OPEN ACCESS The Journal of Threatened Taxa fs dedfcated to bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally by publfshfng peer-revfewed arfcles onlfne every month at a reasonably rapfd rate at . All arfcles publfshed fn JoTT are regfstered under Creafve Commons Atrfbufon 4.0 Internafonal Lfcense unless otherwfse menfoned. JoTT allows unrestrfcted use of arfcles fn any medfum, reproducfon, and dfstrfbufon by provfdfng adequate credft to the authors and the source of publfcafon. Journal of Threatened Taxa Bufldfng evfdence for conservafon globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Onlfne) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Prfnt) Revfew Current status, dfstrfbutfon and conservatfon status of Algerfan bats (Mammalfa: Chfroptera) Mourad Ahmfm 26 January 2017 | Vol. 9| No. 1 | Pp. 9723–9733 10.11609/jot. 2576 .9.1. 9723-9733 For Focus, Scope, Afms, Polfcfes and Gufdelfnes vfsft htp:// For Arfcle Submfssfon Gufdelfnes vfsft htp:// For Polfcfes agafnst Scfenffc Mfsconduct vfsft htp:// For reprfnts contact <
[email protected]> Publfsher/Host Partner Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 26 January 2017 | 9(1): 9723–9733 Review Current status, distribution and conservation status of Algerian bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Mourad Ahmim ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie - Université Abderrahmane Mira, Route de Targa Ouzemmour - 06000, Bejaia, Algeria OPEN ACCESS
[email protected] Abstract: Algeria is the largest country in Africa (2,381,741km²), with 85% of the area consisting of the Sahara opening on to the Mediterranean (1,200 km coastline).