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HOME WATCH of the 8PARTA FOUNDRY CO. the label on World's Largest Producers THE SENTINEL-LEADER of Piston King CMtlnp cription on PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN ONE OF MICHIGAN'S MOST PLEASANT AND PROSPEROUS AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITIES VOLUME 61—ESTABLISHED 1876 SPARTA, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1937 NUMBER 45 ] NOTED ARTIST WILL NAME PROGRAM COMMIT- MRS. J. S. DRUMMOND 1 Army of Hunters ASSIST REV. ODEGARD TEE FOR GARDEN CLUB ENTERTAINS CLUB IN SPECIAL SERVICES Sparta Wins Over Forty-five members and guests of the I Tuesday. November 2. was Library Go to the North as Beginning November 15th Rev. A. O. Kent City Garden club enjoyed a din- Day In the work of the Casnovia Odegard. pastor of the First Baptist ner at Hotel Royal Monday evening. J FOOTBALL ladles' Literary dub. which sponsors Comstock Park The group then went to the home of , the Casnovia branch of the Kent Coun- church, will be assisted in a series of ty library. The members gave a book special services by Karl Steele, artist, Mrs. M. H. Saur for the regular month- j Deer Season Opens ly meeting. During the business ses- ! shower and money was given for the By Wide Margin and also Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shaw, purchase of new books for the library. gospel musicians. , 5»n the president. Mrs. H. L. Miller j named the following program commit- A last minute repetition oi a Mr. Steele is a young artist of rare Kent City vs. Sparta The hostess was Mrs. S. J. Drum- familiar but still important warn- tee for the year: Mrs. H. L Miller. Mrs: Touchdowns by Willis and GMils' ability who has received wide attention. WILLOW PARK mond. In the absence of the presi- Long Punts Give Spec- ing; came from conservation officers He is a former student of the John N. M. Rossell. Mrs. Oscar Ostrum. Mrs. dent. Mrs. Walter Ebers. Mrs. J. O. to the effect: Be sure it's a deer Herron Art Institute of Indianapolis. Robert Kriger. PraJelgh presided. Mrs. V. R. Fancett tators Thrill and then be sure it has horns, be- Indiana. He was an honor student and Mrs. Ora Chad wick of Orand Rap- gave a report of the fall meeting of the fore you shoot. a scholarship winner from his first ids, a frequent visitor to the club, was Thursday, November 11 County Federation of Women's Clubs The blue and white warriors certainly semester enrollment. A year and half made an honorary member. As the held at Rockford. had "what lt takes" last Friday after- Hundreds ol hunters have been mov- ago he was awarded the John C. Shaf- speaker of the evening she gave several 00000000000000000000.* The music for the program was furn- noon and turned back the Comstock ing into Michigan's northern counties Parkers by the score of 27 to 0. This fer $500.00 first prize for the outstand- demonstrations for decorating holiday — GAME CALLED AT 3:30 P. M. — ished by Clarence Humphrey, violinist, this week enthused by prospects of the ing picture, "Frightened Horses'*, at the tables. She made two Thanksgiving and Mrs. Willard DeJonge. pianist. was a harder fought game than the best big game season in this state in twelfth annual Hoo&ier Salon art ex- center-pieces, a Christmas piece and a score indicates. Comstock elected to Guest speaker was Grace S. MoClure. receive and alternating the ball carry- several years, beginning Monday. Nov. hibit in Chicago. patriotic piece for use at various oc- librarian of the state library in Lan- 15. and extending through Nov. 30. casions. ing, White and Holland made two first At the exhibition last February he sing. She took as her rabjest the downs for the green and white. Deer, which with bear are the two won the Thomas aaeea auuer award The program was concluded by Mrs. "State Librarr", that institution which species of big game found in Michigan ANNOUNCE WINNERS FRANK EBERS, PIONEER for the outstanding landscape entitled C. B. Leaver who sang two solos. The IN RECENT "AG" FRUIT GROWER DIES is older than the state, established in After few unsuccessful line plays. which will be hunted, the other two— "Along the Ohio." Mr. 8teele will ap- next meeting will be on December 13 1828. It began with 131 books and Glllis right end ior the Parkers, got elk and moose—being protected at all pear every night at 7:30 p. m. from at the Methodist church when the hus- FAIR AND CONTEST AT ALPINE HOME now contains over 345.000. Michigan off a good punt which was downed times, are believed more numerous this Monday. November 15th until Sunday bands and other guests will be enter- was an early state to pass a county on the Sprrta twenty yard line. Then fall than in the last three or four years. November 21st. He will use the colored tained with a pot-luck supper. High school prize winners, three Frank Ebers. 