RUPD Officer, Rice Face $2 Million Suit
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SINCE 1916 VOLUME 82, NUMBER 19 WHO SHOT TONY 19? FEBRUARY 17, 1995 RUPD officer, Rice Jam face $2 million suit Student sues over arrest at 1993 college party by George E. Hatoun the defendant knew and had been in- formed that the complainant was a peace officer." Brown College junior Peter Marketos An examining trial was held to deter- is suing Rice University and Rice Uni- mine whether felony charges would be versity Police Department Officer Ken- brought against Marketos, but 228th neth Nipe for $2 million, saying that he District Court Judge Ted Poe ruled on was falsely arrested while attending a Feb. 25, 1993, that there was no prob- Will Rice College party in 1993. able cause for aggravated assault. The complaint, filed in the Harris Pole recommended that the case be County District Court, claims that Nipe turned over to a grand jury as a possible dislocated Marketos' shoulder on Feb. resisting arrest, reckless conduct or as- 19, 1993, in an attempt to arrest him sault case based on Nipe's testimony. without cause and without telling him On Feb. 16, 1994, the assault case what to do. against Marketos was dropped. Harris Marketos was arrested during the County Prosecutor Debbie McMahon Will Rice College Tower Party, taken to said the evidence didn't show he in- jail and charged with aggravated assault tended to cause bodily injury to Nipe. on a peace officer. The filed charge said Marketos is suing Rice for damages Marketos "knowingly cause[d] bodily suffered "in the form of attorney's fees, The Hartvigs (Chad Shaw, left, Matt Seltzer and Stu Smith) play at the CoffeeHouse Monday. harm to K. Nipe... a peace officer, while pain, mental anguish, trauma, fear, sleep- the complainant was lawfully discharg- lessness, confusion, stress and lost time ing an official duty, by striking the com- from school." plainant in the head with his hand, when SEE SUIT PAGE 7 EXS committee approves honors change by Patricia Lin the University Council accepts the change is that it is technically pos- Armeniades said Rice is one of petition, then the issue will go to tlie sible for a student to make the the most stringent universities faculty, whose acceptance is neces- President's Honor Roll every semes- among the prestigious universities The Student Association Senate's sary for the change to occur. ter he is here and not graduate with in recognizing stu den ts who perform petition to change the distribution of Ian Marquardt, committee under- honors," said Troy Williams, under- exceptionally well. One of the ques- Election Notes graduation honors unofficially graduate representative, said he graduate representative. tions brought up was whether gradu- passed the Examinations and Stand- wasn't sure when the petition would "Since students in the top 30 per- ation honors are an internal recogni- The 1995 general election will ings Committee Wednesday. be forwarded. cent make the honor roll but only tion or something more applicable After three weeks of discussion, Last week, the Senate unani- the top 20 percent receive honors, to the world in general. be held Feb. 28. Statements chemical engineering Professor and mously approved a resolution to ex- someone who is consistently at the "I think we should be proud of must be turned into the Committee Chair Constantine pand the distribution of graduation 28th percentile would not be recog- our students and reward them with Student Organizations office Armeniades recommended that the honors. The change will increase nized at commencement. distinctions similar to those of other no later than today at 3 p.m. issue be voted on to hasten its pro- the percentage of graduating stu- "One of the committee members competitive universities," he said. This election is for Student cess through the university. dents receiving honors from the top kept saying that Rice has one of the "Usually we might take longer on Association Senate officers, Committee members who at- 20 percent to the top 30 percent to two best student bodies in the na- an issue like this, but I felt there was, Rice Program Council officers, tended at least one of the two pre- match the criterion for making the tion statistically. In that case, we a time limit with this petition. The Thresher editor, Campanile ceding discussions were eligible to President's Honor Roll. should be willing to reward a higher other councils need to have as much editor, Honor Council and vote, and absentee votes will be Compared to other universities, percentage of students, for they are discussion about this topic as soon University Court class counted through today. But the reso- Rice has one of the smallest honor able to perform honor