Borough Council


Message from Councillor David Ellesmere, Leader, Ipswich Borough Council:

Ipswich Borough Council will continue to provide a wide range of quality services to the people of Ipswich despite the threat of major cuts in government funding.

We are currently predicting that the Government will cut the amount of money it gives to Ipswich by £6m over the next four years. If the Government continues to cut the council’s funding at this rate it will be impossible to protect all council services in the future.

However, due to our approach of finding innovative ways of making savings and increasing income – for example by investing in commercial property – we do not anticipate the need to make any significant cuts to frontline services over the coming year.

This means that brown bin collections will remain free of charge unlike everywhere else in . We will keep the free summer iCard for young people and continue to support bus services in Ipswich. We will maintain our ambitious council house building programme and we will not cut funding to community organisations such as Citizens Advice.

We will continue to provide events in Ipswich such as Music Day and the Maritime Festival. The council’s skills in putting on these large scale events enabled us to bring the Ed Sheeran concerts to Chantry Park and ensure they ran smoothly.

We also plan to make a number of investments over the coming year in new electric vehicles, home insulation and solar panels which will both save money and reduce carbon emissions.

We will take forward plans to regenerate Princes Street and the entrance to the Waterfront at Stoke Bridge. We will also bring forward plans to improve Arras Square in the town centre.

We will always try to keep your council tax bills as low as possible.

Ipswich’s increase in council tax of 11p a week for most residents forms only a small part of the increase you will see in your bill this year.

In contrast, are increasing their share of bills by 77p a week and the Police & Crime Commissioner by 15p a week for most residents.

Find out more at: £133.7m in2019/20. will increase to£143.82m in2020/21 from increase. Thismeansthe policingbudget and Ihaveopted forthismaximum a BandBpropertywhichis15pperweek the preceptbyupto£7.77perannumfor the abilitytoraisepolicing elementof This yearthePolicingMinister gavePCCs for policingourcounty be askedtopaythroughyour counciltax budget, whichincludeshowmuchyouwill This meansIamresponsibleforsettingthe set thepolicingpartofyourcounciltax. the policinggrantfromgovernmentand and CrimeCommissioneristodistribute A majorpartofmyroleasSuffolk’s Police & CrimeCommissionerforSuffolk Message from TimPassmore, Police Leader ofSuffolk CountyCouncil Message from CllrMatthewHicks, most vulnerablecommunities. focus oncouncilservicesthatsupportour achieved agreat dealandwecontinueto During thelasttwelvemonthswehave I lookforward toyourvaluedcontributions. to seewhere this conversation leadsusand thinking, planningandvision.Iamexcited answered inisolation,butrequire joined-up we payforit?Thesequestionscannotbe do wewantforourchildren? Andhowwill residents becared for?Whatkindoffuture our communitiesbe?Howshouldolder like andbein2050?Where should do wewantSuffolk tolooklike,feel picture forourcounty, ledbyyou.What This hastheaimofcreating along-term possible from across allareas ofSuffolk. encompass asmanyvoicesandideas amongst residents ofallages,thatwill this year. Thismeansstartingaconversation . Conversation’ ‘Big Suffolk champion a to launchand to. Iamexcited look forward us allalotto 2020 offers a newdecade, At thestartof our highestdemandservices. Precept whichisring-fencedforusewithin a 2percentriseintheAdultSocialCare council taxby1.98percentandimplement had totakethemeasured decisiontoraise budgets thatcoverlongtermcare, wehave when dealingwithsuchlargedepartmental we lackthelongertermcertaintyneeded transformation programmes. However, as above thoseplannedthrough ourongoing change tocurrent servicelevelsoverand that ourbudgetfor2020/2021willseeno settlement. Iampleasedtosaythismeans opposed toourusual3or4yearfunding month fundingfigure from as government, reflects thefactthatwehave received a12 The countycouncil’s budgetfor2020/2021 making positiveprogress. and therightpeopleinplacetocontinue these demonstratethatwehavethefocus and AdultCare, achievementssuchas services suchasSpecialEducationNeeds pressures withinsomeofourmostcomplex Whilst there remain manychallengesand of thecouncil’s servicesisrated‘Good’. Fire andRescueService,whichispart are nowrated‘Outstanding’andSuffolk I amveryproud thatourChildren’s Services officers willbe deployedinanadditional robbery anddrugs. Theremaining 13 tasked todealwithviolentcrime, burglary, comprise highly-visible,uniformed officers threats andchallenges. Thisteamwill of thecountytodealwithoperational team, whichwillbedeployable toanypart a new, pro-active neighbourhoodpolicing Seven oftheseadditionalofficerswillform uplift. government establishment byMarch 2021from the 54 newofficerswhichwillbeaddedtothe and ruralcrime.Thisisinadditiontothe as seriouscrimedisruption,roads policing working acr place. Itwillsee20extrapoliceofficers to prevent crimehappeninginthefirst and enhancetheConstabulary’s ability knife crime;makeSuffolk’s roads safer and organisedcrime,countylines capacity andcapabilitytotackleserious to justice;enhancetheConstabulary’s investigations tobringmore offenders to improve thestandards ofpolice The increase willallow theChiefConstable Find outmore Find out more oss thecountyinareas such sense ofambitionandoptimism. will joinmeinapproaching 2020witha who livesandworksinSuffolk. Ihopeyou real changeandreal benefitforeveryone do asweworktogethertowards delivering us totakeaction.Thankyouforallthat our budgetandtheareas where youwant views onwhere youwanttoseeusfocus Listening events.You haveshared your meeting lotsofyouduringourWe Are Council inMay2018,Ihaveenjoyed Since becomingLeaderofSuffolk County remaining 25%ofourbudget. increasingly smallerpotofwhat’s leftinthe find waystoadaptastheydrawfrom an total budgetsoeveryotherservicemust around 75%ofSuffolk CountyCouncil’s and children’s servicesnowaccountfor as welllookedafterchildren. Ouradult demand instatutoryservicesforadultcare and locallythere remains anincreasing plan andmanageourfinances.Nationally in astronger positionduetothewaywe I amproud tosaythatSuffolk remains Full detailsare on ourwebsite. will bespentinthiscomingfinancial year. year toshowyouexactlyhowyourmoney it hashad.Iwillbedoingthesamethis year’s precept wasallocatedandtheimpact website whichsetsoutexactlyhowlast some stellarresults. There isa pageonmy and illegaldruguse.Ithasproduced crime groups, violenceandcountylines tax increased thefocusonorganised Last year’s extramoneyfrom thecouncil domestic abuseanddigitalsupport. working inareasslavery, includingmodern civilian investigatorsandtenpolicestaff The precept willalsofundsixadditional enforcement unit. scheme andanewcommercial vehicle team, anewdomesticabuseperpetrator policing team,theoutcomeresolution serious crimedisruptionteam,therural @timspcc [email protected]