· ' tIrf '.'_ KNOWLEDGE IN YOUTH IS WISDOM IN AGE ONE Volume 9 - Nos. 1 and 2 NOVEMBER, 1958 Booneville, Mississippi Forty-Eight Make Seniors Sell Honor Roll Greeting Cards BETTY 'HORN REIGNS AT HOMECOMING Well, students, here we are The Seni or Class has select­ Gloriously climaxing the one six-weeks cluser to the ed as one of its money-makin Ihopes, dreams, and fears of end of this school year. Al­ projerts the selling of assort­ i th e 1958 Blu e Devil Team, though most of us just play­ ed greeti ng cards. !along with t he loyalty of their fans and cheerleaders ed around while we were E ach senior will sell six "Getting Adjusted", some f ew was the annual B. H. S. boxes of cards at $1.00 per Homecoming for 1-9'58-59. students were smart enough box. The boxes are assor te d, to study, as we all should The stars twinkled delight­ some containing onl y Christ­ edly down throu gh the cool have done. One out of every mas assor tments, and others six .people in high school crisp, autumn night on the a variety of cards for all oc­ NE MJ C Foot ball Field, all racked his brains and us ed casions . enough knowledge to make aglow with lights and made brilliant by the panaramo of the honor roll. The seniors The profits of this project blu e and gold, blazed by the led all classes, having 11 on will go toward the financing the roll. Next came the sop­ of the class trip. pom-poms, and echoed in the band's and cheerleaders' uni­ homores with 17, and right forms. Mix ed among the yell­ behind them, the freshmen, .,ing, waving crowd were the, with 16. Last were the Juni­ Welcome! . alumni of B. H. S., leading ors with 4. The students wh o made the To teachers and s tudents ' t heir throaty cheers as the Honor Roll are as follows : who are new to this school ent husiastic fans led their 12 GRADE s y s t e m, the Boonevi lle : favorite yells. Nina Beth Smith schools extend a sincere Starting the halftime fes­ *Fa ye Livingston welcome. We hope that O:lC ' tivities was the Booneville: Gerald Wil'banks way of life will be ac cep t- High Band as they formed Juanita Armstrong abl e to you and tha t yO;1 an arch through which the, Ouida Phillips will be abl e to contribu te , convertibles with the Queen Molly Ann Robertson much t o improve ou r and maids passed. The Ma­ ,x'Wanda Shannon l scho ols. We are glad tha t jorettes, char ming in their w~n t ~raditional bl~e Daris Spencer ,you arc here and tJ J Center : Queen Be tty Carolyn Horn. Left to right: Mary and.gOld un i­ l "Connie Young help make the seSSIOn of IPanne.ly , Freshman Maid ; Carolyn Henson, Sophomore ". onns topped by Whlt.C g.OYCS N"lH" Rllt.h MnrriR I1958-59 the best you have M<liil ' n<lriR ~n f'n(,f'r . ~f'ninr Maid: Wandl!. Holder. .Iuninr s~lute~ ..the .home . sl.d~ and .,. ... ' . , ~ . ~ .' Ijorettes, cn arming mcneil' "Wanda Shannon !schools. We are glad that I . traditional blue and gold uni- Daris Spen cer ' you are here and want t) Ccrrte r. Queen Betty Carolyn Horn. Left to r ight: MarY'':orms topped by whi te gloves " Connie Young help make the session of Pannely, Freshman Maid; Ca rolyn Henson , Sophom ~r e saluted the home side and Nellie Ruth Morris 1958-59 the best you have Maid ' Daris Spencer, Senior Maid ; Wanda Holder, Junior then did a dance twirl rou­ *Lynne Bolton ever experienced. Maid: Photo by Nunley tine for the Baldwyn fans. 11 GRADE H N ' ·i T:·'· Then the procession of *Gerald Clark . u o, royalty began. The first con­ George Houston Devils Triumph Blue Devils Sell ertible driven b y Billy Sonny Martin Billy McCoy School Jackets McCoy made its way to cen­ David Turner 9 GRADE Over Bear Cats . ,,'? ter field , bea ring freshman 10 GRADE Sandra Houston Do you want to be m style ' Imaid Mary Pannell and soph­ Mary Joyce Arnold Pam ella Kemp Trampling their Baldwyn Would you like t o sh ow.every- omore maid Carolyn Henson. Lourine Counce Bill y Morgan Bearcat rivals, the Boone- one just wh at you think of Both wore forma ls of yellow: Vance Dixon Don Murphy ville Blue Devils ran, block- Booneville High? Are you a and long white gloves. Fresh­ Amanda Gardner Mary Alice Riddle ed, and tackled its way to loyal fan ? No, you don 't h.ave m an cheerleader Sandra Randolph Morris Virginia Tays the first Devil win over to wear a sack or ch emise ; Houston presented