From Tomioka Bay

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From Tomioka Bay The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan VENUS (Jnp, Jour, Malac.] Hre - Vol, 54, N". 4 c199S)/ 247 2SS fig original Articles -t;t{i-v- t{}:ts-g- es ma i・E ee :i"el {s 1.V rf pt ti1 I-" HmaO 1 jkEpt va fseJki・.ptaftm ・ (rkJ,:(,iz}CkX\ H )ts 1:\ee-kA}f:S) A New Pyramidellid Gastropod Ectoparasitic on Umbonium (Suchium) monilzlfl3rum (Lamarck) from Tomioka Bay, Amakusa, Western Kyushu Shigeo HoRI and Takashi OKUTANI (Tokyo University of Fisheries, 4--5-7, Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, and College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Nihon Uniyersity, 1866 Kameino-cho, Fujisawa 252) Abstract: A pyramidellid species which is ectoparasitic on a trochid snail Umbonium (Suehium) monilijlerum (Lamarck, 1822) in Tomioka Bay, Western Kyushu, has been ``Odostomia ``Odostomia reported by several authors as desimana" or sp,", Since detailed morphological investigation on this species revealed that it is neither Odostomia desimana Dall & Bartsch, 1906 nor any of hitherto known species, this is described as a new species Boonea umboniocola, Main conchological differences of this new species frorn many of the other similar species in the Indo--West Pacific area are, tall and long ovate shell, multi- ple numbers of whorls, and less constricted sutures. Introduction The Pyramidellidae, a group of minute gastropods, contains about 7oo species only in Japan and about 3000 species in the Indo-West Pacific region. They are ectoparasitic, sucking body fluid of specific hosts, such as, mollusks and polychaetes (Fretter & Graham, 1949; Ankel, 1959; Robertson & Orr, 1961; Robertson & Mau-Lastovicka, 1979 etc.), haleeiid hydroid in al1 probability (Fretter & Graham, 1949), and sipunculid (Kristensen, 1970) etc. Gastropod hosts for pyramidellids in Japanese and its adjacent waters include NOrdotis discus (Reeve, 1846), 7itrbo (Batillus) cornutus Lightfoot, 1786, Littorina (Littori- na) brevicuta (Philippi, l844), Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793), and Umbonium spp. etc. (Minichev, 1971; Nojima et al., 1989; Nishino et al., 1983; Tamaki, 1994). The first NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 248 VENUS: Vol. 54, No.4(1995) record which introduced Umbonium spp. as one of the hosts of Japanese pyramidellids, is Odostomia jujitanii Yokoyama, 1927 of Posjet Bay, Maritime Province of Fareast Russia by Minichev (1971) who found this species ectoparasitic on several mollusks including Umbo- nium (Suchium) costatum (Kiener, 1838). Later, for several times, a pyramidellid species which is ectoparasitic on Umbonium (Suchium) monitCfentm (Lamarck, 1822) has been reported from Tomioka Bay, Amakusa, Western Kyushu. Nojima et al, (198e) studied on a food web in a tidal sand flat of this bay, and mentioned this species under the "Odostomia name of desimana" which is said to be ectoparasitic on U. (S.) monilijlerum. "Odostomia" Nishino et al. (1983) reported this species as sp., and observed sucking be- haviour of this species on U. (S,) monitijlerttm both in the field and laboratory. Further, they concisedly described its life history, population dynamics, and interspecific relationship with U. (S.) monitijlerum, and illustrated this species. However, according to Tamaki (1994), population of this pyramidellid of Tomioka Bay became extinct with that of U. (S,) moniiijlerum in 1986. The main reason for the extinction of population of this species is most likely the extinction of its prey, UL (S.) monilijlentm from that habitat (Tamaki, 1994). We could take an opportunity to investigate shell and soft part of this species from Tomioka Bay in details. The present investigation revealed that this species is entirely differ- ent from O. desimana Dall & Bartsch, 1906, but an underscribed species. Materials and Methods All of the ten specimens under investigation were collected by Dr. A. Tamaki. These specimens wFre preserved in 70% alcohol after being fixed in 10CVh formalin. The shells of all specimens for dissection were dissolved by putting them in a solution of diluted hydrochloric acid. Soft part anatomy was accomplished under a stereomicroscope and a biological microscope, but not by sectioned material at all. Terminology used in this study adopts chiefiy Ponder (1987) and Wise (1993), of which the latter is especially fer the alimentary canal. In case that no appropriate term seems to be available, new ones are here introduced. In the taxonomic descriptions, the abbreviations of anatomical terminology will be ar- bitrarily inserted to help for referring textfigures. ' Descriptien Family PYRAMIDELLIDAE Gray, 1840 Subfamily Odostomiinae Pelseener, 1928 Genus Boonea Robertson, 1978 Boonea umboniocola n. sp. (Figs, 1-11) Odostomia desimana: Nojima et al,, 1980, pp, 73, 74, 76, 77 (not Dall & Bartsch, 1906) Odostomia sp,: Nishino et al., 1983, pp, 61-79. