Betty 'Horn Reigns at Homecoming
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· ' tIrf '.'_ KNOWLEDGE IN YOUTH IS WISDOM IN AGE ONE Volume 9 - Nos. 1 and 2 NOVEMBER, 1958 Booneville, Mississippi Forty-Eight Make Seniors Sell Honor Roll Greeting Cards BETTY 'HORN REIGNS AT HOMECOMING Well, students, here we are The Seni or Class has select Gloriously climaxing the one six-weeks cluser to the ed as one of its money-makin Ihopes, dreams, and fears of end of this school year. Al projerts the selling of assort i th e 1958 Blu e Devil Team, though most of us just play ed greeti ng cards. !along with t he loyalty of their fans and cheerleaders ed around while we were E ach senior will sell six "Getting Adjusted", some f ew was the annual B. H. S. boxes of cards at $1.00 per Homecoming for 1-9'58-59. students were smart enough box. The boxes are assor te d, to study, as we all should The stars twinkled delight some containing onl y Christ edly down throu gh the cool have done. One out of every mas assor tments, and others six .people in high school crisp, autumn night on the a variety of cards for all oc NE MJ C Foot ball Field, all racked his brains and us ed casions . enough knowledge to make aglow with lights and made brilliant by the panaramo of the honor roll. The seniors The profits of this project blu e and gold, blazed by the led all classes, having 11 on will go toward the financing the roll. Next came the sop of the class trip. pom-poms, and echoed in the band's and cheerleaders' uni homores with 17, and right forms. Mix ed among the yell behind them, the freshmen, .,ing, waving crowd were the, with 16. Last were the Juni Welcome! . alumni of B. H. S., leading ors with 4. The students wh o made the To teachers and s tudents ' t heir throaty cheers as the Honor Roll are as follows : who are new to this school ent husiastic fans led their 12 GRADE s y s t e m, the Boonevi lle : favorite yells. Nina Beth Smith schools extend a sincere Starting the halftime fes *Fa ye Livingston welcome. We hope that O:lC ' tivities was the Booneville: Gerald Wil'banks way of life will be ac cep t- High Band as they formed Juanita Armstrong abl e to you and tha t yO;1 an arch through which the, Ouida Phillips will be abl e to contribu te , convertibles with the Queen Molly Ann Robertson much t o improve ou r and maids passed. The Ma ,x'Wanda Shannon l scho ols. We are glad tha t jorettes, char ming in their w~n t ~raditional bl~e Daris Spencer ,you arc here and tJ J Center : Queen Be tty Carolyn Horn. Left to right: Mary and.gOld un i l "Connie Young help make the seSSIOn of , Freshman Maid ; Carolyn Henson, Sophomore ". onns topped by Whlt.C g.OYCS N"lH" Rllt.h MnrriR I1958-59 the best you have M<liil ' n<lriR ~n f'n(,f'r . ~f'ninr Maid: Wandl!. Holder. .Iuninr s~lute~ ..the .home . sl.d~ and .,. ... ' . , ~ . ~ .' Ijorettes, cn arming mcneil' "Wanda Shannon !schools. We are glad that I . traditional blue and gold uni- Daris Spen cer ' you are here and want t) Ccrrte r. Queen Betty Carolyn Horn. Left to r ight: MarY'':orms topped by whi te gloves " Connie Young help make the session of Pannely, Freshman Maid; Ca rolyn Henson , Sophom ~r e saluted the home side and Nellie Ruth Morris 1958-59 the best you have Maid ' Daris Spencer, Senior Maid ; Wanda Holder, Junior then did a dance twirl rou *Lynne Bolton ever experienced. Maid: Photo by Nunley tine for the Baldwyn fans. 11 GRADE H N ' ·i T:·'· Then the procession of *Gerald Clark . u o, royalty began. The first con George Houston Devils Triumph Blue Devils Sell ertible driven b y Billy Sonny Martin Billy McCoy School Jackets McCoy made its way to cen David Turner 9 GRADE Over Bear Cats . ,,'? ter field , bea ring freshman 10 GRADE Sandra Houston Do you want to be m style ' Imaid Mary Pannell and soph Mary Joyce Arnold Pam ella Kemp Trampling their Baldwyn Would you like t o sh ow.every- omore maid Carolyn Henson. Lourine Counce Bill y Morgan Bearcat rivals, the Boone- one just wh at you think of Both wore forma ls of yellow: Vance Dixon Don Murphy ville Blue Devils ran, block- Booneville High? Are you a and long white gloves. Fresh Amanda Gardner Mary Alice Riddle ed, and tackled its way to loyal fan ? No, you don 't h.ave m an cheerleader Sandra Randolph Morris Virginia Tays the first