yellow Martha Scott *Marcia Archer Baldwyn In nin e years with neither do you fellows have mums to escor t J erry Hester, "Mary Jayne Turner Tommy Comer Ia score of 59-6. to . we ~r a t~x:. .Th e n~we s ~ wh o presented them to Mary "x'Sharon Chase Barbara Enis The Devil's offe nsive team thi ng in fashion is the Blue Pannell. Sophomores Rose , Lynne Dillon Norma Enis leaders, Ronny Martin, Wil- Devils" windbreak ers t1hat Warnick and J o Ann McCr ea­ Carolyn Henson Martha Ruth Hill 1i a m Browning, Gerald the football and '? a s k e t iJ a ~ 1 ry then presented yellow Emma Lou McMillian Julia Hinton Clark, J ohnny Price, and players are now s e l h ~g . Don t mums to escort Billy Gene John Summers Joe Livingston James Downs, accounted for drag! See your fav on.te play - Sharp who in turn presented Charlotte Tidwell *Jimmy Mit chell th e numerous touchdowns, er today and have ' him take them to Maid Carolyn Hen­ c o l ~r Judy Windham Lana Reno whi ch m ad e Booneville's your nam e, size, and son. Mary Nell Walden Eddie White hom ecoming all the more choice. You may ? av e pract i- Next came Junior Maid Ray Kendall * All A's. joyful. Baldwyn's I on e call y a ny lettering on the Wanda Holder and Senior counter oceured wh en a pass 'back, but the. favorite s e :m~ Maid Daris Spencer both from Joe Cunningham made to be "Boonev ille Blu e Devils . sky blue formals G' h . k t ry much wearmg - ': its way to end Harold .IriS- T e jac e s a re ve . riding abreast a white con-. CLASS OFFICERS CHOSEN sam. like those sold at Ole Mi~ s tibl dri by Charles' . and Mississippi State. Don't ver i e n~ en . CI k Booneville's DeVils drove h J t t in line Gurley. Junior Cheerl eaders Seniors Choose Wilbanks; JunIors, ar Iup and down the field with push, C urns. us ge . Mami e Martin and Marie The high school classes lost IBreeland, reporter; Mrs . great great determination to Highes presented yellow no time in electing their offi- Vance Dixon and Mr. M. T. win their final and home- mums to escort Kenneth Ter­ cers for the 1958-59 year Cartwright, sponsors. coming game before a much- The business managers of ry who in turn presented, Leading the senior class is Th e sophomores elected Jo e pleased turnout. Old alumni the Ell-BOONE urges you them to Maid Wanda . Sen­ Gerald Wilbanks, president. Duckworth, president; John were fdlled with high-ton e:'! read every ad vertisemen t i 0 r Cheerleaders Connie" The other senior officers a re SttI1lners, \\ice - president ; excite ment as Booneville I in this issue. Our advertis- Young and Nina Beth Smith William Browning, vice-presi- Martha Scott, secr etary-t-rea­ g a v e Baldwyn its worst ers made this pap er possi- presented yfI low mums t o dent; Connie Young, secr e- surer; Nickie Rutherford, re­ beating in many years. ble. Tell them that you Co-Captain Tommy Stoop, tary; Betty Carter, treasur- porter; Mrs. Richard Kemp Browning, guard, blocked saw their ad in the HI- who then presented them to er ; and Joe Blythe, parlia- and Mrs . George Oakley, a Bearcat kick with a bean­ BOONE. Patronize them Maid Daris Spencer. J erry mentarian ; Mrs . J ohnny Da- sponsors. tiful defensive play and r ac­ at every opp ortunity. Long then escorted the Sen­ vidson and Miss Mabl e Cun- The freshmen officers are ed fifteen yar ds for a t ouch­ ~~.~~- ior Maid t o her honored po­ ningham, sponsors. president, Butch Henderson ; down . Th e stubborn defense -----------­ sition in the court. vice president, Tommy Com- played heads-up ball keep- Th ey wer e Joe Blythe, Wil ­ Then all eyes turned to' Junior class of~1Cers ..,are er ; secretary, Sandra Houst­ the south side of the fi eld as: ~ eo- ing the Bearcats t o a very liam Browning, Billy Bu r- Gerald .Clark, president; on; treasurer, Billy Morgan ; little yardage. ress , Larry Carroll, Clyd e Queen Betty Carolyn Horn rge Brmkley Houston, Vice- reporter , Jimmy Mit chell ; Eight seniors re ceived Hare, Ronny Martin, Tom- ma de her ent rance, dressed president ; Betty Jane Sh arp , Mrs. Taylor Smith and Coach their last high school foot-Imy Stoop, and Ger ald Wil­ n white, as a person of ro y­ secretary-treasurer; William Billy ard, Sponsors. ball bruises Friday ni gh t. I banks. ( Conti nued on P ag e 6 ) 11'/ " ; '.
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