Startup Financing in Spain. 2015 (VC, Business Angels, Accelerators, Loans)
ENGLISH EDITION Startup Financing in Spain. 2015 (VC, Business Angels, Accelerators, Loans) SPONSORED BY - - WEBCAPITALRIESGO Copyright © 2015, Webcaprisk Servicios, S.L. Total or partial reproduction of this document is strictly forbidden, as is its manipulation with software or transmission in any form via any medium, be it electronic, through photo- copying or other means without the previous permission of the Copyright holder. Access to Startup Financing in Spain. 2015 report is free at; this may not be made available to the public through any other means, electronic or written, without the written permission of the rights holder. Any infringiment of the above rights will be liable to claims presented before the Madrid Courts (Spain). Startup Financing in Spain. 2015. June 2015. Release 1.0 Webcaprisk Servicios S.L. is the owner of - 2 - WEBCAPITALRIESGO INTRODUCTION The financing of high-growth, high-potential and mostly early stage firms shows a persis- tent positive evolution in Spain. Startup firms have now access to several sources of long- term financing such as subsidized and participative loans granted by public-sector institu- tions (e.g., CDTI, ENISA and other similar institutions), domestic and international ventu- re capital firms (VCFs), and organized Business Angels, accelerators, incubators and simi- lar entities. International funds continued to show a noticeable interest in investing in our country. If in 2013 17 funds (an historical maximum) invested in Spain for the first time, last year there were 14. These are amazing figures when we bear in mind that in the years prior to this the average was around 5.
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