. --..u^ -etc ICIISMlt* Kates of Advertlstaf. lit > wka. S wm. • mo*. 1 tt • is rviuiiu 4T USL. IS *•!% .5 ♦ ooIbm, *;Sgfi lioo sow ww isw 1 oolnan, 14 00 WW MW KH.H WORT H*. H|E. WM INN

BT THB 9100 Hancock County Publishing Company Vi0 t Cpauojaoioner’t Notice* i.u asspasttsiff*--' ? TerMa •< iBhuriplIaa. MsfOSii""”’ i ** w*u One copy, It paid within three months.R*0C '*«'» n. l! •*. (i..i Sin VtuJl 1 *** ** It ! Vi[ l .iM ;-*> »:»* *» 2** *2* JMS* eoootltote • tquara. It not within three it

1 dissent from the doctrine of Individual Second Re-onion nt Cavalry Bucksport. Correspondence. • very good agricultural region. From Letter from Boeton. —There are one hundred and filly firms £l)f €lls®ortl) JlmmaiL Power over Accidents, alluding to | |wrh*pu Some seventy-live of these veterans Lyndon to N. 8. the distance ia eight I in tiie United States engaged in the manu- OR. * the accident be SCHENCKS , would Kent with in Swt. {From our Boston facture ol silk. ■>Hln.»..u ayrmp. *c »>„, PahHah—I every ThuraAav Morning at Coomb*. Vk«0 to Ruckspert last Wednesday to mile*, the road, having been recently Correspondent.| T.«,c uud *. A to M H. K?l««rorth. Mr., br THE HANCOCK lie made remarks about Trip Aroostook. XI a nil nils* Pill.. sundry Ihiomly. irwit their old coaunaader, Gen. laid out ia the almost trackless woods, Boston. 24. —The next elections In order are.—Ver- SOL’STY PUBLISHING company. and Sparling, Aug. »r On h t'•..»**** corruption among official*, whmtat 3Sd, we mont, These * U«»»*<• aai to getter round Wednesday morning, July. was In some For six One September 1st; California, Septem- ■W'tmincB hays undoubtedly pcrf.rmw M metaphorical cantp- places quite rough. hardly knows what to write about more cures ot »#■'. PKrritNGILL A CO., 10 *tat* Street there were of saibrfaction In took tickets for Houlton on the E. A N. A. ber 3ud; Maine September 14tb. Coa.uuipl. thau ,'uy ,'u,„ It»-i mi. *.7 espn-sstoni *Ad (Mount stories of the miles we saw but few houses farms’ for kooaa to tbe Park Row. S.*w York :»n»l 7‘U Chr«tnm Held and there Is one rcmciiy Amcricau “ Id* oy, really only subject In tbe are puhhr. ip,., > -«• Ph ».|r audience, fie Railroad. The was compoimdcl of U1-ljihiv •»*■« UjnU lot procuring citoupiimenttWMr. [file, e march. were a floe day good for car rid- bat the next mile to view small —Great fires are as in ♦rgcl.ble iug,cl.cut,, ,, •• «m They minds of the reported raging ul •;!.,. nent* t »r ihe in looking body brought American at the ..'".lung which can be AHfc'ilCA* the above as une people pres- lojunous t" tlw 1 u of the best of the a clear tnd cool wind. The can the of iiian i»» 1 4n’h »ri/.el to <-ootract for present Congress, of men with rrank. faces and ing, sky neat log bouses and tidy women ent time. woods Canada. eotialliuiiou. advertising intelligent clearings, If we euter Into conversation tnhec remedies ! at onr lowest rate*. whereat oiic or two Democrats in the roar In this road are commodious, hut not ele- ! advertise) a, cure- for Con firm, erect and children. We should have with oar —There is an si nun ion. carriage. Their proudest hardly Irieod*. it is sore to drift into this artist in prison in Paris probably contain opium which is c of Uie Hail applauded vigorously■ lie gant, the conductors are intelligent and condemned to the •omen It it daiucroua d. ug in all c beast as eapressed by their orator, is that recognized them as foreigner* so much and guillotine for murder, a,id if tak deep perplexing channel of thought, ...>>' by consu nptivc patients, it cctuplainel of Mr. B11 ne for his Inter* men. so much like Tan- lie is all tlie time like a TH73S3AT. A737ST 27,1871. are their own pleasant looking do resemble oar we and working Trojan, great ii j .iv; li m is to they earning living. they people. Though If we take up a there is the tendency Coniv., of the keea we newspaper, becltase pictures will sell well after i liuo'iliil mu ter m tile system, which, ol ", pretatiuu Democratic platform, and that should not have supposed saw no with dark hair and c.,ur Bucksport received them with open persons very only one thing to lie seen, the sad uilist make a curt* imp i-sibl*. % r.r seemed viz., his death, and he wishes to leave some Swrnot. considerably disturbed thereby, arms, ourselves under British guidance had not few were j sciu-ack’s Pulmonic-Syrup n warranted and gave them the best of that eyes, of