Knowledge for the 21St Century
Knowledge for the 21st Century Dialogue workshop | Guna Yala, Panama | 10–13 April 2012 Indigenous knowledge, traditional knowledge, science and connecting diverse knowledge systems The Resilience and Development Programme (Swedbio) Conveners: The Resilience and Development Programme (SwedBio) at Stockholm Resilience Centre in collaboration with NAPTEK at the Swedish Biodiversity Centre and the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity. CBM Swedish Local host: Biodiversity Centre Fundación para la Promoción del Conocimiento Indígena, Panama Funding: Economic support for the seminar was provided by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), The Ministry of Environment, Finland and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has contributed with translation of this report to Spanish. Citation: Tengö M. and Malmer P. (eds), Borraz P, Cariño C, Cariño J, Gonzales T, Ishizawa J, Kvarnström M, Masardule O, Morales A, Nobrega M, Schultz M, Soto Martinez R, Vizina Y. 2012. Dialogue workshop on Knowledge for the 21st Century: Indigenous knowledge, traditional knowledge, science and connecting diverse knowledge systems. Usdub, Guna Yala, Panama, 10 – 13 April 2012. Workshop Report. Stockholm Resilience Centre. Copy editing: Tim Daw Layout: Niclas Hällström, What Next Forum Cover photo: Pernilla Malmer (canoes and agroforestry cultivation in Guna Yala) and Fotógrafos sin fronteras, Usdub (The Cacique of Usdub welcoming the dialogue participants). ISBN: 978-91-7540-167-6 For presentations, background documents, relevant literature and futher information about the dialogue workshop, visit the website: The views reported in this publication do not necessarily represent those of the conveners, organizer or donors.
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