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11-15-1995 Hastings Law News Vol.29 No.3 UC Hastings College of the Law

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Recommended Citation UC Hastings College of the Law, "Hastings Law News Vol.29 No.3" (1995). Hastings Law News. Book 220.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the UC Hastings Archives and History at UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Hastings Law News by an authorized administrator of UC Hastings Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. San Francisco, California November 15, 1995 Volume 29, Number 3 Cut and Paste Exams? The Hastings Beat contractingtheirservices.Hesaid Wednesday, November 8, and Steve Kasher Glenn Von Tersch theellllll; and the prohibition STAfFWRmlI that the College wanted "total anempted to address these against having law school coverage of any problem~ that concerns. The first point raised related materials on the his summer, Hastings may threaten the community, and """""""''''''''''' concerned the hard drive issue. n I SW'prise move into compUler.Healsomentioned College of the Law the Hastings Safety and Security Theprocedweforusingcornputers T the information age, that professors look for I is nnt set in stone, or even close to contractedwiththeSan Department cannot legally carry Hutmgsha5decidedto answenlotheirquestions,and Francisco Police Department to any weapons. According to allow students to type their solid. However, at this time, it including a treatise on provide apoliceofficcrdedicated Simms, a police offICer dedicatw elJlffis on their computer. The appears the task of clearing OUt negligence on a tons e:lam to!heschooleveryevening.From exclusively to school security Administration felt this beller hard drives will diminish to a woold bea sure flag. While reflected the background of requirement that students delete the use of compulers 5:30 to 11:30 p.m .. , the SFPD provides an armed presence on today'sstudents.Somestucients all law school related files from undoubtedly adds new officer patrols McAllister and campus that can beuer contain think better when staring ata their hard drives before the teSt. dimensions to the cheating Hyde Streets adjacent to the potentially dangerous situations. monitor and typing than wben Additionaliy, Dean Gray problem,itdoesnotguarantee school, as well as the route from Gordon Clark, an SFPD offlCCT writing with a pen. The discussc:dhaving Eric Noble, who il will be a significant issue. the school to the parking area who patrols the campus, said he CalifomiaSweBarnowailows handles information services, Dean Martinez and Dean owned by the College. believes that "problems with review what students wished to the use of Word Processors, Gray messed that presentation According to lbomas Simms, whether or not to arm the keep on their hard drives sophisticated little machines (organization. neatness, etc.) Director of Administrative (Hastings] security force" was a indiYidually. One wonders bow with most of the power of a only tends to highlight the Services, the College IxIdgeted factor in deciding to hirc the homecornpuler. Mr. Noble might interview all of quality of the analysis in the SI26,OO) this flSCll year to pay pauols. Prtdictably,andnQtwilhout these students, and when. answer.Atypewrittenanswer for the patrol atS38.08 per hour. Simms insisted that a lack of reason, a few people are upset Additionally. Mr. Noblenotedthat that is good looks good. and a by this. Tbe five main the list of word processing typewritten mediocre answer Simmssaidthearrangementis confidenceintheCollege'sSafcty objections raised by students programs was more for looks obviously mediocre. designed to provide "a level of and Security Depanmenl was not are: incredibleeffon involved compatibility than a complete Dean Martinez stated he had increased safety and protection" a motivation to hire the SFPD in clearing out bard drives; restriction. kept track of how students to the school community. The pauol. ''No, DOl in the lea<;t,~ he novel opportunities for Dean Gray felt that cheating typing exams fared relative to constant presence of a uniformed said, "we are proud of them." He cheating; unfair advantage for will occur, but probably not atany the class as a whoJe. Looking policeofficeris intended tosecure said that the department and the greater rate than it does under students using computers: lack athisresultsoveranwnberof theareaimmediatelysurrounding SFPD patrOl complement each normal circumstances. He of sufficient notice of this years, he concluded that the campus. This allows the Olher 10 promote a safer option; and unfairneu tn indicated cheating at Hastings typewritten answers tend to seems rare, and of a nature such Hastings Safety and Security environment for the Hastings financially disadvantaged fallevenlyallalongthecurve, Department to bener protect the community. Art Wegner. students. that itnormallydoe!i not affect the and that typing is not an campus interior, particularly the President of the Hastings Public Associate Academic Dean curve. Some of the measures he advantage when it comes to Brian Gray and Academic Leo mentionedincludedpre.andpost. grading. The administration library. SafclY Officers Association, Dean Martinez had a question ellminspectionsofallcomputing The SFPD patrols are armed, declined to commenl and answer session on materials; computer-literate Simmssaid,whichwaspanofthe Clark said that his role is to proctorswhoaaivelypatrolduring College's motivation in "stop something from happening beforeithappens."Heexplained that the College is located al an intermediate point between the And, Leading into the Final Stretch ... moredangerousneighborimodsto the north and south of campus. Transients passing near campus Martin Pitha establishes a "City Youth STAR'WlnU; Achtenbttg,received26.8percent The NoYember election arenonnallytravelingfromooe continued San Francisco's Commission" to "advise the of these areas totheother. If they of the VOle. Upon realizing the Mayor and the Board of nTuesday,NOVembet reputation as a politically "know a police officer will be resultsoftheelection,Achtenberg Supervisors on issues that 7, San Franciscans progressivecity. Inaddition to the (nearcampus)~Clarksaid, "they Q wasted no time in formally primarily affect children and went to the polls to suoog showing by Achtenberg, wiUjusttravelrightthroughwhen endorsing Brown for the youth."1n another youth-related dccide local contests for mayor, woo vied to become the first they go by ra1her than StOP and Decemberrun-off. measure,SanFranciscansrejected disvict anomey, sheriff, and 15 ksbian mayor in thecity'shistory, bother students." The race for the top a youth curfew proposal which baUotpropositions. The rac::c:s for various ballot propositions prosecutor's job was also would have baJlned individuals mayor and disvict aucrney now revealed the city's ben\. competitive. Incumbent Disuict 17 years of age and under from shift gean tow.-d a December 12 Proposition 0, which would have Attorney Arlo Smith lost the publicplacesbetwecnllp.m.and In This Issue ... run-orr election because no retumedthenameofCesarChavez position he's held for 16 years , 5 a.m. unless accompanied by an candidaleineitherr.lcegamered streetbacktoAnnySueet,failcd NEWS receiving only 23.2 percent oCthe adull SOperce:ntoftheVQle. by a nine percent margin. Local Discussion Groups ...... 2 vote. Terence Hallinan, a former In approving Proposition G, The hotly contested mayor's residents and business owners RecentEvenu ...... 3 defense attorney and member of voters strengthened the police rau ended with former Speaker launched a successful drive to Delayed Grades ...... 4 the Board ofSupervisors,elltered oversight agency, the Office of of the Assembly Willie Brown place theproposition on the ballot Barrister'S Ball ...... 5 theraceafterfacingtermlimitson CitizenComplaints,bygivingita and incumbent Mayor Frank foDowing the namechange by the Protest ...... 14 the Board and deciding against a larger budget and more power. JordanwinnUlgthetDptwOspotS, Board of Supervisors. San mayoral bid. He emerged Localgovemmentemployeesa1so FEATURES setting up the December show· Francisco voters approved victorious,receiving34.4percent emerged victorious this Ask Lana Luv...... 8 down. Brown received 33.6 Proposition C, a$29 million bond ofthevote, thus eamingaplacein November: although an audit for Alumni Profile ...... 8 percent of the vote, with Jordan measure to repair and improve the run-ofT with BiD Fazio, who thecity'sMunicipalRailwaywas Horoscope ...... 11 foDowing closely at. 32.1 pm:enl Steinhart Aquarium, located in received 31.8percenl Fazio. who approved.local voters turned back Dicta...... 15 The third-place finisher, fonner Golden Gate Park. hasbeenaprosecutorunderSmith, a proposition which would have San Francisco Supervisor and had a well-publicized falling out San Franciscansa1so changed OPINIONS local government structure by requiredthecitytoannuallystudy Housingand Urban Development with the incumbent and then the possibility of conuacting out administrator Roberta approving Proposition F, which ...... •. 9 launched his campaign. govemmentservlccs. I~I Page 2 Hastings Law N~s NovtmIHr 15. /995 The Battle of the Discussion Groups Studies have shown thalleaming NEWS BRIEFS·'ci 'Tracy Ashleigh inlO an outline. At least once Cote..wB'J'TwIIlf1..ttarraLAwNl'n5'W'J1 .. \j STAFFWItl'TER duringthesemesttt,theTAshould is best accomplished when a variety of senses are employed. review and comment on each Wilson Vetoed SB1062 he Dean's Discussion student's answer to a practice "The focus is on learning styles, T Group(DOG)program exam question. so both visual and auditory is being changed to Discussion groups are not me!hods are used," said Lunbeck. GovemotPete Wihon recectly veloed SerIate BiU 1062, whieb. foUow the formal of the Legal intended as asubstilUte forcbss The TAs are required 10 provide would have added one student member 10 the Board ofDirecton of Education Opportunity Program. attendance and participation. To written handoutsand to read them Hastings College of the Law. SB 1062, 8lltbored by SerI. Milloa Lastyear,theAcademicStandards this end, DDG kaders are not to the class, so that people with MaW (D..SFJMaritI/Soooma), would have g:ramed the Governor Committee reviewed Hastings' allowed to simply hand out their visual, hearing or learning theauthoritytoappoint I student member. subject to approvaJ by the bar passage rale. The results own course outlines. Dean Gray disabilities are given information SenaJ.e, for a one year term. ft caused the Commiltee to review ooted that in the past, "100 many in a foonat they can use. The Governor 'lated tha! I "loss of candor would likely result the admissions and academic sludents were using these as a TAs in the LEQP program are from a student board member's being JWivy to closed session assistance processes at Hastings. substitute for doing their own closely monitored. They are di$CUS5Kms where litigatioo and highly sensitive perIODDel mattcn At the same time, Associale work." He realizes that it will requil'edtoattendregulartraining are discussed, Academic Dean Brian Gray probably be two to tItree years sessions, where they are exposed In responw to the veto, Marks tmpha$iud that II