lighter complexion than drama of the means tor nou0 ,* Beecher Tilton affair, of his family. omilam a particle cf opium. It is lie wanted the Democracy to look behind, the brakeman announced our second comim-e generous site so well. stop- many people ol origin. The , which it Is power tul but intrudes* herb", which acton hospitality dispenses English to decide what the — thu at the of impossible Mr. I.other Whitman, the agricultural I liver, uud blood, and thus NELSON things the past, and not be be- The ladies ping as Horono. From to farms are small limns, correct all m ,, DINGLEY, a bountiful lunch for place Bangor bat the tgrass. grain ami result will be. 1 bid Jr., prepared fur tin* secretions. Mud J inure one reads the Implement manufacturer in Winthrnp. has exped ail the diseas' d Ui deviled by new iwUwu. lie closed eg. the road on the from the are .f L,.l«t... by them ua their Orst and in the even- Matawsmkeag, being potatoes give fair ot a har- more received an order trom body. These the only means b. « lending, promise good mysterious seems the whole case. just England for j his thanks nomi- bank of which onauniptioti ear« be cured, and m Soheu pressing profound for the had for them a the Penobscot, we had a view of vest. The Minister has excellent Inilld. 1.000 stone frames. This is the 4th *'k ing spread lavish banquet. Notw ithstanding the declaration of inno- grind I Pulmonic Syrup, sea weed Tonic, and M nation. Mr. was fluent and the saw or 5th season ttiat he lias made a drake fills are the medicines which FUR REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS. Spofl'ord The soldiers were mills which have made Bangor Inga and farm. Ills bouse is built large only operate gailaut fairly captured large, ceuce forth in thi- wav, h is obvious are put by Beecher, and the fact number of these frames for the ibey the onl\ jr uu. graceful, and he was well received. the lumber mart of the world. English mu- cure t. •• Fifth District, EEGEXE HALE. by tbrir gracious and avowed greatest of logs hewed square, closely fitted and that the Pulmonary ( on-sumption. Ka-ii l. ? klqdoess. sympathies ofaP minded men market. tie 01 Uu* Mr. of right iBValuahlo medicine is accompanied i.v ! Young Ellsworth, moved that their Several towns upon the line of the road fastened. w readiuesa to battles over tlrinly A semicircular indow are lull direction .. fight again J with t he Brooklyn divine, and earnestly —A Prince the he In the Dem- have a look a jEdward’s Island paper savs I»r S.-hem k is at his For Senatoi*, proceedings published for such a prosperous Indicating good In the gable and tnullion windows in the tor professionally principal of- reception. j hope the good of the nation that he hard limes this summer are hack fice, corner Sixth and Arch ocratic The added the "buck driving streets. Philadelphia. paper*. President The formal country" for and wall ve to the house a fine I to ever> Monday 4.id at JOSEPH T. exercises of the Toem and lumbering farming. gl appearance. will he able to that island many who nave been to the IJ-.tiucv House, Horton .,|| HINCKLEY, present to the world the the l«.||o\vM»iA Wet l Kllwtcortk America a. The tanneries at Winn and In- states to iif-id ay a. .jane loth and :pi, LI II.U S A. EMERY. against Young’s pro- Oration were well attended, and were both Kingman The farm Is large and well cleared seek their fortune. Five an.. mil aud iiii the] record of an unblemished life, such a state- July i, uud Au^u-t 5th ami bull test, but it was so voted, lor which we dicate that Maine should factories returning to one listened to with much Interest. It was ■ build crop* of rye. wheat, and |>otatoe* promise emigrating. sfnoIvlITl l ment. so astounding in its revelations as make our bow. of various kinds Id the interior instead ol —The Chinese For Clerk of the Courts, matter of pride that men who coaid a large harvest. Another mile and we | that government has given fight recently made by Mr. Moulton can not COUNTY CONVENTION. crude to withdi aw Its so well hml also so well cultivated the transporting heavy material, which reach the Capital which consists of a Japan ninety days troops III ISON U. SAUNDERS. and should not he ignored. The result Mr. Era-tin Kedtuau of was a from tie Island of Formosa In the mean- Ellsworth, of brings but amalt remuneration, to the church and school house a graces roelry and Rhetoric. combined, will