The Nordic Dialect Corpus – an advanced research tool Janne Bondi Johannessen Joel Priestley University of Oslo University of Oslo Oslo, Norway Oslo, Norway
[email protected] [email protected] Kristin Hagen Tor Anders Åfarli University of Oslo Norwegian Univ. of Science & Tech. Oslo, Norway Trondheim, Norway
[email protected] [email protected] Øystein Alexander Vangsnes University of Tromsø Tromsø, Norway
[email protected] 2 Introduction Abstract In this paper, we describe the first, completed part of the Nordic Dialect Corpus. The corpus The paper describes the first part of the Nordic has a variety of features that combined makes it a Dialect Corpus. This is a tool that combines a very advanced tool for language researchers. number of useful features that together makes These features include: Linguistic contents (dia- it a unique and very advanced resource for re- lects from five closely related languages), anno- searchers of many fields of language search. tation (tagging and two types of transcription), The corpus is web-based and features full search interface (advanced possibilities for com- audio-visual representation linked to tran- bining a large array of search criteria and results scripts. presentation in an intuitive and simple interface), many search variables (linguistics-based, infor- 1 Credits mant-based, time-based), multimedia display (linking of sound and video to transcriptions), The Nordic Dialect Corpus is the result of close display of informant details (number of words collaboration between the partners in the re- and other information on informants), advanced search networks Scandinavian Dialect Syntax results handling (concordances, collocations, and Nordic Centre of Excellence in Microcom- counts and statistics shown in a variety of parative Syntax.