every other questionedtheefJectivenessofthe before the program is fully to learning theory, teaching state funded universily in Califomia, I studc:nt Iw theopportlllity 00 board, that believes IlUdeuI DOG. There was also ooncern functional. "We need 10 teach methodology,evaluatingP'ICtice to serve the and be aboutofferingacademiccreditfor people how to learn." To achieve exams and counseling. They also representllionflcilitatesdiSCOUl1eOl\lOpicsreiatedrofacuity. adm.inistration.and$laff. non-classroom work. Both LEOP thisgoal,theTAsmustbeprovided must provide written lessoo plans S81062wasapprovedbytheSenatebya38-0VQl£,aodpassed and DOG teaching assistants wi!htheopportunityandstimulus and goals each week. They may the Assembly with I vote of 72 - 2. Mark, did not cunmerd on (TAs) are now sUpposN 10 be 10 provide proper learning tools not miss a session withoutgiving whether be will reintroduce the legislation again next yeat. supervised cardully in order to for all slUdents, not just the ones notice, and must reschedule iL assure consistent performance who learn in the typical auditor)' Failure to attend all sessions and standards equivalent to those lectures may resull in dismissal Congress Threatens to Cut attainedwi!hintraditionalclasses. """"".In order to achieve this goal, from the program. This is Student loan Subsldle. Thisyear.IheDDGsupervisors the new DOG program is being necessary 10 ensure a consistent are professors Dick Cunningham modified to follow the LEOP programforstudenlS,andtoj~y Republican·backedspen.dingcutsintbeHOU5eOOPbudietpim and Kate Bloch. They have been struclure.LEOPcarefullyscreens academic credit for TAs, wouidelim.inateinlerutsubsidiuOIlStafJordloansforlawstudems. relieved from serviceonacademic pocential TAs, preferring those according to Lunbeck. AccoroinglO Rep. Roscoe Banlett(R-Md.), "thefederalgovermncm committees 10 Cree up time to wi!hexperienceoraninterestin A1though non·LEQp students is broke and can no longer afford this luxury." He Ibo added that ho oversee the Dean's TAs. As learning 10 teach, and !hose who are not allowed 10 auend LEQP did nol think the elimination would affect a student's decisioo to supervisors, they are suppo:sedto did well in the course. Unlike the sessions, LWlbed: is willing 10 attendcol1ege. teachanintroductoryclassforthe DOG program, LEOP has 00 help them find appropriate According to the Law Acx:ess Group, the laraest not-for-profd TAs, meet every tWO weeks with shortageof people wanting 10 lead academicassi.stance. Shecanrefer fUIIDcia1 aid services program., I typical Ilw student wiD grachwe each TA, sit in on occasional grou",. students 10 people or resources with over $37,000 in debt, at I time wben tuition is increasiD3 and discussion sessions, and provide LEOP provides continuous that will support their individual srarticg salaries aJe deaeasiJJg. fmal evaluations for each TA. trainingsoilsTAscan holdskills­ learningstyle.lnaddition,thereis Clleri JlIXIbs,aHOU$e spokesperson, said that "It is dilTlCUllto They are also responsible for based (rather- than substantive) aspecial program for second years justify taxplyers subsidizing the education of high eamc:rs." making sure the TAs provide sessions. "The goal is 10 train who u.perienced extreme appropriate learning experiences students to apply the law," said acadcmicdifficulty during their Hastings Student Arrested for students. LEOPDirecta'SueLWlbeck. The first year. lor Bank Robbery According 10 Dean Gray,the sessions are intended 10 help Dean Gray was surprised to groups should be skills·based, studenlS develop analytical and learn that the discussioo groups Michael Anthony Kosei.ka, a Hastings student who W8$ Studying ratherthanaddressingsubstantive legal publem solving skills !hat are nothing like the model al SactaClara University School orLawtbissem~r, wasrecattJy law. The TA's job is to help complement,ratherthanreplicate, sessions. He was coocemed that arrestedforlstringofbankrobberiuin SantaCruz, SantaClara.and sD.ldents1eamhowlOW;eselective lheclasscs. mosl of the DDG assistants were Monterey OOW'Uies. At the time of his arrest, he was suspected of ootes in class, how 10 brief cases, Another way in which the handing OUI outlines rather than robbing as many as I dozen banb. what to kxlk for in their reading, LEOPprogram isbeingemulated trainingstudentshowlOmakelheir Koselka was described Ii I Yquiet likable ,tudent" It bolh law and how 10 put !his infonnation is in teaching methodology. schools,; Academic Dean Leo Martinez told the Salt FrancisCQ ClvoNclethat"be wasa Ieni.fic person"whowasentbusiasticabout law school, and was well·liked by his clawnate1. Hastings Student Helps After Koselkl wu arraigned on charges that he robbed a Comerica Bank inSoquel on September22. He is alSOluspected ofI September 19 robbery in Santa Cna. as well as armed robberie.s in AptOS, Police Shooting on Hyde Street capitola and Santa Cruz. According 10 FBI spokesman George Grotz, "this guy's good for many more, just how many we're not Yetik walked up to the his opinion, nothing oould have Elke Hofmann """." intersection JUSt as police were been done at the scene al that time NEwsEorroR In each case. the robber was deocribed 111 a while male who surrounding the area with yellow which would have saved the astingscOUegeoflhe showed a gun and paned a note 10 the teller. In some cases, the caution tape. Yetik saw a van victim's life. He also added that suspect Ilso wore a baseball cap and sunglasses. H Law first-year crashed not far from a victim, and there was probably nothing thai student, Jack Yetik:, Koselka wu not arrested while robbing the Comerica Bank. but once he identified himself to could have been done 10 save the had been a potential suspect for some time. M.D., PtI.D., was among thefi.rsl officers as a Board Certified victimhadYetikortheparamodics to arrive at the scene of the Offlcersfoundtworevolvers,abasebellcap,and"b&nkrobbery" Emergency Room Doctorrrrauma arrived at the scene earlier, or had notes in Koselka'sIruck. November I shooting at Ihe Surgoon, he was able to approach the victim madeittoanemergency intersection of Hyde and Golden the victim. room. Hastings' Moot Court Team Successful Gatestrects. At that point, the paramedics "II must have been a big hole Yetik was on "the beach" hadn't arrived, and Yetik didn't inhisheart,"Yetiksaid. Third-ycarstudenu;MikcChamberlainandAmyO'Bricnm:emly selling Barrister's Ball tickets realize until a few minuteS later It was not until much laterthat advanced 10 Third Place It the National Criminal Procedure Moot when he heard sirens. As sirens tbat the victim had been shot. Yetikdiscovered that the victim Court CompetitiOl'l. They also WOD the Best Petitioner', Brief are nOlhing unusual in the According 10 Yetik., however, had been shot by police offieen. Award. and suc:cessfu.lly argued both sides of the case throu&h the Tenderloin,beignoredthem,until the victim did not display any According 10 Yetik., there were Semi-Final Round of the Oral Argument Competition- he saw a police car driving up vital sigm,otherthana faint heart aIsosevenIHastingsstudentswho Hyde Street, against traffic in the beal "His chance of recovery in observedtheactualshootingfrom one·waystreet,justafewmoments '''''. general was zero," said Yetik. In the window oCthe litney. NOllemINr IS, 1995 Has/ings Low News Pug~3 Former Attorneys General Certiorari on the Supreme Court Cyril Yu Debate Current Events Blackmuniz.ationofSoutu,asRao According to the panelists, sometimes worted against the STAfFWRJTER Jin Lee characterized it, has definitely another characteristic of the STAR'WItn'EII; poatheLSC issupposed toserve, such as when it defends drug rofessors Calvin ~~: ~m:~~nu!~:n! ~~ =;~7:; ::i~~n~~:~~ astingSCouegeofthe dealers in low·income housing P Massey, Jesse Oloper right. terms limits case (U.S. v. Law presented the against tenants who want to kick (from Boah), Radhik.a H Justice lOOmas was a favorite Thorll/Oll) "muddle.headed" and Fourth Annual them out. Thornburgh agreed that Ran, and Jim Wagstaffe sat as subject of the panel as well. "diSingenuous." Massey Attorneys General Forum in the LSC had become "interested more panelists on the Seventh Annual Louis B. Mayer Lounge on Supreme Cnun Review, held at in causes than clients." Both :::sa~:~fas~ ~:m:k~:S:~~io;~a:r~~:~: Siturday, October 28. The supPOl"led decenU"a.lization of the HastingsOfl Wednesday,October =: Constitution which he is willing choice !hrough their vote, should ubiquitous Arthur F. Miller organil.aLion by moving conuol todefend.Sofar.llthasexceeded not be able to impose term limits modenated the panel of former ". They discussed the decisions to the state 1evel. any expectations \hatRao lladfor becauseitinfringesontheirability Ittorneys general Nicholas Katzenbachdefended IheLSC, of \he Coun and their impact, but him as a justice. Roo noted that to choose. Choper remarked that Katzenbach (Lyndon Johnson), calling the others' accusations made a point to avoid predicting althoughThomasisnOlThurgood there are already many EdwinMoesem(RooaIdReagan), the futW"toftheCourt. "absolute nonsense" based solely Marshall, he has an African· qualifications, such as limits on andRichard Thornburgh (Ronald on anecdotal evidence. He The consensus was \hat the American position, although his campaign contributions and Reagan Ind George Bush). criticized the block·grant media has overplayed the shift to is a minority one in that ineligibility if the candidate ScbcduledauendcesWilliamBarr the right. AccordingtoChoper,of approach as the federal community.Andhegeelllstofocus commits election fmud. and Griffin Bell were not in government'sauempt to wash its 28 major cases that could be more on the "original Wagstaffe touched on twO attendance. The Forum was hands of any responsibility. divided right-left, 16 went for the understanding"ofthtframersthan • more issues. First, he thinks the broadcastbyC·SPAN. Kau;enbach clearly had the right and 12 to the left Both Ran ScaJia,saidRao. Thomas,shesays, Coun is really trying to reduce its The topics of discussion sympathies of the Haslings and Choper noted the emergence focused 011 the Legal Services audience, who responded wi!h of a liberal bloc of Ginsberg. ~=:brrominganindependOlt ~~h~~~:'rg~:e~~~ Corp.; the Waco and Ruby Ridge laughter when Meese called some Breyer, Stewart, and Souter. RIO said the activism of the whether to takedocLaratof)' relief incidents; !he OJ. Simpson trial; Kennedy and o'Connor turned oftheLSC'sactivities "incubators counstoodout!hispastterm.The cases. !be Court also gave an and a broad·1::rush survey of the for radical lawyers." Meese out the be the swing votes that Court ignored precedent by enthusiastic thumbs up to pereeived public distrust of the bo!h sides tried to capture; their suggested \hal legal services to ovenumingcases,legislation,and a1temativedisputeresolution. The government in genenl, and law the poa should be provided by votes are a function of subject :.'