1 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2012 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | 75¢ Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM County courts aerospace firm ‘Project Spark’ could aviation corpo- lead for an aerospace/aviation Economic Development Advisory ration to the -related prospect that could Board meeting Wednesday after- bring as many as 400 area that could potentially employ 400 peo- noon, when he gave a director’s jobs to county. p o t e n t i a l l y ple and would have a capital report detailing active projects. bring hundreds investment of about $4 million,” He said he doesn’t know the By TONY BRITT of jobs ben- said Jesse Quillen, Columbia prospect, but indicated the proj-
[email protected] efiting the local County Economic Development ect is referred to as “Project economy. Director. Spark” by Enterprise Florida Columbia County officials are “It’s an Quillen Quillen released the informa- trying to attract an aerospace/ Enterprise Florida-generated tion during the Columbia County JOBS continued on 6A COURTESY The task ahead Glenn Hunter, who lost the race for superintendent of schools Tuesday, was the latest target of local politi- cal hijinks. This ‘grave’ was discov- ered late Tuesday in front of the county courthouse. An old ritual that never ‘dies’ By DEREK GILLIAM
[email protected] very election cycle campaigns come to an end, but in Columbia County, sometimes they get buried. This Eyear Glenn Hunter’s campaign for superintendent of schools was the centerpiece of the local tradition. A mock grave was construct- ed in front of the Columbia County Courthouse sometime before midnight Tuesday, com- ASSOCIATED PRESS plete with a grave marker and a President Barack Obama waves as he walks on stage with first lady Michelle Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha at his election night party mound of dirt.