UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO MONDAV, NOVEMBER 2, 1987 VOLUME 59, #12 Former employee sues administrator; .I).C.C . questions evidence • the 5.D.C.C. not juet • but also I pin ..aiIfaction By JOHN SHAW According to Imboden, nowhere ____rta help Sa. Oieto c ..... .au. Training Director on Haubert's subpoena does it MliIllc'Nid. mention the University. Imboden is Mardil&tMon, with s.... Daon, SDSU'. A discrepency in evidence sub· unclear as to how the University :!iec:...... 04. Community Allin, fonnecl the mitted by the University of Califor. was able to defend Haubert when "'-II.... the auanmer. A ~ wide coRe­ nia in Small Claims Court may he sued his supervisor not the • .-1IliItI1CI in the 70s, but diuoIved have adversely affected the case a University. UMJ_IIml.. to deal wilhtoo many county laid off Medical Center clerical " My quarrel is not with the Uni· ....., ... iuuea oubide ......ta concerns. employee brought against the Uni· versity. It is with the division of Ace Marchiclr. in .. for the new versity Thursday. neurosurgery and Rita Haubert," S.D.C.C. ... me, they ...... 10 continuauaIy Allen Imboden sued his supervi . Imboden said. ..... in ......... beca... the S.D.C.C. sor, Neurosurgery Admini trative Administrative Analyst Marcia can die to .......... council me ...... Assistant Rita Haubert, for $408 Rubish, who appeared in court with D.non . that the new S.D.C.C. needs to in dental expenses and $525 in Haubert, justified the Univer ity's keep .... to. IIliniINB because, in the back pay he claimed were owed to involvement on the grounds that ...... X.C. hiW to ~ate ....... him as a result of her incompetency. Haubert acted within the scope of iuue. According to Imboden, Haubert her duties. Rubish declined to "'011..~ have a IinIited ..... of people we misinformed him as to when his comment as to whether Imboden need to • limited set aI ..... We need to dental coverage began and lied to had sued Haubert personally or if haft .... OI'Ianizeci effort4." rranJdin him about asking for a promotion he had actually sued the Univer ity. saW. and an associated 90 day retroac· Peter S. Doft, an attorney who The eOllilidl'a INt. objectives are to ..aabIiah a tive pay raise. heard the case in place of the che­ bown .... ...-pected voice in the community. Imboden filed suit against Rita duled judge, denied Imboden's Marchidt dMlled that "once we build a reputa­ Haubert personally under the law claim for compensation. Imboden tion. we CM do abnoat an,........ Recently, San of agency (a law that does not believes, however, that he may 0.10 ~ .tudenb had little influence in the require an employer to defend an have grounds for an appeal. CitJ c..-, in part beeRUN there are oyer employee who has acted outside of During the hearing, the Univer· SeeLOBBY ...... 3 their scope of duties), however the sity submitted a copy of the dental University defended her in court. See LAWSUIT, page 3 Voters to consider trasli burning alfernative By JAMES P. PINPIN pital, elementary school, child care furans. These can cause cancer due to use, levels of pollution that waste·energy plants meet all StaR Writer center or nursing home. Also, it and increase San Diego's ozone­ Increase. state and federal standards. would require that any such facility smog and acid rain problems. Bernie Rhinerson, spokesman for In the U.S., there are approxi. Voters will help decide on elec· built would not make additional • Since the residue ash or bottom San Diegans for Clean Environ· mately 100 waste·energy plants, tion day if trash burning or waste­ demands on the treated water ash left after burning the garbage ment, which is against Proposition while in European countries and energy plants are an acceptable supply and would have its own rec­ has concentrated levels of lead, H, expressed a different opinion. Japan, 50 to 80 percent of the means of helping to solve San Die­ ycling and separation methods. cadmium and other pollutants and He claims that the air emissions trash is taken care of by waste· go's growing trash problem_ The initiative is directed against is extremely alkaline, it is highJy from the combustion process go energy plants. Dubbed the Clean Air Initiative the San Diego Energy Recovery toxic and must be disposed in through sophisticated, state·of·the· Concerning the SANDER plant and prepared by San Diegans for .