-t reasoning of cases. In U.S. v. second topiC was the Court's enforcement in particular. third-year law students, providing matter. Though Choper was LofMl, the Counchosc to read the treatmentof!heFirstArnendrnent. Meese and Thornburgh the students with practical reluCtant to grade ei!her Thomas Commerce Clause narrowly. It Wagstaffe quoted Churchill, expressed coocems that !he Legal or Souter, he found that Souter expenence. was a significant departure from saying "there is nothing more Services CorpcntiOil had strayed had the "qUickest 'turnabout;" he All three attorneys geneml pastprnctice to find that the Gun· exhilarating thatbeingshotatand fromitsoriginalgoalsofproviding has turned out to be less agreed that the Waco incident had Free School Zones Act did not missed." conservative than many had thepoorwithlegaiservices.Meese been tmgically mishandled, but have any substantial effect on accused the organization of expressed sympathy for current predicted. But the growing too preoccupied with AttomeyGeneraiJanetReno,who JXlliticallobbying and advocacy. He said this "misuse of funds" Sold, for $13, 500 Mention this AD and get Scott Kuhn STAFI'WlITEJI. 25% off ow much would you pay to go sea kayaking with Dean H Gray, Professors Little, Hutton, I!nd Carrillo? How about on Copying & Printing lunch with Roberta Achtenberg or, a Minnesota dinner Offer ""pires Dec 3t .<)~ wi!h ProfessorScallen? At the HastingsPubLic lnterestLaw Foundation's fourth annual Auction, students fOWld out Theauction wasauendcd by over250 students, faculty andsupPCnerS Check out our Services,what we can do for you! and naised SI3,500. All of the money raised at the Auction will fund Hastings students who design their own summer projects to serve the legal needs of the underrepresented. The auctioo featured celebrity faculty auctioneers Professors Little, * Copies * Business Cards Scal1en, Faigman, Malone, Marcus, and PaIS)' Oppenheim. During !he action, Aarti Kohli, who receivedan HPD..F grant last summer to wert * Color Copies * Brochures 011 a grandparenlcan:giver project at Legal Services for Prisoners with * Printing * Newsle tters Children, SJKIke about how impMant the grant was to her and the people she was able to help. "I want to thank HPll.F for giving me the * Office Supplies * Flyers opportUnity to helP. thechildrenofprisoners and their caregivers. 1 had 1M) idea how much 'help was needed," Kohli said. Second year student * Stationary * Laminating Allyson Mauanah also spoke during the auction about her HPn.F grant project that enabled her Ul develop a consent handbook for the * Envelopes * Bindery developmentally disabled while working at the Regional Centerofthe East Bay. * NCR Forms * Rubber Stamps Over 15 students helped in the planning of the auction and several * Computer Rentals students baked goods that were StlVed at the auction, "It was a real team effort and wegOl help from lots of students, especially flISt years," said Rebecca Baird, HPILF Vice President Second year student Melissa Smith, who helped organize and prepare food for !he auction said, "it kk Copying & Printing was the best party of the year at Hastings. ~ FlfSt year srudent Lauren Gibson said, "people were thereto have fun, but they were also there to 528 Larkin Street/Turk support public interest." Gibson, who bought dinner and a lOW of murals lfl the Mission District with Professor Roht·Arriaza, added, .. the 346-3777 Sec "HPIU" ClIO,..e 12 Page 4 Hastings Law News Now:miHr /5, 1995 Tower Tales For Every Grade, Daniel Schorr Says: The Tally... Journalism is a Mess where does all is a Time Molly Peterson While he indicated his beliefs There have changed, Schorr says that the money go? FIlATURESEorroR Glenn Von Tersch around late grades, and help the the flnt amendment should be students who want 10 transfer, but limited in the public's inlerest. AoVERnSING MANAGER t the Mathew O. Jason Bartlett it's unusual fora schoollOiK:CepIa A Tobriner Memorial Part of the reason for the STAfFWRITElt ynOW,alloflhegrades student without seeing a full Lecture titled "The changing corx:eption of !he Fint Bfrom spring semester Inlrl$::ript.VisitingSlUdentscanrun First Amendmenl Under Stress," Amendment, according 10 Schorr , inlOsimilarproblems, buta visiting Daniel Schorr spoke about the is that FIrst Amendmenl righl3 s rumored, Ihe havefmalIybeentumed student is much less ofa risk for a changing perceptions of the new now are "not only less soc~ly McAllistcrToweris in, and the class ranks have been A calcuIatt.d.EveryonebJowswhere school,sotheimpoctisdiminished media and in the Louis B. Mayer anchored in Jaw, [but also] much full this year. With they stand. However, had you In general, a lot of what the studentloungeinlhe 198Building. less securely anchored in public over 250 unilS wortb of rent plus acceptance. H Schorr said he inquired about these same grades Siudent Records Office does Schorrbelievesthatthereasoo commercial income, where does around Julyl, the answer \IIOllkI. depends 011 lhe timely reponing of journalism has bcendenigrated in believes Ihis resullS in part from lhefactthat''theFirstAmendment aU thai money go? According 10 have been just a bit different At grades. Rankings cannot be recent years is the fact Ihat has been stretched 10 protect David Seward, Chief Financial that time, Professcr NewlOn, a calculated until all grades show up. "journalism no longer exists in activities nOi nonnally supported Officer, Ihe largest non-salary visitingprofessCl"for 1994-95,had AllgradesmustbeoofiJelOcertify isolation." Noting Ihe conflicts of by public, such as exploitative e~pendilures are long-Ierm not finished grading her exams. graduawslOthebar.MoslHastings intcrestresultingfrommuitimedia conglomerates, he asked talk shows and gangsta rappers. maintenance and utilities_ A full Class ranks were not available, a graduates are certified en masse, rhetorically whether ABC would TobaccoclingslO!hesaggingFtnl $319,00) is e~pected lO go lO few students had 10 be specially but late grades require individual ever air a critical story on Disney, Admendment, much u paying the electric bill, which is certified for the bar, and a lot of certification of some students at a gunslingers and pornographers later date. This can lead 10 students or whether Fo~ will cover Rupen roughly S90 per unit pet month. students w~ not pleased do." receivingnoticethattheycannotsil Murdoch'sassociationwithNewt Tower residenlS ._. IighlS OUI! What COfISeQUtnces flow from As far as cameras in for the BarEwnandthalcreatesa Gingrich. Schorr cited Wukly Cumntly, the major project is late fmal exam grades? Dean Mary Rellikr'sooverstoryonJoeCameI courtrooms, Schorr reiterated his lot of stress. Other issues include re-roofing. Last years' heavyrains Kay Kane said thar. U.S.N~slllld lossofabsolutismlOWanistheFtnl delayed diplomas, grade rquts. after being bought out as bought dampened more than residents' WorldReptmcouldcarelessabout out by RJR Nabisco as another Amendment "Somehow in my when grades are reported. The and Honors assignments. If e~ample of such connicts of declining years, I am no longer a spirilS, as water leaked in through transcripts are requested before a naLional rankingsapparently have interest. believer in absolutes." Because il the aging roof. Rerooflllg the old grade for a course is recor-ded,the nothing 10 do with limeliness of Schorr was also critica1 of "clearly encowages witness and Empire Hotel is an e~pensiveand transcripts do not show the course grades.Additionally,thejobsearch image-pandering in television lawyers 10 grandstand" and "can tricky process. Thebudgetforthe atall. TogeianincompietellOlalion, process is typically not impocted news, nOling with irony the complicate the job of selecting a projecl this year is S300,(XXl. So the professor must report an by late exam grades. The timing of stereotypical "blow-dried million second jury ," Schorr said he far, the process has impacted grades, the bar, and recruiting incomplete. dollar anchorperson more "would not argue 100 vehemenlly minimallyOll residents' patterns is soch that late grades How often do grades come in celebrated than celebrities he with the judge who decided 10 for one poor soul (now relocated) late? Gray indicated that a rew typically fall inlO a dead period covers.~ He pointed 10 NBC's limit access to the courtrOOm." whose 14th floor apartment was whennorecruitingorhiringccews. profe&'llXSregularlywmingrades rigging of a GMC truck, ABC's Schorr's speech had its thesoleaccesslOoneroofsurface. However, students attempting 10 one 10 two weeks late. The fall aclOl"'S simulating American spy lighthearted moments. Noting Onward IUId Upward uansfer can face significant semester grades fer 1994-95 were survei11ancefllmandCBS'shiring with interest the state of sex and The nexi item on- the long­ p-obIems.AccordinglODeanBrian delayed somewhat when Professor of a "casting director" for news violence on television, and in DOl tcmlagendaistheTower'sfamous Gray,law schools will notaccepl a CarrillowentinlO1aI::oroverwinter maghzine programming as one of these was there any 'Skyroom,' oncepopularcity hOl­ student for transfer without a full break.ShedidattemptlOwminhec breachesofjownalisticelhicsfCl" evidence of a condom, Schorr spot turned art studio. The ttanscripl, and that requires all gradespromptly,andthedelaywas which Ihe public condemns the cracked that "for some Ihings the whatDeanGraycharacterizedasa SItyroom boastsa360degreeview grades and a class ranking. Many media as "arrogant and self adminislralOrs attempt 10 work: serving. H ofthecily,and isslatedlo become Su "StllDrr" ,II' ptJ6~ 14 a reception center for students and alumni. According 10 Seward, funds for renovating theroom will corne from alumni contributions MAYBE YOU ARE lNTERESTED TO KNOW•.• and borrowing against expected futuTerevenues. • "Real Phllty" That near Hastings Law School on 142 McAlhster Ihere is a But are tbey bappy••. small quiet coffee house called Wild A""8kenings, "here they Thinking of moving in? ~~~~~~ Cheese Steak one ofthc top roaSled co.ffee beans In town. plus a variety Siudent views are mixed. "II ha~e of Ice creams.j.uice, pastrlCS, mternct computer, and soon. long SUCb!H claims fmt-year student •.\\.IIiiioiC·~;;JJI •• Non-dairy vegetarian cheese availatle distance prepaid calhng card machine. A lot of students are Nicole Zaccheo, citing the bad • We accept checkS using this place to ~tudy and hang-out as it stays open till 9pm neighborhood as her number one from Hastings studenls. You'd better check It OUI and remember to ask for the "buy ten. complaint. Other complaints gel one free" coupon include noisy streets, noisy pipes, This is a Paid Advt:rlis~nI andnoisyneighbors.On theothtt 474-1166 hand, all students agree that the convenience of being so close to campus (admittedly a loose term) r------~ is a major plus. Score one for Ihe mainlenance crew too, who replaced my garbage disposal i Hastings Student Special i within hours of my complaint! I I Lookout Below! I at I Take care when you walk by the Tower these days. According IOSeward,lherehavebeenseveral i 7~ & ~~ 't)ett : complaints of Tower residents i 476 Turk Street : tossing sundry items out Iheir I (Belween Hyde & lar~nl I windows 10 theperiI of passers­ by. Includedin theMest Infamous I I ProjectileslistisarolJed.upcarpet. I I Res Ipsa Loquitor? 101 IOOr guesl with purchase 01 00{ SOrd\\ich 01 equol vooo. Off", &p;es 513//96 I LlONE ______FREE SANDWICH 1te ~ Nowlllber IJ, 1995 lIaslin8S N~s Pa8e5 Oh JVO! 'The Coach Cf3ecame a cJ>umpkin! Photo Essay for the 1995 Barrister's Ball, held on Saturday, November 11, at the Westin St. Francis.

