Epping Forest District Council Representations to the Draft Local Plan Consultation 2016 (Regulation 18)

Stakeholder ID 2380 Name ian Ginbey Clyde & Co LLP

Method Survey


This document has been created using information from the Council’s database of responses to the Draft Local Plan Consultation 2016. Some elements of the full response such as formatting and images may not appear accurately. Should you wish to review the original response, please contact the Planning Policy team: [email protected]

Survey Response: 1. Do you agree with the overall vision that the Draft Plan sets out for District? Agree Please explain your choice in Question 1: I agree with the overall vision, save for my comments in respect of the questions below.

2. Do you agree with the overall vision that the Draft Plan sets out for ? Agree Please explain your choice in Question 2: I agree with the principle of including small villages within the housing distribution vision set out in the Draft Local Plan and I think that scores as well as, if not better than, other settlements in this category.

3. Do you agree with the proposals for development around ? No opinion Please explain your choice in Question 3:

Response to the Draft Local Plan Consultation 2016 (Regulation 18)

Stakeholder ID 2380 Name ian Ginbey


4. Do you agree with the proposed shopping area in… Epping? No opinion ? No opinion Broadway? No opinion ? No opinion Loughton High Road? No opinion ? No opinion Please explain your choice in Question 4:

5. Do you agree with the proposals for new employment development? No opinion Please explain your choice in Question 5:

Response to the Draft Local Plan Consultation 2016 (Regulation 18)

Stakeholder ID 2380 Name ian Ginbey


6. Do you agree with the proposed sites in your area? Epping (Draft Policy P 1): No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Epping: Loughton (Draft Policy P 2) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Loughton: Waltham Abbey (Draft Policy P 3) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Waltham Abbey: Chipping Ongar (Draft Policy P 4) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Chipping Ongar: Buckhurst Hill (Draft Policy P 5) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Buckhurst Hill: North Weald Bassett (Draft Policy P 6) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on North Weald Bassett: (Draft Policy P 7) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on North Weald Bassett: (Draft Policy P 8) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Theydon Bois: Roydon (Draft Policy P 9) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Roydon: (Draft Policy P 10) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Nazeing: Thornwood (Draft Policy P 11) No opinion Please provide reasons for your view on Thornwood: , Fyfield, , Lower , Moreton, Sewardstonbury, Sheering, Stapleford Abbots (Draft Policy P 12) No Response to the Draft Local Plan Consultation 2016 (Regulation 18)

Stakeholder ID 2380 Name ian Ginbey


Please provide reasons for your view on Coopersale, Fyfield, High Ongar, , Moreton, Sewardstonbury, Sheering, Stapleford Abbots: Related to my comments in respect of question 9, I think that Abridge (in particular the land to the south of Abridge) should be included within the residential site selection for Epping District. There is available land to the south of the village of sufficient size to be able to offer housing, green space and community development in a sustainable location. In addition, the location is adequately spaced from End to permit development without causing encroachment and/or coalescence.

7. Do you agree with the approach to infrastructure provision being proposed in the plan? No opinion Please explain your choice in Question 7:

8. An Interim Sustainability Appraisal has been commissioned to support the Draft Local Plan. We would welcome any comments you may have on this.

9. Do you wish to comment on any other policies in the Draft Local Plan? Draft policy SP5 Green Belt and District Open Land. I support the release of Green Belt land to meet development need in Epping District. However, I note that land surrounding Abridge is not subject to the revised Green Belt boundary shown in Fig 3.8 on p. 49 of the Draft Local Plan. Having read the Stage One Green Belt Review ("the Review") from September 2015, I note that Abridge was identified for further Green Belt review. In particular, the area of parcel DSR034 which included land surrounding Abridge was identified as performing poorly against the Green Built criteria. The Review stated (p.37) that it "does not contribute to the purposes of the Green Belt". I understand from the Review (p.40) that there are environmental restrictions on the land available for development to the north of Abridge. I think that the land south of Abridge should be removed from the Green Belt as it does not meaningfully satisfy the Green Belt criteria and is not subject to any environmental restrictions. Moreover, such a release would accord with the policy in paragraphs 83 and 84 of the NPPF.

Response to the Draft Local Plan Consultation 2016 (Regulation 18)

Stakeholder ID 2380 Name ian Ginbey