Défis sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais de 2017 Propositions acceptées du 15 octobre 2016 au 4 février 2017 Les prix d’excellence comprennent des bourses totalisant 3 000 $, des prix et des cadeaux. Les défis et les prix d’excellence sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais sont une initiative du Delmore « Buddy » Daye Learning Institute (DBDLI) et de partenaires du domaine de l’éducation de partout dans la province. Le but des défis est d’encourager la discussion sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais dans toutes nos écoles. Nous savons que les défis permettront de mobiliser tous les élèves et de les faire participer en éveillant la curiosité historique et la créativité artistique. Grâce à différents choix de médias, les élèves de tous les niveaux scolaires peuvent participer. J’invite tous les élèves et enseignants à participer aux défis sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais et j’ai hâte de vous accueillir à la cérémonie de remise des prix du DBDLI en février 2017. Laissons place à la célébration et à l’éducation toute l’année. Salutations distinguées. Sylvia Parris, CPDG Delmore « Buddy » Daye Learning Institute Excellence en éducation africentrique

Son Honneur Brigadier-général (retraité) l’honorable J. J. Grant, CMM, ONS, CD, lieutenant-gouverneur de la Nouvelle-Écosse, a remis les prix à l’école gagnante lors de la cérémonie de remise des prix DBDLI de 2016.

Les prix d’excellence du DBDLI en histoire des Afro-Néoécossais sont remis aux élèves dont les présentations faites dans le cadre des défis illustrent le mieux les contributions apportées par les Afro-Néoécossais à l’histoire, au patrimoine et à la culture de notre province et de notre pays. Des bourses totalisant 3 000 $, des cadeaux et des prix seront remis aux récipiendaires durant la cérémonie de remise des prix qui aura lieu en février 2017. Le premier prix est traditionnellement présenté par le lieutenant‑gouverneur de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Défis sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais de 2017 Règles générales

Ouverts à l’ensemble des élèves et des classes des écoles de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Les propositions sont acceptées du 15 octobre 2016 au 4 février 2017. Les propositions peuvent uniquement être envoyées par la poste ou livrées en personne durant les heures de bureau normales. Nous vous encourageons à envoyer vos propositions le plus tôt possible. Les prix d’excellence du DBDLI en histoire des Afro-Néoécossais sont remis aux élèves dont les présentations faites dans le cadre des défis illustrent le mieux les contributions apportées par les Afro-Néoécossais à l’histoire, au patrimoine et à la culture de notre province et de notre pays. Tous les prix comprennent des bourses en argent. Envoyez vos propositions par la poste ou livrez-les en personne du 15 octobre 2016 au 4 février 2017.

Défis sur l’histoire des Afro-Néoécossais Delmore « Buddy » Daye Learning Institute 5539, rue Cornwallis Halifax (N.-É.) B3K 1B3

N’oubliez pas d’indiquer votre nom, votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone, le nom de votre école, votre niveau scolaire, le nom de votre enseignant et ses coordonnées.

Les prix du DBDLI seront attribués exclusivement à la discrétion du comité de sélection et les décisions de ce comité seront sans appel. Pour l’évaluation de chaque proposition, les juges tiendront compte du contenu, du niveau scolaire, de la créativité et de la présentation. Le comité de sélection peut désigner un gagnant ou un ou plusieurs finalistes pour chaque défi. Les prix comprennent des bourses d’une valeur allant de 50 $ à 250 $ chacune. Les prix sont remis aux gagnants par catégorie : deuxième cycle du secondaire (10e à 12e année), premier cycle du secondaire (7e à 9e année) et élémentaire (maternelle à 6e année). Les propositions livrées après la date limite ou portant un cachet de la poste postérieur à la date limite ne seront pas prises en compte. Les élèves peuvent participer une fois à chacun des défis. Les enseignants peuvent envoyer les propositions de leurs classes. Les propositions ne seront pas renvoyées, sauf si elles sont accompagnées d’une enveloppe timbrée et libellée. Nous ne communiquerons qu’avec les gagnants. La liste complète des gagnants sera publiée sur notre site Web. Nouvelles de dernière heure! – Projet de classe ou de groupe Vous êtes l’équipe de journalistes déployée pour couvrir des nouvelles de dernière heure. Produisez et présentez un reportage vidéo, de trois à cinq minutes, au sujet d’un des événements historiques importants ci-dessous. Assurez-vous de répondre

DéFI aux questions de base du journaliste : qui, quoi, où, quand et pourquoi? Intégrez 1 des « interviews » et des témoignages de « témoins oculaires » à votre reportage. Pourquoi cet événement est-il important? Quelles sont ses conséquences?

Businesswoman • Dans un cinéma de New Glasgow, est arrêtée après avoir refusé de donner sa place dans la section réservée aux Blancs. Elle est jetée en prison pour la nuit et reçoit une amende pour avoir fraudé le gouvernement sur une taxe d’amusement d’un cent. Viola Desmond 1914 - 1963 Halifax Successful businesswoman and pioneer in the cosmetics industry in . Community Activist • Alors qu’Eddie Carvery installe son campement de protestation à , des employés de la ville menacent de le faire arrêter. Malgré la menace, Eddie commence la plus longue protestation continue de l’histoire canadienne.

Eddie Carvery Africville Eddie Carvery began the longest political protest in Canadian history when he set up his protest camp at Africville in 1970. He maintains his protest camp at Africville where he gladly shares the history of his former community with visiting tour groups and schoolchildren.

Lawyer/Social Activist • La GRC avait étiqueté Burnley “Rocky” Jones de « radical dangereux » parce qu’il a invité des membres des Black Panthers en Nouvelle-Écosse. En 1993, il devient le premier Afro- Néoécossais à plaider une cause avec succès devant la Cour suprême du Canada. Burnley A. ‘Rocky’ Jones, O.N.S. 1942 – 2013 Truro First African Nova Scotian to successfully argue a case before the Supreme Court of Canada.

Olympic Boxer/Activist • À de nombreuses reprises, la police a contraint Kirk Johnson à s’arrêter alors qu’il conduisait à Halifax. En 2003, il a déposé une plainte concernant les droits de la personne contre le corps policier d’Halifax (Halifax Regional Police Force) pour profilage racial. La commission d’enquête sur les droits de la personne lui a accordé une compensation monétaire et a ordonné à la

Kirk Cyron Johnson North Preston police de la MRH de commencer à offrir de la formation sur Represented Canada at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. Successfully sued the Halifax Regional Police force in a case of racism and racial profiling. l’antiracisme et la diversité.

Autres possibilités pour les propositions individuelles – Le rapport intitulé Report on Consumer Racial Profiling in Nova Scotia de la Commission des droits de la personne de la Nouvelle-Écosse conclut que le profilage racial fait partie du racisme systémique qui existe dans la province. Aujourd’hui, de quels incidents de discrimination êtes-vous conscients en Nouvelle-Écosse? Préparez un reportage à publier dans le journal sur un incident et sur les mesures prises par les gens pour y réagir. Légendes Micah Anderson de la Hammonds Plains Consolidated School a rédigé un article sur le profilage racial.

Ces élèves de la St. Joseph’s-Alexander McKay School ont produit un reportage vidéo au sujet de Viola Desmond.

Josh Creighton de la a écrit au sujet de Burnley « Rocky » Jones.

Voici des élèves de la Truro Junior High School. Leur reportage vidéo portait sur Eddie Carvery et Africville.

Mme Yvonne Atwell a présenté les prix d’excellence et les prix pour le Défi 1. Localités afro-néoécossaises Choisissez une localité ou un peuplement de race noire en Nouvelle-Écosse. Faites des recherches sur son histoire. Rédigez un court texte ou créez une présentation visuelle qui explique son histoire. DéFI 2

38 Inverness Victoria 37 47 49 Cumberland 51 50 48

Antigonish 39 40 41 42 Cape Breton 21 22 36 Richmond 43 18 19 44 Annapolis 20 Pictou 17 Kings 45 16 14 Guysborough 12 Colchester 46 10 13 Hants 23 15 Lunenburg Halifax 11 9 8 5 7 29 6 27 35 25 31 33 28 26 32 34 Digby 24 Yarmouth 30

Queens Shelburne 4 3 52 24. Beechville 39. Trenton 1 11. Acaciaville 25. Hammonds Plains 40. New Glasgow 2 12. Digby 26. Africville 41. Antigonish 13. LeQuille 27. Lucasville 42. Monastery 14. Granville Ferry 28. Cobequid Road 43. Mulgrave 1. Shelburne 15. Annapolis Royal 29. Maroon Hill 44. Upper Big 2. Birchtown 16. Delap’s Cove 30. Halifax Tracadie 3. Yarmouth 17. Inglewood 31. Dartmouth 45. Lincolnville 4. Greenville (Bridgetown) 32. Lake Loon 46. Sunnyville 5. Southville 18. Middleton 33. Cherry Brook 47. North Sydney 6. Danvers 19. Cambridge 34. North Preston 48. Sydney 7. Hassett 20. Gibson Woods 35. East Preston 49. New Waterford 8. Weymouth Falls 21. Aldershot 36. Truro 50. Glace Bay 9. Jordantown 22. Kentville 37. Springhill 51. Sydney Mines 10. Conway 23. Three Mile Plains 38. Amherst 52. Liverpool

Autre possibilité Aînés de la communauté – Pour connaître l’histoire d’une communauté, les personnes âgées sont souvent une source importante d’information. Elles peuvent raconter des événements de leur propre vie et transmettre des histoires et des traditions qui leur ont été transmises par les générations précédentes. Faites une entrevue avec un aîné afro-néoécossais de votre communauté. Racontez les changements dont ont été témoins les aînés dans leur communauté au cours de leur vie. Légendes À droite : Shirley Hodder du North East Kings Education Centre reçoit un prix pour sa rédaction portant sur Gibson Woods.

Ci-dessous : Ava Frank, Hayden Prime, Maddy Watts et Kylee Westhaven, élèves de 3e et 4e année de la William King Elementary School à Herring Cove.

Aliya et Aydan Anderson de la Hammonds Plains Consolidated School.

Breanna Scott de la Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School à Antigonish.

Jaiden Carvery-Blaikie de la St. Joseph’s-Alexander McKay School.

Mme Melinda Daye a présenté les prix d’excellence et les prix pour le Défi 2. Néoécossais émérites Les Afro-Néoécossais ont fait d’importantes contributions à la vie politique, sociale et culturelle de nos collectivités, de notre province et de notre pays. Ils ont servi avec distinction dans le cadre de conflits militaires; ils ont captivé les

DéFI auditoires grâce à leur poésie, leur interprétation, leurs chants et leur écriture; et, 3 ils ont été des pionniers dans toutes les professions. Rédigez un court texte au sujet d’un des Néoécossais émérites. Pourquoi croyez-vous que les réalisations de ces Néoécossais émérites sont importantes?

