NOTICE- Ik a U Rte Tp R Leupmtm Llprall!
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1968 PAGE TWENTY /T- Aw nffe Dally Net Preaa Rm For Hie Week Ended The Weather January C, 1968 Fair tonight. Loir in upper The deacons of SecMtd Con Rancourt, East Hartford; teena. Tomorrow meetly eunny. About Town gregational Church will meet to Two Courses Laurel Rech, Westport; John iKaurtetpr lEupmtm llprall! night at 7:S0 at the church. Brown Appointed Rich, 29 R i< ^ Rd., Wapplng; High near 40. To Be Offered FINAL WEEK OF OUR v 15,534 Mrs. Ethel Tqjlfor^ 21 Bond Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm The church councU of Second The Grade 7 Methodist Youth S t; Peter ZaccardelU, 160 Oak CLEARANCE SALE i t CongregaUonal Church will Kelloswhip of South Methodist State REEC Member Senior Citizens St. meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the church will meet tonight at 7 BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son FINE FABRICS! VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 105 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1968 (daealfled AdverUakig on Page II) PRICE SEVEN CENTS church. at the church. Horace H Brow^ of Manchester has b e ^ appointed relJ^en^tTS b T c '^ L c T e d ^ 'S s to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore ON AU THREE FLOORS . to mem'bership on the Connecticut Regional Export Ex Pesce, Glastonbury; a daughter The Sunday School staff of a Holy Communion service spring at the Senior Citizens to Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, pansion Council^ by Alexander B. Trowbridjfe, secretary center at Linden and Myrtle Zion Evangelical Lutheran observing the presentation of Glastonbury. PILGRIM MILLS Church will meet Monday at 8 Christ in the Temple wlli /be held o f commerce.
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