Agenda Item 7

Development Control Committee – 7 September 2011

Outpatient Centre, Nene Park,

Purpose of report The purpose of this report is to seek members’ views on enforcement of the terms of the S106 agreement in relation to the bus service provision between / and the outpatient centre.

Attachment(s) 1.Previous report to Development Control Committee 25 May 2011 2.Bus Timetable 3.Extracts from S106 agreement 4.Plans showing bus route

1.0 Background

1.1 Planning permission (ref EN/09/00455/FUL) was granted by the Development Control Committee on 1 July 2009 for the erection of employment units and a new outpatient centre at Nene Park in Irthlingborough, subject to the applicant entering into a S106 agreement to provide amongst other things, enhancements to the existing bus service. The outpatient centre has been in use since February 2011.

1.2 A request was received to vary the S106 agreement in respect of the bus service between the site and Rushden and Higham Ferrers. This was considered by Development Control Committee on 25 May 2011. A copy of the committee report is attached for members’ information, which sets out the background in full. Members did not accept the recommendation and did not agree to a variation of the S106 agreement.

1.3 The developer implemented the proposed timetable which was attached to the previous committee report (and summarised in paragraph 3.2 of the report) with the agreement of County Council (NCC) on 24 July 2011.

1.4 The purpose of this report is to seek members’ views regarding what action they wish to take.

2.0 S106 Requirements

2.1 The S106 agreement requires the site owner to meet the costs of implementing a bus service from Higham Ferrers and Rushden town centre into the site for a period of 5 years, to arrive 30 minutes before the first appointment at the outpatient centre and leave 30 minutes after the last appointment and at 30 minute intervals between.

2.2 The developer has advised that appointments at the outpatient centre begin at 8.30 and end at 17.30, and that therefore the first bus needs to arrive at the centre at 8.00 and the last leave at 18:00 with a half hourly service in between.

3.0 The Bus Timetable

3.1 Paragraph 3.2 of the previous report summarised the service and the following paragraphs provide further elaboration.


3.2 The new service includes a doubling in the frequency of the M50 Monday to Saturday service through the addition of a new 49 service that runs on alternate half hours along the M50 route between , Irthlingborough, Higham Ferrers and Rushden. Service 49 then will continue every hour via Wellingobrough Road and Mansfield Avenue in Rushden to serve the employment area at Sanders Lodge and Waitrose (see attached plans)

3.4 During the relevant period 4 buses from Higham Ferrers/Rushden do not enter the site but stop at the bus stop at the Diamond Way roundabout. There is also slightly more than 30 minutes between some of the buses; however 5 of these instances are between 31-36 minutes and one 42 minutes.

 The first bus that enters the site arrives at 8:52, however there are earlier buses at 7:44 and 8:17 that stop at the bus stop at the Diamond Way roundabout. (There are 33 and then 35 minutes between these times).  After this time the buses arrive at the site every half hour until 15:25 (33 minutes between this and the earlier bus).  There is then 42 minutes between the 15.25 bus and the 16:07 bus.  The next bus which enters the site is at 17:07 (1 hour), however there is a bus between these times at 16:38 which stops in Diamond Way (31 minutes between buses).  There is a bus at 17:43 but this does not enter the site ( 36 minutes between buses).  Buses enter the site at 18:07 and 19:07.

3.5 During the relevant period all buses to Higham Ferrers/Rushden depart from the site. There are only 2 instances where there is more than 30 minutes between services. One interval is 34 minutes, the other 45 minutes.

 The first bus to leave the site is at 7:59 and the next at 8:25, followed by 8:59 (26 minutes and 34 minutes between)  After this time the buses leave the site at half hourly intervals until 14:59  There is 45 minutes between this bus and the next one  The half hourly service is then resumed

3.6 The developer points out that earlier and later services are provided together with a Saturday service and that these are not requirements of the S106 agreement.

3.7 The developer advises that the M50 service is affected by peak hour traffic in Bedford and that there is therefore not always time within the timetable for buses to enter the site. The developer also advises that a new northbound stop has been provided in Station Road and that a new shelter has been provided at the southbound stop. These stops are accessible by controlled signalised crossings and are 365m from the clinic.