The Times of www.acadiau.ca

Notable Nova Scotians

Olympic Athlete African Nova Scotians Journalist/Diplomat Inspiring Cultural and Educational ExcellenceBoxer/Community Activist The Times of Social Activist/Author Social Activist/Church Leader Revised Edition, Vol. I Publisher/Social Activist Pastor/Educator/Social Activist African Nova Scotians Volume Two Educator/Community Activist A Celebration of Our History, Heritage and Culture Jet Fighter Pilot/Instructor www.acadiau.ca Industrial Arts Teacher Social Worker/Community Activist Marjorie Turner-Bailey Lockeport Educator/Community Activist Notable Nova Scotians One of the youngest Canadian runners to ever qualify for Researcher/Boxing & Events Promoter Calbert James Best the Olympics. Competed at the Olympic, Commonwealth 1926 - 2007 and Pan-Am Games. Has the unique distinction of being Community Activist Delmore “Buddy” Daye inducted into both the Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame 1928 - 1995 New Glasgow and the British Columbia Sports Hall of Fame. Althea Pearleen Oliver New Glasgow Former Assistant Deputy Minister of Manpower and Immigration. Member, British Commonwealth Secretariat. * 1917 - 2008 Canada’s first Black Sergeant-At-Arms. Cook’s Cove, Guysborough Canadian Lightweight Junior Champion. Senator/Activist/Author Reverend Richard Preston Inducted into Nova Scotia Sports Hall of Fame. O.C., O.N.S. Unknown - 1861 Social Activist and Author. First woman Moderator of the Carrie M. Best, African United Baptist Association. Inaugural recipient of 1903 - 2001 Halifax the YWCA Community Leader Award. Educator/Mayor/Artist C.M. New Glasgow Founder of the First African Baptist Church, the African The Clarion. World Hall of Fame Boxer Rev. William Pearly Oliver, Social Activist and Publisher of Abolitionist Society and the African Baptist Association. 1912 - 1989 Invested as an Officer in the Order of Canada in 1979. World Champion Boxer Wolfville First posthumous recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia Pastor, Educator and Social Activist. Dr. Geraldine Browning Invested as a Member in the Order of Canada in 1984. Teacher/Classical Singer East Preston/Gibson Woods Life-long community activist, teacher and nurse. Founding Wally Peters Noel H. Johnston Veteran/Community Activist Member and past-President of the Black Cultural Society. Instrumental in re-opening Gibson Woods United Baptist 1937 - 2013 1925 - 1995 War Hero Church. Recipient of numerous awards and honours Litchfield Halifax Elizabeth Cromwell including a Doctor of Humanities from . Canada’s first Black jet fighter pilot and air force flying Teacher at Beechville and North Preston. The first instructor. Helped in the development of and flew with the African Nova Scotian to graduate as an Industrial Arts Birchtown legendary flying team, the ‘Snowbirds’. Teacher. Created the ‘shop-mobile’, a bus fitted with Casework supervisor with the Children’s Aid Society industrial equipment which he drove to schools where (retired). Served on the Board of Directors of the Black Beverly Cox Gloria Borden United Front and Black Cultural Society of Nova Scotia. he taught Industrial Arts. Truro New Glasgow Community Activist A founding member and current President of the Black Community activist, educator and Site Manager of the Hematology Researcher (retired). Boxing and events Deborah Dixon-Jones Loyalist Heritage Society. Black Loyalist Heritage Centre. A leader in the movement promoter. Founder of the Nova Scotia Mass Choir. 1949-1989 Community Activist to preserve and showcase the history of the Black Instrumental in organizing the Halifax Amateur Boxing Club which trained several medal-winning boxers for the Africville Loyalists at Birchtown. One of the three founding members of the Africville Community Activist 1976 Montreal Olympics. Inducted into the Pictou County Genealogy Society. She is remembered fondly by the other C.M. Community Activist Sports Hall of Fame in 2010. two co-founders of the Society, Linda Mantley and Brenda Calvin Woodrow Ruck, Steed Ross, as a driving force in the creation of the 1925 - 2004 Church Activist/Social Worker Africville Genealogy Society. , C.M. Sydney Daurene Lewis Church Activist/Teacher 1944 - 2013 Social activist and lifelong member of the NSAACP. Appointed to the Senate in 1998. Author of two books Athlete/Commissioned Officer Sam Langford Annapolis Royal about the No. 2 Construction Battalion. Invested in the Order of Canada in 1994. 1886 - 1956 First elected African Nova Scotian Mayor Weymouth Falls and first black woman Mayor in Canada. George Dixon Direct descendant of Black Loyalist, Rose Fortune. 1870 - 1909 The only boxer inducted into the World Boxing Hall of Fame not to have won an official title. Langford aroused so much Africville 1911 - 1968 fear in opponents that many boxers refused to fight him. Politian/Singer/Composer O.C. Halifax First Black World Champion in any weight class and the first Canadian-born Boxing Champion. Doctor , D.S.M. Isaac C. Phills, Internationally renowned Contralto. Jeremiah ‘Jerry’ Jones 1896 - 1985 The Portia White Prize for Artistic Achievement 1869-1950 Sydney in the Arts is awarded annually in her honour. Businessman/Community Activist Truro First African Nova Scotian invested in the Order of Canada. Invested as an Officer in the Order of Canada in 1967. Lieutenant Governor A Canadian hero at Vimy Ridge. Was posthumously awarded the Canadian Forces Medallion for Distinguished Service in 2011. Pastor/Social Activist Brenda Steed Ross Linda Mantley Businesswoman Africville One of the three founding members of the Africville Africville Irvine Carvery War Hero Genealogy Society. The work of the Society led to the One of the three founding members of the Africville Eddie Carvery creation of the Africville Heritage Trust. Genealogy Society and current Secretary/Treasurer of the Africville Society. Active community volunteer lovingly known as President of the Africville Genealogy Society and a Africville Nan by many children in her community. Director of the Africville Heritage Trust. Active community Eddie Carvery began the longest political protest in volunteer. Recipient of numerous honours and awards Canadian history when he set up his protest camp at Muriel States Boxing Champion including the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal. Africville in 1970. He maintains his protest camp at 1888-1984 Africville where he gladly shares the history of his former Avonport/Dartmouth Margaret Upshaw Scientist/Community Activist community with visiting tour groups and schoolchildren. Community worker and activist. Principle organizer of the African United Baptist Association (AUBA) 1871-1922 Ted Upshaw Theologian/Scholar/Educator Ladies Auxiliary, founded in 1919. Lockhartville/Windsor Plains School teacher. Founder of the African United Baptist Windsor Plains Nurse/Community Activist Association (AUBA) Ladies Auxiliary. First African Nova Scotian Commissioned Officer and first O.C. Inspector in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). William (Bill) White, III, Farmer/Philanthropist Named to Acadia University’s Sports Hall of Fame in 2012. , M.D. M.Sc. 1915-1981 James A. Phills Truro Farmer/County Councillor 1925-2010 The first African Canadian to run for federal office in O.B.E. Sydney Historian/Genealogist Canada. Appointed an Officerin 1970. of the Order of Canada Beresford Augustus Husbands, The first African Nova Scotian medical doctor. Fellow 1883 - 1969 The Honourable of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons and BA O.N.S. Halifax the American College of Physicians and Surgeons. Reverend William Andrew White, Mayann E. Francis, Founder of the Halifax Colored Citizens Improvement Storyteller/Writer 1874 - 1936 Sydney League, Member of the Order of the British Empire. Truro First African Nova Scotian to serve as Lieutenant Viola Desmond Governor of Nova Scotia. Sailor/Civil War Hero 1914 - 1963 The first African Nova Scotian to be granted an Honourary V.C. Doctorate from Acadia University. The only commissioned William Hall, Halifax African Nova Scotian officer in WWI. Actor/Playwright 1827 - 1904 Successful businesswoman and pioneer Horton Bluff in the cosmetics industry in Nova Scotia. Poet/Educator/Playwright First black person, first African-Canadian and the first Judge Nova Scotian to be awarded the Victoria Cross. Clyde Gray William (Bill) Paris Jr. Windsor Plains 1941-2012 Lawyer/Educator Reigning Welterweight Canadian Champion from the New Glasgow 1960s to the 1980s. He was the Canadian Welterweight Instrumental in the development and construction of the Rev Dr. Peter J. Paris Lawyer/Social Activist Champion, the Commonwealth Welterweight Champion Africentric Heritage Park, situated on Vale Road, New New Glasgow Clotilda Adessa Yakimchuk, and the #10-ranked Welterweight on the planet. Glasgow. The Park is designated a Pictou County Heritage Professor Emeritus at Princeton Theological Seminary C.M. Site and is dedicated to the history of black people in and a Visiting Professor at Boston University School of Sydney Theology. Named Alumnus of the Year, University of Founding President of the Black Community Development Pictou County. Chicago Divinity School, 1995 and Distinguished Alumnus Organization and the first Black president of the Nelson Whynder RCMP Officer/Author of the Year, Acadia University, Wolfville, 2012. Registered Nurses Association of Nova Scotia. Recipient 1864 – 1939 Allan W. Evans of numerous honours and distinctions including the Harry North Preston Teacher/Community Activist Jerome Award. Invested to the Order of Canada in 2003. Donated the land to build a new school in North Preston. 1890 – 1960 David W. States The school is named in his honour, Nelson Whynder East Preston Elementary School. Farmer and longest serving County Councillor from Windsor Plains Teacher/ Social Activist Preston. Served as County Councillor from 1931 until his Historian, Parks Canada (retired). Independent historian specializing in African Nova Scotian history and Judge/Community Advocate death in 1960. genealogy. Research Associate, Gorsebrook Research Councillor/Community Activist Institute, Saint Mary’s University. Wanda Robson Ben Jackson North Sydney Olympic Boxer/Activist 1833 - 1915 Retired lab technician, accomplished storyteller, West Brooklyn, Kings County writer and frequent guest speaker at schools Judge throughout the province. O.C.,O.N.S. , C.M., O.N.S. Participated in the naval assault on Mobile Bay. , Walter Borden One of at least 75 African Nova Scotian sailors known to Windsor Plains New Glasgow have served for the North during the American Civil War. University professor. Winner of the Governor-General’s Invested as a Member in the Order of Canada in 2005 Politician and winner of the Portia White Prize in 2006. Corrine Sparks Award for Poetry, the Portia White Prize for Artistic , BA, LLB Halifax Achievement, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award and James Robinson Johnston numerous other awards. Canada’s hardest working poet. Lawyer/Social Activist/Mentor 1876 – 1915 One of the first African Canadians appointed to the , O.N.S. judiciary in Canada and the first African Nova Scotian Burnley A. ‘Rocky’ Jones Preston appointed to the bench. Scholar/Pastor 1942 – 2013 First African Nova Scotian lawyer and social advocate for Truro the provision of accessible higher education. Educator/Film-maker/Writer First African Nova Scotian to successfully argue a case before the Supreme Court of Canada. Pastor/Builder Craig Smith Halifax Noted author and community volunteer. Appointed a Josephine (Simmonds) Johnson Teacher/Community Activist Member of the Order of Merit of Police Forces in 2015 by Wilhelmina Alice Williams His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, North Preston Community Activist/Educator Governor General of Canada, in recognition of Teacher,(retired), Dartmouth Vocational School. One of 1914 – 1977 outstanding service and leadership. the founding members of the North Preston Recreation Centreville Teacher and fierce advocate for women’s rights and social Castor Henry Williams, Association. Initiated the opening of the children’s B.A., LL.B. Arnold Johnson daycare and medical centre in Preston. justice. Alice Housing, an organization that provides Dartmouth housing to women and children leaving domestic abuse, First Black judge of the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia. 1925 – 2008 is named in her honour. Past chair of the Black Learners Advisory Committee. North Preston Policeman Activist with the Black United Front (BUF). Manager of the Halifax County Councillor, 1965-1977. World War II veteran. Halifax School Board member. Instrumental in establishing Kirk Cyron Johnson Seaview Credit Union. Honourable Valerie Miller Teacher/Lawyer/Activist the Preston Area Housing Fund and the District 16 area fire North Preston , Q.C. stations at Lake Echo and North Preston. Represented Canada at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. Whitney Pier Priest/Community Advocate Successfully sued the Halifax Regional Police force in a Called to the Bar of Nova Scotia in 1986. Practiced with Alderman/Community Activist case of racism and racial profiling. federal Department of Justice in the areas of fiscal law and tax litigation. Appointed Judge of the Tax Court of , Q.C. George H. Diggs Union Leader/Community Activist Canada on April 2, 2007. George Webber Davis 1874-1930 , BA, MA 1925 - 2004 Preston Lawyer/Law School Faculty Member Rev. Edwin Howard Borden Halifax Longest serving Halifax County Councillor of the 1869 - 1953 pre-World War II era, serving from 1908 to 1917 and Lawyer First African Nova Scotian lawyer to practice law post- from 1920 to 1930. Truro World War I. Graduate of Dalhousie Law School, 1952. First Nova Scotian-born Black lawyer appointed First African Nova Scotian to graduate from a university in Queen’s Counsel. Nova Scotia. Borden graduated from Acadia with his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1892 and his Master of Arts Reverend Wellington Ney States degree in 1896. Pastor/Scholar O.N.S. 1877 - 1927 Beechville Edith Hope Cromwell, Wolfville 1916 - 2009 Award winning film-maker, author and educator. Olympic Athlete/Coach James A. R. Kinney Inglewood Missionary for the AUBA and gifted carpenter. Reverend States built or restored Baptist Churches throughout Nova Scotia. Politician/Senator 1897 - 1940 Life-long community activist and one of the earliest Yarmouth African Nova Scotian graduates of the Nova Scotia Teachers College. Politician First black graduate of the Maritime Business College Carl “Campy” Crawford and first Superintendent of the Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children. Community Leader 1940 - 2003 Hobartson A. J. “Gus” Wedderburn Whitney Pier Politician First Black police officer in Atlantic Canada. The Carl 1929 – 2007 Crawford Award was established in his honour by the Cape Halifax Thomas (Tom) Miller Breton Regional Police force and is presented annually to Teacher, Principal and Lawyer. One of the founding Archpriest George A. Francis Scholar/Educator a recipient who exemplifies leadership and commitment to members of the Black Educators Association (BEA) and the 1917 – 1988 justice, fairness and equality in their community. Black Cultural Society. Board member of the Nova Scotia 1908 – 1982 Whitney Pier Association for the Advancement of Colored People Whitney Pier First Black municipal alderman in Atlantic Canada. (NSAACP) and Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Selflessly served the congregation of St. Philip’s African Elected to Sydney City Council from 1955 to 1972. The Winston Ruck Orthodox Church and the community of Whitney Pier for Thomas Miller Human Rights Award, established by the 1923 - 1992 Educator/Community Activist forty-three years. Cape Breton Regional Municipality, honours recipients Whitney Pier who work for the advancement, promotion and The first and only Black to be elected President, United Michelle Y. Williams Kenneth David Crawford, Q.C. Musician/Mentor protection of human rights. Steel Workers of America, local 1064. Served on the Boards of the Black United Front (BUF) and the Black Halifax Director and Senior Instructor, Faculty of Law, Indigenous Whitney Pier Poet/Teacher/Community Advocate Cultural Centre. First indigenous Black resident of Whitney Pier to obtain Blacks & Mi’kmaq Initiative, Schulich School of Law, a Bachelor of Laws from . Called to Historian/Community Leader Dalhousie University. the Bar of Nova Scotia in 1976. Long and esteemed legal career is evidenced by his appointment as Queen’s Rev. Arthur William Jordan Counsel in and for the Province of Nova Scotia. 1858-1892 Teacher/Community Activist Tracadie/Truro Community Activist/Local Historian Deborah Miller Brown Pastor of Cornwallis Street Baptist Church from Halifax 1884 to 1891 and one of the earliest African Politician/Community Activist Nova Scotian scholars. First African Nova Scotian to compete at the , Q.C. Olympics, 1968, Mexico City. Former track and field Don Oliver coach at Saint Mary’s University. , C.M., O.N.S. Wolfville Wayne Adams , C.M. Halifax First African Nova Scotian appointed to the Senate. Legend Joyce L. Ross East Preston First elected African Nova Scotian Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) and Cabinet Minister. Educator/Social Worker Gordon Earle Community health care educator and founder of the O.C. – Officer of the Order of Canada East Preston Day Care Centre. Lay minister. Invested in the Halifax Order of Canada in 2001. Pastor/Educator/Social Activist C.M. – Member of the Order of Canada Leslie H. Oliver First elected African Nova Scotian Wolfville Member of Parliament (MP). Politician/Businesswoman O.N.S. – Order of Nova Scotia Dr. Marie Nita Waldron Hamilton, Professor Emeritus, Jodrey School of D.H.L. Computer Sciences, Acadia. Dentist O.B.E. – Order of the British Empire 1920 - 1993 Beechville A respected educator who taught at many schools in Charles R. ‘Bucky’ Adams Politician/Educator V.C. – Victoria Cross Halifax County including North Preston, Hammonds Plains, D.S.M. – Distinguished Service Medallion Beechville, and Cherry Brook. An active church and 1937 - 2012 Maxine Tynes Olympic Official/Educator community volunteer and founder of the preschool Halifax Performer and composer. Blues and Jazz legend. Peter Evander McKerrow program at Veith House. 1949 - 2011 Q.C. – Queen’s Council Inspiration and mentor to a generation of Dartmouth 1841 – 1906 Nova Scotian musicians. Community advocate, award-winning poet and author, Halifax Hattie Eugena (Daye) Ashe English teacher. First African Canadian woman to sit on Secretary of the African United Baptist Association for the Board of Governors at Dalhousie University. thirty years. Historian and author of 1917 - 2007 Teacher/School Principal Blacks in Nova Scotia (1783 – 1895) A Brief History of Sunnyville, Guysborough . A staunch advocate Mother or foster mother to 32 children. Teacher and Jack Desmond Olympic Boxer/Community Volunteer for the importance of education. principal for 30 years. Councillor for the Black United Front. Lincolnville Henderson Paris Judge/Community Volunteer Decorated community and Church activist. Community historian and champion of the on-going protest to remove a provincial dump site that was New Glasgow Teacher/Community Advocate placed near the community of Lincolnville. Councillor and former Deputy-Mayor of New Glasgow. 5539 Cornwallis Street Served on the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission. Guidance Counselor/Community Leader Founder of the Run Against Racism Halifax, NS, B3K 1B3 marathon. C.M., O.N.S. Pastor/Teacher/Community Activist , C.M. Wanda Thomas Bernard, Toll Free: 1-855-350-3200 Rev. Donald Edward Fairfax East Preston [email protected] Legend 1920-2010 Professor and Director of Dalhousie School of Social Work Cherry Brook (retired). Specializing in addressing issues of violence and C.M. – Member of the Order of Canada anti-racism. Invested in the Order of Canada in 2005. Yvonne Atwell Pastor, school principal and active community Q.C. – Queen’s Council Ronald James Lewis Dartmouth volunteer. Two-time moderator of AUBA. Invested in the Order of Canada in 1990. 1932 - 2012 Community Volunteer and Businesswoman. Annapolis Royal First African Nova Scotian woman elected as Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). Percy Paris First African Nova Scotian Graduate of Dalhousie C.M. Windsor Dental School. Direct descendant of Black Loyalist, Rose Fortune. Bradford J. Barton, First African Nova Scotian Member of the Legislative Dartmouth Assembly (MLA) to be re-elected to consecutive terms and the first to hold multi-Cabinet posts in government. Officiated at the Olympic Games in Montreal and Los Angeles. Respected teacher and school administrator. Mobray Fitzgerald Jemmott Invested in the Order of Canada in 2000. 1875 -1941 Halifax Taught at Lucasville, Hammonds Plains and Preston before becoming Principal at Africville School. When Judge Jean Whalen he retired in 1933, his son Gordon replaced him as Bryan Richard Gibson Dartmouth Called to the bench of the Provincial and Family Court in Chester Borden Principal at the School. Gibson Woods Member of the 1976 Canadian Olympic Boxing team. 2009. Founding member of the Black Lawyers Association. Whitney Pier Student support worker. Executive Director of the Whitney Alma Johnston-Tynes Rev. Donald D. Skeir Community volunteer and youth mentor. Vice-Chair of the Race Relations Committee of the Barristers Association. Volunteers with the African United Pier Boys and Girls Clubs. Recipient of numerous awards Cherry Brook 1926 – 1999 including the Jonathan Skeetes Memorial Community Teacher and guidance counselor. Past Moderator of the Baptist Association and the Community YMCA. Halifax Award, the Tom Millar Human Rights Award and the Carl African United Baptist Association. Co-founder of the Charter member of the Nova Scotia Association for the 5539 Cornwallis Street, “Campy” Crawford Award. Black Professional Women's Group. The first African- Advancement of Colored People (NSAACP). Served on the Firefighter/Community Advocate Nova Scotian to serve on the Nova Scotia Advisory Human Rights Commission, the Black Learners Advisory Halifax, NS, B3K 1B3 Council on the Status of Women. Committee and the Black Educators Association (BEA). Pastor at East Preston, Cherry Brook and St. Thomas Toll Free: 1-855-350-3200 United Baptist Churches. Teacher at the New Road School. [email protected]

