the deficit and the unemploy- South Carolina Senator The 2009-2010 Frog Pond season is open. The Boston Hardball host, the Obama ment rate. By the standard Lindsey Graham has said, Common Frog Pond Skating Rink is privately funded and surrogate just couldn’t name Barack Obama himself set, the bill is dead on arrival in operated by the Boston Common Frog Pond Foundation, a single Obama accomplish- the bill must be judged as a the more deliberative cham- Inc., in partnership with the Boston Parks and Recreation ment. failure. Obama promised the ber. Even if a health care bill Department. Hours of operation are Sunday to Thursday, “I am not going to be able country that the stimulus passes through the Senate, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. (except Monday when the rink closes to do that tonight,” he finally bill would prevent unemploy- it will likely look nothing at 4 p.m.), Friday and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., closed relented. ment from rising past 8 per- like the House bill. When the Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, open Christmas Well, in the 10 months cent. Today, it stands at a bills are merged, there is Eve 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., New Year’s Eve 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Barack Obama has been whopping 10.2 percent. a real question whether and New Year’s Day 12 noon to 5 p.m. On December 28, president, has anything Besides the stimulus Nancy Pelosi’s tenuous 2009, and February 15, 2010, the Frog Pond will be changed? Is there anything package, the other domestic Democratic coalition in the open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. For additional information, substantive Obama has ac- initiative that has so far please call (617) 635-2120 or log on to the website at complished or are people still consumed the Obama presi- (Continued on Page 15) Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston by Sal Giarratani As the holiday season approaches, During an emergency, being a good chances are a winter storm won’t be neighbor is more important than ever. far behind. Even though Bostonians are If you live near a senior citizen or Capuano & Coakley Lose My Vote no strangers to severe snow storms and another resident who may need help, Attorney General Martha Coakley running in the frustrations they cause, it’s impor- do your part by checking in on them the December 8th United States Senate primary tant to bear in mind a few tips, sugges- and lending a hand by shoveling snow. to finish out the late Ted Kennedy’s seat, says tions, and regulations that will help us Seniors and people with heart conditions she opposes the House Health Care Overhaul get through weather-related emergen- should not risk injury by shoveling snow Bill because it contains an anti-abortion amend- cies in the winter months. If we com- themselves. ment. Then, United States Representative municate effectively and work together When shoveling, remember to clear Michael Capuano who first blasted her position, as neighbors, we’ll minimize the agita- space by fire hydrants, catch basins, a day later, says exactly the same thing in differ- tion that frequently results from severe pedestrian ramps, and corners on your ent words. snow storms. street. Look out for neighbors with dis- Both of them are moving so far to the left of Here at City Hall, we operate the Storm abilities and residents in wheelchairs, Kennedy’s legacy that they appear to be heading Center to keep you up-to-date. In the who require 42-inch wide paths to get towards a political cliff. event of an emergency, such as a major around. Sidewalks abutting your resi- Right now, if I were voting in the primary, my snowstorm, hurricane, flood or natural dence or business should be passable choice would be Boston Celtics co-owner Stephen disaster, the Storm Center will provide within three hours after a snowstorm. Pagliuca. He too is a liberal, but he’s not a information and service to residents for And while shoveling out cars, piling snow cliffhanger. problems related to the emergency. A behind or in front of the vehicle or at As for Republican Scott Brown, his chances of knowledgeable team of City departments the edge of the sidewalk — and not into getting elected to the United States Senate are and utility representatives will handle the street — makes traveling much about as good as mine. The state GOP is just so plow requests, downed trees, power easier for everyone. pathetic, it isn’t funny. outages, and other problems that can Clearing a space for trash and recy- arise. cling will ensure that it is removed on The Bunker Hillbillies are Back Residents can sign up for direct noti- schedule. However, during a State- The Charlestown Historical Society of which fication of snow emergencies, parking Declared Snow Emergency, trash and I am a life member, held a night to remember bans and school closings through e-mail, recycling collection service will not occur on November 14th for fans of the Bunker Hill- text message or both by registering at until the next scheduled trash and/or billies with plenty of music and reminisc- or by call- recycling day. ing about the years gone by when (1941) Bob ing (617) 635-4500. For school delays and When a snow emergency is declared, cancellations, turn to your radio, TV, or (Continued on Page 15) the City’s Web site. (Continued on Page 15) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 2009 Res Publica by David Trumbull Home for the Holidays In our home — perhaps in Locally, from the 1940s yours too — Thanksgiving until 1972 — and again in ROMANESQUE CHURCHES Day festivities begin with the early 1990s — a visit to In previous issues we dis- structures. The next logical to monasteries and monks tuning the television set to the Enchanted Village in cussed the origin of religion, step then, was to construct with their pupils often de- the Macy’s Thanksgiving the Jordan Marsh depart- how Christianity was brought the roofs of stone by build- signed cathedrals. Day Parade which we half ment store in Downtown to Rome, the persecutions ing a series of vaults and These medieval masons watch and half just have Crossing was how Boston- which were started by Nero arches. Inadequate knowl- were prevented from copying in the background while ians inaugurated the Christ- and continued for two hun- edge about arch thrusts the early Christian basilica preparing dinner. Macy’s — mas shopping season. Re- dred fifty years until the caused some sidewalls to because of their love for at least since the 1947 member how, up to just a time of Emperor Constan- spread and the roofs to fall. thick masonry walls and motion picture Miracle on few years ago, Jordan Marsh, tine. We also learned how Many of the structural prob- round arched openings, in 34th Street — has come to and its rival Filene’s put up the Early Christians chose lems confronting these early addition to their concerns be more than just another competing Christmas dis- the pagan Roman Basilica as Christian builders were about roof fires. There were vendor for holiday gifts, plays in their windows that the style which most closely fairly well solved during the at least three great difficul- but itself a part of Amer- faced each other on Sum- suited their religious needs, Romanesque period which ties which plagued the Ro- ica’s Thanksgiving through mer Street? and how this style influ- followed.