3.8 NCC has provided the following advice:

“Having discussed the matter with Stagecoach I can advise as follows :  The northbound journeys in the morning peak can’t realistically serve the site. This is due to congestion on the A6 at this time of day. Diverting these journeys via the site would therefore lead to the risk of the service becoming unreliable.  The stretched frequency southbound between 1459 and 1614 is due to the bus service also providing a facility for Sharnbrook School in Bedfordshire.

Whilst we could discuss the technicalities at length the issue is whether or not your council requires the service to be exactly every half-hour in order to discharge the obligation. If so then I would suggest that the applicant be requested to seek a price from Stagecoach for this to be achieved.”


4.0 Use of Rushden Rider and Higham Hopper

4.1 When the request to vary the S106 agreement was considered members’ questioned why the possibility of using the Higham Hopper and Rushden Rider had not been considered. The developer has advised that NCC did encourage this option. It was however concluded that all that could be achieved, even with the use of an additional bus, was an hourly circuitous service which it was concluded would have been unlikely to attract bus users. The Higham Hopper would also, it is advised, have done the journey, which takes Stagecoach minutes, in about half an hour. The developer also points out that the purpose of the bus requirement in the S106 agreement is not just to meet the needs of the elderly, who tend to be the users of the Higham Hopper and the Rushden Rider, but also to encourage modal shift ie to encourage people not to use cars to access the development. The best way to do this, it is argued, is to provide regular frequency, intuitively simple routes, and use established bus stops.

4.2 The developer was asked to provide relative costings and has made the following response, advising that this has been confirmed by Stagecoach: “In September 2009 we were advised by our consultants that the Higham Hopper services were understood to be running at an actual cost of £110,000 per bus per annum. At this time the service was being subsidised annually and after revenues were operating at a cost per bus of about £50,000 per annum. Our own investigations determined a dedicated shuttle bus cost would be £125,000 per annum before revenues. Adding a third bus to the Higham Hopper service would not automatically generate the same percentage of revenues to cost and therefore we were faced with a cost liability at best £50,000 per annum over five years but more likely closer to the £110,000 per annum unless revenues were significantly increased. Also you will be aware that subsidies have been or are about to be removed apparently and this was foremost in our minds as if they did then we would inevitably be liable to make up the difference. Furthermore the Higham Hopper and Rushden Rider services specifically go through the estates and such that the 4 mile journey would take half an hour or so which would be prohibitive to users.”

5.0 Dedicated Bus for Outpatient Centre

5.1 The developer advises that technically a dedicated shuttle could be provided for the outpatient centre but that this would not serve side roads, not would it serve Irthlingborough Cross, Crown Park or Waitrose. It would also duplicate the M50 and X46 along most of its route. This, it is advised, would be more than 3 times as expensive to provide and it is suggested would not bring the other benefits that improvements to the Stagecoach service brings. The developer was asked to provide relative costings and has made the following response, advising that this has been confirmed by Stagecoach: “A dedicated bus on the Nene Business Park route would cost between £120,000 to £140,000 per annum, the difference being subject to the details and revenues. Obviously this is not in any way sustainable.”

6.0 Benefits of the Improved Stagecoach Service

6.1 The developer highlights that in agreeing a bus service it has sought to put in place a service that could become self supporting in the future when the additional revenue funding runs out. This is an important consideration as NCC has had to review the subsidy provided to bus services. The cost of the agreed timetable over the next 3 years to the developer is £125,000. After this time Stagecoach will provide a costing for the final two years.