Autre possibilité Présentez la candidature d’un Néoécossais émérite – Les Afro- Néoécossais continuent à faire d’importantes contributions à la vie politique, sociale et culturelle de nos collectivités, de notre province et de notre pays. Présentez la candidature d’un Afro-Néoécossais, du passé ou du présent, qui Elroy R. Hill 1928 – 2006 Bear River mérite selon vous la désignation de « Néoécossais émérite ». Pourquoi les The first African Nova Scotian professional firefighter. Active member of the community through his church and the Black Cultural Society of Nova Scotia. réalisations des Néoécossais émérites sont-elles importantes? Légendes

Jared Jamael, Shipyard Elementary William King Elementary, Herring Cove, classe de 2e et 3e année

Folyemi Boboye, Oxford School. Zach Borden, Sydney Academy.

Halle McCarthy M. Walter Borden a présenté les prix et Kiana Shakiba, d’excellence pour le Défi 3. Westmount School Les dix plus grands héros sportifs afro-néoécossais Les Afro-Néoécossais excellent depuis longtemps dans les sports. Ils ont agi à titre d’ambassadeurs pour leurs collectivités et ont honorablement représenté notre province et notre pays. Du côté des sports, certains ont même fait l’histoire. Qui inscririez-vous sur votre liste des héros sportifs afro-néoécossais de tous les temps et pourquoi? Envoyez- DéFI 4 nous la liste de vos dix plus grands héros. Pour chaque personne, incluez un bref résumé et expliquez l’importance de ses réalisations.

Autre possibilité Les dix plus grands artistes afro-néoécossais – Les Afro-Néoécossais excellent depuis longtemps dans les arts. Ce sont des poètes, des peintres, des chanteurs, des danseurs, des écrivains, des musiciens, des cinéastes et des acteurs. Qui inscririez-vous sur votre liste des dix plus grands artistes afro-néoécossais de tous les temps, peu importe l’art et le genre? Pour chaque personne, incluez un bref résumé et expliquez pourquoi elle mérite d’être sur votre liste. Haley Auger-March, Jenna Nyaga, Sir John A. MacDonald Nelson Whynder, Légendes High School, Tantallon North Preston

Ty Gittens, St. Agnes Elementary, New Waterford

Harris Khan et Kiona White, Dartmouth High Le ministre Tony Ince a présenté les prix d’excellence pour la Défi 4.


nscc.ca/strive Courte histoire ou illustration – Une journée dans la vie de… Rédigez une courte histoire traitant d’une journée dans la vie d’un loyaliste ou d’un réfugié de race noire en Nouvelle-Écosse. D’où êtes-vous venu? Où vous êtes-vous établi? Quels sont vos espoirs et quelles sont vos craintes et aspirations? Comment

DéFI avez-vous survécu? En quoi votre vie est-elle différente depuis que vous vous êtes 5 établi en Nouvelle-Écosse?

