Information •P*^ Volume XLVI No. 10 October 1991

£3 (to non-members)

Don't miss . . . Re-evaluating hero figures Kremlin chimes I at midnight p3

Silver spoon girl Taking the story out of History pl2

Singer of our he year 1992, which will soon be upon us, is a much misery, but it is sentimental to view the Stone song p/4 date charged with multiple significance. In Age civilisations destroyed in the process as havens of TEurope it will see the launch of the Single tranquility. What the critics likewise leave out of Market, with all that entails in economics as well as account is that that the chief indirect result of politics. America will commemorate the quincenten­ Columbus's discovery - the creation of the USA - has Blinkered ary of being discovered and Spain will celebrate its overall redounded to the advantage of mankind. Two God-seekers role as prime agent of that discovery. World Wars this century would have had a different- Both the commemoration and celebration are not to say disastrous - outcome but for American rand, in subjects of controversy. Fragmentary evidence points intervention (and the same holds true of the Cold Ibsen's play to the Vikings having reached America four centuries War). And what about the role of the United States as of the same ahead of the Spaniards; more importantly an increas­ a haven for Europe's 'poor huddled masses yearning B ing number of people view Columbus's discovery and to be free'? name is so God- its aftermath as a cause for shame rather than Fittingly, a Jewess, Emma Lazarus, composed this obsessed that he celebration. According to their way of thinking epigraph for the Statue of Liberty; had a significant disowns his own Columbus was a greedy and brutal racist and the proportion of our people not passed through Ellis mother and wife. Spaniards brought nothing but genocide and enslave­ Island by 1924 our demographic losses during the The Jewish ment to the indigenous Americans. Second World War might indeed have proved ter­ family too has its This criticism of the quincentenary is simul­ minal. At the same time it must be said that in the Brands who are taneously well-founded and blinkered. The Spaniards 1930s many Americans from President Roosevelt not on speaking did indeed wipe out the Caribs and turned the Indios down remained stonily indifferent to Jewish suffering terms with their on the mainland into helots - but they also overthrew in Europe. kin they deem the Aztec kings who practised ritual human sacrifice. This means that FDR, one of the saviours of the insufficiently The impact of the Old on the New World occasioned world from the black night of , lacked observant. Their common humanity. It probably also means that there exclusiveness has is no such thing as a flawless hero. to be tolerated, What we know for certain nowadays is that many a conventionally eulogised historical figure has been no but when it more than a whited sepulchre. The critics of the causes scandal ColuiTibus celebrations justifiably pillory Ferdinand censure must be of Aragon and Isabella of Castile as monsters of greed expressed. It is and bigotry, but the English pantheon of heroes, too, to be hoped that needs drastic revision. Richard the Lionheart per­ the new Chief petrated massacres of Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem. Rabbi who faces Simon de Montfort slaughtered Albigensians. The a dauntingly Black Prince caused several Oradours avant le lettre. difficult task Cromwell inspired an Irish curse - but he also reconciling the readmitted the Jews to England. Post-Cromwell an disparate array of English public personalities - Wilberforce, tendencies in Macaulay, Balfour, Churchill - truly deserve their cachet. Anglo-Jewry Clearly every nation - and such supranational will also be bodies as the Catholic Church - has to re-evaluate its able to address hero figures. The renaming of Leningrad contributes this ptoblem to that process; Chancellor Kohl's attendance at the with some reinterment of Frederick the Great emphatically does effectiveness. D not! AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

1 Anne Frank in London Profile Universal interest in the Anne Frank stoiy has prompted the organisation of a 'travel­ 1939, to take over the department at ling exhibition' by the Anne Frank Centre. To be of Use to Kitchener Camp concerned with onward The exhibition has already been shown in emigration. Upon the outbreak of war New York, Frankfurt, Berlin, Tokyo and Others Arnold, nee Horwitz, joined the Pioneer Marseilles. It will open later this year in the Corps, changing his name to Horwell. (T USSR, Australia, Israel and South America. lost my wits' he quips, 'but all was well.') Belsize Square Synagogue, in conjunction He went to France with the Expeditionary with St Peter's Church, has made arrange­ Force and was evacuated from St. Malo in ments for the exhibition to be shown at 1940. He was commissioned in 1943 and Belsize Square Synagogue from Monday 4th was posted to 102 Control Section BAOR to Thursday 28th of November. The theme soon after D-Day. At Belsen he worked day of the exhibition will be co-operation and night to bring the pitiful survivors back between Christians and Jews and the signifi­ to normality; and he pays tribute to the way cance of Anne Frank's story for today's in which the British Army accomplished world. that tremendous task. He recalls, too, that The exhibition will be open to the public he was able to intervene at that time in from Monday mornings to Friday lunch- favour of Jewish displaced persons for times and on Sundays. Admission will be £2 whom repatriation to their East European for adults, £l students and OAPs and £0.50 countries of origin would have spelt for children. Special rates can be organised disaster. for group or private evening bookings. For In 1946 he returned to civilian life, and in more information about this event contact 1950 he and his wife Susanne went into Henny Lehmann at Belsize Square Syna­ business distributing, exporting and later gogue. Telephone: 071-794 349. D manufacturing medical instruments and laboratory equipment. 'At first, we sold Research project hypodermic syringes by ones and twos', he Arnold Horwell. I'hoto: Newman. recalls. By the time they sold the company The History Department of the Technical 39 years later, it had become a market University of Berlin are researching the role mong the British soldiers who in leader in its field. Although he is no longer a of women in the German resistance April 1945 liberated Belsen concen­ member of the Council of the Laboratory movement. Atration camp was Captain Arnold Trade Association, on which he served for Any former residents of the Diisseldorf- Horwell. He walked through the gates eighteen years, his services to his industry Essen area who feel they can help this overcome by the thought that it was only by and to the community at large have been research are asked to contact Dr Christl the grace of God that he wore the uniform recognised by his admission to the Worship­ Wickert, Solinger Strasse 4, W-IOOO of the liberators, and not the striped garb of ful Company of Scientific Instrument Berlin 21. D the pathetic inmates he had helped set free. Makers as a Liveryman and by the award of Born in Berlin in 1914 Arnold had taken his the Freedom of the City of London. Abitur in 1932, read Economics and Politics Arnold has also served our immediate at the (re-named) Humboldt University and, community well. He is a former member of Let your body two years after graduation, been awarded the AJR executive and conducts the annual the degree of Dr.rer.pol., probably the last Seder of the AJR Club (of which his wife take a holiday ever Jewish student to receive a doctorate in Susie is co-chairman). He also acts as Whilst enjoying good quality hotels and excel­ the Nazi period. Interestingly, his thesis advisor to the Spiro Institute of Jewish lent cuisine, why not ease your aches and [summa cum laude) is still referred to in Culture and History, where his lifelong pains with the famous Fango mud treatments or Thalassotherapy as well as Health, Beauty academic discussion of economic theory interest in Judaica stands him in good and Fitness Courses. and the price mechanism. stead. I ] ABANO, MONTEGROTTO, ISCHIA, In the biographical notes published with Arnold's presidency of the B'nai B'rith IN ITALY the thesis he stated 'Alongside pursuing my Leo Baeck (London) Lodge coincided with D YVERDON IN SWITZERLAND studies, I have worked for various Jewish its 25th Anniversary. Addressing the cele­ n BIARRITZ IN FRANCE organisations as an academic assistant'. In bration banquet at the Guildhall on 4th July Scheduled flights from Heathrow or Gatwick different circumstances he would indeed 1968, Lord Hailsham, then MP for St. and regional airports. Prices with or without treatments. have been assured of a distinguished acad­ Marylebone, acknowledged the country's Private car transfers included. emic career, but now he felt duty-bound to debt to those who had 'managed to build FOR FREE COLOUR BROCHURE CONTACT: place himself at the disposal of the per­ themselves into one of the most solid, one of secuted Jewish community. As an official of the iTiost talented, one of the most respected the prestigious Hilfsverein, he became an and one of the most respectable elements in of Westminster Limited MH^^ expert in emigration matters, and, travelling the British community.' There are few 276 PRESTON ROAD, HARROW HAS OOA all over , urged fellow-Jews to better exainples than Arnold and Susie ^ TEL: 081 -904 2202 ^^^^ leave while there was still time. Horwell. ^^. 24hr answerptione 081-908 1515 He himself left Berlin for England in June D David Maier AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