6.2 The developer also highlights the following benefits for each town:

Rushden:  A new hourly service along Wellingobrough Road also serving Masefield Road 3  Replacement Service for X46 on Irchester Road, which apparently can no longer be served by the X46 because of parked cars and the damaged road surface in Westfield Terrace.  Sanders Lodge Employment Area gets a regular service  Waitrose gets an hourly service (bus also passes Netto and Asda)  Doubled frequency to Kettering

Higham Ferrers:  33% increase in bus frequency through the town  Twice as many buses to Kettering  New link to Waitrose and Sanders Lodge

Irthlingborough:  Twice as many buses to Rushden and Higham Ferrers  33% extra buses  New link to Waitrose and Sanders Lodge

7.0 Enforcement Options

7.1 Any remedies for enforcing compliance with a S106 agreement are civil ones. An injunction can be sought to prevent something being done or to compel some action to be taken. A local authority can also enter upon land to effect works in default. A claim for damages or 'specific performance' is also an option open to a local authority if the contract under deed has been breached. In this case, the council’s solicitor advises that the only possible mode of enforcement would be by way of an injunction.

7.2 The solicitor further advises that the council needs to apply the general principles of expediency as in other planning enforcement. An injunction is a discretionary remedy. He advises that a court is likely to have regard to the fact that the county council is the authority with primary responsibility for transport and that a court would be likely place more importance on this, unless Council (ENC) can clearly show that NCC's position is flawed and/or unreasonable. The court would also have regard to whether or not a deviation from the agreement was significant or not in deciding whether to grant an injunction. The council’s solicitor suggested that ENC try to persuade NCC to change its view. Officer discussions have taken place and NCC officers have confirmed that as the timetable meets around 95% of the S106 obligations their stance is reasonable.

7.3 The developer has suggested that East Northamptonshire Council is not able to enforce the relevant part of the S106 Agreement, because it refers only to the county council (see extract from S106 Agreement attached).

7.4 The council’s solicitor is however of the view that paragraph 3.2 (see extract from S106 agreement attached) in the S106 agreement provides the necessary power. subsection (9) of the S106 agreement states that the deed must identify the local planning authority that can enforce the obligation or obligations. Clause 3.2 does this and states that the obligations can be enforced by the county and the district councils.

7.5 The developer has suggested that legal action to enforce the strict requirements of the S106 agreement would be disproportionate and wholly unreasonable. The council's solicitor is of the view that any action brought for an injunction would likely fail due to the position taken by the county council and the nature of the change to the bus timetable.

8.0 Conclusion

8.1 The deviations from the required half hourly service entering the site are very limited. The developer has also provided further information to explain why these are necessary and also addressed members’ concerns regarding why the Higham Hopper

4 and Rushden Rider cannot be used. It would be unreasonable to require the developer to support the Higham Hopper/Rushden Rider due to the threat related to its funding. The county council, who are the responsible body for bus services, are satisfied that the timetable that has been implemented is the best that can be achieved. On this basis, officers believe that it would not be reasonable to enforce the precise requirements of the S106 agreement.

9.0 Equality and Diversity Implications

9.1 From an equality and diversity perspective there are no significant differences between the proposed service and that which could be enforced.

10.0 Legal Implications

10.1 The legal implications are considered in section 7.0 above.

11.0 Risk Management

11.1 There are no significant risks arising from this report.

12.0 Financial Implications

12.1 If legal action were unsuccessful and judged to be unreasonable then the council could potentially have to cover the legal costs of the developer.

13.0 Corporate Outcomes

13.1 The new outpatient centre contributes to the quality of life for residents. Insisting upon the precise requirements in the S106 agreement could have an impact on the cost of this service.

14.0 Recommendation

14.1 The committee is recommended to take no action to enforce the precise requirements of the S106 Agreement

(Reason - Because the number of instances, where there are more than 30 minutes between buses and buses do not enter the site are not so significant, having regard to the other improvements to the bus service (which are not required by the S106 agreement) and the costs and benefits of providing the service in an alternative manner, to justify legal action.)

Power: Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Legal Other considerations: Background Papers: Person Originating Report: Sue Wheatley [email protected] Date: 19 August 2011 CFO MO CX

(Committee Report Normal Rev. 22)


Development Control Committee – 25 May 2011

Outpatient Centre, Nene Park, Irthlingborough

Purpose of report

To seek a variation of the Section 106 (S106) Agreement that was entered into with the applicants when planning permission was granted for the erection of employment units and the outpatient centre at Nene Park, Irthlingborough.