Je cours. Mon visage est chaud, comme si je m’étais tenu au-dessus du poêle à bois. Dans ma poitrine, mon cœur bat la chamade. Devant moi, Gabriel est une masse sombre et indistincte qui se dérobe et qui esquive les branches basses et les arbres. Mes pieds pilonnent la terre, mais je ne sens plus le piquant des aiguilles de pin sur la plante de mes pieds, ni la morsure glaciale du froid sur mes orteils. Une ombre surgit dans mon champ de vision. Je suis surpris et je m’écarte brusquement. Ce n’est rien. Mes yeux me jouent des tours.

Je ne veux pas penser au danger qui nous guette. Même aussi près de la ville, Momma nous a mis en garde contre les animaux sauvages qui rôdent toujours. Nous avons croisé un ours noir avant d’atteindre la dernière maison. Il s’est emparé des victuailles de Gabriel, mais ne nous a pas fait de mal. Gabriel était fâché, mais Momma lui a dit qu’il valait mieux que l’ours ait pris la nourriture que l’un d’entre nous. Mon estomac gémit à l’idée de la nourriture. Il y a des jours que je n’ai pas mangé. Pourtant, les animaux sauvagesAvant et dele manquepartir, Gabriel de nourriture m’a dit semblent être le dernier de mes soucis. que les chasseurs d’esclaves étaient nombreux dans cette région. Je crois que je ne l’écoutais pas vraiment. Je pensais à Momma. Maintenant que j’y pense, je ne veux pas le croire.

Gabriel ralentit devant moi. Je trébuche en m’arrêtant. J’inspire

Autre possibilité – Dessinez, illustrez ou peignez une image qui représente une journée dans la vie d’un loyaliste ou d’un réfugié de race noire en Nouvelle-Écosse. À gauche : Mme Mayann E. Légendes Francis a présenté les prix d’excellence pour le Défi 5.

Ci-dessous : Micaiah Aladejebi, Cavalier Drive School, a reçu son prix en présence de toute sa famille.

Allysa Flint, Prince Andrew High, Emily Burke, St. Agnes Dartmouth School, Cap-Breton Walter Borden Les Oliver WP Oliver Edwin BordenGeraldine Browning Reverend Andrew White WP Oliver Sylvia Hamilton Sylvia Hamilton Notre fierté.George Elliott Clarke Edith Cromwell Walter Borden Quentin TynesTout Lesun Oliver avenir! Ted Upshaw

acadiau.ca Exprimez-vous! Les personnes d’origine africaine se rappellent de l’Afrique et l’honorent au moyen de leur langue, des arts, de la musique, de la danse et des modes. Leur influence a contribué à définir

DéFI et à façonner la culture en Amérique du Nord. Présentez 6 un poème, une chanson, un spectacle, une œuvre d’art, une histoire, une danse ou toute autre forme de création culturelle ayant subi l’influence des personnes d’origine africaine. Toutes les propositions originales sont acceptées. Les propositions enregistrées doivent être sauvegardées sur un CD ou une clé USB. Sophia Nous errons. Wedderburn Captifs dans la toile de notre passé, imbriqués dans notre temps. Notre croisade ininterrompue, notre volonté inébranlable. Nous poursuivons notre longue marche interminable vers la liberté. Nous trébuchons. Écorchant nos mains sur des promesses envolées, des espoirs et des pleurs silencieux ignorés. La destination nous est inconnue; seuls notre ténacité et notre courage nous portent à avancer. À avancer. Nous regardons le ciel du soir, notre peau se mariant au pigment de la nuit, constellée d’étoiles. Les paroles de nos chansons, reflets de nos espoirs, nos voix résonnent dans les grottes sous-terraines et nos refuges étroits. L’acoustique, défaillante, mais notre message, fort, insensible à la cacophonie de nos adversaires. Nous lisons les pages foisonnantes de notre histoire. Les détours impitoyables. Les chapitres de lutte que nous rêvons d’effacer… Et nos nombreux héros Viola, William, Delmore, Mathieu, Portia, Jeremiah, Rose… Voyageurs du passé Légendes du présent Leurs récits entrelacés aux nôtres dans une poésie sans fin. Nous gardons la tête haute, nos visages de couleur regardant en avant. En avant. Et nous continuerons notre marche. À trébucher. À lutter. À chanter. Pendant que nous errons. Allysa Flint Légendes Tristan Cook, Julia Jericho et Jorja Purcell, William King Elementary

Son Honneur et Mme Grant ont examiné certaines des propositions et ont rencontré de nombreux récipiendaires des prix d’excellence après la Les Stompers d’Oxford School cérémonie.

L’honorable J.J. Grant, lieutenant-gouverneur de la Nouvelle-Écosse, a présenté les prix d’excellence pour la plus grande participation scolaire aux élèves des écoles William King Elementary, St. Joseph’s-Alexander McKay et Shipyard Elementary. ASBo 2014_cover10/28/146:30PMPage1 Book TANS $19.95

Revised Edition, Vol. I

Pastor/Educator/Social Activist Ressources

Rev. William Pearly Oliver,

Invested Member a as the Order in Canada of 1984. in

Pastor, Educator and Social Activist.

War Hero

92-19891912 -

Wolfville Jeremiah ‘Jerry’ Jones CanadianA hero Vimy at Ridge. Was posthumously

awarded theCanadian Forces Medallion for

Distinguished Service 2011. in

War Hero


First black person, first African-Canadian and the first Truro C.M.

Lawyer/Social Activist Nova Scotian awarded be to theVictoria Cross.

William Hall,

, 87-19041827 - Horton Bluff D.S.M.

First African Nova Scotian successfully to argue case a Burnley ‘Rocky’ A. Jones Publisher/Social Activist

Community Activist/Educator

before theSupreme Court Canada. of


92–20131942 – Carrie Best M. , First posthumous recipient the Order of Invested Nova of Scotia Officer an as the Order in Canada of 1979. in Veteran/Community Activist

First black graduate the Maritime of Business College

Truro Social Activist and Publisher of and first Superintendent theNova of Scotia Home James Kinney R. A. Scholar/Educator African Nova Scotians

New Glasgow 20011903 -

First African Nova Scotian invested the Order in Canada. of

o Coloredfor Children. 87-19401897 - O.N.S., Invested Officer an as the Order in Canada of 1967. in Yarmouth

Isaac Phills, C.

Olympic Official/Educator Businesswoman

Professor Emeritus, Jodrey School of Leslie Oliver H.

O.C., O.N.S.

The Clarion.

Computer Sciences, Acadia. 86-19851896 -


Wolfville Bradford Barton J. , Angeles. Respected teacherOfficiated and school theOlympicadministrator. at Games Montreal in and Los

Successful businesswoman and pioneer Lawyer/Educator the cosmeticsin industry Nova in Scotia. Viola Desmond

Invested the Order in Canada of 2000. in


94-19631914 - James Robinson Johnston First African Nova Scotian lawyer and social advocate for Social Activist/Church Leader Halifax Dartmouth

Teacher/Community Activist

the provision accessible of higher education.

Reverend Richard Preston

Edith Hope Cromwell, Founder the First of African Baptist Church, the African 86–19151876 – Abolitionist Society and theAfrican Baptist Association.

Preston Teacher/Classical Singer Life-long community activist and theone earliest of African Nova Scotian graduates theNova of Scotia

C.M. Inspiring Cultural andEducational Excellence $29.95

Unknown 1861 -

Politician 96-20091916 - Halifax Teachers College. Inglewood BA, LLB,

Pastor/Social Activist The Portia White Prize Artisticfor Achievement nthe awardedArtsin is annually her honour. in The Times of

Politician/Educator Internationally renowned Contralto. Portia White

First elected African Nova Scotian Gordon Earle

Member Parliament of (MP). Reverend William Andrew White, 91-19681911 -

The first African Nova Scotian granted be to Honourary an Doctorate from Acadia University. The only commissioned


Assembly (MLA) re-elected be to consecutive to First African Nova terms Scotian Member the Legislative of and theholdfirst to multi-Cabinet posts government. in Halifax O.N.S. nItrcieSuyBook Study Interactive An * African Nova Scotian officer WWI. in

Percy Paris

84-19361874 -

Judge judiciary Canada in and the first African Nova Scotian Truro One thefirst of African Canadians appointed the to Windsor

Social Activist/Author

Corrine Sparks


appointed thebench. to Social Activist and Author. First woman Moderator the of African United Baptist Association. Inaugural recipient of Althea Pearleen Oliver

Reverend Wellington Ney States

Missionary theforAUBA and gifted carpenter. Reverend States


built restored or Baptist Churches throughout Nova Scotia. World Champion Boxer

Community Leader the YWCA Community Leader Award. BA Cook’s Cove, Guysborough

97-20081917 -

87-19271877 -

East Preston Day Care Centre. Lay minister. Invested the in First Black World Champion any weight in class and

Wolfville Lieutenant Governor

Community health care educator and founder the of

the first Canadian-born Boxing Champion. Joyce Ross L. George Dixon

80-19091870 - Order Canada of 2001. in

Mayann Francis, E. Africville East Preston

Dentist First African Nova Scotian serve to Lieutenant as Ronald James Lewis Poet/Educator/Playwright

First African Nova Scotian Graduate Dalhousie of The Honourable Nova The Times of African Nova Scotians, Volume 2estdisponsibleauprèsdu rendez-vous àDBDLI.ca/resource. 2001681. Pourcesressourcesetd’autrematérielpédagogiqueutile,

Dental School. Direct descendant of

Governor Nova of Scotia.

Black Loyalist, Rose Fortune.

, Annapolis Royal George Elliott Clarke,

C.M. University professor. Winner theGovernor-General’s of 92-20121932 - numerous other awards. Canada’s hardest working poet. Achievement, theDr. Martin Luther King Jr. Award and Sydney Award Poetry,for thePortia White Prize Artisticfor Boxer/Community Activist Educator/Film-maker/Writer

Windsor Plains Delmore “Buddy” Daye

O.N.S. World FameHall of Boxer

Inducted into Nova Scotia Sports Fame.Hall of

Award winning film-maker, author and educator. Canada’s first Black Sergeant-At-Arms. Canadian Lightweight Junior Champion.

Sylvia Hamilton

New Glasgow 19951928 -

O.C.,O.N.S. The only boxer inducted into theWorld Boxing FameHall of Politician havenot to won official an title. Langford aroused much so

eri opponentsfear in that many boxers refused fight to him.

Beechville Businessman/Community Activist Wayne Adams

First elected African Nova Scotian Member the of Legislative Assembly (MLA) and Cabinet Minister. Politician/Businesswoman Sam Langford

Weymouth Falls

Beresford Augustus Husbands, 19561886 -

Founder the Halifax of Colored Citizens Improvement

League, Member the Order of the British of Empire.


Actor/Playwright First African Nova Scotian woman elected as Community Volunteer and Businesswoman.

Member theLegislative of Assembly (MLA).

Yvonne Atwell ,


83-19691883 -

Walter Borden O.N.S., Halifax Journalist/Diplomat Dartmouth Invested Member a as the Order in Canada of 2005 in

and winner thePortia of White Prize 2006. in


African Nova Scotians African Nova Scotians Scotia

Rev. Edwin Howard Borden Immigration. Member, British Commonwealth Secretariat. New Glasgow First African Nova Scotian graduate to universityfrom a in Former Assistant Deputy Minister Manpower of and Calbert James Best

Bachelor Arts of degree 1892 in and Masterhis Arts of Nova Scotia. Borden graduated from Acadia with his

‘They Desire a Better Country’ O.B.E. ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Educator/Mayor/Artist Politician/Senator

www.acadiau.ca ,

C.M., O.N.S.

