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PAGE 2 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 94#6 a *aAe Every Hotline' issue, we will publish letters and answers that fellow Hobie skippers will benefit from. We will try to answei any .question · that yoli may have concerning . .0 0 0 sailing.-Editor. LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Dear ED: ;• The Christmas season is here again and-the 5th racing season is behind us. We have added our new 12' to the What can I use to make my hulls look like new again? They Hobie Cat 14' and 16' racing fleets this year, and the fleets are dark blue and over three years old. aire growing rapidly. The Hobie Class Association has now R.B. Alexander become the most active racing fleet in the world. We have Newpori Beach, Ca. travelled many miles across the United States; sailing in all R. B.: types of regattas and meeting many interesting people. Armorall seems to be about the best: it's even good on One of the highlights has bedn the Hpbie 16' Nationals aluminum. which were, held at· Kdy. Biheayrie, Flotida, in hurricane ED condiiions. .Ii was sailboat-racing.at its best, while, on the MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOOD SAILING other side of the continent, we had the Hobie 14' Nationals THROUGHOUT THE COMING YEAR. at Lake Havasu, Arizoria, with gruelling light air. Both .. National events,offered varied 'sailing ponditions, making thik sailing year one of the.greatest. • 65*6• ,E CAT t' We'are. placing much more' empliasiA on .the regatta 1-- 1 1--1" '-. program . next year, and have expanded the Regatta 99/542'ellir Department with the addition of Sandy Banks as Director of ttle.:A · *W _• mb, - -- BEGiriA·<88* r · the Regatta Program, and Kevin Summe»11 as his Assistant. : · - , .. Z.. z tr·' - *' A f - *. I We've even added a new HOTLINE Editor, Van Bagley, HOTLINE PUBLICATIONS to maintain ·the good work previouily - done on the P. 0.'BOX 10278 HOTLINE. Van is new with the company but has been sailing Hobies with us since we invented the 14' back in SANTA ANA, CA. 92711 1968. CLASS ASSOCIATION The World Championships are going to be held in Tahiti Director.................Sandy Banks soliletime'iIi'July, on which we should have more particulars f6r you after the first of the year. Also, the mid-Winters will Assistant Director ........ Kevin Summerell , t., . dgain be held in Apollo Beach, Florida, and Guaymas, West Director ........... Kbvin Summerell' Mexico.' All iIi all; we're looking forward to another fun reghtta year. South Director............... Rich Reed Hotline Editor.............. Van Bagley .We, here at Coast Catamaran, wish to offer each and Advertising .............. Peggy Swank · eydry one:· of our many friends and Hobie owners -: throughout Ithe world· our warmest season's greetings and Circulation............... Peggy Swank bdst'wishes.for a happy new year, and we are personally Subscription: $2.50 per year, $5.00 foreign looking forward to meeting many more of the growing • ,F.Jobie enthusiasts in our travels this coming year. and Canada. Single copies 35c. Change. of Address: Allow fo'ur weeks notice. ·.'As always... good sailing. Please send old address when writing. - , ... Hobie .and Nancy Alter Hotline: Volume 2, Nufn6er 10 11 ul ,»•2226'L. PHOTO CREDITS: COVER PHOTO - Bob . A - Stephanie Swerdlin & Jenalyn Beaochamp at Hobie 16 Nationals Bill Amberg COVER PHOTO - • Bob Johns6n Stephanie Swerdlin· ...,j. 042, a• ui - $%,42 Van Bagley ..... ..r. '*ew *ea#/ JAN./FEB. ISSUE TO BE MAILED - Jan. 21,1974. PAGE 3 SAIIL-CARE by Jim Black & McKibbin Sails "t. Coast Catamaran Warranty Department - The 10116wihii article repr.esents,extremd. sail care. Average sailing 6868itions require washing ygur ' . ' sail once or twice per year. lf, stored for a long petiod of tim'ec untie battens.and fpld accordindly. 1'.- 1 ... '-• --' . ' .1. 1, .1 . ...• 1'.. .% . :R - . ... 3 • . 042·y'• 1., Put sail,away dry. 2. Occasional wash or.rinsing with fresh water af- ter each use. If this is done while the sail is still up, f 7-i lll 1 - .• li it has a better chance to dry. Washing the sail the ·- .16• 1• Z5ll.r - 036.-' -Al next day ori the:lawn witE.fresh water from a gar- , i 3 pli• den hose is common prac• id.. Lake water as well as F1 e- 1/"Ilp g. I m idlim//5/'ll sea water coiltains salt ankl impuritiek which are not only corrosive in.theidhelves-btitialsd collect and re- ... : . ' m 14 tain,moisture (the·No. 1 enemy!). · • =,1 -' 1• 8. • For long pedods always untie the batten ties '• 1 • :h.'' - after each day's. use. By relieving the pressure on r. -;. - ., •9 r the batteri pocket• , the sail will hold. its cut shape -*..... 3,1 . ·.t - '1./L;_2 at.least twice· as 16ng as 'if you leave the batten tied • '. or taped into the sail. 4.. Washing the sail:. (a) A ·mild-detergent. and a medium-to-light 'bristle• .Ibrjisli • will.-tlike • out mosi stains and 7 Any hole is a weak spot on the sail, and espec grease spots: * .' ially critical are holes near or on the batten pockets lb ) A 548-1 sblution of water to hydrofluo- All holes: should be quickly repaired, because· , a hole., .2 .'. • rid abid'I• '616ans' • antl bleaches the sail. The or tear can quickly become a major expense item, solutic;n'-must be,rinsed 'thoroughly, immedi- in an unexpected heavy sea or heav> i eather at6ly after application. Rubber gloves and situation Do. yourself and vour cren and pas other,, strict .precautions are not just recom- pengers a favor Fix it now before vou re stradded mended-:they are mandatory! offshore without power 5, ' Always .turn .the''sail','into the ·wind when 8. When the sail will ni)t bdin tise for long periods:1 . beached to avoid 'any contact of sail to shrouds of time: (a) Remove all· battens and "fan-fold" (like F and trapeze. wires, :Loosen.downhaul, this will re- t, duce sailflapping:···.I.··-. an accordion ) the sail ( avoid folds or creases on the vinyl insignia anil-numbers ) and.roll.or fold. 6. White and, colored, nylon sail repair tape. is the sail into a compact bundle. Stow it in a recommended. · on - those, points on the mainsail protective cover away from extreme..heat or i · batten pocket which : come-:in I contact with the cold and all moisture.
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