Attachment(s) Proposed Bus Timetable

1.0 Background

1.1 Planning permission (EN/09/00455/FUL) was granted at the Development Control Committee on 1 July 2009 for the erection of employment units and a new outpatient centre at Nene Park, Irthlingborough, subject to the applicant entering into a S106 Agreement to provide, amongst other things, enhancement of the existing bus service.

1.2 The S106 Agreement was completed and planning permission granted and the outpatient centre opened in February 2011. However, the applicant ran into problems with negotiations to provide the bus service and as an interim measure, has been paying SERVE to provide a service.

1.3 A request has now been received from the applicant to vary the S106 Agreement regarding improvements to the bus service between Nene Park, Higham Ferrers and Rushden required for the outpatient centre. No change is proposed to the demand- responsive service that was agreed for and Stanwick. There are also bus service requirements for the employment units but a request has not been received to vary these. Work has not commenced on the construction of these units.

1.4 Members will recall that the planning application was very controversial. Officers had recommended that the application be refused because they were concerned that most of the catchment area for the outpatient centre was on the opposite side of the A45 to Irthlingborough and that bus service provision needed to be maximised.

2.0 Existing S106 Agreement Requirements

2.1 The owner has covenanted to meet the costs of implementing a bus service from Higham Ferrers and Rushden town centres for a period of 5 years, to arrive 30 minutes before the first appointment at the outpatient centre and leave 30 minutes after the last appointment and at 30 minute intervals between.

3.0 Proposed Variation to S106 Agreement

3.1 The developer has held negotiations with NCC and Stagecoach regarding the service that could be provided. A copy of a proposed draft timetable is attached to this report for Members’ information.

3.2 These are the proposed bus times to the site Monday to Saturday:  The early morning buses from Rushden and Higham Ferrers from 7.00 to 8.00 would not enter the site.  The first bus to enter the site would leave Rushden at 8:41, stopping at

1 Higham Ferrers at 8:47 and arriving at the site at 8:52  A half hourly service would then enter the site until mid afternoon (school finish time).  An hourly service would enter the site from 16.07 to 19:07.

3.3 These are the proposed bus times from the site Monday to Saturday:  The early morning buses to Rushden and Higham Ferrers from 6:00 to 7:00 would not leave from the site  The first bus to leave the site would be at 7:58, arriving at Higham Ferrers at 8:03 and Rushden at 8:12  A half hourly service would then leave the site until mid afternoon (school finish time)  There would be 40 minutes between services at 15.00 and 15.40  There would be an hour between the 18:14 service and the last bus at 19:14.

3.4 The Irthlingborough outpatient centre is open for appointments from 8.00 and the last patient/staff member would leave around 18.00 to 18.30, depending upon the clinic.

3.5 There are difficulties in providing a half hourly service going into the site early morning and mid/late afternoon because buses have to be available for school children. The County Council has confirmed that the proposed timetable is the best that can be achieved.

4.0 Equality and Diversity Implications

4.1 There are no equality and diversity implications arising from these proposals.

5.0 Legal Implications

5.1 The only legal implication is that there will need to be a deed of variation to the S106 Agreement, however, as the developers solicitor will prepare a draft this will only require a limited amount of work.

6.0 Risk Management

6.1 There are no significant risks arising from this report.

7.0 Financial Implications

7.1 The cost of work on the deed of variation can be recovered from the developer.

8.0 Corporate Outcomes

8.1 The new outpatient service contributes to the quality of life for residents. Insisting upon the precise requirements in the S106 Agreement could have an impact on the cost of this service.

9.0 Other issues

9.1 There are no staffing issues as only a limited amount of time will be required to finalise the deed of variation.

10.0 Recommendations

10.1 (1) The Committee is recommended to endorse the principle of allowing for flexibility in the provision of the bus service to and from Higham Ferrers and Rushden and that where possible it should enter the site and be half hourly, but in the early morning and mid to late afternoon and evening it may need to be less frequent or not enter the site.