The Times of The Times of New Glasgow 20071926 -

89-19531869 -

degree 1896. in Direct descendant Black of Loyalist, Rose Fortune. Daurene Lewis Truro

First African Nova Scotian appointed the Senate. to First elected African Nova Scotian Mayor

and first black woman Mayor Canada. in Pastor/Educator/Social Activist

Don Oliver

Annapolis Royal

94-20131944 -

James Phills A. The first African Nova Scotian medical doctor. Fellow Doctor Rev. Donald Edward Fairfax theRoyalof College Physicians of and Surgeons and

BA, MA, the American College Physicians of and Surgeons. Wolfville

Sailor/Civil War Hero Pastor, school principal and active community

volunteer. Two-time moderator AUBA. of Invested the Order in Canada of 1990. in African Nova Scotians , ,

Q.C. C.M. 1925-2010 African Nova Scotians

n fa leastOne at African 75 of Nova Scotian sailors known to have served theforNorth during theAmerican Civil War. Cherry Brook Sydney 1920-2010

Participated thenaval in assault Mobile on Bay. Lawyer/Social Activist/Mentor ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Notable Nova Scotians

Olympic Athlete West Brooklyn, Kings County ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Ben Jackson


M.D. M.Sc.

One theyoungest of Canadian runners ever to qualify for the Olympics. Competed the Olympic, at Commonwealth George Webber Davis 19151833 - and Pan-Am Games. Has theunique distinction being of Marjorie Turner-Bailey inducted into both the Nova Scotia Sports FameHall of

First African Nova Scotian lawyer practice to law post- The Times of

World WarGraduate I. Dalhousie of Law School, 1952.

Wanda Thomas Bernard, The Times of and theBritish Columbia Sports Fame.Hall of First Nova Scotian-born Black lawyer appointed , Senator/Activist/Author

C.M. Olympic Athlete/Coach Wanda Thomas Bernard, C.M., Bradford J. Barton, C.M.,Bradford was J. Barton,

Calvin Woodrow Ruck, The Order of Canada Lockeport 95-20041925 -

about Construction theNo. 2 Battalion.Appointed Invested the Senate in to 1998. in Author two booksof appointed a Member of theQueen’s Counsel. Social activist and lifelong member theNSAACP. of Halifax

Deborah Miller Brown Order of Canada on October O.N.S., PhD, R.S.W., was Olympics, 1968, Mexico City. Former track and field established in 1967 by Her Majestyappointed a Member of the Politian/Singer/Composer First African Nova Scotian compete to the at 21, 1999. Mr. Barton was an Queen Elizabeth 29,II and 2004. is consideredOrder “An ofeducator, Canada scholaron October Educator/Social Worker original member of the Negro

and social work practitioner, Dr. School

coach Saint at Mary’s University. Canada’s most prestigious civilian Education Committee and the Order Canada of 1994. in East Preston 20041925 - Bernard is a model of tolerance, William (Bill) White, III, lifetime of outstandingDartmouth achievement African Nova Scotians Sydney Wanda Thomas Bernard, Professor and Director Dalhousie of School Social of Work Black Educators Association The first African Canadian runfederal for to office in honour. The Order recognizes a Canada. Appointed Officer an theOrder of Canada of (retired) (BEA). “He has spent his adult understanding and compassion.The Order of Canada was African Nova Scotians Halifax , anti-racism. Invested theOrder in Canada of 2005. in

and merit. The Order of Canada Q.C. ‘They Desire a Better Country’ (C.C.). A maximumis comprised of 136 Members, of Members (C.M.), Storyteller/Writer Specializing. addressing in issues violence of and Maritime School of Social Work and integratedlife creating society, a more striving tolerant 64 Officers and 15Officers Companions (O.C.) andmay Companions Rev. William Pearly Oliver, be appointed per year. The numberat Dalhousie of University, she was ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Companions cannot exceed 165 living Clotilda A. Yakimchuck, M.Div., D.C.L., was appointed commonalities.that divide toAs downplay usan andeducator, highlight the hedifferences our As a past Director of the Clotilda Adessa Yakimchuk, C.M., 1915-1981 East Preston members. The motto of the Order is highly regarded for addressing LL.D. was appointed a Member of Truro Retired labtechnician, accomplished storyteller, 1970.in was a staunch advocate for racial Canada on December 17, 1984.William P. Oliver, C.M., The Times of C.M. writer and frequent guest speaker schools at social workracial education and cultural and diversityin the in C.M., O.N.S. tolerance and equal opportunities the Order of Canada on May, 8, Wanda Robson “They Desire a Better Country.” a Member of the Order of C.M. community. As founding president of The Times of the Order of Canada,There four have as Officersbeen at least fourteen Dr. Oliver was “an educator, for an ethnically-diverse student African Nova Scotians invested to has left an indelible mark on her community. She is a founding the Black Community Development2003. “This nurse and activist throughout the province. served theclergyman Black community and leader who Politician North Sydney C.M., O.N.S. 1912 - 1989 population.” Mr. Barton is the of the Order and ten as Members member of the Association of the movementOrganization, to provide Ms. affordable Yakimchuk led recipient of numbers awards and of the Order: Isaac C. Phills, O.C.; pre-World Warera, serving II from 1908 1917 to and of Nova Scotia for over fifty Longest serving Halifax County Councillor the of honours for his work in education.Carrie M. Best, O.C., O.N.S.; George housing in low-income communities O.C.

William (Bill) A. White III, O.C.; George Diggs H. Elliott Clarke, O.C., O.N.S.; William years. Founder of the Nova Wolfville People, he was deeply involved and improved living facilities for Sydney C.M.; CalvinP. Oliver, Woodrow C.M.; Ruck, Donald C.M.; E. Fairfax, Pastor/Scholar ..–OfficerO.C. – theOrder of Canada of Scotia Association for the in adult MemberC.M. – theOrder of Canada of education as a means to Black Social Workers.” seniors. Committed to education O.N.S. Order – Nova of Scotia Advancement of Coloured O.B.E. Order – theBritish of Empire Walter Borden, C.M., O.N.S., Rev. Arthur William Jordan 1874-1930 Ross, C.M.; Daurene E. Lewis, C.M.; from 1920 1930. to African Nova Scotians Bradford J. Barton, C.M.; Joyce L. V.C. Victoria – Crossboth individual and community determined fundraiserMember and of mentor. the Order of Canada D.S.M. Distinguished – Service Medallion for Black youth, she has been Prestona ..–Queen’sQ.C. – Council As a leader in the health care field, Walter Borden, Clotilda Adessa Yakimchuk, C.M.; Pastor Cornwallis of Street Baptist Church from The Order of Nova Scotia 1884 1891 to and theone earliest of African African Nova Scotians Carrie M. Best, president of the Registeredactor, Nurses playwrighton November and activist, 17, 2005. “An O.N.S.; Walter Borden, C.M., O.N.S. Carrie Best, O.C., O.N.S., F. Wayne Adams, C.M., O.N.S.; force in Nova Scotia. His stage LL.D., was appointed a performances are characterizedshe served as the first Black ‘They Desire a Better Country’

Nova Scotian scholars. 1974 “on behalf of the Negro Wanda Thomas Bernard, C.M., Legend Toll Free: 1-855-350-3200 Tracadie/Truro Walter Borden is a cultural 5539 Cornwallis Street recognition ofcommunity her zealous in Novawork Scotia, in LL.D., was appointed a 1858-1892 Ms. Yakimchuk is a recipient of including the Harry Jerome Award. Canada on DecemberMember of 18, the Order of African Nova Scotians Halifax, NS, B3K 1B3 Association of Nova Scotia. numerousby intensity honours and and passion awards and C.M.

[email protected] as a writer and broadcaster.”New Glasgow She was promoted to Officer C.M. ‘They Desire a Better Country’ The Times of touched audiences acrosshis the dynamic presence and improvement.” young actorscountry. and has promotedHe has guided many New Glasgow1903 - 2001 unforgettable voice have of the Order on December The Times of Nova Scotia’sthe Blackrecognition culture and for growth of devoted most of her life to the underprivileged regardless of 17, 1979 for her work as race, colour, creed or sex, and “a humanitarian who has particularly her own people of of Nova Scotia in LL.D.,2002 and was was appointed the to the Order

was an educator, entrepreneur Order of Canada on October Carrie M. Best, Member of the Order of Canada Calvin Woodrow Ruck, C.M., more than three decades.” appointed a Member of the the first Black to be elected as The Times of broadcaster and tirelessOrder. worker “Dr. Bestfor wasfirst a posthumousjournalist, recipient of the Carrie M. Best, O.C., O.N.S., C.M., O.N.S. pioneer in the fightAfrican for racial Nova equality,Daurene Scotian E. Lewis, community. C.M., A Calvin Woodrow Ruck, She dedicated time and energy elected as a mayor in Canada. profession, Daurene Lewis to the advancement of women a mayor in Nova Scotia and and a civic leader. She was in 1946 she founded The Clarion one model and respected leader of the on October 19, 1994. He was O.C., O.N.S. the first Black woman to be truth and justice. She was a role in business, the betterment of justice, equal opportunities for M.B.A., DHumL, was a “lifelong advocate of social

of first Black-owned newspapers in race, colour, ethnicand background, respect for people of every Book 10, 2002. “A nurse by the Black community.” Nova Scotia. Fiercely independent Daurene Lewis, those who are disadvantaged LL.D., was appointed a stand up for African Nova Scotians.

causes of all minorities.” Dr. Best was promoted interracial understanding [email protected] and candid, she was unafraid to worker and member of many African Nova Scotians gender or class. As a social African Nova Scotians promotion of the arts.” Through her voice and pen, she with diverse interests in support Nova Scotia, he used his gifts race relations and the community organizations in New Glasgow 1903 - 2001 The Order of Nova Scotia appointed an Officer of the Order and goodwill, championing the Annapolis Royal for bringing together people ‘They Desire a Better Country’

1944 - 2013

1925 - 2004

LL.D., was appointed to the Order Donald E. Fairfax, C.M., was

of Nova Scotia in 2002. In an era

segregation often made attending Order of Canada on October 25, 1990. “Long-time pastor Upper Granville to graduate from appointed a Member of the Sydney Rev. Donald Edward Fairfax, concerned with social welfare where rural isolation and racial

Bridgetown where they could reap high school. She was one of the Teachers College. Dr. Cromwell paved the way for race-equity in Edith Hope Cromwell, of two congregations, this education when she successfully school almost impossible, Dr. and his many contributions for his religious leadershipEdith H. Cromwell, O.N.S.,

graduate from the Nova Scotia community. He was deeply of various projects.” member of her community in Association is recognized first African Nova Scotians to and continued to serve this former Moderator of the

the benefits of its better funded

of Canada in 1974. Cromwell became the first African United Baptist cause as a Human Rights O.C., O.N.S. The Times of The Times of

to Nova Scotia’s black

lobbied for her students in Inglewood to be bussed to



education system.