level work at as possible." representatives, Rice Student lution would pass even if all absen- distributions. Yale University re- nearly every institution in the na- Williams said, 'The petition has a Volunteer Program officers tee voters rejected it. wards the top 30 percent of its gradu- tion," Williams said. long way to go, and it will be hard to and University Court Over half of the committee ating class with honors, while Har- ^ Armeniades said the arguments make it effective for this year. It's representatives. present Wednesday supported the vard University gives honors to 69 for the change were well-presented going to take some quick action if Candidates can get their change, and the petition will be for- percent of its graduating class. by the Senate and the student advis- the change is going to apply to this pictures taken forthe Feb. 24 warded to the University Council. If "One major argument for the ers to the committee. SEE HONORS PAGE 7 Thresher election guide on Monday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Thresher office. The office is on the second floor No federal funding of the Ley Student Center Honor Council wants above Academic Advising. Brown College junior for summer workers Stephanie Smith was elected to increase numbers college president Feb. 9. Bandy said in the memo that the by Michael Gomez Those registered in Precinct by Sei Chong shortfall occurred because "we did not have a tracking system in place." 361, which includes the Rice campus, can vote in Students on work-study seeking Students on work-study are re- tomorrow's At-Large City The Honor Council is proposing a change in the Blue Book, their summer jobs may not find them be- quired to fill out different timesheets Council runoff election from 7 constitutiori, to increase the number of council members by nine. The cause there will be no work-study when they have earned their limit so a.m. to 7 p.m. in the Sewall referendum will be on the general election ballot. funds left for them1. An increase in that their departments d&n start pay- Hall lobby. Katherine Tyra and Chair Sam Cole said the increase is necessary because of a lack of the demand for work-study jobs and ing fof their wages. But work-study John Peavy Jr. are the manpower. "There isn't enough people to do everything we have to students say they didn't know they W. a lack of a tracking system caused candidates. do," he said. the shortage of work-study funding. had to fill out different timesheets The Honor Council wants to have one additional representative In a memorandum dated Nov. 30, when they reached their pay limit. from each college and the Graduate House. Currently, the council 1994, Elizabeth Bandy, assistant di- They never told us before about has 18 members. * rector of financial aid, said the fed- 'having to switch sheets, and so I Trial Clerk Carolyn Gill said, "We need them basically for size." eral work-study funds for fiscal year didn't," said Jeremy Hart, a Wiess SPORTS For example, she said, at the end of last semester there weren't 1994 allocated to Rice were over- College senior with three years of enough people to sit on a trial, so the council had to call members who spent. To cover this deficit, funds work-study. "I figured someone were on break. from fiscal year 1995 were used, caus- would let me know. I didn't know Trials need nine members; hearings need seven. ing the current shortage. how it worked." Having more members would give the council a bigger pool to The shortage will affect work- Bandy said a provisional track- Basketball draw from for trials if members know the accused students, Gill said. study students looking for jobs this ing system has been implemented Gill also said the college representatives will increase-the pres- summer as well as departments, where student payroll reports ma^ scores ence of the council in the colleges. "It'll be easier for us to let the which rely on the work-study funds be requested as often as bi-weekly student body know what's going on in the council," she said. to subsidize summer workers. and be compared with student Three-fourths of the voters must approve the referendum for it to The federal government pays for awards. If students are earning too two pass. If it passes, the change will go into effect auring the 1996-97 75 percent of what work-study stu- much or .in danger of surpassing academic year. dents earn, while the employing Rice their award amounts, they may be department pays the rest. SEE JOBS PAGE 6 12 2 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1995 THE RICE THRESHER OPINION MYOPIA ?¥"' IK. limiting Fourth Amendment threatens society. "The innocent have nothing to fear," pronounced the Salem witchcraft court in Arthur Miller's The Crucible.