(2) The precise wording of the Deed of Variation be delegated to the Head of Planning 2 Services in concurrence with the Solicitor to the Council and the Chairman (or Vice Chairman) and Ward Members. Reasons:  The proposed timetable is currently only in draft form and Stagecoach might need to change the timetable over the years so it is not possible to agree the precise times.  The new outpatient service contributes to the quality of life for residents. Insisting upon the precise requirements in the S106 Agreement could have an impact on the cost of this service.

Power: Town and Country Planning Act/ Planning and Compulsory Purchase Legal Act Other considerations: Background Papers: Proposed Timetable; Previous Development Control Report 1 July 2009 Person Originating Report: Sue Wheatley [email protected] 01832 742227 Date: 10 May 2011 CFO MO CX

(Committee Report Normal Rev. 22)

3 Service 49 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Rushden Service 50 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Bedford

Mondays to Saturdays (Except Public Holidays) SSHol Sch M-F 50 A 50 A 50 50 50 A 49 A 850 50 A 49 A 50 Kettering (Newland Street stop 3) 0530 0545 0615 0630 0645 0645 0700 0715 0730 0745 ----- 0755 0815 0830 0845 0900 Horsemarket Stop 13 0533 0548 0618 0633 0648 0648 0703 0718 0733 0748 ----- 0758 0818 0833 0848 0903 Opposite Wicksteed Park Barton Road (A6003) 0539 0554 0624 0639 0654 0654 0709 0724 0739 0754 ----- 0804 0824 0839 0854 0909 (Polwell Lane / Woodland Ave) 0543 ----- 0628 ----- 0658 0658 0713 ----- 0743 ------0808 ----- 0843 ----- 0913 Alumasc Corner 0545 ----- 0630 ----- 0700 0700 0715 ----- 0745 ------0810 ----- 0845 ----- 0915 ----- 0600 ----- 0645 ------0730 ----- 0800 ------0830 ----- 0900 ----- Barton Seagrave (Opposite The Stirrup Cup) ----- 0606 ----- 0651 ------0736 ----- 0806 ------0836 ----- 0906 ----- WaggonBurton Latimer & Horses (High Street) 0547 0613 0632 0658 0702 0702 0717 0743 0747 0813 ----- 0812 0843 0847 0913 0917 (Allen Road) 0550 ----- 0635 ----- 0705 0705 0722 ----- 0752 ------0817 ----- 0852 ----- 0922 Irthlingborough Cross 0555 ----- 0640 ----- 0710 0710 ------0757 ----- HF 0822 ----- 0857 ----- 0927 Nene Park (Diamond Way Roundabout) 0556 ----- 0641 ----- 0711 0711 ------Nene Park (NHS Clinic) ------0759 ------0825 ----- 0859 ----- 0929 Higham Ferrers Green Dragon 0601 ----- 0646 ----- 0716 0716 ------0803 ----- 0733 0831 ----- 0903 ----- 0933 Rushden Portland Road 0610 ----- 0655 ----- 0725 0725 ------0812 ----- 0740 0840 ----- 0912 ----- 0942 ------0817 ------0917 ------Irchester Road ------0820 ------0920 ------Rushden (Masefield Drive) ------0824 ------0924 ------CrownSharnbrook Park Swan (Waitrose) 0625 ------0740 0740 ------0800 0855 ------0957 Felmersham Church 0632 ------0747 0747 ------0812 0902 ------1004 Radwell 0635 ------0750 0750 ------0815 0905 ------1007 Milton Ernest (opposite Queens Heads) 0638 ------0753 0753 ------0818 0908 ------1010 Oakley Memorial 0643 ------Claphan High Street (Highbury Grove) 0653 ------0758 0758 ------0823 0913 ------1015 Bedford Rail station 0705 ------Bedford Bus Station 0710 ------0815 0825 ------0845 0925 ------1027

Codes M-F - Operates on Mondays to Fridays Sat - Operates on Saturdays Sch - Operates on Northamptonshire Schooldays SSHol - Operates on Saturdays and during Northamptonshire School Holidays HF - Starts at Higham Ferrers Simpson Avenue at 0730 and on

schooldays operates via Wymington School (0750) and Sharnbrook Upper School at 0805. On non schooldays arrives T Bedford - Time inup Sharnbrook to 10 minutes is at earlier. the Church. Journey provided by Stagecoach East Service 49 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Rus Service 50 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Bed