he had at time ts ^Iflu AbbfrtisniuntG. enwugli the hg^t. for some China making extensive prepara- kff ep : made tlie President of the (,’ouveutioii. the seaboard and to Mass. The state is lie- C D Col. Robert's poem was flill of fire. Inn store, half a dozen houses and a cross one tions for war w ith which it is ; For Commissioner. of these actors must be of a Japan, gen- County same been called to order guilty having by Ham- and feeling. Major Hutchinson's oration coming impoverished by this wholesale road. We first proceeded to examine the erally believed will ensue. great wrong, and let the case turn as GILBERT E. SIMPSON. ilton of Ellsworth. The destruction and it iiiouck ronrv Joy difficulty was thoughtful, tender, and exportation of heavy school, which consisted of a Swedish —The philosophical. will the world cau look on and crop prospects throughout the about credentials was avoided in the lumber. truly say, same After these, one of the men called foi theological student from Iowa, who is tem- country are 'till gratifying, but the tone ot “Alas, how are llm lallen” and. TEACHERS’ For l ounty Treasurer. as in the forenoon. Mr. 01 Timber that is mighty the mercantile and INSTITUTE, 74, way Yonng James Williams a colored who had now burned upon the porary teacher, and and girls commercial Ltrade is boy, forty boys in the words of the “O not AT CLUlHtHtTII. a “Herald,” frailly, yet as favorable as could In* wi-hed. I l THF.R LORD. Ellsworth, moved committee of twelve followed the ground in clearing farms, if floated dow n in to regiment the war as ranging age from four years twelve. name and through thy Is man, as well as woman.” great reserve bud prudence continue BeKiuninir MONDAY, Sept. 7th, and continui to nominate candidates. subse- the rivers in would be leu They the Colonel's servant. Jim Is as logs worth dol- The books ami recitations are in the to be exercised iu all five days, under the body THE I.ECTI KE SEASON. branches. chary*; of 1 r to tlie LegMature, 'juently reportisl a list of very lars a cord or dollars a thous- Representative respectable black as Erebus, but as full of wit as lie Is twenty-five home some were lion. Joint II I'rrar h. IJ, l> language, pupils spelling It seems to talk of —The entries for the New England fair ,,r % rr. which wan and early winter-evening gentlemen, accepted. Mr. black. His remarks feel and even more, could it receive words to he ■non rinsed uproarious small others reading In the cate- but held to be held in Providence. K. I., I, Ilurtlett entertainments, the two rival Music The Democratic Conventions. of Ellsworth, moved the reap- borne manufacture. If is not from l*t to \\ J. ( merriment. His of his capital chism snd Bible. Several ami September September 4th. In- Ascisteil by onrut.i.L, N. A. Lit a lt,, description early hymns Hall courses advertised their list of lec- piiutment of the old Committee. to enter the let the forests clude I1J5 outlie. 150 horses, t;>7 lot MIT. Johnson. County lilt- in Montgomery where of a cer- ready forests, tunes with which we were familiar were sheep, people tures, readings and concerts Inst Satur- swine and .'tbl ; also entries Tin: FIFTH DISTRICT CONVENTION. Mr. Knowles made some but wait for It and a rich Interest poultry large *rc»cher« w*. 1 come objections, tain station, “don't wear pay to the sung by the children, some of whom have please provided with j ti,,.r pants,—neithei and the sale of agricultural and misee- an.l Midi day. of tickets implements pencil*, textbooks as are mi .. the fhilitf Uls tlrnip Anal tliun tliu I Vnu.m. owners for the At begins to-day. I lie multitudinous assemblage of tti< w hites nor blacks.—nor nor delay. Vaocsboro. on very sweet voice*. As there was little to laneous article*. use, and prepare for girls boys' The Old State announce Uoq adiaurued. Lhft liflfl* RTF llinss.l •■imtkf.iniialsr al Bay managers for was a ^rrat unterrified. that to occur was exceedingly comical. He was well do at the time on farms, most of the men — the opening night, a lecture by the Kev. Parisian ladies are wearing ear-rings 1Cui'ih>nI NVork. It will be seen (list the KUsworth the best houses on the line of KlNworth last Tuesday, under the exten gcn- acquainted w ith Jeff Davis, hut eating any weie away at work. representing lizard-, modestly II. 11. and the of a monkeys.guinea-pig-, ! tlemen were modest and railroad. At wo Murray, reading mm* call of the District and Com very retiring, disclaimed influence McAdam changed cars, Some of the colonists seem to chandeliers with candles in them, bird- County possessing any with be doing htlf>m wrilfl‘11 for lha< oeeu.l.m K.