spectre of intra-ethnic strife, and with it the congregation. As Luckenwalde is now The Kremlin chimes danger of Jews being caught in the crossfire. judenrein they wished to speak to me about toll midnight? This is the rather daunting medium-term Judaism. Unfortunately, this simple plan prospect as the old order dies, and a new began to go awry at the East German f ever a state embodied an 'idea made one undergoes the travail of being born. In border. Although I had been assured that no flesh' it was the (happily now defunct) the long run, though, new structures that visa was necessary for entry to the East, the I Soviet Union. This idea — however subse­ will evolve - through consent rather than guard at the border post announced that as quently 'modified' by Lenin and Stalin - coercion — on former USSR territory hold long as Margaret Thatcher won't let him germinated in the capacious, and convo­ out the promise of a better life to the sorely into Britain without a visa he couldn't see luted, brain of Karl Marx. The cradle- tried ex-subjects of the Kremlin. It may not why he should let me into East Germany. It baptised, and antisemitically inclined, Marx be fanciful to speculate that Jews will be was now too late to get to the nearest tourist had rabbinical forbears and Communism able to contribute to the building of that office to procure a visa. has often been perceived as Jewish-inspired. new society whose outline can only be dimly Detlev saw my disappointment and dis­ There is some foundation of truth to this discerned at present. Perhaps the fact that played great resourcefulness: 'As a vicar I perception. Marxist socialism secularised one of the three heroes who fell on Mos­ hesitate to suggest it to a rabbi, but we could the Messianic longing that has been part cow's Garden Ring Road was Jewish — like cross at Checkpoint Charlie, get a day pass and parcel of Judaism for two millenia. It is such earlier KGB victims Babel, Mandel- and drive into East Germany. It is illegal, likewise true that Jews like Trotzky, Sverd­ shtam and (indirectly) Pasternak - will but we could take a chance'. We did. lov and Zinoviev were disproportionately prompt tomorrow's Russians to view their As we arrived, nearly two hours late, represented among the key actors during Jewish neighbours through eyes healed of Pfarrer Riemer's congregation were already the Ten Days that Shook the World. The the astigmatism of prejudice. D R.G. assembled. Never having seen a Jew before, hitherto discriminated against Jewish popu­ never mind a rabbi, they were shy, but lation also benefited froin the equal oppor­ friendly and interested. Questions caine tunity policies introduced by the In a grey area thick and fast. Russian Revolution. By 9.30pm I was hungry, tired and It is nonetheless a gross exaggeration to n the suminer of 1988 I saw a notice in beginning to worry. Our day pass only say that, all things considered, Jews were AJR Information: 'To commemorate the lasted until midnight. I had visions of being net beneficiaries of the Soviet system. Under I fiftieth anniversary of Kristallnacht, I late and earning a long stay in a Gulag the post-1917 dispensation they had to would like to compile a list of all the Jews labour camp. 'Don't worry,' said Detlev, endure the proscription of religion and of who lived in Luckenwalde at that time. 'we can make it in an hour.' Hebrew - as well as, subsequently, of Please contact Pfarrer Detlev Riemer . . .'. We visited the former home of my Yiddish-culture. Though lacking a national My paternal grandparents had lived in grandparents, now part of a new pedestrian territory within the USSR they had 'nation­ Luckenwald, so I replied. zone, and left Luckenwalde at 10.30pin. ality: Jewish' stainped in their passports. Within a very short time Pfarrer Riemer The motorway was jammed solid all the Babi Yar and other exemplars of Jewish found a record of the names, dates of birth way to Berlin! At five to twelve we decided martyrdom during the Shoah were drained and addresses of my grandparents. How­ to make a run for the nearest checkpoint, of their Jewish associations by Kremlin ever, as he could not discover when, or to even though my permit stipulated that I newspeak. Periodically - at the time of where, they had been deported, he referred leave East Berlin by the same crossing by Stalin's Doctors' Plot, Khruschchev's purge iTie to Yad Vashein. We kept in touch which I entered. of economic criminals and Brezhnev's anti- though, expressing a mutual wish to meet At Hcinrich Heine Strasse crossing on the Zionist campaign — the ballooning genie of one day. stroke of midnight the border guard anitisemitism was let out of the bottle. The opportunity arose in 1990 when I informed us, helpfully, that this was not Recently Gorbachev's reforms brought was invited to speak at a conference in Checkpoint Charlie. Pfarrer Rieiner remon­ Soviet Jewry both greater freedom to or­ Berlin. Since the borders were now open I strated with him, but all our arguments ganise (and above all, emigrate) and greater contacted Detlev and we arranged a visit to seemed of no avail. Finally, the border peril at the hands of antisemites. Luckenwalde. The plan was to meet at my policeman said: 'I have no authority to let Now, in the post-coup phase of Soviet hotel at 3.30pm and drive the 30 miles to you through', and turned his back on us. history the expected demise of Gorbachev, iny grandparents' home town by 5.00pm. The wooden barrier was open. We took the and the incipient dissolution of the Union We would visit their old house, take tea hint and drove through. •nto its constituent parts, brings closer the with Detlev's family and then meet his D Harry M. jacobi


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their numbers. This subject was also man about to be hanged for the murder of Patchwork guilt dropped almost as soon as it had been an American war crimes investigator. The raised. The War and the Holocaust over­ prisoner, Becker, is known to Gunther as a A SENSE OF BELONGING. Broadcast 30 June. 7 July. 14 July. 21 July, Channel 4 shadowed everything and left everyone with special-squad killer, but the Russian knows sorrow and guilt. that Becker is not the murderer of the One facet emerged clearly: at the turn of American captain and he is beholden to the uring 'a month of Sundays' tele­ the century British Jews had felt it vital to be Nazi for saving the life of his (the colonel's) vision put the state of Anglo-Jewry British. Yiddish was suppressed, Judaism son. Dunder the microscope under such became a mirror image of the host country's Gunther is none too diligent in his efforts headings as . . . Jetvish Daughters, Jetvish mores. Three of the four programmes to free Becker who, he thinks, deserves his Sons: F.xile and Exodus. From the first the averred that those attitudes are now regret­ fate, but instead he discovers a Nazi con­ project aroused controversy, though I feel ted, and discarded in favour of the search spiracy, murder by the Russians and cor­ that the early critics were wrong to jump the for identity. Nearly all speakers understood ruption among the Americans. gun. That is not to say that A Sense of this to mean (increasingly religious) Jewish I would recommend this book even to Belonging was flawless. identity - but no reference was made to the readers who deprecate the thriller element, It used the modish and now seemingly fact that similar forces are at work in most or the overly detailed political background, obligatory method of leaping wildly all over communities throughout the world. for the sake of the marvellous evocation of the place, constantly picking up subjects D John Rossall those hungry years poised between misery and dropping them again, persistently inter­ and re-awakening hope in two of the great rupting the flow of spoken thoughts and cities of Europe. reverting to them when the sense had D j.R. evaporated. It is a method often used when Post-war private eye 'ethnicity' is dealt with, and particularly when it concerns Jews. Of course, overall - Philip Kerr: A GERMAN REQUIEM. Viking. 1991.113.99 for the patient and fair-minded viewer - this Nuremberg cameos patchwork revealed itself as a whole at the end, but rather as if one were watching an 4 I left the Imperial Crypt with as much Hilary Gaskin. EYEWITNESSES AT Impressionist trying his hand at ultra­ I spring in my step as Lazarus'. . . that is NUREMBERG. Arms and Armour Press. London. 1990-£14.951 modern painting. This approach has its I the kind of wisecrack uttered by virtues and its place, but one wishes TV private detective Bernie Gunther on escap­ producers would remember that there are ing death at the hands of a Russian secret his book shows the Nuremberg War others. service agent. But whoever thinks that this is Crime Trial from the point of view of Some viewers felt that the social mix of a Chandler or Hammett pastiche is mis­ Tthe 'foot soldiers', secretaries, inter­ British Jewry had not been accurately repre­ taken, for Gunther is an ex-SS man engaged preters, assistant lawyers and others who sented, with too much emphasis on the in hunting down the murderers of Nazi- were interviewed more than forty years middle classes. This derived from the intro­ hunters, and flushing out a nest of hidden after the event. ductory programme: the sons and German war criminals in two years The most interesting part is the interview­ daughters came across as overly material­ after the end of World War Two. Hard to ees' recollection of the 21 defendants. istic, too eager for their offspring to become believe? Nevertheless, this is the theme of Almost all recall Goering dominating the 'solicitors, accountants and millionaires' the book. proceedings, though a photographer says (the last uttered half jokingly). Subsequently Those familiar with Philip Kerr's pre­ they had a good laugh when it was we saw people work with their hands, and vious fiction may remember Bernie as a announced that 'he had done himself in'. memories of hardships were touched upon. police officer in pre-Hitler Berlin. He abom­ Albert Speer had the misfortune to have his It was all too fleeting though, and left the inated the Nazis, and became a private picture taken with Himmler in a concen­ feeling that only in Israel did the Jewish inquiry agent when they seized power. As tration camp, discussing how half-starved worker give — and get - his due. Anglo- such he helped to find 'disappeared' prisoners could be put to use as slave labour Jewish history was dealt with in a necessar­ persons, also - without being especially for war production. This led to Speer, under ily sketchy manner. The York massacre, the philosemitic - he saved a Jewish girl, and interrogation, admitting knowledge of what expulsion, Oliver Cromwell's re-admission, foiled a plot by Streicher to instigate a took place at the camps, and to his ultimate mass immigration from Eastern Europe. At pogrom. All Kerr's books are remarkably conviction (a fact omitted from his lengthy each juncture the native Jews looked true to their locale, with Berlin as the usual self-exculpating autobiography). anxiously over their shoulders at the often stamping ground, though here it is Vienna. The American lawyer, Brady Bryson, hostile Gentiles, and did their best to help The hero had an awful war: as a former who helped prepare the case against ex- the newcomers to go somewhere else. This police officer he was conscripted into the SS Reichsbank President Schacht, amazingly also applied to our own arrival as we fled and ordered to Minsk with a mass murder fails to get Schacht's history right. He the fury of the worst persecution from a squad commanded by his ex-superiors. Sent alleges that Schacht was a meinber of the milieu of maximum assimilation. Foriner to the front at his own request he was Nazi Party 'from the beginning', whereas in German/Austrian refugees felt that Anglo- captured by the Russians. Upon repatria­ 1923 when he stabilised the German cur­ Jewish hosts welcomed them, and yet feared tion a KGB colonel asks him to save an SS rency after run-away inflation Schacht AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

