Ipswich Local Plan Sustainability Scoping Report Consultation, Ipswich Borough Council August 2017 Planning and Development Ipswich Borough Council Grafton House, Russell Road Ipswich IP1 2DE (01473 432019) Email:
[email protected] Website: www.ipswich.gov.uk Contents Page Non-Technical Summary Chapter 1: Introduction (Ipswich Local Plan Review) Chapter 2: Context Review (Task A1) Chapter 3: Baseline Characteristics (Task A2) Chapter 4: Social Baseline (Task A2) Chapter 5 Environmental Baseline (Task A2) Chapter 6: Economic Baseline (Task A2) Chapter 7: Sustainability Issues and Problems (Task A3) Chapter 8: Developing SA Objectives and testing their compatibility (Task A4) Chapter 9: Next Steps (Task A5) Appendix I Index of scoped documents Non-Technical Summary Introduction This Non-Technical Summary (NTS) provides an outline of the Scoping Report produced as part of the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the Ipswich Local Plan 2016–2036 which is currently being prepared by Ipswich Borough Council (IBC). IBC is aligning its Local Plan with Babergh District, Mid-Suffolk District and Suffolk Coastal District – the other authorities which form the Ipswich Housing Market Area and Ipswich Functional Economic Area. SA appraises the environmental, social and economic performance of the Local Plan and any reasonable alternatives, helping to ensure its contribution towards sustainability. The Scoping Report sets out the proposed approach to undertaking the SA of the emerging Local Plan. It provides an opportunity for statutory consultees (Natural England, the Environment Agency and Historic England) as well as other bodies, local authorities and the public, to comment on the scope of the SA and the level of detail that should be included within the appraisal.