We know. We know. Call on us, please. Help! I'm down and I can't get back up! Look rna, no hands!

Look rna, both hands!

Oh. my God! My designer swore this was an original!

A quiet moment on the balcony. Rae and Mattei? Hmmmm. Faigman, stag?!! Pogt6 Haslings Law Ntws November 15, 1995 OPINION Yes, I'm Doing oel Again Crane Landis Network. I knew things started benefit lies behind, especially Cyber-Exams EorroRw..COLUMNIST OUI badly when I spoke up in my after your find yourseU resume workshop and suggested emotionally battered by the astings bas ftnally ent.ered the nineties. Supposed!y, am a third year. And, yes, the counselor offer more attitudes pervasive at Hastings. H we will have e-mail next semester. But, in an effort I IwentthroughOCI,lfind assistance to those students who Professional does not need 10 to make up foe lost time (and maybe boost that no shame in this. Nor do I do not feel comfortable putting a mean officious. ranking?) theschoolhasdecidcdnotlowasteany more time. The intendlowearthelaintofascarlett rank on their resume Ihat is a The rest of the OCI process administration has made a foolhardy decision to allow studerts "3" on the lapel of my all 100 figure larger than the number of ran pretty much the sameu last obviously fake Amlani. Fa- I have to use penonal computers on their final exams. lithium tablets they will need to year, buumoother. Any J:roblems an ell.cuse-orso I proteSledeach From all of the problems inherenl in Ibis proc:es.s, it is obvious make it through the interview really were not the fault of the time I was asked ever so subtly: process. I figured it might be office, but rather the faulloftbe lhat the planning slllge for this fl3SCowas vtty shcI1.. Inlheory, "AteyougoinglhroughOClagain beneftcial 10 offer suggestions to employers who seemingly could it is a great idea. It would be aneven better ideaifthescbool had this year?" My all imponant Ihe,say, Olher eighty percent of not make up their minds as to waited until next ~meskr to up-end the current emrnination second summer, as in where I thestudentsastowhattheyshould whether they were showing upor system. Thoseeura few months would have given them time to "summered" forthoseofyou still writeinpiaceofrank.ljustfigw-ed not. This was evidenced by the wort out some of the problems. learning the appropriate lexicon, the workshop leader might have hundreds of COfTCCtion postings The plan requ~s that students eJUnmale everything from ended on a successful note. For wanled to better assist her plastered everywbece. Our Dew their computers except the operating system mi the word personaircasons,lamjustunable audience-or at very Ieast,eighty school rank, somewhere betweeft processor. Problem: some students own computers, but are not toretum 10 the city in which I perttntofheraudience,whowere De Vry and Control Data Institute, very computer literate. Even if they could removetht appropriaae summered. Dram I? for 100 intimidated 10 speak up. did not seem to put off the big files, would they be able to put them baclt? Conversely, some good gossip anyhow. My suggestion was greeted flITTls. Who would have thought? are no stUdellts very computer literate mi will have trouble ~ a result of this change in with a stare Ihat ell.plained tome One problem was that the disguising their outlines and computerized Gilbctt's as system plans,Ielectedtosuffertheslings the freeze-dried process, which employers were never informed, flies or macros word proces9OrS.. creating in their Imagine bow and arrows of the OCI program would be my only complaint of until 100 late, Ihat the gradiO! easy theCrim wouldbeifall you had IOwaspressAlt­ once again. After all, rejection the new office. The new curve of third yean (with respect H and all the elements and types of Homicide would appear on builds character. My sainthood professional attitude is a to their fllSt year courses) was a your paper. petition should be approved by significant improvement. The harder curve than that of the Hastings goes toell.traordinary lengths to prevent cheating on thenell.tPapaivisil workshops are all importanl But second year students. A3 a result, the exams. For instance, they treat us like grade-schoolers and ~athirdyeargoingthrough the top twenty ptteenl is in less aB for a96graduatein Civ Pro is allow only one boy and one girl to use the restroom at a time. DCI, I am qualified to repon on need of true assistance than the 3Ctually aslightly different grade Surprise,rnostofusnolongerbelievethcopposilesabascooties the changes in the program as a rest. Moreover, it should be than it is fora97 graduate. In all and are just as likely to diSlc:uss the exam with a member of the result of the'recent changing of recognizedthatisnoteasytowalk opposite sex as we are with one of the same sex. Granted, if the guard in the Career Services through doors you believe no someone wants to cheal, they can do it without their computer; office. Apparently, from the Su"DC1 A6.u." DII ~ 11 hut might not the temptation and ease of creating a macro resultssofar,thisistheonlything overwhelm M'lmeone who would beafraid to hide a cribshed in I am presently qualified 10 do. the toilet stall? But I digress. Despite the potential [orcheating (we are all law students, we The frrst noticeable change are honcsl. right?), there u the issue of the use ofC()lJlputelS was theSIart date. I am notsure if themselves. Not everyone at this school owns a computer. the submission date was actually Punishingthosestudentswbocannotafforotopurclwelcomputer earlier this yearor merely seemed is unfair. This is discrimination, pure and simple. earlier, hut at two in the morning Some will argue that the school has previously allowed the while cursing between filling in bubbles with my number two use of typewriters onexams and not everyooe has a lypelVriter. pencil, I was convinced the However, ifa studentreally wanted to type his exams, mostcan submission date was about a full afford a typewriter, but a computdl semescerearlier.Apparentlylam If the administnl.tion wants to enter the nineties and allow not Ihe only one with this belie£. COOlputers on exams, pernaps it should swt by upgrading the Butthen.IthoughtOJ. wasguilty. computer lab in the libnlry. U enough quality machines were Go figure. available on campus, students could U$C those machines to take It was not like any of us were theire",amsandtheristofthestudenthavingsavedunauthorized Editorial Policy Statement busy the fllSl couple of weeks of information could be eliminated. school. Apartments had all been The HtUfu.ssl4w Ntws is the monthly student ne.... sp~ of the In addition, there is the issue of the capabilities of the found and moved into, class Hutmg. College of the La..... Signed opinion uticles. when cleuty marked as.ud\, repn:sent the opinion of the wnw and nox Ihat of the computer (above and beyond macros and hidden files). The schedules needed no changing, adVlJltage of a computer over handwriting and even l)'ping is College or the l.4wNtw,. UnsianededilOrialsrqlR5ef\t~opinionof part-time jobs had all been aconsensusof~l.4wNtwsEditorialBo.donlyandnotlhatoftheswr obvious to anyone who has ever edited a paper they have wriueo. acquired and personal lives had editors or wrileJS. Nochin& in these pqe::s lhouldbe corutrued as being Making additiom and changes on a computer without detracting all settled. The added stress of theopinionoftheColleg~,itsBoardofDir«:IOrI,oriISGeneJalCounsel from lheappearance of tbe paper is vecyeasy. Thatutosay, the immediately needing to decide New5,feana-e.andopmion.rocle$lJe~fromthecommunity exams of mose who use compUter3 are going to look better and al large as well as .tudents, InJ; publication cannot be guaranteed your entire fUlure in the second ProspecliveopinionwriteDlhouldC()l\! bebenerorganizedthantheexamsofthosewhotypea-bandwritc. week of classes really added no order IOresen-e space in the nell.t iss1Ie. Professors may claim that they will not take it inlo weight to a normally suicidal Thel4wNtwJ wek:omeslelterJ 10 the editor. LelteDmuslbesigned consideration, but everyone knows that a neatly typed paper existence. and include the wrila", phc:ml= numba'. Uplssible, materials lhould be subminod on disk. Long lenen may beedited for lenglh. that where everything is perfectly legible is more likely 10 geta good Requesll lbe other new change was the narnesbe .... ithheldwillbeconsideted.Letunlhllhanappearedonthe grade thanascrawlingpaper with arrowsandinsertions in barely list of requiremellts that Community Commenl Board or .-e lubmiued anoflyrTlOUJlly .... ill not be legiblehandwriling. "appeared" to be mandatory prim"'- While the Law Ntws wholeheartodly agrees that Hastings beforesubmittingthescan-tron. Displ.yadvenisemenllare~by IhI:AdvenisinlEdilOrltthe address bclow; rllel are quotable on requesl need.1 toenterthedecade befOteitends, wethink lheadministmtion A resume workshop, a counselor EntinamlenlS ~gisteredc.opyriJht C 1995HastUtssLowNtw', all rushed into this decision and that we, the students, are going to meeting, and a personal rightsrt:SC%Ved . pay the price for their haste. assessment by the Dionne HQ.Jtlllllsl.4wNtwl. 200McAlli5tet Street, SmFrancisco,CA 94102

L-______~ Warwick Psychic Friends {4IS)S6S-4786. "From dialol1le comes truth .. Now:fl'llxr IS, 1995 l/asfjngsLowNt:ws Pag,; 7 BEVVAREOF BAR/BRI'S 'PASS'RATES


1) Do the statistics on their face indicate that they have been verified and audited by an independent accounting firm? If the answer is NO, proceed to question 2. 2) If the statistics have not been audited and verified by an independent firm, HAS BARJBRl DEMONS1RATED TO YOU THAT THEY HAVE NOT MADE THE SAME ERRORS THAT THEY MADE Ar STANFORD? If the rep tells you that they do not know about Stanford, but they are sure your school is accurate, proceed to question 3. 3) How can BAR/BRI publish reliable statistics since the schools do not release the names of the persons who sit for the bar exam and the Committee of Bar Examiners does not release the names of persons who failed? If their reps tell you that they can, why did they publish a statistic about Stanford 1994 1st time takers of the California bar examination that has been demonstrated to be offby 29.2%?

