

March 2013 Impoftant Dates Keep this for reference

March Mqlch 3! Lioness Club Garage Sale moving of items to Lions Center, -IIIAM, meEt-at Lions CeIfCr-=-

Atrril Uons Meetings: 3, 10 (Festival), 17 (Charter Night Dinner Meeting 6:00 PM), 23 (Board Meeting) 7:30 PM Start selling raffie tickets - contad lack Moare , 4 - Uoness Garage Sale drop-off of items, Lions Center, 10 AM - 2 PM - Uons Bingo games, 1 Pltl, Lions Center , 11 - Uoness Garage Sale 8 AM -7 PM, Lions Center - Highway Clean-up, 8:30 AM, Lions Center, Coffee & donub provided April20,2L - Sugar Maple Festival ticket sales and info booth - (Jack Moore - ticket sales) Tad & Carolyn Barnes - information booth

Mav Lions MeeUngs: 1, 8 (Festival), L5,28 (Board) 7:30 PM, Lions Center

May 16 - Lioness Bingo games, 1 PM, Lions Center Iune Lions Meetings: 5, 12 (Festival), 19 (Dinner Meeting - Installation of Officers -6 PM), - --- =-=-+5-(Ssad+4e€tingl 7:3gPFt

June 20 - Lioness Bingo games, 1 PM Iulv Uons Meetings: 3, 10 (Festival), L7,23 (Board Meeting) 7:30 PM

July 4 - Americana Festival - Centerville - sell Uckets $ack Moore) - Lioness Bingo garnes, 1 PM

August Lions Meetings: AugustT, L4 (at Festival), 21,27 (tuard Meeting) 7:30 PM - Festival Set-Up, 8 AM August LL - 14 - Festival unload and set-up ,5, t6, L7 - llllork at Festival - Take down and load uP, 8 AM (over) DUES ITIOTICE YOUR DUES ARE DUE NQW Did you know...... that the Club's fiscal year runs from $ to June 30th every year? That is the reason each member should pay yearly dues on time. When dues are not paid in a timely manner, the Club must still pay dues to International and District. The Club pays International dues in April.

Of the $65 that is paid to the Club for dues, the Club gets less than $7/member. This money is used for administrative e)eenses, such as stamps, envelopes, paper, get-well cards and flowers for sickness and deaths.

If you haven't already done so, please send your check for $65 for your 20L3-20L4 dues to our Treasurer, Lion Rick Robertson, at P.O. Box 111, Bellbrook, OH. The Club thanks you.

THANK YOU TO LTOFIS ROBERTSON AilD BENNETT We owe much gratitude to Lion Rick Robertson and Lion leff Bennett for procuring our curent licenses for Bingo and pull tabs for the Festival and for the Lioness Bingo games. This entails much papenruork and perseverance to complete, Ifs done!!

WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST LION We welcome Tim Seitner as our newest Uon. His wife, Theresa, has joined the Uoness Club. We look forward to their helping our clubs in our activities, having fun and enjoying the fellowship.

EYEGLASSES Uon Jerry Wannemacher is having a good collection year for glasses. He has collected in excess of 3500 pairs. Thanks to everyone who has donated toward this project. We help keep VOSH OHIO in glasses.

PROGRAMS Thanks to Lion President Allan, we have had some terrific programs so. fur this year. If you haven't been at these programs, you have missed a great deal. We are confident that the programs will continue.

BINGO nre t-ioness Ladies are having their first "social Bingo" games on April 18tr. They will be providing games for $15.00, pulltabs, cash prizes, snacks, and a fun social afternoon. Doors will open at 12 noon, and the games will start at 1 PM, probably running until 3 or 3:30 PM. They will be held every 3d Thursday of the , o

FESTWAL NEWS This year we are considering re-arranging some of the booths to spread the concentration of attendees out and give better access to more booths. There are also upcoming changes in the food tent menus as well as layout. In addition, arm bands for rides will be available at a reasonable cost for all 3 days of the festival. We are attempting to refurbish our advertising signs and adding yard signs. We need to concentrate on providing moie pastries for the cake wheet. Remember the Prince and Princess contest is on Thursday night at 6:30 PM, provided by the Lionesses.

PARADE NEWS Lion Doug Robertson has graciously volunteered to be Parade Chairman this year. We are attempting to improve the parade with new units. This year's Grand Marshals will be the oldest and youngest veterans from our area. The oldest Grand Marshal will be Jim "Pewee" Martin, a paratrooper in World War II. This man was also the program at one of our meetings. The other veteran will be a recent veteran concluding his duties. The theme is "Coming Home." Thouohts and Praverc for: Lion Norm & Judy Clay, Uon Bob and Freda Macy, Lion Mark Keller, Lion Ed Case, Uon Glenn Stevens (sympathy), Lion lohn Dorn (upcoming surgery)

SLATE OF OFFICERS FOR 20T3-2014 The Nominating Committee has presented the following list of prospective officers Nominations from the floor are accepted at the next readings. Anyone wishing to fill a vacancy, please call Lion Tad Barnes.

President: Gregg Sparks ls Mce President: Kirk Barrett 2nd Vice President: 3d Vice President: 1$ year Director: Linda Wo*hington 1$ year Director: 2nd year Director: lack Moore 2nd year Director: Steve Morgan Secrehry: Emie Josche --CtFsecretary Treasurer: Rick Robeftson Co-Treasurer: Membership Chrmn: Tad Bames Co-Membership: Carolyn Barnes Co-Memberchip: Dave Laurash Lion Tamer: L.D. Johnson TailTwister: John Baldino Immed. Past Pres: Allan Huffrnan Uoness Uaison: Walt Worthington

Incoming President Gregg Sparks is going to make a concentrated effort to encourage everyone to bring new younger friends into our Club.

All Uons - ask somebody toioin you in our Club!

i\J IT'S GREAT TO BE A LTON! Note from the Treasurer:

Annual Dues for Lions lnternational and the,District cover the time period of July 1 to . They both assess the ctub for dues on a semi-annual basis based on our membership on May 31s and 30tr. ln the past we have asked that your dues be paid by June 30fr. This has not worked out for the club in the past several years as some members have paid as late as . ln addition, we have had members resign in June or simply not pay their duet which has resulted in them being removed from the membership roles after the dues assessment date.

This has resulted in the club having to pay for membe/s dues that are no longer with the club out of our Administrative funds. Neither lnternational nor District give us a refund for dropped memberj.

Our 555.00 in dues breakdowns as foltows: lnternational - 541.00, District = $17.00, Club = $Z.OO.

Half the dues are paid at each assessment, so for every member that drops after we pay their dues, it purposes wipes out the club's 5Z.OO tor 4 members. The only funds that can be used for Administrative come from your dues and the proceeds ofthe Pancake BreaKast.

As a result of the past history of paymenL the Board has changed the dues payment process. We are now placing a deadline on dues to be paid by the Board Meeting in April. This allows us to review membership at that meeting and remove members that are no longer interested in being members and have that action approved at the May Membership meeting, With this action, we can reflect an accurate membership for dues assessment at the end of May. please make your commitment to the Lions Club by paying your dues on time. A dues statement is enclosed with this letter.

Rick Robertson