belonged to the Democratic Party (which ordoba's synagogue was built in made use of this fact in the subsequent Shades of Andalucia's 1315 at the western edge of the Reichstag elections). past Ctown, not far from the famous The majority of the interviewees appre­ Mosque which contains within it a large ciate the importance of the trial for future altar for Christian worship. The Synagogue, generations. While none felt that the Nur­ situated in the Calle Judios, has all four emberg decision would end war in the walls standing, showing a recess for a holy world the fact that there tvas this trial, that ark in one wall and a ladies' gallery, principles were enunciated and punishment currently under repair. On the walls are meted out to aggressors, cannot help but large areas of stucco tracery, alternating have an ultimately salutary effect on inter­ floral and geometrical decorations with national law. Hebrew inscriptions. After the expulsion of n F. Hellendall the Jews from Spain it underwent changes, but was declared a National Monument in 1885. The Synagogue is open at normal tourist times and can be viewed for a Sins of the fathers nominal entrance fee. About 100 yards South in Tiberiades Gerald Posner HITLER'S CHILDREN. Square, is a life-size metal monument of Heinemann 1991, £16.95 Maimonides, who lived in Cordoba, erected in 1964. dolf Hitler died without offspring. In the Hotel Maimonides adjoining the Yet he so bestrode, and besmirched, Mosque is a large vitrine containing several Athe world that he is credited with silver Jewish appurtenances. A short walk innumerable children . . . not of his loins from the hotel takes one to the equally but of his provenance. incongruously named Cafe Jehuda Halevi. Oddly there are two books entitled So far as is known these are the only Hitler's ChUdren. Jillian Becker's, published physical reminders of the once so important in 1978, dealt with the Baader-Meinhof The Maitnonides monument in judios Street. Jewish community in Andalucia. group who so abhorred the sins of their D Rudi Leavor fathers that they tried to wreak revenge on them by terrorism, and threw away their own lives in the process. The other book of the same title is just HILARY'S AGENCY Dr H. Alan Shields, M.B., Ch.B., B.D.S., Specialists in Long and Short-Term Live-in out. This time the children are those of L.D.S., R.C.S. (Eng) Care RESPITE AND EMERGENCY CARE Hitler's close collaborators and enthusiastic DENTAL SURGEON CARE FOR THE ELDERLY henchmen. Not surprisingly, many of them 46 Brampton Grove, Hendon NW4 4AQ HOUSEKEEPERS were unwilling to talk to the author; others All types of dental treatment given RECUPERATION CARE including cosmetic dentistry, dentures, MATERNITY NURSES refused to have their identities revealed, NANNIES AND MOTHER'S HELPS emergencies and home visits for EMERGENCY MOTHERS which would have diminished the book's the disabled. Caring and Experienced Staff Available authenticity. Eleven consented, including Deutsch wird auch gesprochen. We will be happy to discuss your Goering's daughter Edda. Among the Phone: 081-203 0405 or 0831-511251 requirements refusers were the daughters of Henrich for appointment. PLEASE PHONE Himmler and Martin Bormann. 081-559-1110 Edda defended her father and denied that the blood of the Jews was on his hands. She CZECHOSLOVAKIA, PRAGUE is mistaken. The historical consensus is that GOLDMAN in his glory days fat Hermann was overlord Holidays, W/end breaks. Central Curtains made to measure. of all beastliness; he gave the SS, SD and accommodation. £30 double, £20 single. Select material in your own home. Rail, blinds supplied and fitted. Gestapo the green light for the Final Telephone George Czaban: Telephone: 081-205 9232 Solution. (0626)770211 Rolf Mengele, son of the Auschwitz doctor, went to see his father in the latter's J^razilian hiding place. He was horrified to EAST BERLIN - EAST GERMANY encounter an unrepentant progenitor ready PRIVATE HOME OWNERS - SOLICITORS - TRUSTEES to regurgitate racist drivel in defence of We assist you with your claims for the restitution of your property. Free Inspection of land register unspeakable crimes. and valuation. In addition we are interested in the purchase of your property and/or your claim to It is encouraging for one's hopes for the property. ruture that many of the Nazi offspring Please contact; interviewed by Gerald Posner did condemn ^ Nagel & Partners ^ the past and were eager to teach their own Kurfurstendamm 182 1000 Berlin 15 children decent values. Tel. 010-4930-881 5605 Fax. 010-4930-881 3916 n John Rossall AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991


inema-goers may recall the film The <^. T^^te^J^^ Nasty Girl whose central character Centered an essay competition about SELLING HITLER nationality. Don't let those down who died the history of her hometown under the for the noble Torah of civilised Jews! Nazis and caused a local outcry. This (real Sir -1 am aware that the so-called historian St Swithun Street Gertrud Walton (Mrs) life) story had a parallel in the Franconian David Irving is selling Hitler as the great Winchester town of Karlstadt. champion of the West against communism. Andrea Gehring painstakingly researched However, one aspect of Hitler's conduct of Sir - I am most astonished - and somewhat the fate of the 19 Jewish fainilies, totalling the war has been ignored and it has puzzled upset - by you publishing Mr Schmerling's 48 men, women and children, who lived in me for a very long time why this has not defence of Mussolini. 1 object to an organi­ Karlstadt — population 3350 — at the been mentioned. sation such as yours publishing a letter of beginning of 1933. In November/December 1944 the this nature. It is simply not true that 'no Her treatise Die Karlstadter Juden unter advance of the Western allies had come to a Jews were deported from Italy until Ger­ dem Hakenkreuz documented in dramatic virtual halt, partly due to the winter many occupied the North of Italy in 1943'. detail many of the individual tragedies weather. At the same time the Russian Defence of a mass-murderer (in Abys­ which befell the Karlstadt Jews. At least 7 offensive was in full swing, causing heavy sinia), and describing him as a decent man out of the original 48 were murdered in losses to the German army and forcing it to just because he persecuted the Jews at a later concentration camps, whilst 4 others died retreat. It was at this time that at least 6 of date than Hitler did is most objectionable. locally before 1939. Most of the remaining the best German divisions were withdrawn I know a number of people in Italy who 37 are said to have emigrated, mostly to the from the Eastern front by the direct order of had a terrible time before 1943. U.S.A., and a few to Brazil or South Africa. Hitler, so that offensive operations could be Red Lane G. V. Wolf Karlstadt was declared judenfrei on March carried out against the Western allies with a Disley. Cheshire 21, 1941, in common with 127 towns and vague hope of pushing them out of Europe. villages of Lower Franconia which had We eschew all forms of censorship - other than on The result: the advance of the Russian army Jewish communities. grounds of length. Ed. was facilitated, while the Western allies had In recognition of her work Andrea to regroup and replenish before the final Gehring was invited to Israel, where she push into Germany. TREASON OF THE CLERKS was received by the President. Tragically This action by Hitler lost the Western Sir - I should like to add to the list of she lost her life in a motoring accident at the allies a very valuable trump card as they distinguished left-wing personalities vilified age of 21. could have pushed much deeper into Ger­ by you the name of the wonderful socialist D H. P. Sinclair many and prevented the Russians from historian, A. J. P. Taylor. I would not read a posing as the only liberators of Eastern paper expressing such biased right-wing Europe. Hitler's action during the last views as yours, if, as a German Jewish stages of the war helped the communists to Israel's refugee, I did not feel solidarity with the establish their hegemony over Eastern meinbers of the Association. Very finest Wines Europe and enabled them to hold sway until I suggest that in future you confine recently to the great cost for the whole free yourself giving information to Jewish refu­ world. SHIPPED BY gees as the name of your paper implies. Hitler was therefore a traitor to the West, Although I am aware that many Jewish and not its staunch defender against com­ individuals are adherents to the 'money munism, as Irving and others of his ilk culture', Jewish concepts and traditions are falsely claim. HOUSE OF on the side of justice and compassion. One Church Drive G. Gordon. B.Sc. might say that the children of Israel created London NW9 HALLGARTEN the first welfare state. The Levites who acted as doctors and teachers and were paid out of what is now income tax. Their services were YARDEN and GAMLA available equally to all members of the A BENEDICTION OF BENITO community, as was what I have to call the AVAILABLE NOW Sir - G. Schmerling castigates AJR Infor­ late NHS. mation for lack of political neutrality and Abercorn Road Maire Sackin Please write or phone for not being exclusively pro-Jewish. The jour­ London NW7 full information nal carries the torch of European culture: Re my 'vilification' of A. J. P. Taylor: knowing that the memory of a civilisation massacred by I have Alan Bullock on my side eases my bigots and racists. As a non-Jew, I battle conscience. As to confining myself to information DALLOW ROAD with Christians who define Judaism as the of interest to Jewish refugees: the distinguished LUTON BEDS anal phase of human evolution. Shtetl leftwinger Noam Chomsky, whom I also 'vilified', LU11UR mentality and ghetto pettiness make one see demanded freedom of speech for Professor the good sides of Christianity: universal Faurisson to deny the existence of Nazi gas 0582 22538 goodness, regardless of race, faith, or chambers. Ed. "^'^:m^2yKfif"^^g g AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

