Notable Alumni in Journalism, Publishing and Print Media

UNION IN THE WORLD Paul Andrews ’71, technology Kenneth Gilpin ’72, economics writer (U.S. News & World Report, reporter, The Times ) Richard Roth ’70, award-winning Andrea Barrett ’74, writer; National television journalist, CBS News; won Book Award winner (Ship Fever and the RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Award Other Stories, 1996); Pulitzer Prize for and two Emmy Awards Fiction finalist Servants( of the Map, 2003); recipient, MacArthur Fellowship Howard Simons ’51, managing ‘Genius Grant’ (2001) director of during Watergate coverage Nicole Beland ’96, executive editor of Cosmopolitan magazine; Scott Stedman ’99, founder, columnist for Men’s Health The L Magazine magazine; freelance writer Kate White ’72, editor-in-chief, Phil Beuth ’54, former president of Cosmopolitan magazine; author; morning and late night programming Hearst Corp. executive on ABC; one of the creators of the Capital Cities broadcast empire, which John Howard Payne 1806–1808, poet, acquired ABC in the mid-1980s playwright, actor and creator of the popular song “Home! Sweet Home!” John Bigelow 1835, managing editor and co-owner of the New York Evening Dylan Ratigan ’94, host of MSNBC’s The Post with poet William Cullen Bryant; Dylan Ratigan Show and former global anti-slavery activist; consul-general managing editor for corporate finance and minister to France under President at . Developed more Lincoln. Noted author and co-founder than half a dozen broadcast and new of the New York Public Library media properties, including CNBC’s . Richard Ferguson ’67, vice president and co-chief operating officer, Cox Radio, Inc.; former president and co-owner, NewCity Communications

Union College 807 Union Street, Schenectady, NY 12308 518.388.6180 WWW.UNION.EDU

Last updated: 7/2012