- If. ...» hut haye got the entire control of the the S.B. AC. Kailroad for cages with bird* within, tortoises. .1,1,1... mittcc•* did not occur *o much as was ex ihey that or in his taking llmil- well, others are Their clear- gentleman, government. very poor. W l-ongfellow. rntltlfft “The Kxaminatiou v District and lor the lon. Hanging of «l»ur«. tongs, officers’ epaulets. Ac. The Krida 1 ti boy, yet enough yield the Crane." Then will follow a miscel- plea.-ing. ATK Ilie -1 io ail p.1111. •.: next four It was The on the fear leftt the Hall would bo crammed t« years. successfully coun'ry line of Uiis road has a AiI f* it*u*lx of 1»> scholar in the Exeter. X. II. Acade- harvests sufficient for and — education an* i,»v bright year’s support laiicous reading hy Mis* Charlotte Cush- The Great Locoiuot ve ciliail.. ^ilV.^uto.n U’lron tkAll.o.. f.\r few Work*, it Pat- tItk managed. attractions for the traveller. "There t<* attend both »n«‘.>tu<>- The personnel of the was tnueh I Is a in the grand 2w*3 U’AUIU N trict convention came, some fifty demo assembly At six o'clock the and pleasure "pathless woods.” but limes their the tives. which w* re order' d sometime JOIIN'uN. regiment citizem Injured crops people have vocal concert H. C. ago >t;it« the same as la a by Harnabee, the emi- >U|»eriutendent « previous year*. road cut miles of fora KiissImii D. K. are rau, b> actual comil could be discern Conspicu- sat flow u in barker's to through forest be- seen some Ihey the tin*-r I Hall tables loaded hard times. nent basso and other distinguished ous was the lorm of the comes talent; ones evei built aud are to be la ruled at tin- d by the naked eye lone*omelv scattered toweriug Young with the best of rations. monotonous. Hero and there are Their Is earned laleir mitsl le Democratic I Bucksport Not money by Henry Armitt Brown the anti sea of Azof. Caucus. great Warwick of the Ilaucock little settlements at which the train eloquent among the empty seats, and EiNwortl Democracy, tlie least delicious stops, of the settlement and In the manufacture Tti** Democrat!* nf the town* accompaniment wen popular speaker; Charles of rln* of vfc. |>e- and who uow reaches out for wider and we out Bradlaugh —A gr ind national wee no «*rt Kden. I icm.on and t Nle*» a ne wa< entitled to One soli king- lue step to see and teropei i.iiibcrry at- !*•■r. twenty-six. prettiest and sweetest of Hebe*. ii place |ieopie. of shared shingles in the woods near orifi. d meet London, whose words still under the <•{' •!.*• \. a ,. i i-> ut H..mr-viiie, on s.tttir I;.. doms. There was The eloquent linger auspice* l. v and he almost scared hi' Ilartl.-It. the alert and bustle and tbrilt of Yankee towus t».e.*. |, :,i-1 -.1 J k I*. M 1.1 delegate, by tlielr lace home. The low of in the Deformed Men *. A" i, iti**n. is r*. nominate la-witching caps. They sadly j present price shingle* memory of all who heard him b'-M ,n :»!«' I-T Ii- n-o subtle ami Peters a -ort of astute are not observable. I ii;.,?ive o lue next | e. ilitarines*. from bu Cateaby; I he take the at Old Orchard t » appeared Waldo, distracted the attention of the |Hsjr soldiei people causes a stringency In the money market, Geo. amp in* ting ground. b« u,r*’ PKR «»i;|.KIi f 1 speak; Major Kilpatrick the eloquent Gloucester with a little dash of the Me. duties of life seem no Srh, and lading fiv* \ug. 2*. i*7i. iw;ta» Ui* count ic* of Knox and Washington ha* front the duties of the hour. quietly. They in so that the Swedes find it to ginning September ; After tin ditticnlt pur- and dashing a cavalryman; concert by days. John ti aud oth- r • unni-nt n**t one t«> phistophetlan; and the hurry, have time for what Collgh break the silence for them diplomatic Dea-y, feast. Gen. made a brief hut they enough chase which are Spurting ring- necessary groceries high Theodore Thomas' renowned orchestra; speakers are to In* present, andu ,ltf culties; and the young Keduiau. iike Louis at least to their satisfaction. Our Till**a certain note of hand. I l.y wheel* moved without them. It was evi introduced the toast-master, Lieut. Small people For salt which Arramieun nU for reduced tares have been Higu