Jews supplied two of the six founder Honorary doctorate Literal Black Hundreds inembers of the National Association for for Ernest Foulkes the Advancement of Coloured People as he United States is unique in the long ago as 1909. They were dispropor­ Extracts from the citation by the Public Orator pluralistic West in never having had tionately involved in the Urban League, and at the Honours Degree Ceremony of Newcastle Tmore than two political parties, the such radical groupings as CORE and the University on 10 May 1991: { Republicans and the Democrats. Even New Left. between these two adversaries basic dis­ When, in the course of the 1960s civil r Chancellor - Amongst those who agreements have only (to paraphrase rights agitation, Mississippi rednecks shot fled to Britain from the horrors of Dorothy Parker) run the gamut from A to B. three members of the Students Non-Violent Nazi Germany in the 1930s, few This provides ammunition for homegrown Co-ordinating Committee dead, two of the M critics of the American system who com­ victims bore the names Schwinner and have done more for their adopted country than Dr Ernest Foulkes. plain of being stifled by consensus politics. Goodman. Arriving in Britain in 1936, via Spain, he Such dissenters — mainly campus intellec­ Jewish martyrs for the Black cause were quickly established his own machine tool tuals and ethnic spokesmen - undermine not only to be found in the U.S.A. In South business — Measuring and Scientific Equip­ their own case, however, by overlooking the Africa, Ruth First paid with her life for pro- ment, known universally as MSE - which, fact that academe has its own orthodoxy ANC activity, and her husband Joe Slovo after the war, became involved in the and uses fair means or foul to uphold what headed the military wing of the ANC. development and production of laboratory it deems PC (politically correct). Right now When Nelson Mandela and Walter Sisulu apparatus, especially centrifuges. MSE cen­ it is PC to view the evolution of America as stood trial in 1963, their co-defendants trifuges became the world leader in the field. governed by racism, exploitation and male were D. Goldberg, L. Bernstein, J. Kantor, There are few medical scientists working in chauvinism. For campus radicals diagnosis H. Wolpe and A. Goldreich. From Torch Britain today who have not used an MSE is not enough; this state of affairs has to be Commando leader Kane-Berman via Pro­ centrifuge. The company exported widely remedied by inculcating a new conscious­ gressive MP Helen Suzman to the novelist and was one of the first, in 1966, to receive ness in the rising generations. School and Nadine Gordimer, Jews have been in the the Queen's Award for Export university syllabuses need to be restructured forefront of opposition to the apartheid Achievement. via such innovations as Hispanic Studies, regime since its inception. France shows a similar picture, with Leon During his business career Ernest Foulkes Womens' Studies, Afrocentric education, Blum the first Premier to appoint a Black to became aware of the need, in medical and so forth. a colonial governorship (in the 1930s), and research, to fuse medicine with biology. Afrocentric education locates the cradle Andre Schwarzbart prominent among After his retirement, he therefore endowed of civilisation in Africa. It claims that the writers pleading the Black cause. the charitable foundation which bears his Ancient Egyptians were black - and that name to remedy this deficiency. Over the Napoleon's soldiers hacked off the Sphinx's Could it be the fact that Jews have exerted past 15 years, more than a hundred young broad (i.e. Negroid) nose to destroy evi­ themselves unduly on their behalf that basic scientists in Britain and Israel have dence of that fact. It also claims that Greek inakes a number of Blacks espouse anti- been provided with the opportunity to civilisation was stolen from the Black Egyp­ semitism? Psychology revealed the structure undertake medical training. tians, that Beethoven had Negro forbears, of the human mind to be convoluted, not to say twisted. British medicine and medical science has and that the Whites monopolised the slave cause to be extraordinarily grateful for the i trade. The awareness of a debt of gratitude can contributions made by Ernest Foulkes. ] Now this farrago has received further be as much of a burden as any other form of These have been recognised by his appoint- \ elaboration. According to black New York debt. ment as a Commander of the Order of the academic Leonard Jeffries the slave trade Perhaps Farrakhan, Jeffries et al have, by British Empire, and by his election to the was financed by Jews, and the Jews con­ some strange trick of logic, convinced Honorary Fellowship of the Royal College trolling Hollywood fixed the stereotype of themselves that Jewish defence of their of Physicians of London. As a further mark Black inferiority in the American con­ cause was just a more subtle form of of the respect and esteem in which Dr sciousness. colonisation, of white liberal condescen­ Foulkes is held by the academic community, Even before Dr Jeffries thus updated the sion? It is hard to know. I now ask you to confer on him the Degree Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Negro D RG. of Doctor of Medicine honoris causa. D ghettos of the U.S. resonated with echoes of Julius Streicher. In Harlem folklore Jews figured alternatively as landlords charging THURLOW LODGE extortionate rents, or as doctors injecting and Simon P. Rhodes M.Ch.S. black babies with the HIV virus which HAMPSTEAD HOUSE causes AIDS. Then there was Louis Farra­ (Residential Homes) STATE REGISTERED CHIROPODIST for the elderly and retired, situated in an khan who exclaimed 'You can't say Never exclusive part of Hampstead. Both homes Surgery hours; Again to God, because when he puts you in provide luxurious accommodation with 8.30 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Friday the ovens it's for ever!', not to mention 24-hour nursing care in a homely 8.30 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday Jessie Jackson's appellation of New York as atmosphere. Strictly kosher cuisine. Long and short stays welcome. Many bedrooms Visiting chiropody service available 'Hymietown'. have en-suite facilities. Moderate fees. 67 Kilburn High Road, NW6 (opp. M&S) What motivates this demagogy? It cannot For further information and brochure: be ignorance of the fact that the Jews have Tel. 071 794 7305/071 435 5326. Telephone 071-624 1576 11/12 Thuriow Road, Hampstead, done more for Black emancipation than any London NW3 other segment of American 'white' society. AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

PAUL BALINT AJR DAY CENTRE 15 Cleve Road, London NW6 3RL ^•Sjy ^^^ Tel . 071 328 0208 Helping others help themselves Morning Activities - Bridge, kalookie. scrabble, chess, etc., keep fit, discussion group, choir [Mondays), art class [Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Afternoon entertainment - OCTOBER Tuesday 1 CLOSED Wednesday 2 Recital by Students from Trinity College of Music Thursday 3 From Russia with Love - Alia Sharova (Violin) accompanied by Lynn Hendry (Piano) Monday 7 Let me Sing and I'm Happy - Jack Harris accompanied by Happy Branston Tuesday 8 Love Duets - Francoise Geller and Gordon Griffin accompanied by Aggie Alexander. Ruth yinestone Rosa Butwick Wednesday 9 Health &: Beauty Care JR social workers are working to full that the lady had only asked for help with for the More Mature Woman - Talk & capacity, not only visiting members one dentist's bill. Demonstration by Valerie Awho live in London, but as far afield Some of those visited are eligible for Monese (Beauty as Dover, Brighton, Manchester, Northum­ admission into an old age home, but do not Therapist) berland and beyond. wish to give up their independence. Our Thursday 10 Musical Memories from Ruth Finestone, one of the AJR's travell­ social workers expend a great deal of time the Past - Ariane ing social workers, has a wealth of experi­ and effort in helping them to achieve this Prussner (Mezzo) accompanied by ence in dealing with those who are suffering goal. Members who are not claiming their Elizabeth Upchurch from depression, isolation, poverty and full benefit entitlement, or are forced to go (Piano) loneliness. She has great admiration for her to law, for any reason, are put in contact Monday 14 Real Silver Flute Quartet clients who, even in the depth of despair, with Aggie Alexander, our fully qualified - Presented by Caroline retain their dignity. Ruth recalls one lady welfare rights advisor. Aggie's tenacity on Ardren who, after her assessment, was offered help behalf of her clients has earned her the Tuesday l.S Metropolitan Police Band with some of her outstanding bills. respect of many government officials. Wednesday 16 Ronnie Goldberg Checking-up some months later Ruth found Our social work team is kept up to date Entertains with Songs & Guitar with changes in legislation concerning welfare rights and care techniques through a Thursday 17 A Singer &: A Song - Tuesday 29 Solo Piano Recital - constantly updated series of training courses Geoffrey Strum (Tenor) Debbie O'Brien accompanied by Johnny administered by recognised organisations. Two Comedies by Walton (Piano) Wednesday 30 Chekhov &c The Brothers The members of our social work department Monday 21 Musical Entertainment by Quintero performed by remain committed to working hard to Gonzalo Barros (Piano) Gay Berenzweig, Helen achieve the best possible service for our Tuesday 22 Eddy Simmons Sings &c 8c Chris Wilson & Barry meinbers. As Ruth Finestone put it: We Entertains with Piano Serjent Accompaniment could spend 24 hours a day, seven days a Thursday 31 Music by Debussy tk week visiting people. We do what we can. D Wednesday 23 Dreams - what have they Schumann - Maja Elliott to do with life and living (Piano) - Talk by Louis Grossley Thursday 24 Musical Gems from the Past - Bernard Wilcox NOVEMBER 44th (Tenor) &c Valerie Monday 4 London Ladies Choir ANNUAL CHARITY CONCERT Monese (Soprano) Tuesday 5 Paris Cafe - Parisian This November I Oth accompanied by Leslie Songs by Nina Fogelberg our guest artists will be: Barnes (Piano) (Soprano) with own Monday 28 Love &C Dreams - Piano accompaniment The Talich Quartet Musical Entertainment - Wednesday 6 The Art of Breadmaking Have you ordered your tickets? Sylvia Hartman mit Feeling - Talk & (Soprano) accompanied Demonstration by Vivian Avoid queues in the interval by buying your coffee by Hermione Goldsmith Goswell of Goswell vouctiers before ttie concert from the desl< in the (Piano) Bakeries foyer. Our programme sellers will direct you. li EgHHS


Shared anniversary Return to the easel

Ruth Gee. I'hoto: Newman.

