Leuentitg Marines Seize Hill in Easter Day Battle
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Bloodmobile Visits Concordia Lutheran Church Tomorrow, 1:45-6:30 Dallr Nat Plaaa Ron n r The Week £nde<1 ' The Weather I April 18, INB Showers likely part of tonight. lEuentitg Low about 40. Tomorrow sunny. 15,188 High about 60. Manehetter—~A City of Vitlage Charm VOL. Lxxxyn, n o . lee (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1968 (Ohwsifled AdvertMng on Page U ) PRICE TEN CENTS Income Tax Deadline WASHtNOTON (AP)—Mid Unmanned Sputniks night tonight Is the deadline for filing 1967 income tax re Marines Seize Hill turns and the government es timates 18 million Americans waited until the past week end to do it. Link Up in Space To meet the legal deadline, returns must be postmarked by midnight but the rules In Easter Day Battle MOSCXDW (AP) — Two un- the crash of Soyuz 1 last April conducted," the announcement manned Soviet Sputniks auto- 24. said. have been stretched for per sons affected by last wCek’s matically linked up in orbit to- An official announcement of “ The televised image of the racial violence, inclucAng po day, circled together for 3 hours today’s docking and undocking apuitnlk., was tranamditted to the lice, firemen and National and 60 minutes and then separ- by cosmos 212 and cosmos 213 earth In the process of undock- Guardsmen called to duty. ated. Implied that an advance had ing by means of satellite televl- SAIGON (A P )— U.S. Marines seized a hill northwest Persons whose records The duplication of a Soviet been made on the automatic sion systems." of Khe Sanh from its North Vietnamese defenders in were lost or destroyed In the 'feat first accomplished last Oct. coupling since last year. An earlier announcement of an Easter Day battle. An American source said South violence or were prevented Vietnamese troops soon will take on a bigger share of 30 came amid indications that "A “ refinement of new sys- the docking said It also was tele- from obtaining help In pre the Soviet Union soon will be terns was carried out In condl- vised. paring their returns because the fighting along the northern frontier. ---------------------------------------------- - The batUe for Hill 881 North, ready to make its first manned tlons of coupled flight, as pro- The announcement claimed of curfews or related condi five miles from the Khe Sanh space flight since cosmonaut vlded by the program, and that everything worked normal- tions may file late returns. Vladimir M. Komarov died in scientific-technical studies were ly. After the separation, the two combat base,,was one of several unmanned devices “ were sharp fights over Easter. AP switched over to different or- correspondent John Lengel re blte." LBJ Flies ported from Marine headquar They "are continuing their Newspapers ters at Da Nang that 108 North flight and their studies of outer Vietnamese were killed on 881 Humphrey Counting space,” said the announcement. To Confer North —most of them by artil Experienced observers expected Blockaded in lery and air strikes that preced them to be brought down to soft ed the Marine assault. landings, as Cosmos 186 and 188 Six Marines were reported had been last October—and as West Berlin W ith Park kUled and 12 wounded. On Political Debts the eventual manned docking Troops of the 26th Marine AUSTIN, Tex. I Air-) i-resi- Regiment stormed up the WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice him In the front rank of con- spaceships will be. dent Jt>hnson ended a related slopes. Sporadic shooting contln- President Hubert H. Humphrey tenders. The two docking exercises ap- dente^Mder^^^ ~ b l^ lf^ ^ ^ ^ f EicLster weekend at his ranch u®d after, the hill was decleuad is counting on collecting polltl- Humphrey and Nixon are the Publisher Axel Springer’s^ newt end headed today for Honolulu ®®®ure early In the afternoon. cal debts piled up In tireless „,en Ij^st L ow n personally to ^ raising the p T s - party fund-raising activities In local ore-anizaHnn of "*®" nect of more trniihio nffor four fo r talks With South Korea’s ‘^® ®J®"® [-raising activities m local organization members of pect of more trouble after four . fighting In the spring of 1967, his expected bid for the Demo- their parties who often turn up , I f « f®®" days of violent demonstraUons Resident and with U.S. mill- and the North Vietnamese hung cratlc presidential nomination. as convention delegates. number of Indications to con- ^ vVest Berlin. It is widely assumed he will *** *^® area, on to It after the selge of Khe One of Humphreys accom- o p « a U o r ^ H ° “ ^ ,'^® SoclallsHc Students Asso- The plane bearing the presl- Sanh was lifted this month, announce his candidacy this pllshmenU has been to sell him- Cosmls 212, launched Sunday up b l^ L d ^ flif Wesf ^ r l f dentlal party left Bergstrom Air The 26th Marine Regiment week. Force Base at 9:22 a.m. (CST) had been In Khe Sanh during Humphrey’s associates be self to Southern Democrats, who "to teat new systems and ele- P rL w u it ’EssUnJ^iTafrt^Hf,!