Mondays to Saturdays (Except Public Holidays) A49 A50 A49 A50 A49 A50 A49 A50 Kettering (Newland Street stop 3) 0915 0930 0945 1000 1015 1030 1045 1100 1115 1130 1145 1200 1215 1230 1245 1300 Horsemarket Stop 13 0918 0933 0948 1003 1018 1033 1048 1103 1118 1133 1148 1203 1218 1233 1248 1303 Opposite Wicksteed Park Barton Road (A6003) 0924 0939 0954 1009 1024 1039 1054 1109 1124 1139 1154 1209 1224 1239 1254 1309 Barton Seagrave (Polwell Lane / Woodland Ave) ----- '0943 ----- 1013 ----- 1043 ----- 1113 ----- 1143 ----- 1213 ----- 1243 ----- 1313 Alumasc Corner ----- 0945 ----- 1015 ----- 1045 ----- 1115 ----- 1145 ----- 1215 ----- 1245 ----- 1315 0930 ----- 1000 ----- 1030 ----- 1100 ----- 1130 ----- 1200 ----- 1230 ----- 1300 ----- Barton Seagrave (Opposite The Stirrup Cup) 0936 ----- 1006 ----- 1036 ----- 1106 ----- 1136 ----- 1206 ----- 1236 ----- 1306 ----- BurtonWaggon Latimer & Horses (High Street) 0943 0947 1013 1017 1043 1047 1113 1117 1143 1147 1213 1217 1243 1247 1313 1317 Finedon (Allen Road) ----- 0952 ----- 1022 ----- 1052 ----- 1122 ----- 1152 ----- 1222 ----- 1252 ----- 1322 Irthlingborough Cross ----- 0957 ----- 1027 ----- 1057 ----- 1127 ----- 1157 ----- 1227 ----- 1257 ----- 1327 Nene Park (Diamond Way Roundabout) ------Nene Park (NHS Clinic) ----- 0959 ----- 1029 ----- 1059 ----- 1129 ----- 1159 ----- 1229 ----- 1259 ----- 1329 Higham Ferrers Green Dragon ----- 1003 ----- 1033 ----- 1103 ----- 1133 ----- 1203 ----- 1233 ----- 1303 ----- 1333 Rushden Portland Road ----- 1012 ----- 1042 ----- 1112 ----- 1142 ----- 1212 ----- 1242 ----- 1312 ----- 1342 ----- 1017 ------1117 ------1217 ------1317 ------Irchester Road ----- 1020 ------1120 ------1220 ------1320 ------Rushden (Masefield Drive) ----- 1024 ------1124 ------1224 ------1324 ------CrownSharnbrook Park Swan (Waitrose) ------1057 ------1157 ------1257 ------1357 Felmersham Church ------1104 ------1204 ------1304 ------1404 Radwell ------1107 ------1207 ------1307 ------1407 Milton Ernest (opposite Queens Heads) ------1110 ------1210 ------1310 ------1410 Oakley Memorial ------Claphan High Street (Highbury Grove) ------1115 ------1215 ------1315 ------1415 Bedford Rail station ------Bedford Bus Station ------1127 ------1227 ------1327 ------1427

Codes M-F - Operates on Mondays to Fridays Sch - Operates on Northamptonshire Schooldays SSHol - Operates on Saturdays and during Northamptonshire School Holidays HF - Starts at Higham Ferrers Simpson Avenue at 0730 and on

schooldays operates via Wymington School (0750) and Sharnbrook Upper School at 0805. On non schooldays arrives T Bedford - Time inup Sharnbrook to 10 minutes is at earlier. the Church. Journey provided by Stagecoach East Service 49 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Rus Service 50 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Bed