uth Gee is one of the earliest members The Rosenzweigs. Photo: Newman. of the Paul Balint AJR Day Centre art Rclass. She is also one of its most successful pupils. Mrs Gee is a busy bee of a S the AJR was being founded in After a year in Vienna the couple came to woman, full of life and energy. As a youth London, in 1941, a young couple Britain. Soon after Frank and Use started she showed some promise as an artist, but A were getting inarried in Riga. Use their own business. Frank was a button her career was cut short by the events of the and Frank Rosenzweig (from Berlin and dyer. Use made fabric-covered buttons. period. In the intervening 60 years she Vienna respectively) were also refugees. The Rosenzweigs continued in this trade established her own business, supplying Like their counterparts in Britain they were until their retirement. In the decade prior to many of London's most famous stores with interned. However, not for them a few finishing work they started making volun­ craftwork and becoming a founder member months in a dingy cotton mill in the North tary visits to hospital patients. For the last of the British Toymakers' Guild. of England or a camp on the cosy Isle of 15 years they have been members of the After her retirement Ruth Gee returned to Man. They were sent to Siberia. And there AJR. They now act as volunteers at the Paul the easel. Rediscovering her talent has given they stayed, until 1947, doing hard labour. Balint AJR Day Centre. her great joy and, judging by the success of In 1946 their son was born. When they The AJR is proud to share its golden her several exhibitions, has given pleasure Were finally released the couple travelled to anniversary with this popular, cheerful to many others as well. Vienna by train. The trip took three couple who have faced such great adversity Ruth is a woman of great talent and few months. On route Use wet-nursed the baby in their lives, and yet still have energy and vices. As we strolled around the Buttery at of a travelling companion too ill to manage spirit enough to share with others. Burgh House, Hainpstead, where a selec­ the feeding of her own child. D M.N. tion of her paintings are on view she told me: T don't smoke, I don't drink, I only speak to strange men'. There are a number of other new talents Thank-you notes Dear Chairman - Thank you very much for coming to light through the art classes, and the nice certificate which I will treasure and the quality of some of the work being E)ear Chairman - Thank you for sending me am proud to own. produced is extremely high. If you are the certificate on the occasion of my fifty I wish I lived nearer so that I could interested in trying your hand at painting years membership. contribute more, but I shall always keep in contact the Paul Balint AJR Day Centre for I was introduced to the AJR by Professor contact. details (Telephone: 071-328 0208). E- Mittwoch and clearly remember taking With every good wish. D M.N. part in many meetings with the manage­ Brixton Hill Kate Conrad ment committee. Mr Schoyer, Professor London SWl I Mittwoch, Doctor Breslauer and Adler Dear Chairman - I wish to thank you and •^udel were always present. Doctor Kurt your committee very much for the beautiful Alexander was in the chair and Doctor Dear Chairman - Just a line to thank you certificate acknowledging my 50 years of R^osenstock took the minutes. I was also very much for sending me the 50th anni­ AJR membership. present when Rabbi Leo Baeck gave his first versary founder-members certificate. The certificate arrived two weeks after speech, after coining here from Theresien- I am glad I joined the AJR 50 years ago my 90th birthday, and now holds a place of ^tadt in Churchill's private plane, an and just regret that I cannot play an active honour amongst the cards and certificates impression I will never forget. part in its doings. given to me by some of my personal friends. With friendly greetings. With best wishes. With many thanks again and best wishes. holders Green Road c J- Sachs Camden Road Hilde Guttmann Kings Mount Dr M. Roll London NWl I ; London NWl Leeds LSI7 „ BH msm sms AJR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

FAMILY EVENTS grieving family and sister Riga part time/full time position. Car Birth (Regina). driver. Any suggestions? Ring 081 455 168. Meier Singer Jonathan and Helen THE B'NAI B'RITH Personal are happy to announce the birth on Manicurist visits your home. Phone: LEO BAECK LONDON 6 September, of Daniel, a brother Mrs Lottie Jacoby wishes to thank 071-328 1176. LODGES for Rachel. A welcome grandson for all her friends for the wonderful Trude and Arnold Meier and Hanna presents and birthday cards on the SHELTERED FLAT Welcome visitors at their and Peter Singer. occasion of her 96th birthday. to let at Eleanor Rathbone House, Highgate, comprising open meetings: Miscellaneous bed-sitting room, kitchenette, Deaths Wednesday 9 October 2 p.m. Collector of old Jewish and bathroom and entrance hall. Baumann - Lotte Baumann passed Resident w/arden. Sam and Norma Brier speak on: Palestine picture postcards. Single away peacefully on 13th August Enquiries to:- 'Caring for people with special cards purchased. David Pearlman, 1991, a selfless, loving and devoted needs In the community - The 36 Asmuns Hill, London NWll. AJR mother, grandmother and great- Ravenswood Foundation and 081-45.S 2149. HANNAH KARMINSKI grandmother, who will always be HOUSE Norwood Child Care' remembered with love and affection Electrician City and Guilds quali­ 9 ADAMSON ROAD, LON­ and will be deeply missed by her fied. All domestic work undertaken DON NW3 3HX Wednesday 23 October 8 p.m. daughter Liesel, son-in-law Henry Y. Steinreich. Tel: 081-455 5262. 071-483 2536/7/8/9 The Wednesday Observer' - The and family. Typing in English or German 081- Lodges' Spoken Magazine, edited May she now rest in everlasting 455 8420. by Dr Arnold Horwell. peace. SHALOM. Antique furniture repaired restored, Fitzjohns Avenue NWS At: Evans - Anna Evans, nee Presser, French polished. Original Furniture Small, self-contained flat formerly of Vienna died 15.8.91, Craft. Established since 1947. Tel: to let in sheltered block. 11 Fitzjohn's Avenue, deeply mourned and missed by her 081-455 8420. Resident caretaker. Hampstead, NW3 Secretary/Book-keeper, fluent Please telepfione AdR: GERMAN BOOKS French, German, English, good 071-483 2536. BOUGHT working knowledge of Italian seeks Metropolis Antiquarian Boolcs Specialist Dealers in DAWSON HOUSE HOTEL German Boolcs IRENE FASHIONS • Free Street Parking in front of the Hotel Always Buying formerly of Swiss Cottage. Sizes 10 to 50 tiips • Full Central Heating • Free Laundry Books, Autographs, Ephemera • Free Dutch-Style Continental Breakfast Eric Bruecit CLOSING DOWN SALE 72 CANFIELD GARDENS 115 Cholmley Gardens Irene will close at the end of October. London NW6 Many thanks to all my loyal customers and friends Near Underground Sta. Finchley Rd, Tel 071-435 2753 for their support over the years. LONDON, N.W.6 Sincerely, Irene Daniels. Tel; 071-624 0079 ALTERATIONS For an early appointment kindly ring before I I a.m. or after 7 p.m. 081-346 9057. OF ANY KIND TO LADIES' FASHIONS I also design and make SATELLITE INSTALLATION children's clothes SALES & REPAIRS ANTHONY J. NEWTON Television - Videos - Aerials - Radios - West Hampstead area Stereos - Electrical Appliances 071-328 6571 &C0 NEW & SECONDHAND TV's/VIDEOS FOR SALE SOLICITORS Tel: 081-909 3169 Answerphone FOR FAST EFFICIENT FRIDGE 22 Fitzjohns Avenue, Hampstead, NW3 5NB AVI'S TV SERVICE & FREEZER REPAIRS A. EISENBERG 7-day service With offices in: Europe/dersey/USA All parts guaranteed ALL LEGAL WORK UNDERTAKEN J. B. Services RELIABLE & CAPABLE Tel. 081-202 4248 Telephone: 071 435 5351/071 794 9696 PLUMBER until 9 pm offers a complete 24-hour plumbing service. Small MAPESBURY LODGE TORRINGTON HOMES jobs welcome. Please ring (Licensed by the Borough of Brent) AUDLEY MRS. PRINGSHEIM, S.R.N., for ttie elderly, convalescent and partly REST HOME MATRON JOHN ROSENFELD incapacitated. (Hendon) Lift to all floors. For Elderly, Retired and Convalescent Luxurious double and single (Licensed by Borough ot Barnel) for Elderly Retired Gentlefolk on 071-837 4569 rooms. Colour TV, h/c, central tieating, ' Single and Double Rooms. private teleptiones, etc.. in all rooms. Single and Double Rooms with wash • H/C Basins and CH in all rooms. Excellent l


Alice Schwab Ernst Barlach's graphic work is always worth seeing and the exhibition at the SB's Column Goethe-Institut (until 15 November) should not be missed. It includes illustrations for chnitzler iiber Alles. A theatrical Barlach's own plays and for Goethe's Faust, marathon took place at the Upper as well as print cycles for a Goethe S Austrian town of Gmunden in ir Anthony Caro is a very dis­ anthology and Schiller's Ode to Joy. August. A matinee performance of Anatol tinguished sculptor and it is fitting Ever-enterprising Irene Scheinmann, was followed by Der Reigen, followed in Sthat the Tate Gallery has devoted the painter and printmaker, has arranged an turn by two one-act plays at 10 The second in its series of one-artist exhibitions exhibition Print Europe at the Concourse audience was then transferred by steamer to to his work (16 October-5 January 1992). Gallery, Barbican Centre (until 18 Villa Toscana where a huge buffet and While at the Tate it is worth visiting Room November). Part of it is devoted to the work champagne concluded the gala in style. 46 to see a selection, from their own of Stanley William Hayter (1901-1988) The Opera House, Zurich, just re­ collection, of John Piper's paintings. whose Parisian printmaking workshop. opened with Wagner's Lohengrin, has 'The Queen's Pictures: Royal Collectors Atelier 17, was important to generations of ambitious plans for the new season. It is Through the Centuries' is in the new European printmakers. attempting to equal the quality and variety Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery As part of the Japan Festival in the United of other Central European opera houses, (until 19 January 1992). British royalty Kingdom, Annely Juda has mounted the many of which - Dresden, Leipzig, Prague, having been discerning collectors the exhi­ first London exhibition of the figurative Budapest — are now easily accessible to bition contains works by Holbein, Rubens, sculpture by Katsura Funakoshi (until 12 opera lovers for the first time. Apart from Van Dyke, Bruegel, Canaletto, Vermeer, as October). The sculptures are carved in operatic works by Verdi, Richard Strauss well as British artists such as Gainsborough, camphor wood and, although the materials and Ligeti, Zurich will feature a rich Lawrence, Stubbs, Wilke, Frith, Landseer and techniques are traditional, the figures prograinme of concerts, four of which will and Lady Butler. A catalogue by Christo­ are contemporary. be given by the Alban Berg quartet. pher Lloyd, Surveyor of the Queen's Celia Paul's first exhibition at the Bernard An experiment in Salzburg unconnected Pictures, is available (£17.95 paperback, Jacobson Gallery in 1986 was much with the annual festival, was the perfor­ £30 hardback). acclaimed. New paintings by this gifted mance of Elie Wiesel's Purim play Der An ambitious Toulouse-Lautrec exhibi­ artist are being shown at Marlborough Fine Prozess von Shamgorod. The play, about tion is at the Hayward Gallery until 19 Art and new etchings and drawings at 17th century pogroms which left few sur­ January 1992. Work on show, gathered Marlborough Graphics (until 19 October). vivors, was designed for more responsive from museums and private collections all The late Henry Mathews, one-time audiences. There was hesitant applause for over the world, includes his famous paint­ designer and manufacturer, and former the recitals of old Jewish folklore, singing ings and posters for the Moulin Rouge. (For President of the Biiai Brith Leo Baeck and dancing, but the combination of artistic this exhibition you can beat the queues by Lodge, painted idefatigably in an idiosyn­ glitter with the play's morbid background booking in advance with a Cancan ticket cratic style, combining the visual arts with jarred. (071 928 8800) or from the usual ticket musical themes. A retrospective exhibition An international Rendezvous. Vienna's agencies). of his paintings occupies the Library Gal­ Konditorei Demel, restaurant and patis­ At the British Museum (until 16 February lery, Dolphin Centre, Poole, Dorset from 31 serie, stamping ground of Austrian and 1992) there is a major exhibition Collecting October—9 November. D foreign 'glitterati', has been sold to a the Tiventieth Century, displaying works German concern for a reported £7 million. from the many diverse cultures represented Demel's history stretches from Habsburg to in the Museum's collections. More details the filming of the Third Man in the Fifties, about this exhibition later. when Orson Welles was a regular customer. Ernest Neuschul (1895-1968) studied at The famous house on the Kohlmarkt is a the Berlin Academy and later became direc­ COMPANIONS must for every tourist. tor of the Kunsthochschule, Charlotten- Hans Albers, film actor with the spark­ berg. An exponent of Social RealisiTi, he had OF LONDON ling blue eyes, star of Bomben auf Monte nis work declared degenerate by the Nazis Carlo and Der Sieger, would have been 100 and was forced to flee. In England since A specialist home care service this summer. German TV presented a bio­ 1939 he painted under the name 'Norland' to assist the elderly, people graphical collage of the actor, who had a out failed to attain recognition. A retrospec­ with disabilities, help during hard time during the Nazi period when, in tive exhibition of Neuschul's work is being and after illness, childcare consequence of protecting his (non-Aryan) neld jointly by the Boundary Gallery and and household needs. wife, he was barred from stage and screen. Albers died in 1960. D the Manor House Society (until 10 For a service tailored to your individual needs November). A lecture on his work will be by Companions who care - Please call given by his son at the Sternberg Centre on 071-483 0212 2.9 October at 8 pm. 071-483 0213 CAR HIRE The 314th Exhibition of Watercolours by Comfortable, air conditioned car with the Royal Watercolour Society is being held i 10 Gloucester Avenue, helpful driver. at the Bankside Gallery (until 3 November). Primrose Hill, Airports, stations, coast, etc. Fully Informal tours of the exhibition are or­ London NWl 8JA insured. ganised each Tuesday at 6.30 pm during the (Emp Agy) Tony Burstein 081-204 0567. Car 0831 461066. course of the exhibition.


