South Mexico – December 2005 Petri Hottola
[email protected] Bird-tourism in 'Post-Wilma' South Mexico: Cozumel Island, Yacatan, Chiapas, Oaxaca and Veracruz in December 2005. In December 2005, I had a three week birdwatching vacation in Southern Mexico. Starting from Merida, about 5000 km was driven in the search for birds and animals. A total of 454 bird species were recorded on the way, the main dip outs being White-bellied Chachalaca, White-faced Quail-Dove, Pacific Screech-Owl, Unspotted Saw-Whet Owl, Longtailed Sabrewing, Cozumel Emerald, Ocellated Trasher, Lovely Cotinga, Blue-Crowned Chlorophonia, Rose-throated Tanager, Stripe-headed Tanager and Plain-breasted Brushfinch, as explained in the text. My trip was a serious birding challenge with little else included, and some nocturnal driving to see or hear the owls and nightjars. One night (Calakmul) was spent in the rental car, the excellent Nissan Tsuru. I made my personal year record in 2005, 1713 species, and also reached the 5000 marker (life list) on this journey, in Puerto Arista. A full species list could not be produced due to time restrictions, but most key species are included in the following comments. The idea is to provide some up-to-date information on the sites visited, regarding species, access, accommodation and other practical matters, especially in reference to Steve Howells A Bird-Finding Guide to Mexico (1999). Many of the comments in the text can only be understood in relation to this guidebook, which still today is the main reference to birdwatching in Mexico. Most of the information in Howell was discovered to be accurate, six years after the publication.