Mondays to Saturdays (Except Public Holidays) A49 A50 A49 A A50 A49 A50 A49 A Kettering (Newland Street stop 3) 1315 1330 1345 1400 1415 1430 1445 1500 1515 1530 1545 1600 1615 1630 1645 1700 Horsemarket Stop 13 1318 1333 1348 1403 1418 1433 1448 1503 1518 1533 1548 1603 1618 1633 1648 1703 Opposite Wicksteed Park Barton Road (A6003) 1324 1339 1354 1409 1424 1439 1454 1509 1524 1539 1554 1609 1624 1639 1654 1709 Barton Seagrave (Polwell Lane / Woodland Ave) ----- 1343 ----- 1413 ----- 1443 ----- 1513 1528 ----- 1558 ----- 1628 ----- 1658 ----- Alumasc Corner ----- 1345 ----- 1415 ----- 1445 ------1530 ----- 1600 ----- 1630 ----- 1700 ----- 1330 ----- 1400 ----- 1430 ----- 1500 ------1545 ----- 1615 ----- 1645 ----- 1715 Barton Seagrave (Opposite The Stirrup Cup) 1336 ----- 1406 ----- 1436 ----- 1506 ------1551 ----- 1621 ----- 1651 ----- 1721 BurtonWaggon Latimer & Horses (High Street) 1343 1347 1413 1417 1443 1447 1513 ----- 1532 1558 1602 1628 1632 1658 1702 1728 Finedon (Allen Road) ----- 1352 ----- 1422 ----- 1452 ------1537 ----- 1607 ----- 1637 ----- 1707 ----- Irthlingborough Cross ----- 1357 ----- 1427 ----- 1457 ------1542 ----- 1612 ----- 1642 ----- 1712 ----- Nene Park (Diamond Way Roundabout) ------Nene Park (NHS Clinic) ----- 1359 ----- 1429 ----- 1459 ------1544 ----- 1614 ----- 1644 ----- 1714 ----- Higham Ferrers Green Dragon ----- 1403 ----- 1434 ----- 1503 ------1549 ----- 1618 ----- 1649 ----- 1718 ----- Rushden Portland Road ----- 1412 ----- 1444 ----- 1512 ------1559 ----- 1627 ----- 1659 ----- 1727 ------1417 ------1517 ------1632 ------1732 ----- Irchester Road ----- 1420 ------1520 ------1635 ------1735 ----- Rushden (Masefield Drive) ----- 1424 ------1524 ------1639 ------1739 ----- CrownSharnbrook Park Swan (Waitrose) ------1459 ------1614 ------1714 ------Felmersham Church ------1506 ------1621 ------1721 ------Radwell ------1509 ------1624 ------1724 ------Milton Ernest (opposite Queens Heads) ------1512 ------1627 ------1727 ------Oakley Memorial ------Claphan High Street (Highbury Grove) ------1517 ------1632 ------1732 ------Bedford Rail station ------Bedford Bus Station ------1532 ------1647 ------1747 ------

Codes M-F - Operates on Mondays to Fridays Sch - Operates on Northamptonshire Schooldays SSHol - Operates on Saturdays and during Northamptonshire School Holidays HF - Starts at Higham Ferrers Simpson Avenue at 0730 and on

schooldays operates via Wymington School (0750) and Sharnbrook Upper School at 0805. On non schooldays arrives T Bedford - Time inup Sharnbrook to 10 minutes is at earlier. the Church. Journey provided by Stagecoach East Service 49 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Rus Service 50 Kettering - Irthlingborough - Bed

