Caietele Echinox, vol. 19, 2010: Communism – Negotiation of Boundaries 315 Ruxandra Cesereanu The Romanian Anticommunist Revolution and the “Terrorists” of December 1989 Strange though it may appear – or ABSTRACT perhaps not so strange after all – the first to The so-called terrorist phenomenon marked talk about “terrorist actions” in December the bloodiest anti-communist revolution in 1989, was dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, in Eastern Europe, i.e. the Romanian Revolu- his rallies against a would-be foreign plot a- tion. This study examines not only the nu- gainst Romania, which the dictator de- ances the phenomenon in question acquired nounced during the last meetings held with during and especially after the events of the members of the Political Executive December 1989, but also its manipulations Committee (Comitetul Politic Executiv) – at the hands of the various factions involved CPEx. The phrase was also employed by his in the events of December 1989, pinpointing brother, General Ilie Ceauşescu upon seve- the implications and consequences of these ral official visits the latter paid to various manipulations. garrisons in Cluj, Arad, Oradea, in De- KEYWORDS cember 1989, during the Timişoara insur- Romania; Nicolae Ceaşescu; Anticommunist rection. In the course of these visits, Ilie Revolution 1989; Securitate; Manipulation; Ceauşescu allegedly briefed the soldiers and Counterrevolution; Terrorists; Diversionists. the commanding officers by selling them stories about the existence of 2000 foreign RUXANDRA CESEREANU terrorists who were to carry out a massive ”Babeş-Bolyai” University, attack against Romania. It is very likely that Cluj-Napoca, Romania those who launched the phrase “terrorists”,
[email protected] namely the forces that seized power after Ceauşescu’s flight, drew inspiration from the former dictator.