'revolutionary theatre' for which he com- one year, 1932, Klaus published five titles.) Silver spoon girl iTiissioned his brother-in-law to write a This fraught relationship curiously did In the first of two extracts from his book OLD cabaret style revue. However, when Klaus not affect Erika — now a rising actress - who ADAM NEW EVES (Vision Press. £8.95) subiTiitted his script Griindgens, scenting remained both her father's trusted coun­ Richard Grunberger looks at the early life of failure, wanted to drop the project, where­ sellor and her brother's soulmate. (Chum Erika Mann. The book is available from upon Erika all but threatened divorce unless might be a better term since she was a branches of Waterstones. Dillons, Books Etc. and (post free) from Vine House Distribution. it went on; she got her way - with the result chainsmoker, car rally driver and doughty Waldenbury. North Common. Chailey, E. Sussex that the revue was panned by the critics and combatant in the escalating fight against BN8 4DR Grijndgens vindicated. This wasn't Klaus's Hitler-Lucifer ante portras.) only setback at the time: when, on reaching eorge Bernard Shaw famously told the age of majority, he asked for Pamela The Pepper-Mill Mrs Pat Campbell he hoped any Wedekind's hand she said she considered Erika's unique closeness to Klaus contrasted putative children of theirs would their engagement void and intended to G markedly with sibling relationships in the have her looks and his brains - but feared it marry the middle-aged playwright Carl previous generation: Thomas and Heinrich might fall out the other way round. No such Sternheim. As a distraction from such Mann had hardly been on speaking terms fears needed to trouble Thomas and Katja excursions and alarums the siblings under­ for years. This owed something to pro­ Mann when they began to raise a family at took an American trip in the course of fessional jealousy, but more to profound Munich in the 1900s. Mann looked almost which they spent Christmas 1927 as Emil disagreements about culture and politics; as good as he sounded on the printed page, Jannings' guests at his Hollywood home. regarding the latter the conservative minded and Katja combined beauty - painters Hereafter extended travel became a favour­ Thomas had pleaded the German cause in sought her out as a sitter - with sufficient ite pursuit of theirs. Although this was not the First World War, while the radically- academic ability to have gained university simply self-indulgence - since it yielded inclined Heinrich had decried it. Postwar, admission. material for a series of travel books - it cost however, the painfully evident fragility of It is no exaggeration to say that siblings far more than it brought in; it was only the Weimar' Republic had gradually con­ Klaus and Erika were born with silver Thomas Mann's receipt of the Nobel Prize verted Thomas Mann into a staunch parti­ spoons in their mouths. Talent and looks (for The Magic Mountain) in 1929 that san of democracy. Even so he wanted to did not exhaust the sum of their advantages enabled him to pay off the debts his two defend the Republic from a moderated from birth. The parental home was a firstborn, gifted, but wilful, children had conservative standpoint miles removed riverside villa with pillared balconies, run up on a round-the-world trip. Generalmusikdirektor Bruno Walter lived from Heinrich's and Klaus's radicalism. next door, and he and other members of Father-son conflict Thus, although the whole family was anti- Nazi, their responses to the catastrophe Munich's cultural elite were frequent house In the year of her father's Nobel award threatening to overwhelm Germany in the guests. After a none-too-happy stay at a Erika and Griindgens divorced; their mar­ winter of 1932/33 differed somewhat. In progressive boarding school Klaus decided, riage which had never been consummated - early January Erika inaugurated, together at an age when most boys' interests focus on since he was homosexual and she lesbian - with the well known actress Theresa sport or girls, to become a writer - just like finally came to grief when Erika suddenly Giehse, the political cabaret The Pepper his father and Uncle Heinrich; Erika, withdrew from a scheduled production so Mill which made an instant impact in Klaus's junior by a year, elected to go to she could join Klaus on a car safari across Munich's supercharged political atmos­ acting school. The siblings showed extra­ Africa. The actress who replaced her at phere. Thomas and Katja Mann happened ordinary precocity. By eighteen Klaus was a short notice, Marianne Hoppe, was to be to be on a lecture tour outside the country at regular contributor to Welthiihne, a poli­ even more useful to Griindgens in the long the time. When the burning of the Reichstag tico-literary journal; Erika, after graduating term: during the homophobe Third Reich in February provided the Nazis with the from acting school, divided her time her collusion in a mariage blanc provided pretext to round up all political opponents between appearing on the legitimate stage him with an alibi similar to Elsa Lanches- Heinrich fled to France, and Erika and and collaborating with Klaus and a few ter's for Charles Laughton in contemporary Klaus phoned their patents in Switzerland kindred spirits in theatrical experiments at Hollywood. Klaus was homosexual, too. warning them that 'bad weather' in Ger­ Hamburg. He also shared another trait with Griind- many made a return inadvisable. gens — serious drug dependence — but his Bard's bairns most intractable problem throughout life One such kindred spirit was Pamela Wedek­ was having to stand in his father's shadow. Mephisto ind (daughter of the author of Lulu) whom As for the father, he could not but be In early March, as Hitler's election victory Klaus became engaged to, but as a minor censorious of the son on personal as well as rang down the final curtain on German could not yet marry; another was the up- artistic grounds. Mann, whose fiction often freedom, Erika and Klaus escaped to Swit­ and-coming actor Gustav Griindgens whom depicted the contrast between the values of zerland. However, in April Erika returned Erika soon married. the bourgeoisie and of the artist, was still clandestinely to Munich, at grave personal The theatrical debut of the four prompted enough of a bourgeois himself to deprecate risk, to rescue her father's incomplete newspaper comments mocking their Klaus' bohemian life style (which had made Joseph manuscript — the fruit of years of extreme youth and privileged fils du papa a right-wing critic dub him 'the narcissus of work - from the locked up riverside villa status; one headline read 'Bard's bairns the swamps'). As for literary creation the and take it back to him. Back in Zurich she [Dichterkinder) play at theatre'. Though father, habituated to a pattern of work that and fellow fugitive Theresa Giehse re­ reviews were mixed, Griindgens' talents got aimed at solidity, not to say ponderousncss, constituted the Pepper Mill cabaret; its him noticed and he subsequently gained entertained grave doubts about the worth of sketches, mainly written by Erika, capti­ rapid advancement. Appointed Intendant the son's facile-seeming overproduction. (In vated local audiences. Later the Pepper Mill of the Hamburg Kammerspielc, he created a 12 AjR INFORMATION OCTOBER 1991