Devil win over to wear a sack or ch emise ; Houston presented yellow Martha Scott *Marcia Archer Baldwyn In nin e years with neither do you fellows have mums to escor t J erry Hester, "Mary Jayne Turner Tommy Comer Ia score of 59-6. to . we ~r a t~x:. .Th e n~we s ~ wh o presented them to Mary "x'Sharon Chase Barbara Enis The Devil's offe nsive team thi ng in fashion is the Blue Pannell. Sophomores Rose , Lynne Dillon Norma Enis leaders, Ronny Martin, Wil- Devils" windbreak ers t1hat Warnick and J o Ann McCr ea Carolyn Henson Martha Ruth Hill 1i a m Browning, Gerald the football and '? a s k e t iJ a ~ 1 ry then presented yellow Emma Lou McMillian Julia Hinton Clark, J ohnny Price, and players are now s e l h ~g . Don t mums to escort Billy Gene John Summers Joe Livingston James Downs, accounted for drag! See your fav on.te play - Sharp who in turn presented Charlotte Tidwell *Jimmy Mit chell th e numerous touchdowns, er today and have ' him take them to Maid Carolyn Hen c o l ~r Judy Windham Lana Reno whi ch m ad e Booneville's your nam e, size, and son. Mary Nell Walden Eddie White hom ecoming all the more choice. You may ? av e pract i- Next came Junior Maid Ray Kendall * All A's. joyful. Baldwyn's I on e call y a ny lettering on the Wanda Holder and Senior counter oceured wh en a pass 'back, but the. favorite s e :m~ Maid Daris Spencer both from Joe Cunningham made to be "Boonev ille Blu e Devils . sky blue formals G' h . k t ry much wearmg - ': its way to end Harold .IriS- T e jac e s a re ve . riding abreast a white con-. CLASS OFFICERS CHOSEN sam. like those sold at Ole Mi~ s tibl dri by Charles' . and Mississippi State. Don't ver i e n~ en . CI k Booneville's DeVils drove h J t t in line Gurley. Junior Cheerl eaders Seniors Choose Wilbanks; JunIors, ar Iup and down the field with push, C urns. us ge . Mami e Martin and Marie The high school classes lost IBreeland, reporter; Mrs . great great determination to Highes presented yellow no time in electing their offi- Vance Dixon and Mr. M. T. win their final and home- mums to escort Kenneth Ter cers for the 1958-59 year Cartwright, sponsors. coming game before a much- The business managers of ry who in turn presented, Leading the senior class is Th e sophomores elected Jo e pleased turnout. Old alumni the Ell-BOONE urges you them to Maid Wanda . Sen Gerald Wilbanks, president. Duckworth, president; John were fdlled with high-ton e:'! read every ad vertisemen t i 0 r Cheerleaders Connie" The other senior officers a re SttI1lners, \\ice - president ; excite ment as Booneville I in this issue. Our advertis- Young and Nina Beth Smith William Browning, vice-presi- Martha Scott, secr etary-t-rea g a v e Baldwyn its worst ers made this pap er possi- presented yfI low mums t o dent; Connie Young, secr e- surer; Nickie Rutherford, re beating in many years. ble. Tell them that you Co-Captain Tommy Stoop, tary; Betty Carter, treasur- porter; Mrs. Richard Kemp Browning, guard, blocked saw their ad in the HI- who then presented them to er ; and Joe Blythe, parlia- and Mrs . George Oakley, a Bearcat kick with a bean BOONE. Patronize them Maid Daris Spencer. J erry mentarian ; Mrs . J ohnny Da- sponsors. tiful defensive play and r ac at every opp ortunity. Long then escorted the Sen vidson and Miss Mabl e Cun- The freshmen officers are ed fifteen yar ds for a t ouch ~~.~~- ior Maid t o her honored po ningham, sponsors. president, Butch Henderson ; down . Th e stubborn defense ----------- sition in the court. vice president, Tommy Com- played heads-up ball keep- Th ey wer e Joe Blythe, Wil Then all eyes turned to' Junior class of~1Cers ..,are er ; secretary, Sandra Houst the south side of the fi eld as: ~ eo- ing the Bearcats t o a very liam Browning, Billy Bu r- Gerald .Clark, president; on; treasurer, Billy Morgan ; little yardage. ress , Larry Carroll, Clyd e Queen Betty Carolyn Horn rge Brmkley Houston, Vice- reporter , Jimmy Mit chell ; Eight seniors re ceived Hare, Ronny Martin, Tom- ma de her ent rance, dressed president ; Betty Jane Sh arp , Mrs. Taylor Smith and Coach their last high school foot-Imy Stoop, and Ger ald Wil n white, as a person of ro y secretary-treasurer; William Billy ard, Sponsors. ball bruises Friday ni gh t. I banks. ( Conti nued on P ag e 6 ) 11'/ " ; '.