(SANDER) proposal to build a landfills. art air quality equipment that and Proposition H, Rhinerson said, Clean Air (SDCA), Proposition H waste-energy plant at Kearny • The waste water used by the removes from 98 to 99 percent of "The study and the environmental would prevent the building of Mesa: The plant is designed to plants is toxic as well. the particulates before there are review was not even completed waste-energy plants, burning 500 burn 2,250 tons of trash per day • As the incinerators break down any emissions. He also stressed See TRASH, page 7 or more tons of solid waste, within and create electricity for approxi­ the city 'of San Diego and also mately 60 homes. within a three-mile radius of a hos· Signal Environmental Systems, SDSU march draws hecklers the proposed builder of the plant, withdrew from the project last Aug_ By ELIZABETH MAYNARD Although the march was non· 12 due to the pressure generated confrontational and geared towards by the initiative. However, repre­ Male and female hecklers hurled making the campus safe for all sentatives of the city of San Diego eggs and abuse at participants in people, the marchers encountered asked the California Energy Com· an anti.rape march at San Diego a section of people who were over· mission on Sept. 9 to only suspend State University last Thur 'day tly hostile and angry. As the women rather than terminate Signal's ap·· night. passed by several fraternity and plication pending the outcome of The second annual "Take Back 'orority houses, they were met by the Nov. 3rd election. the Night" march and rally, spon· male and female onlookers throw . • SDCA's campaign primarily sored by the SDSU Women's ing eggs and shouting jeers. One focuses on the human health and Resource Center, attracted about man even exposed himself. This environment risks that may be 150 men and women who listened reaction was surprising and disap. caused by waste.en.ergy plants. to speeches about alcohol respon· pointing to the coordinators of the According to SDCA: sibility and date rape and marched march and rally who, overall, have • There is no adequate method of around the campus carrying signs received a lot of campus support screening highly toxic incoming and chanting slogans. The f r the event. garbage such as chemical waste. marcher!> stopped frequently at • The substances emitted by the dimly lit the sidewalks with over· According to Dave McGhee. a incinerators (fly ash) include acid Both women and men partici­ grown bushes and other spots they delegate to the Inter.Fraternity gales, toxic metals, dioxins and pated in "Take Back the Night. " considered unsafe for women. See ANTI.RAPE, page 7 • Women'. • Central's music • Women's volleyball library soccer Win three straight to You can listen but Ties it up to remain take tournament please don't sing No.2 in Division III page 12 page 8 page 12 Mondoy. November 2, 1987 :f 2 Mondoy. Nouember 2. 1987 NEWS bill for services rendered. When he approved Imboden's promotion in Imboden said Haubert informed confronted Haubert with the bill , December 1986 to an Administra­ him that Lori Chase of the campus Controversy frequently surrounds the According to the director, many sources La\Vsuit Imboden claims that Haubert told tive t"position with a pay raise to be Personnel Office changed the pro· Lobby VOA, an arm of the United States are renewable annually and have an him, "I never heard of a group insu­ 90 days retroactive. Imboden had motion from Adminstrative I to Information Agency. Earlier this year a average value in excess of $1,000. Continued from pale 1 Continued from pale 1 rance plan that didn't go into affect taken over the clerical duties for Principal Clerk and also reduced reporter from Radio Marti, a United Sudenb interested in receiving the free insurance form Imboden signed 100,000 students in San Diego, immediately. " another doctor with the hope that the 90 day retroactive pay raise to States government·operated station aid calendar and information on the schoo last May that clearly indicated that but many students don't vote. he would be compensated for the 30 days. which broadcasts to Cuba and Central larship programs should send a stamped, coverage would not begin until Haubert testified in court that Danon mentioned an incident when additional work with the retroactive Imboden questioned Chase by America, was yanked from her White business· sized, self-addressed envelope to June 1 , 1987. I n court, Doft asked she never told Imboden one way or "one student represented 30,000 pay. phone about the changes. Accord· House beat after publicly posing a ques· the Scholarship Bank, 4626 N. Grand, Imboden ilthe coverage start date the other as to when his dental cov· students ... the City Council stepped Nickie White, Dr. Alksne's sec· ing to Imboden, Chase told him various locations around the campus. In tion to President Reagan. Carlson, who Covina, CA 91724. was on the form when he signed it. er age started. all over us." AIDS Awareness Week retary and Imboden's immediate that Haubert had not put in for addition, 13 centers will provide informa· supervises Radio Marti, defended the Imboden replied he did not know.
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