^: once looked upon him as the ments of the design of space- ygj. ’ ^ for the flight of about eight the 77-day siege. Ailter the ^ lieve his extensive traveling on hours to Hawaii. circlement was broken the regl- iiiV^DemoTraUc’ dlnner‘circ,Ilt ^ ^ ® ^ Springer, continental Eu wUl help do for him what it has t IMS conven- O o ^ s 213, which was blasted A last-minute addition to the ment moved out to sweep the tion and triggered a Dlxlecr.at aloft later. rope’s biggest publisher, has party was Cyrus R. Vance, a surrounding area, done for Richard M. Nixon been a chief target of the Ger former deputy secretary of de- The U.S. Command is prepar- among the Republicans—put (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) man New Left because of his fense on whom Johnson fre- Ing to replace American troops papers’ antileft editorial stand. quently calls for special assign- along the demilitarized zone Earlier blockades led to clashes ments. with South Vietnamese forces with police and considerable It was Vance whom Johnson an American source said today, damage to trucks and buildings. U.S. Marine gives out Easter eggs that arrived at dispatched to South Korea fol- It was considered possible that In an effort to reconcile the Khe Sanh by copter. (AP Photofax) lowing the Jan. 23 seizure by South Vietnamese troops will Democratic Governors Meet; dissidents and the authorities, North Korea of the Intelligence l®he over defense of the Marine other West Berlin political and gathering ship Pueblo. Presl- outpost of Con Thlen and of Khe youth groups announced plans dent Chung Hee Park and other Sanh, now defended by a battol- for “ make a new start” rally to offlclals In Seoul protested that *on of air cavalrymen, day. , they were excluded from U.S.— "The plan to give the 1st Talk Presidential Politics Leftist demonstrations began ‘Faucet’ to Be Shut North Korean talks at Panmun- South Vietnamese Army Divl- i Thursday when SDS leader Rudi Jom over return of the vessel ®*on a bigger slice of the DMZ is ST. LOUIS (AP) Democrat- cratlc governors were to attend Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox, Dutschke wal’ shot M d critlc^- and Vance sought to reassure tn the mill,” the source Ic grovemora talk some p re| | - t*'® party’s governor’s confer- who supports George C. Wallace ly .wounded by a gunman on On Columhia River them. said. denUal poUUcs today, and ®nce at a downtown hotel, but In for president, said In advance West Berlin’s main street, the Vance also has been picked to reliably learned that agfents for the party's White seemed to have he would seek backing for the Kurfueratendamm. THE DALLES, Ore. ,(AP) running upstream from John ^ork with Ambassador W. Av- ‘” ® '” °''® carried out as House contenders already are at ®"® common: pollt- Alabaman. A demonstration on that 'The flow of the mighty Colum- Day Dam to McNary Dam.Dam Harrlman at preliminary - ^® Vietnamese ical caution. qov. Kenneth M. Curtis work hunting support for their f street Sunday erupted Into a ^la River will be shut off Tues- ^®®‘ peace talks now being arranged ^^'^Islon has completed refit- ■ men. The advance talkk was of un- Maine announced he would gigah between thousands of “ _______ ,_____ ........................... ^ A'® pr®s®nt river. And un- North Vietnam. retraining. ’The division But it seemed unlikely that vaction to Dutschke’s supporters and hun- der it will be abandoned town- ParV h ^ bLTreported fear- »’®®^ casualUes dur- anyly of thei,.c threeu.icc toplup piuopeuu.prospects "pm eoln^toI to play this down “ ®-J^®""®’ dreds of poUce, plunging the valve were turned. sites, abandoned railroads and the United Statermlght not ‘" f en®my’8 lunar new year 4. im c^oincf 10 piny uiis uown Hv man. A Curtis snokasmon in T/^Vlv» hip^Viwnva nnH fhA mvofAtHmia .... ..® . offonslvA for the nomination President the middle,” said the host gov dy man. A Curtis spokesman traditional Easter' pal-ade of Massive gates in John Day highways and the mysterious rg'main "ste a ia sr'ln "its long- ®"®"®‘ve. said several governors had ask- atrolling Berliners and tourists oam some 25 miles upriver ^ock carvings of long-vanished standing resolve to help protect '” *® Division, about 12,000 muenm °S°heafvi^rr^t headway at theth r lrbrief ie r Sprl h Missouri. “ It’s too early to ®‘*reasons he ®°"'®had decided to ‘en- *'® i’nto'chaos*: from here will slide shut under tribes. •’I® country against any Incur- "I®"’ *^® ’The demonstrators shouted hydraulic control and the wat- Navigation will be extended sions from Communist North ropld-flrlng M16 rifle, the vaie session.