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan Hori.Okutani: A New Pyramidellid Gastropod 249 Materials examined: Ten specimens from type locality. Shell (Figs. Ia, lb; Holotype specimen): The shell is oblong ovo-conic・(LIW=2,6- 2.8), thin, polished, and translucent grayish white. The protoconch is helicoid with a single whorl, of 1350 heterostrophy, smooth, and about 112 of it is obliquely immersed in the first teleoconch whorl (Fig. 4). The whorls of the teleoconch are six in number, with nearly straight but slightly convex walls, and separated by distinct and slightly constricted sutures. 0uter surface is marked by flexuose coarse growth lines and microscopic, indistinct spiral grooves. The body whorl occupies 52-55va of the shell length, with roundly convex periphery. The umbilicus is very narrow. The aperture is oval, occupying 33-38glb of the shell length. The columella is thin and strongly concave, possessing an oblique columellar fold. The inner wall is covered by a thin callus. The outer lip is rather thin, of which upper end is slightly concave and forrns a very shallow sinus. Inner surface of the whorls is smooth. (ipercutum (Fig. 5): The operculum is horny, paucispiral, somewhat thick, and oblong ovate in shape, possessing more or less coarse growth lines but no sculptuTe on the inner side. There is a wide, cream-colored band on the middle part. There is a thin and translu- cent spiral line in the middle part of the wide band. The area of the wide band is flat. The other part is translucently yellow. --4 5 Figs. 1-5. Boonea umbeniocola. dJtf}-±:i'th1!P`f-L-Yfd eF} la, Yentral view of adult shell (Holotype specimen), nt)wave1fii (ft+tiJSIeejts); lb. Right lateral view of adult shell (Holotype specimen). tfitueAi.U,IJwh (fMS esiti); 2, i Ventral view of adult shells (Paratype specimens). atrcgRlin (di'11ma)ftne") ; 4, Lateral view of protoconch. nftsuMUim, Scale = O.1 mm; 5. Inner side of operculurn, asa)INde. Scale = O.2 mm, Hleadifbot (Fig. 6): The exposed part is white, presumably translucent white in living condition. The cephalic tentacles (ct) are nearly triangular like ass' ears, and extended NII-Electronic Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan 250 VENUS : VoL 54, No .4 (1995) SO . aa :● . ● 、丁. i :. pgl .卜. 「’ − VCS ー .1r..・ 芦溺 . ..ご ’ . .’1. {:ltt dCS .:層.尸 .’. 「 .1. ’ ‘ 「. .6 誉 ワ :.. .二 :.・ 繕i . 、1議.ii. 蕘; :、. 層 .‘ . .:.;き: 1. . r . .t .・:.≒..・. . .1 1ダ . ’:t ’.齟 . pr :. 註1 ’ 葭 .1 〜 .L. ...「 . 島 謬 〜.. tt..計 売. i . . ’ ド ・ ・ .・♂ 」・ 「.「匿 . .議 こ’. .・.与・ amg 驫/tt. 1.丁 . k “ :・ .〆 pc : 一 vg − − 8 7 Fig。 6 ■8 . Boonea umboniocoia .イ ボ キ サ ゴ ナ カ セ ク チ キ レ ガ イ モ ド キ . − ・ = 6.Dorsal view of headfoot.頭 部 腹 足 背 面 . Scale 0 .l mm ; 7,Dosal view of mantle cavity opened .切開 し た 外套 腔 背 面 . Scale = 0,l mm ; 8. Dorsa 且 view of central nervous system (the nerves except of osphradial ner Ψ e are not shown ).中 枢 神 経 系 背 而 (嗅検 器 神経 以 外 の 神 経 は 省 略〉. aa , anterior aorta .前 行 人 動 脈 ; amg , anterior mucous gland .前 粘 液 腺 , cg cerebral ct cephalic tentacle dcs , ganglion.脳神経節 ; , .頭 部 触 角 ; , dorsal ciliated strip .背 側 繊 毛 帯 ; e , eyc .眼 ; k , kidney.腎 臓 ; lp9, left m mentum 口 吻 基 板 pleural ganglion.左 側神経 節 ; , . ; P9 , pedal − ganglion ..足 神経節 ; osn , osphradial nerve ,嗅 検 器 神 経 ; pc , peri cardium 心 嚢 ; pgl, pallial gland .外 套 腺 ; pp , proboscis pore.冂 吻 開 口 部 ; pmo , pigmented mantle organ .色 素外套 器官 ; pr , prostate . 立 right sbg suboesophagea1 前 腺 ; rpg , pleural ganglion.右側神 経節 ; , ganglion .食道 下神経節, so , sole .腹 足 蹠 面 , sog , supraoesophageal . !ion tg tentacular ▼ cs gang .食道 上 神経節 ; , ganglion .角虫角神 経 節 i , ventral ciliated strip .月夏側繊 毛 帯 ; yg , visceral ganglion.内 臓 神 経 節 . anteriorly a 且ong outer sides . eyes e are and apart , grooved lateral The () from each other , set on the inner side of the base of the cephalicdistinct tentacles , From the middle of the area of the cephalic tentacles − shaped mentum m anterior − part basal , fan ( )protrudes ly. The proboscis pore (pp )is situated in the base of the dorsal side of the menturn . Middle of the anterior end of the foot seems to be shanowly cleft . The dorsal area little behind the middle part of the foot is somewhat widened laterally and carries an 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan Hori.Okutani:A New Pyramidellid Gastropod 2Sl operculum. The posterior end of the foot is rounded. There is no pedal mucous gland opening on the sole (so). Mantle cavity (Fig. 7): The mantle cavity is moderately long, reaching to about 1!3 of the shell length, and its width is about lf3 of the length of the mantle cavity. In the inner right lateral part of the mantle cavity, the dorsal ciliated strip (dcs) and the ventral ciliated strip (vcs) run posteriorly to lf2-2/3 of the mantle cavity.
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