was to tour Switzerland, Czechoslovakia of self-advancement; the novels' subsidiary and Holland - havens adjacent to Gerinany, characters, turncoats of various shades of 'Seek the Peace of the where anti-Nazi emigres assembled to villainy or vanity, were likewise based on City' continue a fight the first round of which they people prominent in German cultural life. In (Jeremiah 29,7) had so disastrously lost. Commuting fre­ only one respect did the author depart from quently between Zurich and Amsterdam, verisimilitude: to avoid giving any sort of seat of an emigre publishing house, Klaus legitimacy to the current Nazi witchhunt n May 1989 AJR Information carried ; conducted his fight by the (to him) familiar against gays ('the men with the pink trian­ report of the Judaica Department of tht means of the printed word. He founded, gles') he changed the despicable Hoefgens I Hofgeismar Municipal Museum. Sinct together with Andre Gide and Aldous from a homosexual into a masochist. then the museum has staged a substantial!) Huxley, the anti-Nazi journal Die Samm­ Mephisto came out in a limited edition in enlarged exhibition, accompanied by an 80- lung, wrote political novels, and addressed Amsterdam, the town that served Klaus as page booklet with the above title. indignation-charged open letters to ex- home (in so far as an exile can be described as The recorded history of Hofgeismar colleagues of his — like the poet Gottfried having one at all). Another temporary Jewry stretches back some 500 years. A Benn and the actress Emmy Sonnemann - resident of Amsterdam was Christopher comprehensive evaluation of its contribu­ who were collaborating with the Nazis. The Isherwood who lived there with his German tion to the welfare of the town has not yet latter, who became Frau Goering smoothed lover, Heinz. Klaus knew Isherwood and been made, and the booklet is an honest her friend Griindgens' path to the summit of introduced him to his sister. At the time the attempt in this direction. Even today, over the German theatrical profession. Goering, intrepid Erika had a number of reasons for 45 years after the war, there are still doubts who as Minister President of Prussia had the acute worry. Gestapo agents were kidnap­ about whether the depressingly high directorship of the Prussian state theatres in ping anti-Nazi emigres, she herself had had number of Hofgeismar holocaust victims is his gift, appointed Griindgens to the post. Pepper Mill performances disrupted by genuine, but - much as one would like to Thus, while Klaus Mann subsisted on the gunshots outside the theatre and — most reduce the death lists - the hard evidence bitter bread of exile — albeit materially threatening - she had heard that Berlin was says otherwise. The underlying desire that somewhat sweetened by parental subsidies about to deprive her of her German pass­ today's youth should not have to identify - Griindgens, his incriminating past (i.e., port. She therefore seized the opportunity of their forebears as 'criminals' cannot the revolutionary theatre at Hamburg) hap­ her first encounter with Isherwood to ask produce any proof to the contrary. pily forgotten, enjoyed the patronage of the him to marry her (and give her the protection Like many other communities in small second most powerful man in Nazi Ger­ of British citizenship). Isherwood refused. towns Hofgeismar Jewry experienced its many. In addition he garnered a succession He feared any publicity that would endanger peak around the mid-nineteenth century of triumphs as director, film-star and stage Heinz, and was, moreover, ideologically with about 250 persons. Emancipation actor - the latter particularly in the role of opposed to marriage - but volunteered to itself, which was so hard fought for, stimu­ Mephisto in Goethe's Faust. That archety­ pass on the request to his friend Auden. He lated the movement from the boundary into pal figure gave Klaus the title and central told Erika he was certain Wystan would big cities with their greater scope. Since image for a novel in which he settled scores oblige. Auden, currently teaching at a boys' antisemitism was also more strongly felt in with his turncoat brother-in-law. In school near Malvern, proved as good as smaller places the cominunity had declined Mephisto he depicted Griindgens (disguised Isherwood's word. Immediately on receiv­ by 1933 to about 30 persons. as the actor Hoefgens) as an opportunist ing news of Erika's plight he telegraphed the The Jews of Hofgeismar had always ready to sell his soul to the devil for the sake one-word reply 'Delighted'. D played their full part in the life of the town, serving on the Town Council and partici­ pating in various local societies. The Memorial, honouring the dead of World War I, included three Jewish names; in that RELIABLE AND CONSCIENTIOUS CAMPS conflict most ablebodied Jewish men served HANDY MAN INTERNMENT-P.O.W.- in the forces and some were decorated with FORCED LABOUR-KZ Decorating, garden clearance, general the Iron Cross. repairs. I wisti to buy cards, envelopes and folded post­ The brief history continues with the sad marked letters from all camps of both world wars. Reliable and friendly service. Please send, registered mail, stating price, to: chapter of the Jewish congregation under Phone Andy Wilson on 081-346 3186 14 Rosslyn Hill, London NWS the swastika and ends with a 'triumphant' PETER C. RICKENBACK announcement in the local press that as of 29 July 1939 Hofgeismar was judenrein. D Walter Sharman

Deutsche Bucher, Bilder, Annely Juda Fine Art Autographen und Asiatica Has moved to BELSIZE SQUARE SYNAGOGUE 23 Dering Street (off New Bond Street), 51 Belsize Square, London, N.W.3 sucht London Wl R 9AA Tel: 071-629 7578 Our communal hall is available A. W. MYTZE Fax:071-491 2139 for cultural and social functions. 1 The Riding, London NWll. CONTEMPORARY PAINTING For details apply to: AND SCULPTURE Secretary, Synagogue Office. Mon-Frl: 10 am-6 pm Sat; 10 am-1 pm Tel: 071-586 7546 Tel: 071-794 3949 mm^.3.^,m^ E^aOBH


VERSE AND WORSE literature. He deeply disliked preaching and Singer of our song editorialising under the guise of writing. ESSEX This was strange, since his own background Green rolling acres that gave birth olish-born, American-domiciled Isaac was in journalism, first on the Literarishe To an eponymous breed of inan, Bashevis Singer was unique in ways Bleter in Warsaw, and then the Daily - 'Low lying' or just 'down to earth'? — Palmost too manifold to list. He gained Forverts in New York. A poignant anecdote Depends upon one's Ethics scan. the Nobel Prize for work in a language about the latter publication shows Singer to spoken by fewer people worldwide than have been quite unlike any of his fellow Here Tebbitt tinkered with a bike, read the Times newspaper. His oeuvre Nobel laureates. Once, travelling on the Procter unveiled a repat plan. represents the culminating achievement of subway, he was approached by an elderly And Gorman said 'If you take the Mike Yiddish literature, yet he deviated from the man who had read his most recent story. Your name'll be mud for good, my man!' Yiddish literary tradition in two major The man was under the impression that it respects. His novels and stories, whose plots was about him personally, and wondered LYME REGIS invariably unfold against the backdrop of how that could be since they had never met Acclaimed between hard covers the hazards of Jewish existence, contain no before this chance encounter. Singer valued By Austen and by Fowles, scintilla of sentimentality. Also, in contrast this response from the 'common reader' A place for small-town lovers to traditional Yiddish writing, he did not see more than the most appreciative literary And grockles playing bowls. the pen as a weapon in the fight for social criticism. justice. In postwar America, for instance he questioned the prevalent notion that slum The Brothers Moskat children were candidates for crime. 'People' Another anecdote is equally revealing. After he asserted 'have grown up in houses OLD FRITZ a public reading he was once asked if he without bathrooms for thousands of years. He conversed in French, employed Voltaire, expected to see the Messiah. 'I have the Did Abraham have a bathroom?' Though Built Sans Souci (without care) same hopes' Singer replied 'as the people of the Yeshiva-educated scion of a rabbinical Engineered the blatant seizure Chelm. There a man is employed to dynasty he eschewed all Judaic practice and Of half of Poland, all Silesia, welcome the Messiah. It is not a well-paid belief, drawing spiritual sustenance from Loved some men more than his wife job, but provides steady employment.' Spinoza's pantheism instead. Yet he was so Enhanced the state, diminished life. By the time he produced this bon mot the steeped in Jewish mysticism that he per­ writer had gained some distance from the ceived the world as populated by spirits and impact of the Shoah. Earlier on, while demons as well as people. He even ascribed composing The Brothers Moskat as the free will to his typewriter. 'If I write a story concluding section of a sprawling three-tier Selbstgesprach the typewriter doesn't like it stops working. chronicle of Polish-Jewish life up to the eve It says It is not my duty to tvrite such a story Dem Leben kann ich nichts mehr geben. of the Second World V/ar, he had been in as this.' Da sollt' ich doch mein Lcben nehman. the grip of a far more apocalyptic mood. Doch das Gewissen sprach dagegen The novel ended with the truly shattering Ghosts love Yiddish und gab mir hier nicht observation 'The coining Messiah, the seinen Segen This was more than mere whimsy. A deep saviour the Jews had perpetually longed for, 'Oh nein, Du Mensch, poetic truth underlay the discourse on was Death'. das ist nicht richtig, ghosts Singer delivered on his receipt of the D Richard Grunberger Dein Leben ist noch viel zu wichtig. Nobel Prize for Literature in Stockholm in Es ist Dein Gott, 1978. '1 like to write ghost stories, and dar daran denkt und deine Wege nothing fits a ghost better than a dying richtig lenkt'. language. Ghosts love Yiddish, and as far as Search Notices So sprach es ernsthaft I know they all speak it. I am sure that Kurt Hamburger, friend of Fritz auf mich ein - und half mir millions of Yiddish-speaking corpses will Freudenheim, formerly of Siegmund gliicklicher zu sein. rise from their graves one day, and their first Strasse/Allee in Berlin - Tiergarten. Thought to have arrived in England on D Victor Spencer question will be: Is there any new book in Kindertransport 1938/9, aged 12 (approx). Yiddish to read?' Please contact Eva Weil-Freudenheim, c/o Steinschneider, Altheimstrasse. 10, 6000 For all such apparent otherworldliness Frankfurt aM. or tel: Frankfurt 511956. Singer was enormously life-affirming. Both his life and work were suffused with eroti­ Robert Kronfeld (1904-1948): any information on this famous Austrian-born Die Kraft des Tanzes cism. He scandalised some of his traditional pilot will be appreciated by biographer, Professor John Haag, Hilde Holger readership with an autobiographical account of a visit to a brothel, and Enemies, Department of History, University of Wien - Bombay • London Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, U.S.A. a Love Story (a novel turned into a film) Uber das Leben und Werk de Tanzerin, open with the observation 'In the beginning Sinauer, could any descendants of the Choreographin, Tanzpadagogin Sinauer family, originally from Grolzingen, Verlag Zeichen und Spuren, was lust. Desire is both a divine and a near Karlsruhe, particularly the descendants Bremen 1990. U.K. Preis £16. erhaltlich von human principle.' of Hermann Sinauer, who emigrated to New If this emphasis on the libido places York and then settled in Paris, please Hilde Holger, 27, Oval Road, contact: Richard Tolman (great-grandson of London NWl 7EA Singer among the literary avant-garde, he Therese Gutmann, nee Sinauer), 19 Tel. 071 485 6822 was thoroughly old-fashioned in his insist­ Highgate Avenue, London N6 5SB. ence that story-telling was the essence of