I'~ ( ., Bar Review" BarPassers' Pagr:8 Haslillgs Low Nl!Ws NOVlembt,}5, /995 FEATURES fisk £ fyCJ ... Alumni Interview ADVICE FOR THE LOVELORN Dear Lana, Meet Brian Thiessen ('67), "Spike~ and I have been together for almost two years. I mel him ata friend's barbecue, we staned dating and moved in togelhet a President of the Alumni Association's Board of Governors year ago. I love him, and I think he loves me, but he can be so Karen Freeman tasticguy.He1etmeworkstrange traveling around the world, or insensitive. For enmple, when r had to have knee surgery, he STAFFWIlrnll hours so I could wert full-time, in whether I wasgoingtogointolaw. didn't come to soeme in the hospital afterwards because he and """"'. I accepted ajobwitha film hm in his friends had tickets to some football game. He wouldn't come The Hastinp Campus in 1%7 HLN: Did yoo spocializc in any- Contra Co~County. Mypannen to my parents' house for Thanksgiving, and he told me thai. my HLN: Could you give me asynop­ and I joined in a general purpose mother is an ogre who looks like Lon Chaney and reminds him of sisofwhaIHastingswaslikewhen that how yoo got inw family law? lawfmn. me in my wont moments and I should try not to end up like her. you were at Hastings? BT: No, we didn't specialize in F'IJ'SI C_: Defending. HeD's ls this too high a price to pay for companionship andsomcone to BT:1llere wasn 'I aTower .11Ia1's those days. We had very few ek:c- Angel BT: One week 1ater, I was de­ help fold the sheets? how old it is.. Neither was the fending a Hell's Angel in a jury -Living with a Caveman Adminisualion building. II was juslthel98building,that'sall case. I had never been inside I eowtroomuntilthatnial.Becauge ohseofWl who would like to One of the glUt thi.n&J about I croobwemU5tamUgn. Thwgb canying1hosetackyshirtsthat getinthosewtfewJRCioushounof wellwiththeideJ,ofanenlUlliner.but say "My wife is going to buffetbnmchislhalyoucaneaal:n:lll&h theJohnDenver._·Mqadethsryle my Qk:; torts. might worsen, procnstinmonbeIoretheweelr.begins. to make it your only meal of the day. Hastings and I get is this: was I little unsettlin&. it"I!mD:Iw3:I'dbccursin',ifl an It'smidealtimetoClStworriesuide, Allofusnwdeseverallripstogetmore About 30minUlel later. DUrWaiter only had a bJaio!" lousyshin."(Andjointcnstody relu and dine with I'rimd& or family. food.mWngSUJetoPrnpleevc:rythin& mumedlDofferll1Dfl! orllD&ejuice. NO,rcalIy,I'llbe6ne.. of my student loant.) In fact, it might be the only time 10 that we could make an lICCUI'ate eonsideringheo;ticl-Ilke-my-boob­ We vowed we woold not be duped Howtver,lamfroogbeing I'd lib to tate Ibis auessmentAithoughlhequantiti5 Iglin.andspecificallyordered to-lhe-bIIhroomweekdaysllldgiven were unlimited. the food i!Selfwas a law News reporter to be a. oppon,unitytGlhanksection5 dwnpagne.1 SlIRd in amw:ment 1$ thoscpoopkwhowouldruhc:rreserve nolhing special. 1be omeku wen I for bc»ng so insightful and the waiter "masterfully"pourod with wonderful opportunitY to Friday for panyin&(andeilherfcel nic:etow::h, but the $hrimp had an the bottle raised high in the lir. scbmooze with the brilliant. and to wlsh them au guilry,or can't get up, on Saturday). unusual a/tertlSte. wu llitlle J inunediatelyovc:rflowin&theglusand adlniniMlion.lbadanicedlat good luck on their Iinals. but Se~ingthis~weelr.lyoworttmil)'. dis.wointedwith1tM:seIroction,smsin&; offering our thirsty IIblecloth wilbDeaoOtaylastweet. What that would be lying. I seaetIy linvitedlgroupofmylL~ IhaIthen was not moughvarie!:y or J\lb$lInIiairelicf.AlU:rtheeruption hope you all fu:eze up during (SteYeHaris,AudreyLee,JeffOuett, creativity. (However. I shouldpoinl started. out· at an interView Llwrence Leung. and Jonlthln outthatmanyrestaurantsaldbotelsno hldsubsi~he5Cll'lfledthetablefDf turned iOle roy telling him what eums,betausetbat'slbeooly an UIIused sJass. quic:kly poured the So\omon)tobwdtatG.bbimo'$1 lon.serofferlbuffetbrunch.Mosthave was wrong with the firsl..year way I'm going to Slay lit Ihe FerryPtIZ.L The restaurllltisliruar.ed oontentl of one into the other,and right eod of the beU curve, let IwitchedlOWlinglll~andprix hlndedlhenewsJasllOmybewilde7ed program. He is: actually very IIther.erJdoflhepier.directlyonthe fixemmus). approachable, a.nI1 even Iw a alone have any real d\ante of wuer, with spec:urularviews oflht dusmate.lwCJlldr;redifho:everwould In Iddition to the buffet. haveds'edpcrfonnllllChl··sleiglu-of­ somtdellilishside. As long*, finding a paying job ne,.t BIY· dwnpagn£. Dfange juice, ooffce md hInd"triclr.infronr.ofthetnlllager. 1 promi~ nollO tell, be gave summer. Fail, fail. yoo:'re an Unfortunatety.despir.:o~initial 1eIweR!alsoincluded.Wetookitupon excilement, our fust moounteJ Will N..... ertheless. we had obtained 0\11' me his ~ and quite dismal going to fail! Hahahahahaha! ourselvu to thoroughly test the clwnpIgne,andweblewwewouldn't ratherdisheanmin&. Upon.,.. arrivtJ, opinion of some of the II OkaY,nocrea1ly_Butitdid ctwnpq:ne, but found that it was lbit havelOdealwithourwo.iterforlt!ew: thehostex~hisdisml)'lhaIthere diffICult 10 communiclte with Dill' foci good to $3y it. And I know IIIlDlher30minutes. offerings. Nothing will change were only six of U$ despite our waiter. Fint, he offeud c:nngejuic:e you'teallmiokingittoo ..Relax.. As"ithanyoccasion,theoomplllly lntimeCotUStobenef'lt,butu reservlliDnlforlen..lapologLudand Inl many of my fellow section·mlteS you're 1Ir'ith is rnottimportant than wasnicetobearthal"7hey"are 'Ne'll all do fine.. If you alIQW explained thll we had severallut ~ll$bdformimosa(half w~youve.My&imdlandlreally awareofdle ptoblemSandhaYe your sense of self-worth to be minuleClll1Cellarions., but he persisled or.,gejuic:e.ndhalfclwn~)."No had I good liJ'ne.lhc price, while completely dependent ona indiscuuinglheinoonveniencelothe ~blem."heuid,fIlm8halfofmy llQD'Ieideasabouthowtoiddreu inexpensive compued to most buff~ pointthlllwilscrioustyreadytolook sJauwithonngejuice.Uponretumins the school's shottcomiogs. leuer, then DO matter what your forfourrandompeopktojoinUlIiOUl brunches. is still I bit stoep for the SueLuobecl.:,lhodimcWrof grade, yau lMe.. Aod if you with the clwnpagne, he filled up my Iverlge law Iwdent II wu I bit table. NeedleJi 10 lIy. we were sJauandquidllytumedloleave.Cries the Legal Education tpprOaCnthisUjuSllJ)'ingto evc::nnaallyledlOourtable.. excessive pven that. "Iwhole, we of~testimmediatety_fromthe leftrelllivelyunirnptuscd.However. Opportunity Program abogave enjoy the process and to Bnn:hw"JerVedbuffetltyleand othen.,.m. the waiter exp\ainod he for S21.95 per persm. Gabbiano'l meamuch~tedp>in\l:l. challenge yourself, 1.beo you. offered I wide IrrlY of food. couldonly give out one typeofdrink encompuling breakfut (enl Off~18orgeoWlviewoftheBI)',1 Allyouvisuallemne[t()uttilere w.~ perpersonatltime.Helllledthlithey full day's meal, aid I chance 10 get Benedict. blintze., muffins and would have 10 finish the ontngcjuia: - yQU know who you arc, and A3 Iho. Hitchhiker's G~ IWlY from the hecIic: world ofllw croinantl. bacon, and I fint before he gave them Iny you're sec:tel1y coveting my says."Don'tPatticl" penonalized omelet bar). lunch school. Reservltions are highly ~(IheCleanCupOub71). recommended-askforlviewoflhe CQntnICt Remediet tlowchans {varioussaI.ds.,delimeats.chilled Hewouldnoteven.sdclwnplgneto Bay.Brunchrut\lfrcmlO:30un.102 - pay attention now: enroll in ptl..,.. NJnv:m. D)'I&en, prime nb, their ormtge juice IOlely beCIwe they dtic:kenwithwhitewinenuce.rice hid no! originally ordered mimosal Page 10 Nowmber /5, 1995 Restaraunt Review Hastings QUIZ