transportation. example, orator" of l{cv. O. II. Tiff- We«t of t.l;. I I the Fat ol France, and should their vacations In Philadelphia; uiad- with railroads, and the largest gath- dmit that Hancock w as master of the sit steady undismayed. toasts spend the l*rov- of 1 reinortt. f**r(h« am -t r.l of one hundred The usual were given, and responsei I with us can be bought for forty cents D. of I per any, I)., Washington, and lust mi ering of the kind ever seen hi the country «ev> d•>!I its a». .1 uation. The elder Krdman. the grave and sedate. Inqgs. not only to rest their bodies but to 1 i>ty.tlv« | r,* | \|»t it *7:h |- made bushel is worth h* the x i'll*' by gentlemen present. The soldieri 91. In New Sweden, not least J. (i. Holland, the anil is expected- *d ltd note never received Thomas, a Don calm their poet me. aa>i | \t half ten B. Kedmau o very Quixote In his devo- minds. *hal| not pay it. past John were In high good humor, and receiver] The Swedes have many advantages scholar, whose fresh •iouto his ideas, polished ora- Patent Laws —The law by wh:« h ex- I Mm i»i. tt'mi 1 s worth, the party, the Vulcanite the A Maine man notices the surnarued Rotund, mount Joy. I every with There significant which the settlers ol Aroostook did Menton. Aug. 20th, 1 ■*? f Jw A* speech hearty applause. early tory and delightful delivery, have wi.u lor piring patents may be extended b\ the « Freeman, and a few others on the d th<* platform, with tirrn and calle< Neptunian sign grocery stores, "ti.jsors." and nof t ommis-ioner step, seemed to bo a feeling of warm attach- (losest, houses built and farms cleared him a host of admirers. of Patents will expire on whose faces know no us to the 2d of *o order, that which was most ant ebauge. ment curiosity prompts follow some of lor their M irch in xr. after whi i.. E to the Democratic District Convention. the saloons where are *!! J -1. lift" -o tli. E-«p Nwooh assume chair and bis geseiuc liquors If alarve with auch to be splendid Soldiery qualities, geului they advantages, in who will make his quired to named Institution. This <-..tnu.. r. ,.. to | llr-t appearance in published ninety days prior mI Mr. W i*well Pursuant a call of the Democratic •old at reasonable one from Yin- a meet* the expre-<*-d some reluctance as a commander. These were prices; a where the Yankees the time in which .hum- »ant* f ail who .* it., j alwavi county have scqiiir- America in this course; James T. Field* hearing, appli Filth District who can be practical bueineAA education. Th** bran hut as he had ou some clothes an* I Congressional Committee, a keedorn, thought his thirst re- filed will eon-eq expire on good the men might I cd are not made of the o-ntly »i e muie a -p. eialtj ire B< ok k- | enthusiastically applauded by property, they pioneer pleasing and graceful orator ot Bos- the 2d o! g Convention was turn after he December o| the m nith •. hi* gold, bowed added to hi liohleu at Ellsworth, The crossed the line present year. ip at d om imenc»l. an spectacle* Geu. was affected am again, stuff. and all tlrst the ;c plain evidently by It, Many hardships they ton; reading of a short Hhcl.u A Inn- \Jge:»! ». ... .^i .1 25th j a poem hy Henry it lira! he could not be Aug. bought bottle of pare of the best —The lady opej .tor ai n it and dignity, spared he seemed to have as high an o! brandy settlers must at times hut if W. telegraph spelling. Geometry, and the *i. j opinion experience, Longfellow ; Kev. lleury Ward Beech- are when Arno Wtswell of Ellsworth, wa* brand for Moawequu. III., telegraphed th.p th*- pas- taught de-ired. K.dl t cria c< tune | WAIT. | gentleman, incipient mustachi After the came the suspicion of its the State nor the arc to time. Alter speeches Ball, where County blame. Pepper of London, the performing this duty -lc '• and Isaac of great scientist; and smooth brushed hair, was Invited t< Partridge Orland, were the of purity when obtained Uood 1m.aid'd the cars and -I beauty Bucksport added new lustre liquors Caribou Is a thriving village having a Kev. ltobert the immediately part- chosen Secretaries. Collyer, poputnr pulpit ed with a nice keep the record, ami the convention «a j temporary to lli« may be valuable but morals are to young man who parted In- bravery of her guests. The maslc good good water pond some manufacturing and orator of Wm. of PROTECT YOUR BUILDINGS 1; w as Chicago; Parsons Ire- hair in the middle and \v