Cherry Brook

1916 - 2009

highly successful Black Business Business Black successful highly Member of the Order of Canada Canada of Order the of Member

first African Nova Scotian Member Member Scotian Nova African first 1920-2010

Inglewood human rights advocate. He was the the was He advocate. rights human of Nova Scotia in 2011. “Dr. Adams Adams 2011.“Dr. in Scotia Nova of

was instrumental in establishing establishing in instrumental was

Initiative.” He was appointed a a appointed was He Initiative.”

the Preston Development Fund, Fund, Development Preston the

and former executive director of of director executive former and

D.C.L., was appointed to the Order Order the to appointed was D.C.L., He was also a founding member member founding a also was He


the Black Cultural Centre and and Centre Cultural Black the

Nova Scotia, the Eastern Shore Shore Eastern the Scotia, Nova

(MLA) and Cabinet Minister. Minister. Cabinet and (MLA)

F. Wayne Adams, C.M., O.N.S., O.N.S., C.M., Adams, F.Wayne

is an entrepreneur, community community entrepreneur, an is

which has evolved into the the into evolved has which

leader, pioneer, politician and and politician pioneer, leader, “Wayne Adams served as Nova Nova as served Adams “Wayne

the Black Cultural Society of of Society Cultural Black the

local organizations including including organizations local

of the Legislative Assembly Assembly Legislative the of Scotia’s first Black member of of member Black first Scotia’s

the Legislative Assembly and and Assembly Legislative the

Development Commission Commission Development

African Nova Scotians Nova African

Canada on October 30, 2003. 2003. 30, October on Canada O.N.S., LL.D., was appointed appointed was LL.D., O.N.S.,

a volunteer with numerous numerous with volunteer a

as a cabinet minister. He is is He minister. cabinet a as

was the first Black to serve serve to Black first the was The Order of Nova Scotia Nova of Order The

He was appointed as an Officer of the the of Officer an as appointed was He

Wayne Adams, Wayne their stories into contemporary contemporary into stories their a Member of the Order of of Order the of Member a

of his ancestors and introduced introduced and ancestors his of

Poetry, the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Jr. King Luther Martin Dr. the Poetry,

Clarke has reclaimed the voices voices the reclaimed has Clarke Bernard and Walter Borden. Five of these these of Five Borden. Walter and Bernard

African Nova Scotians Nova African recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia. Nova of Order the of recipient and the Preston Area Area Preston the and

Achievement Award, and the Pierre Pierre the and Award, Achievement

Clarke, Wayne Adams, Wanda Thomas Thomas Wanda Adams, Wayne Clarke,

been invested to the Order of Canada. Canada. of Order the to invested been

Elliott Trudeau Fellowship Prize.” Prize.” Fellowship Trudeau Elliott

Carrie Best was the first posthumous posthumous first the was Best Carrie F. Wayne Adams, C.M., C.M., Adams, Wayne F. Governor General Award for English English for Award General Governor

Bernard and Walter Borden have also also have Borden Walter and Bernard

Jones, Wayne Adams, Wanda Thomas Thomas Wanda Adams, Wayne Jones, ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Better a Desire ‘They

Cromwell; Mayann E. Francis; George George Francis; E. Mayann Cromwell; eight, Carrie M. Best, George Elliott Elliott George Best, M. Carrie eight,

Board of Trade.” Trade.” of Board

Elliott Clarke; Burnley ‘Rocky’ Allan Allan ‘Rocky’ Burnley Clarke; Elliott

Prize for Artistic Achievement, the the Achievement, Artistic for Prize Wayne Adams, Wayne

Nova Scotia: Carrie M. Best; Edith H. H. Edith Best; M. Carrie Scotia: Nova

awards including the Portia White White Portia the including awards

that have been awarded the Order of of Order the awarded been have that chosen, that recipient must be between between be must recipient that chosen,

Order of Canada in 2008. in Canada of Order

conviction, George Elliott Elliott George conviction,

at least eight African Nova Scotians Scotians Nova African eight least at

Canadian literature. Dr. Clarke is an an is Clarke Dr. literature. Canadian

Canadian literature.” Canadian in 2003. in

distinguished themselves in many fields fields many in themselves distinguished Since its inception, there have been been have there inception, its Since

contributions or achievements. Members Members achievements. or contributions

English professor at the University University the at professor English made each year. If a sixth recipient is is recipient sixth a If year. each made

experiences of African Nova Nova African of experiences maximum of six appointments can be be can appointments six of maximum numerous honorary degrees and and degrees honorary numerous


of . He is the recipient of of recipient the is He Toronto. of

and have brought honour and prestige prestige and honour brought have and

Scotians with provocative, provocative, with Scotians

lyrical and rich language. language. rich and lyrical

Province. Established in 2001, the Order Order the 2001, in Established Province.

to themselves and to Nova Scotia. A Scotia. Nova to and themselves to

A writer of courage and and courage of writer A O.N.S.

The Order of Nova Scotia Nova of Order The

African Nova Scotian Officer Officer Scotian Nova African

encourages excellence by recognizing recognizing by excellence encourages

voiceless and has helped establish establish helped has and voiceless

academics in Nova Scotia. Through Through Scotia. Nova in academics his work, he has given voice to the the to voice given has he work, his

the cultural and historical historical and cultural the

Nova Scotians for their outstanding outstanding their for Scotians Nova

the academic study of African- of study academic the The Times of of Times The

Order of Canada on April 10, 10, April on Canada of Order is the highest honour awarded by the the by awarded honour highest the is

of the Order of Nova Scotia have have Scotia Nova of Order the of

has contributed greatly to arts and and arts to greatly contributed has

2006. “This revered Canadian poet, poet, Canadian revered “This 2006. 2008 and is the only living living only the is and 2008

of the Order. “He relates relates “He Order. the of

Halifax C.M .

Nova Scotia Award and the Golden Golden the and Award Scotia Nova appointed an Officer of the the of Officer an appointed

the ages of 16 – 25 years. years. 25 – 16 of ages the

playwright, novelist and scholar scholar and novelist playwright,

George Elliott Clarke, O.C., O.N.S., O.N.S., O.C., Clarke, Elliott George The Order of Nova Scotia (O.N.S.) (O.N.S.) Scotia Nova of Order The George Elliott Clarke, O.C., O.C., Clarke, Elliott George

Multicultural Education Council of of Council Education Multicultural

The Times of of Times The B.A., M.A., Ph.D., was appointed appointed was Ph.D., M.A., B.A.,

O.N.S., PhD., LL.D., was was LL.D., PhD., O.N.S.,

to the Order of Nova Scotia in in Scotia Nova of Order the to

and Professional Association, the the Association, Professional and

Halifax George Elliott Clarke, Elliott George

equality and inclusiveness have been been have inclusiveness and equality

George Elliott Clarke, Elliott George

life and set a fine example in in example fine a set and life

[email protected]

Award from the Black Business Business Black the from Award

recognized with a Harry Jerome Jerome Harry a with recognized

good education and starts in in starts and education good many difficulties gave them a a them gave difficulties many

Scotia. Her efforts to bring about about bring to efforts Her Scotia. O.N.S. C.M.,

successfully argue a case before the the before case a argue successfully West Indian origin who raised raised who origin Indian West

of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Rights Human Scotia Nova the of

a large family and despite despite and family large a

woman Ombudsman in Nova Nova in Ombudsman woman

Francis has served as the Director Director the as served has Francis

Cape Breton steel worker of of worker steel Breton Cape

C.M., O.N.S. C.M.,

Commission and was the first first the was and Commission upon her appointment as Lieutenant Lieutenant as appointment her upon the first African Nova Scotian to to Scotian Nova African first the

Jubilee Medal. Jubilee

of the Order of Nova Scotia in 2006 2006 in Scotia Nova of Order the of

Supreme Court of Canada. of Court Supreme

the community.” community.” the Nova Scotia. She became Chancellor Chancellor became She Scotia. Nova

Mr. Borden has received numerous numerous received has Borden Mr.

July 6, 1967. Phills was “a “a was Phills 1967. 6, July

Governor. The Honourable Dr. Dr. Honourable The Governor. African Nova Scotians Nova African

accolades, honours and awards. and honours accolades, of Canada. He was appointed appointed was He Canada. of

in rural Nova Scotia.” For his work, work, his For Scotia.” Nova rural in Mi’kmaq Initiative. Rocky was was Rocky Initiative. Mi’kmaq

politics of being black, gay and raised raised and gay black, being of politics African Nova Scotians Nova African The Order of Nova Scotia Nova of Order The

an Officer of the Order on on Order the of Officer an

Windsor Plains Windsor

appointed Lieutenant Governor of of Governor Lieutenant appointed

and the Indigenous Blacks and and Blacks Indigenous the and ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Better a Desire ‘They

Windsor Plains Windsor the first African Nova Scotian Scotian Nova African first the

to be appointed to the Order Order the to appointed be to

programs at Dalhousie University, University, Dalhousie at programs tireless efforts, notably the Girl Girl the notably efforts, tireless

autobiographical examination of the the of examination autobiographical

Guides and Scouts Canada.” Scouts and Guides

benefited from her expertise and and expertise her from benefited

Francis, O.N.S., DHumL, was the the was DHumL, O.N.S., Francis,

first African Nova Scotian to be be to Scotian Nova African first

also instrumental in creating two two creating in instrumental also the Transition Year Program Program Year Transition the Black Coalition of Canada. He was was He Canada. of Coalition Black man show, Tightrope Time, was an an was Time, Tightrope show, man

Black United Front and the National National the and Front United Black

Isaac C. Phills, O.C., was was O.C., Phills, C. Isaac was instrumental in establishing the the establishing in instrumental was

children. Numerous volunteer volunteer Numerous children.

joined Halifax’s Neptune Theatre Theatre Neptune Halifax’s joined African Nova Scotians. Mr. Borden Borden Mr. Scotians. Nova African Company in 1972 and his one- his and 1972 in Company The Honourable Mayann E. E. Mayann Honourable The

community that provide quality quality provide that community

fifty years to represent the interests interests the represent to years fifty

of all African Nova Scotians. He He Scotians. Nova African all of

of citizenship and opportunity for for opportunity and citizenship of

oriented, drop-in and social education education social and drop-in oriented,

organizations have also also have organizations who worked tirelessly for more than than more for tirelessly worked who

education and nurturing for for nurturing and education centre advocating the full equality equality full the advocating centre

honours for her work in the field of of field the in work her for honours

Mayann E. Francis, E. Mayann

committed and vocal social activist activist social vocal and committed Kwaacha House, an interracial teen- interracial an House, Kwaacha

The Times of of Times The

The Times of of Times The

NSSBB# 2001681 Scotia, Mr. Borden helped establish establish helped Borden Mr. Scotia, recipient of numerous awards and and awards numerous of recipient

helped establish innovative innovative establish helped

the civil rights movement in Nova Nova in movement rights civil the

Scotia in 2010. Dr. Jones was a a was Jones Dr. 2010. in Scotia

programs for the Black Black the for programs

community leader and social activist. activist. social and leader community Isaac C. Phills, C. Isaac

community.” Dr. Bernard is the the is Bernard Dr. community.”

President of the East Preston Preston East the of President

appointed to the Order of Nova Nova of Order the to appointed


In the late 1960s, at the height of of height the at 1960s, late the In

within the African Nova Scotian Scotian Nova African the within

public service. He was the first first the was He service. public an acclaimed poet, playwright, actor, actor, playwright, poet, acclaimed an

The Honourable Honourable The O.C.,O.N.S.