The WalOter was Oh, So French ForAre the following You hypotheticals, a Bad assumeHouse this faa Guest?pattern: You are meeting your Significant other's (SO) parents for the fint time, youast? Yes, snails! EvenConnie Molly's initial dislike for our and staying at their home for the holidays. Mwphys ~ strikes Rachel Meyers sampled them after failing to try waiter was tempered somewhat and your find yourself In the following situations. EXEa.mVE EDITOR lhem on her uip 10 France. Beuer by his ellpen removal of crumbs 1. Bathroom Dilemma #1: You have just taken a shower, and are hLt: Chann ... where late than never. we say. Eric with a magic "golden 1OO1,~!he standingna1ced and dripping wet Inthebathroom. Sudden1y,)'OU A lhe waiter speaks like deemed lhem ~soft, with subtle like.1 of which she had never seen come tothe grim realization that noone has leftanectn. towel for Pepe LePew, the seasoning.~ Like the women in before. you to use. What do you do7 profiteroles swim in a pool of his life? We wonder. Already near satiation, we a) Use your dlnydothes as towels, and then secretly hang them billersweel chocolate, and the Since we were ordering dishes forgedontodessertintrueFrench up to dry In the back of a do$el that mate well with white fashion. (ThaI is. dropping our b) Use a little bit of towel you that no towe] will candles iUuminate the deat faces wine each see, so single of your dining companions. The (and wewerediningonaOOdget), weapons and sprinling be damp enough to appear used. airy blond wood decor is JM)( as we ordered the house white, Le homeward). Three of us opted Cor ~~r~~::;:: ~~~~~ :J::'~~mforuble cozy by night as itischcerful by Bourisset(SIO).Alightandfruity the profileroles, cream puffs d) Start screaming foryourSO,loudJyand repearedly, making the day, but nevertheless provides a Frenchwhite,itwaswellreceived topped with bittersweet chocolate neighbors think, "well geez, at first the!' were dolng It In the tasteful ambiance in am unlikely by most of us, with the e:a:ception sauce and sliced almonds. In this kitchen sink, and now In the bathroom - What nextr SOMA setting. of Molly (again the Queen of case, the puffs were filled with 2. Bathroom Dilemma #2: In the mJddJe of dinner, nature calls. We opted for the Ihree coursc: Criticism) who deemed it too vanilla ice cream, making a You make your way to the IIttie boys/girl's room and then, pm[1M menu for $18, although "abrasiveandbitter,likeAndrew. H delcclablecounterpartlothewann disaster strikes. You've dogged the toilet, and there Is nary a one could do well choosing from OurentreesincludcdmonkfLSh sauce.Staringathistantatin(apple plunger In slghl What do you do? the menu a Ja carte. We sampled (reproduces ase:a:ually?), salmon, tan),Andrewsadlyremarkedwith a) Creep back to the dinner table and d.lscreetly lnfonn your SO Ihe appetizers, feeling very stuffed chicken, polenta with the air of one who has fa-gone a of the sltuaUon. Eurotrash as we did so. The more ratatouilleandofcowsetheabove- tantalizing opportunity that "we b) Sneak out of the house, buy a plunger to fix the matter, and conservative choices included mentioned veal special. Connie, all should have ordered the mumble something about needing to eat more fiber as you sit spinach salad with bacon and havinghadduckconfilwithapple profiteroles." Molly found the back down to dinner. French onion soup (considerably slices for her appetizer, felt that chocolate mousse too much like c) Hold your breatl·, 5qlunt your eyes shut, and shove your hand less offensive than Gaullist A­ she had. never before enjoyed so Jello pudding in te:a:ture and down the drain. bomb ICSIS, with ilS wann, sweet muchduckinoneevening.Ifound lacking the deep rich chocolate d) Nonchalantly return to the dinner table and pretend like onion flaVCl"). Molly, however, mypolentacrispandwell-spiced, sensation she craved so nothing happened. was offended by the waiter's cozily snuggled up to a classic desperately.A1valikedhercrepes ~~ ~:, r~~S~y~SC~~~gn:c=:~~:~ altilude, when he treated her eggplant-based ratatouille and with berry sauce, although she else's faces l'hlen she brought that abomination out, you have attemptS atordering with disdain. hiding coyly under a pile of fresh ultimately felt overwhelmed by unwittingly eaten an extr.l-large portion to please her. She now Perhaps he was distracted by the ~~~li!:~:~a;:; ~=sia~;~ ~y~t. Well, it =ts that you have another helping. Faced with this situaUon, striking Nordic appearance of Elke, who bravely sc:lected the well-received. Due to lack of Enraptured by the Frenchness a) Shovel the entire piece into your mouth, feign mastlcaUon for veal special, which was originality, lhe actual commenlS of it all, we reeled out onlO the a minute or so, then run to the toiletlkitchen sink, and flush the seductively described as "very made ("It was good" times five street in adelirious foodcoma.Lt: evidence of your evil deed down the appropriate receptade. creamy .... Theadventurous among people) will not be reproduced Charm's efficient sc:rvice, fresh b) Remind yourself that there are starving people whowouJd Itill us(A1vaandEric)optedforo:a:tail here. The fact that people were andcreat.ivedishes,andrtaSOnable for that piece of pie, suppress the gag reflex, eat the darn thing. croustillant and fricasste 100 busy cleaning their plates to pricesmakeitarestauranttorevisit and wash it down with a sltat of teQuila. d'escargOl,respectively.Escargot, make polite conversation clearly wtlenevertheurgcforprofiteroies c) Accept her offer, then acddentally drop your plate onto the speaks for ilSClf. is irresistible. floor. ------'------d) Politely decline, stating that it is agatnst your religion to eat more than one item of dessert. Movie Review 4. Yougetupforadrinkofwaterin the middle of the night. Upon returning to your room, you get lost and walk In on your 50's parents In the act of procreation. Over breakfast the next Hey, My Family's on Screen! morning, you: a) Avoid direct eye contact, while eating your breakfast as fast as Tracy Ashleigh humanly possible. STAffWIUTER and themotherwholivesthrough visuals that speak volumes - bul b) Dissemble perfect normalcy. her children and barely slops only if you pay auention and think c) LoudJy mention that you slept very soundly last night, then can'tfigureouthowJodie chaueringlOllgenoughlObreathe. about them. Like the breeze-by launch Into a discussion of your tendency to sleepwalk. never I Fosterknowsmyelltended There's also the anal retentive scene of Downey's "other" remembering anything the day after. family. But she must; she siSler, with her whipped husband family, who are having a loving, d) Tell everyone that you had a really strange dream last night just made a movie aboul them. andtwobnluychiidren,a1I trying happy meal while he suffers the about being lost In a dark house, and that's all you can recall. And about everyone else's, to live the perfeclCleaver life in homophobic barbs of his "real" 5. The family cat has taken an unwholesome liJdng to you. It is a judging by the response of the the Boston suburbs. Contrasted one. Or the wound-up sister, fat lazy overindulged creature that keeps making a nest out of audience. with this mania are Hunter and whosesc:lf-assumed family role your lap, despite yourrepeated attempts to get rldoOt. To make Ho~ for 1M Holidays stars Downey,asthebrotherandsister is to keep everything going, matters worse, you are highly allergic to cats. What do you do In HollyHunlerandRobenDowney, who escaped and moved away. working out on her treadmill, and this situaUon7 Jr. as siblings going home for There's no plOl,and nQtmuch she can'l even stop long enough a) Be a polite guest and tolerate the perfidious pest, while you start to show allergic symptoms as sneezing, Itching and Thanksgiving. Neither really action (uccpt for the turkey to cry. such w.1.tery eyes. wantstobethere,buttheyfeelit's scene). Instead, Foster presenlS Maybe I'm just projccting my b) Lure the cat outside with a piece of cheese and slam the door their duty. To make it worse, you with an in-depth look at one own thoughlS and e:a:periences after it leaving it to freeze and die In the subzero overnight Hunter'sctLaracterhasjuslgotten typical family of the kind thai ontothisfilm. Thenagain,maybe temperatures. frred, kissed her fatherly boss, pUlSthe"fun"in"dysfunctional." that's what makes Ho~ for 1M c) Politely lnform your 50's family that you are allergic to cats, and been told that her teenage It'shystericallyfunny,butit's Holidays such a moving thereby incurring their eternal enmity. daughter has decided IOhavesex. not a comedy. Maybe thal'S why uperience.Wecanallrelate,and d) Induce the cat into a catatonic state by overdosing it on the And shehasn'tevengouen on the the audience reacted as it did: by it forces us toconfronlOlllSClves. caffeine pills you have In your pocket (leftover from finals), then airplane yet. roaring in Jaughler,then suddenly I give this film my highest dump it off your lap. BythelirneeveryonesilSdown going completely still. When we recommendation: it's worth full 6. Your SO's little pest brother has taken an unwholesome llidng to dinner, you've mel the entire recognizeOlllSClves, it's hard to price. No sappy happy ending, no to you. Heis a fat lazy overindulged creature that keeps following family, the repressed, alcoholic ignore the pain underlying it all. characters to idolize. Just plain your around, despite your repeated attempts to get rid of him. auntwholivesinherownfantasy Perhaps the most brilliant folks, trying to keep up the myth. Worse yet (and unlike the cat), he whines. How do YO'~ deaJ with world,therecentlY'retiredfather, directorial move is the poignant It made me thankful my own family doesn't even try anymore. Nowtnbu IS, 1995 flaslilagS Law News Pagt II HLN's Preseason Hoops Top 25 (or so) November Molly Peterson (junior Brevin Knight, seniors Donta Bright and Dana Dingle who doesn'l is , who Horoscope ...."""Eorroo Dion Cross, Andy Poppink, and need to stan scoring in the double now lives with his mother in tile Darren Allaway and sophomore Easl Bay since the remarkalJly =~~- returning digits,however. SCORPIO ~ 24· NQIV. 22) Tim Young) relurn, 10 of 13 WakeForesl-DaveOdom's prescient Warriors picked him Yoorbirddaylhisnx:nhwillbequile ~ three reserves, and two players in all, and they have Demon Deacons will run away flfSL On the other hand, ElIIU ~.Bt:tweengenen.llao::kol greatrec:nriucouldadduptoone molivllimllldtheS/l"!:S$r;{rlllals,no arguablyoneof'thebestrecruiting Hipp is back, and ir he ~ts on c:lIImpKmhip for Kansas, even andhidewiththeACCtidethanks