81, died at his home in library law. The trend of the library the Ketchman lads got busy and by The deer herd suffered less last winter chalks under varied lighting effects to highest in order; Apples — George Alpine, Sunday, November 7, after an work shows that the taste in reading off tackle, line bucks and end sweeps, than in several because of the compara- illustrate different gospel messages TOM WALSH ISSUES Schwartz, Arnold Schaefer, Marvin Illness of five weeks. of Michigan people is improving rap- Stebblns. Warren. Bock man and Willis tive mildness of the weather and ab- which will be giveh by the pastor. 1 Schaefer. Poultry — Archie Ctimings. Funeral services wers held at the 'dly. She commended highly two books advanced the ball to the Comstock five sence of heavy, long staying snow In WARNING ON "COLLEC- , Blaauw Vege_ home Wednesday afternoon with the lately reviewed in the Casnovia club yard line. most sections of the state. Counts Mr. and Mrs Harvey Shaw, of Chi- TIVISM" IN CLUB TALK SSSS-SSt SSS^SS^-^SL Rev. J. K. Hoffmaster officiating. Pall- work. "Life With Father" and "Coun- Willis on an end run with splendid cago. 111., will havce charge of the mus- taken during the summer indicated in- i ,""' ****?**."* -'=««wh- I Cumings, Carl Swenson. Bernard Rey- bearers were Lawrence Besnett, Earl Sh try Kitchen." two of the choicest books blocking took the ball over for the first ereases in the number of deer in more ! £ ^ri »* Thomas. E. Walsh, former Sparta burn Grain—Archie OiaJaift ~ .J3 S. Felt. E. W. Field, Clifford of today. score of the game. sections than showed decreases. j •SSJLj thZZ wtiwli? citizen and manager of thr, • . - - nern- Martin,T? Joseph Schweitzer. r Burial Mrs. V. R. Fancett. Mrs. William Extra point >vas made by a line buck, Although bear are not numerous in ^ J? *"" p-n^: ./.I-,;—* <F X»nind ard Reyburn. Arthur Braford. Potatoes Crawford,*- ——— «. >T 'VTO ST'1—Mrs. C. J. Johnson com- Michigan, their numbers are also be- ,*nt a varied pro<traprogram oof f m"*'" ^TT Altfm: "Was the guest speaker —Bernard Reyburti. George Schwartz, 1 Mama - Willis again carrying the ball. Com- at t ie was In Alpine Ofmeter^T -irked the ball up lieved to have increased some sinjg the night." Thej ' are now members of the ^ Club meeting Monday Archie Cumings. Beans—Archie Cum- prised the evening at Brown's re: faurant. f Mr. Ifcers was one of the pioneer I ®odal committee. 1936 s?*5C«l. - -- "" First Baptist church ar J expect to sail Ings, George Sc wartz. Bernard Rey- On November 6 the club will enter- stock revived'in'd'^e .cluon ihe for Africa this winter as their mis- Walsh, who is one of Kent County's horticulturists of the community and burn. Miscellaneous—Archie Cumings, was also known as a grain and livestock tain the Sparta club women at the to their forty yard line — Anticipating the influx of an army sionaries. best informed men on current com- George Schwartz, Bernard Reyburn. of hunters which may number as many v farmer. Some of the finest fruit grown home of Mrs. H. O. Brott. when Dr. ter ended. as 150,000 the state department of con- The public is cordially invited to at- munistic activities, presented a 'ery Grades. Prize winners, three highest H. J. Vandenberg of Grand Rapids will The second quarter was largely a constructive and enlightening address in the Peach Ridge Fruit Belt is ship- servation has completed arrangements tend all of these services. in order: Apples—Vernon Cumings, MICWEAN give an address. repetition of the first. Gil lis punted for the transfer of approximately 25 on '"Our Invisible Government." tttmsrsFssr KKSP to the Spartans, a 50-yard kick which conservation officers from the southern "Twenty years ago the philosophy of Vernon Cumings, Evelyn Pinckuey. rolled Into the end zone. Sparta took LARGE BARN BURNS Marshall Yaughan. Vegetables—Ver- He was born May 21. 1856 at the old TED SHAWN S ENSEMBLE ' part of the state to the northern deer collectivism really got a foothold among Ebers farm in Alpine township and was the ball on their twenty yard marker areas, and the assignment of a large CROPS, STOCK LOST many of our citizens." said Walsh. "The non Cumings, Marshall Vaughan, Don- OF MALE DANCERS WILL and again worked it down the field to ald Heft. Corn—Lavina Lang. Vernon married to Anna Sclilndler in 1888. number of fire wardens to special deer philosophy means the enslavement of Looking for fertile and suitable land PRESENT PROGRAM MON.