Obituaries 40 Years Ago this Month Max Rostal Worter), and dispensed devastating critical comment — for which Kiithe Dorsch slapped OUR COMMON WAY Max Rostal, the violinist has died, aged 85. his face in public. Like Kraus, he also had a The High Festivals are bound to make us Born in Teschen, Silesia, he was a child negative attitude to his origins. After think in wider spaces of time. We remember prodigy who gave his first recital at the age how we spent holy days in our former formally disaffiliating from the community hoine towns. We realise that our outlook of six. He studied in Vienna with Arnold in his mid-twenties he no longer considered has changed since, but we also know that Rose (Mahler's brother-in-law), but the himself a Jew. As a postwar returnee to the heritage of several generations has left most important influence on him was his Vienna he deliberately downplayed the its mark on us once and for all. Therefore, apprenticeship with Carl Flesch in Berlin. extent of Austrian antisemitism (in contrast our common past is bound to create common problems and common tasks. Flesch was one of the first to bring a method to Alfred Polgar, who observed that the into violin teaching. Rostal became his This issue reveals again that we have to country had more Nazis than inhabitants). safeguard our interests in questions of assistant, and at the age of 25 was the Weigel also never tired of castigating restitution and compensation, and 'post- youngest professor at the Berlin Hochschule Israel. What canot be gainsaid is that, aided restitution' problems, such as transfer and fiir Musik. by his self-perception as a fully integrated double taxation, are coming more and more In Britain he first taught privately and into the foreground. By taking up these and Austrian, he contributed notably to the many other questions and by reporting on then formed a partnership with the pianist resuscitation of Viennese culture after its current developments in 'AjR Information', Franz Osborn, appearing many times at near-destruction by the Nazis. D the AJR renders its services to every member Dame Myra Hess's wartime National Gal­ of the community whatever his personal lery concerts. During the war he also taught Paul Lichtenstern position may be. members of the Amadeus Quartet (whose The efforts of securing an adequate share release from internment he helped to effect). Vienna-born Paul Lichtenstern has died, in the heirless, unclaimed and communal German Jewish property for the needs of In 1944 he became professor at The Guild­ aged 88. He is best remembered by AJR inembers for his regular concerts at the emigrated Jews present another urgent task. hall School of Music and Drama, and With the help of those who have built up subsequently held equivalent positions at Homes in The Bishop's Avenue. their lives anew in this country we also have the Cologne State Academy of Music and As a child he showed outstanding talent to look after the less fortunate ones in our the Berne Conservatory. In 1974 he helped as a piano player. He went on to study at the midst. If, as before, all our friends strengthen the found the European String Teachers' Asso­ Vienna Academy and then the Sternsche Konservatorium in Berlin. By the time he organisation which works on their behalf, ciation, becoming its first president. D and if they readily respond to the appeal came to England in 1939 he had established attached to this issue, they will not only give a reputation as a soloist and chamber us practical assistance but also encourage us Hans Weigel musician, performing in many European in the performance of our widespread Hans Weigel, who died near Vienna, aged cities and in broadcasts. duties. AjR Informatior) October 1951. 83, was the last great exemplar of the near- With his wife, Johanna Metzger, a extinct species Kaffeehausliterat. After dab­ soprano, he formed the Children's Choir of bling in law and publishing he became a the Belsize Square Synagogue and the Kol freelance writer whose prolific output - Rinah Choir. both in pre- and postwar , and His pupils remember Paul with great wartime Switzerland - comprised plays, affection. He enjoyed teaching and instilled novels, Moliere translations, cabaret scripts in them a lasting love of music. He also HANS CASPARIUS and reviews. taught liturgical music at the Belsize Square As a young man Weigel had known Karl Synagogue, where he was the organist for In my view - Kraus whom he resembled in several many years. A pictorial memoir respects. He was obsessed with language Paul Lichtenstern's death saddens all who Hans Casparius left a flourishing {pace his book Die Leiden der jungen knew him. D career in Berlin as actor, film-maker and photographer to come to London in 1936. He tells his story in a simple, unpretentious style and illustrates the book with more than 80 of his best PARTNER photographs. HOME VISITS FOR THE The proceeds of this special offer in long established English Solicitors (bil­ DISABLED/ELDERLY will go to Heinrich Stahl House, where ingual-German) would be happy to assist he spent his last years and to whom clients with English, German and Austrian cheques should be made payable. problems. Contact Derek Demant F.S.M.C, F.B.O.A., Please send your cheque, with D.C.L.P. return address, to: IHenry Ebner at Ophthalmic Optician (Optometrist) Otto Schiff Housing Association, Osmond House, The Bishop's IMyers Ebner & Deaner Contact Lens Practitioner Avenue, London N2 OBG. 103 Shepherds Bush Road 225 Holloway Road, London N7 8HB London W6 7LP Phone: 071 -607 3115/6404 or £7.50 (Inc P & P) Telephone 071 602 4631 081-958 6086 for appointments ALL LEGAL WORK UNDERTAKEN


peoples and nations, not by Austria as a amends for the damage which was inflicted Austria's moment of state but by citizens of this country. and to alleviate the suffering which was truth It is an incontrovertible fact that in caused. Yet much remains to be done, and March 1938 Austria fell victim to military the Austrian Federal Government will make The following is part of the statement Chancellor Vranitzky made to the Austrian aggression with horrendous consequences. every effort to help those who have received Parliament during a debate on the Yugoslav In the wave of persecution which iinmedi- too little or no assistance from the measures crisis on 6 July 1991: ately ensued hundreds of thousands of implemented to date or whose moral or Austrians were interned in prisons and material claims have so far been concentration camps, were killed in the overlooked. e must recall that a substantial Nazi death camps or were forced to seek We openly avow all the facts of our number of Austrians inflicted refuge in exile. Hundreds of thousands died history and the deeds - both good and evil - great suffering on others in the W at the front and in air raids. Jews, gypsies, of every member of the Austrian popula­ name of the National Socialist regime and the physically and mentally handicapped, tion. Just as we lay claiin to the good deeds, took part in the persecutions and the crimes hoiTiosexuals, members of ethnic minori­ so we must ask forgiveness for the evil of the Third Reich. Because we are propos­ ties, and adherents of political or religious committed, from the survivors and from the ing to contribute our own, painful experi­ groups whose views ran contrary to the descendants of the dead. D ence to the new Europe, because the last few doctrines of National Socialism - they all days have brought such a poignant became the victims of a perverted ideology reminder of how much independence and and its assertion of totalitarian power. national identity, freedom and human Nevertheless, many Austrians hailed the rights iTiean to a nation - precisely for these JACKMAN• Anschluss, supported the National Socialist reasons we must face up to the other side of regiiTie and served it at various levels of the our history, to our shared responsibility for SILVERMAN Nazi hierarchy. Many Austrians were ix^MMi:iu:i,-\i riuiri-Hiv i:oNsui.f,-\Nrs the suffering that was inflicted on other involved in the oppression and persecution of the Third Reich, some as holders of high office. Even today we cannot sidestep our share AJR CLUB of the moral responsibility for the deeds of 15 Cleve Road, London NW6 3RL our fellow countrymen. Much has been Telephone: 071-624 3079 done in past years as far as possible to make

SUNDAY 27th October at 3 p.m. 26 Conduit Street, Lciulon WIR '•)TA Telerhi>ne: 071 409 0771 Fax; 071 49? 8017 Laughing your fears away. A talk by THELMA KEISNER Admission inol. tea, members 50p, guests £1 PROPERTY COMPENSATION We welcome you and your friends on TUESDAYS - THURSDAYS - SUNDAYS HUNGARY 2 p.m.-6 p.m. You will enjoy the friendly atmosphere Persons who suffered loss as a result you can talk - piay cards - play games. One Sunday a montti live Entertainment. of measures of nationalisation of properties based upon laws enacted Our annual memberstiip fee is only £4. following 8 June 1949 in Hungary are BELSIZE SQUARE SYNAGOGUE entitled to file claims. 51 BELSIZE SQUARE, NW3 On your instructions our Hungarian FOR THOSE YOU CARE MOST ABOUT Lawyers will secure the necessary We offer a traditional style ot documents, prepare your compensa­ religious service with Cantor, Springdene tion claim and pursue the matter with Choir and organ the competent authorities. A modern nursing tiome with 26 yrs of excellence in health care to the community. For further information please Licensed by Barnet area health Further details can be obtained from authority and recognised by contact: our synagogue secretary BUPA & PPP, HYDROTHERAPY & PHYSIOTHERAPY Telephone 071-794-3949 cares provided by full time chartered physiotherapists for inpatients ICS CLAIMS and outpatients. 146-154 Kilburn High Road Minister: Rabbi Rodney J. Mariner Cantor: Rev Lawrence H. Fine SPfllNGDENE 55 Oakleigh Park North, Whetstone, London NW6 4JD London N.20 Regular services: Friday evenings at 6.30 pm, 081-446 2117 Tel: 071-328-7251 (Ext. 7) Saturday mornings at 10 am SPRINGVIEW 6-10 Crescent Road, Enfield. Our completely new purpose built hotel style retirement FAX: 071-624-5002 Religion sctiool: Sundays at 10 am to 1 pm home. All rooms with bathroom en-suite from £305 per week, 081-446 2117. Space donated by Pafra Limited

Published by ttie Association of Jewisti Refugees in Great Britain, Hannati Karminski House, 9 Adamson Road, London NW3 3HX, Telephone 071-483 2536/7/8/9 Fax; 071-722 4652 Printed in Great Britain by Black Bear Press Limited, Cambridge