January 2016
JANUARY 2016 ZOY Tevet / Shevat 5776 A “Is that so?” The Monthly Newsletter of Temple B’nai Israel The Reform Jewish Congregation of Bay County Mailing Address: PO Box 16556, Panama City, FL 32406 Located at: 1910 Frankford Avenue, Panama City, Florida 850-522-8685 / http://bnaiisraelpc.org Religious School Chanukah Luncheon by Cynthia Gingold This year’s annual Chanukah Party that were created to make people growth in his reading. Pearl Am- was fantastic! laugh. This one was told how the romin showed that she has excel- wisest men in Chelm were iden- lent acting skills. On Sunday, December 6, the chil- tified by the golden slippers they dren of our religious school, par- wore on their ears. The children got Parents of the children, Tammy Ma- ents, and congregants had a mar- the humor, as did the adults. rimuzzi and Pavel Amromin, Amber velous time. The children began the and Matt Alter, and Lynette Stern- party making abstract, collage me- Joshua Alter was marvelous as the licht provided the jelly-filled dough- norahs. Shira Moskowitz, our ISJL Motley Fool. He has a fabulously nuts, cookies with symbols of Cha- fellow, played a game with the chil- developed sense of humor and this nukah, water, and fruit salad. Lisa dren, based on the game of Chutes is well evident by his performance. Rahn and Steve Theberge brought and Ladders, to review the story of Someday, you will see him on TV as doughnuts, Ed Nagler brought pro- Chanukah. They cheered for their he receives a Tony, Oscar, or Emmy.
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