Extensions of Remarks 10539 Extensions of Remarks
June 10, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10539 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FEDERAL EMPLOYEE HEALTH surance Corporation [FDIC]. A number of STATEMENT BY PATRICK EDWARD CARE PROTECTION ACT OF 1997 years ago the FED decided to drop out of the HOULE, CANAAN MEMORIAL FEHB Program and offer its employees a sep HIGH SCHOOL, REGARDING CEN HON. DAN BURTON arate health care plan. Then, in 1993, the FED SORSHIP AND EDUCATION OF INDIANA elected to abandon this health care experi IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment and offer its employees only FEHB HON. BERNARD SANDERS Tuesday , June 10, 1997 health care options. However, under current OF VERMONT Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I am law, all employees must have 5 years of con IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pleased to introduce today, H.R. 1836, the tinuous enrollment in the FEHB Program to Tuesday, June 10, 1997 Federal Employee Health Care Protection Act carry their health benefit coverage into retire Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, for the benefit of 1997. This is significant legislation for our ment. As a result a number of employees who Federal employees and taxpayers because it of my colleagues, I would like to have printed retired during the years when the FED had its in the RECORD this statement by a high school will help strengthen the integrity and standards own health care system, and some employees of the Federal Employees Health Benefit student from Canaan Memorial High School in currently approaching retirement, are not eligi [FEHB] Program, and allow it to maintain its Vermont, who was speaking at my recent reputation as a high quality and cost-effective ble for FEHB coverage.
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