African Canadian to run for for run to Canadian African

Daycare Centre, she has has she Centre, Daycare

Coalition, and numerous projects projects numerous and Coalition,

eoebcmn rnia tArcil col When School. Africville at Principal becoming before Founding the “As 2001. 18,

ertrdi 93 i o odnrpae i as him replaced Gordon son his 1933, in retired he is Borden “Mr. 2014. in Scotia Nova agta uavle amnsPan n Preston and Plains Hammonds Lucasville, at Taught

and was also involved with the Black Black the with involved also was and Order of Canada on October October on Canada of Order

Burnley ‘Rocky” Allan Jones, Jones, Allan ‘Rocky” Burnley LL.D., was appointed to the Order of of Order the to appointed was LL.D.,

United Front, the National Black Black National the Front, United

Ontario and chose a career in in career a chose and Ontario

Walter Marven Borden, C.M., O.N.S., O.N.S., C.M., Borden, Marven Walter

oryFtgrl Jemmott Fitzgerald Mobray

O.N.S., LL.B., LL.D., was was LL.D., LL.B., O.N.S., 1896 - 1985 - 1896 social justice. social Association of Black Social Workers Workers Social Black of Association

appointed a Member of the the of Member a appointed



work education and in the community. community. the in and education work

rnia tteSchool. the at Principal Portia sister, famous more his

Burnley A. ‘Rocky’ Jones, ‘Rocky’ A. Burnley Joyce L. Ross, C.M., was was C.M., Ross, L. Joyce

The Order of Nova Scotia Nova of Order The

African Nova Scotians Nova African White, William moved to to moved William White, federal office. federal She is a founding member of the the of member founding a is She African Nova Scotians Nova African

aia onyicuigNrhPetn amnsPlains, Hammonds Preston, North including County Halifax social in diversity cultural and racial ‘They Desire a Better Country’ Better a Desire ‘They

85-1941 1875

ece/colPrincipal Teacher/School ecvle n hryBok natv hrhand church active An Brook. Cherry and Beechville, omnt oute n one ftepreschool the of founder and volunteer community

r ai iaWlrnHamilton, Waldron Nita Marie Dr. Unlike background.” racial epce dctrwotuh tmn col in schools many at taught who educator respected A Halifax

Bernard addressed issues related to to related issues addressed Bernard Culture and Heritage CelebrationofOurHistory, A between people of different different of people between

Dalhousie University, Ms. Thomas Thomas Ms. University, Dalhousie SCOTIANS NOVA AFRICAN Walter Borden, Walter relations and understanding understanding and relations

Maritime School of Social Work at at Work Social of School Maritime rga tVihHouse. Veith at program better to contribution his and

practitioner. As past director of the the of director past As practitioner.

eiin h xmlfe edrhpadcmimn to commitment and leadership exemplifies who recipient a

dctrCmuiyActivist Educator/Community

rwodAadwsetbihdi i oorb h Cape the by honour his in established was Award Crawford rtnRgoa oiefreadi rsne nulyto annually presented is and force Police Regional Breton

Joyce L. Ross, L. Joyce

90-1993 - 1920


services to the community community the to services


educator, scholar and social-work social-work and scholar educator,

“Ms. Thomas Bernard is a respected respected a is Bernard Thomas “Ms. Carl The Canada. Atlantic in officer police Black First utc,fins n qaiyi hi community. their in equality and fairness justice,

1942 - 2013 2013 - 1942

Officer of the Order of Canada Canada of Order the of Officer O.N.S. on December 18, 1970 “for “for 1970 18, December on to the Order of Nova Scotia in 2014. 2014. in Scotia Nova of Order the to


New Glasgow New


The Times of of Times The

The Times of of Times The O.N.S., PhD, R.S.W., was appointed appointed was R.S.W., PhD, O.N.S.,

al“ap”Crawford “Campy” Carl

East Preston East Wanda Elaine Thomas Bernard, C.M., C.M., Bernard, Thomas Elaine Wanda

William (Bill) A. White III, III, White A. (Bill) William

hte Pier Whitney an appointed was O.C.,

ebro h re fMrto oieFre n21 by 2015 in Forces Police of Merit of Order the of Member

90-2003 - 1940

i xelnyteRgtHnual ai Johnston, David Honourable Right the Excellency His

oe uhradcmuiyvlner pone a Appointed volunteer. community and author Noted

oenrGnrlo aaa nrcgiinof recognition in Canada, of General Governor

usadn evc n leadership. and service outstanding D.H.L. Scotia Nova of Order The

African Nova Scotians Nova African


Wanda Thomas Bernard, Thomas Wanda

ri Smith Craig

C.M., O.N.S. C.M.,

The Order of Nova Scotia Nova of Order The

ebro h 96Cnda lmi oigteam. Boxing Olympic Canadian 1976 the of Member III, White, (Bill) William

African Nova Scotians Nova African

hmin h omnelhWlewih Champion Welterweight Commonwealth the Champion, Scotians Nova African 90 ote18s ewsteCnda Welterweight Canadian the was He 1980s. the to 1960s

‘They Desire a Better Country’ Better a Desire ‘They

egigWlewih aainCapo rmthe from Champion Canadian Welterweight Reigning

n h 1-akdWlewih nteplanet. the on Welterweight #10-ranked the and

Halifax omnt oute n ot mentor. youth and volunteer Community


CPOfficer/Author RCMP

ra ihr Gibson Richard Bryan O.N.S.

isnWoods Gibson

lmi oe/omnt Volunteer Boxer/Community Olympic

ld Gray Clyde

East Preston East

ido Plains Windsor

efre n opsr le n azlegend. Jazz and Blues composer. and Performer eelg oit.Tewr fteSceyldt the to led Society the of work The Society. Genealogy numéro


n ftetrefudn ebr fteAfricville the of members founding three the of One

nprto n etrt eeainof generation a to mentor and Inspiration The Times of of Times The

hre .‘uk’Adams ‘Bucky’ R. Charles


raino h fivleHrtg Trust. Heritage Africville the of creation

rnaSedRoss Steed Brenda

oigChampion Boxing

oaSoinmusicians. Scotian Nova

The Times of of Times The

The Times of of Times The

ebr fteBakEuaosAscain(E)adthe and (BEA) Association Educators Black the of members

NAC)adNv ctaHmnRgt Commission. Rights Human Scotia Nova and (NSAACP) lc utrlScey or ebro h oaScotia Nova the of member Board Society. Cultural Black

97-2012 - 1937

soito o h dacmn fClrdPeople Colored of Advancement the for Association

oato .J Gs Wedderburn “Gus” J. A. Hobartson

nldn otro uaiisfo cdaUniversity. Acadia from Humanities of Doctor a including



ntuetli eoeigGbo od ntdBaptist United Woods Gibson re-opening in Instrumental

ebradps-rsdn fteBakClua Society. Cultural Black the of past-President and Member

ece,PicpladLwe.Oeo h founding the of One Lawyer. and Principal Teacher, ieln omnt ciit ece n us.Founding nurse. and teacher activist, community Life-long


hrh eiin fnmru wrsadhonours and awards numerous of Recipient Church.

r eadn Browning Geraldine Dr.

oueTwo Volume

omnt Activist Community

atPetnGbo Woods Preston/Gibson East

C.M., O.N.S. C.M.,

h onigmmeso h ot rso Recreation Preston North the of members founding the

Teacher, 99–2007 – 1929

dctrCmuiyActivist Educator/Community

soito.Iiitdteoeigo h children’s the of opening the Initiated Association.

The Order of Nova Scotia Nova of Order The

Teacher/Lawyer/Activist oehn Smod)Johnson (Simmonds) Josephine


African Nova Scotians Nova African

‘They Desire a Better Country’ Better a Desire ‘They acr n eia etei Preston. in centre medical and daycare Scotians Nova African



arsesAscain outeswt h fia United African the with Volunteers Association. Barristers

atot oainlSho.Oeof One School. Vocational Dartmouth ,

09 onigmme fteBakLwesAssociation. Lawyers Black the of member Founding 2009.

aldt h ec ftePoica n aiyCutin Court Family and Provincial the of bench the to Called

ot Preston North

lso.TePr sdsgae ituCut Heritage County Pictou a designated is Park The Glasgow.

ece/omnt Activist Teacher/Community

ieCaro h aeRltosCmiteo the of Committee Relations Race the of Vice-Chair

ats soito n h omnt YMCA. Community the and Association Baptist

ieadi eiae otehsoyo lc epein people black of history the to dedicated is and Site

ntuetli h eeomn n osrcino the of construction and development the in Instrumental

fieti eiaePr,stae nVl od New Road, Vale on situated Park, Heritage Africentric

ila Bl)PrsJr. Paris (Bill) William

ug enWhalen Jean Judge

ug/omnt Volunteer Judge/Community

nls ece.FrtArcnCnda oa oston sit to woman Canadian African First teacher. English

omnt doae wr-inn otadauthor, and poet award-winning advocate, Community

ituCounty. Pictou Dartmouth The Times of of Times The Activist Scientist/Community

eelg oit n urn ertr/raue fthe of Secretary/Treasurer current and Society of Genealogy Times The

e Glasgow New

h or fGvrosa ahui University. Dalhousie at Governors of Board the

oit.Atv omnt oute oigykonas known lovingly volunteer community Active Society. 1941-2012


n ftetrefudn ebr fteAfricville the of members founding three the of One

a ymn hlrni e community. her in children many by Nan

id Mantley Linda

aieTynes Maxine

otTahrCmuiyAdvocate Poet/Teacher/Community

rhdxCuc n h omnt fWinyPe for Pier Whitney of community the and Church Orthodox

efesysre h ogeaino t hlpsAfrican Philip’s St. of congregation the served Selflessly 99-2011 - 1949 Dartmouth

ntutr epdi h eeomn fadfe ihthe with flew and of development the in Helped instructor.

aaasfrtBakjtfgtrpltadarfreflying force air and pilot fighter jet Black first Canada’s

Africville rhretGog .Francis A. George Archpriest

omnt Activist Community

eedr ligta,te‘Snowbirds’. the team, flying legendary

ot-he years. forty-three

al Peters Wally

hte Pier Whitney

ece n ireavct o oe’ ihsadsocial and rights women’s for advocate fierce and Teacher

osn owmnadcide evn oetcabuse, domestic leaving children and women to housing

retCmuiyAdvocate Priest/Community

98–1982 – 1908

utc.AieHuig nognzto htprovides that organization an Housing, Alice justice.