Mondays to Saturdays (Except Public Holidays) 50 A 49 A 50 A 49 A 50 A 49 A Kettering (Newland Street stop 3) 1715 1730 1745 1800 1820 1830 1845 1900 1915 1930 1945 2000 Horsemarket Stop 13 1718 1733 1748 1803 1823 1833 1848 1903 1918 1933 1948 2003 Opposite Wicksteed Park Barton Road (A6003) 1724 1739 1754 1809 1829 1839 1854 1909 1924 1939 1954 2009 Barton Seagrave (Polwell Lane / Woodland Ave) 1728 ----- 1758 ----- 1833 ----- 1858 ----- 1928 ----- 1958 ----- Alumasc Corner 1730 ----- 1800 ----- 1835 ----- 1900 ----- 1930 ----- 2000 ------1745 ----- 1815 ----- 1845 ----- 1915 ----- 1945 ----- 2015 Barton Seagrave (Opposite The Stirrup Cup) ----- 1751 ----- 1821 ----- 1851 ----- 1921 ----- 1951 ----- 2021 BurtonWaggon Latimer & Horses (High Street) 1732 1758 1802 1828 1837 1858 1902 1928 1932 1958 2002 2028 Finedon (Allen Road) 1737 ----- 1807 ----- 1842 ----- 1907 ----- 1937 ----- 2007 ----- Irthlingborough Cross 1742 ----- 1812 ----- 1847 ----- 1912 ----- 1942 ------Nene Park (Diamond Way Roundabout) ------1848 ------1943 ------Nene Park (NHS Clinic) 1744 ----- 1814 ------1914 ------Higham Ferrers Green Dragon 1749 ----- 1818 ----- 1853 ----- 1918 ----- 1948 ------Rushden Portland Road 1759 ----- 1827 ----- 1902 ----- 1929 ----- 1957 ------1832 ------1934 ------Irchester Road ------1835 ------1937 ------Rushden (Masefield Drive) ------1839 ------1941 ------CrownSharnbrook Park Swan (Waitrose) 1814 ------1917 ------2012 ------Felmersham Church 1821 ------1924 ------Radwell 1824 ------1927 ------Milton Ernest (opposite Queens Heads) 1827 ------1930 ------Oakley Memorial ------Claphan High Street (Highbury Grove) 1832 ------1935 ------Bedford Rail station ------Bedford Bus Station 1847 ------1947 ------

Codes M-F - Operates on Mondays to Fridays Sch - Operates on Northamptonshire Schooldays SSHol - Operates on Saturdays and during Northamptonshire School Holidays HF - Starts at Higham Ferrers Simpson Avenue at 0730 and on

schooldays operates via Wymington School (0750) and Sharnbrook Upper School at 0805. On non schooldays arrives T Bedford - Time inup Sharnbrook to 10 minutes is at earlier. the Church. Journey provided by Stagecoach East

Operator: Stagecoach Service: 850 Registration: PF/0007071/220 Submission Date: 2011-02-15

1 Operator: Stagecoach Service: 850 Registration: PF/0007071/220 Submission Date: 2011-02-15

Stop Name Street Status Activity Plotted

1 Eskdaill St, Stop 6 Eskdaill Street PTP

2 London Rd, opp Police Station London Road PTP

3 High St, opp Churchill Way High Street PTP

4 Station Rd, New St Station Road PTP

5 College St, o/s The Green Dragon Hotel A6 College Street PTP

6 Rectory Rd, Portland Rd Rectory Road PTP

7 Skinners Hill, Bay 1 Skinners Hill PTP

8 Church Lane, adj Rushden Road PTP

9 The Swan with Two Nicks, o/s High Street PTP

10 The High Road, S-bound The High Road PTP

11 The Memorial, Adj High Street PTP

12 Highbury Grove, adj High Street PTP

13 Bus Station, Bay 10 Bedford Bus Station PTP

2 Operator: Stagecoach Service: 850 Registration: PF/0007071/220 Submission Date: 2011-02-15

3 Operator: Stagecoach Service: 850 Registration: PF/0007071/220 Submission Date: 2011-02-15

Stop Name Street Status Activity Plotted

1 George St, Stop F George Street PTP

2 Eskdaill St, Stop 6 Eskdaill Street PTP

3 High St, Duke St High Street PTP

4 High St, Queens Head A6 High Street PTP

5 Skinners Hill, Bay 1 Skinners Hill PTP

6 Whitefriars, Highfield Road Whitefriars PTP

7 Church Lane, opp Rushden Road PTP

8 The Swan with Two Nicks, opp High Street PTP

9 The Queen's Head, o/s Bedford Road PTP

10 The Memorial, Opp High Street PTP

11 Bus Station, Bay 10 Bedford Bus Station PTP