nullification, Miller pointed out e po ICY was m ect or now add Rule Number Five: As that it had been practiced in Professor Mattei's International and Comparative Law given OCIAgain long as you acknowledge ruIeI America since the colonial times, Exam on Nov. 11, and the results from CoMltlud/To".P.,.6 One • Four ellist, do what )'OU as in trials for sedition against the that exam may affect the fairness, if we feel the need to want to do. We all know what Crown. Forum implementation of this plan. At differentiate ourselves from happened to Marcia Clart when Finally, Miller addressed the this time, the hard drive clearing and Slanford by the toughness of she attempted to dress like issue of the different levels of procedure will def"mitely change, our curve, then we should give someone she was not. In the right justice available to the rich and and other changes seem likely. was forced to respond (0 this the same credence to 96 grads. It perspective, we will all come to the po­ OCI season brings out this notentenainmenttelevision.H He announcement also put them at an unfair advantage. Students worthy cause and a good time." on. "Braces" button-on. The monster like no period in the year, took the opponunity to echo the indicated they would have , First year HPILF member differenceisasgreataswhatHugo with the possible exception of the current Republican Congress' purchased laptop systems instead Chantal Sampogna was Boss is to the Arnold Palmer race for a Snodgrass. What is a hostility toward the media, of desktop systems. However, "impressed that HPn.F was able Collection. Rule Number Two: Snodgrass anyhow? criticizing television talk shows DeanGraypointedoulthatdesktop to pull together the Hastings Never wear suspenders. Unless, The numbero£interviews one for their "potential for tragic machines would be allowed, community to suppon public of course, you see Barney Fife as has been scheduled or one's Con consequences. H although transponation might be interest.~ So impressed in fact, a role model. Rule Number Three; Law grade does not make the Thedenuneiationofthemedia an issue. His explanation for the that she, along with another first Ifitstretches,itshouldbewrapped lawyer. It is only part of the timing of the annoWlcement was naturally led to the final topic.­ year, Christine Drake, has agreed around your waist to keep your equation. The cl&ssmale I may that it came out when it was done, theOJ.Simpscnuial. Thornburgh to coordinate planning of next underwear up, not to keep your feel superior to or belittle behind that ifhe could have annoWlced it saidthetrialdemonstratedtheneed pants up. Material that SlTetches their back today might just be the sooner he would have. All the year's auction. for judges to be in charge of the is used to make spandex. Need I attorney sining across the table same, some students felt that the Another HPILF grant courtroom, and suggested that from sometime in the future. concerns raised and the Lateness recipient, Robin Haaland, who say more? Rule Number Four. me there should have been a gag order of the annOWlCement were good worked on lesbian reproductive Never, ever wear braces to an Or at the very least, the attorney prohibiting the attorneys from reasons to delay implementation rights at the National Center fIX" interview. The politics of status· hired to defend me at my ABA cooductingaparalleluialthrough of this policy for at least another Lesbian Rightsand was the highest as in whoisallowedtowearwhat, disciplinaryhearing.lnshort.let's H press conferences. All three semester. bidder on lunch with Dean Kane, from the mere act of wearing all lose the"'tude and act human agreed, Meese adding that the The last concern, and the said, "I am so excited and I thank braces to the color and patterns to each other again. The top thereon (I am not making this up) students deserve the accolades television coverage turned hardest for anyone to address, was HPILF for making it all possible. the issue of nnancial disparity. - is toosevere to risk: insulting the they receive. They have worted attOOleys and the judge intoactors. I can't wait for our lunch and my Dean Gray felt the disparity interviewer. Braces make a hard and performed well. But Thornburgh, however, advocated opportunity to talk with Dean already existed with theallowance statement. A statement you may there are many other realms to television coverage of trials as a Kane about diversity, loan of typewriters, and that this did not want to intentionally make to our world as lawyers. modem technological extension forgiveness, and public interest nOl widen it tremendously. a person deCiding, to some Advice Number One; Help oftheConstitutionalguaranleeof programs." However, he also indicated that measure, your fate. others when you can. You do not open, public trials; "The circus Last yearHPll..Fawarded five while having the college supply With respect to all of this have to believe in God Almighty, was outside the courtroom, not computers for students who wish grantsof$3,OOOandtwograntsof education, however, my views karma or the proper alignment of inside." Hefeltthatthecourtroom to take exams would be a nice $1500. have decidedly evolved. I would the planets to see the rationale coverage held the process idea, it was not feasible for this accountable, and had an semester, and probably not nellt behind this idea. The world is a educational value for the public. semester, either. One student Housing Wanted smallpJace. The back you scratch The othm joined this view in explained that sbe intended to 1 L Quiet, Female, today will not belong to someone general, wrule protesting that the attempt to rent a cornputerfor a Non-Smoker from who will tum it on you later. OJ. uial wasanexceptionallybad month, and that it could be done Seattle seeks shared Advice Number Two: Remember example. without tOO much trouble. She those who have helped you. Here Housing in The City the belief in a karmic order is a Katzenbach focused on the estimated costs at about S60-200 per month, with weekly rentals as or Marin. For more little more necessary, butitseems need to resolve racial issues, and anotherpossibility. While this does info, please call to go in tandem with Advice the ineffectivenessofany attempt not solve the nnancial disparity Number One. Advice Number torestrictjurynuilification.When Cassandra Neil at issue, it does provide something Three; Lose the 'tude. Life is Thornburgh denounced jury (415) 491-4174. of an alternative. simply too short Now"'r 15, 1995 Has/ings Low News Pag~ JJ room to check on you at that As a result, it lakes some zealous pracuce one year or t~ty years, Quiz very moment, and In that si­ advocating. Even to a positioo that aslam. Youstillhavetoputin long lent still moment where your Thiessen youmaynotpenonaIlyagreewith. hours. The financial advantage of c..... Jro-r •• JO e)ti meet, she knows that you Cofllilfu,d/ro",P4f. Now, child molestation is a whole being an attorney is, properly, hlm7 know that she knows what Is different issue. shrinking. I) Be a polite guest and tolerate under the bed. What do you have to takethet.iefsthatare sub­ lam schedukd to testify as an ThecostofkgalSCfVicesiswayout him, while you start to show d07 milled \0 me and rely on what I ellpertwitnessinamalpracticecase of proportion 10 what it should be symptoms of borderline neu­ a) Pretend nothing happened hope is an accurale pelSPCCtive on where the charge that the client fortheaverage,middk classAmeri­ rosis such as uncontroliable and mumble something about whatthelawisandhowthosefacts makes is her auaney did not be­ can. lbe wealthy American can muscle twitching and shiver­ looking for socks. apply to lhe law. lieveinher-pointofview. Hetorigi­ still alTord kgalservices,bUlsheis Ing. b) Say, aHeycool!Can Iborrow Family .... w nalatIOmeyhadtoSlCpoutbocausc abo being very choosy about who b) Lure the kid outside with a some of this stuff sometime?" Dr: Family Jaw is a very tense, he became a witness in the case. shehiresasheraw:.mey.Shewants brtghtly colored toy and slam c) Tum completely red, slut+ tensefie1dwhereyouareconslaIuly Her new aw:.mey, who substituted 10 get Va!1IC fCl'thedol.larinvestcd the door after him, leaving him ter, and wait for her to leave. at logger-heads with opposing in, would not zcaIously advocate and will not pay if she does not. to freae and die. d) Die or mortification. ~1. This is boond to create her position. He jl.lSl thought that So, ifanybody is going through law c) Polltely inform your SO's 10. While dinner Is cooking on stress inany auomey, because you herpositionwasn'treaUyrightand school with the thought that they family that you can't stand the the stove, you sample Mom's are tearing apart relationships that he would not advocate iL This at­ arenotgoingto have toWOlt. hard, brat,therebylnvitingyourbutt special homemade soup. Its are built on emotions. lbe client tamey should have stepped out of reaUyhard.theyareprobablyn()(in to get kicked out of the house. slightly on the bland side, so wants you to be involved on their the case. Ethlcally, her job was therightpufession.Althoughthere d) Induce the kid Into a you add some salt to it Unfor­ emolional side of that issue, and either 10 zealously advocate that ate areas within the law where you calatonlc state by feeding him tunatelY,sometricksterhasun­ abo give them thelcgal advice that position. within the Jaw and the donothaveto'NCrl.:ashard,aslong caffeine pills, Unfortunately, screwed the cap to the salt is right forthat silWllion. You tend facts, or say "I don't agree with hours, that tends to be government this will not work because he is shaker, soyouend up adding a togetintothat.andyougelintothat )'OlI," and step out of the case. In­ typeofworit where you can leave hyperactive, and no amount of lotorsalt At dinner, everyone in opposition to an anomey. Ac· stead, she stayed in the case and yow things at your desk when you caffeine couJd Induce an over­ comments on how salty the cording to continuing education didn't give it Iler all. ln fact, she is go home at nighL ~ soup Is. You: CO\D"StS,thesuessoCfamilyJawis accused of giving away a bunch of I think that fcranybody who n:aI.Iy 7. Your SO's father has per­ a) Admit to your crime, but muchgreaterthananyothefareaof isrues. whichshouldnothavebeen enjoys helping peopk and enjoys suaded you to play poker Ylith attempt to divert the blame. the law. CCIlsequently, the rela­ given away-much to the client's scning things OUt in this increas­ him and his buddies, stating "Well itsnotmyfau1t that some­ tionships between praclitionen in substantial fmancia.ldetrimenL ingly complex society, it can be a that the game will just be for one else unscrewed the cap to thatfJddis IJK:RtcntaUveortcnu­ I think that is where the family very rewarding field Whether you fun and not for keeps. At. the the salt shaker!!!· oos,than any odIer fKldbccause it lawyer-has 10 rea1ize that they are ateapatcntatu:meycraconstruc· end of the night, you are 5500 b) Try to convince everybody is such a pcnonaI. investment of notthejudge. If you persooailydo liontcontract anomey or a family In the hole, and he is now ex­ else that their taste buds must timeandenergy.Yootrytotakethe not agree with what thectient is lawau.omeyoranestatc/lrustanor­ pecting you to pay him. What be wrong. "Well, I think the client from thatgray, ugly sky that saying, unless you can as vigor­ ney or any other type of atu:mey do you do about It7 soup Is perfectly fine!" is OVCI" them when they come in to, ouslyrepresent that client as any­ can be very rewarding. lbe ~ a) Plead with him for leniency, c) Mutter -I agree. Whoever hopefully. a few months down the bodyelse,thmstepou-don'tkcep always focuses on the criminal at­ reminding him that you are made the soup added way too road c.-a yeardown the road when that client injust bccause it means taney, that's where the glory is, I already 520,(0) in debt and much salt" thm is a blue sky and they wiU be another doUar coming into the till su= can't afford to owe any more. d) Mitigate the situation and moving in a diffetent dirtction. CI' because you are afraid CI' your Closing Remarks: Lawyer Jokes hi Enlighten him about the prin. feebly suggest, "well, salt Is JlLN: Wbc"e do you draw the line ego oranythinge1se. JU!f. say '1'm DT:ltiselltremelygratifyingwork.. dpie of promJssory estoppel, good for you when you've between being a lawyer and advo­ sony. but I cannot go that direc­ Even though people make grut stating that you detr1mentally sweated a lot and need to re­ catingfc.-yourc!ientandtheethi­ tion." jokes about anomeys. thi.! society relied on his statement that the place lost minerals.· Never callimitsthatareoftenpushcdin Advice is 9Ocomplex, that lawyers fulfill a game was just for fun. mind thefact thatltis the dead family law, especially in cases JlLN: Do you have any advice for vitalneedbymak:ing9f21SCofthings. c) Bail. Just up and leave and of winter and rreezing cold. where abuge is present? students? However much society makes fun never come back again. Score Yourself: Give younelf BT: When you take on therqxe­ DT: There isan abundantneed,and of lawyen. for a whok bunch of d) As1c your SO for the money one point for each ·correct" sentationofaclient,youaretak:ing always wiU be, for reaUy quality reasons-sometimes 100 mllCh 00 while relating the situation, on therepresentation 10 do thebest anomeys. However, anybody who - you have to accept that. smik thus destroying yourSO's con­ """"'.l.d, 2.d, 3.c, 4.a, 5.b, 6.b, 7,d, jobforthatclient,toaccomplishhis is not willing 10 put in the hom through it andcontinllC tooot be the ception of hislher father for- 8.a, 9.b, 1O.e. orherobjectiveswithinthelawand shouldnotgointoprivatcp-lEtice. kind of anomey they are making 0-3 Sainthood Material: Either with the facts as JRSCfI\ed to you. That means whether you are in thejokesabouL you lied or you're the next'~ ______---; ""'.8. YourSO'sone-year-old niece thinks that you are the most Mother-Theresa. honibletbingsbehaseverseen 4-6 Bad House Guest: At least and cries e-my time she looks you'rebetterthanthelastloser .~ HASTINGS BOOKSTORE It)'Ol.l. Toremedythispredica­ he/she brought home. ment, you: 7-IODe'IiJ.Incamate:Don'tplan i} HOLIDAY a) Letyourmean streakget the on ever being invited back. better of you and chase her around thehouse, ~aresu1t, )'011 will appear in her worst rdghtmares until the day she &. ® b) Try to be friends with her Unlvcrslly of &In DlcfP byofferlngsomecandy. aHey MAS~OFUWS llttleglrl, wouldyouli1c.esome candyr TAXATION" c) Slap her around a few times so that she forgets how scary MASTER OF LAws youklo1candlnsteadgetsmad INTERNATIONAL LAw SALE " d) Try to make her laugh by "_makina: funny faces at her MASTER OF LAws This plan wUl backfire as she GENERAL (tOl'lCtlltntiDnlinBuliMlI, will become more terrified by COrporltt,ElI'I'ifD_ul,1nCI your groteSqUe faces . Crirrilllilaw) 9. Your SO's parents offer to 10% OFF ALL ~ your stay In their bed- fGr tunhtr intormatiG!l: room. Whlle looking for an lIJt Prozl1/l1 CWTHING NOV 15-22 0 erstwhile sock, you dlsawer U~:~~~:fro