97-2013 - 1937

e ihe Pilot/Instructor Fighter Jet


ihliaAieWilliams Alice Wilhelmina snmdi e honour. her in named is

wr,teTmMla ua ihsAadadteCarl the and Award Rights Human Millar Tom the Award,

tdn upr okr xctv ietro h Whitney the of Director Executive worker. support Student

irBy n il lb.Rcpeto ueosawards numerous of Recipient Clubs. Girls and Boys Pier TIMES

nldn h oahnSetsMmra Community Memorial Skeetes Jonathan the including

hcg iiiySho,19 n itnuse Alumnus Distinguished and 1995 School, Divinity Chicago

94–1977 – 1914 Centreville

n iiigPoesra otnUiest colof School University Boston at Professor Visiting a and

rfso mrtsa rneo hooia Seminary Theological Princeton at Emeritus Professor hooy ae lmu fteYa,Uiest of University Year, the of Alumnus Named Theology. ece/Sca Activist Social Teacher/ Two Volume

de fteYa,Aai nvriy ofil,2012. Wolfville, University, Acadia Year, the of

e r ee .Paris J. Peter Dr. Rev

Cmy rwodAward. Crawford “Campy”

hse Borden Chester

ece/omnt Advocate Teacher/Community

lcsi oaSoi 18 1895) – (1783 Scotia Nova in Blacks

hte Pier Whitney

ertr fteArcnUie ats soito for Association Baptist United African the of Secretary

hryyas itra n uhrof author and Historian years. thirty Scotians Nova African


ietro h fivleHrtg rs.Atv community Active Trust. Heritage Africville the of Director

e Glasgow New

oute.Rcpeto ueoshnusadawards and honours numerous of Recipient volunteer.

rsdn fteArcil eelg oit n a and Society Genealogy Africville the of President

nldn h ue’ odnJbleMedal. Jubilee Golden Queen’s the including

ee vne McKerrow Evander Peter

o h motneo education. of importance the for

rieCarvery Irvine

itra/omnt Leader Historian/Community

81–1906 – 1841

aeBeo einlMncplt,hnusrecipients honours Municipality, Regional Breton Cape

hmsMle ua ihsAad salse ythe by established Award, Rights Human Miller Thomas

lce oSde iyCuclfo 95t 92 The 1972. to 1955 from Council City Sydney to Elected Halifax

nutileupetwihh rv oshoswhere schools to drove he which equipment industrial h okfrteavneet rmto and promotion advancement, the for work who

is lc uiia lemni tatcCanada. Atlantic in alderman municipal Black First

fia oaSoint rdaea nIdsra Arts Industrial an as graduate to Scotian Nova African Africville ece.Cetdte‘hpmbl’ u itdwith fitted bus a ‘shop-mobile’, the Created Teacher.

ece tBehil n ot rso.Tefirst The Preston. North and Beechville at Teacher

omnt Activist Community

tuc advocate staunch A .

rtcino ua rights. human of protection

hms(o)Miller (Tom) Thomas

olH Johnston H. Noel re itr of History Brief A


etuh nutilArts. Industrial taught he

lemnCmuiyActivist Alderman/Community

ciitwt h lc ntdFot(U) aae fthe of Manager (BUF). Front United Black the with Activist

hte Pier Whitney

is lc ug ftePoica or fNv Scotia. Nova of Court Provincial the of judge Black First

atcaro h lc eresAvsr Committee. Advisory Learners Black the of chair Past 97–1988 – 1917

atrHnyWilliams, Henry Castor

95-1995 - 1925


nutilAt Teacher Arts Industrial

eve rdtUnion. Credit Seaview

lc rfsinlWmnsGop h is African- first The Group. Women's Professional Black ece n udnecuslr atMdrtro the of Moderator Past counselor. guidance and Teacher

oaSoint ev nteNv ctaAdvisory Scotia Nova the on serve to Scotian Nova

fia ntdBpitAscain ofudro the of Co-founder Association. Baptist United African

fnmru oor n itntosicuigteHarry the including distinctions and honours numerous of

eoeAad netdt h re fCnd n2003. in Canada of Order the to Invested Award. Jerome

ug/omnt Advocate Judge/Community eitrdNre soito fNv cta Recipient Scotia. Nova of Association Nurses Registered

onigPeieto h lc omnt Development Community Black the of President Founding eerto fOrHsoy eiaeadCulture and Heritage History, Our of Celebration A Dartmouth

ltlaAes Yakimchuk, Adessa Clotilda

raiainadtefrtBakpeieto the of president Black first the and Organization

oni nteSau fWomen. of Status the on Council

laJohnston-Tynes Alma

udneCuslrCmuiyLeader Counselor/Community Guidance

rnia o 0yas onilrfrteBakUie Front. United Black the for Councillor years. 30 for principal

hryBrook Cherry

ohro otrmte o3 hlrn ece and Teacher children. 32 to mother foster or Mother

fivleweeh ldysae h itr fhsformer his of history the shares gladly he where Africville omnt ihvstn orgop n schoolchildren. and groups tour visiting with community

.. LL.B. B.A.,

us/omnt Activist Nurse/Community

eoae omnt n hrhactivist. Church and community Decorated aainhsoywe estu i rts apat camp protest his up set he when history Canadian

fivlei 90 emitishspoetcm at camp protest his maintains He 1970. in Africville


di avr ea h ogs oiia rts in protest political longest the began Carvery Eddie

ateEgn Dy)Ashe (Daye) Eugena Hattie

unvle Guysborough Sunnyville,

di Carvery Eddie

97-2007 - 1917

ece/omnt Activist Teacher/Community

orso h lc ntdFot(U)adteBlack the and (BUF) Front United Black the of Boards h is n nyBakt eeetdPeiet United President, elected be to Black only and first The

te okr fAeia oa 04 evdo the on Served 1064. local America, of Workers Steel

onigmme n urn rsdn fteBlack the of President current and member founding A

ntdFotadBakClua oit fNv Scotia. Nova of Society Cultural Black and Front United



aeoksprio ihteCide’ i Society Aid Children’s the with supervisor Casework h ie of Times The

omnt Activist Community

lzbt Cromwell Elizabeth

evdo h or fDrcoso h Black the of Directors of Board the on Served .


oaitHrtg Society. Heritage Loyalist

no edrCmuiyActivist Leader/Community Union

iso Ruck Winston

utrlCentre. Cultural

h rso raHuigFn n h itit1 rafire area 16 District the and Fund Housing Area Preston the

aia colBadmme.Isrmna nestablishing in Instrumental member. Board School Halifax

hte Pier Whitney aia onyCuclo,16-97 ol a Iveteran. II War World 1965-1977. Councillor, County Halifax

oilWre/omnt Activist Worker/Community Social

93-1992 - 1923

Birchtown of

ttosa aeEh n ot Preston. North and Echo Lake at stations

ntdBpitCuce.Tahra h e odSchool. Road New the at Teacher Churches. Baptist United

rodJohnson Arnold

dacmn fClrdPol NAC) evdo the on Served (NSAACP). People Colored of Advancement

ua ihsCmiso,teBakLanr Advisory Learners Black the Commission, Rights Human

omte n h lc dctr soito (BEA). Association Educators Black the and Committee onilrCmuiyActivist Councillor/Community

atra atPetn hryBokadS.Thomas St. and Brook Cherry Preston, East at Pastor

ot Preston North

hre ebro h oaSoi soito o the for Association Scotia Nova the of member Charter

oae h adt ul e coli ot Preston. North in school new a build to land the Donated

95–2008 – 1925

h coli ae nhshnu,Nlo Whynder Nelson honour, his in named is school The

e.Dnl .Skeir D. Donald Rev.

esnWhynder Nelson

lmnaySchool. Elementary atrTahrCmuiyActivist Pastor/Teacher/Community

96–1999 – 1926 ot Preston North

omnt itra n hmino h on-going the of champion and historian Community

rts ormv rvnildm ieta was that site dump provincial a remove to protest

84–1939 – 1864


omnt okradatvs.Picpeognzrof organizer Principle activist. and worker Community

lcdna h omnt fLincolnville. of community the near placed

h fia ntdBpitAscain(AUBA) Association Baptist United African the


akDesmond Jack

aisAxlay one n1919. in founded Auxiliary, Ladies

uilStates Muriel

Avonport/Dartmouth omnt ciitLclHistorian Activist/Local Community

ietradSno ntutr aut fLw Indigenous Law, of Faculty Instructor, Senior and Director Lincolnville

hrhAtvs/oilWorker Activist/Social Church

lcs&M’mqIiitv,Shlc colo Law, of School Schulich Initiative, Mi’kmaq & Blacks

lc oaitHrtg ete edri h movement the in leader A Centre. Heritage Loyalist Black


omnt ciit dctradSt aae fthe of Manager Site and educator activist, Community

opeev n hwaetehsoyo h Black the of history the showcase and preserve to

ihleY Williams Y. Michelle

ahui University. Dalhousie

oait tBirchtown. at Loyalists ayrLwSho aut Member Faculty School Lawyer/Law

eel Cox Beverly

ucsflyse h aia einlPlc oc na in force Police Regional Halifax the sued Successfully

ersne aaaa h 92Oypc nBarcelona. in Olympics 1992 the at Canada Represented

dctrCmuiyActivist Educator/Community


ikCrnJohnson Cyron Kirk Truro


aeo aimadrca profiling. racial and racism of case

olFe:1-855-350-3200 Free: Toll

59Crwli Street, Cornwallis 5539

ot Preston North aia,N,BK1B3 B3K NS, Halifax,

lmi Boxer/Activist Olympic

rso.Sre sCut onilrfo 91utlhis until 1931 from Councillor County as Served Preston. [email protected]

..–QensCouncil Queen’s – Q.C.

..–Mme fteOdro Canada of Order the of Member – C.M.

amradlnetsrigCut onilrfrom Councillor County serving longest and Farmer

la .Evans W. Allan

evdo h oaSoi ua ihsCommission. Rights Human Scotia Nova the on Served

onilradfre euyMyro e Glasgow. New of Deputy-Mayor former and Councillor

et n1960. in death

atPreston East

80–1960 – 1890

one fthe of Founder coltahr one fteArcnUie Baptist United African the of Founder teacher. School

amrCut Councillor Farmer/County


soito AB)Lde Auxiliary. Ladies (AUBA) Association

agrtUpshaw Margaret

okatil/ido Plains Lockhartville/Windsor

edro Paris Henderson u gis Racism Against Run

e Glasgow New

h a fNv ctai 96 ogadetee legal esteemed and Long 1976. in Scotia Nova of Bar the

oiiinCmuiyActivist Politician/Community

ahlro asfo ahui nvriy aldto Called University. Dalhousie from Laws of Bachelor a

is nieosBakrsdn fWinyPe oobtain to Pier Whitney of resident Black indigenous First

aeri vdne yhsapiteta Queen’s as appointment his by evidenced is career

96Mnra lmis nutdit h ituCounty Pictou the into Inducted Olympics. Montreal 1976

lbwihtandsvrlmdlwnigbxr o the for boxers medal-winning several trained which Club one nadfrtePoic fNv Scotia. Nova of Province the for and in Counsel


ent ai rwod Q.C. Crawford, David Kenneth

ntuetli raiigteHlfxAaerBoxing Amateur Halifax the organizing in Instrumental

hrhActivist/Teacher Church eaooyRsace rtrd.Bxn n events and Boxing (retired). Researcher Hematology


rmtr one fteNv ctaMs Choir. Mass Scotia Nova the of Founder promoter.

prsHl fFm n2010. in Fame of Hall Sports


lraBorden Gloria

hte Pier Whitney

eea eateto utc nteaeso icllaw fiscal of areas the in Justice of Department federal

n a iiain pone ug fteTxCutof Court Tax the of Judge Appointed litigation. tax and

eerhrBxn vnsPromoter Events & Researcher/Boxing

aldt h a fNv ctai 96 rcie with Practiced 1986. in Scotia Nova of Bar the to Called

e Glasgow New

oorbeVlreMiller Valerie Honourable

aaao pi ,2007. 2, April on Canada


hte Pier Whitney

eelg.Rsac soit,Grero Research Gorsebrook Associate, Research genealogy.

itra,PrsCnd rtrd.Idpnethistorian Independent (retired). Canada Parks Historian,

pcaiigi fia oaSoinhsoyand history Scotian Nova African in specializing

nttt,SitMr’ University. Mary’s Saint Institute,

ai .States W. David


ido Plains Windsor

ae oAai nvriysSot alo aei 2012. in Fame of Hall Sports University’s Acadia to Named

npco nteRylCnda one oie(RCMP). Police Mounted Canadian Royal the in Inspector is fia oaSoinCmisoe fie n first and Officer Commissioned Scotian Nova African First





e Upshaw Ted

ido Plains Windsor

tlt/omsindOfficer Athlete/Commissioned

w ofudr fteScey id ate n Brenda and Mantley Linda Society, the of co-founders two

eelg oit.Sei eebrdfnl yteother the by fondly remembered is She Society. Genealogy

te os sadiigfrei h raino the of creation the in force driving a as Ross, Steed

n ftetrefudn ebr fteAfricville the of members founding three the of One

fivleGnaoySociety. Genealogy Africville

eoa Dixon-Jones Deborah

1949-1989 Africville

oal oaScotians Nova Notable omnt Activist Community