WATCH FOR DEC. SALE 0 ...~~=:=-~-..... SIn~998AJultM Oiqo. CA 91110 ~oo 50's mom comes into the L_~('~"11.:260-4~S~"~_--f------':-- Page 14 Hastings Law News November 15.1995 Grades Schorr Fur Protest Becomes Bloody =::::,D;;:lIf; 1ight of the CDllliltrwlfroMPq. 4 Tracy Ashleigh leaving, the executives left the the cuffs cutting inlo his skin. circumstances. In Professor STAFFWRlTER ofrlce. ''There arepote:ntiaJ civil suits f1l1it amendment is not adequate Newton'scase.adeathinthefamily protection." Later, Schorr, According to St. Pierre, the forbauery there. We have acoutt occWTeJ during the semester, and astingsslUdentDerek H refcrring to the lack of trust in the "invasion was generally date on November 28, but most that. combined with prior SLPierreexperienced media, said that the public was H peaceful. "Essentially, they med likely they will drop the charges. commitments, caused her late much less likely to "forgive usour battery ftrSt-hand at a to avoid all confrontation and just The police never issued a warning. gr.Dcs.DeanGrayconsideredsome press passes." recentanti-furdemonstration. The walked away, whic.h was the best which is required in a uespass delay in that case reao;onabJe, but While joking that the protest was directed at the approach from Macy's case.Inaddition,itwillbedifficuit not the actual delay of nearly six Washington Post and New York ccxpcrnteofflCCSofMacy's,which perspective. But the security for them lO prove who went into weeks. Cary Bennett, Director of Times' decisions to print the han&esfurdistribution onthewest guards defmitely didn't operate thesecuredarea." Student Records, says "Some Unabomber's Manifesto Ir:ind of coast. The activists targeted the that way.H After some initial The group agreed in advance grndescoming in one totwoweets gave a new meaning to "print or ccwporate officiais rather than the confusion over what to do, they not to pJea bargain. If they goon late is just pan of doing business, perish," store's fur depanmenl, since they auempted toforcibly gain conlrQl mal, they intend to put the fur il'snotgood,bu(it'snotswprising.H Schorr said he supported the are the ones responsible for the of the elevators. 'Three of them industry on triaJ with them. When grades are late, Ihete's decisioo of those papers topublish ~tore's deciSIOn to continue to little the administration can do to asa matter of restoring "the bond picle:ed one man up and threw him WhywouJdanyoneparticipate cany fur items. get them in. The mcming after of trustH to the public. into the elevatOr. They were in this type of demonstration, grades are due, Gray gets a list of Finally,Schorrcommentedon Had Macy's known about the pulIChing andkiclr:ing him.HThey knowing that this type of violent professors who have flO( turned in Ihe assassination of Yitzhak dcmonslration, it would have been also pushed the camera lens, and reaction might result? '"The fur grades and talks to all of them Rabin, who he last saw in ea

My firs! yur summer I The Fi ll semester of my Second wen\ 10 Islanbul on I yen T wenltO uiden Ind ror the Sanll CII.. Prosram. Sprinl ""mUler I anendcd Temple Law's progrom in Tokyo

This «mesler doinl I eXlern.hip Yel. overalL. T"d '"Y J"ve reilly CROSSW RD'" Crossword ,'m enjoyed my lime bere II HUlioll" in San Jose. I rarely find my",,'! on campul. Edited by Stan Chess Puzzle Created by Richard Silvestri 40 HMdalthe OOWN 30:01 "'''''''1 Toy-poSlOI ,.,., 1 WLf"O./I .."...., 32AMtrstival ~ ...... ,,...... : ~::::'" ~~~ '''''''''''3$lJdholdrog FAREWELL TO THE INVITATIONAL ..... 4P\i,mba(lm --,~ '4 Algerian pori ... 5E"" cool, vinlage 70's mood ring. ""X> :!~~Key 17 Sri>tW.vs S4~""agansI 10 A-*tw"II In response, two people enteIW, sulmiuing three movie titles each; neither signed their name (one ...... Swiurn·I"..... 43 EyewolnllSS 11TheIl"Wln.m was anonymous and one used the a1ias "Brutus"); two were funny, two printable. one incomprehen. 18 PanUIN SllHenryFonc!a d ..... tabIe? U.N.CLE. ::~:'"= sible and one pomographic and potentially libelous, '9Tendedll1he MKonnannal .. '2~1IIJ 5llWried Coosequently. the Invitational has packed its bags and left, leaving broken dreams and what it's in its rn"'" 55::::::: ..., M """" i3TV·sM.:ta" wake. What more could we have done to capture your attention? We gave you a creative outlet; :NIKoe$lw~ n~pSrll 56~corrbo handed out fabulous prizes; mocked the administration. Yet you stayed away in droves. Wm did we ..67:'·t.->e1y 21~01 51~989eawa1lY go wrong? 25c.on.bealing ""lg76 - SlCaon"sneptww ,,- "'va."..'1on The contests were only going to get funnier, the prizes larger and more valuable(culminating in a 28 '"S_ady u~n .... 22~ 5!OPMIOItol1ar.d vintage 1964 Mustang). 31 C:a~ptrhap& ..... 5OC:adlcold? 25 Friday,.quosl 61ACI~ Barring a popular uprising from the student body, this is the final appearance of the Invitational. The 36~~ 69 Aslaras winner oflast issue's contest, in which you were asked 10 remake the plOi of a popular movie 10 make rug::- :~=-..g ~~~sor 11Kindol,.;s;on ~== 6-4 Sutb",,"'boy it gennane to Hastings: -.,. "., GtlSh0rIJ: Profes.sorEvan LeeQB's the faculty in the flIStever faculty v. student touch tootball game. The film, named after the student rallying 0)', is setal the Hastings Recreational Field (AKA ''The Pit"), so it IS obviously one of those futuristic fanlllSY type films. Aoonymous

TbeRU:DDtrS-Up: PocolwllltU: White male students invade the NALSA meeting, steal their cook.ies and the Native American women fall in love with them just Ihe same. Anonymous Tile BhJb: Indigestible, tortiously radioactive tood-blob escapes the Law Cafe and devours Hastings. Golden Gate law school rises to the top-20 list ovemighL "Brutus" Bach Bltutut BlIego: ''Tw1tey Bingo~ finds a new home ... instead ot class loudmouths, substitute highly visible student groupi. Any bake sale, letter writing campaign or information table, and you can cross them off your card. Anonymous o.w .. O/IItt Ihtul: See glazed ledt o{student body roaming the 198 halls. See also remaining 65 Club faculty, Anonymous Anonymous, or the fIrSt penon to show up when the door's open, can pick up the prize in theLaw News office.Itdoesn'treallymaltel, Slim pickings as you can see. Anyway, it's been nice knowing ya. You can't say we didn't tty. You didJI'L PageJ6 Haslings Law News November 15, 1995

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~RlchardCom-lscr ~WlJ!yflctrher TbereseU i'tIaYllard S\<:lnlcy Goldman PI'Ofe.~sur ~ tTflKenL Law Boult Hall L.IlW Proressor Loyola ProfNlsor l.oyolaJ...awProfes8Ol' 28 real'S Kxpericr!Cc 17 Yeai'll ~-;Xperlence 3 YCllrs Experience 17 Yeal'8E&perieooe mi.....

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